#helpol not pagan
skively · 3 months
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— Aphrodite is iridescence, like the shimmer of pearls and seashells, like glittering jewels in the sea
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
✨ Subtle Deity Worship Master List ✨
Greek Deities:
Subtle Aphrodite Worship
Subtle Ares Worship
Subtle Apollo Worship
Subtle Artemis Worship
Subtle Athena Worship
Subtle Dionysus Worship
Subtle Eros Worship
Subtle Hephaestus Worship
Subtle Hermes Worship
Subtle Demeter Worship
Subtle Hera Worship
Subtle Zeus Worship
Subtle Circe Worship
Subtle Hestia Worship
Subtle Helios Worship
Subtle Persephone Worship
Subtle Poseidon Worship
Subtle Hekate Worship
Subtle Hygeia Worship
Subtle Nemesis Worship
Subtle Psyche Worship
Subtle Asklepios Worship
Subtle Haides Worship
Subtle Harpocrates Worship
Subtle Erebos Worship
Subtle Medea Worship
Subtle Tyche Worship
Subtle Lethe Worship
Subtle Selene Worship
Subtle Eris Worship
Subtle Themis Worship
Subtle Talos Worship
Subtle Thanatos Worship
Subtle Nyx Worship
Subtle Phobos & Deimos Worship
Subtle Pan Worship
Subtle Hypnos Worship
Subtle Charybdis Worship
Subtle Skylla Worship
Subtle Harmonia Worship
Subtle Galatea Worship
Subtle Hyacinthus Worship
Subtle Triton Worship
Norse Deities:
Subtle Sigyn Worship
Subtle Loki Worship
Subtle Baldr Worship
Subtle Freyr Worship
Subtle Odin Worship
Subtle Heimdallr Worship
Subtle Freyja Worship
Subtle Thorr Worship
Subtle Tyr Worship
Subtle Jormungandr Worship
Subtle Hel Worship
Subtle Sleipnir Worship
Subtle Idunna Worship - created by @soil-and-stanzas :)
Subtle Fenrir Worship
Subtle Frigga Worship
This list will be updated as I make more posts! I will be making separate lists for these pantheons because I have too many links lol.
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I don’t know which current pagan needs to hear this but your life doesn’t have to revolve around your religion. Every act of self care doesn’t have to be devotional, every meal you make doesn’t have to lose a portion to sacrifice.
You’re allowed to be casually religious, a “Yule Pagan” if you want to steal “Christmas Christian” from the Jesus club. You’re allowed to dedicate a day or two to worship and just stare at the sky or ground and mutter the rest of the week.
Just because the world sees your religion as invalid doesn’t mean you have to go into overdrive and let it consume every aspect of your life.
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assistedbytherats · 6 months
Zeus and Hera devotees who feel intimidated by them
Poseidon devotees who live far from the sea
Demeter devotees who live in the city
Hades and Persephone devotees who fear death
Dionysus devotees who are perplexed by madness
Aphrodite devotees who struggle to love themselves
Apollo devotees who struggle with inspiration
Artemis devotees who are saddened by animal death
Ares devotees who are too tired to keep fighting
Athena devotees who are easily manipulated
Hestia devotees with unstable home lives
Hermes devotees who get anxious over new things
Every one of you is so valid and so loved by your gods. They love you, and they want you to know it.
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undeadmagick · 5 months
Broke Boy Guide to Altar Offerings
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Hey! Are you broke but still wanna offer something up to the gods? Don't worry! (So am i) So here's a guide of things that are either free, low cost or that you probably already own to slap onto those altars. Mind you: These are mainly modern offerings that I attribute to these different classification of gods. I'll likely update as time goes on with other classifications :)
General Offerings to Deities:
random flowers from outside
random sticks from outside
hand written letters/prayers
plushies of the animals they're connected to
raw/cooked meats as "sacrifices"
drawn symbols
Art/Creative Deities:
symbol painted bottle caps
old sketchbooks
comic books
Death Deities:
bones or meat from your meals
dirt from a dead plant
dying flowers
skull imagery
coins or other gifts for those passing
photo/belongings of your late loved ones
Familial/Household/Protector of Children Deities:
photobooth photos
jewelry gifted from family
baby teeth from your children
breast milk
old baby shoes
framed photo of family
homecooked meals
Fire Deities:
birthday candles
charcoal discs
burnt herbs
Healing Deities:
your current medications
vitamin gummies
spell jar in an empty pill bottle
Knowledge/Wisdom Deities:
old books & textbooks
mini chess pieces
written down philosophical quotes
good test scores/report cards/degrees
Love/Lust Deities:
origami 3D hearts
unused makeup
love letters to deities
love letters about S/O or crush
current perfume/cologne
current lotions
Nature Deities:
plants dedicated to them
herbal tea packets
spells using recycled materials (toilet paper rolls, etc.)
Sea Deities:
beach sand
sea water
tiny sea animal figurines
shared fish dinners
makeshift spell jar using a shell
Trickster Deities:
laffy taffy joke wrappers
cards against humanity packs
other comedy card games
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templum-solis · 3 months
I've seen this saying being passed around a few times. Not sure where it is from, but I love it:
If you don't know who to pray to, then pray to Hermes. Even if he cannot help you, he knows someone who can.
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aphrodisianbaby · 3 months
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the evolution of my Aphrodite shrine 🩷 2019-2024
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posthumous-pagan · 11 months
the struggle
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underworldhadess · 6 months
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Hypnos & Thanatos by ofensky
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travelingthief · 5 months
Tarot Card Associations for Hellenic Deities
Fool - Dionysus, Hermes, Pan, Ate, Gelos, Momus, Horme
Magician - Hephaestus, Hermes, Hecate, Aristeaus, Circe, the Muses, Apollo
High Priestess - Hecate, Persephone, Hera, Circe
Empress - Hera, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hestia, Gaia, Rhea
Emperor - Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Ares
Hierophant - Demeter, Persephone, Hecate, Hestia, Hera, Gaia, Rhea
Lovers - Aphrodite, Eros, Dionysus, Adonis, Hera, Philotes
Chariot - Hermes, Charon, Iris, Morpheus
Strength - Athena, Ares, Heracles, Nike, Bia, Kratos, 
Hermit - Hades, Hestia
Wheel of Fortune - Hermes, Tyche, the Fates, Zeus
Justice - Athena, Themis, Nemesis, Astraea, Apollo
Hanged Man - Hermes, Harpocrates, Prometheus, Psyche 
Death - Hades, Thanatos, Dionysus, Charon, Persephone, Ares
Temperance - Athena, Demeter, Artemis, Harmonia
Devil - Dionysus, Pan, Comus, Ate, Priapus
Tower - Ares, Poseidon, Deimos, Phobos, Eris, Moros, Enyo, Hybris
Star - Aphrodite, Artemis, Astraea, Urania, Hermes, Eos, Hesperus
Moon - Selene, Artemis, Hecate, Nyx, Hypnos, Erebus
Sun - Apollo, Helios, Hemera, Hyperion 
Judgment - Zeus, hades, Athena
World - Hermes, Demeter, Gaia, Hestia, Harmonia, Pan, Tyche
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theoitheoitheoi · 17 days
To the Gods you are not sinful, guilty or unclean. You are you, unique in every facet of your existence.
The Gods hold grace for you. Existence is not immoral.
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khaire-traveler · 3 months
May Lord Apollon always give light to you in your darkest moments.
May Lady Artemis assist you in forging your own path - the one least traveled.
May Lord Ares plant your feet on the ground and keep you steady.
May Lady Athena remind you of the power you wield to turn the tide in your favor.
May Lady Aphrodite smile back at you in your own reflection as a reminder of your worth.
May Lord Hephaestus encourage you to look back with pride at your own strength and resilience.
May Lord Hermes guide your steps when they're filled with uncertainty.
May Lady Persephone emphasize all of the beauty that exists in the world around you that has gone unnoticed.
May Lord Dionysus nurse your passion for life, celebrating even the smallest things with you.
May Lord Poseidon aid you in knowing when to assert yourself and when to go with the flow.
May Lady Hestia warm you on your coldest nights and shelter you from every storm.
May Lady Demeter keep your plate full and your cup overflowing.
May Lady Hera show you how to keep your head held high, even when the world heckles you.
May Lord Zeus raise your strengths and talents higher to prove to you how amazing you truly are.
May Lord Haides sit with you on days of worry and offer a grounding hand to hold.
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sleepnowmychild · 8 days
Shoutout to that era in the 90s when Dionysus temporality possessed home renovators and grape themed kitchens were a thing.
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My future kitchen tbh I had one like this as a kid living on a vineyard.
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assistedbytherats · 6 months
Committing piracy as a devotional act to Hermes
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undeadmagick · 6 months
Things that have helped me feel closer to my deities:
Praying before their altars (bonus points if you write your own)
Read books other than their myths (books you think they’d enjoy themselves)
Meditating with them
Learn about magickal subjects related to them
Dedicate a journal for notes and document experiences you have with that deity (including moments where they’ve assisted you and any divination conversations you’ve had with them)
Listen to their messages and follow through with them
Light incense that reminds you of them
Find artwork that feels like that deity and hang, print or save them
Divination Methods (Runes, Tarot, Pendulums, Bone Throwing, etc.)
Watch content on different subjects they’re related to (documentaries on death, relationships, crime, etc.)
Dedicate, care, and/or name pets, plants, plushies, etc to them
Learn not just their pantheon and myths but the culture that influenced them
Wear jewelry dedicated to them (bonus if you have that deity enchant them with protection)
Share meals with them
Thinking of them in passing (like “hey that thing reminds me of *insert deity*”)
Talk casually at their altars and give them an itinerary of your day
Define your relationship with that deity and refer to them accordingly (if its a more formal/in reverence, use a formal title. if it’s warm/personal, use an affectionate name.)
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royal-wren · 3 months
Popular animals that are sacred to/associated with Hellenic Deities
Horse Girls Horses: Athene, the Anemoi, Artemis, Demeter, Dioskouri, Enodia, Eos, Hekate, Helios, Hemera, Hera, Hermes, Nyx, Poseidon, Selene, *Zeus, starred because his only ties to horses really only have to do with the Anemoi when they take the form of horses.
Snakes: Agathos Daimon, Apollon, Ares, Artemis, Asklepios, Athene, Demeter, Dionysos, Eryines, Gaia, Haides, Hekate, Hermes, Hestia, Hygeia, Persephone, Rheia, Tykhe, Zeus
Bees: Aphrodite, Apollon, Aristaios, Artemis, Demeter, Dionysos, Gaia, Hekate, Hermes, the Nymphai (the Meliai and Thriai as the Melissai specifically but all are connected to bees), Pan, Persephone, Rheia, Zeus
Boars/Pigs: Artemis, Athene, Ares, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hestia, Hermes
Lions: Aphrodite, Artemis, Hekate, Hera, Hermes, Kybele, Rheia
Dogs: Ares, Artemis, Enodia, Haides, Hekate, Hephaistos, Hermes, Pan
Cows/Bulls: Apollon, Artemis, Demeter, Dionysos, Helios, Hera, Hermes, the Pleiades and Hyades (as Taurus), Poseidon, Selene, Zeus
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