#henry mills meta
jessmalia · 10 months
You don’t have a show without Henry Mills. Emma might be the main character, but Henry is the heart of the show (he has the heart of the truest believer!!! it’s right there!!!). Every single character is irrevocably tied to him. He changed everyone’s lives and gave them the opportunity to change each other’s lives. He gave Emma a family. He gave Regina redemption. He delivered Rumple to his son. He gave David and Snow their daughter back. He was the reason behind Emma and Neal’s relationship and the good thing that came out of it. He healed Neal by giving him the opportunity to break the cycle of neglecting father/son relationships. Killian redeemed himself from his mistreatment of Baelfire by Henry allowing him to take a stepfather role in his life. The text says Emma broke the first curse, but Henry is really 99,9% responsible for it, thereby giving every single citizen of Storybrooke their lives back. Regina’s love for him broke the second curse. He was the one who got them out of the Heroes and Villains story. He’s descended from the Enchanted Forest but was born and raised in our world, making him the bridge between them. He did the impossible when, for just one second, he made the people of our world believe in magic and reunited his family again. Once Upon A Time is a show that operates around fate and Henry is the person who ties everyone’s red strings together. He is quite literally the center of their universe. He is The Author. He is the truest believer. It’s been there all along.
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
i think one of the biggest let downs for me in ouat was the daily mirror (honestly my own fault for thinking too hard). i'm sure that this has been said a hundred times but i feel so much about it.
not to be captain of the obvious, but within the very first few episodes of season 1 the major power structures in storybrooke are established: mayor's office, sheriff's station, mr gold's shop, and the daily mirror. prior to emma's arrival as the saviour, all of these uphold regina's reign.
then over the course of the first season (with exception), you see the figureheads of these establishments lose their position some way or the other. graham dies early in the series, sidney glass loses his job and then gets arrested, and this all cumulates in the finale of season 1 and the beginning of season 2, where everyone's got their memories back and regina, while not formally losing her position as mayor, but does face the backlash of the entire town. gold is a notable exception to this since the writers always intended for him to be a major player, but it only takes him til season 3 to no longer own his shop cause he died, and then again in season 4 when he's banished.
but beyond this, everyone regina had in her pocket was replaced by someone on emma's side. emma herself takes over the role of sheriff when graham dies and that's where we see the first crack in the foundation of regina's authority. belle becomes the owner of the shop both times gold is indisposed. i'd like to reiterate for regina that while she never formally loses the role, david acts as a stand in during early season 2 to fill in that leadership role over the general town, and then in season 3 we see snow become mayor in title for a time (whatever happened to that plot...?)
circling back to the start, the only one that is never replaced is sidney in the daily mirror, which arguably should be the most important role to fill post breaking the curse since meta wise, the magic mirror is the evil queen's most iconic henchman, more than the huntsman ever was. additionally, i'm a very big fan of free press. it's SO influential and could have played a much bigger role in storybrooke. sidney had clearly been replaced, given we still see newspapers throughout the seasons, but i just wish something more could have been done with it.
my number one nomination AND expectation was that this was gonna be a slowburn of sorts to build up henry as he grew up over the series. not only would it be perfect for the obvious reason of henry's subsequent author storyline, but there would be something delicious about regina's most loyal confidant eventually being replaced by her own son. something it being some kind of foil, where instead of the loyalty being built upon obsession and coercion and control, it's built on mutual respect and love and trust. which would then ALSO tie in very nicely to the ending of season 6 when regina becomes mayor again, and of course her and emma are allies.
i assumed that this was pretty much confirmed during the whole author storyline, and that the second he became working age in the usa (forgive me idk what it is) he would start an internship at the daily mirror and eventually work his way up to becoming the most high profile journalist in storybrooke. season 5 touched on the author plotline nicely tho i wish we could have gotten a little something more. season 6 came and went, and if it touched on anything, it was so minor that i don't remember it.
this is probably what makes it most painful to me that SEASON 7 of all seasons was the closest (and yet simultaneously also the furthest) from achieving this. yes, his journey through the realms is important, but arguably defining his writing ability in season 7 to a novel of what he thought was completely imagined, serves almost the same purpose as the storybook from seasons 1-6, but undermines him and does a disservice to him. the whole podcast subplot was close but because this was seattle and not storybrooke, and so it's not a one for one replacement of sidney with henry.
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darkpoisonouslove · 11 months
Hi! For the ask game. For your delightful Shadow Queen fic, Breakfast, how do you think Regina's relationship with Facilier developed over time from the point where your fanfiction diverged from canon to the story itself?
Edit: OH, MY FUCKING GOD! I just noticed this was in the queue. I thought I posted it. So sorry for that! I definitely was not ignoring this ask! I've had it written since August 30th. I don't know what happened.
Hi! Glad you like the fic!
To be fair, I don't really have anything deep about him (obviously) deciding to abandon his quest for power in favor of his relationship with Regina. I was kind of riding on the proof in the show that he would put Regina and her feelings over everything else. His interest in the dagger was completely unmotivated and I think they just had it as a built-in setup for killing him off. I imagine the idea was that he was somehow tempting Regina into her old patterns of wanting everything and reverting to villainy (much the same as Rumple manipulating her for the better part of her life, especially since Facilier was practically Rumple 2.0) except that that went nowhere because he was just So. Good! for her. I'm really not sure what happened in the writers' room but anyway, my idea with the story was just "axe the moment of Facilier's death because it was stupid (and more than questionable) and from there it will all happen naturally since the dagger is also gone once Rumple dies". Those were pretty much the only obstacles between them and with them removed, I really think that the two of them would have been a couple.
I wish I could give a more detailed answer but, truly, Facilier had so little screen time and development that we are completely in the dark on his story or his motives. Instead, I just rolled with him being written as total husband material. You know, I am willing to entertain the idea that there might have been some need to process emotions and heal from Robin's death on Regina's side simply for the realization that the universe sent her Facilier after Daniel's death and then returned him to her after Robin's death. Almost as if they were meant to be together (btw, I have a sort of meta/kinda rewrite about the whole soulmate story with Robin that would bridge canon and this nicely but I'll have to work on it some other time) and help her find herself again when she feels like she's lost in grief.
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middlemistcs13 · 2 years
So I actually wrote something again! #huzzah. This is based off the prompt on Tumblr by novelbear. Thanks for the prompt lists, they finally inspired me to write again :).
Any and all feedback is appreciated and welcome, as this is only my second fic posted in quite some time. Also on AO3 if that's more your speed.
Warning ⚠️: this one is angsty, and set during 5×11 (Swan Song - after Killian is killed with Excalibur). If angst isn't your thing, I completely understand and hope you have a lovely rest of your day. If captain swan angst is your thing, read on!!
Prompt: holding onto a stuffed animal/pillow, imaging that it’s their lover in their embrace instead
By: @novelbear on Tumblr
Emma isn’t sure how long her parents let her stay there on the ground, her fingers pressed into the cold Earth, trying-and failing- to ground her in some way. Henry had clutched onto her and wept with her some time ago before Regina took him home for the first “safe” night in Storybrooke since returning from Camelot. As if Emma would have ever hurt Henry, Dark One or not. Snow and Charming take turns holding her and rubbing her back soothingly, but Emma isn’t sure if she will ever be soothed again. The pain radiated from the center of her, expanding into every crevice of her body and every fiber of her being. Finally, her mother eased her up from the ground, having to almost pull her from where she was crouched on the wet grass. Emma can’t feel the dampness of her jeans- only the empty feeling in her chest and the intense aching through her bones.
“Why don’t you stay with us tonight, Emma?” Snow asks softly, as if speaking too loud will somehow make the situation worse. Nothing could make this worse, Emma thinks bitterly.
“I don’t know Mom” Emma starts.
“Emma, it’s just been so long since we’ve been able to have you for the night, and we don’t want you to be alone right now,” Charming speaks up.
“No amount of people in a room is going to make me feel any better Dad,” Emma utters, holding back more tears. God, how could she possibly cry this much?
“We can stop by your place and pack a bag,” Snow suggested, hoping Emma would change her mind.
“Mom, I just- I just don’t think I can do it tonight. He never lived there, but it was supposed to be our home. I just want to be there tonight. I can call if I need you.” Emma said.
“But Emma, you’ve been alone for weeks now, honey,” Snow urged.
“I know!” Emma shouts, stopping in the middle of the street and startling herself and her parents. “Don’t you think I know that? Don’t you think I am acutely aware of how alone I’ve been? It’s all my fault, Mom! All my fault! If I would have just done everything differently- he would still- he would…” Emma’s voice breaks and the hot, salty tears again make their way down her cheeks. “Killian- Killian would be okay, and he would be here with me. But he’s not, and it’s all my fault. And I just need to sit with that for a little bit.” David envelopes his daughter in his arms as she whimpers into his shoulder.
“Alright Emma, we’ll be by to check on you in the morning, alright?” Her Dad said as they approached her giant, empty, depressing house. Emma nodded numbly, already dreading the night- and the rest of her life- without him. She gave each of her parents a brief hug, and David kissed her forehead before she trudged up the steps and disappeared into the house.
Emma stopped in the foyer, observing her house, knowing it was supposed to be theirs. He picked it out for you, Emma reminded herself. She glanced at the entrance to the living room from the foyer, where Killian learned his fate as a Dark One. Zelena, Emma thought miserably. She ruined it all. Emma had it all under control until Zelena.
Emma pushes on through the house, trudging up the stairs. Each step feels like a thousand pounds are pushing down on her, and Emma isn’t quite sure how she makes it up the stairs. She stands in front of her bedroom door and takes a shaky breath before pushing the door open. The wood slowly creaks open, something that sends a shiver down Emma’s spine. The wooden creak reminds her of him, of his ship. How will she ever live or breathe again without feeling the weight of the guilt and pain of losing him? He’s dead because of you, Emma reminds herself harshly.
She slowly strips off her clothes- first her boots, then she peels her wet jeans down her legs. She slips her socks off and gently lays her red leather jacket on the rocking chair in the corner of the bedroom. She strips herself of her cream sweater- it somehow still smells faintly of him. She lays that in the chair as well, before unhooking her bra and opening a dresser drawer. She lets her fingers run over the fabric in the drawer, before selecting a soft gray t-shirt to sleep in. She pulls the shirt over her head over Killian’s ring, before drawing the covers of her bed back, and crawling into it.
Emma’s exhausted- she hasn’t slept in actual weeks due to her predicament as the Dark One. Despite the exhaustion creeping onto every muscle in her body, Emma’s sure she won’t be able to sleep. Hell, she can’t imagine ever sleeping peacefully again. She thought she would toss and turn in the bed, but the mental and physical exhaustion nearly paralyze her. As she lays in the middle of the mattress, Emma reflects how this was supposed to be their bed, their bedroom, their home. He picked it out for her, but she ruined it all.
He never got to enjoy it with her. Their future is over. It never even started.
She hears gasping breaths echoing in the bedroom and realizes she’s sobbing again. The deep, weeping sobs wrack her body, and she reaches blindly for an extra pillow. She pulls the pillow into her embrace, squeezing it with all the strength she has left. Emma brings her knees closer to her midsection, locking the pillow in her grasp. After several minutes of deep, shaky breaths, Emma clutches the pillow closer to her chest, hoping that the pillow will somehow be him- will somehow ease the pain that will never go away. Her last thought before her eyes drift shut, destined for fitful sleep, is of Killian, telling her that he loves her. She hopes when she wakes up that the nightmare will be over, even though she knows this is only the beginning.
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wicked-storybrooke · 2 years
Does Every Magic User in Ouat have Innate Magic?
I think magic in Once Upon a time can either be innate, gifted or taught. I've always headcanoned that Zelena inherited her magic and risk of turning green from her biological father's side. And at the same time, Regina offered to teach Henry magic in 2x02. I don't think Emma or Rumple's brand of magic is inheritable as Rumple was cursed and Emma has magic because she is the project of true love. Unless Regina suspected that Emma and Henry's father were true loves, she must have been aware that magic can be taught to just about anyone.
It seems that those with innate magic are generally more powerful. Zelena, Elsa, Ingrid and Anastasia Tremaine are considered to be very powerful, for example. And Alice Jone's wish magic and ability to create life from nothing have potentially limitless possibilities. The exceptions to this rule, according to dialogue within the show are Rumple, Pan and Merlin, all of which were either gifted or cursed as opposed to being taught.
One day my lifelong superpower-obsessed self is gonna make that series of posts analysing each character's abilities and ranking them, darn it!
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huntdaughter · 1 year
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ava gretel zimmer-tillman + tv tropes
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beautifulhigh · 1 year
someone on twitter had said that the polo scene was not well done because of the bagpipes and how the scenes were shot, and thats when I realized I need to get off fan twitter lol- the bagpipes matches the thrill/intensity/energy/primal feelings, and it was just so fricking awesome..you know i think ppl dont talk about the polo scene because its just so perfect, what else can you add (so thank you for dissecting it). my fave part was they got the music to time with henry's butt bouncing on the horse (haaa!!!) and the movements in the tackroom... it was like done with sexiness in mind but also WELL DONE.
Oh the editing was definitely done to match the beat of the music - you can tell that some shots have been sped up to suit. And for me that's part of the scene's appeal. This isn't like Paris, this isn't like Alex's bedroom. This is fast and passionate and desperate and fuelled with want.
I said in the meta that the polo scene was February/March at the earliest but it's feasible that it's in April... whatever time it happened it has been weeks since these horny young men got their hands on each other and they only have a short period of time to, well, get their hands on each other. We saw it in the book - even though there it takes place in Connecticut:
“Hey, isn’t there, uh, a thing?” Alex says. “You needed to. Uh. Show me?” Henry looks at him, glances at the dozens of millionaires and socialites milling around, and back at him. “Now?” “It was a four-and-a-half-hour car ride up here, and I have to go back to DC in an hour, so I don’t know when else you’re expecting to show it to me.” Henry takes a beat, his eyes flickering to the cameras again before he switches on a stage smile and a laugh, cuffing Alex on the shoulder. “Ah, yes. Right. This way.”
Alex literally did a nine-hour round road trip in the book, and a trans-Atlantic flight in the movie to hook up with Henry and that is very valid of him on both counts.
So yeah. It's going to be fast and frantic and over way too soon for a variety of reasons. And the fact that they placed about with the playback speed to reflect that is just A+ editing. Nick Moore, you get a cookie for that.
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strangesmallbard · 2 years
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scentedflowersong · 2 years
A Swen’s Guide to the Into the Story-Verse Alternate Realities
Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome to another entry of our guide where we explore the 6 alternative realities presented in the latest addition to the Swan-Mills Saga by the ever so marvellous @swanqueeneverafter​
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Today we'll take a look at the second to last reality, and that is...
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!!!SPOILER ALERT!!! plotlines below the cut
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Code name: Epsilon Reality
First appearance: chapter 26
Set: our world/the land without magic, unknown time period (presumably present/parallel to the main timeline)
Fixed by: a true love’s kiss between Emma and Regina in chapter 39
Epsilon Reality presents the toughest nut to crack when it comes to getting Emma and Regina together. Thank goodness Root and Shaw are there to aid them.
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The storyline follows Regina Mills, a spoiled daughter of wealthy parents - Cora having her long fingers dipped nearly everywhere. For someone who has everything, Regina sure as hell isn’t having the time of her life, as she’s forced into proposing to her “girlfriend” Cruella by Cora.
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Enter Emma Swan, a janitor employed in one of Cora's company’s buildings and an aspiring novelist. Emma’s world is turned upside down when her manager fires her, her girlfriend, Ruby, tells her she is leaving her AND she’s also getting evicted from her apartment, all in the course of 24 hours.
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Emma storms into Cora’s office with a gun to demand her job and life back. Since Regina is also in the office at the moment, Emma takes her on as hostage. Regina is not the easiest hostage to work with, to say the least. The couple soon enough finds themselves in an abandoned cabin in the woods.
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After a visit from a nosey neighbour - during which Regina saves their asses with a brilliantly meta cover story - and a hundred failed attempts at ransom calls to Cora, Emma and Regina go to a local bar and give the patrons a show to remember, with a grand finale - their first kiss (and needless to say, it doesn’t end there).
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Meanwhile, Root and Shaw get themselves hired as killers for hire by Cora, so they can keep an eye on SQ. When Emma and Regina arrive to pick up the required ransom money the next day though, things don’t go according to plan, when Root and Shaw try to put SQ through “jeopardy” so that their feelings for one another come to the surface. However, since both, Emma and Regina, are stubborn asses, the jeopardy doesn’t make them confess anything.
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On the contrary, Regina now bold from her experience decides to rob a bank with a gun stolen from Shoot. The robbery goes surprisingly smoothly (if you don’t count Regina holding Emma at a gunpoint) until a security guard shoots at them - Emma taking the bullet in the thigh. When Emma comes to, she finds herself in Cruella’s house, and Regina and Cruella are much too cosy with one another for her liking. She and Regina leave Cruella’s place, however they fight on their way away and part ways.
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To get them back together, Shaw writes a love poem in Emma's handwriting and sends it to Regina, who doesn’t waste any time to come to a diner where Emma started working and tell Emma that she has won her heart with the poem. Sadly, Emma being an idiot tells Regina she didn’t write the poem. Brokenhearted Regina leaves the diner only to be kidnapped by Cora and Cruella.
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Cora also arranges an electroshock therapy for Regina, which results in the seeming taming of the woman, but in actual fact brings Regina back the memories of her “other self”. Nevertheless, Regina agrees to go through with the wedding.
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Henry Sr gets his space to shine in this reality as it is he who actively searches for Emma and convinces her to crash the wedding, which she does in a spectacular fashion with the help of Root and Shaw. Regina, now with all her memories, and Emma get married and share a true love’s kiss just as they jump on a train to their happily ever after.
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You might also want to get a shot to A Life Less Ordinary :)
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fieryncbles · 2 years
Muse list
17 Again
Mike O'Donnell
The Big Bang Theory
Amy Farrah Fowler
Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz
Leonard Hofstadter
Mary Cooper (Young Sheldon non-compliant)
Sheldon Cooper
Boston Legal
Alan Shore
California Solo
Lachlan MacAldonich
The Catch
Rhys Griffiths
Curtain Call
Stevenson Lowe
The Devil Wears Prada (film)
Miranda Priestly
Nigel Kipling
Emily Charlton
Andrea "Andy" Sachs
Doctor Who
3rd Doctor
5th Doctor
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
Donna Noble
Martha Jones
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
River Song
Clara Oswald
Jenny (the Doctor's daughter)
Josephine "Jo" Grant
Mary Ashe (from "Colony in Space")
Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
Mike Yates
TenToo (a.k.a. Meta-Crisis Doctor a.k.a. Handy a.k.a. Dr John Smith)
Sheen!Master (my original incarnation of Master)
TARDIS (Idris)
FRIENDS (now over at @centralperkfamily)
Rachel Green
Chandler Bing
Monica Geller
Carol Willick-Bunch
Phoebe Buffay
Joey Tribbiani
Robert Morrison
Fools Rush In
Alex Whitman
Good Omens
Adam Young
Anathema Device
Gabriel / Jim
Madame Tracy (Marjorie Potts)
Archagel Michael
Newton Pulsifer
Barbara Kean (canon divergent)
Edward Nygma & the Riddler (canon divergent)
Fish Mooney
Oswald Cobblepot aka The Penguin (canon divergent)
Hamish Macbeth (TV)
Hamish Macbeth
Isobel Sutherland
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ginevra "Ginny" Weasley
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Nymphadora Tonks
Molly Weasley
Arthur Weasley
Severus Snape
Narcissa Malfoy
The Last Enemy
David Russell
Mamma Mia
Donna Sheridan
Sophie Sheridan
Rosie Mulligan
Sam Carmichael
Harry Bright
Bill Anderson
Morning Glory
Becky Fuller
Mike Pomeroy
Colleen Peck
Lenny Bergman
Once Upon A Time
Alice Jones / Tilly
Wish!Hook / Rogers
Emma Swan
Regina Mills / the Evil Queen / Roni
Zelena Mills / Wicked Witch / Kelly
Cora Mills
Henry Mills
Lucy Mills
Snow White / Mary Margareth Blanchard
Prince Charming / David / David Nolan
Nova / Astrid
Dreamy / Grumpy / Leroy
Cruella De Vill
Lily Page
Operation: Endgame
Pretty in Pink
Steff McKee
Prodigal Son
Ainsley Whitly
Jessica Whitly
Martin Whitly
Malcolm (Whitly) Bright
Dr Edrisa Tanaka
Eve Blanchard
Dani Powell
Gil Arroyo
Nicholas Endicott
Stargate (1994 movie)
Dr Daniel Jackson
Stargate: Universe
Dr Nicholas Rush
Chloe Armstrong
Dr Amanda Perry
The 51st State
Felix DeSouza
The Adventurer: The Curse of the Midas Box
Captain Will Charity
The Good Fight
Roland Blum
Maia Rindell
The Passengers
Arthur, The Android
The Smurfs (Film Series)
Grace Winslow
The Stick-up
John Parker
The World Is Not Enough
Victor "Renard" Zokas
There's Only One Jimmy Grimble
Eric Wirral
Twilight (Film Series)
Aro Volturi
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jobsunisanta · 2 years
Teoria Geral da Administração
Também conhecida como TGA, a teoria geral da administração é o conjunto de conhecimento a respeito das organizações e do processo de administrá-las, sendo composta por princípios tendo objetivo de máxima eficácia e eficiência, tomando decisões e o controle sobre ações dos indivíduos gerando produtividade e lucro.
Administração é um processo distinto, que consiste no planejamento, organização, atuação e controle, para determinar e alcançar os objetivos da organização pelo uso de pessoas e recursos.
Ela é a junção dos recursos materiais, recursos financeiros, recursos humanos, recursos sobre as informações administrada de uma maneira eficiente para que a gente sempre consiga alcançar uma meta da organização, ela é sempre, uma caixa de ferramenta em uma tomada de decisão.
As empresas precisam ter suas funções, como planejar, organizar, dirigir e controlar, tendo assim uma visão de longo prazo criando novas estratégias para alcançar novos objetivos, pensando no que a empresa possa vir a fazer no futuro isso é o planejamento.
Organização: Como a empresa vai ser estruturada fisicamente quais vão ser os departamentos financeiros, compras, quantos funcionário que essa empresa vai precisar.
Direção conduzir e motivar os empregados, estabelecer comunicação e dentre outros.
 Controle: Cabe a empresa medir o desempenho, perceber se a empresa precisa ou não reorganizar questões em todo âmbito.
Evolução do pensamento administrativo
Começou com Adam Smith ele trouxe o primeiro princípio da especialização ao invés de um funcionário fazer toda a etapa de um processo produtivo ele poderia fazer uma só etapa ele também trás a etapa da divisão do trabalho, ou seja, o funcionário deveria fazer apenas uma função.
James Mill contribuiu para o conceito da administração, ele começa a trazer o estudo de tempos e movimentos ele cronometrava quanto tempo o funcionário demorava pra fazer de uma etapa até a outra para saber o tanto que ele poderia otimizar qual seria o tempo médio e como poderia  melhorar o movimento desse funcionário.
David Ricardo ele trouxe o conceito de trabalho, capital, renda, produção, preço e mercado ele define tudo isso hoje que nós conhecemos como as pontes e as funções do lucro ele começa a tratar isso dentro do ambiente empresarial pensando na gestão da empresa e também do conhecimento.
Abordagem Clássica da administração:
Teoria clássica ela é dividida em duas outras teoria a primeira é a teoria da administração científica que foi desenvolvida por Frederick W. Taylor um pouco depois segue os trabalhos de Henry Fayol a contribuição desses dois pensadores trouxeram e começaram a pensar na administração enquanto ciência, antes deles nós tínhamos a administração como parte da economia, como parte de regras públicas, nunca estudada como uma ciência ou separada dentro de um contexto institucional de modo que ela possa ser analisada individualmente.
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swanqueensalad · 3 years
an unnecessary analysis of regina & rocinante
ok it’s sad about regina mills hours and i love making myself sadder so can we take a minute to think about the fact regina was told to sacrifice the heart of the thing she loves most and her instinctive first response was her horse. 
Not her father, the only actual human member of her family. She has always loved her father and been very close to him - enough to name her son after him - but her first thought, above all else, when asked ‘what do you love the most’ is her horse. 
Why Not Henry? 
First of all, I just want to dip into why she didn’t initially think of her father, because he does seem like the obvious answer. Partially, it could be that she was denying it because she couldn’t let herself consider killing him if she didn’t have to.
But I think there is another layer to it, and that’s that her father might have been all the love she had for a long time, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t resentment there, too. Her entire childhood, Henry Sr stood witness to Cora’s abuse and did nothing. Sure, he was powerless and his wife was a heart-ripping sorceress, but a six year old Regina didn’t know that. All she would have been taught was that Mother hurts her sometimes, and Daddy can’t help. He could comfort her afterwards, sure, but that is not the same thing as protecting your child. 
Then we have her marriage. Regina was very vocal about the fact she did not want it - not that she had to be, she was literally a traumatised eighteen year old engaged to an elderly stranger. There’s a flashback in 2x02 where Regina is literally crying to Henry, and we have this frankly painful exchange:
Regina: I don’t want to marry the king! I’ve told you that!”
Henry Sr: ‘Are you certain it isn’t just cold feet?’
Regina: ‘This is not cold feet, this is insanity!’
She has clearly expressed her distress to him before and been disregarded and is visibly upset. To dismiss his young daughter’s fear as ‘cold feet’ seems extremely insensitive and downright gaslight-y. I personally don’t think he means any harm by it - I think it’s just his own way of trying to shepherd her into convincing herself the situation is more normal and less scary than it is, but obviously, it totally misses the mark. Maybe it’s just too painful for him to admit just how fucked up his daughter already is, because he knows his inability to protect her enabled it. But whatever his reasoning, Regina is not validated or heard. 
After this, Regina says she feels like she’s going crazy and Cora is turning her into her. Once again, Henry tries to brush this off by telling her Cora only wants her to have a good life. Regina says, once again, she doesn’t want her life and only then does Henry actually give his daughter some real information, when she asks about Rumplestiltskin. (However, it’s Regina who takes that info and decides to seek him out for help, Henry has no hand in helping.) 
Regardless, Regina marries Leopold - a guy about his own age - and suffers, and Henry stands by and watches. 
I also do think the reason Henry stands by Regina even when she is at her absolute worst, darkest, most awful Evil Queen state is because he knows he more than owes it to her, knows it is the least he can do when he stood back and allowed it all to happen. He might have given her cuddles and as much comfort as he could, empty or otherwise, but he never did anything else. He has been loving and comforting, but in a practical sense, useless. 
And I think deep down Regina has to have some resentment for that. She loves her father, but he is sort of removed from the realities of her life. He is someone who appears on the edges, to occasionally give comfort, who also brings up a lot of repressed sadness and past memories in her. And so it’s a combination of that, and genuinely not being able to face the thought of killing him, that I think keeps her from immediately thinking of him for the curse. 
Regina, Rocinante and Daniel
So, the thing Regina assumes she loves most in the world is her horse. 
And if you look at her life closely, that’s a meaningful, reasonable assumption for her to make, but on more than just one level.
On the first level, Rocinante has been a comfort to her since she was very young. She was confirmed to be eighteen in The Stable Boy, and I think it’s safe to assume she had him for a while at that point. Horse riding is Regina’s favourite hobby, even before Daniel enters the scene - it’s a taste of freedom for her, an escape from her Mother and the constraints of growing up groomed for royalty, and also, it’s something she’s good at. (For a girl whose mother relentlessly criticises her in nearly every aspect of her life, that would mean a lot). Rocinante is her teammate in this tiny outlet of freedom and joy and self-confidence.
She rides Rocinante when she tries to run away before her wedding in 2x02. So she was allowed to bring him to Leopold’s castle with her when she got married - not only would he still be a source of comfort and attachment to that now extra elusive freedom, he is all she has to connect her to her childhood home. Through her horrible marriage, her lessons with Rumple, becoming the Evil Queen - her horse is her one other constant. 
But, on that second, deeper level, Rocinante is also her last tie to Daniel.
Her riding lessons with him made up the bulk of their time together. The rest of their relationship, I assume, would have been in secret moments by the stables, or maybe a few precious hours in which they could ride off somewhere more hidden together - Rocinante would have been present, and part of it.
It was literally Daniel’s job to look after Rocinante. He cared for him, fed him, and would have probably spent more time with him than Regina did. So in a way, Rocinante is a living, breathing connection to Daniel. 
To Conclude 
So when Regina is asked to thing of the thing you love most, her brain immediately jumps to Rocinante. I think this is because her love for her horse, unlike her love for her father, is not tainted by any resentment or pain. She loves her father the most, obviously, but that love goes hand in hand with a hell of a lot of enabled abuse and traumatic memories. 
Her love for her father is complex and messy, while her love for her horse is pure and sweet, a connection to the young version of herself who actually had hope for love and happiness. Her love for Rocinante is as this totally pure thing that’s been a source of escape for her all her life. 
And of course, when Regina thinks of love she thinks of Daniel. Until Henry (baby) comes into her life, Daniel is the only real, unconditional, ‘perfect’ love she’s ever known. And Rocinante is her last connection to that. So that’s where her mind goes. 
So yeah. Fuck Rumple when he made fun of her for that, actually.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Your opinion on Regina's happy ending in ouat? Do you think it was good or not? Do you think she get everything she wanted/deserved? Would you've change something if you could?
TL;DR: I intensely dislike it because it made no narrative sense.
If you really look at it closely, the ending is, first of all, problematic. They showed Regina making the decision of one last Curse to unite the realms on her own and they never implied that she consulted any of the people from those realms if they agreed with this. I mean, sure, it would make sense that people would support this decision but I don't believe for a second that it would be accepted unanimously with no complaints. It's the same issue from season 2 when all the characters were super set on going back to their old land even though the new one they were in provided way more conveniences and opportunities. Everyone acted like a hive mind and that wasn't believable there and it's not believable in season 7 either. Which makes it problematic because Regina is once again making people (who were against the union of all realms) miserable through the Curse. On the surface it seems like a nice contrast to the beginning of the show when she cursed people to be separated and miserable. But if you look closely, it's once again a decision that disregards people's opinions and agency, at least the way they showed it since they didn't take care to imply that there was general consensus in support of her last Curse.
Then there is the problem of Regina's season 7 ending being practically the same as her season 6 ending. Let's review this. In season 7 Regina is pronounced The Good Queen because she is recognized by the people of all realms as their leader who has their best interests in mind. This is completely insignificant because a) the people from other realms have not been terrorized by her (despite the "I've conquered entire realms in less time" remark and the implication that she traveled to other worlds in 6x02 because we never saw any meaningful exploration of this) aka to the people of all realms except the og EF she was never The Evil Queen and b) the point that I talked about above. So them pronouncing her The Good Queen doesn't really matter all that much, especially because she didn't do too much to help the people of Hyperion Heights but I'll get to that too. So essentially, the coronation tells us that the people of all the realms have recognized her as their queen even though she probably violated the wishes of at least some of them by casting the last Dark Curse without consulting anyone on the matter. And it also tells us that the people of Storybrooke/og EF have accepted her redemption and trust her to be their leader... which is the exact same thing that the finale of season 6 told us about Regina's arc when they showed that people now wanted her to be mayor. I am overwhelmed by the meaning packed into this coronation. That is, the lack of meaning.
Look, I do really like the idea of paralleling 1x01 with 7x22 and having the coronation for Regina as The Good Queen at the same place where she ruined Snowing's wedding as The Evil Queen and threatened with the Curse. But they did not in any way set it up properly. Regina is seen trying to help the people of Hyperion Heights... while she's Roni. While she's cursed and doesn't remember who she is. As soon as she remembers everything, her number 1 priority becomes Henry. They do try to imply she's trying to protect everyone from the Curse and Gothel's genocide plans but what they actually SHOW us is that Regina is only thinking about her family and mainly Henry. Whatever she did to help in the EF 2.0 was also because of Henry and him staying for Ella. Regina literally abandoned her responsibilities as leader of Storybrooke just to stay with Henry. Everyone trusting her to make her Queen of the United Realms in light of that seems like a very bad decision on their part. She's stated her priorities clearly and it's obvious that the people don't take the lead.
Imo her focus on Henry is extremely hurtful of her arc. The thing is that Regina became a monster because she equated her ability to love and her worthiness with Daniel. His death led to extreme self-hatred and she only saw past that once Henry came into her life. But the thing is that her sense of self-worth and self-acceptance still hinges on Henry. Season 6 tried to do something there but the writing is so bad that it was completely unsuccessful. Proof A - Regina almost sent everything to hell the second she saw Robin aka she still needs external validation of her worthiness (and the Evil Queen's happy ending being Robin also plays into that idea). Proof B - Regina abandoning all of her responsibilities to stay with Henry (and the scene where they're talking in 7x02 even spells that out when it implies that without Henry Regina isn't content with her life). She hasn't really grown regarding defining herself outside the people whose love of her she decides to build her entire sense of self-worth on. Plus, being this unable to let go of your child is not healthy.
And this brings me to Facilier being killed off. I'd say that the main reason they did that was to show that Regina has grown and doesn't need a love interest anymore to feel worthy of love and acceptance... and it fails spectacularly because, like I said, there is plenty of evidence that she still bases her entire sense of self on external validation which is further supported by their need to dub her The Good Queen instead of allowing her to be herself. Now Regina has never wanted to be queen. And frankly, I never saw her growing into it. She is all too devoted to Henry and to changing herself for his sake and for her own! She wanted to be better because she believed her happy ending would only come when she redeemed herself. And her idea of a happy ending at the time was Robin. That literally never changed. Not even after his death. And they keep stating that through her focus on Henry! Regina still needs someone in her life to make her feel worthy and loved. They kind of tried to give her that through the love of the people by making her queen but that does not feel like a natural answer to her needs.
If you ask me, they would have done much better to keep Facilier around and make her do what Belle couldn't with Rumple. They should have made her state clear boundaries and show that even though she's in love, she has truly learned goodness for goodness' sake. Then they would have demonstrated that she does not, in fact, need external validation as badly anymore and she has truly redeemed herself. And they could have given her her happy ending with Facilier because it would have been earned then. She would've proven she has found self-love and a stable moral compass and does not NEED anyone's love; she simply wants it.
So in conclusion, the ending was disrespectful not just to Regina's character, but also to all the other characters thanks to the unfortunate implications made about her lack of development. I love season 7 but when it comes to Regina's arc throughout it, they really dropped the ball (although I also blame everything that happened in season 6 for that because it established an awful foundation to build upon).
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middlemistcs13 · 2 years
@sotangledupinit Happy Holidays! Here is a little fic for my part in the CS Gift Exchange! @csgiftexchange
“The Festive Faculty Holiday Party”
Words: 6K
Rating: G
“So Killian, are you bringing your girlfriend to the faculty holiday party?”
“Beg your pardon?” Killian said.
Ashley turned around from walking out of the conference room, completely oblivious to Killian’s confusion. “Your girlfriend. The cute blonde in all of your Facebook posts. You should bring her to the holiday party. Everyone else is bringing their partners! We hardly know anything about your life Killian!”
“Oh! Uh… I’ll have to see if she can make it.” Killian said while scratching behind his ear, a tell-tale sign that he was nervous to anyone who actually knew him. Emma would know he was nervous.
“Great!” Ashley said, satisfied with his answer. “See y’all tomorrow!” She practically skipped down the empty university hallway. Killian and Belle waved their goodbyes before heading down a different hallway towards their offices.
“Killian, why didn’t you tell her the truth?” Belle inquired.
“The truth?” Killian scoffs. “Oh Ashley, sorry to disappoint, but the lovely blonde woman in several photos on my Facebook is not actually my girlfriend, just my best friend who I happen to have a crush on and we spend most nights together and I watch her son when she’s running late from work but she is oblivious to my feelings. So no, I don’t have a girlfriend and I’ll be showing up to this year’s faculty holiday party as I have every faculty party since working at this University, alone. I don’t think so Belle.”
“Well what are you going to do about Emma?” Belle asked.
Killian sighs. “I suppose see if I can bribe her to come as my pretend date. I’m not sure what all I’ll have to do to convince her it’s just fake.”
“Well, and I know I am being quite the romantic here, but you could always ask her out, like for real. This doesn’t have to be fake Killian. I am not nearly as close with Emma as you are, but I know she cares about you. She just might not know how because she’s scared. I mean the two of you practically raise her son together. I know you would do anything for Henry, and so does Emma. A few months ago you literally saved his life. I don’t think there’s much Emma wouldn’t do for you either. Maybe you should just ask?” Belle suggested.
Killian felt hope grow in his stomach, maybe those were just butterflies thinking about the possibility of actually dating Emma. He had known her for nearly two years since she moved into the apartment next to his. He had seen a couple helping her move in, and then a few days later he saw her again but she was trying to get a mattress into her apartment by herself. Killian, ever the gentleman, introduced himself and helped her get the mattress up the stairs and into her apartment. He ended up spending the rest of the afternoon helping her around her new apartment- putting together her bed frame, setting up her TV, helping her hang things on the walls- the works.She ended up asking if he wanted some pizza for his hard-work, which he accepted as a way to continue to hang out with the intriguing woman who was now his next-door neighbor.
He saw her a few times after that outside their apartments or on their patios, but their friendship actually began when she knocked on his door one evening asking if he wanted cookies. She looked like she had been crying, and he quickly ushered her into his apartment, hoping she would open up to him.
“You didn’t have to let me into your apartment, I was just going to give you the tray of cookies” she had said sheepishly.
“Nonsense love, you look like you could use a shoulder to cry on.” Killian had said. At her raised eyebrow, he clarified, “Well, you’re something of an open-book love, and I can tell something is on your mind. I would love nothing more than to listen to whatever is ailing you.”
She sniffled before mumbling something Killian couldn’t quite make out. “Beg pardon?” he said.
She took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes, before blurting out that she was pregnant.
“Oh, and the baby’s father?” Killian had asked, dreading the answer.
“Doesn’t know. It was my ex- the one I moved away from when I moved here. He already has a new girlfriend from what I’ve heard, and we broke up long before there was a baby involved. I made cookies because my foster mom always used to make cookies when something was upsetting us. It makes me feel better most of the time, but I didn’t want to sit in my apartment with three dozen cookies thinking about how I’m all alone and pregnant anymore, which is how I ended up here. Sorry to bother, I just-” Killian interrupted her with a hug, inhaling her eucalyptus shampoo and the slightly cinnamon-essence of Emma.
They became fast friends after that. He learned about her upbringing- her parents abandoned her off the side of the highway in the middle of nowhere Maine. She bounced around from foster home to foster home, similar to he and Liam once they were in the States after their father abandoned them. She was finally adopted by a woman named Ruth, and Emma gained an adoptive brother, David, whom she worked with. She also has David’s wife, Mary Margaret, who Emma claims has always been more of a mom to her than a sister-in-law. Besides the three of them, Emma didn’t have any family. And besides Liam and Elsa, Liam’s wife, Killian didn’t have any family either. Though Emma was scared of trusting people and being abandoned, somehow she let Killian in, and Killian couldn’t be more grateful. He was by her side through her pregnancy, and was even the one who drove her to the hospital and stayed with her through the birth of her son, Henry. Killain’s schedule as a university history professor was much more reliable and consistent than Emma’a job as a police detective for NYPD, so sometimes Emma would call him in a panic needing someone to relieve Henry’s babysitter because she caught a case. Killian was more than happy to step in and watch Henry, and he and Henry formed quite a close bond.
“So, do you have anything going on on the evening of December 13th?” Killian asked Emma that evening while making dinner in her apartment.
“Hmm, I mean I don’t think we have any plans because the Christmas gathering at David and M’s is on the 24th and it’s not like I have other family to have plans with.” Emma said while adjusting Henry in his baby rover as the packaging called it. “I mean I figure you and I will hang out between now and Christmas because you get off soon for the holidays right?”
“Yeah, on the 13th actually is when we finish. The faculty have a holiday party to celebrate the end of the semester every year, and I am going to go obviously because I always go and well Belle and Graham are going to be there and-”
“Killian, you’re rambing. And you’re scratching behind your ear. What’s wrong?” Emma interrupted.
“Wow you are quite the detective love” Killian laughed nervously.
“Killian.” Emma said more sternly.
“I was wondering if you would go with me. To the holiday party I mean. Everyone always brings their partner and this will be my seventh year at the University and I have never brought anyone. Some of my colleagues were nagging me about it, and it was assumed that I had a girlfriend. A girlfriend who I was bringing. To the holiday party. A blonde girlfriend who happens to appear in quite a few of my Facebook photos.” Killian spilled nervously, going back to mixing the rice and meat concoction for his and Emma’s quesadillas. “It would be fake, I just need you to pretend. It’s just for the evening Emma, but if you feel uncomfortable, then you don’t have to do it.”
Killian missed the disappointment in Emma’s eyes as he clarified the evening being a fake date as he was busy with dinner, but he was relieved when she agreed. “Of course I’ll go with you Killian. I’ll just see if David and M’s can watch Henry for the evening and we should be all set.”
Killian breathed a sigh of relief before smiling at Emma, and plating their dinner.
“What am I supposed to wear to the party?” Emma called from the bathroom where she was giving Henry a bath. Killian walked in from the living room so they weren’t yelling across the apartment.
“It’s a semi-formal evening, and something you already have should work. I don’t want you to have to purchase something new.” Killian replied.
“Well what if I want to buy a new dress? I mean I haven’t really had a formal occasion to dress up for since I had Henry and my undercover ops don’t count. I honestly don’t know if I even fit in some of my nicer dresses from before I was pregnant with Henry. Is there like a color I should keep in mind?” Emma asked while rinsing the shampoo out of Henry’s hair. Killian walked closer to the tub and bent down to play with Henry. At the sudden change in caregivers available to him, Henry squealed and ended up splashing both Emma and Killian.
“I think he wants to call you something, but he just doesn’t know what.” Emma smiled at Henry, wiping the water out of his eyes.
“Hmm?” Killian didn’t understand where she was going with the abrupt change in topics.
“Henry I mean. He’s been calling me ‘Mama’ pretty consistently in the last like two weeks, so I am sure he’s getting ready to say another word. You are the next closest to him for sure, I mean he loves you. Don’t tell M’s that, she’ll get upset.” Emma and Killian both laughed at her comment. “I think he wants to call you something, but he’s nearly 13 months old. He’s not about to call you ‘Killian’. He reaches for you every time he sees you, and he always babbles at you. I just think he doesn’t know. It’s not like he has someone else he’s calling ‘dada’ or anything. I know I’m rambling, but maybe you had something in mind for him to call you? I’ve been meaning to talk to you about it for a few days now.” Emma finished.
Killian studied Emma as she continued washing Henry. She looked genuinely nervous about bringing this up to him, and it suddenly dawned on Killian why. “Emma, love, I’m not going anywhere. You have to know that right?” Killian asked.
Emma wiped away the beginnings of tears forming and laughed nervously. “I’m just afraid, Killian. But I know you, and I know you are not going to leave right now, but-”
“Never, Emma. I am not ever going anywhere. I will always be here for you and Henry. Always.” Killian said. He watched a few tears make their way down Emma’s cheeks as she nodded, and he could tell she wanted to say something else, but he didn’t push her any farther.
“Killian told me it didn’t matter what color dress I wore to the holiday party.” Emma said, frustrated without any further instructions from Killian.
“Yeah, because Killian knows nothing about fashion and honestly could care less.” Elsa said while pulling into the shopping center. Emma asked Elsa to come with her to dress shop. Emma met Elsa a few months after knowing Killian, and the two have been close friends since.
“I guess I’ll just have to see what dresses they even have and which ones fit. I know I’m not going to wear like orange or hot pink. Probably not pink at all, it’s not really my color.” Emma said.
“I’m just excited you asked me to come! I haven’t had any “girl” time in a while between work and taking care of Liam. I swear he is so dramatic when he’s sick.” Elsa said, making both women laugh.
Two hours and four stores later, Emma came out of the dressing room finally feeling confident in her dress. Between being a larger size because of her pregnancy and low-cut skimpy looking dresses, she hadn’t had much luck and was starting to feel defeated.
“Wow, this has got to be the dress Emma! You look stunning!” Elsa exclaimed before Emma was fully out of the stall.
“Do you really think so?” Emma questioned, suddenly feeling nervous under Elsa’s gaze.
“Absolutely! Killian will have to finally ask you out on a real date after he sees you all dressed up!” Elsa exclaimed!
“I don’t want him to feel forced Elsa, that’s not why I agreed to go with him and that’s not my intention.” Emma said.
“I know that isn’t your intention Emma, but I promise you he likes you too. You guys just need to stop dancing around each other.” Elsa assured Emma.
“I don’t know Elsa. If he actually liked me more than just a friend he would have just asked me instead of making a big deal about how it was all just fake.” Emma sighed.
“He’s a bloody idiot Emma. He’s been hurt before too, and I know he thinks you don’t like him back.” Elsa said.
Emma looked skeptical. “Well do we think this dress is fine for this party?” Emma asked.
Elsa just nodded her head, knowing Emma was uncomfortable facing the truth about her and Killian.
“Alright little lad, let’s get you out of your car seat aye?” Killian said to Henry as he worked to unbuckle him from the car.
“Killian I want to put his little hat that Granny made him on!” Emma said, coming around the car to assist Killian. Although he only had one functioning hand and a prosthetic, he did a pretty remarkable job doing everything he needed for himself, and Henry.
“Alright love, I’ve got him steady so you can put his hat on.” Killian said, turning around with Henry in his arms. Henry was happily babbling and surprisingly let Emma put his hat on.
“Okay kid, let’s also get this coat zipped up. It’s freezing out here.” Emma said, blowing raspberries on Henry’s cheeks as she zipped up his small puffy coat. Henry broke out into giggles in Killian’s arms, causing Emma and Killian to join in on the laughter. They started walking towards the store, and Henry was content as could be in Killian’s arms, even snuggling his face into Killian’s neck when the wind began to blow. Henry’s cuddles amused Killian, so he started tickling the toddler who erupted into more giggles.
“Killian?!” A shrill female voice called, breaking the three out of their laughter. There was a small, petite blonde woman who stood a few feet away from them with a few shopping bags in her hands.
“Hey Tink, what brings you out to the stores today?” Killian greeted his colleague.
“Just some last minute Christmas shopping. I found out I was supposed to buy some gifts for Jefferson’s parents who are coming into town for the holidays. How about you guys? Oh, and this must be-”
“Emma! Killian’s girlfriend.” Emma interrupted the smaller woman.
“Oh Emma, nice to meet you. I’m Tink, or really Rose, but everyone calls me Tink. I work with Killian in the history department at the university. Are you coming to our faculty holiday party with Killian?” Tink asked.
“Yeah! I’m really looking forward to meeting all of Killian’s coworkers.” Emma smiled.
“And who is this little guy? I didn’t know you had a child, Killian!” Tink exclaimed.
“Oh he’s actually Emma’s son, I am-”
“Raising him as if Henry was his own. Killian’s a really stand-up guy. And Henry absolutely loves him as you can tell.” Emma interrupted. The three adults turned their eyes towards Henry, who suddenly was shy with all of the attention and turned his face into Killian’s neck once again.
“Aww, Killian, that is so sweet! And he is just adorable! You guys are so lucky to have each other!” Tink gushed.
“Yeah, we really are,” Emma said, sliding her arm around Killian’s back. Killian looked alarmed at Emma’s sudden change in behavior, but Emma just smiled to reassure him.
“Well, you two lovebirds have a great day out shopping! And I look forward to seeing you again at the holiday party Emma! Bye Killian!” Tink called, before walking away from the pair. Both Killian and Emma said their goodbyes before continuing walking towards the store.
“She’s cute,” Emma commented, finally untangling herself from Killian’s side.
“Hmm?” Killian questioned. He attempted to put Henry in the shopping cart, but Henry was not budging from Killian’s arms. Emma instead grabbed the cart as they continued on into the store.
“Tink. She’s cute. She’s friendly. She’s nice. She’s bubbly. I’m just surprised you’ve never asked her out or anything.” Emma said, fighting the jealousy she felt coursing through her veins. Killian abruptly stopped in front of Emma and the cart, causing Emma to run into him. “What?” Emma questioned his facial expression and abrupt stop.
“While Tink might be those things, she is nothing compared to you Emma.” Killian said sternly.
“What?” Emma asked, completely dumbfounded by Killian’s confession.
“Emma, surely you must know.” Killian quietly said.
“Know what? Killian, you aren’t making any sense.” Emma said, quieting her voice as well.
“You are simply stunning love, and no other woman could possibly compare to you.” Killian whispered.
“You think I’m stunning?” Emma said, holding back tears in her eyes. Emma didn’t often feel pretty or beautiful, let alone stunning. But maybe Killian telling her as if his life depended on it would make her believe that she was stunning.
“Of course love. How could you ever question such a thing?” Killian sighed, nearly exasperated that he had to spell out things about Emma that he thought were obvious.
“I mean, not a single person in my entire life has ever said anything like that to me before. And even if someone had said something remotely similar, it’s not like I trust a lot of people.” Emma said.
“Hey! Get out of the aisle! This is not a place for deep conversations! Go home for that!” A short and stout middle-aged man yelled from behind them. Upon looking at the man again, his name almost could be ‘Grumpy’ Emma mused to herself while she and Killian moved to the side of the aisle, letting the man pass. The grumpy man growled at them as he passed, which Henry tried to imitate. Both Emma and Killian apologized and tried to get Henry to stop growling, effectively breaking up their little moment. They both laughed at Henry, before continuing on their shopping trip. While neither spoke of their conversation again, it was in the back of their minds for the rest of the day.
“Yeah, we should be by to drop him off around 5:30. I’ll bring his pack ‘n play and all of his stuff so he can stay with you guys for the night, and I’ll be there to pick him up for his morning feeding tomorrow.” Emma said to David, while standing in his office at the precinct.
“Sounds great Emma. Mary Margaret and I are looking forward to some quality time with our little man.” David smiled, patting Emma on the back. She smiled and thanked him before heading out into the bullpen. It didn’t take a detective to realize that Emma and David had a special bond outside of work, but the detectives that were in their unit knew better than to comment on any conversation Emma and David had that wasn’t about a case. Emma’s partner Ruby was the only one to sometimes nag Emma over her conversations. This being the perfect time for Ruby to pry into her normally closed-off partner’s personal life. Ruby smirked at Emma as she left David’s office, and Emma just shook her head.
“Spit it out, Ruby.” Emma said with a smile.
“Dropping the little monster off at David’s? That must mean you actually have plans on a Friday night. Who are you?” Ruby teased.
“I actually do have plans on a Friday night. I know, shoot me.” Emma played along to Ruby’s questioning.
“And what might the normal home-body be doing on a Friday night that Henry can’t come and is going to stay the night at David’s?” Ruby pried.
“Going to a holiday party. You don’t really bring a one-year-old to holiday parties.” Emma said.
“Holiday party? Without David and Mary Margaret? And it’s not like we have a holiday party outside of having pizza delivered. Emma Swan, what holiday party are you going to?” Ruby asked.
“It’s with Killian’s coworkers. I get the lovely opportunity to be his ‘fake date’ for the evening.” Emma sighed, still wishing Killian would have just asked her to go with him as an actual couple.
“Oh. He didn’t ask you to be his real date?”
“No. He made himself very clear that it was just a one-time thing as his fake date since he always goes to the holiday parties alone and his coworkers mistook me for his girlfriend because I’m in some of his Facebook posts.” Emma said.
“Well, maybe it’s time you took this problem into your own hands and asked him out yourself. I mean, Killian practically fawns over you every time I have ever met the guy. And goodness knows you are head over boots for him.” Ruby said.
“Head over boots?” Emma questioned.
“We all know you don’t wear heels Emma Swan. Don’t take me for a fool.”
“Oh, well I plan on wearing heels tonight. I have no idea how that’s going to go.” Emma stated.
“Girl, you better make him swoon! Do you need help with your hair and makeup?” Ruby asked, suddenly very excited to see her partner and friend all dolled up for an evening out.
“No, I don't need any assistance. I know how to apply make-up, Ruby. I wear some every day.” Emma said.
“Alright alright, fine. You don’t need any help. But girl you better have him as your man when you come back to work on Monday!” Ruby excitedly said, before Emma’s desk phone started ringing.
“Detective Swan,” Emma answered, relieved to be through with the conversation with Ruby.
“Alright kid, I’ll see you in the morning, okay? You be good for Uncle David and Auntie M’s alright?” Emma told Henry, giving him one more kiss on the head before putting him down on the ground to toddle around. She gave David and then Mary Margaret a quick hug while thanking them again.
“You know we love watching him Emma! Go, you two have fun! Can’t wait to hear about the party over breakfast tomorrow morning!” Mary Margaret beamed.
“Breakfast? I was planning on just dropping by to pick him up.” Emma questioned.
“Oh, I figured we could go to Granny’s for breakfast so we can hear everything about how it went!” Mary Margaret exclaimed.
“Just for the record, some of us don’t want to hear everything.” David grumbled.
“David! Stop being the protective big brother! Your sister is a grown adult and can manage herself just fine!” Mary Margaret scolded David.
“Thanks M’s. And Dad, we’ll be fine. Thanks for watching Henry, but we really have to get out of here if we are going to make it on time.” Emma said, before ushering her and Killian out the door and into Killian’s car.
“Sorry he’s weird. He just worries about me since the whole being-left-alone-and-pregnant thing. I mean, he’s worried about me since Ruth adopted me when I was seventeen, but it’s gotten worse since I got knocked up.” Emma said.
“It’s alright love. I know he’s just looking out for you.” Killian smiled. Emma had been through a lot of her life alone, but Killian was glad to know she had more than himself to care about and look after Emma. They drove the rest of the way in peaceful silence, before walking into the hotel where the holiday party was being held. They got on the elevator and headed to the 13th floor, where the actual party was being hosted in the event space in the hotel. Once on the elevator, Emma threaded her arm through Killian’s and gave him a soft smile.
“I never got to tell you that you look stunning, Swan.” Killian stated.
Emma blushed, before attempting to respond. “And you look…”
“I know. And thank you again for coming tonight. I hope you can marginally enjoy yourself. I mean, at least you know Belle and Graham.” Killian said.
“Yeah.Plus I met a few of them last year at your little birthday gathering. I know it’s been a while. Also, today at work Graham seemed pretty excited that I was going with you. I think he was dreading not knowing anyone but you and Belle.” Emma said as the elevators opened.
The first person Emma recognized upon walking out of the elevator was Will, Killian’s good friend and fellow history professor. Will helped throw Killian’s birthday celebration, so Emma had met him before.
“Killian! Emma! It’s bloody fantastic to see you two here!” Will said in greeting.
“Will, good to see you.” Emma said while giving him a side-hug. “How have you been?”
The party continued as well as could be expected for both Emma and Killian. No one seemed to think the pair weren’t together, besides the few that knew it was fake- Belle, Graham, and Will. Emma met all of Killian’s coworkers through the course of the night. Killian’s least favorite colleague- Walsh, was just as stuck up and obnoxious as Killian had warned. His wife Zelena, who was a physics professor, was also particularly unpleasant. Emma met Regina, the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. They ran into Tink and her boyfriend Jefferson, and Emma didn’t feel any jealousy at seeing the woman again. Tink asked a lot of questions about Henry, which Emma was happy to talk about. Emma also met Ashley, or “Cinderella” as Killian called her. Ashley and her husband Sean were kind, and Ashley seemed particularly excited to see Emma in the flesh. Ashley promptly invited Emma and Killian to come to the New Year’s Eve party she was hosting at her apartment. There was also Lancelot, a professor who focused on the history of the Middle Ages and the Medieval Time Period. Lancelot’s girlfriend Mulan used to teach history, but now focuses on her love for sports and is the Director of Athletics at the university.
Most of the evening was spent near Belle and Graham, who is a detective in Emma’s unit. Emma had introduced Belle and Graham after meeting Belle, and she was happy to see that Belle and Graham were happy with each other. Will also hung around them for most of the evening, as he was one of Killian’s closest friends and knew Emma. Most people were drinking a decent amount of alcohol, but Emma hadn’t had more than a glass of wine, and Killian had only had a glass of rum. Will, however, was quite intoxicated by the end of the evening. He was telling stories about Killian which made Killian blush and Emma laugh. Will was so caught up in his story and his alcohol that he slipped up and blabbed about Killian’s secret love for Emma.
“Yeah, well we thought Killian had grown a pair since then, but he had to beg Emma to come as his date because he won’t be a man and actually ask her out like he wants to.” Will slurred.
“Will!” Killian scolded, quickly getting up from his chair to try and stop Will from speaking.
“He’s so in love with Emma that he can’t see that maybe-” Will started again. Killian grabbed Will and physically dragged him out of Emma’s vicinity before any more damage could be done. Emma tried to ignore Will’s comments and act natural, tuning back to Belle and Graham. Not knowing what else to talk about, Emma asked Graham about the case they had been working on. When Killian didn’t come back to the table after a while, Emma excused herself to go find him. She thought he might be at the bar, downing some rum after Will spilled Killian’s secret.
After checking the bar, Emma noticed Killian was sitting at a table out on the patio, so she went outside to join him. Emma knew he could hear her approaching- her heels were not quiet- yet he didn’t turn around. She pulled out the chair that was next to him and sat down, staring out at the New York City skyline.
“You love me?” Emma questioned quietly after several moments of silence between the pair.
“Yes.” Killian responded, just as quietly as Emma. “I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, but you and Henry mean everything to me Emma. I didn’t mean for this to go like this, I just-”
“Why didn’t you ask me out? We’ve been friends for what, nearly two years? You could have asked Killian.” Emma interrupted.
“I couldn’t risk that you didn’t feel the same. So, I have worked hard since I realized I was in love with you to pretend like I wasn’t, because I will gladly sacrifice my feelings for continuing to be friends with you and close to Henry.” Killian said with tears starting to form. He ran his hand down his face before taking a deep breath and looking at Emma. She looked surprised, and also looked like she had some tears forming.
“You traded your happiness for me?” Emma asked.
“Aye,” Killian responded matter-of-factly, nodding his head slightly to emphasize his point. Emma slowly leaned closer until her face was inches away from Killian’s, before leaning the rest of the way in and kissing Killian. After running out of breath, Emma pulled away shyly with a blush on her cheeks.
“I love you too.” Emma said simply.
“What?” Killian asked, stupefied.
“I love you, and I have spent the last two weeks wishing you would just ask me to come to this stupid party as your actual date. I don’t trust a lot of people, and I’m not good with words. But, I know that I can’t lose you like I’ve lost other people. I’ve been so afraid that you didn’t like me as more than a friend, and I was scared. But I’m not scared anymore Killian. I love you, and I-” Killian cut her off with a kiss of his own. The two embraced each other and reveled in their newfound intimacy. Eventually, the DJ of the faculty party announced that there would be one more slow song of the night, and the announcement effectively broke the couple’s passionate kiss.
“Care to dance, Swan?” Killian asked while offering Emma his hand.
“You know how to dance or whatever it is you’re supposed to do?” Emma asked.
“Of course.” Killian responded.
“Well, I’m taking off these shoes first,” Emma stated while unclasping her heels. “What am I supposed to do?” Emma asked after standing up.
“There’s only one rule: Pick a partner who knows what he’s doing.” Killian smirked. Emma blushed and smiled, but allowed Killian to dance and twirl her around on the patio.
“Hey, we have to check out a few addresses before I can get out of here. Do you think you could relieve the babysitter and watch Henry for the rest of the afternoon and evening?” Emma asked Killian over the phone.
“Of course love. I told you to let me watch him when I’m home, especially now that I’m done for the semester.” Killian replied before getting up from his chair and putting his shoes and coat on, preparing to go over to Emma’s apartment.
“I know, but just because we are dating now doesn’t mean you have to always watch Henry. He’s not your responsibility.” Emma said.
“He might not be my responsibility, but you must know that I love spending time with the lad. And watching him is not any trouble, love. I’m heading over now to relieve the babysitter. Text me when you are on your way home.” Killian replied.
“Okay, thanks Killian. I owe you big time. Love you,” Emma said. Killian smiled before telling her he loved her as well and ending the call.
Emma sighed as she made her way up the stairs to her apartment. She ended up staying an extra six hours trying to catch their perp before they finally caught him hiding out in an abandoned storefront. She smiled to herself knowing that Killian and Henry would be waiting for her once she got home. She quietly unlocked the door, making sure not to make too much noise in case Killian was putting Henry to bed or had just put him to bed. Emma heard Killian’s faint voice reading aloud upon entering her apartment, and followed his voice down the hall to Henry’s room. Both of her boys were so entranced by the book Killian was reading- “Papa, Please Get The Moon For Me”- that neither heard her standing in the doorway. She listened as Killian read, and saw Henry’s eyes start to droop. Just when Emma thought Henry was going to fall asleep, he suddenly pointed to something in the book.
“Papa.” Henry said.
“Aye lad, that is Monica’s Papa.” Killian responded, keeping Henry engaged in their conversation. Henry looked at Killian curiously for a minute before smiling wide.
“Papa!” Henry exclaimed, only he wasn’t looking at the book anymore. Henry’s sole focus was on Killian. “Papa!” Henry excitedly said again, before snuggling into Killian’s torso.
“That’s right Henry, that is your Papa. He’s the best Papa, isn’t he?” Emma said, making herself known to both Henry and Killian.
“Mama!” Henry squealed upon seeing his mother.
“Hey kid, I missed you today.” Emma greeted. Henry extended his arms asking to be picked up by Emma and she obliged, needing some Henry cuddles after her long day at work.
“Mama Mama Mama!” Henry babbled while snuggling his face into Emma’s neck.
“Yeah, Mama’s home Henry. Mama’s home.” Emma sighed, closing her eyes for a minute.
“Mama?” Henry said.
“Yeah kid?” Emma replied. Henry turned his head so he was looking at Killian before pointing at him.
“Papa. Mama, Papa!” Henry said.
“Yeah Henry, he is your Papa. You want to give Papa a few more snuggles before bedtime?” Emma said, trying to hold back tears that Henry finally called Killian by ‘name’.
“Papa Papa Papa” Henry babbled, reaching for Killian. Killian was silent through the entire interaction between Emma and Henry, but he was crying by the time Emma placed Henry back in his arms. Henry quickly snuggled up to Killian before falling asleep.
“Hey Papa. How was he?” Emma asked, letting her own tears fall freely at this point.
“He was good as always Swan. He called me ‘Papa’.” Killian said.
“Yeah, he did. And I can’t think of a more perfect title for you Killian. You know, you’ve been his ‘Papa’ in my eyes since the day you saved his life.” Emma said.
Emma had never felt fear like she did the day Killian called her, frantically informing her to meet him at the Children’s Hospital Emergency Room. Killian had thankfully been in his apartment that day, or Henry would have died. The babysitter was working on getting Henry to eat some soft foods, but turned away to cut another piece of banana and didn’t see Henry shove too much banana in his mouth. Henry started coughing, but ended up lodging a chunk of banana in his throat.
The babysitter had no idea what to do, and ran to Killian’s door with Henry, screaming for help. Killian immediately opened the door, saw Henry choking, and safely performed the Heimlich. The maneuver is different for an infant over an adult, and the babysitter didn’t have any training in the Heimlich for children. Killian, seeing the worry and stress in the babysitter’s face, told her to go home for the day and Killian assured her that he would take Henry for the rest of the day until Emma got home.
Once the babysitter left, Killian still felt uneasy about Henry in the aftermath of the choking incident. To be sure, he decided to take Henry to the children’s ER and called Emma on his way to the hospital. Emma immediately left work to go be with Henry and Killian at the hospital, and Emma was so relieved to find out that Henry was okay. Emma knew Killian had single-handedly saved Henry’s life, and she was not soon to forget it. From that day forward, Emma knew Killian would do anything for her son, and although she hadn’t actually talked to Killian about it, she began viewing Killian as Henry’s father.
“And, I know I told you a million times, but I feel like I never got to thank you, Killian.” Emma smiled. She walked over to where Killian was sitting in the rocking chair with Henry before leaning down and pressing her lips to Killian’s.
Killian smiled at her, before teasing Emma. “I could get used to that kind of thank you.”
“I’ll kiss you any time, but let’s not have another hospital incident. I don’t think I could handle it.” Emma said, stroking Henry’s soft light-brown hair. .
“Me neither love. That was one of the worst days of my life.” Killian reflected.
“Oh mine for sure. Let’s get this little man to bed and then I’ll really thank you.” Emma smirked.
“Mama Mama Mama!” was the first thing Emma heard in the morning. She rolled over to see the baby monitor and noticed Henry was contentedly babbling her name while sitting up in his crib. She looked at the time-6:45- an hour later than Henry normally slept in. It truly was a Christmas miracle. Emma quietly extracted herself from the strong arms around her torso and out of the bed so as not to wake Killian. She quietly made her way down the hallway to Henry’s nursery, where he was now babbling both “Mama” and “Papa” hoping for someone’s attention.
“Hey kid, good morning!” Emma greeted in a whispered sing-song voice.
“Mama!” Henry exclaimed as Emma lifted him out of the crib and snuggled him.
“Hey my baby. How’d you sleep?” Emma said, placing Henry down on his changing table so she could change his diaper. “Let’s get you cleaned up, huh?” Henry continued to babble to her, and Emma dutifully nodded her head along and responded to some of his more question-like babbles. After changing his diaper, Emma pulled out a new Christmas onesie from the drawer.
“I think we should surprise Papa and put your new PJs on that he got you. How about thar? Should we surprise your Papa?” Emma asked Henry.
“Papa! Papa Papa!” Henry squealed.
“Yeah, I think Papa would like that too.” Emma replied, before putting his new PJs on. Once Henry was changed and clean, Emma carried him to the kitchen to turn the kettle on the stove on to make hot cocoa in a little bit. Then, she brought Henry back down the hall towards her bedroom and lightly set Henry down on her bed just as Killian opened his eyes.
“Well good morning little lad!” Killian greeted Henry.
“Papa!” Henry squealed before crawling across the bed towards Killian. Emma and Killian smiled, still not over Henry calling Killian ‘Papa’. Emma slipped back into bed under the covers before snuggling up to her boys.
“I figured we could cuddle some before starting our big day- Henry’s second Christmas.” Emma told Killian.
“That sounds like a lovely plan, Swan.” Killian smiled before pulling Emma closer to him and Henry.
“Merry Christmas, Killian. I am so glad you are here with us.” Emma smiled.
“Merry Christmas, my love. There is no place I would rather be than right here with both of you.” Killian replied. After some babbling for attention from Henry, both adults laughed.
“Merry Christmas to you too, kid. I am so glad I get to be your Mom.” Emma said, feeling more content than she had in quite some time.
Happy Holidays @sotangledupinit !!! 🌲⛪⛄❄️☃️
I hope you enjoyed your CS Gift Exchange Fic! This was my first fanfiction that I've written in many years so hopefully it's not too bad! Hope you have a lovely New Year and have been having Happy Holidays!!
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I’m rewatching once upon a time and I actually forgot how much I hate that they made the entire first season about the fact that adoptive parents aren’t actually “real” parents, and that by making Regina the evil queen (the villain) and Emma the saviour (the good guy) they are basically saying that this woman of colour, who is a single mother who is a GOOD. MOM. who also manages to have a career on top of everything else, isn’t in any way Henry’s mom. Like??? It’s the 21st century, aren’t we past the point of needing women to be a) white b) housewives/ stay at home mothers, nvm the birth mother??? The fact that Emma thinks she has ANY right AT ALL to be a part of Henry’s life, especially when Regina actively doesn’t want her there - I’m just? Bitch no? But we all just ignore how completely inappropriate and frankly gross it is that she behaves that way because we know she’s the “good guy” and reginas “evil” so we just go along with it. And then basically the rest of the show is just Regina constantly reaffirming the fact that she loves her kid and that Henry is her son, meanwhile everyone and their mother is trying to break that relationship apart. Full offence but imo some of the writing on this show is disgusting
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ouatsnark · 5 years
Villain Hook did NOT torture Regina, the Evil Queen
Because obviously this still needs to be pointed out... as well as the hypocrisy surrounding it.
1) Regina had just thrown Hook off a cliff & left him to die.
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Gee... I’m gonna guess he wasn’t feeling too congenial towards her after she literally tried to kill him. That kind of thing kind of makes you... unsympathetic?...to people.
Also she knew demonMalificient was down there. She did expect him to die.
2) Hook left Regina to be tortured - he did not do the torturing
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Gee I don’t see a hook in this scene! Do you? So saying Hook tortured Regina isn’t exactly accurate.
Greg:  (To Hook) Look, would you mind lending me a hand? And preferably your good one?
Hook: Sorry, mate. Gonna have to say no. When you're interested in killing Rumplestiltskin and not torturing the Queen, find me. (He exits.)
Was leaving her to be tortured a jerk move? Yeah probably. But lets keep in mind the fact that she just tried to kill him. Also, he’s still a villain! And seeing that Regina is plotting to murder everyone at this very moment... she’s still a villain too. Am I supposed to care that a villain let another villain receive a little justice?
Another thing that is conveniently forgotten:
3) Regina was the villain in Greg’s story
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Why was Greg torturing Regina?
Greg: (to Regina) You see, this is how we deal with your kind. And yes, it's going to be unpleasant. Now, exactly how unpleasant—well, that depends on you. Now, where is my father?
Regina tried to keep Owen/Greg for herself. She believed she needed a child to love her in order to be happy. Owen’s father refused Regina & Owen didn’t want to stay with her, so they tried to escape. They were separated at the town line & his father was captured. Owen never saw his father again.  
I’m not saying revenge is ever the right answer but lets not pretend that Regina is an innocent woman. Regina would not have been tortured if she hadn’t orphaned Greg/Owen. And as we learn, she did kill his father.
Also, why is anyone whining over Regina getting less than what she deserved?
4) Regina Mills is a child abusing, child murdering, rapist that committed genocide
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And yes, this was rape. This is not up for debate. Graham did not have control, Regina did. And he could not make informed consent to sex with her in Storybrooke since he didn’t know who she really was or even who he was.
For more information about how this is rape - please read The Sexual Predators of Once Upon a Time.
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Regina: You aren’t the first boy or girl that I’ve sent into that…sticky sweet house. But, you are the first to emerge. And as a reward, I’ve decided to invite the two of you to live with me. Here.
So yes, these bones are just as much Regina’s victims as they are the Blind Witch’s.
This also led to Hansel & Gretel being separated from their father and left to wonder the woods alone. What a jerk!
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All these innocent people’s blood are on her hands. She ordered their execution.
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Regina destroyed Snow’s life, separated the Charmings from their daughter, tried to kill Emma as a baby and then spent two seasons trying to murder her as an adult... and why was that? Because Regina was abusing Henry and he went searching for his birth mother to save him.
Regina never apologizes or even acknowledges this. In fact right after her torture session she has the audacity to claim she’s the victim. She doesn’t acknowledge her role in Greg’s story but instead thinks that she, a mass murderer who destroyed their lives, deserves to get what she wants.
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Because you know, murderers shouldn’t have to be jailed or anything... and this is only half of the woman’s crimes! There’s even more.
Snow & David had every right to jail & execute Regina in Season 2. They knew she didn’t think twice about murdering people and she’d just tried to kill them all. Again. They know how dangerous she is.
Regina got away with all of her crimes...
5) But hey, a little torture is going too far, huh?
Conclusion: During Season 2, Regina was still a villain who was plotting to murder everyone. Hook was still a villain yet Evil Queen stans think Hook should have rushed in and saved Regina when in reality, five minutes ago, she’d just tried to kill him? That doesn’t make sense. And lastly, Greg was Regina’s victim and he had a right to want Regina to suffer.
Greg torturing Regina is the most this woman has paid for her heinous crimes.
Side notes: Fandom Hypocrisy
But while we’re on the subject lets look at some of the hypocrisy we see from the Evil Queen fandom:
1) "Hook literally tortured Emma's BFF (Regina) & they never talked about it!"
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As stated above, he didn't torture her. But I present to you Exhibit A. Emma clearly knows about Regina's just punishment & clearly doesn't care. She’s even smiling a little at the look on his face. HAH!
On a side note, Regina has never let Killian forget about leaving her to Greg because she’s incapable of owning up to her own role in things. It’s always “pity me, I’m Regina”. Notice how Killian never brings up how Regina tried to murder him or Emma & the Charmings?
I wish David could have said: "We haven't forgotten you were trying to murder all of us at the time?" But alas Regina always gets a pass.
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Exhibit B: Graham. Where is Regina's apology to Emma? Hm? Emma counts Graham as love lost. His death has had an impact on Emma’s life. But it is never discussed.
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Exhibit C: Regina actually did torture Emma. This is never talked about and Emma was forced to thank her for it!
2) “Hook never apologized to Regina for Greg torturing her!”
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Where is Regina's apology for trying to kill Killian? How about for always belittling him & disrespecting his hook? If the Evil Queen fans think he must apologize for Owen/Greg... well surely she needs to apologize to Killian? Oh. No. No. Cause she's a saint, right?
Where is Regina’s apology to Snow? And no, the Queen’s tearful apology after having some of the evil drained out of her doesn’t count! That was a cop out. It took magically draining herself of evil for Regina to regret anything? She didn’t work for it. She didn’t even truly mean it because it came via magic. That’s unacceptable. Regina’s apology should have come in S3 after her retconned redemption and when she was parading around as a hero.
Where is Regina’s apology to Emma? She’s never apologized or owned up to what she did to Graham. She doesn’t regret orphaning Emma because it got her Henry. She’s never apologized for trying to kill her either or that time she vilified her for saving her lover’s wife.
So before you go around demanding other characters apologize to Regina... try demanding her apologies first.
3) “If Emma knew about Hook helping torture Regina then she wouldn’t have married him”
Imagine thinking Emma is capable of forgiving Regina Mills for ruining her childhood, trying to murder her & her entire family & abusing her son but she should draw the line at villain Hook leaving villain Regina to her victim... Regina who has tortured people, including Emma.
Talk about checking your biases. I mean by that logic it makes more sense that Emma should have never let Regina near Henry or her family ever again. By that logic, Emma never would have spoken to Regina again had Regina confessed to her crime of raping and murdering Graham; a man Emma cared for. Graham’s murder is 100x worse than villain Regina receiving some justice. Her character was pure evil.
This belief that Emma would leave Hook over Greg torturing the woman that ruined his life insinuates that Regina mattered more to Emma. Spoiler alert: she doesn’t. And evil Regina sure as hell didn’t matter that much to Emma. Not more than the people she truly loves like Hook, her parents and Henry (and now Hope). Emma did things for Regina because of Henry and because Emma is the savior.
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