#her other friends would not approve at all? i just love her ur honour
immobiliter · 2 years
       so i started my s1 rewatch, and i feel like it’s important to note that, even though aimee is a part of the untouchables clique and is referred to by eric as ‘one of the most popular girls at school’, she doesn’t give off particularly mean girl vibes. even in the first couple of episodes, she is honestly very sweet ( and absolutely treated like shit by olivia, ruby and anwar ), if a little too preoccupied with appearances. i imagine her appeal to the three of them is 1) the fact that she is probably one of the richest girls in moordale, and having an empty house frequently means she can host them and host parties, and 2) that she is a people-pleaser who will bend to their whims and is very easily influenced
        this is demonstrated in her relationship with adam --- and honestly they are a disaster couple lmao, but their key issue is communication ( which is always aimee’s issue lmao but i digress ). aimee understandably distanced herself from adam when he faked his orgasm, and then again when he exposed himself to the entire sixth form, but if the pair of them had actually talked --- if aimee hadn’t listened to ruby and dumped adam because he was, in her words, “too embarrassing”, and if adam had been more patient in trying to talk it out rather than getting into a fight with kyle ( and admittedly he did try ), they absolutely could have figured things out. aimee says to maeve that adam was considered a “delinquent” by her friends and was therefore bringing down her social status, but she also says that adam was very sweet when it was just the two of them, and adam’s readiness to fix the issues that they were having in their sex life ( even before he undertook his redemption arc from s2 onwards ) shows that he genuinely cared about her
        so when it comes to aimee’s involvement in the popular clique, she comes across to me as more of a passive participant than a ringleader. if anything mean was said by the others, she would let it happen, and maybe have occasionally said the odd thing that was insensitive, but aimee’s issue is that she hates conflict and hates to rock the boat. during her party in s1e2, she was clearly not enjoying herself as she walked around after everyone clearing up and worrying about the mess that her parents’ house would be left in, despite telling maeve that she was having a great time. she doesn’t like making people feel bad and that’s how she ended up in the popular clique for so long
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purplebass · 1 year
okay. the ideas are rolling like a tidal wave, but i am going to need to know some things about you in order to proceed. anything that might be relevant, the order you tell it in will be (to the best of my ability) the order at which it is revealed in the fic. and of course, grounding ourselves in purpose here: you can know the ending. you go home at the end. and also? if there is anything you want to tell the characters desperately, i will eat that up and then poop it out like a seed whole into my fic and ready to grow into flowers. so feed it to me pls. cause otherwise i feel like i'm going to make a bunch of inaccurate guesses and it's not gonna feel like it's supposed to. and as always, you can back out of this at any time, and i will destroy all evidence (honours thesis veteran here, ethics approval survivor). hope ur doing okay <3
Oh, this means you're planning the story!! I'm excited <3
I'm doing mmmh because of real life happenings but overall I'm okay.
What can I say, the first thing that comes to my mind is that I am a loner and I tend to keep to myself most of the time. I think a lot and psychoanalyze different things/people and come to creative conclusions when it comes to solving problems. I am more rational than emotional (I haven't cried for years after my mom died) and I mostly show my feelings through my actions (one time I wanted to give my bff a special gift for her bday, so I made a painting of her beloved cat). I crave the company of people who make me feel like I can be myself with them, and with whom I can joke (I am a clown but only few people see this side of me), but that will also listen to me and won't mock my interests (like this bff I mentioned above. Too bad she moved to Germany a few years ago so we can only meet once a year). For this reason, I don't have many friends. I don't trust people easily, I don't share my feelings easily, I tend to accomodate others a lot -that's why I mostly like to be by myself (I loved being with my bff and she helped me be more social because I am a homebody. When she left, it felt like a limb was cut from my body, even tho I know she just went to another country to have a better life). I'm not super self-confident but I know I should believe in myself more because there is a world in my brain that begs to come out in a creative form. I'm creative and I use my hands to create stuff. Not only writing. I used to draw (mostly fictional characters and clothes and spaceships! lol) and I created board games too.
I don't know if there is more to say about me but these are the first things that came to my mind.
Something I want to say to the characters... I would definitely want to tell Alastair and Matthew that I'm proud of them. They had difficult journeys and I'm glad they found new stability in their lives even though the road to healing is still long. I would tell Jesse that he can talk to Lucie or even to James (I think he would understand him) about issues he still hasn't faced yet and that are heavy on his heart (like killing while possessed or not being able to stop Tati from hurting Grace). I would also tell Grace that she can still count on her brother who never stopped loving her. And that he and Kit believe she can pursue her dreams and she can become someone great in their world. That it will take years to heal but she can do it, I believe in her.
I hope this is enough! <3
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
bangtan baby - ot7 x reader (kind of)
This is basically a little headcanon that I came up with, where the reader dates Hoseok’s sister, and they get him to be a surrogate sperm donor and the whole of bts basically become dads. For all your soft fluff needs xx it’s like 6.4k so settle in and grab some popcorn
• Ok so
• Congratulations ur gay (in this headcanon at least)
• And you meet this beautiful girl, Da Won, and immediately fall in love
• She’s funny, she’s gorgeous, she’s kind and thoughtful, and most miraculously, she’s into you too
• The two of you start dating kind of in secret, unsure how your friends and loved ones would take to a same-sex couple
• But after a while da won wants you two to be able to be like any other couple, and so she asks if you can start telling people
• The first person she wants to tell is her brother
• Jung hoseok
• You’ve met him before a couple times when da won introduced you as a friend, and you think he’s a really decent guy
• While he has a break in scheduling, he comes over to da won’s house (the one you’re currently halfway through moving into) and she tells him
• Hoseok is immediately far more concerned that his big sister is dating than the fact that it’s another woman
• But he then realizes it means he doesn’t have to worry about her being with guys he doesn’t approve of
• He seems really touched that he’s the first person you’ve told, and he’s really happy for you two
• Over time, the two of you tell more and more people – friends, family
• The occasional few ghost you afterwards, not being able to get past it, but for the most part everyone is pretty accepting
• You’re now fully moved in with your girlfriend and both of you are feeling the joy of domestic bliss
• You giving her back hugs in the morning when she’s gotten up early to make breakfast
• Sharing a dessert at restaurants
• Waking up next to her is the best thing in the world
• You share your first ‘I love you’s on your one-year anniversary, and on your second anniversary da won proposes to you over a homemade candlelit dinner (okay so she got jin to make it and drop it off that afternoon but technically it’s still homemade)
• Rather than telling the boys, you two just go along to the filming of their next music video and hang around on set, wondering how long it takes each member to notice
• Hoseok and you have gotten pretty sibling-like, but out of the guys it’s tae who you’re closest with
• And it’s him who is the first to notice
• He bounds over to give you a big hug when you first arrive, with a big grin on his face, and when you start chatting, he automatically grabs on to your hand to swing them back and forth between you like he usually does, only to get scratched by the freshly cut metal prongs holding the modest diamond onto the ring
• He gasps dramatically, covering his mouth in shock, and you have to quickly whisk him away into a make-up trailer so that he doesn’t give it away to the other members
• You don’t think you’ve ever seen him so happy and he’s not even the one getting married
• Of course he doesn’t tear up a little that would be ridiculous
• You tell him that the two of you are seeing who takes the longest to notice, and he reluctantly promises to keep his freaking out on the down low
• The next person to notice is jin, who apparently got a little suspicious when da won all of a sudden asked for food on your anniversary
• He’s still in his make-up chair and he glances down to your joint hands, seeing the glint of the metal and jerks his head towards you fully
• The make-up stylist just sighs and grabs a wipe to clean off the stripe of mascara that got streaked across his face
• Da won quickly holds up a finger to shush him, and he grins cheekily, motioning to zip his lips shut
• Surprisingly, Jungkook is third
• He’s a romantic at heart, and you know that he really admires the relationship you and da won have
• None of the boys have been able to publicly date yet, which just meant that they couldn’t risk dating at all, and you had caught him countless times watching you two wistfully
• It’s one such time when he notices
• Da won read somewhere about how to read the lines on your palm, and jokingly is trying to work out how many kids you’ll have
• You sit, palm out, staring at her lovingly as she sticks her tongue out slightly and focuses, tracing lines along your skin, and then hear a weird strangled noise
• You glance up and see Jungkook, mouth and eyes wide, staring at the ring on your finger, then back up at you two
• He’s antsy waiting for his hair to be finished, and once it does, he practically skips over, whispering excitedly, “really? Really?”
• You quickly let him look at the ring, making sure nobody else is watching, and his head tips to the side as he smiles softly
• Da won lets him know what your plan is, as well as who had seen it so far, and Jungkook can’t help but laugh out loud that hoseok hasn’t even realized yet
• He scampers away happily, finding hoseok and loitering around smugly as da won’s brother chats away with jin, who’s almost finished in the chair after that mishap
• It’s literally over three hours before anyone else notices
• Oblivious line is the new line and it consists of hoseok, namjoon, yoongi and jimin
• It’s lunchtime and you’re sitting with tae and yoongi while the rest are all still in line at the buffet
• Taehyung has been bouncy as a puppy all day, and yoongi keeps asking him why, but true to his word, tae won’t tell him a thing
• You tune out of the conversation a little and watch da won joking around with hobi
• They look so alike, and have a lot of the same mannerisms, but even aside from that anyone can see how close they are
• Da won catches you staring and gives you a cute little wave
• You smile and wave back
• When you look away and return to the table, you realize it’s fallen silent
• Yoongi is still chewing away with bulging cheeks, but he’s waving his chopsticks at your still-raised hand
• You realize you’d waved with your left hand and blatantly showed off the ring
• Once he finally swallows his large mouthful, yoongi clears his throat and stares at you
• “please don’t tell me that’s been there this whole time”
• You stare at him, not cracking a smile, “yoongi, we got engaged last June. Have you seriously never noticed?”
• His eyes widen and his mouth drops into a confused pout, “fuck, really? Man, I need a nap”
• You reach over and punch his shoulder playfully “I’m just messing with you, da won proposed last night. Did still take you this long, though”
• He lets out a relieved sigh, then fixes you with a serious look, waving his chopsticks at you again, “I have only one thing to say. Make sure hobi pays for your wedding, I can assure you he has the money. And don’t let him make it cheap, either. I’m talking one million won bar tab, those fancy fabric napkins that they make look like a swan, maybe some doves.”
• You chuckle, “okay, thanks a lot for your words of wisdom”
• Yoongi gives you a small smile, loads up a lettuce wrap and mumbles a quick ‘congratulations’ before shoving it into his mouth in one go
• Cut to the end of filming, and you’re pretty sure the final three will never realize unless you tell them
• So you get da won’s permission to start being a little more obvious, upping the stakes
• Jin suggests you all go out to dinner and celebrate the end of shooting (6 of you know what you’re really celebrating)
• You sit with da won on one side and jimin on the other
• “oh, chimmy, what’s the fabric your jacket is made of? I love it”
• Cute you running your hands over the satiny material around his cuff
• He looks down at it, holding his arm up so you can better reach it
• “oh, it’s silk I thi- oh!”
• Da won collapses into laughter at the look of surprise on his face
• You grin and let him hold your hand as he fiddles with the ring, inspecting it with wonder
• You look up around the table, hoping that jimin’s outburst has attracted some attention, but namjoon and hoseok are deeply entranced in something on namjoon’s phone, discussing whatever it is with full focus
• Jin rolls his eyes and ‘accidentally’ knocks namjoon’s elbow causing him to drop his phone under the table, skidding across to perfectly land in front of your shoes
• “oh, allow me” you announce loudly and stretch down to pick it up
• You pass it over with your left hand, ring up
• “oh, thanks, y/n”
• Jungkook groans and lets his head bang against the table, “are you fucking serious?”
• “it wasn’t my fault I dropped it! Jin pushed me and-”
• “y/n and I are getting married!”
• Namjoon and hoseok freeze
• Da won sighs and repeats herself. “I cannot believe you guys. How more obvious can we be?”
• Namjoon and hoseok share a look, dumbfounded, then both break out into proud beams
• Hoseok shrieks and cheers loud enough that the waiter has to ask the table to calm down, and namjoon keeps squeezing his eyes shut and clutching at his chest in happiness
• The rest of the night is celebrated properly, with hoseok paying for the rounds of soju to make up for his obliviousness
• Before you know it, the wedding is upon you
• Da won was much better at planning than you, knowing exactly what colors match and how to appropriately decorate the venue
• The two of you of course have friends outside hoseok and his group, but you’re both much closer with them, and so instead of a best man and a maid of honour, you have two best men; hoseok and taehyung, with the other five as the equivalent of bridesmaids
• Da won designs her own dress, and she stubbornly refused to let you see it until the day of
• You’re not ashamed to say you teared up during the ceremony, but your glassy eyes were no match for the full-on sobs of happiness from taehyung, who’s almost too overcome with emotion to hand over the rings
• Jin sheds a perfectly formed tear, hoseok sniffs quietly and holds on tightly to yoongi’s hand on his shoulder, and the rest are all smiling so widely their cheeks hurt
• After the ceremony is the reception, and it’s time for speeches
• Hoseok’s speech is sweet and thoughtful
• You can tell he’s nervous and that he must’ve spent ages writing with it (he confesses to asking for namjoon for help more times than he can count) but the gist of it is how proud he is of his big sister, how da won is his biggest role model now and always, and how he can’t imagine a better person to make her happy than you
• You lean into da won’s side, happily glancing up at her every now and again, still blown away by how beautiful she is, and how her eyes light up when she looks at you
• Tae’s speech is a disaster
• You know he’s perfectly capable of writing beautiful lyrics, but with the way the other two maknaes (and jin) snicker and slap each other’s shoulders, this was a group project
• He starts by telling a story you previously hadn’t heard about how, when da won and you were just under a year into your relationship, having told the boys a couple months prior, da won had come to set one day purely to mope around and complain because you had flown out of seoul to visit your parents and she couldn’t come with because of work
• Apparently, she had just about eaten the catering station out of business, and wouldn’t stop going up to random members on set and telling them about you
• Da won buried her face in her hands, shoulders shaking with laughter, and you felt pretty amused until the tables turned
• Tae revealed the time you had asked jimin for advice on which set of lingerie to buy, and it had ended with the maknae line buying an exorbitant amount of bras and panties so that you could try them on and see which set was best
• You were pretty sure they just put it in the speech to brag about the fact that they had seen a girl in her underwear given by the way Jungkook puffed out his chest and jimin grinned around at all the other people in the room
• It’s a couple of months after the wedding when the two of you begin having serious talks about having kids
• It’s not as easy as with straight couples, and so there are several options you could choose to try
• In the end, both of you want your dna in the baby, but of course that isn’t possible with the two of you alone
• It’s da won that suggests, half joking, that she could get hoseok to donate sperm since they practically look the same, and at the time you both laugh and brush it off
• But after a while, neither of you can stop thinking about it
• It really seems like the best solution for both of you to pass on your genes as best you can, so the two of you call hoseok over to sit down and discuss it with him
• It is the most awkward hour or so of your life
• Hoseok takes a couple weeks to think about it, but one of the tour managers has just had a little baby girl and he can see how happy the new mother is, and how close their bond is
• He gets a little taken over with baby fever, and also the thought that it would make the two of you so happy
• In addition, it would make him an uncle (technically a father), and he knew he would spoil the kid rotten, as would the rest of bts
• So he calls up da won and says he’s happy to
• It’s more likely that the transfer will be successful if you use IVF rather than,,,natural conception, so that’s what you do
• Miraculously, it works the very first round
• You get the call from the doctor when you’re making da won dinner for her birthday
• The two of you scream and hug and cry and laugh, and it’s one of the most wonderful nights of your life
• You don’t tell hobi or anyone until you’re almost at the end of the first trimester, when you can be sure the baby is there to stay, and away from most risks or complications
• The two of you decide that the ‘wait and see how long it takes them to find out’ method takes too long, and you can’t bear to wait any longer to share your joy with them, so one day you visit them at the dorm when they’re all chilling
• It takes ages to convince them to all be quiet and sit in the same room, but when you finally do, the two of you cheer ‘we’re pregnant!!’ at the same time
• Everyone freezes and goes silent
• Hobi goes dead pale
• Taehyung rushes up and swings you around in a big bear hug and then everyone breaks out of their shock and hop up to congratulate you
• Poor hoseok still looks like he’s seen a ghost as jin laughs and claps him on the back cheerily
• The other members notice his reaction and yoongi makes a joke that he’s planning to murder the baby daddy
• You and da won share a glance
• Did hobi seriously not tell any of the guys what he did?
• Then you realize hobi isn’t shocked in a bad way, he’s just so overcome that he’s beginning to cry quietly, with a look of wonder on his face
• “I’m just so happy for you two, honestly”
• You all have dinner at the dorm, and jin cracks a bottle of wine
• Jimin is VERY careful to keep an eye on you the whole night to make sure you don’t have any
• At one point when things start to quiet down, hoseok admits to the other members that he did IVF for you
• BIG mistake
• Now the maknaes refuse to call him anything but ‘daddy’
• They’ve fucked up and accidentally said it on a v-live before and army went fucking nuts, thinking it was a sexual thing
• Jin once interrupted hobi on an American interview to say his favorite animal was the sperm whale
• Namjoon will send him fifty, sixty-picture streams of baby photos, asking hobi which one he thinks his kid will look like
• Everyone seems to have forgotten that hobi isn’t really going to be the dad at all
• But you and da won are happy
• The baby is growing at a very healthy pace, and the boys have set up a system where they take turns coming with you to the clinic for your doctor’s appointments
• They all seem way more invested and curious than you expected
• Over the next few months, this is basically how it goes at those appointments with each member:
• Hoseok all but ignores the two of you and stares dreamily at the ultrasound picture on the big screen, and gets copies printed so that he can (VERY carefully, so that they’re not visible on a livestream) put them in his room and his wallet
• Jin likes to make up elaborate explanations for all the different tools the nurse uses like he’s some sort of expert, to distract your mind from things like injections or IVs, but then the moment they’re actually put in, he freaks out and has to leave the room with a lot of fanfare
• Jungkook picks up on the routine infuriatingly fast, and you catch him focusing intently on what the nurse says with a slightly open mouth every time she gives you instructions
• He has been known to text you in the middle of the night things like “has ur morning sickness gone away yet? just curious, nurse said it should’ve gone away by now”
• Namjoon has a ringbinder filled with all the pamphlets you get given, photocopies from pregnancy books he’s gotten from the library (under a staff member’s library card) and handwritten notes from each session he goes to
• He gets annoyed when one of the other members goes and hasn’t paid attention, so he has to ask you what was said so that he can keep his records up to date
• You remind him he’s not even related to the baby or you two at all
• He insists it’s bangtan’s baby, and in a way all seven of them should be stepping up as fathers
• To this day you don’t know how serious he was being when he said that…
• Taehyung likes to make a day of it
• The appointments are always pretty early in the morning so that you have a free afternoon, but on tae’s days, he’ll take you out for brunch, to a spa, to get massages, he’ll buy you plushies
• He says he just wants you to be as comfortable as possible, and he wants to be a supportive best friend throughout your pregnancy
• You would know what jimin was like if he actually showed up
• Okay, maybe that’s not fair
• Jimin mostly shows up, he’s just always late
• And consistently twelve minutes late too, it’s super weird and you don’t understand why he just doesn’t wake up fifteen minutes earlier
• But when he shows up, e v e r y  t i m e he likes to try and convince the nurse he’s the father
• He’ll talk about how the ultrasound clearly shows the baby has his eyes, or that you hadn’t even tried for a baby, but his sperm game was clearly so powerful
• You know he’s not attracted to you or anything, but he’s so caught up in the romance of a pregnancy that he likes to play baby daddy
• It does mean that he’s offered to do those weird pregnancy classes with you
• Like the ones where you sit on a balance ball and do odd stretching and massaging
• Da won was meant to obviously be the one to go with you, but she’s been called out to Tokyo for a few weeks as she has a store opening there
• You’re so proud of her but you miss your wifey
• So jimin is like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I’ll do it
• And now you’re being asked to move in to the dorm in your third trimester so that you aren’t at home alone
• Anyway, yoongi is the last member that comes with you to appointments, and he likes to act all strong and cold, but you can see the way his eyes narrow when that trainee nurse took your blood a little too aggressively and left a bruise in the crook of your elbow
• And the way you would always forget to take your vitamins, were it not for the fact that he sent you a text every morning to check up on you
• You’re kind of starting to see what namjoon meant by it being a bangtan baby
• As it gets closer to d-day, you lose a lot of your independence
• You feel like a beached whale the second you sit or lie down, you can’t walk without hobbling, and cravings are really taking a hold of you
• Oh god. Cravings
• Jin tries to incorporate your mutant taste into the dinners he’s started preparing for you all every night to make sure you’re eating enough
• But it doesn’t go down well
• “jin-hyung, are you trying to poison us? Why is there so much cumin in the white rice, it takes ridiculous”
• “it’s for y/n, jungkookie”
• “you’re trying to poison y/n?!”
• Namjoon reminds you that the baby can hear outside in the world, so you should start talking to it and playing it peaceful music, so it gets used to your voice
• So now you basically wander around, narrating your life to Babie
• You have decided to convince yoongi to play piano for you all the time
• He sighs and kicks up a small fuss every time you ask, but he’ll sit there for hours, playing delicate instrumentals of their songs and lullabies you caught him learning recently, with the sweetest smile on his face
• Moving in does create challenges, though
• You can’t leave the dorm for fear of being spotted, which means the doctor has to make house visits, and you are escorted by a black van and security guards to the pregnancy classes you and jimin attend
• Most of them have their own rooms in the new dorm, so Jungkook moves in with taehyung to give you a room to yourself
• You keep all your stuff in there and make sure to never leave that room while anyone is recording or streaming
• Army, those perceptive fuckers, have noticed something’s up with the boys though
• “oppa, you look so happy nowadays, oppa, you’ve put on a little weight and you look so handsome, omG why does namjoon own a book on pregnancy?”
• Ok that last one was a mistake on joon’s behalf
• In his defense, he was reading a really interesting chapter on how the cervix dilates in labor and he really wanted to shoot a quick live and get back to finishing it
• It’s a poor defense and he knows it, but that big nerd is telling the truth
• Speaking of namjoon, he’s started running drills on you going into labor
• Taehyung and hoseok packed the pregnancy bag a couple weeks before you were due, and now every second day namjoon will periodically yell out “y/n’s water just broke!”
• And watch everyone scream and rush around the house, freaking out
• There’s literally no reason for them to worry
• You hardly ever leave the house, and bighit have hired a car with tinted windows and a driver that rotates on shifts so that 24/7, there is someone ready to take you discreetly to the nearest hospital
• After a few drills, fights begin to break out on which members get to ride with you in the car
• Jimin says he’s practically the father, so he should go
• Hobi says he’s literally the father, so he should go
• Namjoon points out he’s the most knowledgeable, so he should go
• Taehyung’s claim is that he’s your best friend, so he should be the one to join you
• Jin believes you deserve a handsome face to look at to motivate you to push, which means the only 10 of bangtan should get to go with you
• Yoongi says he’s the only member of bts that can be trusted to keep a cool head, and you’ll have the best chance of having an easy delivery if you go
• Jungkook does not want to go
• In the end, the car has three seats in the back and one in the front, so you figure you could probably get two people to come with
• You decide on hoseok and yoongi
• Namjoon is very upset upon hearing this, especially since he’s put so much work into getting everything ready
• But you just don’t need someone who knows everything like namjoon because that’s literally the job for the nurses, doctor and midwife
• Unacceptable
• Namjoon calls up his manager and convinces him to get two cars so that everyone can go
• Jungkook goes a little green when he’s told he gets to come with, but you assure him he’s more than welcome to wait in the hallway, where there are vending machines
• The thought of vending machines cheers him up
• When your water does break, you’re watching a movie with all of the guys
• You’ve got your legs up across taehyung, and jimin beside him is giving you a divine foot rub
• Your back is pressed up against jin
• You’re just chilling, then feel your pants get wet all of a sudden
• Taehyung makes a weird noise of shock, and then scrunches up his face
• “did you just fucking piss on me?”
• Everyone cracks into gear like a well-oiled machine when you realize it was your water breaking
• You’re a little taken off-guard by how quickly contractions begin after that, and you painfully change into some dry sweatpants, dumping your wet ones in a laundry hamper
• Taehyung has to change, too, so it’s up to the other six to sort everything out
• Hoseok’s running around with the bag over the moon, not knowing what to do with himself
• Yoongi has calmly called both drivers to notify them that they’d be going soon, and then calls ahead to the hospital
• Somehow namjoon has produced an identical pregnancy bag ‘just in case’ and is sifting through, checking off a printed-off list of everything that’s in there
• Jungkook’s hovering near the front door, zoning out completely and staring blankly at the wall, while jimin is beside him wiggling in excitement, ready to go
• Jin has disappeared to the kitchen to grab all the frozen and refrigerated leftovers he had been stockpiling for your hospital stay
• By the time you are settled down on a hospital bed with all the boys waiting outside except taehyung, you’ve dilated so rapidly that they’re asking you to push
• You’ve missed the chance for an epidural with how quickly you went into labor and you deeply regret being the one of you to get pregnant because fuck this hurts
• Your vagina is being ripped in half
• Like that scene where captain America tears that log open with his bare hands
• Only way less sexy
• Taehyung is up by your head, holding your hand and not complaining when you’re probably close to breaking his fingers
• At one point in the delivery, jungkook is sent in to let you know that da won has been notified and she’s taking a flight back now
• His timing is a little unfortunate
• “good, y/n, the baby is crowning, give us another big push now”
• Jungkook takes one look down there and promptly passes out
• One of the nurses just sighs, picks him up and takes him outside to lie down on one of the benches in the hallway
• Because he never told you the news before, he went down, jin is sent in to let you know what Jungkook was meant to tell you
• The thought of seeing your precious wife again after so long apart gives you the strength to really push through (pun intended) and deliver the baby
• Finally, you collapse back against the sweat-drenched paper sheet and listen to the sound of a gentle cry
• You had kept the gender a secret, figuring it didn’t really matter, it was 2018 dammit, but when the nurse announced that it was a beautiful baby boy, you and taehyung both started to cry tears of joy
• In a daze, you’re handed your son briefly, and then he’s taken away again to be cleaned off and weighed, and a nurse messes around down under and cleans you up too
• Eventually, you’re ready for visitors
• At this point, the labor took a long enough time that it’s now the early hours of the morning, just before 5am
• The boys file into the room, some more enthusiastically than others
• Namjoon and hoseok bound in, with jin, yoongi, jimin following cheerily behind
• Jungkook reluctantly slips in, eyes covered until you assure him, you’re all covered up
• Hobi holds your little boy first, crying fat tears directly onto his tiny face much to your amusement and the baby’s disgust
• You get to hold him properly next, and the members all come one by one to have a look at him as he gurgles happily and clenches his little fists
• Da won returns a couple of hours later and rushes in to hold her son, the two of you holding hands and watching your little boy with complete bliss on your faces
• Over the coming weeks, you’re back at your own place with da won, getting used to the full-time job of being a mother
• Of course, it’s not just the two of you
• Hobi asks permission to tell army that you and da won have had a child, on the condition that you never give any information about him being the sperm donor
• He just wants to show the world how cute that little guy is, and you both happily agree
• Only problem is, now army want as much content as possible of the guys playing with your son and being all domestic
• You can see why, they’re all naturals when it comes to most things
• Army dubs your son the bangtan baby, because just like namjoon told you, it was like they were all stepping up to be fathers to this kid
• Namjoon would spend three hours at a time in his studio discussing the finer details of your son’s life so far, and all the challenges and triumphs namjoon has had along the way
• Now that army know why he had that pregnancy book, they want to know from him what you being pregnant was like
• He’s only too happy to recount those 9 months for as long as his fans will listen
• Hoseok posts on twitter almost every day with photos of him taking selfies with your son, your son falling asleep on him, his tiny hand wrapped around hoseok’s pinky finger
• Even though he’ll probably never be able to tell the world that he’s technically a father now, he’ll show off to the world that he can be the best uncle there ever was
• When the cameras are off, however, he’s just as sweet
• He’d happily look after the baby for hours if you asked him to, he’s so patient, and if you weren’t gay as fuck, you’d totally get smitten over him as he makes faces to make your little boy laugh
• He likes to talk to him in baby voices and make sound effects as he bops him on the nose and pokes his soft cheeks
• Your heart soars to see how truly happy he is
• Seokjin doesn’t drop by that often, probably because he’s still pissed that the baby isn’t old enough to be fed actual food yet
• The few times he does accompany one of the boys to visit, he shows off his spoon airplane technique, saying that you need to let him know immediately when he can start filming special editions of Eatjin with him
• What can you say, seokjin has his priorities
• Taehyung spends a lot of time at your house in the evenings
• He’s obsessed with putting your boy to bed
• (he hasn’t worked out that newborns sleep like all day too, so he really doesn’t have to keep coming over at 6pm every day)
• Honestly, what baby can stay awake when they have kim taehyung singing them lullabies?
• He is the expert at sneaking away suuuper silently so that he doesn’t wake up and start crying
• You honestly think taehyung is just about ready to knock up a girl with the way he looks so soft and happy when he exits the nursery
• His guilty pleasure is sitting in the rocking chair and letting the baby fall asleep on his chest, so that he can gently pat his back or bottom and feel those tiny arms around his neck
• He has been known to convince da won to let the baby sleep with him in the spare room
• You walked in on him kissing his cheeks and rubbing his nose as he tickled your son’s tummy
• It was the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, but it was half an hour past bedtime for your boy and you had to be stern momma, getting taehyung to put him down properly
• Jungkook is getting better with the baby
• He still will only come with one of his hyungs, but you can imagine once he’s old enough to start wanting to play with toys, he’ll really flourish
• He always brings presents around for the baby and for you two
• Whenever he sees baby clothes, he has the compulsion to buy them, and at this rate your son will have a bigger closet than you by the time he reaches one year old
• Yoongi doesn’t visit too often in the beginning but fans will not let him rest until he shoots a livestream with the baby
• In the end he films a review of his most recent album with your son snoring away in his arms, and army just about combust
• Every now and again he loses his train of thought and just stares into your son’s face for like a solid minute
• At one point, he wakes up and starts to cry, and yoongi, without missing a beat, lifts him up and starts bouncing him lightly, giving him a proper snuggle to calm him down
• He finally ends the live when he smells something suspicious and immediately hands the baby over to da won
• Finally, jimin
• Jimin takes on the role as the best dad in bangtan a little too seriously
• “everyone, I’ve just been to the store to buy Vaseline. When the mother breastfeeds, her nipples can crack and so you have to keep them moisturized…oh no, I don’t put it on myself, I’m just buying it for her…how do I know her nipples are- oh, I don’t know, I just thought I should buy some just in case! Being a parent is all about thinking ahead, you know? I’m trying to be proactive”
• “army, I’m whispering right now because this little guy is having a wee sleep, but as a father it’s important to have skin-to-skin contact to bond, so that’s why I’m not wearing a shirt right now…oh, you like it? Thank you, I think the baby likes it too”
• “jimin, put your fucking shirt back on”
• “y/n, please don’t swear in front of my son, you’re a terrible influence on him”
• “you’re not even the godfather, don’t be ridiculous”
• “everyone, often parents face adversity, but it’s important to stay strong and make sure your child is around only the best people. Swearing isn’t something I want my child to hear at his tender age”
• Literally, he’ll go on like this for hours
• New army genuinely assume you and him or da won and him are a couple and he’s the father
• It does mean that youtube channels that make fake-subtitle videos of him and the viewer have literally no work to do
• Jimin has no shame when it comes to acting like he’s the coolest dad in town, that he even asks you and da won to let him bring the baby to an award show so he can collect the main album of the year award with ‘his son’ with him
• Army go fucking wild when he shows up on the red carpet with an infant tucked into the crook of his arm
• Poor sejin has to lug around the massive bag with diapers and formula and spare clothes tho :(
• As your son grows up, he’s surrounded by nine of the most adoring people in the world
• You and da won make sure he’s a respectable young man
• Namjoon teaches him to be kind and grateful to everyone
• Hoseok would bend over backwards for him and your son most certainly knows and exploits this
• Jungkook always goes to his sports games when he’s in the area and cheers him on louder than any of the other actual parents
• Jin gives him flirting advice when he gets his first crush
• Taehyung and jimin are still determined to be the cool dads, and the three of them have formed a ritual of going to the park and having a picnic together at least once or twice a month
• and your child is the only person on the planet who can always crack a smile and get a hug from uncle yoongi
• you and da won couldn’t be happier, and you couldn’t be prouder
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7hyuns · 6 years
a natural consequence
jongin x reader 
warnings; smut, tiny tiny argument, is sleeping w ur boyfriend in ur parents house a warning oof, and swearing 
a/n; i really loved writing this!!! i’m trying to get back on top of my requests, so i hope the anon that requested this likes it :) 
requested; yes!!! thank you anon i still love u 
-  Hello!! I would like to request a jongin scenario where he's going to meet ur parents and ends up sneaking in ur room to fuck. I know you have a few other requests to take care of,so, no rush!!! Thxx!!
word count; 5k 
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If there was one thing you had to give Jongin complete credit for, it was how charming he always remained; how he seemed almost without a flaw in the limelight in front of anyone you introduced him to. At the beginning, you had every doubt in people believing this façade – how could they possibly accept that you had somehow stumbled across an impeccably put together person? How could someone glance at him as he spoke words in what almost felt entirely alienated from normality, and perceive him as an honest and truthful man?
Although now, sat directly across from your parents, you had come to lose the inhibitions and worries that once clung to you. In all truth, you wouldn’t have cared in the slightest if he acted like himself – if he showed the more careless side of his personality to the people you were pushed into introducing him to. But maybe you were being just as truthful with yourself as Jongin was with the couple that had raised you; maybe one day you’d accept that the way he acted in front of you and a handful of others wasn’t something to be shared. Especially not here, especially not in front of people who needed to see something that they could believe as real and respectful.
“So, what is it that you do for work?” You heard a deeper voice ask, your eyes casting up from your daydreams to see the man across from Jongin. A pause fell across the room, your breath catching just slightly as you imagined the faultless mask Jongin had fit perfectly over himself starting to crack.
The silence, it appeared, was not one of a lack of preparation, the sound of Jongin placing his glass of water down onto the table filling the space as he smiled brightly across at the two of them. “I work in music, I’ve been in a group for…a good amount of time now.” He explained, stilling his cutlery to give his full attention to the inquiry.
You pondered over his answer, not failing to take into account how ambiguously he had phrased the response. Already you knew that your father wouldn’t approve of it; the reason you had always pushed telling him to the back of your mind. He wouldn’t see it as proper, as put-together enough. The thought of him disliking something about Jongin – an occurrence within your friendship group that was entirely irregular – made your heart tighten in your chest. From panic or excitement, you couldn’t quite tell.
“Not the most stable career,” your father retorted, placing his cutlery down in what you knew from past experiences to be a kind of preparation: an expectancy of an argument. The situation, even though it had just begun to spiral, was something you were intrigued in. Never before had you seen anyone directly call-out Jongin when he was acting like this, and you wanted – or maybe needed – the closure of knowing what came next.
Your mother winced softly, the apprehension of the aftermath from your father’s words clearly affecting her in a different way than they did to you. You wished she would catch your eye, so you could get a glimpse into what she was picturing, but you already held that wish far deeper for Jongin; you perceived he’d be anxious, his hands tightening around the silverware and lip catching between his teeth in a tense moment of scrounging.
However, all he offered was a small chuckle, and a playful shrug, “It’s done me very well, sir. I imagine it’ll continue to do so for a good while longer.”
A small furrow found its way to your eyebrows; perhaps from the annoyance of knowing he had an answer for every single question they could think of asking. Although, it could have just been from the way he seemed exemplary at avoiding giving set-in-stone answers.
“You imagine?” Your father pushed, and you dared yourself to look over at the man. He didn’t even cast you a glance, too caught up in staring directly into Jonging’s eyes, and you already knew Jongin would be unfaltering in his return of this.
You hated the way your shoulders tensed to match your mother’s then, the adrenaline that nerves bought along with them beginning its course through your veins. The room felt full with the silence that lingered, although you couldn’t be entirely sure whether that was the case; every single second that ticked by after your father spoke felt like it was collecting dust.
“With all the respect, sir, you can’t be sure of any job,” Jongin summarised, but you knew from the ongoing space without another bitter response that he was expected to continue. “I could work in an office, and I could still get fired without a moment’s notice. I could be a lawyer, lose one case and ruin everything for my whole career. I could be a salesman, the company I work for could go into bankruptcy and I’d lose the job.”
A smile tried to make its way onto your lips, and you could feel the corners starting to curve upwards before you recalled something strong enough to bite it back. It was impressive, of course, his relentless ability to change everyone’s perceptions of him with a few strung together sentences. But it was far more infuriating, the lack of any kind of fault people could see him having. You wondered how long he had to spend coming up with an idyllic answer to questions he couldn’t be sure of, or how much time it took to craft a new mask to cover up anything he didn’t want the people around you to know. A small part of you felt special, honoured to be able to see what went one underneath the cold clay; the rest of you just wanted to know why he felt the need to be so controlled – so ultimately divine that not even those sat within touching distance could point out a mistake.
You looked away from your father, who had said something complimentary about Jonging’s attitude no doubt, and toward your mother. You liked to believe that you could always trust her judgement on people – all through-out your childhood and adolescence she hadn’t been far from correct in her deductions. But she seemed absolutely entranced, having been painfully obviously enchanted by the words that spilled from what you could only imagine was a formulated, antiseptic book of programmed and memorised responses.
An assumption was to be made then: had he or had he not pulled the two of them into the web he’d been building cautiously and collectedly since you accidentally ran into an old friend with him last year. The memory of that day made you breathe in sharply, you hadn’t thought anything of the actions at the time, thinking it was no deeper than polite behaviour in front of a complete stranger. You came to realise a few months later that it ran far deeper than that; friend after friend falling into the pit he continued to dig customised to what he knew they wanted to see.
Maybe that should have made you at least a little nervous, but all it came to do was irritate you. He never seemed to slip up, not even for the smallest of moments, and it made your jaw clench in hypocritical agitation. You knew, you could never stop knowing, that this was what everyone dreamed of: finding someone who everybody around you fell head over heels with as soon as they met him. But sometimes, for brief fleeting seconds, you wished that he would grow restless, become unpredictable and do something that made your heart pound inside your chest from the sheer intensity of it. You attempted to rationalise it, for the millionth time, and went through different options, and ended up stumbling across the possibility that he was simply a more reserved person, and enjoyed keeping his passion and more interesting side entirely private.  It seemed realistic, and more than a little believable if you thought back as far as your mind would go to the times he’d been in public with you.
The sound of a plate clattering caused you to jolt slightly in surprise, the notice that you had been too concerned with your train of thought that you hadn’t even seen your mother rise to clear the table made you bite awkwardly at your lip in frustration. You looked over to see that you had caught Jongin’s attention, a soft smile pulling at his lips and his eyes squinting slightly as he tipped his head in suspicion. A private person, you thought, and then almost wanted to laugh. Had you ever thought of him like that before? If he was private, why did he share so much of himself with a large amount of people, and why would he allow that information to be such casual public knowledge.
You reminded yourself that the situation there was different than with a stranger, but found it a little difficult to believe. Privacy was important to everyone on some level, and maybe it was just more confusing to grasp exactly where it came to him. If you were alone, you would have huffed and tossed your head back in the slow process of figuring out this one thing. However, with Jongin being on his best behaviour, you didn’t want to give your parents a reason to let this day seem anything other than a dreamy fantasy.
Any semblance left of belief that he just ‘valued his privacy,’ dissolved entirely when you felt the warmth of his hand make contact with the skin on the inside of your thigh. He tilted his head upwards as your father rose to help in the kitchen, “Do you need any help in there?”
You heard a breathy chuckle from the kitchen before hearing your mother call back, “No, no, it’s okay, thank you, love.”
A small scoff passed your lips before you could pull it back, and you watched as Jongin glanced back at you with his eyebrows raised. As soon as your father disappeared from sight, Jongin dropped his head down to press unnervingly close to your ear, “Bored?” He questioned, moving his hand further along your thigh.
You pressed your thighs together, already knowing that this would do nothing to change the situation to be more in your favour. The annoyance from earlier returned in full, making you breathe in deeply before sighing sharply. “No,” you countered.
He laughed quietly, head tipping back as he hummed in fake acceptance of this fact. “Am I boring you?”
“I said I’m not bored,” you grumbled back, agitation seeping into you at how amusing he was finding everything.
“Oh, I get it,” he mumbled, moving his hand to push your thighs back open, “You’re annoyed, right?”
At this, you fell quiet again, no longer knowing how to fully respond to the accusation without growing childish in your irritation. Jongin laughed again, skimming his knuckle against your heat in a verging on dismissive manner, “Why are you so wound up, baby?”
You could feel your knuckles tightening again, your nails digging into the palms of your hands in suppressed feeling. “Why do you always do this?” You hissed, half because of the vexation and half because of the dancing around of his fingertips against your covered heat.
His hand finally found a stillness, immensely high up on your thigh, although the weight pressed against you felt too light for you to be confident in assuming he was finished with his teasing. “Isn’t a better question, why don’t you like this?”
This hushed you for a few beats, as you had voiced this thought within yourself multiple times, and always come back inconclusive. The answer was always on the tip of your tongue, but somehow ended up being swallowed down with the exasperated breaths you pulled in before being pushed out into the atmosphere with your deep sighs. The silk feel of the answer returned to you, and you tightened your lips closed to prepare yourself to finally give it the shape and colour it had always needed.
“It’s no fun,” you tested, locking eyes with him before gaining the courage to proceed, “maybe you’re right, I am bored.”
Even without giving your full attention to the surrounding sounds, you knew he would breathe in pointedly at your speech. His lips pressed together into a tight line as he nodded before chuckling bitterly, removing his hand from your thigh entirely, giving you a small sensation of emptiness as he did so.
He pushed his chair out from the table, gesturing for you to do the same and drumming his hands against the head of the wood in impatient waiting. You caught on as soon as you saw him straighten up, but that petty feeling of refusal bit into you until you saw him move to lightly tap against the kitchen door.
“Sorry for the interruption, but I just wanted to let you know that ___ wanted to show me her old bedroom, so we’ll be a bit busy for a few minutes.” Jongin spoke gently, his voice warm and assuring to both your parents – assuring enough that they both made loud jumbles of ‘oh, of course,’ and ‘oh, sure, have fun!’
You narrowed your eyes over at him, pressing your palms flat against the varnished wood of the table before rising to stand. His façade stayed in plain view, the welcoming smile permanently etched onto his lips while in view of your parents, and you took cautious strides to reach him. The moment you were within arms-length, he reached out to loop his arm tightly around your waist, digging his fingertips into the soft skin to let you know that your words from earlier were still stuck in his mind.
He released his hold on you when you reached the bottom of the staircase, allowing you to take the lead as he fell in behind you. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, you felt yourself falter, unsure of where to move to next as his arms latched around your middle, his warm palms going to swipe hair out of the way before you felt the softness of his lips touch your neck. He left soft and open-mouthed kisses over any exposed skin he could find, hands trailing round until the hovered just above your heat. You dropped your head back, resting it against him for some semblance of clarity before he ungraciously yanked his touches off of you entirely.
A whine of displeasure left you, before you carried your feet as close to stomping you could get without making that much noise, and swung the door at the end of the hall open. You said nothing as you gestured him inside, rolling your eyes yet again at how he seemed to just take his time without feeling a sliver of concern for what you wanted in the moment. On his way through the door, he knocked your hand away from the door, taking the responsibility upon himself as he swung it shut, closing it carelessly loud, the click echoing in the vaguely empty room.
Again, he moved further into the room without uttering a single word, trailing his hands lightly over some of the remaining artefacts from when you called this room home. He didn’t take a second to gawk at the lack of items left, opting instead to make himself familiar with the layout, turning back to you as he seemingly finished. He nodded curtly, walking back toward you with a haste you hadn’t seen at any point that day, “This’ll do.”
If he’d have given you a second to breathe after he spoke, you would’ve asked him what that meant, but the moment he let those words enter the atmosphere around you, his hands came to roughly capture your face before bringing your lips to his. The first collision was messy, teeth knocking against one another at the sheer energy radiating from him, and he seemed preoccupied with something else as you struggled to find a rhythm. He pulled one of your legs up from the floor, bringing it up to his waist before letting his lips untangle themselves from yours.
“Jump,” came the mumble against your skin, and you attempted to breathe in shakily as you did so. After you’d let yourself be entirely within his grasp, with his hands mapping over your body as if he’d never laid a single hand on you before, you pressed your lips back against his own harshly. Somewhere outside of the cloud that had begun to build around you from the flustered feeling of how rushed his touches all seemed to feel against your hot skin, you could feel him moving, but with your eyes closed tightly and hands occupied with tangling in his hair, you couldn’t tell where.
The wall became the only other physical thing you had to tell that this wasn’t some kind of dream, as the second your back hit it you could’ve sworn this was too good to be true. If you had a chance to speak in the moment, you were certain the only thought that would be coherent enough to verbalise would be his name; small chants of it like a prayer already swarming around your head.
You took in gulps of air when he finally pulled back, although the minute of calm was quickly replaced with more heat when his mouth grew bored of yours and moved instead to leave as many heart-shaped kisses against your throat as he could find the room to. The feeling around the moment made you forget where you actually were, your mind slipping away from you as you moaned without a second thought, not even being able to understand the smallest worry that tried to work its way into your brain.
Feeling your feet hit the carpeted floor of your old bedroom pulled you out of your hazy mindset and further into one that was fully aware of what it was you were really doing. A small bubble of shame became apparent in your stomach, your mind trying to figure out why you had ever let this happen in a room your parents had read bed-time stories to you in. It made your skin crawl, but you perceived that it was more likely because that disgust in your previous movement was doing nothing to prevent you from desiring it again.
You glared up at Jongin, wanting to find something within yourself that allowed you the ability to place the blame on him for this, although even as you scrambled, you came up with nothing to show for it. A smug smile was playing on his face, his arms looping themselves around your hips in a more playful manner than earlier, lifting you off your feet for a small moment as he spun you to be walking backwards again. Your feet floundered, not being able to fully keep up with his faster steps, but they didn’t have to for any kind of prolonged time. The backs of your knees hit the side of your old twin-size mattress, your legs slipping from underneath you at the minor force applied to them without preparation. You fell onto your back, the mattress feeling stiffer than you could remember, as his lips immediately re-attached themselves to yours.
One of his hands slipped up your shirt while the other returned to its previous position of travelling between your thighs, although this time he lacked the need to be wary of being subtle, and allowed his large hand to immediately cup your heat entirely. A shallow gasp passed your lips at this, legs falling open as a natural response as he did nothing to give you any other friction, leaving you to attempt it by yourself. You pushed your hips further into his palm, trying and not gaining any form of success to gratify yourself in any way possible, all while reminding yourself worriedly that your parents were a floor below you.
“Jongin,” you groaned in annoyance, wanting him to give you the smallest bit of anything, anything more than what he was currently providing.
He did nothing but chuckle coldly, pulling his hand out from underneath your shirt to push your hips down flat onto the surface of the bed, “You still bored?” He asked, biting down roughly on your neck, revelling in the way you bit down on your lip to push the moan sitting in your throat away.
You knew it would come back to that, but that meant nothing in terms of getting even a vague explanation ready. It hadn’t been a lie, the act downstairs had been boring for you, and you weren’t about to lie to him. “I will be in a second,” you grumbled, pushing his arm away from locking your hips in place as he laughed breathily.
His arm swung back to press your hips down even harder, “Sorry, am I frustrating you, angel?” He questioned, hovering his lips over your own as you had to pause for a breathless second to take in just how good he looked up-close. You wondered if he’d truly looked this heavenly all day, and how you had managed to keep yourself composed if he had.
You tried in vain to bring yourself back to the task at hand, quite literally in your case, as you hummed in response. “Of course not, this is so much fun for me.”
Another chuckle passed his parted lips as he nodded, “Do you want me to do something even better than this?” He asked, watching as you raised your eyebrows at the offer. “You gotta keep quiet though, yeah?”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” you spoke, making another attempt at angling your hips up into his loosening touch.
He grunted in confirmation that he’d heard your comment, but said nothing more as he slipped himself further down the expanse of your body. His lack of interest in taking your shirt off perplexed you slightly, although you assumed he was just trying to save himself some time. He reached your skirt quicker than he’d done anything that entire day, not even looking like he was at all interested in taking it off. Instead, he pushed it up your thighs until it bunched at your hips, making you feel like it must look ridiculous.
If it did, though, it didn’t seem to bother him – or even catch a shred of his attention – as he focused on something else. His fingers looped around the sides of your underwear, although he paused before pulling them down at all, pressing wet and open-mouthed kisses to the front of your still covered heat. You swallowed another moan, reminding yourself of how horrific it really would be if anyone – especially your parents – were to see you in this position. He remained un-relenting, the movements of his mouth becoming inexplicably more stimulating as he continued, and you let a small moan of his name pass through your lips before you turned to press your face into the duvet.
The feeling of your underwear finally being tugged down your legs made you look back at him, seeing him studying your expression as you did so. You wanted to narrow your eyes at him and tell him to speed things up if he had any hope of getting off as well, but your voice was caught up in your throat. His lips began to leave a trail of hickies on their way toward your heat, hands coming to wrap around your thighs and pull you closer to him from your position on your back. Usually when he reached this point back home, he’d start talking, he’d work you up even more with any words he could string together to make you blush under him.
But this time he remained silent, giving you no warning as his mouth attached itself to your heat and began its unusually fast movements. He generally went for a far more sensual start, but he seemed to discount everything that he did habitually in exchange for all the new sensations he could think of. You felt a bright red flush overtake your cheeks as you felt the familiar knot in your stomach begin to tighten already, and you tried to blame the embarrassingly small amount of time it took to get you this worked up down to the pure intensity of the moment. He paused for a tensed moment, your moans diminishing into quiet gasps for breath as he moved his hand closer to your heat, teasing you with the very tips of his fingers.
“I’m gonna ask one more time,” he started, delving his fingers into your heat as you whimpered his name far too loud than you should have, “am I still boring?”
You shook your head automatically, your mind completely swarmed with thoughts of how good he was making you feel already. He set a vague pace, messily moving his hands against you as you bit harshly down on your lip to keep yourself as silent as you possibly could. You knew this wouldn’t be a good enough answer for him, and that the dragging out of his actions was a signal for you to continue, “No, no, I’m, I’m not bored.” You attempted, but the words could only pass your lips in a scrambled manner.
He chuckled smugly, “Is me being charming enough to get around your parents and fuck you in their house really something you dislike?”
His words made your head spin even more, but the option of chasing after your climax was taken away as he pulled his hands away from you and rose to stand again. “Talk to me, baby.” He spoke softly, cupping your jaw again before pressing light kisses to your lips.
You could vaguely hear him unbuckling his belt, a moan tumbling out of your lips even at the apprehension of having him inside of you finally. “Not anymore,” you hummed to answer his question.
He lined himself up with your heat, “Gonna have to prove myself to you more, huh?”
Your mouth went to form a response as you felt him push himself inside you completely, your mouth instead falling open as his hand hastily moved to cover it. He grunted before pulling out completely, moving his palm away from your mouth as if he could really trust you to remain silent without it. He let himself move slower the second time, easing himself along as you snapped your eyes closed into the feeling that began to speed through your bloodstream.
The moans of his name didn’t stop coming, and he improvised with slamming his lips back onto yours to quiet you. It was only after he set a bruising pace that you realised what it was you were doing; the humiliated feeling from earlier creeping back in as he continued, although you were too far past it to care anymore.
“God, you’re so beautiful like this,” he grunted against your lips, the coil in your stomach tightening even sharper as you released a subdued moan in return.
You attempted to form the words to tell him you were close, but your mouth didn’t seem to be cooperating while your mind was speeding along so quickly ahead of you. Although, for a brief moment you were unsure if you had indeed said something, because he seemed to nod in response to words that hadn’t made it out yet. His lips found their way back to yours as he moved even faster against you, the coil in your stomach beginning to release as you dropped to hide your face in the crook of his neck as he chased after his own release.
In all honesty, you weren’t sure when he hit it, but judging from the way his hold on you tightened significantly, you could tell he had. He rode out both your highs before pausing a moment, knowing you hated the emptiness when he slipped himself out immediately. After a few moments of panting to get some form of clarity back, you nodded against him, letting him know you were all good now.
He grinned sheepishly at you after he pulled out, “You got a bin?”
You shook your head, then nodded, “In the bathroom, though.” He nodded, pulling his jeans back up his legs and tightening his belt on. “I didn’t even think about a condom, to be honest.”
He laughed softly, “I’m not surprised, you seemed a little busy.”
You hummed again, groaning in displeasure at the feeling of being pulled to stand up, Jongin curling an arm around your waist as you tugged your underwear back up. You took a quick glance around the room before letting him pull you back out into the hallway, trying and failing to gather what had happened in that room into a comprehensible timeline. You were almost fully aware that he had moved from making physical contact with you to use the bathroom bin, and a small nag of worry tore at you that your parents would see it.
The thought of your parents in general bought on a tidal-wave of anxiety; the idea that they had heard anything or even had the faintest clue of what was going on upstairs made you want to lay down in a hole and never face them again.
Jongin curled his arm back around your waist, pushing you to walk in front of him as he attempted to maintain the hold, your worry slipping from your grasp for a moment as you laughed with him. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, you saw your parents still consumed with their task of re-setting the house, your mother offering you a warm smile as she paused in her cleaning motions for a second.
“What did you think?” She asked, and with your heightened senses about the moment, your eyes grew slightly wider in an act that you hoped wasn’t completely exposing and suspicious.
However, you heard Jongin laugh slightly, as if something had been genuinely funny before he answered smoothly, “I liked all the boy-band posters…”
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U dont have read this all or answer it's just me questioning someone that I know
Ok so this is more like a rant so u dont have to answer. I was pissed off and at the same time I felt guilty so I just decided to pick someone out of my dash and ask them abt the situation. U radiate comfort energy so I picked u lol. So theres this girl that just idk. She was my friend and like if I get an haircut she does the same the other day. If I say I want an piercing she says the same the other day. That's okay but when I opened up to her abt my ed she just said it was just I diet that I'm doing? She founded that I'm fasting then send me a massage that she just started fasting and after like 3 hours she told me that the was fasting for 27 hours WHEN SHE WAS NOT bc she tolded me when she started. When I told her that it's been 3 hours since she tolded me she said me that she made a mistake when counting hours and told me that I was right? After a few days she asked me to message her EVERYTHING that I eat in a day and I told her that I'm UNCOMFORTABLE abt that but she just kept asking? And she kept asking for it and I felt guilty so I started texting her what I eated and how many calories I burned daily. Then she sended me a voice message saying she likes my "diet" and its "healthy"? I tolded her it was a MENTAL ILLNESS and send me a voice message again and said "I'm gonna be like u anyways haha Ur eating habits are so good and makes u lose weight I wanna do it too lol". I told her abt my ed at February and she told me that shes been vomiting at least 9 times a day without a cheat day for 8 months and she just eating a apple once a week and nothing else? I'm not saying that's a lie bc it would be invalidating and I'm not saying that shes tryna be like me but it's so annoying bc she told me that my eating habits are healthy and just a diet. She also told me that once I'm satisfied with my appearance I would be back to my old life. When I tried to tell her that I'm uncomfortable abt what she says she told me that shes gonna vomit and after like 10 seconds she just came back like nothing happened and changed the conversation. I FEEL SO BAD BUT I CANNOT TELL THIS TO HER BC I FEEL LIKE IM INVALIDATING HER. IDK WHAT TO DO. Oh god it's so long u dont have to answer it just feels good to told this to someone that have an ed. If u listened to all of this just thanks and ily <3
Hi love, first of all, so sweet of you to say I radiate comfort energy, I am blushing that is so cute. And I am honoured to hear your rant!
I understand the frustration of being copied excessively and how it can feel like you arent your own person any more. I grew up with younger sisters who did this and i would do ANYTHING to get them to stop.
It sounds like she really wants your approval and is a perhaps is a but codependent idk. Obviously continuously making comments which you have stated make you uncomfortable is unacceptable and you have every right to be upset. It doesn't sound like she is very good friend honestly and I would perhaps question of you are putting in more than you are getting out and whether you are okay with that. I know you didnt ask for advice or anything so obviously feel free to ignore me!
I am really sorry she is putting you in this position though. I think there are two possibilities here with her flaunting her disordered eating: one; she is doing it intentionally and maliciously to guilt you in some way or trigger you for some reason. Or two she is genuinely really a little codependent and wants your approval and thinks this is how to get it. Either way I do think this warrants a confrontation to clear the air a bit. It isnt in your best interests to put yourself in a position where you are uncomfortable and potentially being triggered when you are clearly already struggling.
Lastly, I would say throwing up several times a day and eating nothing but an apple a week is almost definitely untrue and you wouldn't survive very long. Also what exactly would she be throwing up at that point? If this is the case she should be immediately hospitalized. I dont want to make any assumptions and maybe she is telling the truth, but at the risk of coming off as really presumptuous, it does seem unlikely.
Thank you for trusting me with this and I really hope you are doing alright!
If you want to talk about it some more please feel free to DM me anytime 🖤🖤🖤
Goodluck love!
P.s. she may well be struggling with an ed I just suspect she is eating more than only one apple a week.
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