#her little smile like what protect her now she has done nothing wrong ever
shxxxbi · 1 day
Episode 4 (Chapters: 12 - 14)
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Breaking a promise
Rak felt like shit here. He had called Mook to extend his stay but his secretary had refused sternly; so after Mut spent two nights pleading for him to stay, Rak tried to find an excuse to keep his promise. He considered telling his secretary that the manuscript wasn't finished, that he needed more time, even considered telling her all the boats had sunk and it was impossible for him to go back to the mainland. But in the end, he had no choice but to admit defeat. He felt terrible for breaking his promise to Mut, meanwhile the younger boy appeared almost unfazed. His face was "just the usual, totally normal one, with the usual smile and the same look. Not a hint of regret."
"If he didn't care, then why would I?"
So Rak picked up his phone and transfered Mut the money for "his services". Now more than ever, Tongrak was convinced that all that had happened between them was just sex. Mut sold his service and Rak had bought it. Nothing he hadn't already done before with other people...
...yet, Rak had "never felt this hollow"
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How much would it cost for you to go to Bangkok with me?
That hollow feeling in Rak's chest kept expanding. Memories of the time spent together with Mut flashed through his mind until a sudden warmth urged him to move. Tongrak was confident in his decision, in asking Mut to go with him. However, he still insisted that what he was feeling was not love. That it was just personal pleasure. And if he could afford it, what was the problem?
"The guy sold his service anyway. Right?"
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She didn't like this man at all. That's what Mook kept telling herself when she saw the man her boss had brought back with him. He made her feel "as tiny as an ant". Mook had screamed so loud upon hearing what Rak had done, that the airport staff almost came over to ask what was wrong.
"Brought back, as in purchasing?! Are people buying and selling men now?!"
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I don't trust you
Mook wanted to back down the moment she met eyes with Mut. She wasn't familiar with men at all, the only men she was close with were her family members and Rak. Mut intimidated her, with his big body and his dark and scary face, so much so it made her want to cry. But no one could be trusted this days, what if this man assaulted Rak? What if he stabbed her boss with a knife in his sleep?
"She had to protect Rak!"
Mut, on the other hand, found her amusing. She was so small, he could "probably blow her away with a puff". But he was never one to bully someone weaker, so he turned to Rak.
"What should i do? If I show respect, she won't back down. But if you tell me to handle her, this little lady won't stand a chance."
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Little Trivia: Rak's house
Contrary to the show, Rak's house is on the 27th floor of a very luxurious condo complex in the heart of Bangkok. It has 3 bedrooms, with the main one featuring a large wall window that offered a wonderful view of the bustling streets below. As for the other two bedrooms, one is a guest bedroom and the other one a study crammed with books. As for the kitchen, it is entirely made of Italian marble and has, basically, never been used.
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Bro, are you crazy?!
This phone call actually happens after Rak and Mook have already set off to work. Mook had been waiting outside the door to Rak's house as soon as the sun was up, too terrified to enter on her own and find the two men fucking in the living room, so she waited for Mut to let her in. After the secretary and her boss had left, Mut gets a call from Palm. The younger boy kept shouting and calling him crazy, but Mut knew very well what he was doing. Many people would describe him as very mature for his age, but Mut knew he still tended to act childish at times. Just like he had done now. Following a man to the mainland with no plan whatsoever, simply because he was unwilling to let him go. Mahasamut knew that their paths would most likely never cross again, this was the only opportunity he had to keep Tongrak close. And he would not let it go.
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Little Trivia pt.2: Mahasamut's age
Mut's age is never explicitly confirmed in the novel, however thanks to Khom we can figure it out. In "Love Sand", the story of Khom and Connor meeting and falling in love takes place when Khom is 19 years old. Many characters of Love Sea appear as side characters, including Palm and Mut. Palm is described as a boy around 17 years old, while Mut is "a few years older than him and around Khom's age". Fast forward to Love Sea (that chronologically takes place a while after the events of Love Sand), Mut describes Khom as his "younger close friend and brother". Also, in the prologue of Love Sea, Tongrak tells us that Khom is a decade younger than him. Since Rak is about to turn 31 and the two boys are around the same age, with Mut being apparently slightly older, Mahasamut should be around 21-22 years old, making the age gap between Mutrak around 9 or 10 years!
DISCLAIMER🚨: I have not read Love Sand, all the infos I have written come from people I know that have read it. Therefore, I apologize if something is incorrect🙇🏽‍♀️
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Can you read the report and understand it?
Fortunately for Mook, Mahasamut had decided to go to the hospital alone and not drag her along. Said report was currently being examined by Tongrak and poor Mook couldn't help but wonder why her boss was smiling like that. How could a report make him so happy? She didn't understand anything of what was written, she didn't know a thing about STDs. How could she, she had never even had sex with anyone. Her confusion faded when Mahasamut explained he was clean, only to be quickly replaced by embarrassment at his next words.
"Maybe next time we can skip the rubber. I promise I'll pull out"
Yet, nothing could prepare her for Rak's answer
"Who said you have to?"
Mut kept teasing Mook for a while after that, while Rak observed them in the distance
"They get along very well. This is nice. The room isn't quiet anymore."
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What if I say I won't agree to it?
Mut read the contents of the contract: Tongrak would provide him sixty thousand bahts monthly as compensation and cover all of his living expenses, including housing, food and even education, if he wished to pursue it. However, Mut had obligations as well: not disturbing Rak during working hours, not doing anything Tongrak disliked and, most of all, their relationship would end immediately at the writer's discretion. There was no love, nor commitment included. Mahasamut had to supress a growl in his throat. He disliked what Rak was doing, disliked how he was treating their relationship as if there was nothing but sex between them, nothing but money. But he knew this was the only opportunity he had to get close to Tongrak and he couldn't let it slip away, even if he wouldn't have much time. So, all he could do was clench his fists and hide his thoughts with a perfectly fine smile.
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So, you're saying you can love me, Khun Tongrak?
Being very fair-skinned, when all his blood rushed to his face, Rak easily turned a bright red that let everyone know he was blushing. And Mut's words had him blushing hard. Tongrak had experienced every kind of flirtation imaginable from both men and women, but just a few words from Mut were enough to leave him speechless. Had the younger boy not read the contract? Had he not realized there was no emotional attachment between them, only money? How could he be so brazen in asking for love? But, most of all, why the hell did Rak's heart skip a beat?!
Vivi was very impressed by the island boy. She knew there must have been something special between them if Rak had brought him home; just as she knew how much her friend deeply craved for someone's love, even if he refused to admit it.
"You can just call me Vi, no prefix needed. And if Rak ever dumps you, just come to Big Sis. I like you."
"That might be difficult," Mut declined, "I won't let myself get dumped so easily"
And Mahasamut had never been more serious. He wouldn't let Tongrak drift away from him.
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"I didn't say you could come in" "But you didn't say I couldn't come in either"
Here Mut actually enters Rak's room and sits on his bed, while the older man is busy playing on his phone. Unable to ignore Mut's gaze any longer, Rak put his phone down and looked up at him.
"That's better. Didn't anyone tell you that when you talk, you should make eye contact with the person you're talking to?"
Finally they talk about the contract, about their conversation downstairs and about how Rak doesn't believe in love, and this all but puts a sad smile on Mut's face. So, the younger boy reaches out to hold Rak's hand and intertwine their fingers.
"I know you don't believe in love, but I never said that I don't [...], you can't stop me from loving you."
Tongrak was at a loss for words. Confusion was written all over his face. He had never dealt with a situation like this before. He had never met anyone who said they'd love him.
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In the novel, this does NOT happen. Or, better said, it is not a kiss on the lips. It's a kiss on Rak's temple. Now, why am i putting so much emphasis on this, you might be asking. I think this is another masterpiece of improv by our ship captain Khun Thitipong. In the novel, there is A LOT of emphasis on the fact that Mut desperately wanted to kiss Rak's lips but, since he had just made a very important speech about pursuing Rak and making him change his mind about love, Mahasamut decided that he couldn't give in to his desire. He wanted the words he had just said to embed themselves in Rak's heart. To make Rak think about him, about them, as more than just what happens in bed, and that is something that would take time. So kissing his lips had to wait. Now, after making this such a big thing, I don't think Mame would just suddenly change her mind for the show. Therefore, if 1+1 is 2 and the shit-eating grin on Fort's face and Peat's eyes are anything to go by, I assume Thitiwhipped decided to take matters into his own hands. Also, it seems Peat hinted at this himself in the reaction video for episode 4: after watching the kiss scene, Peat himself asks Fort if the kiss was scripted or just his improvisation.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk 🫳🏽🎤
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fivesslut8 · 12 days
I just got to the episode in miraculous s5 where alya is just not believing marinette and omg it just makes my blood boil anyway heres a revised version of how i think it should have gone down
Marinette felt her pulse racing as she stared at Alya, her best friend, the person she thought would always have her back. But the look on Alya's face—the disbelief, the way she was brushing her off like she was being paranoid—was too much to take. Marinette's fists clenched around the edge of her lunch tray, knuckles white.
Lila had been lying again, and everyone was falling for it. Again. Marinette could feel her stomach twisting in knots as she tried to keep calm, but the fury bubbling inside her was impossible to ignore this time. Adrien had been by her side, trying to back her up, but Alya and Nino just wouldn't listen.
"You don't need to defend her, Adrien," Alya said, her voice dismissive as she rolled her eyes. "I mean, come on. It's not that big of a deal. Marinette always has a problem with Lila, and it's getting old. Just... let it go."
Marinette's breath caught in her throat. She felt something snap.
"Let it go?" she repeated, her voice low, trembling with restrained rage. She set her tray down on the table with a loud *clatter*, startling everyone. "You think I should just *let it go*?"
Alya blinked, clearly taken aback. "Mari, I didn’t mean—"
"No! You listen to me for once!" Marinette shouted, stepping closer, her face flushed with anger. "I’m sick of this! Lila’s been lying to all of you from the very beginning, and no one—*no one*—will listen to me! I’ve tried to be calm, I’ve tried to be patient, but I’m done! I’m done pretending like I’m the one with the problem here!"
Adrien stood frozen, unsure what to do, while Nino looked uncomfortable, fidgeting nervously. Alya opened her mouth to say something, but Marinette cut her off, her eyes burning.
"You’re supposed to be my best friend, Alya," Marinette spat, her voice cracking. "But you’d rather believe some lying, manipulative snake than the person who's always had your back! You'd rather trust her over me? What the hell is wrong with you?"
Alya’s eyes widened, but Marinette wasn’t finished.
"You know what’s worse?" Marinette continued, her voice growing sharper. "It's the fact that every time Lila pulls her little tricks, you act like *I'm* the one overreacting, like *I’m* the one causing the problem. But she’s been lying to your face, and you just eat it up like it's nothing!"
"Marinette, I—"
"Shut up!" Marinette snapped, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn’t hold back the tears anymore, not from the betrayal, not from the sheer frustration that had been choking her for months. "I'm done being the nice one! I'm done trying to protect you from her lies when you don’t even give a damn about me! Do you know how much it hurts to watch you believe her over me, time and time again?"
Alya stood there, speechless, guilt flickering in her eyes, but Marinette was too far gone to stop now.
"You can keep letting her manipulate you, but I'm done being your doormat. If you want to trust someone like Lila instead of me, then fine. But don’t you *dare* expect me to stay quiet and smile like everything’s okay. Because it’s not." Her voice dropped to a bitter whisper. "And I don’t think it ever will be."
The tension in the room was suffocating. Marinette's chest was heaving, her hands trembling with the weight of all the emotions she had kept buried for too long.
Alya opened her mouth to respond, but for the first time, she had no words.
Without another glance, Marinette grabbed her tray and stormed off, her heart still pounding, anger and pain swirling together like a storm she couldn’t contain. Maybe she had gone too far, maybe she hadn’t. But for the first time in a long time, she didn’t care.
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arlathavellan · 5 months
Phantom Pains | III
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Fandom: ACOTAR
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Reader: she/her, (3/4-High Fae, 1/4-Tartera), Y/N used
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 2.7k
Something is... wrong. Time missing, memories missing, thoughts missing. Wondering where things both big and small disappeared to, like the dress you were working on or even the past seventeen hours of your day. Something is very wrong, and the thought seems to slip your mind as soon as it comes. || Azriel has been a part of your life for years now, and has been courting you since the fall of Hybern. Only, things don't seem to be as simple as you'd both assumed they'd be. It seems someone thought you were the weak link-- the easy ticket to infiltrating the inner circle through its spymaster. And maybe you are.
|| Previous Part | Next Part (wip) | Masterlist ||
All Azriel ever wanted was to keep you safe. From the moment he first saw you, he knew you were something precious, something to be protected. Convinced he knew best how, he kept you away from the inner court, away from the side of himself he was afraid you would turn from in fear. His hubris and shame kept you away from the people who could protect you while he was gone.
Cas and Mor had wanted to be introduced to you years ago, before things were even official between the two of you. Afraid it would only put a target on your back, he let himself pretend it was better for you to never cross paths with that part of his life.
After the war, he started to let his guard down. Mor would commission gowns from you, both supporting you and building a professional relationship as a compromise to respect Azriel's boundaries. When he eventually decided it was time to officially introduce you to everyone, he went to Feyre first, thinking it would be easiest for you to connect artist-to-artist rather than let one of the others completely overwhelm you. She was happy to agree, and excited at the prospect of helping ease you into their family. When she finally got her dress, it brought your little shop more attention than you'd had since coming to own it. The way your face lit up when you told him about having to hire someone to help you out helped reassure him that he'd made the right choice. He wanted nothing more than to introduce you to the rest of his loved ones, knowing they'd love you almost as much as he did.
It was obvious to them all how much you meant to Azriel.
It was obvious to everyone who knew who he was that you were the Spymaster's weakness.
That was his mistake; growing too comfortable with the bubble of peace that had existed undisturbed around the two of you. When he was with you, he let himself imagine he was someone else, someone with less blood on his hands.
He never should have forgotten, never should have let his guard down. It didn't matter how many times he'd been able to walk you home with no issue— every moment you were seen with him was a public admittance that you were important to him. Azriel could never be a normal illyrian, never act like it was possible to separate the parts of himself. Every waking moment he was the Shadowsinger, the Spymaster. His love for you didn't keep you safe, it only made you a target. Everything he did to put a smile on your face made it that much easier for others to hurt you.
Azriel is on his way back from his mission when Rhysand gets in contact with him.
Come home, he says. Now.
He tries to ask questions. Anxiety swirls in the pit of his stomach as he flies, any response met with a resounding silence.
The mission had been underwhelming, the intel he'd gotten no more than cold tracks leading straight to a dead end. Whispers of rebellion, more faeries foolish enough to act out against Rhysand moreso because of what he is than what he's done. There was nothing when he'd gotten there, just a long-abandoned camp that left no clues behind. His shadows couldn't find anything either, returning just to whisper confusion in his ear. While he was ready to call it and go home, he didn't feel right dropping the thread without seeing where it might really end. After a week of searching, he felt like he'd been run in circles, and told Rhysand he was coming back to Velaris empty-handed. It seemed to be a routine the past year, a lot of low-effort surveillance that seemed to result in nothing.
Not even a souvenir? He'd joked.
He wasn't joking now.
"What's going on?" He asks in response, scanning the room. The atmosphere of the house is low, and it has all of his senses on high alert. "Is everyone okay?"
Azriel lands on the balcony of the Town House. If it were official Court business, Rhysand would be in the House of Wind. But the Town House? This was family business. He opened the doors swiftly, some of his shadows immediately fanning out to sweep the residence.
"Az," Cassian calls, voice tight and shoulders tensed as he practically marches towards him.
Shadows curl at his neck, overloading him with information. He winces, unable to sift through it all at once. They're panicked, some moving around the room so fast they're knocking chairs into the table and toppling over vases. The noise draws another person into the room as Cassian steadies him by his shoulders.
Room, he can barely make out in their desperate jumble of cries. Your room, your room. Five in house. Three in room. High Lord, doctor, sw—
"Azriel!" Mor cries, ducking around Cassian's wings to help hold him straight as his shadows continue their barrage of information, nearly knocking him off his feet in their haste.
Five in house. Three in room.
"Mor, grab a chair before they knock him down—" High lord.
"We don't have time—" Doctor.
"—just get Rhys—" Sweetheart.
Silence falls over the room as his shadows still in a single breath. His wide eyes meet Cassian's, flicker over to Mor's distressed, tear-streaked face, and the pieces fall into place.
"Y/N?" he breathes, terror gripping his chest.
Hands reach for him once more, mouths opening in explanation, but as his knees buckle, the light is sucked out of the room in an instant, and he's gone.
"Now," you say, making a few final adjustments to the garment in front of you. "There's still some work to be done, mostly alterations, but it will absolutely be done in time for the party."
The woman behind you is absolutely giddy, facing away until you give the word.
"Before we get started on all that, I know you mentioned you wanted a draping that was loose and flowy, but I was worried the fabric might snag on your jewelry." You explain. "So It's still a loose drape, but a little less than what I first showed you when we were picking out fabrics."
She lets out an impressed 'ooo' as you explain. "That's so smart; I can't wear my chunky bracelets with half my dresses. My lady, I defer to your judgment."
Letting out a laugh, you fluff out the skirt in preparation for its presentation. "Okay! Now, three, two—"
"—one!" Mor cuts off, spinning around to see the dress. Her hands fly up to her mouth as she bounces on her feet. "Yes, yes! Oh, Y/N, it's even better than I imagined."
Pride wells up in your chest as she moves closer to see the gown, but a wave of confusion washes over you as you sway slightly on your feet. She… liked the dress? No. No, she didn't like the dress. This isn’t what happened. Your head spins as you watch Mor fuss over the skirt, playing with the fabric to have the gemstones on the inner layers catch on the light like stars.
You ran out of that fabric. There wasn't enough left for a full skirt, so you had to go without it. You stumble backwards towards the wall, but nothing catches you. Panic grips your throat as you float weightlessly, and everything is drowned in black.
It's okay, a voice whispers in your mind. You're alright. I need to see what memories they locked away so I can figure out what they were looking for.
Memories… that was a memory? But that didn't happen. You try to close your eyes tightly against the darkness, but you feel nothing. Light floods your vision, and suddenly you're sitting on your couch alone.
"Hello?" You call, voice shaking. "Who's there?"
"I suppose an explanation is in order, now that you're here." The voice comes from everywhere and nowhere at once, until an unfamiliar faerie steps out of the shadows with his hands raised.
You stand unsteadily as he moves closer.
"My name is Rhysand, though you can just call me Rhys," he says.
"While I wish the circumstances were better, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Y/N."
"Rhysand…" you mutter, feeling feint. "Azriel's brother?"
A fond expression crosses his face. "Not typically the first title that comes to mind for people, but I must admit it's refreshing."
The couch behind you seems to beckon you once more, and he has no objections when you sit back down. "What's going on?"
"I thought this might be easier to digest." A chair you certainly don't own appears on the other side of the coffee table for him to take a seat. "We're in your head right now. I can't say I've ever tried something like this, but I quite like it. Although I believe your mind may be doing most of the heavy lifting, so we don't have much time."
Holding your hands out, your flip them over as you curl your fingers. Everything has a bit of a smoky quality to it, like it would all disappear with a gust of wind, and feels the same sluggish consistency as your shadows.
"What… happened?" Quiet as your voice is, he seems to hear you perfectly well.
His gaze is pained when you look back up at him, eyebrows pinched as he tries to explain. "From what I can tell, someone has gotten access to your mind, and had been taking and altering your memories. I don't know for what purpose, so I've been trying to see what they've hidden to try and figure it out. Do you know when this may have started?"
The answer comes to you immediately, the incident having weighed on your mind since it happened. "I lost a few hours a little over a month ago. Azriel found me standing in the street."
Something passes over his face, and the moment of silence that follows has dread building in your gut.
"Az spoke to me about that night," he says softly, almost slowly. It reminds you of that moment with Mor, before everything in your head exploded. He opens his mouth to speak once more, but his attention is snapped elsewhere. Looking to the side, his expression twists with confusion and anger. "Someone's trying to break through my wards. I'll be back soon; let your mind rest, and we'll continue once you've regained your strength."
"Wait—" you lurch forward, reaching for him, but you continue falling forward as everything you see dissipates.
Your existence feels lighter and lighter, until you feel nothing at all.
Azriel feels the wards fighting him, digging under his skin as his shadows slip through cracks that aren’t there. He’s never tried to travel within the house like this, never had need to, but with his shadows guiding him to you he had no complaints.
His room explodes with darkness as he finally lands on his feet, the sound of an older woman screaming in shock filling his ears before they all congregated around his bed. Looking around frantically, he took stock of the occupants of the room.
Madja stood by his dresser, hastily straightening bottles of medicines and salves that had been knocked askew by his arrival. By his bed, stepping back from the writhing mass of darkness, was Rhys, with a displeased expression.
“What happened?” he asks before the High Lord can speak.
Rhys sighs, rubbing between his brows as they pinch together. “Was that you, bursting through my wards?”
“Rhys,” Azriel hisses.
“You were right,” Rhys says, leveling him with a look that urged him to try and stay calm. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you then, Az. But we can fix it, now.”
The ground seems to fall out from beneath his feet. Stumbling forward, the Spymaster catches himself on the foot of his bed, shadows curling up his arms.
“She’s had multiple memories locked away, and when Mor caught on…”
Azriel looks up at him, wanting him to finish but not wanting to hear the words.
“It was a Daemati.”
The breath leaves his lungs, and the illyrian curls in on himself at the jolt of pain that shoots through his chest. A steady hand grasps his shoulder, grounding him.
“She’s alright, now. I’ve shut them out of her head so they can’t do any further damage, but…” he trails off, as if it might ease the blow.
Azriel understands the implication loud and clear. “But they’ve already caused damage.” He digs the heels of his palms into his eyes, taking deep breaths as Rhys sighs. The only sounds in the room are his breaths, the rustling of his sheets, and the near-silent clacking of Madja’s equipment. “How bad is it?”
Rhys’ hand twists on his shoulder as he moves to sit beside him on the bed. “She may have some residual issues with memory loss in the future. I didn’t get very far, but they’ve locked numerous memories away, most pertaining to interactions with you or Mor.”
The silence that follows is somehow more tense than the last, and when Azriel finally straightens back up to look at Rhys, the expression that greets him is pained.
“When I asked her when she began to have issues relating to her memory… she claimed that you found her standing in the street a little over a month ago.”
A month ago. Had you really been suffering for so long unnoticed that you’d lost so much time? Everything he’d just chalked up to stress about the customer influx, and you were missing three months worth of memories. What had they even left for you?
He turns to look over his shoulder at you, his shadows parting just enough for him to see you sleeping peacefully in his bed.
“I’m keeping her unconscious for now,” Rhys tells him. “It will give her mind time to rest and heal itself, so I don’t do more harm than good.” His hand squeezes his shoulder, turning his attention back to him. “With the depth and frequency of attack… they have to be somewhere in the city, Az. Somewhere close to her.”
His fists clench tightly in his sheets, a low-bubbling rage festering in his gut. “Someone in Velaris did this?”
“We opened our gates to Hewn city,” Mor calls from the doorway. The two turn to look at her, a heavy weight settling upon the room at her words. “We should start with any frequent visitors, see who spends a lot of time in her part of the Palace of Thread and Jewels.”
“The intel we’ve been getting,” Azriel says, voice raspy. “Almost a year of nothing.”
Rhys answers with a dawning dread. “Someone wanted you out of the city. Away from her.”
He shares a look with Mor as Azriel stands from his bed and storms out of his room, half of his shadows rushing after him.
Cassian is downstairs to meet him at the door. “Don—“
“Move, Cas,” he snarls, stopping in front of him.
“Think, Az. If you go tearing through the streets of Velaris—“ an attempt to shoulder past him is stopped with a hard shove, “—they’ll be in the wind before you can find them.”
The two have their stand-off, Azriel’s siphons beginning to burn as Mor makes it back downstairs, Rhys close behind.
“You’re needed here, Az.” She’s met with a glare, hazel eyes dark. “Don’t give me that. You know we need to narrow our search down so they don’t see us coming.”
Rhys steps forward with a subtle tilt of his head. Azriel’s gaze snaps towards him, brow cocking as he waits for a third iteration of the same argument. “Y/N needs you here, with her.”
Silence falls between them, a battle of wills crackling the air around them. Darkness creeps up his legs, his torso, curling around his neck to voice their deliberation.
Sweetheart, they say. Alone, hurt, with us, safe, sweetheart, safe.
He closes his eyes with a heavy, weary sigh, shoulders dropping and siphons fading. A heavy hand lands on his shoulder from behind.
“We’ll find the son of a bitch who did this,” Cassian promises. “And then they’re all yours.”
He opens his eyes for a moment, searching for deep blue. Rhys’ gaze meets his, darkening as he nods his confirmation.
“You’d do the same for me, brother,” he says. In a moment unshared with the others, the rest goes unspoken.
If it were Feyre lying there. If it were my mate instead.
Here I am falling into my old dialogue-heavy traps! I was going to queue this for tomorrow but I got too excited lmao
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@pellucid-constellations @horneybeach1 @hyemishii @brujitafantomatico @batlokiuniverse
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Hello ❤️ I know you’re back home and I think are doing these on an as-you-can basis. If you’re just completely done, let me know! But I got in my feelings today about always being the third wheel and of course my brain wants to whump Steve about it, so here’s two lines from a conversation I had with a friend:
“When do I stop being a last resort?”
“When will I get people who care the way I care?”
Again, if you’re not doing these any more, that’s completely fine! Just thought I’d submit these in case you are. Feel free to use one or the other, or both! ❤️
Hello my star ✨ I am technically not doing them, but it kinda sounds like we both maybe need this one and I'm gonna use this a lowkey plug for everyone to consider participating in the @steddiemicrofic challenge. I'm going with the first one because I believe that even at Steve's lowest, he knows he has Robin to care about him a whole lot ❤️
When the dust settles, when everyone seems to find a new rhythm, when they don't always look over their shoulder and wait for the next world-ending crisis, Steve finds himself alone a lot.
When Robin leaves for college, he finds himself alone most of the time.
The kids are back in school, everyone except Jonathan and Eddie have gone off to college, and those two seem to get along just fine without Steve inserting himself into their friendship.
They still come hang out with him sometimes, usually when they wanna rent a movie using his discount, or if Eddie wants to borrow his dining room for Hellfire.
The worst part is he says yes, puts a smile on his face, pretends he's happy just to get some attention, any attention.
And he is a little happy. Some attention is better than none, especially for a lonely person like him.
He watched everyone around him have each other, while he has himself.
He talks to Robin every other night, but he feels like he's burdening her, but would never say that. He just waits for her to stop answering the calls.
It all comes to a head one evening when Eddie is over at his house late, still cleaning up after Hellfire.
Steve had a bad week at work, customers just being rude over nothing, a migraine two days in a row, and now Eddie dragging his feet to leave.
The worst part? He didn't want him to leave.
Just the thought of another night alone had him tearing up.
He made sure to stay facing away from Eddie, unable to stop the tears from falling, but at least able to stay quiet.
Not quiet enough.
"Steve? What's wrong?"
He sounded so concerned.
"Nothing. Just a little overtired. Head still hurts a little. You know how it is."
He couldn't quite laugh it off, the sound more of a choked sob than anything.
Eddie's hands were on his shoulders, turning him around so he had no choice but to look at him, his worried gaze more than Steve expected.
"What's actually wrong?"
So much.
"When do I stop being a last resort?"
He hadn't meant to say that. He certainly didn't expect Eddie's reaction: pulling him close to his chest, his grip on his back and hair enough to make Steve sink into it.
He hadn't been hugged since Robin left for college.
"What do you mean? You're not a last resort."
"I'm no one's first choice. You only come here because I have the most room. The kids only ever call if they need a ride somewhere. I think at this point Robin only talks to me so she knows I'm alive."
The words were hard to get out but he did it. He felt slightly better just knowing he'd said them.
"Fuck. We've- I've been so stupid."
Steve pulled away.
"I just thought you wanted your space. We're done fighting monsters, so you can go back to just being Steve Harrington. I don't think any of us thought you still wanted to be around us. But we've taken what we thought we could get."
"What? Why would anyone think that?"
"Because you only got involved in all this protect people. Now you don't have to."
"I protected everyone because I cared. Why would I just stop caring?"
"When you put it like that, it sounds stupid."
Steve rolled his eyes.
"Because it is stupid."
"So you do want us around?"
"Yes! I thought no one wanted me around anymore since they didn't need me."
Eddie shook his head, disappointment settling over him.
"That's so far from the truth. Dustin was upset the other day because he was convinced you were going to start telling him no when he asked for rides and he didn't know how else to see you."
Steve let it sink in, the words and the way Eddie still hadn't let go of him completely, still had his hands resting on his lower back as Steve looked up at him.
"For a smart kid, he sure is dumb."
Eddie laughed loudly, smiling down at Steve as some of the tension released from his body.
"I guess we all are."
"Including me."
"You're very loved, Steve. By all of us."
"All of you?"
"Yes. All."
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ghcstao3 · 10 months
what about werewolf!ghost x vampire!soap 👀
hope you don’t mind me using the occasion to revive the rileys for an awkward family dinner
Being brought home to meet Ghost’s family is probably one of the more interesting moments of Soap’s (unbearably long) life.
And not only because he’s never properly dated someone as long as he has Ghost before—it’s also because said family isn’t human, and is more than aware of the fact that he drinks blood to keep himself alive.
So. Interesting is where he stands.
Soap is lured in with a false sense of security from two things—the first being Ghost’s insistence that his mother, brother, and sister-in-law are all nicer than him. The second being the warm smile Mrs. Riley offers him at the front door, entirely friendly and sincere, not like the brandishing of sharp canines that Ghost has flashed Soap with once or twice.
She’s pleasant to talk with, already siding with him when it comes to her son’s tendencies, and she even goes so far as to pour him a glass of pig’s blood she’d purchased just for the occasion. And being that it’s so nice, Soap doesn’t have the heart to tell her that he can only tolerate the stuff at best, especially now that he only ever takes from a specific source these days.
It’s through this lovely conversation with Ghost’s mum and the general sense of domesticity that has Soap believing that he shouldn’t encounter any problems when Beth and Tommy arrive.
But how wrong he was.
Beth at least tries to be polite, though Soap doesn’t miss the distasteful scrunch of her nose once she obviously catches scent of what Ghost so lovingly calls the wrongness of vampirism. Tommy, on the other hand, doesn’t so much as bother trying to hide his disdain.
(Thank God Soap finds out later that it’s mostly just the whole protective older brother act, but still. It hurts Soap’s feelings, just a bit.)
Dinner is absolutely stifling when all but Soap are eating what Ghost’s mum has made, all chatter dying off much too quickly in what little bouts Ghost, of all people, tries to initiate. Soap traces his finger around the rim of his barely-touched glass all while he tries to ignore Tommy’s pointed looks like Soap had done something to personally offend him.
Maybe he had.
“You’re sure about this, Simon?” Tommy eventually, finally asks after nothing but pressing silence. Though the question is asked to Soap’s left, he still feels golden eyes near identical to Ghost’s bearing down on him.
Ghost drops his fork onto his plate, his frustration palpable, emanating in waves. “Do you have to be such a prick, Tom?”
“Boys,” Mrs. Riley scolds from her end of the table. “We have a guest.”
“Yeah, and that guest’s a vampire, Mum,” Tommy spits, throwing out his hand in gesture to Soap. “He eats people.”
“Tom,” Beth hisses.
“Common misconception,” Soap mumbles. He feels all attention shift to him, as if they all remembered he was present—right, super-hearing. He clears his throat, raising his voice, “Only the… bad ones do that.”
“Besides,” Ghost is adding, and Soap is a little fearful of where he plans to take this, “he only feeds off me.”
A tense silence blankets the table. Soap wants to sink into the floor.
“It was my idea,” Ghost attempts to amend, but it’s already much too late. This is already a disaster, beyond disaster, and maybe Soap should’ve stuck to his guns about not meeting a family of werewolves as a vampire.
“Doesn’t matter, Simon!” Tommy exclaims his disbelief.
Ghost rolls his eyes. Soap had not at all imagined this to be where the night would lead. It’s what he desperately wished wouldn’t happen. Because he loves Ghost, and Ghost loves his family—so Soap had felt he needed to be in their good graces.
There goes that idea.
“I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t trust him, Tommy,” Ghost says slowly, challenging. “Is how I feel about him not good enough?”
This finally seems to stun Tommy into some form of submission. Soap doesn't miss Beth reaching out to flick Tommy's ear.
"S'pose it is," Tommy grumbles.
"Good." Ghost sits back in his chair, and resumes eating with a smug self-satisfaction poised in his broad shoulders.
There's a kick under the table delivered to Tommy, though Soap can't tell by who. He only knows its recipient by the muttered sorry, John, that follows.
Soap supposes he can be content with that for now. He gives Tommy a close-lipped smile, fearing that any show of fangs might provoke him.
All things considered, things could be worse. Even his military training wouldn't give him a considerable upper-hand against a natural-born werewolf.
He'll have to talk to Ghost about it later. Maybe when the werewolf is shifted, and Soap can dig cold fingers through thick fur. Then again another time, when Ghost can respond with more than huffs and whines and low growls.
They'll figure it out—they've already done it once before with just each other.
But they definitely have to smooth things over sooner rather than later, or else it's going to be real awkward when Soap finally gets the courage to pull out the ring that's been weighing his pocket down for little over a month, now.
It's fine. Everything will be fine. Soap can manage interesting.
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deansapplepie · 1 year
Till THE DEAD do us part | Chapter 2
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A/N: This story will take place in all the seasons, but it’s not exactly a rewriting cause I’d have to re-watch everything to use the exactly lines of the characters, also I think it’s better if I tell a side story without changing the main facts of the story.
This story has a Female Reader, but I don’t describe her appearance, so anyone can identify with her.
Chapter 1 Chapter 3
Chapter 2: Anything that Reminds you of Me
Summary: In this chapter Y/N Grimes gets back something that she lost, discover some secrets and conflicts Shane.
Warnings: mentions of cheating, swearing, mentions of death, violence, Shane is an ass, Merle being Merle.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Grimes!Reader (Rick’s sister)
Word Count: 3716
Extra notes: I proofread the text, but English is not my first language, so feel free to correct any mistakes, of course with love.
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After that day you grew closer to Daryl, it was easy to be with him, you could stay a long moment silently and it would not feel awkward. Also, it was cute to watch his interactions with Luna. He started to interact more with her and sometimes even took her for a walk. But now, you needed to also deal with a super protective Shane that out of nowhere thought you were a little girl.
“Be careful. He’s not the right man for you.” You rolled your eyes at him, he always said the same damn thing and you were getting tired of it.
“Did you ever stop to think that maybe I don’t want the right one? Maybe I just want the wrong one?” You were tired, you would always tell he was just your friend, that you knew how to defend yourself, but he always came with the same judgmental words about Daryl and about you.
“Y/N…” That was it, you had enough.
“Shane, I’m no damsel in distress, and… you’re not Rick, okay?” You chose your words carefully almost saying ‘you’re not my brother’, but you considered him your brother, right? You tried change your words to not hurt him, but what you said… he understood what you said, he was not Rick which means he’s not your big bro to boss you.
“Fine.” He answered teeth greeted.
“Fine.” You throw back at him, leaving your side of camp followed by Luna.
A group was getting ready to do a run to get more food and any other thing that could be useful. You weren’t going this time, so you approached Glenn to give him a list of things you needed. He was the one with more experience on the runs, so he was the best person to have the list.
“Just that?” He asked looking at your very small list.
“Yeah, I don’t need much.” You scratched Luna’s ears while she got a lick from Glenn’s hand.
“Nothing special? A candy? Maybe some cookies?” He suggested, you never asked those kind of things to him, but he would always bring something to you. He was like that cute baby brother that everyone wanted to have.
“If you see anything that reminds you of me, you can bring it.” You simply answered, everything was almost ready for them to go. So you decided not to get on their way. “Be careful, ok?”
You left them finishing getting things done and went to the other side of the camp where a certain archer was also preparing his things to go hunting.
“Good morning” you said as you got close to him, Luna already attacking him with her tongue and paws.
“Morning”, he answered while petting the happy dog. “Luna, stop” he tried commanding the german shepherd when she wouldn’t let him finish what he was doing. “Stop” he said again.
Then she stopped looking at him, puppy eyes, tongue out and the tail going side to side. “Good girl” he scratched her ears. You smiled looking at both of them, they were too much cute to not smile at.
“Can I go hunting with you?” You finally talked.
“It’s better not, I’m planning on bringing something big this time and ya make much noise walking, no offense” he was not wrong, but you could use leaving the quarry for a while.
“Alright, do you want Luna to go with you?” You asked, you’d prefer Luna stayed with you, but you knew he also needed some company.
“Nah, I’m ok. She sometimes doesn’t obey me, I don’t wanna risk anything happening to her.” You sat on a beach chair that was close where he was preparing to head out, Luna on your feet.
“When you come back, you’ll teach me how to shoot the crossbow, right?” You had asked him the other day and he said he could help you, but then you never had the opportunity.
“Yeah, I’ll…” he stopped mid sentence watching Merle approach, he was going on the run, so why was him coming back?
“Want anything special lil bro?” He asked, then looked between you and Daryl with a smirk on his face. “Maybe, some condoms?” He knew he would get Daryl pissed, most of the time he would say this things just so he could see Daryl’s reaction.
“Shut the fuck up Merle!” His face burned and he was trying to hide his blushed cheeks. Your cheeks were also blushing and you had nowhere to hide.
“Don’t you have to go on that run Dixon?” He laughed and tried to pet Luna, but she barked to him making him jump.
“It’s okay love birds, I’ll leave you alone.” He said returning to the group that was almost going.
“Don’t mind him.” Daryl tried to apologize, he felt like he was always apologizing or making excuses for his brother.
“Don’t worry, it’s just Merle being himself, there’s not much you can do.” You stayed there with him until he was ready to leave to the woods, you wished him good luck and told him to take care. He gave you a little grunt that you interpreted as ‘thank you, take care too’.
The rest of the day was uneventful. You helped around camp, took care of the kids and also rested a little. It was getting late but nobody had came back from the run yet. You were starting to become worried.
“Any sign of them?” You asked Dale who was at his usual spot near the RV.
“No, not yet.” He answered and looked with his binoculars again.
“What if something bad happened?” Amy asked worried, Andrea, her sister, had gone with them and she was not used to go on these runs.
“I’m sure they are fine, maybe they run into some trouble, but they have T.Dog and Merle, they are strong. They’ll be fine.” You tried tranquilizing the younger woman.
Not longer after this conversation you heard a big noise, just like a car alarm. Down the road a red sports car came in a high speed and the noise of the alarm became higher and higher. Soon the car stopped in the entrance of the quarry and it was Glenn inside. Shane ran to stop the noise of the alarm and soon after a truck stopped behind the beautiful car. ‘They freaking stole a truck’, you thought admired. ‘What could possibly have happened?’
You saw T.Dog, Morales and Andrea coming from the truck. Amy was helping Andrea to walk, something had gone really wrong. Where was Merle? Suddenly you heard a commotion, you thought you heard Carl yelling the word ‘dad’ and it couldn’t be it. What were the chances? Luna ran from your side in the direction of the group and you had to follow her. “Luna, stop! You can’t go running like that!” You yelled at the dog, only stopping when she jumped on Lori, Carl and… Rick.
“Rick?” You didn’t even know if anyone could listen to you, you felt as if you were in one of those dreams where you want to talk, scream and you just can’t, but that wasn’t a dream. Rick was there in his uniform, hugging his family, tears in his eyes and he heard you, if it was another sad dream he’d have ignored you like in every other that you had. But he got up from where he was hugging Lori and Carl, and he walked in your direction, you ran the short distance between you, and threw your arms around him.
“It’s really you” tears were already coming from your eyes.
“It’s me, I’m here now.” He was alive and his heart was beating, he kissed the top of your head and you hugged him tightly.
“I thought you were dead, I- I should have gone and saw it for myself. I’m sorry, you were left alone… I’m so sorry.” Many feelings came to your mind at this moment, Shane told you he was dead, but he wasn’t. You were happy about having your brother back, but now you were infinitely angry at Shane.
“It’s ok, you couldn’t know. None of us are going to separate again, I promise.” After you departed from his embrace, you looked at Shane and for second he was scared. He knew you were mad, and he knew he had screwed everything. Your look meant many things and he was scared of what he could lose if you ever opened your mouth.
You were informed that they let Merle cuffed to a rooftop.
“Damn, I know he’s an asshole, but it’s not going to go well when Daryl get to hear about it. I’m not telling him, you guys tell, I’ll just be around in case he gets out of control.” You said. Fuck. You knew they probably had a good reason for that, but Daryl was his brother and he would get very upset about it. Actually, upset doesn’t really represent how he would be. And you couldn’t blame him, you were a young sibling too and if it was Rick… you’d be angry too. In fact, at this moment you were still mad about Rick being left in the hospital to die.
“What will you do? Are you gonna kiss the calm into him?” Shane mocked you up, good everything you needed.
“Fuck you Shane!” You showed him your middle finger and left, if it was any other time, it would become a playful moment between both of you. But right now, you couldn’t. There was too much on your mind.
You closed into yourself for a while, trying to calm yourself down and organize your thoughts, but it was almost impossible. You wanted to thank Glenn, for bringing your brother back to you, but with everything that happened you didn’t get the chance to thank him. When you told him to bring something that reminded of you, you were not expecting him to bring your brother that you thought was dead. You were so glad at Glenn for it, he could have ignored Rick and let him to die, but he helped him.
“We’re organizing to go get him by the morning” Rick sat by your side, concern in his eyes. “I know we shouldn’t have left him there, but things got out of control and T.Dog lost the key.” You know he was being honest, and you were happy they were going back to rescue him.
“Daryl is probably coming back tomorrow morning, maybe he’s able to go with you. I think he’d like to.” You felt Rick tense, you knew your brother, it was just like you could feel his energy. Shane already opened his mouth.
“This Daryl Dixon, what’s going on between you two?” There was the question you were waiting he would drop.
“Nothing, he’s my friend. I have no idea what Shane told you, but he’s an ass. He judges people without knowing them. Daryl is a good person and he was with me when I needed the most.” You gave him a brief explanation, omitting the part that you were crying over his cheating friend and wife, and telling it was because you missed him. Not completely a lie. “Trust me, he’ll probably hate you tomorrow, but you’ll get to know him and you’ll see who he really is.”
Rick tried to trust you, he knew you well and he also knew Shane’s temper, but he could not stop protecting you now that he was back.
The other day early in the morning Rick, Glenn and T.Dog already had a plan and were packing everything to rescue Merle and pick the guns Rick had lost. Everything was going just fine, till Daryl made his big entrance cursing a walker that ate the deer he was tracking.
‘Just good, he’s already moody. That helps a lot’, you thought. As soon as the news were told, Daryl jumped in Rick’s direction and you had to come between then.
“Hey! Hey! Daryl! Listen to me! Calm down.” You were in front of him, your back turned to Rick, hands up.
“Easy for ya to tell, yer brother is back from the dead while mine is handcuffed to a damn roof.” He looked at you and you could see anger, fear and despair in his eyes.
“I know. I have mine back and you need to rescue yours. They are going back to rescue him. Rick is really sorry, trust me.” You put your hands on his chest praying he would not flinch at your touch or take your hands away, but he didn’t move. “Now we can stay here, fighting each other while Merle is alone in that rooftop, or you can all work together and rescue him. I know right at this moment you wished Rick was dead, but I’d never wish it for Merle. Our brothers can do stupid things, but they don’t deserve to die.”
A long silence came and Daryl contemplated the possibilities, he trusted you, but he wanted to punch Rick’s face as much as he wanted to punch Shane for going around talking shit about his brother. He looked at you one last time and said “Fine. I’m going.”
After they went on the rescue mission the camp started to go back to normal. But it was not over to you, and you had something you needed to do. You walked large steps on Shane’s direction.
“Hey Shane!” You called, in the moment he turned to you, you were already close enough and in seconds your closed hand were making contact with his face.
“What the hell was that for? Because of your boyfriend?” He asked his hand touching the left side of his face.
“That was because of my brother, and you know why. All the reasons going on your mind right now, it’s because of them.” You know he understood, his angry face became a worried one in seconds.
“Y/N… I didn’t know. I swear, he was not breathing, his… his heart had stopped.” He tried to explain. Some people looked at you and other pretended to be minding their own businesses but you couldn’t care less.
“Well, then explain me this. Because I see two options, first you lied, or second we need to take Rick to the authorities immediately, because he’s the cure to all this shit.” You decided to go to the side of the camp where your tents were, you have had enough. The show was over.
“Aunt Y/N, why did you punch Shane?” Damn the kid saw it, Lori wasn’t going to like it.
“Shane said I needed to practice, so he asked me to practice on his face. Very dumb decision I’d say.” You gave the first excuse you could think to Carl, but then Lori came.
“You punched Shane?” She asked in low voice, everybody saw there was no secret about it.
“Yes, he deserved. You know he deserved, I was holding up since yesterday when Rick showed up.” You answered actually there was way more time that you wanted to this, but no way you were going to say Lori what you saw one and a half weeks ago.
She had nothing to say, she also was angry at Shane for making her think Rick was dead. Lori was angry at herself too, for getting involved with Shane, but now it was too late. After that you took some clothes and went to the lake to wash them with the other women, you also decided going at Daryl’s tent and took the clothes of him that you could find. After what happened that was the least you could do to him. You took Luna with you so she could play a little and experience the freedom. Most of the day was alright, the exception was the scene Ed cause ending with Shane punching the shit out of him, you hope he understood the message to not touch Carol again. Also, Jimmy had an insolation and were kind of having hallucinations forcing you to tie him to a tree.
Later that day, you were starting to get anxious about them not returning to the camp. You had just gotten your brother back and even though you knew he did the good thing going back to Atlanta, you were worried you’d lose him again. All of you were around the bonfire eating the delicious fish that Amy and Andrea had fished, you were not a fan of fish, but this was the apocalypse so you would eat whatever you needed to survive. Soon after Amy told she was going to use the bathroom and got up, you heard to her scream and from that moment everything went wrong on that night.
Zombies were attacking the camp, one had bitten Amy, but you didn’t had time to feel sorry for the younger girl that was so dear with everyone from the camp. Everyone got up and ran trying to pick something to defend against the dead. You always carried your gun and knife, so you took your knife and got ready to defend yourself and your family.
“Carl, Lori, Y/N, stay behind me, I’ll protect you.” Shane said, you just ignored him and started stabbing the dead on the head with your knife.
If you could fight, you would not stay behind any man hiding yourself. Rick and Shane didn’t teach you how to knock out a rapist so now you could hide away from the zombies, they were even easier to deal with than alive people. You started counting how many you killed, using it to concentrate and not let your mind wander, soon you had lost count of how many. While you killed your last one, another came on your direction falling on you making you go to the ground, the dead on top of you, you lost your knife, you put one arm between you and the neck of the zombie, trying to reach out for your gun, but before you could take it the dead fell to the side an arrow on his skull.
‘Thank God, they are back.’ You thought and when you looked Daryl was already in front of you offering his hand to pull yourself up.
“Thank you” you said trying to catch your breath from the tiring wrestle you had with the dead one.
“ ‘s nothing” He replied and then shoot another one from the spot you were. You looked around finding your knife on the ground not very far from where you were fighting for you life, but not so close that you could grab it at the time. You took your knife, but the camp was already under control.
The dead that were not lifeless on the ground were being killed by the others, so you allowed yourself to relax a little. You spotted Rick not very far with Lori and Carl, your eyes roamed through the quarry and you also saw T.Dog and Glenn, but where was Merle?
“Merle?” You threw the question at Daryl, but you couldn’t deny… you were afraid of his reaction and of his answer. He made a face and shook his head, you thought about the worst.
“Oh my god, Daryl… I’m sorry.” You said, but was almost cut off by him.
“He’s alive, the dumbass cut his own hand and scaped, we were hoping he was back to camp and worrying about what he’d do once he arrived here. He stoled our car.” Well, this was totally Merle, you were glad he was alive, but you couldn’t even imagine what would happen if he had came back to the camp.
“That’s what took you all so long to come back?” You wanted to say you were worried, not only about Rick, or Glenn that was your good friend or T.Dog, mostly about him, but you didn’t know how the words would sound to him, so you stopped yourself before you could say anything.
“That too, but we had other problems.” You were going to ask more about it, but just when you were going to open your mouth Rick came to you.
“Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” Rick asked holding your shoulders and scanning you over to see if you were hurt anywhere.
“I’m alright, despite what some people think I’m not useless and fragile.”
“That’s not what I meant, I was just worried” Rick took a deep breath and looked in your eyes. “I just got all of you back, I can’t lose you again.”
“I can’t lose you too, so stop doing stupid things.” You said and tugged his hat brim to cover his eyes playfully. When you looked to the side, you saw the archer in the distance, already close to his tent.
The night was turning into day and one new morning was starting, the camp was a mess. You had people to burry and walkers to burn. And to think that hallucinating Jimmy dug two graves the other day. You were so caught up in all the confusion that you forgot about Luna, and you didn’t see her anywhere. You started to call her name, until she came running to you from inside Dale’s RV. You were so relieved she was good and alive. You squatted and hugged her while she tried to lick your face. All the people you cared for were good and alive, and you couldn’t be more grateful for it, but you didn’t know what you would do now, the quarry didn’t seem to be safe anymore. The question was, where could you possibly go?
Final Note: Thanks for everyone reading, liking, reblogging and commenting, it’s really good to receive your feedback.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 11 months
My Biggest Regret
Part two:
Fate was on her and Chan's side. She knew it. She felt it and she could taste it. Even if It had been 3 years…
3 years.
The calls were now non existent and the texts were now disappearing. She knew the only way to know if he was okay was through social media so she kept checking all her socials to watch over him.
She had accepted the fact that he was now a busy idol. He was making hits and creating a big name for himself and his group. He was now basically non existent in her life.
Don’t get it wrong, he would try to call her here and there but it was so awkward that she just stopped picking up once and for all. He also saw that they had nothing in common at all so he also stopped calling.
They had grown apart. It was painful but that was reality.
She still visited his parents and his sister once in a while just to check in but it would end up with a lecture about how they are very upset with Chan for not keeping in contact with her but they would eventually get over it by the end of the evening after some tea and cookies.
Hannah on the other hand was so upset and angry at her brother but Y/n couldn't blame her. He had missed every important mile stone in her life (not intentionally Ofcourse) but still how "dare" he be so busy and lie.
Y/n knew she had to be her rock though. She knew she had to step in and take care of her.
"My love, you'll get wrinkles on your forehead if you continue to be upset," Y/n tells the young girl as she slowly helps apply Hannah’s makeup for prom. They were sat in her room on vanity.
"I don't get it! How are you so okay with what he has done?" The younger one whines like usual. To be honest Y/n was a mess inside. She was constantly sad and even though it had been years she still felt really sad and upset. She had lost her bestfriend and she didn't know if she would even be around when he came back.
"Hannah, you should be proud of him and not upset. Look at how much he has accomplished. He has grown so much and made a big difference in the industry. We should just be patient with him and we shall all be back together again." Y/n smiles as she finishes the makeup look. "There you go, so beautiful!" She claps and admires the work she had created.
“Let me see! Let me see!” She squeals and turns. Hannah gasps when she looks into the mirror shocked.
"I love it so much Y/n! Thank you!" She squeals again and held out her phone to take a few selfies.
Y/n loved seeing her happy. She was like her little sister and she since she didn't have siblings of her own she put her everything into Hannah.
"Here let me take a picture! Turn around and say Cheese!" Y/n takes a short video of her beautiful dress and posts it on her instagram. She had a few followers not as many as a normal teenager would but she was satisfied with her small account. It consisted of people she loved only.
"Oh I think my dates here!" Hannah smiles and grabs her purse then Y/n's hand. They all walk down stairs where Chan's father had the camera out.
"Oh my girl! You look beautiful!" Her mum coos and stared at the both of them. Hannah and her date took a few pictures and finally left, Ofcourse after Y/n gave them a long lecture about protection and drinking which left Hannah completely embarrassed.
"Thank you for helping her Y/n, you really have her wrapped around your finger," Chan's mum says while pouring some water for Y/n in a cup.
They were sat on the dining table having some dinner since his dad had insisted.
"Oh it's no worries! I love her like my own little sister," she gives them a genuine smile before grabbing her chopsticks and starting on the meal.
"How is medications going? What has the doctor said?" Chan's dad asks turning the atmosphere all so serious. He always had a soft spot for Y/n ever since his bestfriend (Y/N's mum) pushed her out, he had admired her, loved her and cared for her like his own. He was the only father figure in her life.
"It's okay, just trying to push through everyday. The doctor says that the tumor has decreased but he isn’t sure by how much or if it'll stay like that," Y/n shrugs and continued to eat her ramen. This topic wasn't new for her. She was used to the question. She was used to the usual nagging from both Chan's parents and her mum reminding her to take her medication or to go for her appointments.
She was now used to it all.
"That's good sweetheart. Keep taking care of yourself please. I don’t want you to end up in the hospital again.” He tells her softly almost as if he was scared to bruise her with his words.
“I will uncle-“
“Speaking of that,” Chan’s mum interrupted the small conversation. He groans knowing exactly where the conversation was going and he automatically felt bad for Y/n because they had been through this for the 50th time, “Did you ever tell Chan about it? He keeps asking me about you Y/n and I want you guys to get to talking again. I feel bad for lying to him.”
Y/n let a sigh out. She hadn’t told Chan about when her condition got worse. She hadn’t even told him about her ending up in the hospital for months and she wanted to keep it that way.
“No I haven’t told him yet, I just don’t want to put a lot on his plate plus I’m fine now and out of bed rest,”
“I know sweetheart but-“
“My love! Don’t get involved in their love life, I keep telling you this,” Chan’s dad interrupts his mum. Y/n had always admired and craved their love. They were such a cute couple, such a happy couple.
“I know darling but if they won’t even talk, how will they get married?!” She exclaims causing Y/n to choke. Married?
“Look at what you’re saying now! You’ll chase the poor girl away. Let them be please!”
“Fine, Fine. More dumplings?" She asks dumping a few more dumplings on Y/n’s plate.
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animeyanderelover · 6 months
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Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, clinginess, stalking, abduction, manipulation, threats, intimidation
Tags: @leveyani @kanaosprotector
This is fine
Kamado Nezuko
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💕​Nezuko's clinginess and atalking tendencies aside, I think the biggest problem you are going to face is her protective brother who, whilst smelling that you have no bad intentions, is still showing a tad bit of caution. Whilst Nezuko is able to tell that her darling is uncomfortable and that her questionable actions play part in it, she is genuinely not able to grasp the full extent of the situation which is why you get more often comforting head pats as if that will help you to calm down. It isn't like Nezuko is very frightening but she is still someone who goes where you go and who even stalks you, even when you are asleep. Admittedly, she is partially quite protective in doing this too. When you do grow more comfortable around her, she senses that and whilst she may not be able to detect what exactly happened to solve the problem of your feelings, she is happy now that you are feeling happy too and finally stops fussing over you now that there is nothing she feels like she has to worry about.
Kocho Shinobu
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🦋​Shinobu of course knows about her obsession but she has done well to hide it behind her sweet facade so far, although eventually all secrets have to be exposed in the face of danger. She is such a little menace with her sweet smile but her threatening aura to the point where you are scared of the woman who knows the one or other thing about poisoning someone. There is always something fake about Shinobu in the way she presents herself which keeps you on your toes. I reckon it is probably when she has the heart to open up to you that your perspective slowly changes as you see a vulnerable and genuine side she hasn't shown you before. Shinobu, as witty and quick-minded as ever, recognises how your feelings start changing and feels happy about it. Yes, she is using that a tiny bit to her advantage but at the same time she starts giving you trust she hasn't given you before. A part of her is still fully committed to poisoning you if you were to try to escape her though.
Rengoku Kyojuro
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🔥​It is not common for a man to choose another man as a romantic partner but Kyojuro brushes off all possible criticism with a fierce enthusiasm that scares the people who had to give their comment in the first place. It is that enthusiasm and his sheer determination that is your problem though as Kyojuro has his beliefs that do not waver. He is convinced that your relationship will work, he is determined that he has to protect you as his lover no matter your own status and sometimes all of this can be downright oppressing. It is just exhausting to argue with him because he will never listen to the words that go against his own determination and conviction. So instead of arguing you at one point just embrace the flames of his feelings as you are too tired to fight against him and that is how you start getting used to him and his behavior. Kyojuro himself is highly pleased as he sees that you start seeing his point of view, as optimistic as ever and more loving now that all tension is gone.
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🌺​How can you not love her?! As someone who has been spoiled by her brother and who has always been praised as a beautiful woman, Daki is very entitled as she genuinely believes that you have to love her simply because. The wariness you present her with though is not what she expects and she makes her upset feelings quite clear to you as she insults you, screams at you and throws her temper tantrums where you even get hurt as you are the first man who has not kneeled before her beauty. Accusations and wrong ideas that you do not find her beautiful are in her head and she cries to her brother that she has never been insulted like that before in her life. Honestly, there is no way that the isolation doesn't play a part in your change of heart around Daki. You would do yourself a favor by having that change of heart quick though and in return Daki will do a real 180 as her pride is restored and she feels validated that she can win ever men's heart which then allows her to spoil you and praise you for your adoration.
Kibutsuji Muzan
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🩸​What gender you are honestly doesn't matter because Muzan will still discriminate against you simply for being a human. He doesn't tolerate anything but obedience and fear in everyone he faces so of course you have to displease him straight away. Human, know your place. He is cruel and terrible but he believes that he has the right to do so due to his own god complex so you get little to no mercy whenever you anger him in any way and as you find out pretty soon, he has a terrible temper. I call Stockholm Syndrome because with the way he treats you, there is no way you would fall willingly in love. Muzan has disciplined and trained you to behave properly after all because your previous behavior was intolerable in his eyes. I'm not saying that he treats you good after his training but he treats you somewhat better for as long as you show him the respect he believes he deserves. Then you may get some praise from his side and more affection as you now know how to behave in his presence.
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possibilistfanfiction · 9 months
I love your butch!Bea AU, so maybe something where Ava is just a silly little guy and Bea is just so done with Avas tomfoolery
‘do you have to be so…’
you grin. ’so what, bea?’
‘it’s just not going to work,’ she says, utterly worn down. it’s fun, though, to be honest, making her huff and roll her eyes and laugh at your antics with no stakes involved.
‘well, how do you know?’
you watch with a fair amount of delight when she goes through, quite passionately, a list of everything known about the halo and its healing capabilities, its protective nature over you and the ones you care for. she’s in a soft, big hoodie and blue socks that are wearing out at the heels — her favorites, so she’s reluctant to part with them, you think — curled up on the edge of the comfortable couch in your living room, a pillow in her lap. she’d gone to the barber yesterday, as she does every three weeks like clockwork now, and her fade is as neat as you’ve ever seen it, the short top, an inch long, perfect for you to run your fingers through, as far as you’re concerned, messy from sleep. her glasses are a little smudged and she’s languishing with her cup of coffee so, even though she could kill a man in less than a second and has been into triathlons (terrible) lately — you are not intimidated or deterred by her in the slightest.
there’s a whoosh of sulfur and then mary and lilith are popping into your house, effectively stopping beatrice’s laundry list of reasons your plan will never work.
‘what’s he trying to do now?’ mary says, headed to the kitchen while lilith settles into her favorite reading chair, seemingly disengaged but you know she’s listening.
beatrice looks pointedly at you. 
‘i’m feeling like doing something impulsive,’ you announce.
‘you? impulsive?’ lilith scoffs — a point for you, though, because she was paying attention. ‘who would’ve thought?’
‘whatever,’ you say, no bite in it. ‘i thought it would be fun to get a piercing, but beatrice is claiming i can’t.’
‘you want to pierce your —‘
she turns red without even saying it. ‘nipples,’ you finish for her, a grin on your face.
‘never mind,’ mary says, walking over to lilith with two cups of coffee. ‘i can’t listen to this. beatrice, text me,’ and then they’re gone.
‘did they just abscond with our mugs?’ 
beatrice sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. ‘what’s this really about?’
‘uh, it would be hot, i think. obviously.’ you roll your eyes. ‘and, like, everyone normal can do all kinds of impulsive shit that i can’t. what if i just really wanted to, like, skydive? or get a face tattoo?’
‘ava,’ she says, undeterred and a little weary. ‘what’s wrong?’
you swallow, the question hitting you square in the chest in a way you didn’t expect. it’s something, to be so seen and understood by someone. ‘nothing is wrong, really, i guess. i don’t know.’ 
she reaches for your hand and you sit next to her, lace your fingers together.
‘i just — with everything going on with my back, i guess i just feel, like…’ 
‘a loss of control?’ she asks, patiently after you’d been quiet for a while. 
you feel yourself let out an honest-to-god whine before you can stop it.
she smiles, a little sad and a little determined — she’s been waiting for this, you’re pretty sure, which is equal parts sweet and annoying. ‘i have an idea that i think might work better than nipple piercings to help you feel better. we can leave tonight even, if you want.’
you perk up and her smile blooms even further. ‘while i do definitely want to hear your idea of impulsivity, i just also need you to know that nipple piercings would be hot.’
she really does consider it. ‘perhaps,’ she offers.
‘i’ll take that as a yes,’ you say. ‘tell me about your idea.’
she sits up a little straighter and explains, hesitant enough at first to gauge your reaction, that she’s been researching adaptive ski and snowboarding programs. 
‘the alps?’ you ask, immediately a little teary.
‘if you’d like.’ she picks at her nail for a moment. ‘i’ve found ones closer to here as well, so wherever you’d like to go, we can go. just say the word.’
‘you really mean that?’
‘of course i do,’ she says, so sure, so steadfast. ‘and, plus, you know i’ll enjoy myself too.’
‘ah, yes, with your double black diamonds. insane.’
‘well, and the aprés ski with you.’
you grin and kiss her cheek. ‘as long as you promise to dance with me.’
‘i’ll do anything you want to make you happy, ava,’ she says, and it hits you in the chest that she means it. she means it, even though you’re mostly full of nonsense half the time, and you like to play pranks on her, and sometimes you get stoned and pester her to watch grace and frankie with you even though she’d been trying to read. she loves you through it all, the worst days, and you love her the same: when her hands shake; when she’s frustrated; when she worries so much about decisions she’s immobilized; when she’s too strict, even now. partnership, you’ve realized, is a practice.
‘switzerland, then?’
she smiles and kisses you. ‘i’ll book everything now.’
‘you have a spreadsheet, don’t you?’
‘of course,’ she says, as if there couldn’t be any other option. you laugh and she pulls it up on her laptop — there really are tabs on the sheet for at least six different programs that vary geographically and by difficulty level, and she’s also mapped out places to stay and restaurants you might enjoy, as well as other local attractions. 
‘this is so extra,’ you tell her, your voice a little shaky and the glance out the side of her eyes telling you, without words, she’s onto you. but it doesn’t matter: she gets everything all set up for tomorrow morning, and it’s there: love greater than this world, laid out in confirmation emails and conditionally formatted columns. ‘maybe we can visit jillian after,’ you say, the alternative being bursting into tears.
beatrice hums, never opposed to the idea of a trip to spain.
‘she could figure out how to pierce my nipples,’ you say, and beatrice groans. it’s the little victories.
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florencetypemaniacs · 1 month
How would the Ros react if someone insulted them and MC who is just a ball of sunshine and can be fairly airheaded is now the complete opposite? Their usual sunny and absent minded self now has a look that is cold, calculating, malicious and promises nothing but pain.
💛 Marcel 
While Marcel watched you, he would feel gratitude fill his body to the brim, but it would be overcome with responsibility. He didn't need you, sweet and innocent you, talking in such a way on his behalf. 
Marcel would cut in. "Sorry, sir, but we are done here." He said, talking to the red-faced man, who seemed more embarrassed by the second. 
So, with a gentle touch, he will pull you away. "Thank you, my love." He said when he noticed a little pout on your face since you didn't get to finish your angry ramble. 
However, it became happy again when Marcel kissed you, and he hoped that he would never have to go against your wrath. 
🧡 Margaret 
Margaret's heart would beat a mile a minute as she watched you. She didn't like fights. She hated them. And you were in one because of her, even if it was just words she didn't like it. Margaret cared about you too much for you to get hurt over her. 
When you turn back to her, she had tears in her eyes as she jumped into your arms. 
"Don't ever do that again." 
"I don't ever want you to get hurt because of me." 
Margaret would calm down after a while and thank you for defending her, but she would make it clear that she didn't like you fighting; you were too important to her. 
❤️ Owen
Owen would watch as you went at the person, cutting them down with your words in amusement. He is a protector. Hell, he is a wrath demon. Owen is the one who is supposed to protect you, and here you were protecting him. 
Adorable you, who couldn't even swing a sword, was protecting him. 
Owen would watch with a clenched fist watching the scenario unfold. He was ready to step in if you needed him, but before he knew it, the person was walking away. 
You turned to him with a look of pride. "What a jerk." 
When you noticed his clenched fist. "What's wrong-" 
Owen would pick you up and throw you over his shoulder. 
"I didn't know you had it in you, lass/duck/lad. That had to be the hottest thing I ever seen." 
You blushed. "What are we doing?" 
"I'm going to go and thank you." 
💙 Rosemary 
She would be in a daze. She didn't usually like people defending her, not when she could do it herself. But when you, sweet you, were defending her, she could just feel her knees go weak. 
It showed you cared, not because she would owe you something afterward; with your kind nature, that thought would never cross your mind. Rosemary knew that for sure.
When you turned back to her, she was fanning her face before regaining her composure.
"Well, aren't you just a knight in shining armor, handsome/dollface/angel face?" 
Rosemary would bring you in for a heated kiss that would make you melt. 
🩵 Tai
Shocked. Tai's own words could usually take anyone down, but before he could even utter a sentence, you had taken over. 
Where has this been hiding inside you? And why did he like it? 
He liked how passionate you were about him. 
Tai's eyes widened in shock even after you turned around and dragged him away. 
Tai would probably be in shock for a while until you brought him out of it and he would grab your hand. 
"Thank you." With sincerity in his eyes, that could knock anyone back. 
💚 Zane 
So smug. Zane has never had anyone stand up for him before. To see you spitting venom at this person would send a thrill through his spine. 
With a smug smile, he would put an arm around you as you berated the person, maybe even helping you out. When the person in question left, you turned back to your boyfriend, who just brought you close and kissed you. 
The hot temper from only a few seconds ago melts away as Zane's fingers rubbed into your hips. 
"Now aren't you full of surprises, Little Lion?" You gave him a shy blush, and Zane just chuckled.
"Don't worry. I liked it." 
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azsazz · 2 years
Destination Unknown
Rhysand x Reader
Summary: Anon Request: Hey!! So I was wondering if you would write a fic about Rhysand having a wife/partner for like a century or more before Under the mountain happened and then 50 years later he comes back with a mate. How do you think that would go? Would he choose feyre over someone he has known and loved for centuries?  If he does choose feyre I think it definitely wouldn’t go over well lol. Imagine waiting 50 YEARS for someone only for them to dump you.
Warnings: UTM themes
Word Count: 1,304
“I’ll only be gone for a little while,” Rhysand laughs into the crook of your neck when you wrap your legs around his waist, locking him close to you. “I’ll stay for dinner and you, Darling, will be my dessert.”
You hum blissfully at his words. It’s a good idea, but you have an even better one.
“How about, I’ll be your dinner, and then we can go into town for dessert?” your tone is low, every word reverberating through his bones, a sultry suggestion that has his nicely pressed pants tightening. 
“You beautiful, wicked female,” he purrs. He can’t help himself, leaning down to capture your lips in a long, filthy kiss that only leaves you wanting more.
That had been fifty years ago.
It’s been haunting you ever since, nearly every single evening was the same nightmare. You could picture the cunning smile on his face, righting his disheveled hair with a remark that had almost made you get out of bed and cling to his side so he wouldn’t leave.
You really wished that you had.
Instead, you sit at his desk, the worn leather chair and thick oak desk a reminder that Rhysand wasn’t in the house, nor the court. He was trapped.
It had been hard not to go after him. You had been his second in command at the time the warnings came, the same message to all of you and the Inner Circle, that something had gone wrong, Amarantha had trapped him and all of the other High Lords under the mountain, that you were to lock down the city and reign over the court in his place, until he could make it back home.
You’d had plans. Well thought out ones too, of how to free him and the others from that wretched bitch. Well…perhaps not thought out, as you were a female helplessly in love. You’d do anything to try and save Rhysand, even if it meant exposing the Night Court to the wrath of Amarantha.
But then you’d heard what she had done to the other courts out of spite. The havoc she wreaked and lives she took for her own selfish reasons. The irrevocable damage she’d created.
It had been the best thing to do for the Court, to stay hidden and protected, because that’s what Rhysand requested.
So for fifty years you had been dependent on Tamlin to find a human and have that human fall in love with him. It wasn’t looking good.
Hope was far away now, and you’d found it harder and harder to stay sane as the days passed by and Rhysand was gone. You knew that your friends felt much the same, for Azriel’s gaze always seemed haunted and Cassian had been bound for the bar and brothel more nights than not. Mor had been nothing like the perky blonde you knew, happy as ever, and Amren…well, she seemed like the only one who kept her head on straight.
The door to the study bursts open, startling you in your seat. The paper you were supposed to be reading slips from your fingers at Azriel’s frantic look and you stand from the chair, moving around to the front of the desk to meet him as he stalks towards you.
Your stomach drops. You’d been friends with the shadowsinger for a long time now and had hardly seen any form of emotion on his face, especially one so obvious. It can’t mean anything good.
“What’s going on?” You’re afraid to ask.
“It’s Rhys,” he pants, grabbing your hand, “He’s back.”
Your mouth falls open in shock as Azriel takes your hand, immediately winnowing you to the House of Wind. Your heart is racing like the quick wing beats of an Illyrian bebe, just learning how to fly. You squeeze Azriel’s hand tighter in yours because you can’t quite believe it–
He’s there. Clutching onto Mor and sobbing like he had been when he’d found out about his mother and sister and had come running to your house in the middle of the night, tear stained and drunk, falling into your open arms for comfort.
Your knees give out at the sight. Azriel is there though, keeping you steady on your feet because you suppose someone has to. You’re in such shell shock that he’s here. He’s here and you can’t take your eyes off of him. He’s paled out quite a bit, thinner than you’ve ever seen him, and–
Rhys looks up and your gazes meet.
The world goes still.
There’s no one on the balcony except for you two. His eyes…there's a trace of that vibrant life buried deep inside of them but there are no stars in sight, only harrowing shadows that lick up your spine and cause you to shudder.
“(Y/N),” he says, voice like gravel.
And then you’re moving towards him, as fast as you can. He doesn’t untangle himself from his cousin's arms because maybe he’s scared to. Maybe he’s been having similar nightmares to you, of that night, of the last time he’s seen everyone. But he’s here, he’s really here.
You collapse beside the two, raising your arms so that you can cling to him. Hug him with all of your might and never let him go–
He flinches.
It’s subtle, but you still catch it, arms faltering at your sides. 
Rhys doesn’t give you a chance to overthink it, pulling away from a teary eyed Mor to take you into his own grasp, pulling you tightly against his chest. 
Your fingers find the fabric of his shirt, twisting into painful fists as you let your tears come loose, spilling down your cheeks and absorbing into the scratchy material of it. He presses his lips to your forehead and they burn, but in a good way. A way that tells you that this whole thing is real. He doesn’t move them, just keeps his mouth pressed to your skin because it’s grounding him as much as it’s grounding you, cradling your head to his chest.
It’s silly, you think, because you should be the one holding him like Mor was. He was the one who had just escaped from under the mountain, trapped for fifty years. Rhys shouldn’t be the one consoling you.
“She’s dead, she’s dead, she’s dead,” Rhys mutters, over and over and over again like a mantra, like he doesn’t quite believe anything that’s happening right now.
“She’s gone and you’re back, baby,” you speak wetly, pulling back to hold his face in your hands. His cheeks are sunken, dark circles tattooed around his eyes. His inky black hair is matte, not shiny and full of life like it had been before he’d gone to that dreadful dinner. 
He hardly looks like Rhys anymore.
There’s a look in his eyes that you can’t quite pin down, guilt of some sort. But it isn’t his fault. It has never been. You know terrible things had happened down there and that Rhys did all that he could to survive, to keep the Court protected, and you’re ready to be here for him, work through things, all on his time.
But he’s breaking again, broken. A heart-wrenching sob escapes from his bitten raw lips, tears streaming down his face as he brushes a strand of hair from your face, tucking it gently behind your ear.
It doesn’t feel right. It feels like he’s sobbing for another reason, completely unbeknownst to you. He keeps staring at you and if it’s because he missed you as much as you missed him, you welcomed it, but something doesn’t quite seem right.
And his next words have the heart that had just been pieced back together shattering completely, blown away with the crisp Night Court breeze.
“The girl that saved us. She’s my mate.”
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alexias-left-foot · 7 months
Scared of the dark
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It´s the first time i write something here so Idk how to do this, sorry about it, also, my native language isn´t english, so im sorry for the spelling mistakes. I wrote a small one so you can see how I write, Hope someone can give me orientation and a feedback, please. Btw, wrote this while listening to the song Scared of the dark by Lil Wayne, Ty Dolla $ign and XXXTENTACION, if you want to hear it i leave here the link for you.
Warnings: Alexia`s ACL Injury, angst, dead, insomnia, nightmares,
Today wasn't a normal day, it wasn't actually a day. It was 4:46am and you were still awake. You couldn't sleep, Everything felt so wrong. Alexia and Olga were sleeping and you were thinking and rethinking everything you have done with your life, on the balcony of your room with a view of the city. The sun was starting to get up and you didn't even start to sleep. Even if you were sleepy you could see how beautiful the city is, it was your home now…
You were only 15 but you already signed a contract with an European giant, with Barça, to replace Putellas while she is injured cause she tore her ACL. You were young, nervous, clumsy and shy when you arrived.You have never been to Barcelona before, but it was espetacular . Everyone of your friends told you how beautiful it was, you believed in them, of course they were right, but you were still scared. You were far from your mami e papi and from your friends and from your little town where it all started, but Alexia and Olga made sure you were gonna be okay and safe. 
They made everything feel like it was your home. They helped you with your homework, helped you when you broke up with your girlfriend, helped you when most of your friends stopped to answer your daily calls and messages, and on many other things,like when your parents died in a car crash. That was the low point of your life. the tragic death of your parents. You never went to throw it. It was and is hard for you to accept that they were just gone because of a drunk man. Thinking they were gonna make you happy on their way to see you after long months, they made the worst mistake ever of getting out of your town and never got into the game. You were terrified when Alexia had to tell you what happened. You cried so much that night. It's so scary to think that it was only one month ago.
Since the accident Alexia promised nothing was gonna happen to you, she and Olga would be your family and will forever protect you no matter what. They  were your family now. Your little family. They are everything that you have left. They did a good job with you last month, actually, they were incredibly good at dealing with you, they always listened to you even if you said the most stupid things, even if some words might hurt them they always listened to you. They wanted to make sure that you know that they would always be there for you no matter what happens, they wanted you to know that you will always have a shoulder to cry on if you wanted to. You know that they were always going to be there for you, but you just didn't want to bother them or being a weight
You are seated on a small couch that is on your balcony. The fresh air makes you feel good, less anxious than you have been, but it also makes you cry because it reminds you of home, how simple things were.
Suddenly you hear a calm voice interrupting your thoughts ´I didn't know you were an early riser, nena.´ It was Alexia. Alexia has called you nena since she met you, it has no special reasons but she likes to call you that. ´Me neither…` you answered with a tired little smile ´Everything is okay?´ She asked you with a concerned look while getting close to sit with you on the couch. ´Not really, I can´t sleep, I'm having countless nightmares, can't even think of getting into bed again´ you let off steam as you gazed at the city that was beginning to be more illuminated. ´I heard you screaming during your small nap after the practice, now I heard you opening the windows and seeing you like this is hurting me. Me and Olga are starting to be more worried about you again nena, you have been more tired than ever, zoning out every time, and being all day in your room. I know it is normal, it has been a month since the accident happened, I know you are still fighting and denying it, but you can't go through this alone, nena. I also know you are just a teenager, and that the accident isn't the only thing making you like this right now and that you also have this teenagers' problems, I know stupid people will be there and leave you many times, and it will hurt, I know it will leave a big scar on you, just like everything that makes you leave a tear, but we are here to help you, no matter what happens, vale?´ She was being so honest with you, it hurted seeing her being hurt by your own problems, her eyes were wide and she couldn't sleep because of you and you were feeling so guilty because of that. ´ I'm sorry Ale´ you said, clearing the tears that started to fall when Alexia started to talk ´I'm trying my best to talk, but it is so hard to open up, even worse when i'm not sure what to say. I truly don't know what to say, I want to talk so much but I just can't ask for help or open up, I just can´t. I swear it is not because i don't trust you or Olga, cause i do, but yes cause i just don't know how to talk or how to say everything that has been on my mind lately. i'm so sorry, i'm gonna try harder and better, and i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to warn you or to let you guys worry, i´m so sorry. I´m just so scared of everything. Everything is so different now´-you said while you just let the hot tears fall from your face. ´Oh pequeña, you don't have to be sorry for anything, it's  not your fault. We love you, we are just worried. You are our little kid, our child, that's why we are worried about you, because we want to be a part of your life nena. We love you. We believe in you, we know you are strong, but you don't have to go through all these things alone. You are going to be fine, I promise.´ she said while hugging you and wiping your tears away. You both fell asleep after that, because you were woke up by Olga at 11:00 am. ´Good morning sunshines`she said with a little careful laugh ´Morning´ you and Ale said ´Slept well?´she asked with a funny look ´Thanks to Ale, sí,mucho!´you said while hugging the couple
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ekwolfwriter-blog · 4 months
WIP Zutara Month Challenge: "I wanted to, but..."
Hi, back from the trip, and hopefully able to get some more done soon. But we are in the final stretch, I can see it, lol.
Now, for this one, this is definitely one I think will hurt because I know which one I want to do for this one for. But it would not be directly for Zuko and Katara, but it would be applied to them. Especially with the eventual set up.
If you would like to know which one it is for, it would be for my Right Time, Wrong Tea fic.
But as for the scene, it would be as followed: The Gaang move to Ember Island to allow for the transformed benders of the group to change in peace, but they eventually meet and old dragon that has been guarding the entrance to the spirit realm on the island in hopes of seeing his lost love again.
The dragon sees the curse on the humans and tells him how it can be undone and why he knows it: because he was one of the first creatures to use it to change himself to a human. Eventually Zuko and him talk as he feels similar to this dragon and they talk about the why he regretted what he did. So enjoy! (no names for some of these characters but they have importance soon)
Zuko looked at his claws and feet as they have turned scaly at this point and looked more like paws. He thinks about what the dragon had said to him as he pondered what could happen to him if he does not express how he feels.
"Did you ever... want to rush back and take your princess back?"
The old dragon looked at Zuko as he could see there was much to consider going on in his mind as he then huffed and laid beside Zuko. "I have... many times while I was still alive on the earth, I dreamed of scaring the Fire Nation with my rage and taking back what I thought was mine. I had come closed to do it, and wanting nothing more than to return to what had been. But it was not my choice," he said.
Zuko turned up to the dragon as he was confused. "Why no? You are a powerful dragon, you could have done it and no one could oppose you."
The Dragon only chuckled as he sighed. "To answer your question, I need to ask one as well," he said. Zuko paused as the dragon looked him dead in the eyes. "Why do you not do the same for your waterbender friend?"
Zuko is shocked. "W-What are you talking about?"
"I know the affairs of the heart are strong, but I can sense more behind your gestures, and even your draconic instinct to protect. I can sense it in your blood like mine. And added you are the Fire Lord, you have this power and control and sway, why do you not express the will to take what you think is yours?"
Zuko can feel his anger burning a little at this, as he could feel the bait, but he then takes a moment to calm down as he answered. "I have thought about it, and how much I have wanted to just do so, but..." Zuko realized something as he then sighed with a smile. "But I love her too much to force my desires on her. Even with this power, it is not my decision. Is that what you did as well?"
The dragon looked at Zuko pleased he found the answer as he nodded. "It was, and still to this day. I want to respect her will to come find me. If that is what she chooses."
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed. I will try to post more later.
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chickensarentcheap · 5 months
Sneak peek before bed :)
The writing is going painfully slow. A root canal or colonoscopy without sedatives would be less agonizing right about now, to be honest. But...
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“As far as cohabitating goes, I’ve lived with A LOT worse.  And you’re hot, so you tend to get away with a lot more than other mere mortals.”
“Yeah, you’re not hard to look at either. Which is why I don’t get on your case about squeezing the toothpaste tube in the middle.  Or how you leave half-empty mugs of tea all over the goddamn place.  That’s something I don’t get, actually.”
“What’s that?”
“How you always leave some behind when you make yourself a drink. But if I do it for you, you drink the whole thing. What’s up with that?”
“Because when you make it, it’s perfect.  It tastes just right.  Way better than when I do it myself.”
“I think that’s all in your head. How different could it be? It’s boiled water and a tea bag. A bit of milk.”
“I can’t explain it, alright.  It’s just the way it is.  It’s just so much better.”
“You know what I think? I think you’re spoiled.  Or you like to be, anyway. All that independent woman stuff? That whole  ‘I don’t need any man’? thing?  I think deep down it’s all an act. That you like being taken care of.  Probably because no one  has ever done it.”
“Is that so wrong?” Raising her head from his chest, she smiles as he pushes a hand through her hair. Fingers slipping through the long, dark tresses, the calloused tips brushing against the nape of her neck before travelling down the length of her spine. “If I DO like it?”
“Nothing wrong with it at all. I just wish I was better at it.  Not really my strength, you know? Taking care of other people.”
“I don’t think you give yourself enough credit.”
“I think you give me too much. That, and my past kind of speaks for itself.”
“You’re not exactly the guy you were back then.”
“Maybe not. But I’m not even the guy I was when I met you.  At least not physically.  I can’t take care of you and protect you the way I could nine months ago.”
“Nine months ago, you were clinically dead.   I think you’re allowed to be a little rusty.  Besides, if you had to? If there was some kind of threat?  If I was in danger? You’d find a way to protect me.  Nothing would stop you.  Not even a bad shoulder or a bum leg.  It’s one thing I never worry about when I’m with you.  If I’m safe or not.”
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astridthevalkyrie · 2 years
this is pretty short and mostly just me posting so i can delete it without being sad that i wrote a couple paragraphs for nothing. but um yeah i am working on a jumin oneshot which will mostly be from his pov, plus i really hate writing women fighting over a man unless i can put an ironic twist on it—next thing you know i'm going to write sarah but with some actual nuance. until then, enjoy <3
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The first time you see Sarah Choi after your marriage is at a birthday party, held in a grand hall. You see her at the same time she sees you, and your eyes widen before you try to get lost in the crowd.
“Boss?” a voice comes through your headset. “Did you already give the okay to serve lunch?”
“Yes. Ms. Yun wanted it served right after the speeches—”
“You!” Sarah screeches furiously. With a quick apology, you mute your mic and face the woman. She’s seething, although for what reason you can’t possibly imagine. Yes, she’s getting sued, but you didn’t tell Jumin to sue her (not that you disagreed). He most likely would have done the same thing with the information Seven gave him, with you in his life or not.
“Ms. Choi,” you plead quietly. I’m working, do not get me in trouble or so help me. “This is someone’s party, perhaps we should step outside.”
“Why should I? Is it suddenly a problem when you’re the one being publicly humiliated for being a gold digger?” She pokes you in the shoulder none too gently. People begin to look in your direction. “Everything was fine before you sunk your claws in!”
“Sunk my claws—gold digger?” you ask in disbelief. Talk about pot calling the kettle black. “Ms. Choi, your legal issues are not my concern.” Then, allowing yourself to be just a little spiteful, “Maybe if you and your sister had left well enough alone, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.”
The little bit of shame you’re supposed to feel after being so catty is nonexistent. It feels good after what this woman put Jumin through. Maybe to her, she didn’t do anything, but to you, who saw him suffocate at just the idea that he would be forced into a marriage with her and watched his eyes dull every time he was in the same room as her, she hurt him. Before, you didn’t necessarily have the right to get so protective, but now you’re his wife, so you can say whatever you please.
Jumin is your world. No one gets to hurt him, and if they do, they have you to answer to.
“Is everything alright?” Ms. Yun, the person whose birthday party is being held here, rushes up, clearly frantic about anything going wrong. 
“I want her out,” Sarah hisses, pointing at you. You almost roll your eyes, but keep yourself in check.
“What? But this is our event coordinator.” Ms. Yun looks surprised at even the idea of kicking you out. “She organized this whole thing, I need her here to continue making sure things run smoothly.”
“I’m your guest! And I want her gone, now!”
“Absolutely not,” Ms. Yun responds, a frown on her face. “I’m sorry," she says to you, "I won’t keep you.”
“Please don’t worry about it. By the way, I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier.” You smile at her, but it’s really directed beyond her shoulder, straight at Sarah. “He couldn’t make it, but my husband wanted to thank you for the invitation.”
There’s a screech, and you see one of Sarah’s hands push Ms. Yun to the side, while the hand holding a flute of champagne rises to tip on your head. 
Before she gets the chance, you grab her wrist, splashing the drink on her own face instead.
“Tell me what happened again.” Jumin has the most boyish grin you’ve ever seen on him as he looms over you in bed. “Just one more time. Sarah sees you, and then…”
“I already told you twice!” You laugh, wrapping your arms around him.
“Once more,” he requests, nuzzling into the crook of your neck, “it’s my new favorite story.”
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jadelynlace · 11 months
Obviously reader can hold her own. She's a tough cookie. But I'm curious, what's an instance where Ink Drinker Ivar has stepped in and been protective of her?
Oh I fucking l love this.
So, we know Ivar has had his little run ins with readers ex-boyfriend. Even going as far as to tackle him to the ground.
And now don't get me wrong, Ivar loves to watch you in your glory. You're strong, you're confident, you take no shit. You can do nearly as many squat thrusts as he can, all while wearing your turn out gear.
But sometimes, sometimes, Ivar needs to be the protector. Much like he likes to bask in those domestic vibes when you two are cooking dinner together, Ivar likes to bask in the vibes of being your protector.
You two are out, tag-teaming the grocery shopping (getting it done quickly so you two can go home and have your evening together, and fuck, of course) and while you search for the right shape of pasta for dinner, you can practically feel the eyes of someone crawling across your backside. Glancing over your shoulder, you offer the man a neutral face (a smile would surely be too welcoming), and go back to your search.
"You're very pretty," He says and even his voice makes you raise your lip in disgust.
"Uh, thank you," You say back. You try to reach for the box of pasta you need with your left hand, only so you can shove your wedding band in his face. But either he ignores it, or thinks it means nothing.
Now, Ivar has this uncanny ability to switch from his normal face, to a face that would make even the fiercest of warriors think twice. And in his one track mind, he's walking back to you, and there's a slight smile on his face because he's thinking about you. Rounding the corner he sees you nearly backed into the shelf with the man in front of you. And the smile fades. That smile fades so quickly there's no evidence it was ever there to begin with.
Straightening himself, Ivar speaks, and his voice now, is dark. It's dark and chilling and you almost don't recognize it because it's so rarely used.
"Do we have a problem?" He asks. And you don't even have to look over to your husband for him to know they most certainly have a problem.
"No problem," The man says. "We're just talking,"
"How about you and I do a little talking outside?" Ivar suggests.
"Eh, you're not really my type, man. No offense," The man says and you know he might as well find a shovel to start digging his own grave.
"Oh? But, my wife is your type?" And you know he only said it that way because Ivar really, really likes it.
The man opens his mouth to say something but in a quick moment Ivar steps towards him. In the same action, he tosses what was in his hand in the shopping cart and quickly maneuvers it to latch it on the mans arm.
"When I mentioned that thing about us going outside? That wasn't a suggestion," Ivar sneers and the two of them move. The man twists again but Ivar only tightens his grip.
"Alright, alright," He says. "Not bothering the lady anymore," He adds.
"See? You even knew you were bothering her," And Ivar shoves the man away from him. He raises his eyebrows and the man backs down.
You watch, you watch and you can't fight the smirk on your face. If you weren't careful you're sure your bra might unhook itself.
"Ivar," You hum. And your husband turns around, face of steel long gone and that smile is back. "I had his right where I wanted him," And you flash your right hand with your pocket knife in your palm.
"Let me have this, alright?" Ivar teases.
"I want to be on top tonight then," You say back.
ask about more about Ink Drinker here!
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