#hellsing siblings
lunarcrystal · 9 months
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Christmas🎄 at the Hellsing Household ft The Hellsing Twins
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mr-shimurka · 6 months
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Iscariot siblings💒
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cry-ptidd · 1 year
Ok so u know how predatory pets bring live prey animals into the house. Do Laura or Alucard do that to Integra at the estate while she's trying to meet with people over serious business?
(Yes, this is inspired by a true story. No, I have not yet found where the chipmunk ran.)
Now i doubt they would bring LIVE prey because these two are killing machines and they both get scolded if they spook the guests too bad, but they absolutely do that thing where a cat brings its owner a dead mouse. Except instead of a mouse it’s a still-pulsating pile of gore and viscera and they plop it on integra’s nice carpet
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moliathh · 3 months
isnt it hypocrisy when some people are like "shipping alu/tegra is disrespectful and ignorant to canon because she will never betray her faith and family for her enemy" and then turn around and ship ander/card... bestie integra is a protestant christian with a "no sexual intercourse until marriage" oath (mind u they used shared title and that is commonly a thing between married couples of different titles, also that doesnt forbid them from courting) meanwhile anderson is a catholic priest, not only do catholic priests not marry, they took celibacy oath, which means no sexual nor romantic relationship, not even courting, and mind you integra wanted alucard to not disappear while anderson very much wanted him DEAD dead, idk which one of us is more "disrespectful and ignorant to canon"
personally speaking i cannot gaf about what ppl ship, you do you, as long as ur happy with your little fictional playdolls im happy for u, but do not come for other people u dont even know and talk shit about them just because they have a different headcanon and preference than you, its honestly so rude
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trulyhappy2025 · 1 year
Dracula’s kids are embarassing emos change my mind
okay so I’ve seen some discourse on Dracula’s kids throughout pop culture and, hear me out: 
What if some of the kids just like to switch up names? Like, in this one fic I wrote, Lily Munster’s full name is Sibella. She went to a school where she met Scooby Doo. 
Y’all know Hellsing? Because I do. And every fucking time, I get Alucard from Castlevania and Alucard from Helsing abridged, and now I’m just in love with the idea that they’re the same fuckin guy. Like... Alucard from Hellsing was basically his edgy emo phase. At some point maybe he literally took a nap, woke up, and was like ‘oh fuck, wtf have I done.’ And now any time he and his siblings are in the same room together Draculaura will make fun of him for his edgy emo phase and he’ll just sink into his chair like ‘stfu you actual CHILD’
That’s not even getting into the potential hilarity of other vampire related media crossovers. Draculaura? Takes a gap year after graduating from monster High where she uses the name ‘Carmilla’ and seduces a ton of noble ladies and drinks their blood
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0possumcxlt · 9 months
Jan and Luke are brothers, so they get into fights about the dumbest things, even when there's no reason that they are fighting they will fight.
After arguing over something they don't remember arguing about.
Jan: "Yeah well, you know what?" -Splashes Luke with water-
Luke: "Count your fucking days."
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laski-and-sage · 2 years
Integra: Trust me. Let's not forget who got you out of this river last week!
Maxwell: Let's not forget who PUSHED ME IN!
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devonscomics · 1 year
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Some more deities !
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tokoda · 2 years
While i was reading Amari and the night brothers for the first time , I imagined a fun senario that after vanquish woke up and got better they would get to go on a mission with Amari and Dylan. I imagined a bunch of cute sibling scenarios. Like quinton and Amari teasing each other or play fighting or Maria getting annoyed that Dylan have some of her stuff and wants it back but he doesn’t want to give it back now that he’s to attached and if he had his sister as an instructor and expected her to go easy on him because their related and he’s caught of guard by this. They could have gotten to see the magic world and fight interesting villians.
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Alucard from Hellsing got me thinking about a female reader who is similar to Alucard (Another red clad duel pistol wielding powerful being similar to a certain woohoo pizza man but is sadistic and is a vampire), she looks intimidating and scary and has a demonic form that rivals the Sparda men. Demon blood has become her new favorite thing to eat, and she considered trying the blood of the Sparda bloodline, but due to the respect she has for Sparda and his sons and grandson in general and she fell in love, she instead goes after the lesser demons and when she’s not being a bloodthirsty killing machine, she shows affection towards Dante, Vergil, Nero and V.
I love vampires, and I think Hellsing’s Alucard is the best depiction of vampires in fiction in my opinion.
Oh yeah, here we go
Sparda boys + V x Alucard-like!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante loves your style, you look just like him!
-When you go out in public, people sometimes mistake you for siblings, which is hilarious, or they come to the conclusion that you're a couple who likes to dress alike, which is cute and kinda true.
-He was sure you were going to bite him, being a vampire and all that, and surprisingly did not object. He actually wanted to get bitten, simply out of curiosity.
-You ended up not going through with your plan out of respect for Sparda and his bloodline, as well as your love for Dante. You simply couldn't hurt your precious idiot.
-You instead go after lesser demons to sate your desires, Dante usually tagging along. He helps shoot down demons so you can get to feed on them quicker, which is very sweet of him.
-Speaking of being sweet, you can be all lovey-dovey too, though only behind closed doors, when the battleground is far away.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil saw your outfit and immediately thought of Dante. Your flashy fighting style is no help either; he's starting to see you as a female version of his idiot brother than anything else.
-Still, he loves you, even if you are a bloodsucking vampire that may or may not bite him in his sleep.
-He's rather tense around you, especially at night when he thinks you'll be most hungry. He's very worried you'll feed on him when he goes to sleep, so he tries not to sleep when you are near.
-You quickly assure him you won't feed upon him or any Spardas because you knew Sparda himself and have great respect for everyone in his bloodline. You will only consume lesser demons, never even baring your fangs at him.
-Vergil is now considerably more at ease around you, even going as far as to bring you freshly slain demons for your convienence.
-He also finds it very endearing that you're willing to be all vulnerable and affectionate to him--and only to him.
□ Nero □
-Nero thought your vampiric nature was cool as hell.
-Your clothes were pretty neat too, and unlike someone Nero knows, you don't look like a total slob in them.
-He thinks you're the hottest vampire to have ever existed, and occasionally calls you his "sexy goth girl" because you are.
-He wasn't too concerned about your feeding habits. If you needed his blood, he would gladly offer up his neck to you.
-You announced that you wouldn't need him for sustenance, however, and that you only fed off of lesser demons out of love for him and respect for his grandfather.
-Those special moments when you are kind and loving to him are moments Nero cherishes the most. He loves seeing this adoring side of you, and wishes he could see it more.
● V ●
-V, being a rather morbid soul, was intrigued by you, and the fact that you were a vampire.
-Since vampires live for a very long time, he reasoned you must have met, or at least seen William Blake at some point during his prime.
-If you have, do tell him everything you know, it makes him very happy.
-He thinks your clothing and fighting style are unique and beautiful, just like you.
-He wasn't the least bit worried that you would drink his blood, and was actually secretly hoping you would. He's always wondered what it would feel like.
-You love him too much to harm him, and would never drink his blood for sustenance, but perhaps you could sneak in a bite or two while passionately kissing him or something like that.
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lunarcrystal · 2 years
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The Gremlins of Hellsing.
I wanted to sketch what the Hellsing siblings looked like as children circa 2011. They're definitely a yin & yang type duo and give mummy hellsing migraines, though not nearly as bad as their father does. 
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east-side-militia · 5 months
Millennium headcanons: Their parents and life growing up
Since yes I do have thoughts on that tw for multiple counts of unhealthy to abusive parenting, patricide and matricide, fratricide and talk of nazism (without endorsement)
The major: Inspired by his Coyote backstory but not so similiar. Was raised by his mother, who was part of the early national socialist political scene, before it rose to power. Unfortunately, she died when he was around 12 years old. Max was taken under the wing of one of his mom's "friends" from the political circle, but wasn't particularly close to him. His closeness to the "higher-ups" of the nazis would fortunately grant him some privileges later on in life.
The doctor: Was raised as the only child of a middle class family. His parents were people driven purely by logic and void of emotion, which led to them verbally and occassionally physically abusing him under the guise of "motivating him". This greatly impacted Av's mental state, and his own parenting style later on. He would eventually be unable to take it and would sign up to fight in the first world war, still as a teenager, just to get away from them.
The captain: Grew up in a small village, circa the middle ages. I imagine his childhood was more or less normal and happy. He was the oldest of many siblings, and to this day sees some of them in Schrodinger. When he was of age, he left home to pursue finding a job. He still misses his family, and hopes they lived an easier life than him.
Rip Van Winkle: Was the youngest of three sisters (inspired by a fairytale trope). I headcanon her family is descended or related to a knight bloodline, and was quite wealthy. Not aristocratic but definitely upper-class. Because she took after her father way more than her sisters, she was daddy's girl, but her relationship with her mother was more difficult, especially as puberty settled in. She also had a turbulent relationship with her sisters, because they sided more with her mother and viewed her as the "rebellious, delusional airhead" of the family. Her ultimate "rebellion" would be when her father helped her secure a job as an SS officer.
Zorin Blitz: Was abducted as a baby by a witch. The witch would call herself Zorin's mother, and would raise her as her apprentice, along with several other girls in a middle of nowhere rural area. Her environment growing up would be extremely "kill or be killed" and she would watch her "sisters", those who weren't strong enough to keep up, die one by one. She realized that eventually, it would only be one of them who would survive, and she would have to make sure it would be her. So she started strenghtening herself, deceiving, lying to the others, pitting them against each other, and killing them off herself until she stood alone. She killed her "mother", freeing herself from her control, and went to pursue something better.
Schrodinger: Was created in a test tube, as the ultimate weapon against Alucard (haha get it. hellsing ultimate). In his younger years, he was isolated from the rest of Millennium, even kept as a secret to most, and raised primarily by Dok. When he was eventually let around the other members of Mill was coincidentally around the time his "unruly" phase kicked in, which sent Dok spiralling and essentially flip-flop between blaming himself and blaming everyone else for "corrupting" him, when all it essentially was was a normal phase for a child. Schro never had friends his age, only adults, so he would have a hard time communicating to other teenagers, I imagine.
Tubalcain Alhambra: If there's one thing I'm clueless about it's the state of Brazil circa the first half of the 20th century. But I like to think he was born into some-semi influential family (perhaps one who owned establishments like hotels, casinos, etc.), and grew up a socialite. Maybe he's not even brazilian by origin, his name sounds more middle eastern than anything to me, maybe he just happens to reside there. He probably has the skills resources to control the government and the media at least to some level. Probably to the level that they don't care about his family housing literal nazi refugees on their property. Yes that is my headcanon. Tubalcain was Millennium's landlord and you won't convince me otherwise.
The Valentine Brothers: They aren't biological brothers, but their parents were both single with a kid and got together, so they're step-siblings (valentinecest still sucks stfu). Both of their parents were absolutely terrible, terrible enough for the brothers to set their house on fire when Luke was 18 and Jan was 15, to make the authorities think they died along with their parents, and go pursue a life of crime instead.
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malewifetouya · 11 months
𝕾𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖞, 𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝕽𝖊𝖉 𝕽𝖎𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕳𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝕭𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖘 𝕭𝖆𝖈𝖐
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Synopsis: you and Touya became friends when you were kids, until one day he had to leave. Years later, a beast in the forest makes its home near your village, and you’ll find out who the real monster is.
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• Fantasy au, werewolf x human romance, childhood friends to lovers
Pairing: Dabi x reader
Characters: Touya Todoroki, Goto Imasuji, (mentioned) Enji Todoroki, Rei Todoroki, Fuyumi Todoroki, Natsuo Todoroki, Shoto Todoroki
Warnings: bullying, sexual harassment, misogyny (neither done by Touya), mass murder, vaginal sex, oral (fem receiving), size difference, Goto is a creep here so if you like him, this might not be for you
Written for @candycandy00 for the League Of Villains Horror Anthology.
Title is a reference from a Hellsing Abridged quote by Team Four Star.
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She was like the moon, and he, her wolf- always circling, his shadow cast in her moonlight, waiting for love to break free with the stars.
N.R. Hart
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You met Touya Todoroki when you were thirteen.
All your life, you had lived in a large town named Deika Village, located near a forest. You grew up with a fairly normal childhood, went to school with the other kids.
However, you had a secret: you and your family were witches. Your parents used their magic to help the village, making the crops prosper and kept the town safe from natural disasters or illnesses.
Nobody knew about your family secret because if people found out, you’d all be killed for witchcraft.
So, you put up the image of a non-magical child, and blended in with the other children, who got along with you.
Except for one kid.
His name was Goto Imasuji. He was tall for his age, had unruly blonde hair and onyx eyes. What stood out the most was how bulky he was, which earned him the nickname “Muscular”.
He called you mean names, pushed you around, and pulled on your hair. You don’t know what you did to piss him off at such a young age, but out of all the other kids he targeted, you seemed to be his favorite to harass.
Oddly, despite calling you “uggo”, he didn’t seem to like it when you interacted with other boys and would intimidate them into not talking to you anymore. You didn’t understand why, and just chalked his behavior up to him thinking girls were inferior to boys.
You tried telling the teachers, but they would dismiss you with the same excuses: “boys will be boys”, “just ignore him and he’ll leave you alone”, or, “if he’s mean to you, that just means he likes you” (there was no way in hell you believed that one, considering how many times he called you ugly).
Eventually, no one wanted to hang out with you anymore and would join Goto in bullying you, their fear turning into adoration. You were ostracized and excluded, the only kid with no friends.
That all changed when one day, you would meet a boy your age with snowy white hair and ice blue eyes.
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It was a chilly autumn afternoon when a family of six passed through your village, stopping to spend a few nights.
The family consisted of a husband and father named Enji Todoroki. He was an imposing man with spiky red hair, piercing blue eyes, and a permanent scowl etched on his face. His wife, Rei, was a beautiful woman with sleek white hair and warm gray eyes.
They had four kids; three sons and one daughter. The youngest was Shoto, who was no older than five, with dual colored hair that split right down the middle and heterochromic eyes. You rarely got to talk to him, but whenever you saw him, you’d always give him a polite wave.
The middle son was Natsuo. He looked just like Enji but had Rei’s palette. Out of his other three siblings, he had the most easy-going personality that was almost contagious.
Their only daughter, Fuyumi, was one year younger than you but you envied her looks. She had clearly inherited her mother’s beauty, with red streaks in her white hair, and was just as kind-hearted.
And finally, the eldest son, Touya. What stood out about him the most was how short he was for a boy his age. Despite how frail he looked, he was surprisingly strong and agile. Personality wise, he was reclusive and seemed to prefer being by himself.
The only way you met him was when you caught Goto picking on him for his height. You had stepped in and told your bully to back off, threatening to tell an adult if he didn’t stop.
The blonde menace glowered at you and called you an insult, but left like you told him to, not wanting to get in trouble, grumbling as he stomped away.
As soon as he was gone, you were about to ask Touya if he was okay, only to be met with a glare, like you had personally offended him.
“I didn’t need your help! I could’ve handled him!” He yelled indignantly.
Wow, rude.
“You’re welcome.” You replied sarcastically, turning up your nose at him as you stormed away.
You decided you’d never talk to him ever again, but fate had other plans, seeing as how the next day, Goto shoved you to the ground and shouted at you for interfering yesterday. Just as he was about to kick dirt in your face, he was suddenly pushed by a pair of hands and you heard a familiar voice.
“Leave her alone!”
You looked up to see none other than Touya, standing over Goto with his fists balled and teeth bared. You both made eye contact, and you could’ve sworn you saw his expression soften upon seeing you.
Before either of you could say a word, Goto stood back up and tackled Touya, bringing his fists down repeatedly. Touya was able to dodge his blows using his arms as a shield, but you knew that wouldn’t stop Goto.
With a surge of adrenaline, you leapt to your feet and kicked the bigger boy right between his legs.
He let out a pained wheeze, immediately clutching his groin, and with his hands occupied, you took the opportunity to punch him in the face as hard as you could. You then grabbed Touya’s hand and helped him up, running the both of you away to safety.
Once you two were far away enough, Touya pulled his hands out of your grasp so he could clutch his knees, worn out from running.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
Although you knew the correct response would be to thank him, you felt like being petty.
“I didn’t need your help. I could’ve handled him.” You replied snarkily, repeating his own words back at him.
Whether or not he knew you were being impudent, Touya rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Yeah, you really looked like you had everything under control with the way you were on the ground.”
You crossed your arms and looked away from him. “Whatever, it’s not the first time I’ve dealt with him and it won’t be the last, so don’t think he’ll leave me alone just because you told him to.”
You expected him to scoff again, or make another snarky remark, but he went silent instead, which prompted you to look at him again. He actually stared at you with concern.
“He treats you like that a lot, doesn’t he?” His voice sounded like he had seen this type of behavior before
You nodded solemnly. “Has for a long time.”
Your response caused him to tense up, thinking about all the times he had seen his father treat his mother the same way Goto treated you.
“I’m sorry.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at him in confusion. “What are you sorry for? It’s not your fault.”
“I know that!” Touya huffed, “I just feel bad that you have to deal with him everyday and nobody seems to stand up for you”
You sighed. “It’s not that nobody won’t stand up for me, it’s that those who did were threatened or hit by him.”
“That doesn’t mean you should have to be used to it.” Touya replied softly.
You felt your throat tighten and your eyes burn with tears.
“You’re right, I shouldn’t.”
What happened next was a blur; you collapsed to the ground and broke down crying. Suddenly, a warm pair of arms enveloped you, and a hand was gently patting the top of your head.
From that day on, you and Touya became friends.
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By the time winter rolled around, Touya and his family left.
You were devastated. Despite his brief time in your village, Touya had become your closest friend. You two were practically attached to the hip, hanging out from morning until evening. You already had no friends to begin with thanks to Goto’s influence, and Touya didn’t either since he and his family were treated unkindly by your village for being outsiders.
The best part about being friends with Touya was Goto left you both alone, knowing that if he bothered one of you, the other would scare him away, knowing he couldn’t fight the two of you (he didn’t forget what happened to him last time and still resented you for giving him a bloody nose).
You revealed your magic to Touya, knowing he wouldn’t judge you, and in return, Touya opened up to you about what his family was like behind closed doors, how his father bribed Rei’s parents into letting him marry her, the way he physically abused Shoto, and neglected his other three kids, including him.
You were understandably horrified but now finally understood why Touya didn’t want you hanging out at his temporary house. He probably wanted to protect you from the monster that was Enji.
Despite your protests, Touya would beg you not to tell anyone else about his father. You didn’t understand why, but looking back, he was most likely afraid of what would happen to him, his siblings, and mother.
You even offered to let him stay with you for the night, but he’d always respectfully decline. Secretly, a selfish part of you wanted to share your room with him, because you had developed a crush on him. Though you both were comfortable enough to hug and hold hands, you wondered what it’d feel like to cuddle him, to listen to his heartbeat while he played with your hair until you both fell asleep.
The day Touya told you he and his family were leaving was the same day you were planning to confess your feelings for him. You never got the chance to because you cried in his arms while he apologized and sobbed with you. You both tried to enjoy your last day together, but it was hard to be happy when you knew you’d never get another moment like this with him ever again.
The next morning, you woke up early so you could say goodbye to Touya before he left. You wanted so badly to tell him how you really felt, but if he didn’t feel the same way, you didn’t want to ruin your friendship and part ways on a bad note, so you hugged him one last time, told him you’d miss him, and watched him leave your village with a broken heart.
You’d never forget the boy with crystals for eyes, who was the best part of your life.
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As time went on, you grew up, and now that Touya was gone, Goto had resumed teasing you, only his insults had changed. He made inappropriate remarks about your maturing body, touched you intimately just to make you uncomfortable, and possessively referred to you as “his girl”, like you were his girlfriend instead of his victim.
One day, he went too far and groped your rear end when you weren’t paying attention. That was your final straw.
You told a teacher, but when confronted, Goto replied that he had accidentally bumped into you. Unfortunately, the teacher believed him, and as soon as you were both alone, he cornered you with his burly arms and threatened you to not snitch on him ever again or he would “do something worse”.
You didn’t know what he meant, but the dark look in his eyes was enough to scare you into submission, so you nodded and promised to keep your mouth shut.
He smirked in satisfaction and called you a good girl. You wanted to throw up and slap him across his smug face.
As soon as he let you go and left, you ran outside until you reached the spot you and Touya first met and had an emotional breakdown.
You wished Touya was here, so he could comfort you while you told him about what Goto did and then kick his ass later. If Touya was still here, Goto would’ve never bothered you in the first place, and you might have been spared from being humiliated and threatened by him.
You hoped he would come back to you someday.
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Ten years passed and you were now a full grown woman in your twenties.
After your parents died of old age, you inherited their house. You had given away most of your childhood belongings to the younger kids and whatever belonged to your parents had been buried with them.
You adjusted to your new life and became a waitress at a tea shop. Although your boss was a strict, middle-aged woman who grated your nerves, she paid you well and the tea shop was a peaceful place to work in, so you stuck around.
You were happy. You liked your job, you liked your pay, and you liked the customers.
Except one.
Even years later as adults, Goto still continued to torment you. However, he would continually ask to bed you, and you always turned him down. Your rejection didn’t dissuade him, and he refused to take your no for an answer. It was like he was hoping that you’d eventually change your mind if he wore you down enough.
To make matters worse, a year after your parents died, some unknown beast made its home in the forest near your village.
It made itself known when it mauled anyone who trespassed onto the area it marked as its territory. At first, everyone thought it was a bear, until a survivor said it wasn’t. Although they didn’t get a clear look at the predator, they claimed it was larger than a bear, and ate its victims. The bears in your forest were herbivores.
To appease the creature, the village leaders offered criminals as sacrifices, and in return, innocents were spared. Nobody knew about the sacrifices, not even you. This was done purposely so the crime rate wouldn’t go down, lest your village lose people to offer as food.
What was most odd about the monster was that it was only active during full moons.
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“For the last time, Imasuji: I’m not interested.”
“Aw, why not, sweetheart?” Goto asked with a fake pout. The audacity of this man.
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you were mean to me when we were kids?” You hoped your sarcasm was obvious.
Goto only threw back his head and laughed in response. “Y/n, that was the old me! I’ve changed.”
At least, that’s what he believed. You had seen the way he treated other people, especially the men who were nice to you, and nothing about him changed. He was still the egotistical brat you knew since childhood. The only reason nobody ever called him out for his behavior was because they were either too scared or regarded him as some sort of deity simply because he was the best hunter in the village. He also had a few women who were infatuated with him, and you had to endure the scathing looks they gave you out of jealousy.
You even had other people try to convince you to give Goto a chance, claiming he’d make an excellent husband who’d be able to provide for you (and any future children).
If only they knew what a walking red flag he was.
“Imasuji, either order a cup of tea or leave if you’re just going to waste my time.” You seethed. As much as you wanted to smash a teapot over Goto’s head, none of the fine china belonged to you and therefore, weren't yours to damage.
Goto regarded you with cold eyes and a lecherous smirk, “Your parents never taught you your role as a woman. You need a man to put you in your place.”
Rather than humor Goto by wasting your time arguing with him, you excused yourself behind the shoji. You could really use a hot cup of tea.
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When you were finally allowed home, you walked to your backyard where your vegetation was growing. One of the stalks was drying up, so you looked around, and when you were certain there was no one else around, you whispered a spell incantation and the plant grew rapidly.
Not only did you grow fruits and vegetables, you also grew flowers. The most abundant were your nemophilas. They were a beautiful shade of blue, almost similar to the eyes of-
You shook your head, not wanting to get emotional over your childhood friend. You couldn’t help but wonder if he thought about you the way you thought about him.
If only you weren’t so distracted, you would’ve noticed the pair of obsidian eyes watching you from the shadows.
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The smell of brewing tea seemed to overwhelm you as you entered the shop the next morning. You chatted idly with the customers, which helped distract your mind from yesterday’s nostalgic memories, and you were confident your day would go smoothly.
Until a certain blonde walked in and soured your mood.
As usual, he flirted with you, despite how busy you were, but what caught you off guard was when he said:
“Marry me, y/n.”
You had nearly dropped the tray you were carrying. It wasn’t even a question; it was more of demand, as if your feelings didn’t matter to him.
“Why do you want me to marry you? Why should I marry you?” You asked, appalled.
Goto smirked, “Because you’d make a fine wife for me. You wouldn’t even have to work here anymore,” he gestured to the shop surrounding him. “All you’d have to do is stay home, cook, and clean.”
He then leaned forward, leering. “And give me children.”
“W-what?!” You spluttered.
“I prefer sons, but if we have daughters, I’ll teach them to be future wives for their husbands-“
Goto went silent, and you could’ve sworn you saw his face twitch before he quickly smiled again, only it didn’t reach his eyes.
“You didn’t even let me finish-“
“You don’t need to, Imasuji.” You snapped. “I don’t want to marry you and I never will, so just drop it already.”
Goto’s grin became more menacing, and he leaned down to make you feel smaller. You hadn’t felt this scared of him since the time he threatened you to stay silent.
“I’d reconsider your answer if I were you, y/n.”
Despite the warning bells going off in your head, you were too prideful to let yourself be intimidated by him.
“Or what?” You challenged.
There was a shattering sound, and you realized he had gripped his cup so hard that the glass broke, tea and blood leaking from his fingers.
“Or you’ll regret it.”
Don’t push it don’t push it don’t push it don’t push it don’t push it don’t push it don’t push it-
“I’d regret marrying you rather than staying single for the rest of my life.”
You heard a gasp, and, to your embarrassment, saw that the whole shop had been watching you and Goto. Everyone looked at you like you were the crazy one instead of the creep invading your personal space.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Goto snarled, and then turned around to leave the shop.
Before anyone could berate you for turning him down, you bolted to the shoji and felt yourself having a panic attack after what happened.
You couldn’t breathe, your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest, and you had begun to cry. You grabbed one of the zabutons and clutched it for comfort, the soft fabric bringing you back from your hysteria. Finally, you began to calm down, and did breathing exercises, your heartbeat slowing down.
Suddenly, the shoji opened quickly, revealing your agitated boss and making you gasp. She looked down at you with annoyance.
“What are you doing back here? We have customers!” She yelled shrilly, seemingly uncaring of the tear tracks on your face.
You stood up and hastily wiped your uniform, “Sorry, I had a breakdown and needed to be alone.”
Your boss stared at you critically before sighing in irritation. “Fine, you can go home early. Can’t have you crying in the tea.”
You chose to ignore her passive aggressive remark and thanked her for letting you leave. You quickly made your way home, ignoring the curious stares from the other villagers. Luckily, Goto wasn’t one of them. You didn’t think you could handle another panic attack, especially outside for everyone to see.
Once inside your house, you locked your door and closed the curtains to the windows. Although you hadn’t seen Goto since this afternoon at the tea shop, you still felt paranoid that he’d be outside your home.
You retreated to your bedroom and changed into your nightgown, figuring a nap would help calm your nerves. Under the safety of your blankets, you fell asleep immediately, hoping you’d feel better when you woke up.
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You were awakened to the sound of fierce knocking at your front door.
Jolting up, you stood from your bed and walked to your window, peaking through the curtains. Outside, were some of the villagers and the leaders, holding torches and rope.
You felt uneasy, especially since it was already nightfall. Had you really slept that long? And why were there so many people at your front door this late?
The knocking became more aggressive, and you knew if you didn’t answer, then your door would be kicked down. Grabbing a red silk robe, you covered yourself since you were still wearing your thin nightgown. Normally, you would’ve changed into more appropriate clothes, but you had a feeling they wouldn’t wait any longer.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” You yelled impatiently, hoping the villagers heard your agitation. You unlatched the locks and opened your door ajar, keeping as much space possible between you and your unwanted visitors.
“May I help you?”
“L/n, step outside, please.” One of the leaders said, leaving no room for argument.
“Why?” You asked suspiciously.
“Step. Out. Side. Please.”
Not wanting to cause trouble, you did as told and walked out your door. You stared up at your leader, trying not to look as nervous as you felt.
“L/n, we’ve received word that you might be a witch.”
You did a double take. “I’m sorry, what?”
“We heard from Imasuji that he caught you using magic outside your house.”
The fiend himself appeared from the side of your house, arms crossed and smirking. You had a feeling why he would accuse you of witchcraft.
Unknown to you, he had followed you a few nights ago and saw you whisper the spell incantation to make your plants grow. Your refusal to marry him was the final push for him to decide that if he couldn’t have you, then no one could.
“That's a lie, I’m not a witch.” You responded. Your leader didn’t look convinced, and forced himself, along with and Goto, inside your house for inspection, despite your protests.
At first, they didn’t find anything that looked suspicious, like potions or animal familiars, so you assumed you were safe, until Goto came out of your bedroom.
“I found a spell book!”
You felt your blood turn to ice. It was your family’s spell book that had been passed down for generations. At this point, you knew there was no point in lying because you had been caught.
“Okay, fine, it’s a spell book and yes, I used magic to make my backyard grow faster.” You admitted, “That doesn’t mean I’m an evil witch! I’ve only used my magic for good.”
The crowd began cornering you and you felt multiple hands grabbing you, tying your wrists behind your back. That would explain the rope.
As you were escorted out of the village, everyone cursed and spat at you, saying you deserved to die and that you were going to hell.
You had never felt so betrayed.
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There was a full moon in the sky, giving you some light as you were led out to the forest.
It was bad enough you had a shitty day, now you were having a shitty night.
After walking for a few more minutes, you arrived at a large tree, far away from your village. You wondered if you were going to be hanged because of the rope, but instead, the leaders began tying you to the trunk, binding your arms behind you.
When you asked if you were just going to be left outside all night, you were then told of all the previous criminals before you who had been offered as sacrifices to the beast, and you were horrified.
You vowed that the leaders wouldn’t get away with their sins, but they laughed you off and, as one last act of defiance, you spat in one of their faces.
Now, you had been left alone to die at the claws of some unknown monster.
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The monster himself raised his nose to the sky, smelling fresh blood in the distance. His stomach rumbled with hunger and he took off on all fours.
Ever since he marked the forest as his territory, he couldn’t control his primal instincts and had accidentally killed a few people in his starving frenzy.
Then, one night, he saw a man tied to a tree. The animal in him dominated his humanity and all that was left of the poor soul was a mangled, bloodied corpse.
From then on, during every full moon, he would find someone left out for him to eat and he would be satisfied for the rest of the night. Humans were more filling than animals.
The smell of blood became stronger as he neared his prey, and drool began flying off his muzzle as he ran faster. He growled with excitement.
He couldn’t wait to devour his next victim.
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You pulled at your binds, trying to free yourself, but it was no use. The more you strained, the more the rope dug into your skin, leaving red, painful welts.
You knew there was no point in calling for help. There was no one else around, and all you’d do was attract an animal, or the beast itself.
You hoped it wouldn’t find you, or would ignore you instead of eating you alive. You’d rather stay tied to the tree and die from either starvation, dehydration, or exposure than be mauled to death.
Despite your resolve to stay strong, you felt your eyes begin to water at the shittiness of the situation you were trapped in. Your family secret discovered all because you refused to marry your childhood bully, finding out that the village leaders were murderous sociopaths, and neither of them would be punished, while you were paying the consequences for their actions.
Your head snapped up when you heard the sound of twigs snapping and large footsteps approaching you. The birds in the trees across from you flew away, panicked.
Oh god. It was coming for you.
You finally began to openly sob. Why bother keeping quiet when it knew where you were? You prayed that your death would be quick.
Then, from the trees emerged the creature itself. You couldn’t hold back the gasp that escaped your mouth, eyes widening in horror.
It looked like a wolf, but it was bigger than a bear and stood on its hind legs. Its fur was white with gnarled, purple scars underneath its eyes, covering its lower face and neck, all the way down past its collarbone. Its chest, arms, and legs were a patchwork of fur and scars. But the most striking feature was its glowing blue eyes.
Its muzzle formed into a snarl, drool dripping from its sharp teeth. You could see the black, protruding claws from its fingers. You didn’t know which looked worse: the fangs or talons.
It lowered itself on all fours again and began to slowly approach you, as if taunting you. By now, you were loudly weeping, thinking about all the friends you’d never see again. You wanted to live a long life and die peacefully in your sleep from old age, not like this.
The wolf-like beast sniffed you, its nose pressing against your body. You cringed and looked away, feeling like your personal space was being violated. Why was it dragging this out? To antagonize you?
Suddenly, it jolted its head back, as if electrocuted. It stood on its hind legs once more to get a better look at you. Then, its eyes widened in realization.
Your eyes flew open in shock and you turned your head to look at the bipedal wolf, jaw dropping. It just spoke to you, and it knew your name. Did it know you? And did you know it?
“How do you know me?” You asked in a shaky voice.
“Y/n, it’s me, Touya.” It replied in a masculine voice.
You felt like all the air left your body at the mention of the familiar name. There was no way this giant apex predator was your beloved childhood friend.
“Stop tormenting me,” you demanded, though your tone sounded more like a plea. “You’re not Touya. Don’t lie to me!”
Its face looked genuinely hurt but it gently grabbed your chin with its thumb and index finger so you were face to face. Despite its large claws, it was careful not to scratch you.
“Look at me, y/n. Look at me and you’ll see.”
Despite your better judgment, you did as told, studying its face. Even with the pointed ears and muzzle, something about it did look familiar.
Then, you stared into its eyes, and memories of a blue-eyed boy whom you fell in love with invaded your mind with flashbacks.
The wolf smiled and nodded his head, “Yes.”
“But how?” You asked, “You were human when we met but now you’re…”
Unable to figure out what exactly he was, your voice trailed. Touya, however, didn’t seem offended, and let go of your chin. “Let me get you out of these ropes before I explain everything.”
He circled around the tree and slashed your binds with his claws, never once grazing your skin. With your arms free, you began to rub your sore wrists as Touya entered your field of vision again.
“First off, I’m a lycanthrope, also known as a werewolf.” He explained, “I only take this form during full moons. My entire family are werewolves, too. Lycans are born, not made.”
“Why didn’t you tell me when we were kids?” You asked, feeling somewhat hurt that he kept such a big secret from you.
Touya sighed, “We’re not supposed to tell humans about our kind, or they’d probably try to kill us all.”
There was a few seconds of silence before you threw yourself at Touya, wrapping your arms around his middle while crying into his fur.
“I missed you so much, Touya.”
Touya stiffened, taken aback by the sudden hug, but then relaxed and wrapped his arms around you, lifting you up so your feet were off the ground. He inhaled your scent, familiar with the pheromones since he first met you.
“I missed you too, y/n. I thought about you everyday after I left.”
You heard a swishing sound behind Touya, and peeked over to see his large white tail wagging. It was cute, knowing he was this happy to see you again.
Touya placed you back on your feet but neither of you pulled away from the embrace. You had to look up at him due to the height difference. It was then you remembered the scars littering his body.
“These scars… how did you get them?” You asked before realizing you may have overstepped a boundary. Luckily, Touya didn’t look angry, only sad.
“When I came of age, I left my family and traveled to find a new home. I ended up in a forest called Sekoto Peak. Another village saw my werewolf form, and lit the forest on fire in an attempt to kill me. I survived, but was left with these burn scars.”
He shuddered as he recalled the heat, how the fire was so hot that it turned blue. Had he not found a creek and jumped in the water, he would’ve been cremated.
You felt tears roll down your face, which Touya wiped away with his thumbs. “Oh, Touya…”
“It’s okay, y/n,” he said gently with a soft smile, “they don’t hurt me anymore. Now, I have a question for you: why were you tied to a tree?”
You were the last person Touya thought would commit a crime. You were feisty, that he knew, but he couldn’t see you doing anything illegal or immoral.
Your face twisted into a scowl as you looked away, “Remember Goto Imasuji? He accused me of witchcraft because I refused to marry him.”
There was silence as Touya processed what you said before his shock was replaced with fury. His fur bristled and he bared his fangs, though you knew his anger wasn’t directed at you.
“He fucking WHAT?!”
You hadn’t seen him this pissed since the time he caught Goto bullying you. Funny how both times were because of him.
“He caught me using magic on my crops, which was stupid on my part, but I thought I was alone.” You confessed, “Goto saw me, told the village leaders, and when they invaded my home, they found my family’s spell book.”
Touya snarled with rage. How dare the leaders leave you to die, all because a man felt entitled to have you? He was going to make them pay, especially Goto.
“I’m going to kill them all.”
You opened your mouth to protest, until you recalled not only how terribly Goto treated you, but the leaders and the entire village.
Your anger began to rise as you remembered how they all betrayed you, and now you hated everyone. If they saw you as an evil witch, then you would become what they feared.
“No, we’re going to kill them all.”
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Back at your village, the residents set your house on fire to “cleanse” their town from your magic. The leaders had gathered around to celebrate your demise. Goto had stolen a few of your clothes for himself when nobody looked.
There was a scream from someone, and everybody ran to the source to see a large, white bipedal wolf sprinting full speed, with you on its back, before coming to a stop.
“She’s alive?” Goto asked in disbelief. You glared down at the blonde man. Your red cloak billowed behind you in the wind, the color matching your hatred.
“Yes, I’m alive, but you won’t be.” You promised darkly, “Before I enact my revenge, I want everyone to know that your leaders have been offering our people as sacrifices to the beast.”
There was a gasp in the crowd, and you continued, “And the only reason I was accused of witchcraft was not because Goto Imasuji cares about the village, but because I refused to marry him.”
Goto snarled and pointed a finger at you. “She lies! Do not believe this monster!”
You narrowed your eyes coldly at the blonde. “No, Imasuji, the real monster is you.”
“Do you have proof of your accusations against us, witch?” One of the leaders asked accusingly, and this time, Touya spoke up.
“Me, for I am the beast they have been offering sacrifices to.”
Everyone gasped in horror, and Goto raised his spear. “The creature stands before us with the witch! Don’t just stand there, kill them!”
Before he could make the first move, you extended your hand and blue flames shot out, engulfing Imasuji. He screamed in pain as the fire consumed him, until he was reduced to a charred corpse.
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“Touya, I know this is asking a lot from you but I need you to remember the fire you were in.”
The werewolf shifted uncomfortably and you sighed. “I know you don’t want to, but in order for me to use my magic, I need to absorb the memories of the fire. Do you trust me?”
Touya went silent, and you feared he was going to say he didn’t, until he finally spoke.
“Yes, I trust you.”
You smiled reassuringly and placed your hands on either side of his face. He closed his eyes and you felt like you were experiencing what he went through:
The heat from the flames, the gorgeous yet deadly blue color, the smell of smoke, the excruciating feeling of your skin burning-
You pulled away with a gasp as you were brought back to the present. Touya looked distressed, his eyes still tightly closed, so you reached up to gently rub his ears. He immediately relaxed and his chest rumbled, like he was purring.
Releasing his ears, you concentrated all your magic and a small blue flame ignited in your palm.
You extinguished it and Touya knelt down so you could climb on his back. You held on to the fur on his nape as he ran through the woods to your village.
They had no idea what they were in for.
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Your village erupted into screams as everyone, including your leaders ran, terrified that they would suffer the same fate. You jumped from Touya’s back and set a blazing ring of fire surrounding your town so no one could escape.
“You know what to do, Touya.”
With a growl, the werewolf sprinted after anyone who was too slow, and whoever wasn’t mauled by him was burned by you.
Eventually, the chaos went silent, and what was left of your village was ash and dead bodies. Touya stood beside you, his white fur covered in blood
A few children came out of their houses, yawning and rubbing their eyes, to see what all the commotion was. When they saw the corpses, they began to cry and wail in grief.
You felt you heart break with guilt, and Touya looked remorseful, too. As inhuman as he was, he couldn’t bring himself to harm a child.
Quietly, you whispered a fatigue spell, and watched with relief as all the kids lay down to sleep for the final time. At least they would pass peacefully and not have to live the rest of their lives as orphans.
With no one left alive, you summoned a weather incantation and thunder rumbled in the sky as a steady downpour extinguished the fire.
Climbing on Touya’s back again, you both headed back to the forest.
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Touya came to a stop at the tree where you were tied and you jumped off, hugging him again, “Thank you for helping me, Touya.”
“Of course,” he replied, hugging you back, “You deserved justice.”
You knew eventually you and Touya would have to depart again, so you did what you should’ve done years ago.
“Touya, there’s something I have to tell you.”
You felt him tense up before he asked, “Is it good or bad?”
You laughed quietly, “Depends on how you react.”
“Alright, what is it?”
You looked up at him, still keeping your arms wrapped around his waist. “When we were kids, I developed feelings for you. I wanted to tell you, but then you and your family moved away, so I never got the chance to.”
Touya didn’t say anything, and you expected him to pull away from the hug and tell you he didn’t feel the same way. Instead, he looked down at you with wide eyes.
“You… you liked me?”
You smiled and shook your head. “No, Touya, I loved you.”
There was a familiar swishing sound, and you looked behind Touya to see his tail wagging again. “I’m glad you told me because I felt the same way about you, too, y/n.”
Your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest from happiness. “You loved me, too?”
Touya smiled and reached a hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “Knew I did the moment I saw you kick Imasuji in the crotch.”
You let out a watery laugh as your eyes brimmed with happy tears. Standing on your toes, you pressed your lips against his muzzle, catching him by surprise. In return, he leaned down and affectionately licked your cheek, making you giggle.
He pulled back to look at you tenderly, and you felt you core begin to heat up, making you rub your thighs together. “Touya, make love to me.”
Touya raised his eyebrows, “Right here? Right now?”
You nodded, unable to wait any longer. “Yes, I want you, Touya, in every way possible. Please, touch me.”
Upon hearing your plea, something primal awakened in Touya. Not the urge to hunt, but the urge to claim. He gently tilted your head back and lowered himself to lick your neck. You ran your fingers through the fur on his nape in encouragement, and he lightly nipped at your throat with his teeth. He slowly removed your robe and nightgown, letting the garments fall to the ground around your ankles.
When he finally pulled away, your eyes were hazed with want, and you looked even more beautiful to him. He suddenly became self conscious about his appearance, worried that the scars would turn you off, so he spun you around until you were facing the tree.
You looked back over your shoulder to see him get down on his knees, hooking his claws in the waistband of your panties to pull them down. You gasped when his cold, wet nose nudged against your clit. Bracing your arms against the tree, you arched your back.
You heard Touya growl in satisfaction and he used his thumbs to spread your folds apart, revealing your pretty pussy to him. Unable to wait any longer, his tongue licked up and down your slit.
You moaned and rested your forehead against the trunk, grinding your hips against Touya’s face from behind. He moved his hands up from the back of your thighs to cup your buttocks, massaging the supple flesh in his palms. He hummed at the taste of your fluids, the vibrations stimulating your inner walls.
Touya felt his cock harden and stick up, leaking precum. Slowly, he pulled away from your folds, a trail of his saliva and your cum connecting to his tongue. You were about to whine about the loss of contact, until you felt him lightly bite your ass cheek, making you yelp. Touya chuckled with your glute still between his teeth, before he let go and licked the bite mark he left. He trailed his tongue up your back as he began to stand up.
He stood to his full height, hands gripping your waist as he pressed his tip into your opening. You whined and he stilled, his mushroom head halfway in.
“Tell me you want it,” he growled. “Tell me what you want, y/n.”
You looked up at him from over your shoulder and grinded your ass against his length. “Please, Touya, I want you inside of me. Make me yours.”
That was all he needed to hear. He slowly pushed himself in you, grunting in pleasure at how tight you felt around him. Your mouth dropped open in a loud moan, feeling so stuffed and full. His girth filled your walls, and the long length touched a certain spot inside that made you see stars.
Touya paused, waiting for you to get adjusted to his size before he began to slowly thrust himself in and out. Your feet were dangling off the ground as his large hands encircled your hips. You stretched your arms above your head, nails scratching the bark.
Despite his large size, Touya was careful not to hurt you. Even though his animalistic side wanted to dominate you, he knew you were still human. Your submission was enough to satisfy his inner wolf.
A particular hard thrust caused you to throw your head back and moan, exposing the side of your neck. Unable to control his primal urges, Touya’s fangs elongated and he bit down on the soft flesh. Your eyes rolled upwards at the mix of pleasure and pain.
Touya pulled away, licking the bite mark he left on your neck, then suddenly maneuvered you so you were leaning back against him, his arms under your legs. You wrapped your arms around his neck from behind as he fucked you in a standing full-nelson.
Sliding his arms up further until the backs of your thighs were resting off his inner elbows, Touya’s hands crept up to cup your breasts, pinching your nipples between his fingers. The sensitivity made you mewl, grasping the fur on his neck. You felt like something inside you was going to burst, and you knew you were close.
“T-Touya, I’m-“
You didn’t need to finish your sentence, because Touya brought his long tail around and rubbed your clit with the tip, making you scream in ecstasy as you and Touya both reached your climax together.
Once you both came down from your high, Touya gently lowered you so your feet were touching the ground again but kept his arms wrapped around you, knowing you were too jelly-legged to stand. He then sat down on the grass, pulling you with him so you could sit in his lap.
You snuggled your face into his furry chest, sighing contentedly. Although the night air was chilly, his pelt kept you warm. Something was still gnawing at your mind, so you looked up at your beloved.
“Touya, why didn’t you let me look at you?”
You saw Touya’s jaw tighten, and you worried you may have ruined the mood, but his hand reached up to stroke your hair, tucking a few damp strands behind your ear.
“I thought my scars would make you change your mind about me.”
There was a vulnerability to his voice that ached your heart, and you sat up to straddle him so you both were face to face.
“Touya, your scars don’t disgust me at all. I love all of you, and I hope you can learn to love yourself the way I do.”
Tears began to well up in Touya’s eyes. For years, he wanted his family, especially his father, to look at him, only to be denied that wish. Yet, here you were, looking at all of him with the love and adoration he longed for since he was a child.
You kissed his forehead and gently pushed him down so you were on top of him while he lay beneath you, looking even more ethereal as he stared up at you. You began to grind your pussy against his hard-on.
“Let me make you feel beautiful, Touya.”
Slowly, you sheathed yourself onto his cock. Touya threw back his head and gritted his teeth, hands coming up to grasp your thighs. Once he was fully inside of you again, you began to slowly bounce on his length.
You heard Touya mutter curse words, knowing he felt just as good as you did. He thrusted upwards into you, matching your pace. When he opened his eyes, he saw your breasts bouncing and pulled you down closer so he could lick one of your nipples, making you whimper. His hands traveled down to cup your buttocks in his palms, claws ever so slightly digging into the plush skin. You yelped in surprise when he spanked your ass before massaging the mounds afterwards.
You felt your second orgasm approaching and rubbed your clit against Touya’s pelvis for friction. He pulled you down into a tight embrace, your face buried into his chest as he gave one final thrust, making you both cum at the same time.
Exhausted, you collapsed on top of him, his cock still inside you. You rested your head in the crook of his neck as his hands ran up and down your sides in a soothing manner. You would’ve fallen asleep in his arms until he asked you:
“Would you like to live with me?”
You perked your head from his chest, staring at him unbelievingly with wide eyes. “Live with you?”
Touya removed one of his hands from your waist so he could scratch the back of his neck, feeling shy. “I don’t have much of a place to live but I could take care of you. I know how to hunt and-“
He was cut off when you kissed his nose, “Of course I want to live with you, I’d love that more than anything.”
You heard Touya’s tail thump against the ground as he wagged it, and he licked your cheek, making you giggle at the sudden affection. He helped you stand and put on your nightgown and robe for you, before getting down on all fours, allowing you to climb on his back.
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Touya ran past the forest until he reached a hot spring waterfall and leapt to the other side, soaking you both wet. You climbed off his back and saw a rocky wall. Just as you were about to ask, Touya moved a large rock covering a hole that led to a cave on the inside.
You stepped in while Touya followed and closed the gap. At first, all you saw was darkness, but then the ceiling and walls began to glow with blue lights. Your jaw dropped in amazement and Touya chuckled.
“Those are glow worms. They’re bioluminescent, which is how they’re able to make their own light.”
He then grabbed your hand and led you down the rest of the cave while you admired the glowing larvae that resembled stars.
You suddenly recalled a fond memory of the time Touya told you about his fascination with the stars, and you’d both lay out at night to stare at the sky while he pointed at every constellation.
You were snapped out of your reminiscing when Touya softly called your name, and you saw his den. One side had a pile of fur and pelts, which you guessed he slept in, and on the other side was another hot spring surrounded by a pool of water. At the end was a keyhole that filtered water from the other side. Thankfully, it was small enough that you knew neither man nor animal would be able to swim through, giving you and Touya privacy.
Although caves were usually cold, the steam from the hot springs kept the air warm, so you knew you wouldn’t have to worry about winter.
You made your way over to his fur pile and sat down, feeling the soft pelts between your fingers. Touya sat down with you, looking shy.
“So, what do you think?”
“I think it’s beautiful,” you replied dreamily, “and I can’t believe I’m going to live here with you.”
Touya sighed in relief and pulled you into his arms, nuzzling his face into your neck. You hugged him back and giggled when he licked your cheek again.
“I’m happy you’re here with me. I was lonely for so long.” Touya admitted. You kissed his nose and rested your forehead against his.
“You’ll never be lonely again, Touya. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Touya’s tail wagged and he pulled away from your neck, looking at you with a serious expression. “Y/n, will you be my mate?”
You blinked in surprise, and Touya worried he may have rushed things, until you straddled his lap, smiling at him.
“Yes, Touya, I will be your mate.”
You watched as Touya’s pupils dilated and he leaned down again to lick your neck. You tilted your head back in submission, and he began to remove your garments again. He gently pushed you down onto the furs once you were naked and hovered above you.
Placing your legs over his shoulders, Touya slowly entered inside you again, and you arched your back off the pelts, moaning as he filled you. He grabbed your wrists, holding your arms above your head as he began to thrust in and out.
This was different from the first time he took you. This felt more intimate now that he was allowing you to look at him.
Touya lowered his head to lick your nipples, making you whimper in pleasure. His pace sped up, the sound of his cock hitting your wet pussy drowned out by his grunts and your moans that echoed all around the cave.
Sensing that you were close, Touya brought his free hand down to rub your clit with his paw pad, your vision going white as you came all over his fingers and cock. Touya’s chest rumbled as he spilled his seed inside you and collapsed on top of you, breathing heavily.
Slowly, he pulled out and picked you up in his arms, carrying you to the hot spring pool to clean yourselves. The water was warm, and you leaned against Touya as he washed you down with a sponge.
When you both were cleansed, he carried you back to the fur pile and laid down, resting you on top of his chest. Just as you were about to fall asleep, Touya spoke again.
“The sun is coming up, I’m shifting back into my human form.”
You lifted your head and watched as the fur on his body receded, though the scars remained. His ears shrunk to normal size, his muzzle shrinking inwards to form a normal nose and mouth, and lying before you was a human man with familiar white hair and blue eyes.
“Aw, I’m gonna miss your tail wagging.” You teased.
Touya softly laughed and brushed a wet strand of hair behind your ear. “This won’t be the last time you see it.”
You smiled and finally got to kiss his lips before laying your head on his chest. “I’ll have the rest of my life to see you in both forms.”
Touya kissed the top of your head. “Forever.”
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Tagging: @missrosegold @dabisqueen @dabislittlemouse @mossy-opal @dabislilbaby
©malewifetouya- please do not steal, plagiarize, repost, copy, translate, or share my works on any other platforms. I do not give you permission.
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cursedvibes · 9 months
Do you mind if I ask why you dislike Getou, Yuuta and Choso...?
Sure. So for Geto it's mostly that I don't like villains with a bigoted ideology and he's too incompetent to even fall in the "love to hate" category. Really, the worst thing a villain can be is incompetent and Geto in Vol 0 is barely better than your average disney villain. Doesn't help that he never gets pushback on his ideals. Gojo tells him in Premature Death that killing people is bad, but that's it. He spouts his bullshit about how genocide is totally necessary and Yuuta stands there like "idk you might be right, but you want to kill people I care about and that's the real crime here". Nobody really engages with his ideology except Yuki I guess, but that was before he became an antagonist. I could forgive that to a degree if he was at least a real threat, but he isn't. Take the Major from Hellsing for example. I hate his guts, when Integra fought him I wanted to reach through the screen and strangle him myself and when he died it was incredibly satisfying. You don't get any of that with Geto, he's not even fun to hate because he barely provides any pushback. He's a bad villain and I dislike him as a person as well. His descent into embracing the superiority of sorcerers and resolving to kill all non-sorcerers was well written, but I don't feel for him at all. Good riddance to the guy, I'm glad he's now dead both in body and mind.
My main issue with Yuuta is that he barely gets challenged for anything he does. He never lost a fight, he pulls powers out of his ass (like doing RCT when we never even heard of it, who knows where he learned that probably just gifted by God), he's always right and can do no wrong. Seems like Takako's words about what it means to be truly strong did reach him to some extend, but we'll see if that will lead to anything for him. He builds his entire identity around other people, doesn't recognize how toxic that is (he kinda did at the end of Vol 0, but regressed again when entering the main series) and then has the audacity to preach at others with far more experience than him who face real challenges and then concludes that it must be the others fault, he only tried his best to get along after all. Why is Takako getting mad at him? So irrational. He's also not really done anything in the main series besides get points in the Culling Game. He killed Yuuji, but Kenjaku already took care of the higher-ups and the death sentence anyway. He beheaded Kenjaku, but anyone else could've done that. If Maki had been in his stead, Kenjaku probably wouldn't have noticed her at all until their head is falling off. He hasn't even fulfilled his promise to Gojo because when he killed "Geto", Gojo was already dead and wouldn't have needed to do it anyway. That's like I'm vowing to buy groceries for my old neighbor, but never get around to it. They die and I'm like "I'll buy more groceries in their memory", but those groceries won't help that old person anymore now. So any slither of anything interesting coming out of that Kenjaku-Yuuta encounter is gone. And that's it. That's all he has done so far. What's the point? I hope he dies like all the other special grades and makes room for Hakari. He's the same as Gojo with being a symptom of an old system, he's just less aware of it.
Choso is mainly too loud and annoying for my taste, but I also don't like his hypocritical view on family and how he treats his siblings. Eso really hated Yuuji for what he did to him and Kechizu, he saw Kechizu being tortured and didn't seem like he was likely to forgive that when he was about to die. Yet Choso comes along and is like "yeah no problem, water under the bridge, Eso would agree". Would he? Given how Eso looks in Choso's hallucinations, I don't think he knows his brother very well. I get that's the point and Choso needs to think like that to hang onto that semblance of family he still has and needs (and is ready to let Yuuji kill the rest of his family members if it means no more internal fighting), but I still don't like that character trait of his. Not to mention that he's very selective and mostly only talks about Yuuji, Eso and Kechizu when talking about the family he wants to protect, forgetting the remaining six Death Paintings. What is also very aggravating is that he barely develops over the story or does anything meaningful. He has a second chance to challenge Kenjaku and all he does is say the exact same thing he already did in Shibuya with of course leading to no change in attitude from Kenjaku. He even talks about his mother's curse beforehand, but then doesn't bring her up in front of Kenjaku, the person who suffered the most at their hands. He's also too weak to do anything against Kenjaku or Sukuna, so he mostly just hangs out in the background, not doing anything. The "onii-chan" bit can be funny I guess (even if not to me), but he hasn't really gotten anything beyond that in around 100 chapters. Turn his dialogue into "oniichanoniichanoniichan" and not much of value would be lost. Also, this isn't really his fault, but I hate that a majority of Yuki's character got turned into salivating over Choso's sweaty body in their big fight against Kenjaku instead of giving us more insight into why decides to fight for Tengen, her status as Star Plasma Vessel, her vision for the future that directly contradicts Kenjaku's and how she planned to achieve it (or if she even had a concrete plan). I don't dislike Choso as much as the other two, but he's getting pretty bothersome lately. Hopefully, when we officially find out that Yuuji ate the Death Paintings or when Kenjaku's "will" comes into effect he'll get to do something useful for once.
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laski-and-sage · 2 years
Maxwell: I'll just ask you to be respectful
Integra: I politely decline-
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dirtyoldmanhole · 4 months
i think another reason why rev!route gunter/corrin specifically is so compelling to me - (how many are we on krad, 23?)
- is that you can very legitimately read it as the canon ship in revalation, specifically. yeah yeah yeah, his supports are greyed out, whatever (truthfuly doesn't even matter when you play the version with unlocked supports or use the in-game library).
it's the .... i hesitate to call it subtext when you've got whatever the hell is going on in ch25/ch26, ha. but more than that it's the symbolic, thematic, explicitly continuously layered importance of their dynamic. he's there in the very first scene with corrin, he's there in the very last scene, the gut-punches of scenes involve him or echo him somehow. the game very literally falls apart storytelling wise if you don't put gunter (+azura/arete/mikoto/anankos, all of who are honestly more my favorites than the playable cast) at the center, and i think that's a large part of why most folks bounced off of rev because it wasn't about the sibling royals.
see - my general otp archetype falls into the category of 'no way in hell would become canon' (too Weird with power dynamics, too kinky) -- with pretty much the sole exception of hellsing (integra/alucard).
and like, i'm a shipper for life. i don't have the time or energy or fucks to sit through 32453 episodes of a mediocre show or game or whatever just to settle with crumbs. i served my time there, these days i'd rather waste my time drawing/writing exactly the kind of Freak Ass Ship (and stories) i like and chilling in the corner feeling fed and oh so satisfied.
i honestly was not ever expecting my favorite game series to drop in with this kind of ship dynamic, but it did. and holy hell it stuck the landing.
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