#her potato salad was NOT mayo-y!!!!! and actually had flavor!!
sakizm · 1 year
i’m a terrible midwestern person cause i haaaaaate mayo (which means like 99% of salads) but the minute a family friend said “i’m the 3rd generation to make this potato salad” as she set the salad down for dinner, i’m like okay i gotta at least try a bite of this…
her potato salad is the only one i’ll ever eat from now on
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Coffee mugs, teacups, or water bottles? Coffee mugs, I guess. I’ve never used a teacup and water bottles are bad for the planet. And mugs put me in a disposition to work lol. Bubblegum or cotton candy? Cotton candy. Haven’t had one in a while and it brings me back to being a kid. How did your elementary school teachers describe you? Very quiet, quite aloof, would bring a new book to read everyday in the corner, and not really fitting in any group. Do you prefer to drink soda from cans, bottles or cups? I don’t like soda. Earbuds or headphones? Earbuds. I used to be a headphones chick during my ~punk rock phase because I thought it made me look edgy haaaaaaaah but I got out of that period pretty quickly and now I prefer earphones.
Movies or TV? Movies. TV shows make me impatient what with all the cliffhangers and season breaks and hiatuses. Favorite smell in the summer? Fresh seafood being served while beachside. No other sensation can compare. Game you were best at in PE/gym? Track and table tennis. For some reason I enjoyed futsal too; I was a pretty good blocker. What do you have for breakfast on an average day? I skip breakfast kinda all the time. Name of your favorite playlist? Maybe the playlist I made that’s just a compilation of Paramore’s whole discography. Lanyard or key ring? I use a lanyard so that my keys are already bunched together with my ID, which for me is easier to keep around. Having them separated will just make it easier for me to lose one of them. Favorite non-chocolate candy? Sour Patch Kids.
Favorite book you had to read for school? Dekada ‘70 or Without Seeing the Dawn. I also remember fairly enjoying this book about the Holocaust, I think it was called Number the Stars. Most comfortable position to sit in? As long as at least one leg is up, I’m comfortable haha. Most frequently worn pair of shoes? I wear all my shoes once a week, so I don’t think I have a favorite pair I wear more often than the others. Ideal weather? Dark and gloomy and stormy. My love for the beach aside, I love the rain. Pencils or pens? Pens. Once we graduated from pencils from the fourth grade I don’t think I ever looked back. Obsession from childhood? My earliest obsession was the original Hi-5 cast. Then it involved into wrestling, Pokémon, Beyoncé, and Paramore. Favorite crystal? I had to look them up as I wasn’t actually familiar with any crystals, and rose quartz seems cute. Favorite activity to do in warm weather? Ugh, I get so sluggish when it’s summer. It’s no fun to do anything other than going to the beach and staying there all day long. Favorite activity to do in cold weather? Watch movies, do healthy self-care stuff like coloring, drinking coffee, studying. I’m so much more productive in cold weather/temperatures. Five songs to describe you? That’s too many. I can’t even come up with one. Best way for someone to bond with you? Be comfortable in silence with me and not bombard me with extraversion. Top 5 favorite Vines? “There’s only one thing worst than a rapist, boom!” “A CHILD–” “No” “T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-TAAAARGEEEEEEET” “Stop, I coulda dropped my croissANT” “what the FUCK is up kyle NO what did you say what the fuck dude step THE FUCK UP kyle” “Fr e sh a voca do” Ads you have stuck in your head? I don’t have any. They aren’t memorable anymore, just irritating. Average time you fall asleep? Anywhere between 9:30 to 1. Range is big since it’s different all the time. What is the first meme you remember seeing? Oh god, I was there from the beginning. War flashbacks all the way from 9GAG in 2009-2010 - the FFFFFFFUUUUU-, Forever Alone, Y U NO?, Bad Luck Brain, Ridiculously Photogenic Guy, College Freshman, Lazy Senior guys. Was there for all of it and it used to be the most hilarious stuff I’d see on the Internet.
I don’t actually know if these were the first batch of memes, but they definitely changed the game when it came to Internet humor.   Suitcase, duffel bag, or backpack? Backpack. I never use the other two. Lemonade or tea? Lemonade.
Last person you texted? Gabie. Jacket pockets or pants pockets? I don’t mind either. Favorite type of jacket? Jean jackets or cardigans. Sci-fi, fantasy, or superheroes? Not a fan of all of these, but I’m most likely to get into something sci-fi. What clothes do you sleep in? Thin ones because it’s always really hot where I live, even with the AC on :/ Favorite type of cheese? Brie or ricotta. What saying or quote do you live by? “There isn't a person on this planet that should let a past nightmare dictate or cloud their future dreams.” What are you currently stressed about? Internship as always ughhhhh. Favorite font? I use Proxima Nova a lot. What did you learn from your first job? Favorite fairy tale? Never did like those, even as a kid. Favorite tradition? Huge Christmas dinnerssssssss. Talent you're proud of having? Having a sport. If you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Not feeling too creative for this today. Or ever. If you were an anime character, what genre of anime would it be? Character you relate to? Monica Geller or Amy Santiago. Favorite website from your childhood? Y8 without a shadow of a doubt. Any scars? On my left brow and one of my toes. Favorite flower? I like any flowers except for anthuriums. Any good luck charms? Nope. Least favorite flavor of food or drink? Rocky road and double dutch. Left or right handed? Right. Least favorite pattern? Can’t think of any. Worst subject in school? Calculus. Favorite weird flavor combo? Mayonnaise with everything, even though mayo doesn’t even count as a flavor hah. When did you lose your first tooth? I was either 5 or 6. Favorite potato food? As chips, fries, salad, or croquettes. Can’t help it, I love potatoes. Gas station coffee or grocery store sushi? Grocery sushi. I love sushi, no matter the quality tbh. Do you call them fireflies or lightning bugs? Fireflies. PC or console gaming? Console. Writing or drawing? Writing. Podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts. Barbie or Polly Pocket? Barbies. Fairy tales or mythology? I don’t care for either.
Cookies or cupcakes? Cupcakes, but this hurts to say considering I love cookies just as much. Your greatest fear? Failing. Your greatest wish? A secure future. Who would you put before everyone else? My girlfriend or any member of her family. Lamps, overhead lights, fairy lights, or sunlight? Lamps. Nicknames? Sure, but not a lot. I usually go by my given name. Favorite season? Winter, which I wish we had to begin with. Favorite app on your phone? Reddit. What is your desktop background? It’s one of the default mountain ones Apple provides in the Macs. How many phone numbers do you have memorized? Just my mom’s, mine, and Gab’s. Favorite historical era? I’m a fan of any. History’s cool.
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thisislizheather · 6 years
February Feats
So happy that February flew by this year, although with no snow in New York it felt a little sacrilegious. I think this has been the least snow I’ve ever experienced in a winter in my life and it feels awful. There’s still a few weeks left of the season, so I guess that could change but I mean snow in March? Give me a break. Here’s what went down this month.
NATHAN DID THE TONIGHT SHOW! And it was amazing. So crazy proud. I got to go with him to 30 Rock and everyone was so nice and it was incredible.
I rewatched As Good As It Gets and what a terrible movie! No way in hell would Helen Hunt get together with Jack Nicholson. C’mon.
I started watching The Haunting of Hill House and I don’t think I’ll continue. Reasons? 1. I don’t think I like horror shows. Movies? Sure, that’s a fun time with an end date of a few hours. 2. What awful parents would keep their millions of children in a house like that? 3. Maybe it was a bad idea to start this in February, when it’s nowhere near spooky season, that might be my fault.
Saw Happy Death Day 2U with Nathan on Valentine’s Day because I wanted to see something and WOOF, what a nightmare of a movie. I knew it would be terrible, but it still shocked me.
Read Ellie Kemper’s latest book.
Finally caught up to the end of season four on Broad City and goddam is that a perfect show. Excited to start season five soon.
I rebought Essie’s Apricot Cuticle Oil because I used to love it and then finished it and forgot about it. It’s such a great product but you do have to use it at least semi-daily to see a real difference in your cuticles.
Went to Charlie Palmer Steak for a Restaurant Week lunch and even though the environment is kind of stuffy, the food was really good. I love when pasta is offered as an appetizer, it’s always the perfect amount. The tagliatelle was really good and the steak sandwich was great (if not a little too bread-y). That sandwich is also the “official sandwich of Madison Square Garden” which everyone tells you a thousand times upon entering the restaurant, so that’s something too, I guess?
CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS SHOW TO COME OUT mainly because of how amazing the book is. Airs March 15!
Love that Trader Joe’s keeps putting out new candle scents. The Lemon Cookie one is fantastic.
Loved the Big Mouth Valentine’s Day special. Obviously over the moon pleased that the lady bug was in it.
So I tried Ree Drummond’s Caesar salad dressing recipe and I wasn’t a huge fan of her dressing itself  (Teigen’s dressing is better but of course it is because of the mayo), BUT I loved the way she does her croutons. They turn out really crunchy on the outside, but still super soft on the inside, it’s genius and I’ll include how to do it below.
Ree Drummond’s Croutons recipe: Slice the (French or ciabatta) bread into thick slices and cut them into 1-inch cubes. Throw them onto a baking sheet. Heat some olive oil in a small saucepan or skillet over low heat. Crush-but don't chop-the garlic and add them to the oil. Use a spoon to move the garlic around in the pan. After 3 to 5 minutes, turn off the heat and remove the garlic from the pan. Slowly drizzle the olive oil over the bread cubes. Mix together with your hands, and then sprinkle lightly with salt. Toss and cook in the pan until golden brown and crisp. Add a little butter for more flavor.
Honestly, those croutons were so good that I had a few leftover that I put in a pappardelle tomato pasta the next day and… whoa. Have you ever put croutons in a pasta before? Holy fuck was it good. The crunch factor in an otherwise texture-less dish was unbelievable. How is this not a thing that everyone is doing? We all need to wake the fuck up.
I also made Ina Garten’s cauliflower toast and my god, IT WAS AMAZING.
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A new bar opened in my neighborhood called The Huntress, so we went and it’s pretty good! It’s mostly a wings places and they were really tasty (and that’s coming from someone who does not enjoy wings - the bones are too tiny and gross and no thanks), but these were really good. They also have poutine (!) on the menu, and even though the gravy is much too salty, the beautifully authentic curds were appreciated.
I always forget about the one bottle of Tom Ford nail polish I have, but it lasts me a full week whenever I wear it. I mean, the price is stupid, but it does last a decent amount of time.
Have you heard of the site or the book Desserts For Two? Pretty self-explanatory, but it’s created by a woman who makes recipes specifically for two people. I tried her chocolate cake recipe for Valentine’s Day and it was delicious. The cake was so good, but I really didn’t care for her frosting, if you do try this one definitely find a better icing recipe online or better yet just buy the premade one they sell at grocery stores. Or even just top it with Nutella. Fuck, I’m hungry now.
Watched all of Difficult People and I mean… SUCH a great show, which everyone obviously knows by now, it just took me awhile to finally get there and see it. Other than it being a great show, I was completely in awe of Julie Klausner’s wardrobe. I wanted everything she wore.
This Lemon, Bacon, Kale, Cauliflower pasta blew my face off, I made it three days in a row.
I rewatched a lot of the last season (spoilers ahead) of Dawson’s Creek (does it sound like a don’t have a job? I do! I just don’t work very hard) and when Jen dies and then Grams says to her, “I’ll see you soon, child. Soon.” I fucking sobbed. BUCKETS. My god. I mean, see for yourself. (And if your reaction isn’t quite as strong as mine… look inside yourself, maybe.)
I have wanted to try this Serious Eats  potato recipe forever so I did and it just didn’t work out the way I wanted it to. Some of the potatoes turned out the way they were supposed to, but you’re really supposed to do this technique with a real oven and not a tiny convection one like I have. The few that came out the way they were supposed to were really good and crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, but the effort involved in this recipe was too next-level. Maybe as a Thanksgiving recipe it’d make sense?
I watched the Versace series on Netflix and holy heavenly fuck, it’s a bad one. I only lasted about three episodes before I just couldn’t go any further. SO terrible.
Had a slice at Scarr’s in the Lower East Side and it was very decent, definitely one of the most solid pepperoni slices in that area. UPDATE: Definitely don’t go late at night, they’ve been sitting around all day and they suuuuuuck right before closing.
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I now know how to make a steak at home and there’s no turning back now. I’ve been forever intimidated by cooking steak at home because it seemed like such a hard thing to do properly. (I did it once a few years ago and, like, tripled the amount of cream sauce I put on top and felt so sick I didn’t ever want to do it again.) But I did it on two separate occasions this month and I think I’m maybe kind of a pro at it now? This Tasty video helped so much. The only tip I can offer is to use normal salt and not the course kosher salt that I did on steak #1, that baby was inedible because of that course salt. Oh! And for the sauce that you obviously have to serve your steak with, it’s best to grind your own peppercorns in a spice grinder. I don’t know why, but I feel like this was the most important step. I have a lot of steak thoughts. I’ll stop.
I tried the tacos at Empellon Al Pastor in the East Village and while they were pretty good, I found them slightly on the expensive side for a place on Avenue A. We can all calm down a bit.
I visited Sweet Moment in Chinatown for a latte and it was a pretty cute experience even if the service was a little salty. If we’re being real, people only come here because Instagram exists, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The cream art choco latte that I had was ridiculous good, which makes sense because I have a sneaking suspicion that it’s just melted chocolate in a cup.
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I visited the Glossier flagship store again because I was in the neighborhood and I (finally) tried out their Boy Brow. And let’s get this straight, I tried it on even though I already had other eyebrow products on (ColourPop’s Brow Boss Pencil as well as a little Milani Easybrow) which was maybe a dumb idea, but I didn’t want to wipe my eyebrows off and try the Glossier one incase it sucked and then had to walk around the rest of the day looking like a psychopath. SO, that being said, here’s what it looked like using all three products.
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They look pretty full, right? I kind of think too full. I don’t know, maybe I’m a maniac. I should’ve done a before and after photo, not just an after. I just don’t see the big deal about their products. I feel like every item Glossier sells is something you need to use in combination with something else so it’ll actually look like something’s working. In conclusion, I have no idea if this is a good product or not and that’s really irritating, even to me.
Chrissy Teigen just announced that she’s gonna start her own website with new recipes! Amazing news!
I ate the pepperoni slice at Mama’s Too on the Upper West Side and all the good reviews about it ain’t lying. Crazy good slices. Might even be better than Prince Street Pizza.
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I tried the mini Thickening Spray from Bumble & Bumble in my continued attempt at hair domination (and may I suggest that you always buy the mini size of any new hair product you’re trying? It makes so much more sense and is much cheaper) and it worked out well! I’ve only used it once but I think it’s a good product, next time I’ll definitely try it on my roots as well to see what it can really do. UPDATE: Definitely don’t spray it on your roots, it works much better if you use it sparsely on the rest of your hair when damp. 
I saw Waitress on Broadway and just wow. I haven’t been to a show in years and I forgot how much fun they are. This one was absolutely no exception. I went because a friend of mine that I met at the restaurant is in it, so I went to see her and not only was she phenomenal (Jessie Hooker-Bailey), the entire show was incredible. Joey McIntyre was great. Also? They had these mini pies for sale at intermission (genius) and the Salted Caramel Chocolate Pie is literally reason enough to go see this show. I need that recipe and I need it badly.
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I finally ate at Sardi’s (which is something I’ve wanted to do for years) and sat at (in my opinion) the best corner booth under Dr. Ruth. And while I wish I had more to gush about, I… don’t. Ugh! I really think I just ordered bad. I only got the steak tartare and it was probably the most disappointing one I’ve ever had, which sucks considering it was also the most expensive. I knew I should’ve ordered the crab cake. That being said, I will definitely return mainly because the service was so impeccable that you’d have to return. Everyone was crazy nice and accommodating and pleasant, this one is just my fault I think. Also, I need to stop ordering streak tartare. I’ve already found the place that makes it the best (The Dutch) so why the hell am I still looking? I feel like a happily married man who can’t stop looking for something better to come along. STOP!
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