Goin' up?
Got inspired by @firecurls-27 's Heavenvator *as seen here), so I decided to make my own.
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More inspo here:
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geekgirles · 2 years
Ok, but can we talk for a minute about how well they explained Moxxie and Blitzo's friendship in, what, two minutes?
That short flashback scene is crucial to understand why, despite all their bickering and fighting and Blitzo's emotional issues and complete disregard of boundaries, Moxxie doesn't give up on him.
Because Blitzo, in barely a few minutes, showed him more kindness than anyone had ever done since his mother.
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Moxxie's life had just been shattered. Torn apart. He got his heart broken and his ass in jail. The person he trusted and loved more than anyone completely disregarded his safety for money.
Once again, he is all by himself against the world. Just like when Crimson killed his mother.
And then, this absolute weirdo just shows up and starts talking to him like they've been pals for years.
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He introduces himself, talks a mile per minute, says a bunch of nonsense I still don't quite understand, mentions his daughter and how expensive his babysitter's gonna get... But most importantly, he has an escape plan and he's already included Moxxie in it.
Maybe it's for convenience. Maybe Blitzo would've done the exact same thing no matter who he got saddled up with. But the important thing is that, for all his flaws and issues, Blitzo can't bring himself to be truly manipulative and calculating, at least not if he senses the person he's trying to con is as vulnerable, if not more, as he is.
Let's draw a parallel between Chaz and Stolas, shall we?
Yes, Blitzo tried to murder or at least incapacitate Stolas. Yes, his only goal was the grimoire. But the moment Stolas revealed just how lonely he was and how much sleeping with his first friend meant to him, Blitzo couldn't bring himself to hurt him. And what did he do instead?
He gave our Owl boy the best night of his life.
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With Chaz?
Yes, he was mostly kinky and curious about M&M's sex life, but he could tell the guy was a douchebag. So the moment they were done, he went behind his back to figure what was really going on there.
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But with Moxxie?
Blitzo was genuine since the very beginning. Again, probably the first genuine person Moxxie's met since his mother, and he knows it.
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This face?
This is the face of someone who's thinking, "Finally, a friend."
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 5 months
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Millie Redesign! (1/4)
The Helluva Boss redesigns begin!
I wanted to start off with Millie to get a better feel of how I think imps should look and get down a baseline of wrath imps before I try working on any others since a lot of them look kind of the same? Idk I wouldn’t be able to tell Millie’s from wrath if there wasn’t a whole episode about it.
Oh I also wanted to make her actually look a bit more mature since I thought she was 20 years old tops but idk maybe she is! I personally just think shes like late 20’s early 30’s but up to future me. Here’s my notes that I planned out before starting actually:
Notes for millie design
- More confident/casual pose
- Weapon the doubles as farming equipment
- Give her a more rugged feel
- I need to feel like she could kill me with her gaze
- Big weapon maybe? Who doesn’t like oversized stuff
- Give her some scars, maybe a chipped or glued horn
- I know theyre cliche but.. overalls
- I wanna know shes from wrath I need to FEEL the texas
- Plus size but more built for strength and all that
- Maybe a cute matching bandana with her sister?
- Maybe make her tail a bit more pokey?
As you can see a few of these got lost in the process but I think she still looks really cute! Her redesign was actually really quick and only took me a little under 2 hours. Hopefully the rest of them will be this easy so I don’t have to look at another 19 hours of Vivziepop designs…
I haven’t entirely figured out Millie’s character yet but she’s likely going to stay more or less the same, just more fleshed out and not just Moxxie’s wife. She’s still the main fighter of the group since Moxxie is more sniping and medicine with how im working on him, but I think she takes a bit of an interest in Moxxie’s talents and vice versa. I still think Millie’s go to medical treatment is “rub some spit in it” and thats basically it/hj and last little tidbit, I based her a bit around places I visited as a child that were very southern to me. Also wanted her to look like she eats pancakes for breakfast 🥞!
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writer-of-hj-7 · 1 year
So Mammon was really hot right?
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angelshizuka · 5 months
A moment of silence for when I used to see this scene out of context (like, a lot of NO context, I barely knew anything about Helluva Boss back then) and used to think "Aw, they're going on a date, they must be an adorable couple!"
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Because boy... literally NOTHING could've prepared me for the context behind (and beyond) this scene...
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lost-romantique · 3 days
The Way He Lit up His Life- Baby Stolitz Circus Edition (Part 1)
I love the way Blitz manages to light up Stolas' life, even when he never meant too.
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Stolas starts off his birthday fucking elated. Of course he would, IT’S HIS MOTHERFUCKING BIRTHDAY!
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"You will be entrusted with the study of the Earth's skies, the stars, the prophecies they hold, all that stuff. Isn't that fun!"
Stolas is given his life's mission as a Goetia, and he couldn't be happier!
This is best birthday ever! Absolutely what can go wrong!?
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Stolas is forced into an arranged marriage with Stella, and he's devastated. He begins to cry.
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His father who is so good at daddying, mind you, suggests they go to the circus in town.
Stolas does not want to go, he's miserable. His birthday is ruined.
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Stolas is at the circus now, he has to have a fun time at the circus... right? RIGHT?
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Despite all the cool shit that's happening before him, Stolas is miserable. He doesn't even bother looking at the performances.
He even flicks away the peanuts off his grimoire.
This baby birb is fucking miserable.
Absolutely nothing can make this day go better...
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Suddenly, he sees HIM.
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The boy wonder, the man who will become the poster child for severe self-hatred, BLITZO BUCKZO!!!
But Stolas doesn't see that...
All he sees is a little imp boy with the biggest smile on his face. Stolas is smitten.
Could this be what they call love at first sight? Who knows...
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All Stolas knows is that absolutely nothing has caught his attention, OTHER THAN HIM!
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The moment Blitz lands on stage, Stolas does a double-take. HE DOES A MOTHERFUCKING DOUBLE TAKE!
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Whenever Blitz is on stage is the only time Stolas truly enjoys his time at the circus. All of his focus is on that little imp boy who can't make a fucking horse balloon to save his life.
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"Well, heh. It was a horse, but then it ate too much sugar and its legs stopped working, so he had to amputate. Now, it's a gross worm horse."
Blitzo makes a stupid joke no one laughs at, but Stolas... this baby birb finds it fucking hilarious. He's charmed.
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Blitzo sees that and he acknowledges his existence, almost instantly. He sees the only boy that would laugh at his stupid joke.
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Suddenly Fizz comes in, makes a perfect horse in record time, and everyone laughs at his joke instead. Thereby stealing whatever thunder Blitzo had.
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But you know the funny thing... Stolas doesn't laugh at Fizz's joke. Actually he's almost offended that everyone completely ignored Blitzo's joke.
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"I liked his broken horse joke, it was funny. Their legs do stop working when they eat too much sugar, it's called laminitis."
Paimon looks at Stolas curiously, giving his son the eye as Stolas proceeds to laugh to himself because Blitzo's joke is that funny!
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The scene ends with a closeup shot of a smiling Blitzo.
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I find it adorable just how quickly Stolas' boredom changes the moment he sees Blitz on stage.
Stolas was just given the life changing news that he was going to be forced into an arranged marriage, and he's miserable. He doesn't want to go to the circus. Only for all that change the moment he sees Blitzo.
It's so cute just how smitten he is, how enchanted Stolas gets when he sees Blitzo on stage. How the worse day of his life turned into one of the best all because he sees him.
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Please watch out for my future posts as I analyze all the Stolitz scenes in The Circus.
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hotluncheddie · 2 months
I'm on that autistic Steve shit!!!! (sorry no hc of Eddie.... can only focus on Steve ❤️)..... my favorite favorite favorite autistic Steve hc is that he is so so charming so charismatic so cool but it's entirely an act..... like he learned it from books and movies and watching other people and like his emotional / social intelligence is thru the roof bc of that.... I think I saw it described in a fic once as "he knows exactly what people want to hear"..... and I think he does revel in being a chameleon and doing that but of course it's draining!!! my fav is him letting the mask down in front of Very Important people..... I'm writing a fic rn where when Steve tries to mask around hopper he's like "boy stop that you know you don't have to do that here"..... I get such such terminal Nothing Face after a long day and I like to think Steve does too and he's worried Eddie will find it off-putting the first time he shuts down and still wants to hang out with him..... but Eddie is so so endeared by it and is very gentle with him "you ran out of faces, huh baby? that's alright" .....
2jug2head “you ran out of faces, huh baby? That’s alright.” That honestly melted my heart. I had to curl up in a little ball to deal with that.
It’s !!!!! So !!!!!! Sweet !!!!!!!!!
and omg having Hopper be like that with Steve, letting him know in that blunt, simple Hopper way I'm !!!!!! thats so good !!!! I will love love love to read that fic when u finish it !!!! pls tag me if u post it !!!!
but yeah I really really hc Steve as being super high masking, very capable socially, very able to read people. he's used so much of his life to think about others and be what's best in any possible situation. he always wants to be perfect in his interactions with people, wants to 'win' at it. wants to be the best version of himself for every person that he meets. and he mostly does. he's good at it, he's smart and a lot of people follow the same sort of conversions, expect similar things. he’s been around enough people and been in enough situations to have scripts and reactions to most scenarios. he can recognise patterns well and so he does that, but with people, over and over and over. so much so that he doesn't even think about it now, doesn't really even realise what he doing.
he’s very capable, very good and smart socially, but it's to his detriment. it means no one really knows him. it means he doesn't really know himself.
it's like he's a little perfect puppet and when he's alone it feels like this freak monster comes out; with all these feelings and thoughts and emotions that he doesn't know what to do with, doesn't know if they're normal. and he doesn't know how to tell anyone about it either, how to express it or talk about in the right way.
because he's so so scared of being made fun of, or being alone; of being told off, or being weird. and sometimes it makes him so sad, because he doesn't always know how to stop - he's so quick to respond wth his scripts that he forgets to think about what he really thinks, really feels. and he can't stop.
to unmask, at times, most times, feels herculean - to show someone who you really are? that feels impossible. terrifying. to ask for time to think? to risk saying something wrong? being honest feels deeply unnatural somehow - to be honest about how he feels, what he thinks, what he needs. he just, he's never done that before...
so when he's navigating these people, these relationships he so so cares about. with Robin and Eddie and Dustin and Hopper, even.
this is the slew of feelings he has to wade through when trying to be close to them, to keep them, to do what they ask of him. this is what he has to work through. and sometimes, sometimes they act as if it's so easy. as if it is so easy to say the honest truth when asked 'what's up?' or 'what do you think?' or 'what do you want?'
that's not easy, its never been easy. and it makes him feel like a freak once he realises it should be.
yeah idk that got kind of sad, sorry. but like. this is where I imagine him, when you get to the good, lovely, cozy, wonderful parts. I just, I think this is the thing, my lovely wonderful high high high masking Steve - this is what he's going through to get to the good. and its hard.
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hoothootarts · 3 months
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Lute sketch
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 5 months
This sounds so much like goodbye. And not just break up goodbye, but worse. I'm not going to put my exact thoughts into words, lest I speak it into existence. Aah, I hope I'm just overthinking it again. Blitzo! 😭
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speakofthedebbie · 14 days
alastor: *doing some weird ahh eldritch deer demon shit*
emberlynn: Would.
alastor: 👁👄👁
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lanveril · 2 years
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Don’t forgive me.
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antiling · 26 days
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Transition goalz /srs
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chaifootsteps · 1 month
it's kind of funny that even when trying to make Blitz the sex-crazed one he's still more sympathetic than Stolas
like he comes onto him once in full moon then immediately stops when Stolas gets up and walks away (and only did it in the first place because he was scared of losing the book and Stolas has only ever wanted sex before)
and the same in apology tour, when he uncharacteristically says he wants to sleep with Stolas he immediately walks it back a bit and says his phrasing was crude when Stolas doesn't respond. Then his tone is way more measured for most of the rest of the scene when he says, quite rationally, that they've never done words, they've just done sex
The only time he brings it up again is when he says an 'angry fuck' would be good but he doesn't push the issue, just gets irritated at Stolas (from his perspective) all of a sudden acting like he hasn't been super into the dirty talk this whole time
even the one scene he gets lambasted for in the circus, he stops and asks Stolas 'what do you want me to do to you?' and just bites his neck when he panics that Stolas has seen the book is missing. and Stolas is consenting far more enthusiastically in that scene than Blitz ever has in the whole show when Stolas pays attention to him
meanwhile Stolas in s1 has ignored every 'no' he's ever been given, creeped Blitz out whenever he tries to initiate phone sex, fetishized him, objectified him, demeaned him, literally called him a plaything, etc. The two just aren't remotely the same even without getting into the power difference issue
Well, of course! Rule 1 of HB is that Blitzo's consent, feelings, and safety don't matter, only Stolas's does. Only Stolas is allowed to do whatever he wants to Blitzo and Blitzo is the bad guy if he gets upset about it.
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novacorpseart · 3 months
Another full moon edit cause this song is them
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angelshizuka · 5 months
I'm honestly glad they changed Just Look My Way to be only about Stolas' relationship with Blitzø.
Anyone who knows me knows I literally live for parent and child relationships (as someone with her own mommy and daddy issues), but I just don't think this is the right place for it.
Especially with the section that was originally about his broken home being such a huge and important part of Stolas' development of how he sees Blitzø now and is learning to understand him, even if he doesn't know WHY Blitzø is like this.
Stolas' relationship to Ocatavia has it's place and it's had it's focus in the show, but with this song leading up to whatever's about to go down in The Full Moon episode, yeah, I will die on the hill ALL focus of this song had to be on Stolitz.
I'd also argue Stolas' relationship to Octavia is pretty stable right now, not perfect, but they're working on it. Compared to his relationship with Blitzø which has been falling apart since Ozzie's and needs all the focus they can get to try and build it up again (or it will fall apart even more, but I prefer to be delusion...)
At the end of the day it was a fan song made more than 2 years ago when Stolas' character was at an earlier stage of his arc, so it only made sense for lyrics to be changed.
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lost-romantique · 2 months
The one thing that keeps me up at night...
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My one fear is that Stolas leaves the Anti-Blitz party genuinely believing that everything was Blitz’s fault.
We all know that in "All 2 U" Stolas attempts to do some self reflecting on the things he may have done wrong in the course of his and Blitz's situationship. However, all his attempts at self-reflecting are immediately thwarted because "NO NO NO HE'S A MOTHERFUCKER" (courtesy of Vero and Tex).
From the song, we can gather that Stolas firmly believes that in his eyes, Blitz never gave a shit about him. Blitz's actions earlier in the episode don't help him either.
And then when you also have to consider the fact that Stolas may have hooked up with Blitz's ex at that party... *sighs*
However, I digress...
For someone like Stolas, who is both extremely sheltered and lacks a lot of experience in social settings in general; he would be easy to manipulate and be part of that mob-mentality, when the Anti-Blitz party is essentially an echochamber of Verosika's feelings that 'Blitzo sucks and you are an innocent victim to his devilish charms.'
And while I am happy that Stolas was able to have some fun at the party, no one at that gathering is going to encourage self-reflection. In fact, they'll actively discourage it because the purpose of that party is to actively disparage Blitz himself.
I just think that the last thing Stolas needs right now is a victim complex.
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