reneetje · 9 months
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zheniakirsikkalove · 9 months
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VV (Ville Valo) 31.12.2023 - 01.01.2024 - Helldone, Helsinki, Finland
photo by / credit to Marilena Vlachopoulou for Kerrang!
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lovelessthan · 8 months
I’ve been depriving people. When I saw Ville performing Killing Loneliness at Helldone I made the original video shorter to make it more insta-friendly and saved it as a new video. That’s the version I’ve been running with and used in my Helldone post, until I was reminded that I have the uncut original while scrolling through my camera roll this past weekend . So here’s the intro, entire first verse, and chorus of Killing Loneliness in all its majesty.
My view did get slightly obstructed at certain points because it was packed in there…but I hope everyone enjoys 🩷
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valos-venus-doom · 5 months
Drawn & Quartered -- Chapter 8
Caitlyn was sitting at a table in some upscale restaurant in Helsinki, waiting for her boyfriend Matthias to return from the bathroom. They were out to dinner for their 1 year anniversary. Caitlin had given him back the ring he had tried giving her far, far too early right after Ville had broken up with her, and she had a feeling Matthias was going to try it again.
Caitlin could no longer stand him, but they had leased an apartment together, she felt stuck. She never loved Mattias, and if she was honest, she barely even liked him. She was just too afraid of being alone.
Across the city, Ville was packing sloppily, almost considering not doing it at all. It was customary, for him at least, to get a hotel room close to Tavastia for Helldone. If he partied too hard, or he was too tired, he could just walk 1 block instead of waiting for a taxi home during the busiest time of year.
Sasha, the groupie he’d met well over a year ago was helping him. Mostly just carefully folding clothes while he flung them at her. Ville barely tolerated her, and Sasha knew it. But she supplied him with pussy and coke and wasn’t bad to look at. However, he considered her vapid and annoying, so she never stuck around for more than a few hours, and Ville *never* allowed her to spend the night. For Ville, though he adamantly denied it to himself, was still painfully hung up on Caitlyn, and he was no closer to being ready for someone to take her spot in his bed than he had been a year ago.
But yet, he still hung out with Sasha enough that the press began calling her his girlfriend, which Ville refused to verify. He even found “friends with benefits” too strong of a term, but it had to do. “Random groupie I bang because she supplies me drugs” was pretty tasteless, even more so than the entire situationship Ville had found himself in.
Ville walked out of his closet with a few jackets and saw Sasha holding a ring box looking confused. “Where’d you get that?” he blurted out, sounding a lot harsher than he’d intended, startling Sasha.
“It was in the pocket of his jacket.” She replied, a small smile playing on her lips, like she was cautiously optimistic.
“Well put it down, it’s not for you.”
The smile immediately dropped from Sasha’s lips. “Sorry…” she muttered.
Instead of feeling bad, Ville’s annoyance just grew. He rolled his eyes and shook his head in exasperation, “I mean really, why would that be for you…” he grumbled.
Sasha was quiet for a while, embarrassed and dejected, but it was Ville Valo, and he gave her attention, so who was she to turn that down? “Do you want me to get you some coke for the weekend?” she sheepishly offered, trying to get back on his good side.
“No.” Ville replied quickly. “I told you I’m done with that.”
“Do you… want a bj?” she suggested
“No. Just—fucking take this, and go get me a carton of cigarettes.” He tossed some cash at her. “Make it two.”
Sasha silently got up and left, forgiving him immediately for how callous he had been, firmly believing it was a much better deal having Ville Valo in her life than not having him at all.
Back at the restaurant, Caitlyn blankly stared at Matthias as he was reading off a speech to her from his phone. She knew exactly where he was going with this, and she couldn’t even bring herself to feel badly about her disinterest. Suddenly, a large black truck stopped at a redlight right outside the windows she was facing. It had “HIM” plastered across the side.
Her eyes widened, “Of course” she thought… it was nearing Helldone again. That was their equipment truck making it’s way to Tavastia, surely. She’d seen it so many times before.
“So that’s why I really think that we’re meant to be together, and I was really hoping—”
“Matt.” Caitlyn cut him off quietly. “Do NOT get out of your chair and kneel down on this floor. Not again. Not in front of all these people.” her tone, though quiet, was sharp and stern.
Matthias looked confused, but Caitlyn continued, “You really want to do this *again*? You didn’t learn from the last time that doing this in public is *not* how I want this to happen?”
“Oh…” Matthias whispered.
“Do you remember what the hell I told you last time?”
“'Public proposals are tacky.'” Matthias sheepishly recited.
“You’d think you’d plan this out better.” Caitlyn rolled her eyes and took a big gulp of her wine. “This wine sucks.” She grumbled.
“Do you want to go someplace else?” Matthias questioned.
“Yeah, home.” Caitlyn picked up her purse and started walking out.
As Caitlyn walked the snowy streets, she felt her cheeks flush with anger. At herself for being so rude, at Matthias for being so dumb, at everyone for having the audacity to be walking so slow and in her way when she just wanted to hurry up and get home. Soon, something caught her eye. The equipment truck again, parked outback of Tavastia. Whether it was rage, or the several glasses of wine she’d had, suddenly Caitlyn turned and began hurriedly walking towards it. Not sure why or even what her goal was but she was focused. Almost too focused and nearly got hit by a car. Caitlyn ignored the angry horn blasts and kept moving.
She rounded the corner of the back of the building and saw the backdoors wide open as roadies and crew members buzzed around trying to get everything in order for the shows that were to be held the last 3 days of December. Ville was no doubt in there, getting things sorted himself. Rehearsing even. So, despite the knot in her stomach, she carried herself in through the backdoors. It had been one long year, and boy did she have some shit to get off her chest. She had a serious bone to pick with Ville.
She smiled politely at the crew members who met her eyes, they recognized her, so no one stopped her. Back in the dark corridors of the venue, she inhaled. The smell of lumber, dusty rafters, the faint smell of spilled beer and metalhead body odor… so many memories came flooding back to her. The walls around her were covered in scribbles and graffiti. She wondered if the doodle Ville had done was still there, so she started scanning the wall for something written in a purple Sharpie. Scanning carefully for what felt like a very long time, she found it. A purple heart, with the words “Ville & Cait 4evr” sloppily written in his handwriting within it. The threat of tears stung her eyes.
“Caitlyn?” a familiar voice made her jump.
Caitlyn recognized the voice immediately, it was Ville. She turned quickly to face him, his face a mixture of pleasant surprise and confusion, Caitlyn however looked like a deer in the headlights. They stared at each other for what felt like minutes, until Caitlyn gave a weak “Hi.” Her heart beating a mile a minute.
With that, Ville’s face dropped to borderline contemptuous. “What the hell are you doing here?” he asked harshly.
The tone in his voice reignited her own indignation. “You and I have unfinished business.”
“Oh do we?” Ville condescended. He glanced down at her left hand, finding no ring. “Guess it didn’t work out with Matthias so you’re here to fuck another friend of mine?”
Caitlyn’s face burned with anger and embarrassment. “You know what? Never fucking mind.” And she turned to walk away.
“Go ahead. Walk away. You’re really good at that, Caitlyn.” Ville called after her, causing her to stop dead in her tracks before swiftly turning on her heel.
“You know what, Ville? You’re right. I am good at that. About as good at it as you are being a dick.” She spat.
Ville scoffed, “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” Cait retorted, “You’re a massive fucking prick and I fucking hate you for what you put me through.”
“What I put you through?” Ville responded in disbelief. “What *I* put *you* through?! Caitlyn YOU are the one who left.”
“After you fucking TOLD me to, you fucking asshole!” she shouted.
“Fuck you! I never told you to leave!”
“What the FUCK was I supposed to do? YOU BROKE UP WITH ME!” she shouted, her voice echoing off the narrow hallway walls.
Ville stared at her as Caitlyn’s chest heaved from yelling, “I didn’t mean to.” Ville replied, barely audibly. Caitlyn could hardly hear him over the furious beating of her heart in her ears.
“What?!” Caitlyn shouted once more “What the hell does that even mean, Ville?!”
“I just wanted to feel like you fucking cared about me.” Ville admitted, clenching his jaw afterwards, in an attempt to stall the tears he knew were sure to well up in his eyes. The two silently stared at each other. Tears openly welling in Caitlyn’s eyes.
"I. ALWAYS. Cared about you." Caitlyn stared him down.
Ville stared back, trying to win the unspoken staring contest until he couldn't help himself. “I’m sorry.” his voice squeaked. Ville’s floodgates broke first, his fist balled up under his nose in a futile attempt to stop it. His head lowered as he cried.
Tears dropped from Caitlyn’s eye and she approached him. The pair tightly wrapped their arms around each other, almost uncomfortably, both breaking the floodgates even more. Caitlyn wept silently into his chest as Ville cried into the top of her head. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, Cait.” He sobbed quietly, his body shaking.
Caitlyn held him tight, inhaling his scent, which made her cry more. Cologne, cigarettes, and just the overall smell of him. She could even smell the house on his clothes. Finally, she felt like she was home. His arms felt so safe.
After a moment, Ville backed off from her, looking up at the ceiling light above his head, blinking rapidly, trying desperately to stop crying. Caitlyn looked around, suddenly realizing people were around and awkwardly trying not to look at them in true Finnish fashion.
“Do you want to go somewhere and talk?” she mumbled, wiping tears from her own cheeks.
Ville nodded and the pair silently left through the backdoors, passing by several very confused and concerned Tavastia employees. Caitlyn followed him, unsure of where they were even going, both of them walking awkwardly beside each other in an eerie silence. Caitlyn remarked that even the usually busy street was quieter than normal.
“Here, this is the place.” Ville muttered, after a block and a half, turning left into a Hilton hotel. Caitlyn followed him silently towards the elevators, avoiding each other’s gaze in the chrome elevator doors as they waited. The tension between them inside the elevator and wandering through the hotel hallway was palpable, neither one of them knew what to say to each other despite having a thousand things they wanted to say. They were both full of anger, longing, sadness, and anxiousness. They both loathed and loved each other, all at once.
Ville stopped at a door, pulled out his keycard and entered, holding the door open for Caitlyn, ever the gentleman. Caitlyn stood in the middle of the room, holding her coat, unsure of what to do.
“Sit.” Ville motioned to one of the two double beds in the room as he sat on the one closest to him. Cait sat, staring at her hands in her lap, Ville staring off into the distance towards to floor, arms crossed defensively. He was scared, they both were. Of what? Neither of them knew.
“How was your Christmas?” Caitlyn mumbled, unsure of how to break the silence.
“Miserable.” Ville blurted out. “Truthfully, I haven’t been much in the spirit since…” he trailed off.
Cait nodded, “Yeah. Me too...." Caitlyn took a deep breath and blurted out "I miss you." before she could scare herself out of it, but she didn't look at him.
Ville looked up at her, telepathically trying to get Cait to look at him in the face, "I miss you too." Cait bit her lip to try to keep her emotions in check, trying to think of what to say, but once again, the pair sat in awkward silence. “You still with Matthias?” Ville blurted out before he could chicken out.
Both of them were internally cringing at the question. “Yeah.” Caitlyn quietly admitted. Ville clenched his teeth, sharply inhalijg through his nose, feeling the rage building again, until Caitlyn continued, “But deeply unhappy. I hate him. I hate my life. I fucking hate everything.”
Ville exhaled and paused, “Yeah, I’ve been seeing someone too…” he admitted. “But not any happier than you are, to be quite honest.”
“That’s rebounds for ya.” Caitlyn nodded, still not making eye contact.
“Indeed.” Ville agreed. "But she doesn't mean anything. It's not serious."
"No?" Caitlyn questioned, eyebrows raised. Finally looking at him.
Ville shook his head, "Nope. Unlike one of us, I was devastated when we broke up and I had the decency to wait a while." Ville exaggerated, knowing he himself had only waited a few weeks. But Caitlyn didn't know that, he just wanted to make her feel bad.
Caitlyn furrowed her eyebrows, "If you're here to argue, I'm not interested."
"What *are* you interested in Caitlyn?" Ville narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms tighter. "Running back to me now that you're regretting your rebound?" the viciousness in his voice even made Ville himself uncomfortable.
"Wow, okay. I'm sorry I even came here..." Caitlyn stood up and headed to the door. Ville's pride forced him into hesitating a moment, but milliseconds later he leaped up from his seat and slammed the door shut before Caitlyn could get out into the hallway. The loud bang startling both of them a little, but they instead stared each other down, jaws clenched.
The standoff felt like hours, but it was mere seconds until Ville lunged, throwing Caitlyn against the door, attacking her lips with his, which she greedily accepted. A moan escaped Ville as he began kissing her deeper, his hand traveling down to her ass, gripping it tight as he pressed himself firmly against her.
Caitlyn pulled back, opting to kiss Ville's neck, right under his ear, and reaching down to cup the growing erection within his jeans. Ville slapped her hands away and began unbuckling his belt, allowing Caitlyn space to take off her top. The pair briefly glanced at each other before kissing each other hungrily and moving their way towards the bed closest to them.
Ville roughly pushed Caitlyn down as she hurriedly took off her tight jeans. Ville assisted by ripping them the rest of the way down her legs and before Cait knew what he was doing, he got on top of her, burying his fingers under her panties. Caitlyn gasped as electric pulses coursed through her body.
"I guess you really did miss me." Ville spoke in a husky whisper in her ear, remarking at how soaking wet she was. "I fucking missed you too." And without warning, Ville plunged inside of her.
He inhaled sharply, and for a moment he was still, relishing in the feeling of being inside the love of his life again, at long last.
Caitlyn wrapped her arms up around his neck as he began violently thrusting, causing her to cry out loudly in pleasure.
"You thought I'd let you fucking walk away from me again? You're wrong." He grunted between thrusts.
Caitlyn dragged her nails down his shoulders as her thighs clenched around him like a vice grip. "I fucking missed you so fucking much." She groaned, each syllable punctuated by Ville's harsh movements. "Fuck don't stop." She begged as she grew nearer to her climax.
Ville moved one hand to her neck and squeezed firmly, he remembered just how she liked it. "That's right, cum for me." He growled. That alone was enough to push Caitlyn over the edge as her legs began to shake and she screamed his name loudly. Ville kept going, prolonging her ecstasy, until he could no longer hold back and he came deep inside of her.
Ville and Cait laid together, sweaty and emotional, still riding the high from the orgasm they'd just had.
Once their bodies regulated, Ville rolled over to grab his pants to retrieve his cigarettes. It wad a non-smoking room, but he couldn't give less of a fuck if he tried. He lit his cigarette and leaned back against the headboard, right beside Cait. Inhaling deeply.
"We just cheated on our partners." Caitlyn said blankly, no guilt present in her voice. Matthias had been a rebound and nothing more, she knew it, and deep down she was sure he knew it too, though it was painfully obvious he wanted more.
"*You* cheated." Ville clarified, lighting a cigarette. "I told you, Sasha doesn't mean anything to me."
Caitlyn side-eyed him, "So since Matthias doesn't mean anything to me, that means I didn't cheat?"
Ville side-eyed her back, "I'm not the one who went and got engaged."
Caitlin rolled her eyes. "Not engaged. Never fucking was." She sighed. "C'mon Ville, you gotta admit that Sasha would be upset if she knew about this."
Ville shrugged, "Doesn't mean I give a fuck." And took a deep drag off his cigarette.
Caitlyn furrowed her eyebrows, "What happened to you?" His callousness was unnerving.
"You." He blurted out and then turned his head to look at Cait. "You happened."
Caitlyn rolled her eyes, "Might I remind you that--"
"Okay, Caitlyn." Ville interrupted, his voice raising. "I broke up with you. I fucking get it."
"So why are you taking it out on me?" Cait asked sitting up and turning toward him.
"Because you left. You didn't-- you didn't try. Fight. You just left." Ville's face was a mix of indignation and hurt. "And then you fucked my friend, Cait. Of all the people in the world, you chose-- that fucking destroyed me, Caitlyn."
"You know back then I swore it wasn't to hurt you, but it was. I was so, *so* fucking angry with you. I knew it would hurt. I wanted you to hurt ad badly as I did." Caitlyn paused "But what about you? Are or were you using Sasha to spite me?"
Ville shook his head and took another hit off his cigarette. "Nah."
"No?" Caitlyn questioned.
"Nope. To be honest, she's just a warm body. She might as well be a blow-up doll with a pulse."
"Wow." Caitlyn was once again impressed by the cold callousness Ville was showing.
"Whatever. She's using me too. She's a fucking groupie. And far as I'm concerned, that makes us square." Ville stopped and put out his cigarette directly on the hotel nightstand. "I'd been meaning to ask, and I want you to be honest... When did you fuck him?" Ville asked dryly. "The first time?" He added to clarify.
"What does that matter?" Cait asked, eyebrows furrowed.
"Because I decided so." Ville whipped back, barely masking his rage. Cait stared at him quietly. "Oh my God... you fucked him the same fucking day we broke up, didn't you?"
Caitlyn didn't answer, her eyes flicked off to the side.
Ville ripped the blanket off of him and quickly got out of bed. Standing with one hand on his forehead, the other on his hip. "Where?"
Caitlyn stared at him bewildered, "What?"
"Where, Caitlyn? I swear to God if you tell me you fucked him in my.... in OUR bed...." Ville quickly corrected himself, trailing off before letting out a breathy laugh, running a hand through his hair.
"What the fuck does that matter?" Caitlyn asked "Are you not fucking Sasha in 'our' bed?" Using heavy quotation marks in her tone.
"Jesus fucking Christ, cait, stop bringing her up!" Ville yelled.
"WHY?" Caitlyn yelled back, matching his volume.
"BECAUSE. SHE. MEANS. NOTHING!" He screamed back. "You ran off and got fucking engaged to someone! Engaged within *weeks*, Caitlyn." His voice cracked. "That must mean you had feelings for him." His voice trembled. "Even just a little, you had feelings for him."
Caitlyn stared, tears welling, "Ville... I don't."
"Don't fucking do that, don't pander to me."
"Ville, I'm not! I don't love him." Caitlyn put her head in her hands, "Why do you think I'm here? Do you really think if I loved him I would have chased you down for closure? And immediately gotten into bed with you?" She sighed heavily. "Matthias was the rebound that went too far. I was afraid of being alone... now here I am."
Ville closed his eyes and exhaled. "What if I don't want closure?"
"What?" Caitlyn lifted her head to look at him.
"What if I don't want closure? What if I want you to rip my healing heart back open? What if I want you back?"
Cait stared at him for a moment, "Don't you think we should slow down? I mean a few hours ago we just saw each other for the first time in a year."
Ville chuckled, "That's fucking rich coming from you. I really want to know, Caitlyn. About when and where you fucked Matthias after you left. I need to know. I need to."
"Yes I slept him the same night you broke up with me. No, I didn't take him into your house."
Ville stared for a moment into the distance, processing. "Our house. That house is yours too and you know it." He mumbled.
"She doesn't live there with you?" Cait asked.
Ville contorted his face with disgust, "Fuck no. I barely allow her to sleepover." He sat down on the edge of the bed, smiled, still staring into the distance. "You know, aside from the fridge... I haven't touched the kitchen."
Cait smiled "In an entire year you haven't used the kitchen? Why does that not surprise me?"
Ville sat back down on the bed. "Everything is exactly how you left it. Pristine. Well. In the kitchen that is. Why did you deep clean the house before leaving, by the way?"
"Because... I wanted it to hurt. I wanted you to be reminded of who you left, and what you were missing out on."
"I knew the second I walked out the door, Caitlyn." He looked her in the eyes. "You didn't need to remind me, sweetheart. The fucking moment I stepped foot outside I knew I should have turned around. Turned around and grabbed you and held you an apologized for being such a massive fucking asshole to you."
Cait stared at him "Why didn't you?" Her voice barely a whisper.
"Because I was... a stupid petulant child. You were right." Another tear fell out of his eye. "I was possessive and jealous and selfish..." he put his face in his hands, elbows resting on his knees, in frustration.
"Ville I had just lost my dad. I was coming up on my first Christmas without him. I just wanted to spend time with my friends at the slopes so I could distract myself." Caitlyn explained.
"I know." Ville said quietly. "And trust me, everyone in my life reminded me and straight up told me I fucked up." He sighed heavily before continuing. "But I was so angry. And I was stubborn. I wanted you to beg for me back... and then I found out you fucked Matthias and I was pissed. My anger felt more justified. But I was also devastated. I knew deep down I had fucked up."
Ville paused, biting his lip closed his eyes, "But when I found out... when I found out you had you got engaged after we broke up... I'm not going to lie to you Caitlyn. I went home that night and thought of every way I could kill myself. I- I had a mental breakdown. I smashed furniture. I put holes in the walls... Mige came to check on me because I didn't get out of bed or answer my phone for 5 days after. I nearly gave myself alcohol poisoning and I had nonstop coke-induced panic attacks... He feared the worst and didn't want my parents to find me first."
"I'm sorry." Caitlyn whispered tearfully. "I wish I could say I never meant to hurt you but I did."
"You didn't hurt me, you destroyed me." Ville corrected. "But I deserved it. I should have married you myself when I had the chance."
Ville turned to face Caitlyn before continuing. "I had a ring for you, you know."
Caitlyn's face dropped, "You did?"
Ville nodded, "Yeah, I wanted to propose over the summer, but then your father died and I knew it wasn't the right time. And... fuck, I wanted to propose to you on New Years at midnight, on stage, at Helldone. I was more agitated than usual, hence the fight, and I started getting cold feet, and I broke up with you. When what I should have done was told you how much I loved you and how scared I was."
"Why were you so scared?" Caitlyn questioned. "I talked about marrying you for years. I wouldn't have said no."
Ville shrugged, "I'm my own worst enemy and I self-sabotage. You know that. You not coming home to spend time with me before tour pissed me off and in my mind, it was a sign that I shouldn't marry you. But I know how fucking stupid that sounds, trust me. Every one of my friends and family have told me how badly I fucked up."
"We're both really fucking stupid." Caitlyn mumbled.
Ville nodded in agreement.
"So what now?" Caitlyn asked.
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veprelove · 5 years
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mrs-depp · 7 years
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Oh at least you can try, for this one last time 💔 Goodbye HIM 💜
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mojoisback · 7 years
Killing Loneliness in Tampere by HIM
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lostinmemoria · 4 years
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richiehunter · 5 years
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Un par de piezas adquiridas para la colección de HIM Gracias a @_misscoss por el detallazo yo solo esperaba el par de playeras 😅 #HIM #Heartagram #Helldone #helldone2017 #Lovemetal #finland #mjölkchklad #fazerchocolate #madeinfinland https://www.instagram.com/p/B0kS9SdHFZy/?igshid=ip18vt5g05d1
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reneetje · 11 months
GUESS FUCKING WHAT. I'm going to Helldone!
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zheniakirsikkalove · 9 months
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31.12.2023 -  Helldone, Tavastia, Helsinki, Finland
photos by Marilena Vlachopoulou
credit to Mikko Manuel Virta (helsinskiofficial)
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lovelessthan · 1 year
I’m literally shaking as I write this but…we did it. I will be making holy pilgrimage to Tavastia come New Year’s 😭
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valos-venus-doom · 10 months
Drawn & Quartered [Chapter 1]
Saturday, December 10th 2011; 9am
Ville: When are you going to be home?
Caitlyn: Hey, I just woke up. We're going to go get breakfast and go another round on the slopes before I head out so probably not til tonight.
Ville: K
Caitlyn saw the single letter flash across the screen and knew Ville was upset. She'd left on Tuesday to go with her friends to Snowpark, a ski resort in Luovantie. It was a 4 and a half hour drive away from the home Caitlyn and Ville shared in Munkkiniemi, a gulf-side suburb outside of Helsinki. Prior to leaving, she promised Ville she'd be home by Friday evening "at the latest." It was now Saturday morning, and she had already told Ville the day before that she and her friends got complimentary extra days on their hotel suite. Now they could check out Sunday morning instead of Friday morning.
The entire trip was for Caitlyn. She'd lost her father from brain cancer 6 months prior, and skiing was always a hobby she and her father shared. As it came up on the first Christmas holiday after her father's death, her friends Kara and Nina surprised Caitlyn with the trip as a way to keep her spirits up.
They'd also invited Ville, but he very rarely hung out with any of Caitlyn's friends, and this time was no exception. He declined, opting to stay home and prepare for a 10 day long tour in the UK and Ireland before the 3 day Helldone festival. And pout, of course.
This action-packed schedule would have Ville running around like crazy for the rest of the month, hence his yearning to have Caitlyn back for the weekend so he could spend time with her before the madness begun.
Caitlyn: Come on, please don't be mad. Kara and Nina are doing a lot for me, I can't just run out on them. They're already a little disappointed I'm not staying until Sunday.
Ville: K
Caitlyn rolled her eyes. For the first time in their nearly 5 year long relationship, she was the one going away and leaving him at home. Prior to this, she strictly kept her trips during times that Ville was touring to avoid this very situation.
Ville was an extremely needy boyfriend, he barely tolerated when she'd go out to dinner with friends when she was only gone a few hours. She had now been gone for 5 days and truth be told? Ville had made most of her trip miserable.
He was constantly texting to see what she was doing, asking if she might come home early, calling her while she was trying to spend time with her friends and keeping her on the phone for longer than she wanted and complaining that he was bored and lonely. It was really getting on Caitlyn's nerves.
Caitlyn sighed, considering telling her friends that she needed to go right now, instead of after another skiing session, but she decided against it. 'Ville will be fine. He'll live. You never do anything for yourself.' she internally told herself.
In Helsinki, Ville sat bored in bed. Teeth clenched, leg shaking in frustration. He was about to be gone for almost 2 weeks, and after that he'd be running ragged getting ready for Helldone. This was the last weekend he'd be able to spend with Caitlyn until next year and he was extremely frustrated that she did not seem to care one bit.
"Couldn't have planned it for when I would already be gone?" Ville questioned before Caitlyn left, barely masking his annoyance as she packed.
"I didn't plan this, Ville." Caitlyn sighed in exasperation, placing more garments in her suitcase, "Kara and Nina wanted to surprise me." she had told him several times before this, in nearly identical conversations. She knew he didn't want her to. Caitlyn replied. "And please stop making me feel bad, you were invited. But it just so happens that you hate skiing more than you hate being around people."
Ville didn't respond, she was right, but he was still upset. He wanted to spend this week/weekend with Caitlyn. Not all alone in their house. "So you'll be back Friday morning?" Ville confirmed.
Caitlyn closed her eyes and clenched her jaw for a second, "Friday night, Ville. Night."
"Think you could leave earlier?" he asked, barely letting her finish her answer.
Caitlyn rolled her eyes, "Ville, my two best friends are taking me on a trip, I am not skipping out early on this. They're going through a lot of trouble for me, it would be a dick move to tell them I'm not staying the whole time."
'It would be a dick move to not spend time with your boyfriend before he's going to be gone for a few weeks but whatever...' Ville seethed internally.
Ville barely hugged Caitlyn goodbye when she left, which left a bitter taste in Caitlyn's mouth and started her trip off on a somewhat sour note.
A few hours passed, the girls had done a few ski runs and decided to head back to the lodge to return their equipment and see Caitlyn off. However, as the three girls passed the bar, they saw it was Single Ladies Night.
"None of us are single though." Caitlyn laughed when Kara and Nina brought up going in for a few drinks. "Plus, it's a little early isn't it?"
"It's 5 o'clock somewhere!" Nina shrugged.
"Um... It's 5 o'clock now." Kara remarked looking at the giant clock over the massive fireplace in the lodge lobby.
Caitlyn's stomach lurched. "Oh fuck." she groaned. "I did not mean to stay this long."
Kara rolled her eyes, "Please tell me Ville stopped bothering you."
Caitlyn shot her friend a look, "Of course he hasn't. And we left our phones in the room, so I'm sure he's been blowing it up."
And Caitlyn was correct, 6 missed calls. 6 texts.
Ville: On your way yet?
Ville: Hello?
Ville: I really hope you're driving.
Ville: Seriously Cait?
Ville: Are you driving or ignoring me?
Ville: Can you at least let me know you're alive?
Caitlyn's stomach felt heavy with anxiety. At this point, by the time she got on the road, she wouldn't be back home until late.
"Caity," Nina had yanked the phone from Caitlyn's hand and read the texts, "Look, you're already here, by the time you get home it's going to be super late, so what does it matter if you get home at 11pm or if you get home at 1am? Either way it's not like you're going to get quality time with Ville. He'll be asleep by the time you get home, just please come downstairs and eat dinner and have a drink with us before you go."
Caitlyn thought for a minute, but knew Nina was right. What did it matter if she got home at 11 or 1? She was already out, Ville was already mad, and a drink would settle her nerves anyway, so she agreed.
Ville sat watching TV alone in their bedroom, seething. He'd gotten a text from Cait a few hours ago; "Hey, I'm really sorry, we lost track of time. I'm getting dinner with the girls and then I'll head home."
Ville was fuming. At this rate, she'd be walking in the door at 2 o'clock in the morning on Sunday. She was supposed to be home nearly 48 hours before. Sunday he wouldn't be able to spend quality time with her, he had to pack and get ready to go on a 10 day tour in the UK. Ville felt incredibly slighted and furious that Caitlyn didn't stick to her original plan. It was a slap in the face, as far as he was concerned.
Hours passed and Ville fell asleep, but at 2:30am he startled awake when he heard the front door open and shut. His drowsiness was quickly replaced with anger when he remembered everything.
"Hey," Caitlyn walked into their bedroom with a smile. "I'm happy you're still up."
"I'm not. I *was* sleeping..." Ville rolled his eyes and flicked off the TV and peeled off his shirt.
"Ville, come on..." her face dropped.
"Caitlyn, I'm not doing this right now." he huffed and pulled the blanket back over him.
Caitlyn sighed heavily through her nose and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. When she came back out, Ville was lying still, but she could tell he wasn't asleep. He was brooding.
Lifting up the blanket on her side of the bed she crawled in. She knew how to lift his mood so she scooted her body close to him, spooning him just the way he liked and began to reach for his dick. Surely a nice blowjob would lighten his mood. But she barely touched him before he roughly shrugged her off.
"Stop it." Ville mumbled.
Caitlyn's heart dropped, "Sorry." she murmured, and laid with her arm over him.
Ville jerked his shoulder away from Caitlyn and scooted further to his edge of the bed. "Off."
"Are you fucking for real right now?" Caitlyn was suddenly more mad than anything.
"Yep." Ville snapped back. "You're home two entire days later than you said you would be. All I fucking wanted to do was spend fucking time with my girlfriend before leaving for tour but no, apparently I'm not that important, so fuck off."
"I just drove for 4 and a half hours in the middle of the night to make sure I was here for you first thing in the morning and you're still mad?"
"You said you'd be home Friday. I would *never* do this to you. I would never stay gone longer than a tour lasts. I *always* come straight back home to you."
"How many times do I have to explain that my friends got comped two extra days in a suite they paid for on a trip they took me on and I didn't want to be an asshole to them?" Caitlyn argued.
"Oh, so you just wanted to be an asshole to me. Got it." Ville dug in his heels.
"I'm not going to apologize for doing something for me for once." Caitlyn snapped.
"Oh come off it." Ville shook his head. "I'm so sorry, I guess you're angry I don't take you on enough trips, that it?"
"How in the fuck did you get that out of what I said?" Caitlyn stared at him in confusion and then shook her head, "Look, we're talking in circles. We're not going to have any form of productive conversation tonight. Let's just go to bed and talk in the morning."
"Whatever, Cait."
Caitlyn bit her lip, her body tangled with anxious anger. "I should have listened to Nina and Kara. I should have just stayed the rest of the time. I wouldn't have bothered driving 4 and a half hours to sleep beside a moody fucking asshole."
"Okay, Cait, say no more." And Ville aggressively got out of bed, snatched his pillow off the bed and headed toward the stairs to sleep on the living room couch.
Caitlyn, furious, followed him downstairs.
“All of this because I didn’t come running the second you wanted me to?”
“No. ‘All of this’ because you never fucking prioritize me and you never fucking will.” he threw his pillow mindlessly into the room and turned go face Cait, somewhat excited that he was so right and wouldn't be the one apologizing this time. Cait fucked up. Not him.
“I don’t prioritize you? I revolve my entire fucking LIFE AROUND YOU!”
He laughed, “OH! Okay I guess I’m mistaken. I guess the way I feel is irrelevant, per usual.” Tone saturated in sarcasm.
“I put your needs and wants before mine constantly! But no, the ONE time Ville says ‘jump’ and I didn’t immediately respond with ‘how high?’ and he throws a temper tantrum, you fucking petulant child! Fuck you!”
Ville’s jaw clenched, fingers locked together behind his head as his eyes traveled to the ceiling. Caitlyn braced, she couldn’t tell if he was going to punch the wall or apologize. For the first time in the years they’d spent together, she couldn’t read him. “You know what?” Ville finally broke the silence after what felt like forever. “I can’t do this anymore.”
Caitlyn’s stomach dropped, she couldn’t respond though her lips parted. “What?” was all that she managed to squeak out, blinking, hoping she heard him wrong.
“I can’t do this anymore.” Ville repeated, not looking at her, but off to the side. He shut his eyes for a moment, dropping his arms from behind his head to crossing them tightly across his chest. “I’m done. I- I’m done with this. Us.” He clarified. "I'm not going to stay with someone who has no desire to put me ahead of her friends. I'm not the fucking bad guy here. All I wanted was to spend time with you before it was my turn to leave. And I have to leave for work. You chose to leave for fun. I'd never fucking do that to you, Caitlyn."
Caitlyn stared, her eyes stung. She felt paralyzed. She just stared off into nothingness.
Ville left her standing in the living room and headed back toward the stairs. His body was burning with anger and adrenaline. “Fuck her.” He thought bitterly “Petulant child? Ha. Okay.” He muttered through clenched teeth as he headed for the closet to grab his backpack and start packing his things. He didnt have to leave to catch his flight for another 24 hours but no way he was staying at the house.
He looked at the clock. It was almost 4am. He'd check into a hotel next to the airport and wait there.
HIM had a 10 day UK tour to go on and Helldone was in a matter of weeks, he would be busy for the entire last half of the month and that was good news, because he’d need to be fully distracted from the relationship he’d just ended. Reality hadn't set in for Ville yet, he wasn't said, he was pissed. He was being fueled by spite and righteous anger, a dangerous combo for him.
All he wanted was Caitlyn to come home from her trip when she promised that she would. He wanted one last weekend with her before the craziness that would consume the rest of the year. But no. She instead chose to stay with her friends longer than she originally planned, totally disregarding the fact they wouldn't see each other for basically the rest of the month.
They’d been together for nearly 5 years, and yet she chose her friends over spending time with him? He was fuming. How could he not take that personally? He was right, he'd never do that to her. He always came straight home. Ignoring the fact he was anti-social as it was and would come straight home regardless if he had his lady waiting for him, but that wasn't the point.
Ville aggressively packed, slamming doors and drawers, flinging things carelessly around the room. He was being petty and immature, but it was too late to stop, he was in too deep and every slam and bang admittedly made him feel better. He knew Caitlyn could hear him, he was hoping she would come up and poke the beast some more.
But minutes passed, and the fact she didn’t come running up the stairs to apologize and beg him not to go pissed him off, but she didn't even pursue him to continue to fight with him, and that made him feel worse and solidified his decision; “Just as I thought. She doesn’t give a fuck about me. She doesn’t want to fight for us? Fuck her. I’m done.” He seethed internally.
Caitlyn sat at the kitchen table, frozen. She was utterly devastated but the tears couldn’t fall. She listened to Ville’s ruckus upstairs. She stared at her hands in her lap as she thought about leaving herself. It was Ville’s house; she’d need to move out while he was gone.
Ville came quickly and noisily down the stairs, he paused a moment by the front door, waiting to see if Caitlyn would confront him before he left, and she didn’t, so he left. But not before slamming the door so hard Caitlyn flinched. In that moment, she broke. Her face fell into her hands and she began to cry. A second later, the door opened again and for a moment her heart fluttered. ‘He came back.’ She thought, ‘He’s going to apologize and make it okay.’
But she was wrong. Ville ripped a keychain off of his house keys and flung it into the house and it slid across the hardwood floor. Caitlyn knew what he threw, she’d given him a sterling silver keychain before Ville went on a very long tour in 2008; the first one they experienced together as a couple. "Always Come Home To Me" engraved on it with their initials beside a heart containing their birthstones; Citrine topaz for him, sapphire for her.
And just as quickly as he'd done before, Ville slammed the front door violently, causing Caitlyn to jump and flinch once again. Tangible tension still hung thickly in the air, she felt almost afraid to move. Moments later she wiped her tears and stood from the table. She walked into the living room and confirmed what he'd thrown; the keychain. He had quite literally ripped it off his keyring. The chain was broken and he'd thrown it so hard the sapphire stone popped off.
Caitlyn walked up the stairs to find their bedroom trashed thanks to Ville and more tears fell. She couldn't believe what jist happened and kept thinking of all the things she said that she regretted.
But that regret turned to anger when she realized how Ville treated her during her trip. He could really be a jealous, possessive, selfish man, but wow, this time he took the cake. Caitlyn thought about every time she'd flown across the world on his insistence because he missed her on tour. The jet-lagged sleep deprivation she'd push herself through just to make him happy. All the long nights waiting for him to come home from the airport, because he wanted to come home to see her awake and not asleep. "Selfish..." is the only thing she could think about. She was furious. But also so sad. This felt like another death. And having just lost her father 6 months, to the day, before this fateful night, she sat on the side of the bad and cried deeply.
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veprelove · 5 years
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28.12.2009 HIM live at Tavastia. Helldone 2009
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novasov · 3 years
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Helldon 2021
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mojoisback · 7 years
Heartache Every Moment by HIM in Tampere
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