#her issues probably go deep then the Mariana Trench
draco-glacialis · 5 months
La Signora: Arlecchino, are you okay?!
Arlecchino: I told you to stop asking stupid questions!
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mermaidcashton · 4 years
i hate to admit it
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author: claire (@mermaidcashton) ship: michael clifford/reader prompt/AU: this is a gift for the wonderful @h0tsos who wanted soft, subby Michael in an enemies to lovers capacity (and i snuck some coffee shop!au in there as well, and some weebness because, well, it’s Steff and Michael) wordcount: 4k+ warnings: swearing, alcohol mentions, explicit sexual content a/n: • written for @maluminspace & @h0tsos ‘s 5sos fic writers collab (which was a gift exchange this time around) • i do not give permission for this (or any of my writing) to be reposted, by anyone, on this or any other website. please don’t do it! • title from ‘this means war’ by mariana’s trench • ‘my hero academia’ is a manga/anime series. there are references to it and a few of the characters in this but you don’t need to know anything about it to understand what’s going on.
i hate to admit it *** “So, they’re like...superheroes?” 
Luke sipped on his glass of rosé, nodding like he understood whilst making a face that showed he absolutely did not.
“Yeah, dude, pretty much!” Michael nodded along with your co-worker with so much enthusiasm he looked like one of those dogs people put on their dashboards. Except less cute. Wait, no - not cute. Definitely not cute at all. Good save, you. Couldn’t have your own internal monologue thinking you felt anything for the moron you were forced to work with 3 times a week was anything more than an annoyance you had to endure. With a butt that wouldn’t quit. Dammit, self! 
Michael took advantage of Luke showing an interest in his (and yours) favourite anime, and began bombarding him with half baked theories, predictable favourite scenes and shitty character analysis. He nearly knocked his own hat off as he flailed his hands around in an attempt at explaining the dynamics of a battle from the second season. Luke smiled politely. 
You snorted into your drink as you drained the last of it; you were definitely going to need another. If Michael started fanboying over Deku again, you were going to scream.
As you placed the empty bottle onto the wood of the coffee table, you took another glance around the apartment you were in. You’d never been up here before, despite spending a minimum of 20 hours a week in the coffee shop downstairs. But after this evening’s staff meeting tackling such issues as ‘who forgot that milk needs to be kept in the fridge overnight’ (Luke), ‘who is putting too much whipped cream on hot chocolates’ (Michael), and ‘who wrote ‘THIS COFFEE IS HOT, BUT U R HOTTER ❤ ) on a customers caramel macchiato’ (Luke again), Ashton had invited you all upstairs for a ‘employee chill’. You had been surprised a week or so into your employment when you had found out that the manager was also the owner who lived in the apartment above Screamin’ Beans; he was only in his mid twenties, but the more you’d experienced his drive and determination, the more your surprise had dwindled. Ashton really was a great guy, with one big flaw; Michael. They had been best friends for years, hence him moving into the apartment when he came back into town and the job Ashton had given him; which in your humble opinion was the equivalent of setting a monkey loose on the milk frother.   
Michael had sealed his fate with you the same day he’d started work. He arrived 10 minutes late (from upstairs), sleepy eyed and shy smiled. His fluffy blonde hair was spilling out of his beanie, and he kept biting his very pink lip bottom with sharp little teeth. The way he pronounced your name was adorable. You’d burned your hand on the espresso machine. Strike one. Things unravelled quickly after that. He was ‘too shy’ to take orders and work the register so you were stuck there all day talking to goddamn customers about why it wasn’t a good idea to have 3 pumps of every syrup while he hid behind silver machinery and dirtied way more jugs than you deemed necessary. Strike two. And then he’d dropped a latté into that ladies bag - sorry, very expensive bag. Michael had let out a ‘uuuhhh’ sound like a malfunctioning robot without moving for so long that the furious customer had stopped trying to yell at him and focused her rage on you instead. When he had eventually come to whatever passed for his senses, Michael had power walked into the employee bathroom and didn’t return until Calum arrived to join the shift and assured him the woman had left, twenty minute later. You were beyond strikes. You’d been so sure you could talk Ashton into scheduling you together as little as possible. There was no reason to put you down to work nearly every shift together, especially shifts where only two staff were on! Except, apparently there was because he kept fucking doing it. Every time you pressed Ashton on it, he’d say something about how he needed Michael ‘trained by the best’, or ‘matching availabilities’, or he thought their ‘energies combined well; auras are meshing, y’know?’ The one might have been on you for catching him as he was returning from his Vibe Check Yoga class at the studio down the street. 
He’d also emphasised that Michael needed more friends now he was back in the city, and you two had loads in common! You both liked pop punk! You’d rolled your eyes. And Italian food! A ‘tch noise. And anime! Okay, you’d bite. 
The next time you’d gone into work, you’d engaged Michael in a conversation about ‘Tokyo Ghoul’ and recommended ‘Demon Slayer’; things started to pick up. You didn’t fantasise about locking Michael in the walk-in fridge the whole shift. And then…
“You watch ‘My Hero Academia’, right?” “Uh, yeah! I love it.” “Me too! I just ordered a Todoroki tee yesterday. And another Deku one, of course; gotta rep my main man!” “Oh..cool! He’s your favourite?” Of course Michael was a basic bitch. But hey, that’s fine. Deku was fine. He was the main character, after all. And he’s a little less whiny in the recent manga issues, you guess. And the way Michael’s face was right now - open, comfortable, lit up like the 4th of July? That was good, too. His eyes were so green.  “Yeah! Who’s your favourite character?” “Well, I would die for a bunch of ‘em, but I’m a Bakugou girl at heart.” You laid a palm flat on your chest, choosing to ignore the feel of your heart beating faster than it had been five minutes ago beneath it.  Michael wrinkled his nose. “Bakugou? But he’s like...he’s so mean! And angry!”
Oh no. You’d had this conversation before. You locked eyes with Michael, hoping he could see the warning in your eyes. Don’t do it, ho.
“Like, he’d probably make a better villain than hero!”
“You okay, boo?” Calum slid into the space on the couch beside you, holding out a fresh beer for you to take. “You look deep in thought.”
You hummed and accepted the bottle from him, letting go of your train of thought as you caught sight of Luke trying to prove he could get his overly long leg behind his head. Michael and Ashley F. were both actively trying to avoid getting kicked in the face with a sparkly boot, whilst Ashton was just monitoring the situation very intently; you’re not entirely sure when he last blinked. 
You snorted again as Luke’s foot slotted into place in a position you were 85% sure he would not be able to get out of again without assistance, possibly from the emergency services.
“I’m fine. Gotta be one of us capable of thinking here, y’know.” You teased, looking sidelong at Calum. He laughed, rubbing a hand over his freshly shaved hair; he’d always been as easy to get along with as he was obnoxiously handsome. “Hey! You’re lucky I know you’re talking about the human pretzel over there! And I guess, your boyf-” Big brown eyes glittered at you over the hand you’d slapped over his mouth. “-fwendth.” Narrowing your own eyes at your friend, you hissed. “Shut up! I would rather die.” Calum waggled his eyebrows incessantly at you until you relented and dropped your hand. “You knew who I was talking about, though.” Ugh. Smug was not a good look on Calum. “You know, smug is not a good lo-oh fuck, is that the time?” The clock behind Calum’s head showed 8:58; your auction ended at 9:00. You fumbled into your bag for your phone, unlocking it and flicking straight to the app you needed. Phew - still the top bid. “Whatcha doin’?” Calum hooked his chin over your shoulder, blowing your hair out of his face before settling down. 
“Bidded on a really cool, limited edition figure. One of my all time favourite anime characters. The auction is about to end.” You explained,  making sure Calum could hear you other the cacophony of sounds associated with Luke trying to get his other leg behind his head. You both watched the seconds tick down, your username sitting securely by the words ‘Winning Bid’. At two seconds to nine, the page refreshed, then refreshed again; it was over.
‘Winning Bid: BIGRED69’ “Uh...what happened? That’s not you, right?” Calum asked, tilting his head to look at your face, and the rage it contained. BIGRED69. He’d done it again. 
“Uh oh, Y/N - what’s wrong?” Ashton’s voice pulled you out of your internal screaming, and you looked up at him. 
“She’s losing her weeb shit at a heavy eBay loss” Calum answered for you, nodding solemnly as he pulled away from you, giving you room to bonk him with a cushion. “Oh! That’s too bad, but that’s another thing you and Mikey have in common!” Ashton beamed. “Mikey!” Oh no. Oh no, no.
“Yeah?” Michael sloped over, getting his black boot caught on the corner of the leopard print rug as he did. Ashton caught him with an ease you suspected (knew) came from practice. “Why don’t you take Y/N to see your anime dolls? She collects them, too!” Ashton looked so pleased with himself and his suggestion for further ‘bonding’ for you and Michael, and Michael looked like he’d been force fed raw lemon at the phrase ‘anime dolls’, so you let it go on your own behalf. Except now Michael was waiting expectantly for you to follow him to his room and Calum was shoving you off of the couch to get you moving. Fuck your life. You sighed as you got up and started walking. “Fine, let’s go; you can show me your Todoroki body pillow and then we can get on with our lives.” Michael let out a small hiss like an angry kitten, his cheeks colouring a pretty pink. He spared a glance at everyone left in your wake. “I, um, don’t have a body pillow, you guys.” “Suuuuure!” You rolled your eyes, waiting for Michael to enter his bedroom so you could follow. The blonde flicked the light on and moved slightly further in so you could pass him, before shutting the door with a small ‘click’. You decided not to comment on this action, looking around at the posters on the walls and figurines on the shelves instead. You were undecided on whether or not you were going to comment on how cool a lot of Michael’s shit was. A ‘Full Metal Alchemist’ poster over his bed, a full shelf of Funko Pops from movies you loved, framed prints of album artwork by Waterparks and The Maine. Fuck. You were really aware of Michael staring at you with an almost hopeful (?) look on his face as you let your eyes travel around his room before he could show you his ‘anime dolls’. Fuck. Your stomach felt fluttery, and you thought you might have a serious problem here, before you caught sight of a very different problem on Michael’s desk. 
A rare Kirishima Eijirou statue - box signed by the voice actor - you’d been outbid on last month. By BIGRED69. What were the chances a different one was sitting by Michael’s laptop?
“So,” You said, trying to keep your voice neutral and non-murderous. “Where do you get your collectibles from?” “Forbidden Planet, Tokyo Toys, eBay…” Michael rattled off, until you interrupted him. “Where did you get that one? Looks rare - it must have been difficult!” 
“Oh! eBay! It was, but I have an app for it, so…” Michael grinned, looking pleased with himself. An app? “An automatic bidding app? You sniped me?! That’s cheating!” You squeaked; you could not believe this. It was unbelievable.
Michael blinked at you, head empty. “BIGRED69?!” You managed to make the world’s stupidest screen name sound like a terrible accusation. Which it was.
Comprehension dawned on his stupid, beautiful face all at once. “Oh my God! That was you that I’ve been fighting for this stuff? No way! But you didn’t know it was me?”
“Why the hell would I know it was you!” You threw your hands up, and Michael just stared dopily back at you.
“‘Bigred69?! Obviously I assumed you were 12!” Michael let out a squawk of protest, before folding his arms defensively across his chest.
“Clifford!” “What?” Michael’s tone became more insistent. “My last name! Clifford!” You pulled an exaggerated ‘so?!’ face, throwing your hand in the air again. 
Michael had the unmitigated gall to huff, like you were the biggest idiot in the room; like he wasn’t always the biggest idiot in every room, all rooms, ever, in the history of rooms. “Clifford the Big Red Dog!” He said, insistence heavy in the words.
You often swore you could almost hear the old internet dial up tone trilling inside Michael’s brain when customers at the coffee shop asked him such difficult questions as “What dairy alternative milks do you carry?”, “Where is the bathroom?”, and even once - you swear - “What’s your name?”. In Michael’s defence, that last one had been asked in more flirtatious-than-not tone by a brunette who clearly had some kind of vision problem (he’d been dressed more horrendously than usual that day beneath his uniform apron; was that a utility vest?!), but had fluttered her eyelashes at your idiot colleague so hard, for so long, you’d been concerned she’d be leaving without what little vision she’d arrived with. But still. Idiot. Michael, not you. And yet, now it was you with your brain puttering through the information you had with the shrill electronic sound of the 90’s in your head. “Clifford the- are you for fucking real?” This could not be real life.
“It’s totally clever!” Michael asserted, continuing in earnest once you scoffed in reply. “No, listen! Because of Clifford, and also, I had red hair when I made it, and 69 is funny - it is! - and, well-” His face flushed slightly before he puffed his chest out a little, apparently deciding to commit to his defence of his screen name. “I’m big, so it works on like, loads of levels!” 
This could not be happening to you. You were decidedly not standing in the bedroom of a coworker you simultaneously couldn’t stand and also couldn’t stop thinking about kissing as you restocked the counter fridges in the evenings, as he explained that his auction site handle was a combination of a previous dye job, an insinuation about his dick and a massive fucking dog. You could not let Michael have the upper hand here, but you were floundering. So you fell into more familiar, more pathetic territory. 
“If you were called something like ‘deku-loving-loser’, then, sure - I would have known it was you!” “Who’s 12 now?!” “Uh, still you!” Okay, so this wasn’t your finest moment, but you were in it now. And you’d really wanted the Kaminari figure tonight. Michael didn’t even like him that much!
“The point is, you totally sniped me! And you get stuff about basic canon wrong! And your understanding of the characters is one dimensional! And, and...your hat is stupid!” Well, shit. In your defence, Michael’s hat was stupid. You could feel how hot your face was, and Michael’s eyes looking right at it was only making it worse. You couldn’t read his expression at all; he looked like he was searching for something, and you didn’t know what it was, or if he’d find it. You could only assume he had when he took the most decisive steps you’d ever seen him take, reaching you in two huge steps and cupping your face with both hands. Michael kissed in a way he didn’t do anything else; he felt sure and certain as he pressed his lips to yours, moving them with intent. Your brain became overtaken with television static almost immediately as you moved your mouth in time with his, opening your mouth immediately at the questioning press of his tongue. You had enough of yourself left aware to yank his stupid fucking hat off his head as you tangled your fingers in his blonde hair, Michael’s hands sliding down to clutch at your waist as you swayed with the kiss. As Michael pulled back ever so slightly, you took the opportunity to press your teeth into his plush bottom lip, the way you’d thought of doing in afternoon slumps on shift. The whine that came from deep in Michael’s throat made a split second decision for you. 
You pulled back further from Michael, yanking your top off in one go and starting in on the buttons of his black shirt before he fully registered the sight of your bra and the top of your full breasts.  
“Shit, Y/N, are you…” Michael trailed off as you pulled his sleeves down his arms, and the shirt off this body. Your eyes met his as you popped the button on his black jeans and placed your hand on his zipper. “Do you really want me to overthink this, Michael?” A moment’s pause, then he shook his head vigorously, leaning down to pull his boots off once you’d yanked his jeans to his knees. By the time he was left in his (funnily enough, black) boxer briefs, you’d discarded your own jeans and were knelt at the foot of his bed in your soft, lilac underwear. Michael’s breath hitched as his gaze drifted down your body, taking it all in under the artificial light of the room. “Get over here, Clifford…” You teased, trying not to second guess what was happening. Michael broke out of his trance and more or less threw himself onto the bed, settling his head on the pillows and pulling you on top of him for another kiss, and then another, and another. By the time you pulled back to catch your breath, your head was spinning. You braced yourself on your forearms on the bed, taking the time to admire Michael’s body beneath you. 
You’d seen the tattoos on his pale, strong arms before, but they looked different in this context; the contrast between the milky skin and dark ink made your stomach swoop. The blonde hair on his head is also a contradiction; to the dark hair on his chest and the hair trailing down his stomach and disappearing under his waistband. Your mouth felt very dry as you let your gaze continue downward, to the straining bulge beneath the fabric.
You flicked your eyes back to meet Michael’s in question, your fingers suddenly resting on the waistband of his underwear. Michael swallowed thickly, and then nodded once before fixing you with a gaze of pure anticipation. 
No use waiting around. You propped yourself up onto your knees over him and pulled on the fabric decisively, not stopping your motion until his underwear bunched up at his ankles. Holy shit.
You always knew Michael had to have at least one redeeming quality, and you’d finally found it. His cock was huge, hanging heavy and hard between his fuzzy thighs. The head was flushed the darkest pink you could ever remember seeing, and the slit was already shiny with precum. 
If a voice in your head that sounded unfortunately like Calum pressed that Michael had lots of qualities you secretly found redeeming, you ignored it in favour of getting straight to business.
Apparently, Michael hadn’t been prepared for you to take half of his impressive length into your mouth in one go. You sucked with intent, casting your eyes up to take in the sight of him. His pupils were already starting to blow, and you’d barely done anything. God, that was so sweet.
But then Michael threaded his fingers through your hair, his hand pressing ever so slightly into your scalp. The blonde wasn’t pushing down, but his grip was firm. You could feel the weight of his hand on the top of your head as you held his cock in your mouth, and that shit? Would not stand.
You grab the wrist brushing your hair a second before your other hand finds his idle one, fingers twisted loosely in the sheets. Once you’ve captured both wrists, you guide both to the same point above Michael’s hips, before slamming both into the mattress with purpose. 
If you’d had time to think about it, you’re not sure how you would have expected Michael to react. He didn’t really put out the energy of a man who’d properly fight you for control, either in a domineering way or with more of an air of fragile masculinity. Perhaps a bit of questioning but ultimately compliant as long as he got his dick sucked. But the wanton moan that kicked out of Michael’s chest as you settled into a tight grip on his wrists where you had them pinned on the sheets with intent? That was unexpected. That was interesting.   
Your mouth had remained still on his cock whilst you got his wrists pinned down, more cockwarming him than blowing him. But now you had him so pliant and under your control, it was go time. You pulled back up his cock, wrapping your lips tightly around the head of Michael’s cock, and sucked with gusto. Another groan from above you. You worked your tongue all the way around the head before pulling back enough to flick it into Michael’s sensitive slit. “Oh my fuuu- Y/N, God, I-” Michael was starting to writhe, his hairy legs rubbing into the sheets beneath you. You could feel his wrists moving along with the rest of his body, but you knew you’d made it clear you’d wanted him pinned, and he made no move to get his hand free. Good boy. You sank steadily back down Michael’s length, at least to the six inch mark, before pulling back up, hollowing your cheeks as you went. Back down a little further, then up, back to teasing the head, using your tongue. Michael couldn’t predict what you were going to do next, and it was clearly pushing all of his buttons. You could taste the precum that his cock kept kicking out into your mouth and throat, and see the flush spreading down his neck. By the time you’d pulled, drool beginning to build at the sides of your mouth, Michael was a mess, moaning as much as he was breathing. This could get addictive, you thought to yourself as you let your mouth drop to his balls, and your thumbs press into the pulse points on his wrists. You hummed before you released his left ball from your mouth with a wet pop, and that’s when Michael started begging. “Please, please, Y/N, I wanna-” he panted, cutting himself off over and over. “You’re so beautiful, lemme- God, fuck, it feels so amazing, you’re- I’ve been good, I’ll do anything, please…”
You pretend to consider his pleas as you dragged your tongue over his right ball, dipping into all the creases and leaving them wet behind you. Drawing back up onto your knees, you released one of his wrists so you could push his sweaty blonde bangs back from where it was plastered to his forehead, drinking in the vision before you. His green eyes were nearly completely black, blown out with arousal. The sheen on the skin of his face and body made him glow. His lips were chapped from his teeth tugging on them, and the pink of the matched the flush spread from his cheeks down his chest. And the wrist you were no longer restraining hadn’t moved a centimeter, still pressed firmly to the mattress. Michael was a good boy. And you knew how to treat good boys. With no preamble, you took Michael back into the wet heat of your mouth, relaxing your throat and not stopping until your nose was buried in the soft thatch of trimmed hair on his crotch. You took a moment to situate yourself and enjoy the deep whines bursting out of Michael’s throat into the quiet of his bedroom, before you began to move again, swallowing around his cock. You saw his thighs begin to tremble to the side of you before you heard him speak. “Fuck, fuck, Y/N, please, I’m gonna-” You hummed as hard as you could, pushing Michael’s wrists with that little bit more force into the bed as you did. Michael let out his loudest whine yet - bordering on a sob- as he came, shooting down your throat as he writhed beneath you. 
You swallowed everything he gave you, and when you were sure he was finished, you pulled off slowly, and gently, releasing his wrists as you stood back up on your knees.
Michael looked blissed out, staring dreamily up at you with bright, adoring eyes. He still was yet to move his hands. “Hey.” “Hi.” You smirked down at him. “I believe I heard something about you’d ‘do anything’?” You shot a quick glance at the figurine on his desk, and down at yourself. “I had some ideas…” 
collab masterlist • my masterlist
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quillquiver · 5 years
It’s not holiday-themed, but have some destiel at the aquarium because I was there a little while ago
The ocean has always held a special place in his heart; unknowable in its vastness, he found a kinship in its depths. It harkened back to the Beginning in some fundamental way he couldn’t put his finger on… something about primordial soup and magma beaches, peaceful in its violence in a way only possible at the birth and death of things.
He used to lay at the bottom of the marianas trench.
His grace fading with all the enthusiasm of a dying candle, he supposes those days are over. No more deep-sea visits. No more calving whales or petting sharks. He’d taken giant squid as a vessel once, but much preferred existing as a seal for their ease of movement. Still, his favourite had probably been the plesiosaur; intelligent, lovely, and much closer to his own true size, he’d stayed with her against orders as the earth splintered and the sea boiled and sky filled with ash.
Pressing his hand to the piece of glass separating himself from the sea turtles and tropical fish, Castiel heaves a shaking inhale. He wonders if he knew any of their ancestors. He wonders, too, if they’re happy here: trapped inside a tank with no hope of re-release. Though Cas knows, logically, that humans are only attempting to help—every single one of these creatures has been rescued, rehabilitated and deemed unable to return to its home—whether or not the animals understand that is a different matter entirely.
The beings in the tank, who had been mostly regarding him with a kind of cautious curiosity have all come forward, swimming around to give him a better look or bumping gently against the glass. Cas smiles as a particularly small and colourful fish swims in circles as if to look him in the eye. “Brave little one,” he murmurs. It falters for only a moment.
Castiel wonders sometimes, if Dean regrets this choice; tying himself to a half-being, not angel enough to be useful and too alien to be human. Because he is inhuman, in many ways that continue to be relevant. The sea lions had been so excited by his presence that he’d gotten himself and a handful of other aquarium attendees soaked by their enthusiasm. The dolphin, once she had deemed him trustworthy, swam right up against her enclosure and attempted to throw one of her toys at him in an invitation to play.
And then, of course, there are the tanks.
Myriads of coloured fish, seahorses and sharks all cluster near wherever he stands, and follow him when he walks past, fanning out beyond him like some odd approximation of wings. Of course, this display only intrigues the adult aquarium-goers but mesmerizes their children. Cas isn’t entirely sure what to do about the group of small humans that have become his honorary shadow, jostling each other to get the closest to his legs, though all are careful not to touch him.  
“Woah look at that guy’s teeth!”
“I look’ded him in his eye—”
Most are there for the animals and the proximity Castiel can provide on that front… but there a few others who are less concerned with what Cas can do for them and more with how that doing is happening in the first place. Though not entirely certain how to approach this issue, the problem is ultimately taken out of Cas’s hands: as he passes one of the small grottos for viewing one of the large tanks, a hand shoots out and pulls him into the dark.
Dean tugs him close, his face lit by dim blue light as he smirks, hands moving to rest on Cas’s hips. “Hey Ariel,” he teases. “You wanna be part of my world?”
Cas rolls his eyes despite the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I thought we were working.”
“We are,” Dean insists. “I can work and flirt at the same time.”
Cas is weak as Dean’s fingers hook into his belt loops. He melts under the kiss applied sweetly to his lips, leaning in and draping his arms over Dean’s shoulders. He looks beautiful like this. “We should go,” Cas murmurs. “I’m drawing a lot of attention.”
“Mm, with the fish thing,” Dean nods, leaning in for another kiss. “You’re like… a sexier Aquaman.”
He touches Cas like he’s cherished, kissing him thoroughly and methodically until he’s flushed and shy with it. After a lifetime of non-corporeal existence, physical affection makes him feel vulnerable in a way he never expected. It’s nice; terrifying, and embarrassing, but nice.
Dean pulls away with a boyish grin, flushed to the tips of his ears as he leans forward to nudge their noses sweetly. Cas bites his lip in an attempt to curb his own smile. His heart swells and he moves to tangle their fingers. He pecks Dean’s mouth.
I love you, he thinks fiercely.
I love you.
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junmail · 5 years
Rules: you can only repeat one artist and only one time, so we can all kind of spread new 🎶 to the people we tag. Try to listen to at least one of the songs people rec here.
tagged by @iiasha 💫 I actually listened to your face that emily rec’d bc she said it’s her all time fav and it’s honestly so amazing, pls listen to it.
1) one song you 💛 the first time you listened to and never got tired of?
dial tones - as it is , I first heard this song live and I think that’s the main reason why I fell in love with this song bc the energy from the concert hearing it live was wild but it’s a really amazing song. bop every time.
2) one song you 😭 every time you listen or makes you emotional?
shake it out - florence + the machine , it’s mainly bc I get very into singing this so it makes me emotional esp at “looking for heaven found the devil in me” .. tears
3) one song that always makes you happy/😁?
go your own way (feat. gucci mane) - cece segarra , lol ok listen this song is old and ?? idk I really love it and anytime I hear it I’m instantly in a good mood
4) one song that you would dedicate to your best friend and/or your family?
nlyf x neck deep - issues , would be to my younger sister bc we both love the original song and she’s like my best friend lol so I want her to never lose her flame
5) one song with a production (the sounds, the beat, the mood) you 😍?
by now - marianas trench , when I was looking at the questions I instantly knew the answer to this one. honestly, watch the mv. listen to the song. you won’t regret it.
6) one song with perfect, amazing, outstanding lyrics?
space/can’t see the end - seventeen , bet you guys were waiting to see how long it was until I was going to rec a svt song lol but for real the lyrics for this song are probably one of my favorites, they get so candid about their feelings and everyone should go look at the translations if you haven’t bc this song is so beautiful.
7) one song that you would recommend to anyone?
middle of the night - monsta x , bc they have the range !! lmao no , well they do but this song is so good it’d appeal to those who like and don’t like kpop. win/win situation
8) one song you don’t understand why you like so much but you do anyway?
first car - goat , I really can’t explain lol it’s one of those songs that you hear one time and it’s stuck in your head so you have to listen to it again and well you just end up downloading it lmao
9) one song that you think people, in general, wouldn’t like but you do?
hm, this one is hard. maybe , and not really bc I think ppl will hate it but bc they might not know it she said, I said (time we let go) - nlt , but ya check out this song ! it’s p sad (n kinda rude lol) also if u ever watched glee it had the guy who played artie in this group
10) one song people normally like and you don’t like or hate?
really if it plays on the radio every other song, chances are that I hate it. everyone’s entitled to their own music taste but some are trash lol
11) one song you would call a masterpiece?
losing myself - state champs , if you followed me for awhile and seen my other song recs you know I love state champs. give this song and band a listen, they have amazing songs. esp this one
12) one song you recently (last 30 days max) discovered and really liked it?
it kills me (feat. keshi) - demxntia , I recently got into keshi so I found this song and I’m in love with it, I love the way both of their voices mix
13) one song you listen to to get pumped like you wanna tear down the fucking government or something?
lol there’s a lot I could name but one that comes to mind is thank you - mkto , it actually is about how the government and boomers fucked us over but still try to tell us how to live our life, highly recommend
tagging; @irenerei @parkims @sleepyljihoon @goldenfilmcult @wingserayoongi @ppangdulce
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karnsteinreview · 5 years
Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant (Seanan McGuire)
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Into the Drowning Deep on Goodreads
Release Year: 2017
Format I Read: audiobook
Length: 17hrs 15mins (440 pages)
Genres: horror
LGBT Rep: f/f romance (lesbian and bisexual)
Spoiler-Free Review: 
Most of my issues with the books and the reasons why I maybe didn’t enjoy it as much as I wanted had nothing to do with the queer characters. I went in only kinda remembering that there was a f/f romance or a lesbian character or something, and I’m glad that actually turned out to be the case because I wasn’t completely sure…and I remained unsure for a while…
But yes, the “main character” Tory (not sure she actually counts as that as the book gets further along because there are a ton of point of views) is a bisexual woman and her love interest is a professional geek named Olivia who is also a lesbian and autistic. It’s a horror novel, so there are threats and all throughout, but I didn’t find the book played on any negative queer tropes. There’s a lot of trauma from being hunted by killer mermaids, but that’s about it.
Synopsis: Years ago, Tory’s sister was part of a film crew that sailed out to the Mariana Trench to make a mockumentary about mermaids and everyone on that trip mysteriously disappeared. The company behind the failed expedition signs on Tory and a bunch of other scientists to repeat the trip, this time with the intention to prove that mermaids are actually real. Well….they are. And they’re hungry.  
 The Good: As I said, there are no real negative queer tropes that I picked up on. There are certainly threats of death for the f/f couple, but that’s true for every character in this, because mermaids. The characters are also explicit about defining their sexualities so there’s no question or obscurity.
 What Might Hinder You from Reading It: Don’t like horror, or you follow me on goodreads and saw I only gave it a meh review overall.
 Would I Recommend It?: Ehhhhhh…. Probably not, but that has nothing to do with the queerness. I’m not going to get into my issues with it here, but there was a lot that made me roll my eyes throughout and I found a lot of the reveals and horror pretty boring.
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capandbuckysgirl · 6 years
Reason To Live (Stucky x Reader)
Reason To Live (Stucky x Reader)
This is written for @theimpossibleg1rl ‘s 5k writing challenge. I chose to write Stucky x Reader with the prompt of  “Did you take life advice from a fortune cookie again?” “What? No! That’d be ridiculous. It was my horoscope.”
This is what came out… I hope you enjoy! Happy Halloween! I listened to this song by Marianas Trench and this song by Breaking Benjamin for a bit of inspiration…
Warnings: Jealousy, Angsty AF, Swearing, SMUT, double penetration, rough sex, 18+ Only, slight mating kink, Self-esteem issues, established m/m/f poly relationship, fighting, Dom!Bucky, Dom!Steve, some fluff - I think that’s it?
GIFS used are not mine, credit to owners!
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I watched from across the room as Steve and Bucky talked, their heads so close together I couldn’t hear a word they were saying. They smiled at each other, the look of pure joy and love written all over them. Steve leaned closer to Bucky and kissed his lips with so much reverence that I felt myself wanting to turn away from such a show of affection. Steve’s hands cupped Bucky’s face, their foreheads finally touching as they continued talking softly to one another.
Even though I had been in a relationship with the both of them for over a year, I couldn’t help but feel jealous that they weren’t paying attention to me. I wanted to be in the middle of them, to feel their kisses on my skin. They didn’t seem to even notice that I was in the room. As a matter of fact, they were so caught up in each other in that moment, they probably wouldn’t even notice if I left.
The love and adoration they had for each other, no one could touch that - not even me.
“Y/N, what’s the matter with you? Why are you sitting way over here while your boyfriends are…”
“Maybe they shouldn’t be my boyfriends,” I said softly, looking at Wanda as tears filled my eyes. “They clearly don’t need me, look at them.”
“Did you take life advice from a fortune cookie again? For fuck’s sake, Y/N,” Nat asked as she turned toward me, her eyes burning like fire. She looked so angry that I had to turn away from her - she was livid.
“What? No!” I rolled my eyes at the wall as I let my voice take on a snarky tone. “That’d be ridiculous. It was my horoscope. And none of this is your business, Nat. What I do in my relationship is my between me and them!” I snapped.
“I didn’t say it was my business, but it’s obvious you’re not thinking straight. They haven’t done anything to deserve you doubting their love for you.”
“They don’t need me…” I didn’t need her telling me how to live my fucking life, even though deep down I knew she was just looking out for everyone involved, even me.
“They love you as much as they love each other, can’t you see that?” Wanda said softly as she tried to grab my hand. I pulled away from her and grit my teeth so hard that I could hear them make a cracking sound. “What has gotten into you?”
“Just finally seeing what’s right in front of me.” I cleared my throat as the tears threatened to choke me and stood from the couch, my eyes finding Steve’s, then Bucky’s for a moment before I walked to the elevator and asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to take me to the floor that our room was on. They both looked so hurt - so lost.
As I entered the room I let myself look around, thinking of all the memories we had made together here. The first time we’d made love together; the first time I’d told them both that I was in love with them. The moment that Steve had admitted that he wanted to have children with the two of us - a family.
The tears finally fell, imprinting wet trails of pain down my cheeks as I grabbed suitcases from the closet and started throwing my stuff into them.
Everything we had gone through, all of the hate thrown our way because we were all in a relationship together… I just couldn’t fucking do it anymore. The snide comments of the media, the pain I’d had to watch Steve and Bucky endure every time someone said anything about how wrong our relationship was. The endless times we’d fielded questions about which one of them would marry me or whose baby I would carry. They definitely deserved better than that - better than me.
I swiped angrily at my eyes as I continued throwing my things into my bags, not paying any attention as I heard Bucky and Steve walk into the room.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Bucky asked angrily. I could feel him standing behind me, his breath fanning hotly across the nape of my neck causing goosebumps to pop up all over my skin.
“What does it look like? I’m leaving - you two deserve better than all of this. I can’t stand to see you hurt over the way people look at us, I just can’t take it.”
Steve took that moment to walk over to me, his fists clenched by his sides as he stood right beside me. I glanced up at him finding that I couldn’t look away - he was not only angry but he was crying as well. My heart broke as I stared at those blue eyes I loved so much and tears fell from them - tears that I’d caused.
“You leaving would hurt us both, you have to know that.”
“You’ll still have each other, I mean, it’s not like we could actually raise a family like this.” I whispered brokenly, my voice catching as the tears continued carving out their paths along my skin. “You’ll both forget about me eventually. I can see how much you love each other, I can’t compete with what you have together.”
“That’s complete and total bullshit! You only see what you want to see, Y/N.” Bucky said vehemently. His eyes searched mine for a moment, his thumbs coming up to wipe away the trails of tears from my cheeks. “You don’t see how when you leave for work we both move toward your spot on the bed, how we both grab one of your pillows so we can breathe you in as if you’re still there. You don’t see how we’ve both cried when you’ve gotten hurt on a mission.”
“And you definitely haven’t taken the time to see the way we both look at you because if you had,” Steve started softly, his hands joining Bucky’s on my face, thumbs stroking gently as his eyes found mine, “you’d know we love you so much. We’re all in this together, and we all knew it wouldn’t be easy.”
I nodded gently, of course he was right. We’d all talked at great length before we started this together. We knew it wouldn’t be accepted by most, and it sure as hell wouldn’t be easy but we’d all agreed that something that felt this right was worth fighting for.
“I-I’m sorry,” I sobbed, my bottom lip quivering as they both sighed heavily, their eyes meeting mine before Steve pulled me tightly against his chest. “Nat was right to be so angry with me, I don’t know what came over me. It’s all just so much.”
Bucky threw the suitcases on the floor, his arm whirring with the motion as he swept everything off the bed.
“Fuck what Nat said, it doesn’t matter.” Bucky hollered as he pounded his fists against the mattress. “But when you have doubts or anything like that you have to come to us about it, not storm off and pack your shit.”
“I know, I wasn’t thinking straight. I’m just afraid, I mean - this is not normal.”
“What’s normal anymore? Shh, Buck - calm down. Y/N, it’s okay, baby. Both of you calm down,” Steve said gently as he released me from his hold and spun me toward Bucky. “Now why don’t you tell Y/N what you’re feeling, without being an asshole.” I could hear the smirk in Steve’s voice as he held me still, Bucky’s eyes devouring me as he took a step forward.
Chest to chest, Bucky lifted both of his hands, running them over the skin of my arms then trailing them across the waistband of my pants as his eyes continued to search my face. My skin tingled as Steve stood stock still behind me, his hands gripping my hips tightly as Bucky licked his lips, drawing my attention there.
“You can’t run from this, from us. We’re all in this together, Y/N,” Bucky whispered softly, his lips just a breath away from mine now as he pushed himself closer. I could taste him on my tongue, he was so close. “We are all one, equals. Just because Steve and I have known each other longer doesn’t mean shit, do you understand me baby girl?”
“Y-yes,” I stuttered, my face growing hot as I feel Steve move behind me, his cock twitching slightly against the crack of my ass.
“I was hurt to hear what you said downstairs, do you know how badly you could hurt Steve and I? How devastated we would be if you left us?” I nodded my head as he ran the tip of his tongue along the seam of my lips. “You belong to us, just as we belong to you. And if we have to remind you of that every day, we will. Right, Steve?”
“Absolutely,” he answered as his teeth nipped the lobe of my ear. He trailed his hands up from my hips to the hem of my shirt, tugging it upward in a swift motion forcing Bucky to back up for a moment and my arms lifted without hesitation. After he threw my shirt off to the side somewhere, his hands came back and gripped my tits firmly in each hand, tweaking the nipples as he bit down on where my neck and shoulder connected. “You’re so important to us, Y/N. You’re everything.”
“I love you,” I breathed. “I love you both so fucking much. It just kills me when the press and public hate on you guys because we’re all together.”
“Who the fuck cares, baby?” Bucky groaned as he leaned down and laved my clavicles before catching my lips with his. He kissed me with force, like he was trying to brand me with his lips and I welcomed it. “We love you, that’s all that matters.”
“We love you,” Steve repeated as he unclasped the front clasp of my bra, my tits spilling out as he pulled it back. Bucky groaned loudly as he pulled my track pants down along with my panties. “And you’re not going to leave us - we’re in this forever.”
“Yes,” I agreed, my eyes closing as Bucky leaned down and captured a nipple in his teeth. The pain and pleasure that coursed through my body had me curling my toes into the carpet and hissing between my teeth. “Please, I’m so sorry I doubted you both. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Y/N, you need to understand something, princess,” Steve moaned as he watched Bucky take my other nipple into his mouth. “This body,” Steve hissed in my ear as he moved a hand around my front, his fingers getting closer to where I wanted him. “This pussy,” his breath fanned over my skin as he pushed a finger inside of me causing my knees to buckle slightly. “This all belongs to us. You can’t leave us.”
I moaned as they worked my body like only they could. They pulled away from me then, stripping their clothes off quickly. They moved us toward the bed, Bucky lying down and beckoning to me with his fingers. I crawled onto the bed and top of Bucky, my lips finding his again as he ran his fingers through my hair and pulling harshly as he held me still. His tongue came out and teased my lips before delving into my mouth.
I lifted up just enough to push down on his cock, feeling him open me up as I slid down slowly and swallowing his moans as I did so. The mattress dipped behind me as Steve climbed onto the bed, the telltale sound of the cap of lube opening as I felt the cold substance drip down into the crack of my ass.
“You’re going to take me in your ass tonight, princess. I know you can do it, you’re such a good girl,” Steve praised as he pushed a finger into the tight hole. “Mmm, that’s right. Our good girl.”
I sighed contentedly into Bucky’s mouth as I sat still on top of him, his cock jumping inside of me slightly. Another finger slid into my ass pulling a groan from my lips. Steve worked patiently, stretching me open with two fingers before sliding one more in and praising me over and over. Bucky shallowly thrust his hips upward, pulling another nasty groan from my lips.
“You’re going to look so good between us tonight, so fucking good.” Steve crooned as he pulled his fingers out slowly. He kissed my shoulder before squeezing more lube onto his cock and notching it against my ass. “Such a pretty, pretty girl. You look so good with Bucky’s dick inside of you. You want mine, too, baby?”
“Yes, Steve, I want it.”
Pushing forward slowly, oh so slowly, I hissed as the head of his dick slid past the tight ring of muscle. He took his time, allowing me time to adjust as Bucky held my hair in his fists, his eyes shining brightly as Steve slid into me right above where he was already seated. So deep, so full.
When Steve finally bottomed out I breathed a heavy, happy sigh. This was as close as I could ever get to the two of them, it was when I felt most connected to them. It was where I belonged.
I was made for these two, I knew that. How could I have ever doubted them?
Steve interrupted my thoughts as he pulled out before pushing back into me, deep and rough, causing me to slide up on Bucky’s cock. Bucky got the hint apparently because he anchored his feet on the mattress, feet spread around Steve’s legs, as he began a punishing rhythm from underneath me. The head of his cock hitting so deep inside of me, just right where I needed him.
Steve picked up his pace, matching Bucky thrust for thrust as they took my body soaring. I reached one hand back, slapping it against Steve’s hip before digging my nails into the skin there. The slap of skin on skin on skin sounded throughout the room as they pounded into me, my heart thundering a rapid staccato behind my ribs. I clenched my eyes closed and bit my bottom lip as I came - hard.
I kissed Bucky again roughly, open mouthed as I moaned loudly. I could feel the twitch of his cock, the stutter in his hips as his moan matched mine. His pupils were blown wide, his fingers digging into my scalp slightly as he tugged me closer. I closed my eyes as I allowed myself to feel, to hear all that was happening. The whispered praises falling from Bucky’s lips as he neared his orgasm was one of the most beautiful sounds I’d ever heard and I’d never tire of hearing them.
He removed his hands from my hair to grip my hips tightly. He pulled me down against him, his cock hitting deeper inside of me as he circled his hips and thrust up into me a handful more times before moaning loudly and emptying himself inside of me, his breathing broken and raspy and completely fucked out.
Steve wasn’t done yet, his hands gripped my hips where Bucky’s had just been and he pulled me up and off of Bucky’s cock causing a gasp of surprise to fall from my lips. He pulled my body upward, his chest against my back and his lips running along the base of my neck.
“My turn,” He groaned against my skin. Pulling out of my ass, he then shoved his cock into my cunt so deep and hard that I came again, my eyes crossing as my toes curled and my fingernails found purchase in the palms of my hands.
“That’s it, fuck! I want to see you pregnant, don’t you want that? You want to have our babies, don’t you Y/N?”
I moaned my agreement loudly, my thighs starting to shake as Steve pounded into me harder. His fingers digging into my hips as the tip of his cock brushed the mouth of my cervix with a slight sting of pleasure/pain.
“Gonna fill you up, put a baby in you,” Steve’s thrusts began to lose their rhythm, his voice now rough and breathy as he fucked me, his teeth finding purchase in the crook of my neck as he moaned throatily. “Gonna marry you and have babies with you, Y/N.”
I felt tears sting my eyes as I stared down at Bucky, his smile so bright and happy and I wanted so much to see what Steve’s face looked like at this moment. This was not my life, it couldn’t be.
To be completely and thoroughly loved and desired by these two men, and for them to want to marry me; to have a family. I wanted that so much, so much it scared me. But I wouldn’t let fear push me away from them, not ever again.
“Yes,” I moaned softly, “I want all of that.”
Steve’s hips stuttered once more, his hands pulling my hips back against him tightly as he came inside of me. His breath hot and heavy against my neck and the grip of his hands loosening and I fell with a soft plop onto the mattress. Rolling over I looked at Steve, the bright smile on his face made me so happy. He and Bucky were happy - and it was because they were with me.
“I love you both so much,” I sighed happily. “Let’s have a family. I’m ready for it.”
They both laughed deeply, the smiles pulling wider on their faces as they wrapped me up tightly between the two of them.
“Just so you both know,” I giggled as I wrapped my arms around the two of them and planted kisses wherever I could reach. “That my horoscope really did say big changes were coming. I guess it was right, huh?”
They both laughed loudly as we lie together - where we belonged.
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fenvincible · 7 years
I wrote a thing.
I’ve been inspired by @writergrump‘s merman Arin AU. It’s super cool and I”m sure everybody in the fandom so far has read it, if you haven’t give it a moment and do so.  anyway, I was inspired and this inspiration took flight, they’re completely to thank for the fact that I’ve spent the greater part of the last two weeks researching the ocean and working on this! It’s my work but deeply inspired by them and their themes.   This is the first thing I’ve written for egobang, and if enough people like it I will continue and publish the rest! Thank you. 🖤
           Fatigue, heavy and hard, settled into his bones. He pumped his arms ferociously, feeling the freezing water suck the energy out of him, but still he pumped his arms and kicked his legs. The sunlight refracted through the water, but it wasn’t warm. He was still so far below the surface, fighting wasn’t helping as his body was continually pulled down. His lungs and fingertips burned from the lack of oxygen. Though the energy was sapping out of his body as he floated further from the surface he continued to swing his arms and kick his legs. He needed air.
           An exasperated yell escaped his lips but the ocean cut him short. Sea water eagerly, happily, filled Dan’s mouth and lungs, leaving the taste of salt on every surface it caressed. He was giving up. The lack of oxygen made life just fuzzy enough Dan didn’t realize he had stopped fighting the inevitable. Just as the haze in his vision was closing, the lack of oxygen causing him to black out, I see what looks like an angel. An angel with a tail? Sunshine blonde hair floating around their head, strong arms pushing me towards the surface, and a beautiful tail. Glistening in shades of purples and blues. I see a smile before the blackness takes over.
           Dan woke harshly, his breath burning his throat. Hair damp and body covered in the thin film of a cold sweat, almost like he had just been dragged from the ocean again. As Dan’s breathing slowed he practiced the grounding techniques he used in the years following his near drowning.
           In the sublime dusk of the early morning Dan looked slowly around his room. He brought his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around.
           “I see, a book, my favorite shirt on the ground, phone on the charger to my right, my computer on the desk in front of me, the picture of Debbie and Avi from last Thanksgiving.” Dan states, just above a whisper.
           “I can touch my blankets, my pillow, my hair, and if I’m lucky an awesome pair of boobs.
           I can hear the birds singing, the grandfather clock in the hall, my neighbors fucking dog, like it isn’t balls early in the fucking morning.
           I can smell the soap from my shower last night, and the coffee that started automatically brewing this morning.” Dan took a deep breath in,
           “Speaking of the coffee, I can already taste it.” Dan whispered, the cycle finished as he threw back the blankets and made his way to his bathroom.
           A quick moment later and Dan was standing in the hot jet of water. The dream quickly fading from his mind as he grasped at the smoky tendrils. All children had a near death experience, Dan thought. As he guided the soap frothed towel across his chest and down his arms. His was weird, he still feels the arms pushing him he still sees the plump pink lips. Dan spent years drawing and coloring the blue-purple tail that he associated with his savior. He understood what the doctors and his parents said. He has excitedly swam too far out, he got swept up in the current, his head was fuzzy as the buildup of carbon dioxide in his lungs drove his brain into insanity. He imagined the water angel, later classified by Dana as they conspired together as a mermaid, as he was miraculously able to break away from the current and swim to the surface.
           As he worked the towel down his legs and rinsed off the lingering bubbles Dan thought about the aftermath of his near drowning. His fascination with the ocean, with the aquatic life he was sure he had seen. Instead of developing a fear of the water, as some might do after nearly drowning, Dan had become fascinated, obsessed really. He excelled in the sciences throughout elementary school. Soared through his earth sciences classes in high school and got a scholarship to the University of California – Los Angeles. Here he began majoring in marine biology. His passion only growing year after year as he got involved with more sciences and formulated research theories.
           Now, in his final year of his undergraduate degree, Dan had the most coveted research opportunity in the entire school ahead of him. It wasn’t only due to his hard work, assuming that would be a lie. Dan knew, and thought about it with a smile, that his ability to be on the receiving end of this grant, was because of his bond with the physics professor.
           Dr. Brian Wecht was a strict looking man approaching his tenure at the University. With a PhD in physics and his interest in the ocean he had become one of Dan’s favorite professors. They had bonded quickly over late nights in the labs and theories on what types of life would succeed in the deepest parts of the ocean. When applying for the Universities largest yearly grant to investigate the depths of the ocean Dan had needed a professor to vouch for him. Brian offered to vouch as well as assist Dan in his application process. Without Brian’s help, Dan was sure he would have lost the grant to a graduate student researching something stupid, like the mating habits of dolphins. No, Dan wanted to research something real, and Dan’s research started today.
           By the time Dan was in the kitchen enjoying his coffee and a bagel his phone had been blown up. He had several texts from Brian and the other student on the research project, Suzy.
 Pumped?! Was all Suzy had sent, but her excitement was clear through the messaged.
Like Ron Jeremy’s dick! Dan quickly replied, knowing Suzy was probably on her way to the site.
           Brian had sent several
 Hey super butt baby
Wait was that professional?
Fuck it
I hope you’re ready
We are gonna start this project today
So call me daddy and get your ass down here ASAP
             Dan giggled quietly, finishing his bagel. As he typed out a reply to Brian, sometimes it’s impossible to believe the man has a wife, a child and a literal fucking PhD.
 That’s not at all professional, Wecht. Be there in a minute.
             Though early morning LA traffic was peaceful Dan knows that within forty-five minutes the freeways will be backed up and a fifteen-minute commute will suddenly take an hour. He was thankful that Brian had insisted they be on site before the sun was even up, preferring to get a head start on anything that might go wrong. The man was childish but brilliant, Dan thought as he pulled his car into the beach front area reserved by the University for the research students.
             “Dan! Hey!” Suzy shouted, almost tackling Dan in her excited hug. Dan might be considered brilliant by some peers and professors, if that was the case Suzy was a genius. She graduated high school a year early and entered the University at the age of 17 having already completed a year and a half worth of credit hours. She was two years younger than Dan but also a senior looking into grad schools. Her long black hair was only changed by the violet streak she kept. Face only marked by the eyeliner she somehow did every day, making her look as alluring as Cleopatra must have.
           “Are you ready? Are you excited? I got you a tea” Suzy handed Dan a warm paper cup that radiated warmth and the calming scent of Earl Grey.
           “I think I’m ready. I know I’m excited, I got up before my alarms. Thank you, what did I do to deserve you Scuze?”
           “You still don’t, but if you’re lucky you can earn if after today.” Suzy laughed. Leading the way to the pier, where Brian stood. She dressed casually in jeans and a sweater, good choices since the morning chill was still lingering, made worse by the cold ocean stretching out in front of them. Brian, on the other hand, looked stern as always. Blue eyes constantly assessing and taking in the world around him. Slacks and a navy button up completed the look of stern professor. The façade was broken the moment Brian saw Dan though.
           “Hey dick.” Brian broke into a smile, shifting his features harsh to soft and fun. “Are you ready to be in the water?”
           Dan nodded excitedly, hair bouncing wildly, beyond ready to utilize the Universities multimillion dollar submarine. Behind the layers of science and research questions that has brought him here, basically he was just a kid with a want to go deep into the ocean and see some cool fucking shit.  
           “Bet your ass! I am beyond ready, I am so wet for this.” Dan walked slightly behind Brian and Suzy as they moved down the pier, toward the submarine waiting for them. Ironically the University had painted the entire submarine banana yellow, when Dan had laughed and pointed out the relevance to the Beatles song released in the 60s Dean Terry had given him a blank stare. He realized the color of the submarine wasn’t inspired by John Lennon before he quietly sat through the rest of the meeting with Dean Terry.
           The submarine was fantastic and huge. Large enough to fit two people though today only Dan would be going down. A plethora of buttons and levers, gauges and displays ran over the front of the sub. Measuring everything from temperature, to depth, pressure levels. Tools to grab samples and take pictures were available. Today Suzy, Brian and Danny had gathered to take the sub as deep as they possibly could. The goal was a depth of about 3,500 feet, the ocean floor near California, if they got the submarine to that level with no issues their next mission would put them in Guam, to explore Mariana’s Trench.
           “Are you ready, man?” Brian inquired? Looking at Dan as Suzy went over the submarine, doing one of three more checks the team would do before Dan went under.
           “I- I think so. I had the nightmare again last night man. But, I want to do this. I need to do this.” Dan had told Suzy and Brian about his childhood, the time he nearly drowned and how that affected his life. “I’m gonna- gonna go change real quick.”
           Dan ran to the bathroom, taking less than a moment to change into a wetsuit, preparing for the worst case scenario. When he exited Suzy had finished her check of the submarine and Brian was having his go at it. Dan watched as the man moved methodically, going over every gauge, lever and reading in the submarine before checking the steering and controls. Finding those satisfactory he moved to the oxygen tanks and “just in case equipment stored in the submarine. Checking the pressure gauges to ensure they were working once more Brian gave a contended hum before nodding to Dan.
           “I think it’s ready for you.”
           Dan jumped into the submarine, feeling the water craft bob under his added weight as it adjusted. Dan checked his gauges and dials, everything fell within the required areas. The oxygen tank was full and the equipment where he could grab it quickly if things went awry. With a last, precautionary verbal check with Suzy and Brian they were finally ready.
           Dan was going to dive into the deep.
           The descent started normally, the readings remained well within their limits. Pressure gauges weren’t indicating any issues. Dan continued slowly. 250 feet, 500 feet. The pressure in the cabin remained stable. Oxygen levels were good. Dan started looking around. His goal was to simply descend and ascend safely, proving that the craft was ready for their trip to Guam.
           “Earth to ‘Sexbang’ I’m thinking a certain scientist forgot to check in with his anxious team.” Suzy’s voice broke through Dan’s thoughts as he took in the sights around him.
           “Right Scuze. I’m sorry. Readings look solid on my side. Is the camera feed okay?”
           “Camera feed is fantastic. Our readings look good. How are you feeling?” This time the voice was Brian’s, playfulness gone from his tone. Dan imagined him starting at the feed, icy blue eyes roaming the screen as they took in what Dan was seeing and looked for what Dan might miss.
           “I’m good. Oxygen is still filtering in well, not yet stuffy. We should add a music player to this damn submarine. I could really go for some Rush right now. Sing to me Brian?”
           “In your dreams.”
           Dan giggled, once again thankful for the automatic bond he had felt in Brian’s presence and for Suzy, a glue allowing them to get work done while having fun.
           “I’m continuing descent. Looks like we are at 1,500 feet now. I think when we get to Guam  we should start with margaritas on the beach.”
           “I’m only investing in those if Holly gets to come. I’m sure there’s a bird or two there she will be excited to meet.” Suzy added. Always ready to spend more time with Holly. Nothing was written in stone yet, but Dan was sure they were more than friends and roommates like they said.
           “I’ll appeal to the dean to allow Holly to come if you let us have one really nice evening on the beach, no paperwork.” Dan said as his descent reached 2,000 feet. Already imagining the fun they would have in Guam.
           “Deal.” Suzy’s voice was distracted. Dan heard shuffling as Suzy and Brian moved around the temporary set up.
           Time seemed to slow down as things went from great to terrible.
           The oxygen levels in the submarine dropped. The cabin erupted into a shrill wine as a red light bathed the dash in front of Dan. Something was wrong.
           “D-Dan! Dan, what’s happening?” Brian’s voice was brisk but concerned. The concern was enough to raise the hairs on the back of Dan’s neck.
           “I- Brian. I don’t know. All of my readings are fine. They’re not coming across as alarming. What about yours?”
           “Everything is good here Dan. Come back up. Slowly. Don’t go any further down. Come back up now.” Suzy’s voice was stern, using the mothering tone she often used when Dan and Brian got out of hand.
           “Yeah, I- uh, okay. Yeah.” Dan’s descent had just taken him nearly 2,300 feet below sea level. He was sure only a few seconds had passed, maybe even only one second before Dan heard a popping sound he knew wasn’t good.
           “Shit.” Was all Dan heard before water was rushing into the submarine. He didn’t have a spare moment to grab the oxygen. He didn’t have a moment to think.
           The water didn’t slow, didn’t hesitate as it rushed into the submarine, filling every space. The water didn’t hesitate as it pushed Dan, hard, to the side knocking his head against the metal siding of the submarine. The water didn’t hesitate as it began to fill Dan’s lungs and his vision faded to blackness.
           When Dan woke his lungs were still burning with the sting of salt water. Brian and Suzy leaned over him, concern written over their faces.
           “Dan! Oh my god.” Suzy gushed, hands automatically roving over the man, checking for any injuries.
           “Scuze?” Dan coughed. “What the fuck happened man?”
           Dan looked up to see Suzy looking uncomfortable, Brian looking nearly angry.
           “The sub.. something happened. The pressure gauges weren’t reading correctly. Something went wrong.” Brian stated, an unusual edge to his voice as he spoke. “The ships integrity failed about the time you hit 2,500 feet. I think you hit your head. I’m not sure, we should get you to a doctor.”
           “I- hit my head? How did I get out?” Nothing made sense, Dan should be dead not here asking questions about how he avoided death by drowning. Again.
           At this Brian and Suzy looked uncomfortable, Brian even looked angry. They both looked behind them, Dan followed their gaze.
           Stuck in a net was a sight Dan never thought he would see. A man with beautiful brown hair to his shoulders. A pink streak flowing through the hair. A look of dismay on his face as he struggled against his binds. What caught Dan’s eye, took his breath away was the beautiful tail the man had, starting just below his belly button, where a normal humans naval would have been. The tail was an array of pinks, and caught the sun in the most beautiful ways. Dan watched as Dean Terry looked over the creature, a cold curiosity in his eyes.
           “They wouldn’t let him get away.” Brian sighed, voice full of sadness and anger. “He saved your life and they captured him.”
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biofunmy · 5 years
Navy Submarine, Missing for 75 Years, Is Found Off Okinawa
A 75-year-old mystery has been solved, and the families of 80 American sailors lost at sea will now have closure: the U.S.S. Grayback has finally been found.
It was hidden from discovery all this time by a single errant digit.
The mystery began on Jan. 28, 1944, when the Grayback, one of the most successful American submarines of World War II, sailed out of Pearl Harbor for its 10th combat patrol. By late March it was more than three weeks overdue to return, and the Navy listed the submarine as missing and presumed lost.
After the war, the Navy tried to piece together a comprehensive history of the 52 submarines it had lost. The history, issued in 1949, gave approximate locations of where each submarine had disappeared.
The Grayback was thought to have gone down in the open ocean 100 miles east-southeast of Okinawa. But the Navy had unknowingly relied on a flawed translation of Japanese war records that got one digit wrong in the latitude and longitude of the spot where the Grayback had probably met its end.
The error went undetected until last year, when an amateur researcher, Yutaka Iwasaki, was going through the wartime records of the Imperial Japanese Navy base at Sasebo. The files included daily reports received by radio from the naval air base at Naha, Okinawa — and the entry for Feb. 27, 1944, contained a promising lead.
The report for that day said that a Nakajima B5N carrier-based bomber had dropped a 500-pound bomb on a surfaced submarine, striking just aft of the conning tower. The sub exploded and sank immediately, and there were no survivors.
“In that radio record, there is a longitude and a latitude of the attack, very clearly,” Mr. Iwasaki said. And it did not match what was in the 1949 Navy history, not by a hundred miles.
Mr. Iwasaki is a systems engineer who lives in Kobe, Japan, and who became fascinated as a teenager with the Japanese merchant ships of World War II — four-fifths of which were sunk during the war, he said. Uncovering the history of those ships necessarily brought him into contact with records on submarines. “For me, finding U.S. submarines is part of my activity to introduce the tragic story of war,” he said. “It is my hobby, and also my passion.”
His work brought him to the attention of Tim Taylor, an undersea explorer who has set out to find the wrecks of every American submarine lost in the war. In 2010 he found his first submarine, the U.S.S. R-12, off Key West, Fla., where it sank during a training exercise in 1943. He set up the privately funded Lost 52 Project to track down the rest, relying on technology that had become available only in the last 10 to 15 years.
Mr. Taylor says that of the 52 lost American submarines, 47 are considered discoverable; the other five were run aground or destroyed in known locations.
Mr. Taylor and his wife, Christine Dennison, have been searching for those 47, and have begun to focus on the ones that were probably sunk near Japan.
Through his work in undersea exploration, Mr. Taylor was introduced to Don Walsh, a former Navy submariner who, as a lieutenant in 1960, reached the deepest point of any ocean on Earth, in the Mariana Trench near Guam. Mr. Walsh gave Mr. Taylor his copy of the 1949 Navy history, “U.S. Submarine Losses, World War II.”
Armed with the information in that book and Mr. Iwasaki’s discovery, Mr. Taylor and the Lost 52 team decided to make a run at finding the Grayback.
The Grayback’s last patrol was its third under the command of Lt. Cmdr. John A. Moore, who had been awarded the Navy Cross for each of the first two. His third Navy Cross would be awarded posthumously, after the submarine sent 21,594 tons of Japanese shipping to the bottom on its last mission. In all, the Grayback sank more than a dozen Japanese ships. The Navy considers submarines like the Grayback to be “still on patrol.”
Like Commander Moore did 75 years before, Mr. Taylor launched his mission to Okinawa this spring from Hawaii. When they reached Japanese waters in June, he and his team fought through mechanical and electrical problems that bedeviled their mission.
They were searching an area where the ocean was 1,400 feet deep, and their main search tool was a 14-foot-long autonomous underwater vehicle weighing thousands of pounds that Mr. Taylor likened to an underwater drone. It would dive to just a few hundred feet above the sea floor and then spend 24 hours pinging with different sonars back and forth across about 10 square nautical miles. When the drone returned to the mother ship, technicians downloaded its data, using computer software to stitch all of the sonar imagery into one coherent picture that they could quickly review.
“When you’re on these sites, you feel like you’re one breakdown away from having to go home,” Mr. Taylor said of the search area. “So every day is precious.”
On the next to last day of the expedition, the drone reported a malfunction one-third of the way through a planned 24-hour mission. As they recovered the drone, Mr. Taylor said, half of his crew started getting the ship ready to return to port, thinking that the vehicle was likely to be beyond quick repair. But Mr. Taylor began reviewing the images captured by the drone.
He quickly spotted two anomalies on the sea floor, and readied another of the ship’s remotely operated vehicles to visit the bottom. Unlike the drone, this one was steered manually from the mother ship, and had high-definition cameras.
In a matter of hours, Mr. Taylor was looking at the hull of the Grayback and, lying about 400 feet away, was the submarine’s deck gun, which had been blown off when the bomb exploded.
“We were elated,” Mr. Taylor said. “But it’s also sobering, because we just found 80 men.” The next day, Mr. Taylor and his crew held a ceremony to remember the sailors lost aboard the ship and called out their names one by one.
One of those names was John Patrick King.
His nephew John Bihn, of Wantagh, N.Y., is named after him. Mr. Bihn, who was born three years after the Grayback went down, remembers him as a constant presence in his maternal grandparents’ home, where a black-and-white photo of the submarine hung in the living room near a black frame holding Mr. King’s Purple Heart medal and citation. But in his family, the subject of his uncle’s death was “too sad to ask about,” Mr. Bihn said. “My mother would cry very often if you spoke to her about it.”
With no body to bury, Mr. Bihn’s grandparents, Patrick and Catherine King, memorialized their son on their own headstone. Under their names, Mr. Binh said, they had engraved, “John Patrick King ‘Lost in Action.’”
Mr. Bihn got a text message from his sister Katherine Taylor (no relation to Tim Taylor) two weeks ago, saying the Grayback had been found. She had gotten the news from Christine Dennison. “I was dumbfounded,” he said. “I just could not believe it.”
“I wish my parents were alive to see this, because it would certainly make them very happy,” he added.
In a video taken by the vehicle that surveyed the wreck, Mr. Binh said, the camera tilted upward at one point to show the conning tower, and a plaque reading “U.S.S. Grayback” was plain to see.
“It’s like someone wiped it clean,” Mr. Bihn said. “It’s like it wanted to be found.”
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adamwkent · 6 years
The Daily Roundup of Lesser Known Stories.
The Humorous, the Cool, and the Just Plain Stupid.
  Friday, May 11th: Where Are We Going?
  Get Ready For The Future (Brought To You By Musk), Our New High
Elon musk says the HyperLoop transport systems working concept model is almost ready! Seattle PI posted an article about it, probably because their traffic is horrifying. It once took me two hours to travel three miles on the freeway there. No joke. I know your doing about ten things at once, but hurry that HyperLoop up Musk!
Our New Low, Plastic Found 36,000 Ft Down In Mariana Trench
Also out of the Seattle PI today, a new low point for humanity. Literally a low point. Our plastic has reached the bottom of the ocean now, a bag (looking fully intact and inflated almost) was spotted on the floor of the Mariana Trench recently.
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Don’t You Have Better Things To Research?
Maybe one of the reasons we can’t clean up our own crap from the planet is we are too worried about being “hangry”… Seriously…
No wonder we can’t get anything done without people like Musk. Although, maybe being “hangry” explains a lot of the “righteous indignation” movement…
Or Maybe Better Things To Make “A Statement” On?
This story has been circulating for a few days now. While I understand what Letitia Chai was attempting to demonstrate, I personally feel it was a bit of an over reaction. Wear what you want, but don’t be pissed if someone thinks something about it. Chai disrobed to her underwear while presenting her thesis in response to her professor asking if her practice presentations attire was appropriate for a thesis presentation.
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“During Chai’s practice run on May 2, Chai told the paper she was wearing a blue button-down shirt and jean shorts. According to Chai, performing and media arts professor Rebekah Maggor asked her “Is that really what you would wear?”
Chai told the paper that Maggor said the shorts were “too short,” that she was making a “statement” with her attire and that “men’s attention” would be drawn away from her presentation.”
Again, I support wearing whatever you want. But guess what; appropriate attire for situations exists. I have been denied plenty of things due to “attire” (I don’t dress flashy or prim usually either) and recognize that the clothes you choose, makes “a statement” about who you are to people.
That being said; I do hope you did well Chai, that does take some serious bravery. That is literally one of the most common nightmares, and you did it in real life. I award you with the Bravest Of The Week award, despite my personal reservations on your statement.
How The Future Looks On This Path
While this may be a bleak outlook in today’s issue, I leave you with @Areas_Abandoned on Twitter. There is a majestic beauty in the desolate areas we have abandoned as humans. Nature has a way of making even our long lasting impression into her own image after Time has it’s say.
It may be that more of these sites appear across the world if we as humans cant get our heads out of our own asses and work together instead of bicker and fight among ourselves.
See you tomorrow!
Meanwhile... In Other Dumb News... 5/11/2018 Get Ready For The Future (Brought To You By Musk). Our New Low, Plastic On Ocean Floor 36K FT Down. Don't You have Something Better To Do? Or Make A Statement on? How The Future Looks. The Daily Roundup of Lesser Known Stories. The Humorous, the Cool, and the Just Plain Stupid.
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