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dionysianivy · 2 days ago
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What is Anthesteria?
Anthesteria, celebrated from the 11th to the 13th of Anthesterion (February–March), was one of the biggest festivals dedicated to Dionysus. Known as the Festival of Flowers, it marked the arrival of spring, the opening of the new wine casks, and the renewal of life. But it wasn’t just about feasting and drinking, it was also a time of purification, fertility, and remembrance, when the boundary between the living and the dead grew thin.
At the heart of the festival was the ritual opening of the wine casks that had been fermenting since the last harvest. This wasn’t just practical; it was symbolic. The wine had been maturing underground, just like Dionysus himself had once been carried in Zeus' thigh before being "born again." Bringing the wine to the surface was more than just a tradition,it was a reflection of Dionysus’ own myth.
But Anthesteria wasn’t all joy and celebration. It was believed that during these days, spirits wandered freely, so while people enjoyed the festivities, they also took precautions to protect themselves. The festival was a strange mix of life and death, revelry and ritual, perfectly embodying the nature of Dionysus, a God of both wild celebration and deep mystery. During Anthesteria, it was also said that the maenads celebrated privately in the mountains and forests. In some legends, Dionysus' marriage to Ariadne was held during Anthesteria.
Days of Anthesteria
Day 1: Pithoigia (Jar-Opening) 🌸
The first day of Anthesteria, Pithoigia, was centered around the ritual opening of the pithoi, large clay jars that contained the previous year’s wine. These casks had spent months underground, and now, they were unearthed and brought to the sanctuary of Dionysus. A portion of the wine was poured out as an offering, and the rest was shared by all members of the household.
The day was filled with flowers, marking the beginning of the season. Everyone over the age of three was invited to participate in the first taste of the new wine, and the mood was communal and joyous.
Day 2: Choës (Pitchers) 🏺
The second day of the festival, Choës, was a time of popular merrymaking, characterized by wine-drinking contests in which even slaves and children participated. People dressed in their finest clothes, with some even embodying figures from myth connected to Dionysus. There were visits to friends and drinking contests, where participants had to drink an entire chous (about 3 liters) in complete silence. This day was open to everyone, even slaves, highlighting how Dionysus transcended the boundaries of class and status.
For children, Choës marked a special rite of passage. Boys reaching their second year were crowned with flowers and given small drinking vessels, symbolizing their gradual initiation into the community. Meanwhile, the devoted followers of Dionysus, his maenads and priestesses, took part in private, sacred rituals that marked the spiritual union between them and the god.
Day 3: Chytroi (Pots) 💀
The final day, Chytroi, was dedicated to the spirits of the dead. Pots filled with a sacred mix of seeds and grains, called panspermia, were offered to Hermes Chthonios and the wandering souls of the deceased. During this time, it was believed that the spirits of the underworld walked among the living. To protect against any malevolent spirits, people chewed on hawthorn leaves and smeared their doorways with tar. The festival came to a close with the dismissal of the spirits: "Away with you, Keres, it is no longer Anthesteria!"
With these words, the spirits were sent back to the underworld, and life in Athens returned to normal, marking the end of the brief but intense period when the living and the dead had shared the same space.
Activities To Do:
🍷 Drink wine, or any liquid that you like.
🍷 Place flowers on your altar.
🍷 Honor God Dionysus.
🍷 Go to pottery.
🍷 Make a special mask for Lord Dionysus.
🍷 Do a libation in nature.
🍷 Go to the theater.
🍷 Collect flowers from nature.
🍷 Read and recite the hymns to Dionysus.
🍷 Honor both life and death.
🍷 Take a walk in nature and/or in the mountains.
🍷 Draw Dionysus's symbol or carve His name in stones or wood.
🍷 Make art for Dionysus.
🍷 Make a flower crown.
🍷 Honor your deceased loved ones.
🍷 Leave offerings for spirits.
🍷 Light candles.
🍷 Plant seeds in your garden.
🍷 Plan a feast and celebrate with your loved ones.
🍷 Sing and dance while listening to your favorite songs.
🍷 Do creative activities like art or poetry.
🍷 Go wild and celebrate it as you wish, Kala Anthesteria!
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dionysusmybeloved · 3 days ago
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I summon to these prayers
Dionysos Liknites,
born at Nysa, blossoming,
beloved and kindly Bacchos,
nursling of the Nymphs
and of fair-wreathed Aphrodite.
The forests once felt your feet
quiver in the dance
as frenzy drove you and the graceful Nymphs
on and on.
The counsels of Zeus brought you
to noble Persephone,
who reared you to be loved
by the deathless gods.
Kindheartedly come, O blessed one,
accept the gift of this sacrifice.
(trans. by Apostolos Athanassakis)
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childofthewinged · 21 hours ago
i have not touched my tarot deck in a long while, because deep down im still scared, scared of being caught and ostracized by my own family, but deeper down i want to hold it again, for it to help me communicate to those i hold great love and respect for
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atheneum-of-you · 3 months ago
Tiktok is probably one of THE WORST places to learn about REAL hellenic polytheism because it is rampant with misinformation and most creators are only interested in views and parroting misinformation THEY heard. Yes there are some great and informative creators on there to learn about the hellenic gods but they are far and few in-between.
INSTEAD if you're new to the religion and have no clue where to start researching/learning, here are a few phenomenal creators on here with wonderful and informative posts!
@wisdom-devotee has an amazing guide for starting out in hellenic polytheism
@seasaltdevotion also recently made a fantastic post on resources for starting out
@crazycatsiren has a SUPER long list of resources and research material
@khaire-traveler has possibly the greatest list on subtle deity worship for just about every god
Please actually learn from those of us that truly love and covet this religion and spread information that will truly benefit you.
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witness2caesar · 6 months ago
This is just a quick reminder that this blog is not a safe place for you if you are a terf. Especially if you try and push the fucked up idea that Aphrodite does not love trans women. I am trans myself and won't tolerate my sisters being disrespected by miserable radfems. Ty.
Lady Aphrodite loves everyone. Including trans people.
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fabledfoxglove · 6 months ago
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♤ ʜᴇʀᴍᴇs • ɢᴏᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʀᴀᴠᴇʟ, ʙᴏᴜɴᴅᴀʀɪᴇs, ᴍᴇʀᴄʜᴀɴᴛs, ᴛʜɪᴇᴠᴇs, ᴛʀɪᴄᴋᴇʀʏ, ɢᴀᴍʙʟɪɴɢ, ʟᴜᴄᴋ, & ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇs ♤
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chthonioi · 10 months ago
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Hypnos & Thanatos by ofensky
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chthoniclakewitch · 3 months ago
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undeadwhilealive · 2 months ago
Hermes Epithets
Diaktoros(Διακτορος)- Guide, Messenger
Athanatos Diaktoros(Αθανατος Δαικτορος) - Immortal Guide
Angelos Athanatôn(Ανγελος Αθανατων) - Messenger of the Gods
Angelos Makarôn(Ανγελος Μακαρων) - Messenger of the Blessed
Khrysorrhapis(Χρυσορραπις) - Of the Golden Wand
Klepsiphrôn(Κλεπσιφρων) - Deceiver, Dissembler
Mêkhaniôtês(Μηχανιωτης) - Trickster, Contriver
Phêlêtês(Φηλητης) - Thief, Robber, Rustler
Arkhos Phêlêteôn(Αρχοσ Φηλητεων) - Leader of Robbers, Thieves
Poikilomêtês(Ποικιλομητης) - Full of Various Wiles
Polytropos(Πολυτροπος) - Wily, Many-Turning
Poneomenos(Πονεομενος) - Busy One
Bouphonos(Βουφονος) - Slayer of Oxen
Oiopolos(Οιοπολος) - Sheep Tending, Shepherd
Dais Hetairos(Δαις Ἑταιρος) - Comrade of the Feast
Kharidôtês(Χαριδωτης) - Giver of Joy
Kharmophrôn(Χαρμοπηρων) - Glad-hearted, Heart-Delighting
Dôtor Eaôn(Δωτορ Εαων) - Giver of Good Things
Akakêta(Ακακητα) - Guileless, Gracious
Euskopos(Ευσκοπος) - Keen Sighted, Watchful
Eriounês(Εριουνης) - Luck Bringing, Ready-Helper
Kydimos(Κυδιμος) - Glorious
Erikydês(Ερικυδης) - Famous, Glorious, Splendid
Aglaos(Αγλαος) - Splendid, Bright, Glorious
Kratus(Κρατυς) - Strong, Mighty
Krateros(Κρατερος) - Strong, Mighty
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keysatthecrossroad · 3 months ago
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Hekáte, Queen of Witches,
Mother of All, Keeper of the Cosmos,
I humbly thank You for always providing for my needs.
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dionysianivy · 2 days ago
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Blessed Anthesteria everyone🍇🍷🌼🐆🌿
May Dionysus bless us all during these three sacred days ahead. May we celebrate freely, with joy and fire in our hearts. We honor God Dionysus and also is a sacred festival of flowers, death, sex, wine, and life. May everyone have a great time and celebrate in whatever way feels right to them.
Hail Lord Dionysus and Kala Anthesteria🌸🍷🕯
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dionysusmybeloved · 3 days ago
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The Anthesteria, also known as the Festival of Flowers was an ancient Athenian festival, dedicated to Lord Dionysus and held during the 11 to 13 of Anthesterion (which is from February 10 to 12 this year). The festival celebrates the start of spring, new wine, and honoring the dead.
The Festival of Flowers is split into three days. The first day, or Pithoigia (Opening of The Jars) is focused on opening new jars of wine, pouring libations, and drinking mixed wine (usually 3 parts water and 1 part wine). Children often received their own small pots of wine.
The second day, or Khoes (Day of Cups) was filled with drinking wine, eroticism, and sexual ecstasy. By the end of the night, there was a sacred marriage between Lord Dionysus and the queen which occurred in the Temple of Dionysus, and was kept secretive.
The last and third day, or Khytrai (Day of Pots) was devoted to the cult of the dead and the chthonic aspect of Lord Dionysus. Pots containing traditional foods for the dead, cooked grains, and seeds were left out for the spirits of ancestors. Although precautions were made for the dead coming too close.
At the end of the festival, citizens would shout: "Through the doors, Kares, it's no longer Anthesteria!"
• Wine-drinking or drinking any kind of fruity beverages
• Mixing sweet wine (3 parts water to 1 part wine)
• Popping open a wine bottle
• Pouring libations (could be non-alcoholic if you want to)
• Hosting feasts and or a potluck
• Decorating your home or altar with flowers (for Pithoigia)
• Visiting a flower garden (for Pithoigia)
• Creating masks and figurines (for Khoes)
• Reading erotic books (for Khoes)
• Offering food for the dead (Khytrai only)
• Creating pots filled with koliva (Khytrai only)
• Reciting and or creating hymns to Lord Dionysus
(Orphic Hymns #30, #45, #46, #53)
(Homeric Hymns #1, #7, #26)
sources: Hellenion (Check this out if you can :D)
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aesthicalmess · 4 months ago
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Lord Hypnos
Lord Hypnos, son of Nyx, god of sleep
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atheneum-of-you · 3 months ago
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As a Hellenic polytheist, one of our most important duties to our gods would be to give libations. Libations are liquid offerings to our gods, not only in recognition of them and their importance but as an invitation into our lives for them.
When it comes to giving libations, it can be difficult for those of us practicing and worshipping in secret. So in this post I'll go over typical libations and how they're given, and then some methods I believe would be helpful for those that can't give openly! Please keep in mind that the suggested methods (for those practicing in secret) come from someone who is still navigating and learning her own religion. As always, do your own research where needed and do methods that make you most comfortable in your practices.
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Typical Libations
Wine (typically red)
Symbolic of the divine ether, and Zeus's influence on the soul. Additionally, dark red wine represents the blood of Dionysus/Zagreus. We drink his blood as reflectance for his sacrifice by the titans and the eating of his flesh. It represents his metamorphosis, and in turn, our own cycle of birth.
Representative of Hera and Ira, whose breast milk formed the galaxies and cosmos. Milk also represents the earth.
Honey is golden which is incredibly symbolic of the gods, particularly their ichor (the blood of the gods). Honey is also a powerful preservative representing the immortality of the gods.
Fine oil (typically olive)
Oil historically symbolizes life, prosperity, and the divine spirit.
Milk and honey together are also a considerable libations but is particularly good for death related gods and the honoring of the dead. Milk and honey libations for them should NOT be consumed.
Giving Libations
To give libations, you would first pick up the offering bowl full of whatever you are giving with your right hand, then hold it with both and recite a dedication. The dedication itself is up to you but the example I saw is as follows:
"We dedicate this libation to khrismôdós Apóllôn and aithǽrios Diónysos and to all the happy, deathless Gods!"
Libations can be made to a singular god or multiple at once. Just ensure you have enough for them equally. Dedications can also be to a singular god or you can name the ones you are dedicating to.
Once you've made your dedication, you'll transfer the bowl to your left hand and pour your offering on the ground or into whatever reservoir you have dedicated to it on your altar. This is your libation, and the offering now belongs to them. Once you've made your libations, you may sip from the remaining contents of the bowl as communion. Before doing so, you may recite a prayer. Here is an example:
"We drink the blood of Diónysos! May the Aithír of Zefs intoxicate our souls and transform us!"
Please be aware that you should NOT drink libations to the dead or to death gods.
When sipping from the remainder of your libations, do NOT sip from the part where you poured. You should drink from the opposite end of the bowl.
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Libations in Secret
When you're practicing in secret, this method of libations can be incredibly difficult. So with that, here are a few ways that I think could be helpful!
Can't access or drink wine/milk/honey? Substitute them for water or better yet, flavored juices!
Pomegranate juice can make a good libation for Underworld gods and goddesses, apple juice would be good for Zeus, etc. Research your deity's associations and try working with them. Water is also life-giving and integral to life.
Can't pour your libations outside or in a dedicated offering bowl? Use cups!
Pour your libations directly from the bottle to a cup and sit it on a shelf or desk or wherever you've dedicated to your god. You can recite your prayers and dedications in your head as well.
Worried about wasting drinks? Offer a smaller amount!
Typically what you give should be more than you keep, but your gods understand your struggles and would be understanding of your intentions. Offer a small amount of your drink, honey, etc and inform them of your reasonings and intentions. Your gods love you, they'll be happy with your efforts regardless.
Can't do your libations during the day? Do them at night!
Give your libations while everyone is asleep. You can even hide it under your bed or behind something to keep it for the time you want. (Please be careful of doing this with honey and be mindful of possible insects, pets, pests, spills, etc)
A minor? Do your libations at school!
You can do your libations while at school by making them during a PE class, during lunch, or any period of time where you can take a moment to do so! (I'm not condoning using your bathroom breaks to sneak off and do them, I'm just saying you definitely could do that)
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Regardless of how you do your libations and with what, your practice is your own as is your relationship with your god(s). Do what feels right for you ♡
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thereseuwu · 10 months ago
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Wawawawa, drew Apollon instead of doing my school work (It do be like that dkjasfds.) Also, drawing Apollon in a somewhat more modern time is fun! :^)))) (Idk, man... Idk)
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