#her rbf is out of control
buttercup-fluffalove · 9 months
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baby always look so angry
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just-a-ghost00 · 1 month
Who is your divine counterpart?
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Please if you know the original artist who made these images, can you tell me so I can quote them. Thank you <3
Group 1
Celebrity look alikes - Mamamoo's Hwasa, BTS Suga, Joe Anoa'i aka Roman Reigns, Jonathan Good aka Dean Ambrose / Jon Moxley
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Let me tell you group 1, the one thing all these people have in common : they are absolute dorks and I love them to death. To analyze this a bit further, you will notice that there are more masculine figures than feminine. Though Suga is pretty balanced in both energies. Hwasa as well can be pretty masculine in her own way. They also have quite long hair, especially the guys. All of them have rather dark hair and dark eyes. Even if Jon's hair can be a bit lighter and his eyes are somewhat blue, they tend to look dark as well. We have different cultural backgrounds being represented : Samoa for Joe, South Korea for Hwasa and Suga and Ohio for Jon. All of them are quite athletic and a little shy around strangers. However with the ones they love they go all out. So those could be traits of your person. Let's investigate further. Most of them are mutable signs (Suga Pisces, Roman Gemini, Dean Sagittarius).
Physical traits - Hierophant, Magician, King of pentacles
One thing that is striking about their appearance is how strong and trustworthy they look. They have a regal air to them that intimidates people. They appear as quite closed off upon first sight. They also look smart and very attractive. There's a lot of Venusian qualities to this person. They dress well, they smell good, they are naturally beautiful but they also take really good care of their body. They have a strong body structure. The feminines tend to be curvy. The masculines tend to have broad shoulders and defined arms. Physically, they give off very serious vibes. They may look uptight or have that so called RBF (though I don't like that term that much). All these cards together make me think that they look unapproachable and that they would hex the shit out of you if you ever cross them. Think of Minerva McGonagall.
Personality traits - The Explorer, The revolutionary, Get curious
Your counterpart is someone that is very open minded and curious. They have a thirst for knowledge and like to challenge themselves. They are incredibly passionate and bold, self confident, adventurous. They tend to follow their inner compass and morals even though it may get them in trouble. They are not afraid of being criticized or being alone. They are ambitious and they know the path to success can be a lonely road. They are a rebel at heart and a free spirit. They might not be as much into traditions as other people in their family or in their business field. This person likes to innovate and go into unknown territories. Differences do not scare them. They can get along with anyone as long as they have a heart and an open mind. They like to create, to find new ways to do things. They are a natural born leader. They can be stubborn, sometimes arrogant or hard to deal with. They have strong morals and tend to be set in their ways. When they have an idea in mind, they are unstoppable. They have a broad imagination, a knack for charming and talking their way out of situations. They can be a bit kinky. They are willing to shift their perspective in order to understand people better. They can be pretty understanding and adaptable.
Possible jobs / hobbies - Strength, Reclaim, White Numen, Underworld, King of pentacles, The Sage
Your counterpart could work in any job requiring strength, creativity, stability, patience and resourcefulness, a certain degree of competitive spirit. So think about fitness, professional level sports, being a member of a big company, being an artist, working freelance in any field. Looking at the tarot cards it does give me the feeling that this person is working alone most of the time. They have a lot of control over their career and the direction they want to go in. So if they work in a company, they would most definitely occupy an important position. This person likes to fight. But their fight seems to be more against their own demons. They enjoy going to the gym, taking care of their body, improving their health and spirituality. They like to learn especially if it can benefit their career in any way. They are the type to pick up a new skill because it would benefit a project and avoid implying other people. They take pride in doing things on their own. This person could be into martial arts /combat sports like boxing, wrestling, taekwondo, judo, karate and so on. They could be a teacher. If not, I get a feeling that they are often looked up to by their peers. This person could have two jobs : one they do publicly/during day and one that is more private / during night. They take interest in unconventional forms of creativity or occupations, things that may be seen as shady / dark by most people. It could be occult arts, horror movies, hardcore porn and stuff like that.
Letters and confirmation signs : A I O G B B K G E O P X W L H -> leo, boogie, pookie, bio(logy), geo(graphy), wale, Hola, Ali, babe, Babi, Kobe, whole, egg, Exo, box, boob, big, philo(sophy), Phil, Paolo, hope, gage, phobia, book, pale, Paige, page, pole, beg, bake, peak, beak, gig
Group 2
Celebrity look alikes - Liv Tyler as Arwen, Hwasa, Jessi and Kai from GazettE
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Okay let's analyze what we got here. Many of these celebrities are of Asian descent. They are mostly feminine. We can note a common thread in the fact that all of them have rather long hair and very intense gaze. All of these celebrities are intense people that are not afraid to go after their dreams and to speak their mind. The feminines tend to have very full and beautiful lips. All of them have a very alluring aura. For those of you who might not know all of these celebrities, we have from left to right and top to bottom : Liv Tyler who played Arwen in LOTR, Mamamoo's Hwasa, Kpop solo artist Jessi and Kai, drummer of the Visual Kei band GazettE. Most of these celebrities are artists and they are fixed signs (Hwasa Leo, Jessi Aquarius, Kai Scorpio).
Physical traits - 3 of cups, Queen of cups, 9 of cups
This person is very feminine in their appearance, soft, flowy, welcoming. They appear as very nurturing. They have a motherlike presence to them that instantly makes people at ease. They may look aloof or dreamy. They are pretty cheerful and optimistic. So they probably are the kind to be smiling a lot. They have sparkles in their eyes and a very childlike look to them. So round cheeks, very bright, big and round eyes. They could be a bit petite. They are more on the curvier side. They could like to wear hats or head bands and stuff like that. Jewelry is also a key feature of their look. They tend to wear oversized cloathes or at least comfortable clothes. They like to feel good in their shoes so they would wear clothes that makes them feel the best first, even if it might shock people. Think about Hwasa and her "no bra scandal". In many ways this person could look like a doll to others. They appear as very kind and friendly. There is something about their appearance that is very pure and sweet. So they would prefer simple clothes over classy clothes, or maybe they like to dress like the younger generations. They basically go with the flow. They could have a very particular way of walking. One that makes them look like they could slither their way through things. They are very flexible and they have a lot of meat.
Personality traits - Get curious, destruction, trust
This person is really curious and open minded, they have a happy go lucky type energy but their mind can often times get the best of them. They may tend to compare themselves to others a lot or to overthink. They may struggle with mental health issues. They are a trust worthy peron and they are also faithful. They like to learn and be mentally stimulated, as it keeps their mind busy. This person can be very observant and smart. They have very strong transformative abilities. Though they know a lot of lows, they always find a way to come back stronger and make the best out of any challenge they are going through. They are incredibly resilient and strong minded. They are very opinionated.
Jobs and hobbies - Black Numen, The Observer, Strength, The Wildling, Lovers, Power
Your counterpart's job involves transmuting knowledge, resilience, communication and helping people find their truth. So this could be teaching, coaching, anything related to spirituality or psychology. This person is definitely into divination arts such as chiromancy, tarot, palm reading. They could be into martial arts and reading. Singing could also be something that they enjoy. That or flirting lmao They love to talk. Maybe they have a podcast or something. They are pretty creative so really it could be anything. They like to dig deep and investigate. So they might enjoy TV series about crimes or psychology, podcasts that are empowering. They may enjoy working out for some. But I have a feeling like for some, intimacy could be a way for this person to relax. They view bedroom activities as a hobby lmao
Letters and confirmation signs :
O D A B L Y V W M V G G Z Y C -> YMCA, yoga, Yoda, bald, Zac, May, vocal, wavy, God, gay, BL, Cody, Maggy, dog, doggy
Group 3
Celebrity look alikes - Stray Kids Seo Changbin, Jonathan Good aka Dean Ambrose, Mark Calaway aka The Undertaker, Kate Beckinsale as Anna Valerius
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These people are super cheeky. They may be very intimidating (I mean we got The Undertaker here) but they are huge softies. All of them are rather masculine in their energy. All of them have hair that tends to get wavy. We are looking at people who have rather dark hair. Some of them have dark grey/green eyes. No matter the eye color they tend to have a fierce gaze and dress in darker colors. All of them are fit and quite tall. They have a strong body and a strong mindset. They tend to be lone wolves and have a hard time asking for help. They would do anything for the people they love. All of them are fire signs (Kate and Changbin are Leos, Jon is a Sagittarius and Mark is an Aries). All of them have strong morals and don't hesitate to speak their truth.
Physical traits - The Sun, 2 of swords, 4 of wands
They have freckles and their skin tends to be tanned. Their skin is glowy. They have a balanced body figure and are pretty agile. They look sturdy, strong, reliable. People feel at home next to them. So they can definitely have big arms that give the best cuddles, a very comfortable chest to lay your head on. They appear very outgoing and bright. They look like they shine. They are definitely attractive. Their beauty is one that is popular, conventional, a bit trendy. So in terms of fashion, this person would follow the trends of people their age or people of the same culture. Their fashion style can also be quite versatile. They look like they are husband/wife material. What is and isn't husband/wife material varies on people. But usually these terms are used for someone that looks like they would make you feel safe and loved, would take good care of you and match your expectations of a partner. So this person definitely appears as trustworthy.
Personality traits - Manifest, The Alchemist, Movement
Your counterpart is horny most of the time. They have a lot of drive and passion. They are a good manifestor and a bit of a trickster. They can turn anything to gold. They are very crafty and good with their hands. They are quite stubborn but also resilient. They are very adaptable and can handle difficult situations pretty well. They are not afraid of challenges and to try their hands on different things. They are very skilled and witty. They're also very smart and have a lot of healing abilities. Since they've been through a lot, they can spot negative patterns pretty well and find creative ways to counter them. They tend to be harsh on themselves. They have a lot of venom that they tend to repress. This person is likely to have anger issues. They can't stay still. Their mind is constantly working. They can anticipate a lot of things and see into the future. They can take a new idea and make it fit to their own style, sometimes making it ten times better than the original one. They have a very sexy personality. People tend to be drawn to their mind.
Jobs and hobbies - page of pentacles, surrender, knight of pentacles, reclaim, 3 of pentacles, the void
I definitely see this person sharing their knowledge with others and helping younger people reach their goals. They could also be attending college. Some of them may be involved in spiritual and religious practices. They could be spending a lot of time giving to their community, doing humanitarian work, going to Church or any place of cult. For some of you, your counterpart may have decided to change their career and gave up their position to go back to school. They could also be into anything that is related to the body, appearances, learning and sharing. So fitness, modeling, dancing. They could be into meditation or just spending time in nature, far from people to recharge their batteries. They could be into hunting, fishing, camping, gardening, farming. This person may be going through a spiritual awakening and leaving behind hold habits or patterns to live a healthier life. So if they were struggling with addictions or their body image, for instance, they've decided to heal that part of themself and work on it. They could also be a farmer for some of you.
Letters and confirmation signs :
Y G R H E C B P I F A R S L E -> Paris, Fabrice, chase, cars, bars, lace, years, sale, RBF, fly, air, rice, chief, gears, biceps, abs, selfie, selca, fears, far, celeb, Alice, clear, Claire
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punkeropercyjackson · 25 days
Hobie Brown being black headcanons by an afrosolarpunk because white punks be overstepping with him
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He's jamaican-ugandan and Earth 139 Camden Town raised,based on his wicks,patois usage,love of the sea(lives on a boat),darker/stronger features,surname and Daniel Kaluuya
His wicks used to be dreads
His rbf comes from being audhd with no masking game because growing up black means he never learned how to mask
He also grew up getting bullied at school and a bully beater,even for kids who were mean to him,and was kicked out of multiple ones due to refusing to stop standing up for himself and other little guys
Before the Spiderbands(comics + movie)came along,he didn't have real friends and it took him a while to realize it,caused by the normalization for nonblacks to use and treat their black friends as lesser than them.It broke his heart when it hit him but thanks to having real friends,he's slowly healing and learning self-love and how much he's worth
He was treated so badly over his looks he literally developed ptsd and wouldn't have had it that young if it weren't for all the insults and backhanded compliments he got.He knows he's cool.Does he know he's handsome,pretty,cute and every other non-sexual word for attractive?Nah and it takes him a long time to believe it
He's the biggest mama's boy ever and hates his dad for being a deadbeat(the latter is canon to the comics per his og Prowler incarnation).He also feels bad about having a deadbeat dad for 'being a stereotype' and it pisses him off because TIGER is the one playing into the stereotype by BEING a deadbeat.His mama's name is Tani'yah(created by @teenpunkblack)and he calls her Mama specifically and she calls him 'My Sea Star' and he started having wicks to model himself after her and she couldn't always protect him for reasons beyond her control and feels like she failed him but he never,EVER resents her and is grateful for all she did to raise him,which is everything she could and constantly thrived for more.She was also the only positive adult figure he had until he met Jessica,with grown ahh people like his teachers straight picking on him when they got the chance.That helped his anti-authority mindset big time
He's transmasc unlabeled i.e nonbinary and boygirl.He diy'd his own testosterone and has anchor top surgery scars and Tani'yah named him,his egg cracking at age seven and he came out to her before he did anyone else and a bit later asked her to name him,doing the 🥺 face and she assigned Hobart.He has the gender trauma that comes with being black but the black trans swag too and he's femme(canon)and uses both male and female terms and being called 'Peter Pan','Babyboy' and 'Angel' gives him gender euphoria
He has a strong aversion to blondeness and blue eyes because of the aformentioned ptsd origin and his one rule in punk body modification is he'll never bleach his hair(yes,this is an Arms Race look diss.Apologize to Gwen for the comparisons RN,Hobie was literally whitewashed)
Other than punk rock,his favorite music genres are calypso,rap,black death metal and lo-fi hip hop.He's into pop/pop punk too but literally only listens to black pop artists and is a Meet Me @ The Altar stan('Kool','Switchblade' and 'TMI' are totally a Hobie vibe.'I'm normally like this' by Alt Black Era is too)
His special interests are the sea,punk culture,dogs,indie media and kidcore.He's a surfer,he makes sea material based things,his favorite season is summer,his favorite jamaican/ugandan cuisines are their sea foods,he has countless marine facts memorized,his type is mermaid-y black women,he always wanted a pet dog as a kid and even acted like one sometimes like having a barking vocal stim and it turns out not only did his dream come true in Spidermutt but he's also actually dogkin(great dane),he pursues indie games and obscure shows/movies/podcasts/etc in favor of popular media to support small creators for anti-capitalism and kidcore is the perfect coping mechanism for all the adultification trauma he got and allowing himself to be openly soft and have fun and be cared for without loosing his punkness
Jessica is the one who found him,completely by accident,and brought him to Spider Society,completely on purpose.She saw a spark in him and slowly took him as a son figure at the same time Hobie slowly started viewing Jessica as his second mother.They're literally the cooler Miles and Peter B relathionship wise and Jessica stands up for Hobie against adults while Hobie jumps people for being rude to Jessica and they take care of eachother's hair,go out for street food trucks food together,share a bed sometimes and parallell play whenever they can and Jessica calls Hobie her Baby and Hobie diy's gifts for his Spidermama.They're also afropunk/black earthy solidarity and Hobie turned Jessica into an afrosolarpunk specifically
He says 'nigga' fairly often and uses bonnets but not durags and said bonnets are mostly hand-me-downs and he has them little flags on sticks of the jamaican,british and ugandan flags
He has a complex skincare routine and an even more complex haircare routine.He smells super good 24/7 as a result
He actually loves incense because it reminds him of Tani'yah so he uses it around his house boat and his room has not a door but a beads curtain in his colors(blue,red,pink and white)
He loves african chai so bad and not a black thing but he also loves cotton candy boba so bad(fr i learned how to make it at home and i unlocked a new chemical in my head,Hobs deserves to drink it too)
Hobie is not a feminist.Hobie is a womanist and also black4black
Him and Margo are tight.It started when he went up to her to ask her for help on learning how to use technology and they went on a cyberadventure across the Spidernet interesting enough to fill a half hour short and didn't sleep the whole night and Margo faceplanted into her loaded nachos while Hobie squeezed his soda can so hard it spurted onto the ceiling when Lyla told them good morning.Margo is haitian-american so there's a lot of cultural exchange going on and she's into pink y2k black girl aesthetics and the lifestyle so Hobie joins in with her when asked and they're very openly affectionate to the point they could be mistaken for a couple but also is it really mistake?They're not so sure themselves and they're totally okay with that.All that matters is they love eachother and that they're Hobie and Margo,not just Hobie and just Margo.They go out for voodoo donuts in their respective dimensions as a duo every saturday <3
Afrolatina Gwen 'cause it fits and fixes.She's a lightskin biracial afro-dominicana with black hair and brown eyes,one of the mermaid-y black women Hobie's type is and had straight hair in Itsv but locs in Atsv as an implied hair journey.They met at one of his concert's where she thought he was super hot and made an absolute fool of herself but his autistic ass found that super hot so he brought her up on stage to sing as a ref to that one concept art and they reunited the next day at Spider Society when she recognized him as that one kid Jessica also mentors and ran up to him to reintroduce herself,him being stunned at her being Ghostspider.She reached out to unmask him so he smirked and did the same,saying 'Eager to see your pretty face again too,Gwendita' and they linked arms as they walked together and yapped about tons of things,becoming best friends from that day on.Hobie gets Gwen into the political sides of punk she wasn't allowed to touch before and takes her with him to protests,riots and charities and Gwen gets Hobie to remember he's allowed to participate in the fun parts of punk by dragging him to steal food from marts with her,teaching him to skateboard and introducing him to pastel punk and she's also the reason for his kidcore spinterest as she introduced him to that too to help him heal his inner child as she does herself
Gwen kicks George's ass instead of being gaslight by him into thinking he always loved her for the copganda narrative since he only wants half of who she is(triple meaning).Hobie suggested Gwen's locs but Jessica did them for her and Hobie convinced Gwen to dye her hair pink and did to that job for her and that was how they got together,him leaning over her as his hands were covered in pink hair dye and earlier in the day he mentioned he'd never been kissed on the lips as he gave her a good morning cheek kiss so she took the chance on impulse and kissed him fullon then hid her face in her hair in embarrasment and whispered an apology at his shocked state only for him to tell her to do it again so she did and they nonsexually made out,him taking the lead this time.She calls him 'Hubbie' because she already considers him her husband and he calls her 'Babydoll' in addition to Gwendita because 1.black nickname and 2.Gwen's kidcore special interest includes a heavy love for dolls like Polly Pocket,Monster High,Shopkins,etc
He's a big fan of Amanda The Adventurer,Abbott Elementary and Craig Of The Creek.Margo,Jessica and Gwen are responsible for them in order
He adresses them,Tani'yah and Miles as 'my fave gyals' and 'the angels of my life'
He has a fat ass crush on Miles and him,Gwen and Margo are the Spidey Core Four because Hobie and Margo went looking for Gwen in worry when they saw she sneaked off without telling them so they ended up being a part of the Gwen and Miles dynamics as a best friends quartet,starting mid-swinging across New York scene.He calls Miles 'Tinkerbell' and his first words to him when he caught him just as he was about to fall as Margo did the sane for Gwen were 'Ay,Tinkerbell,you out of pixie dust?Need a lil faith and trust?',the cat charm on his Watch concept art was a gift from Miles to him and Jefferson and Rio approve of them so hard because they're a black4black couple and Hobie is afropunk personified.Punkflower is punk4punk canonically since Miles' symbol was based on the anarchy symbol and they do graffiti and bake sunflower themed baked goods as solo dates
'Solo dates' because the Spidey Core Four are a polycule.They're all aroacespec so they're relathionship anarchy and t4t4t4t4t and the group date activities they do are petty crime sprees,meme challenges to post on Margo's and Miles' tiktok,beach days in matching diy'd spidersuit themed swimsuits that blend in through superhero logic,arcade trips and a cat cafe on Earth 22191 that includes Aibo cats(interdimentional differences are freaky,right?)
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daremna · 2 years
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NOTE: Do not take any of this personally, I am not a professional astrologer. I'm also mostly refering to the underdeveloped/immature versions of these placements. If the shoe fits, slay Cinderella, if not, congrats this isn't about you. PS I do not support misogyny!! Most mean girl archetypes are rooted in patriarchal views and villanising femininity, I'm just using these characters for fun and to base some of my observations on.
Aries placements Including 1h and mars. Known as the 'baby' of the zodiac, ruling the head, aries placents can often have an inflated sense of self, petty and childish tendencies. Because they are ruled by mars, they tend to be very easy to anger, argumentative and driven.
1h/aries mercury are straight to the point and will tell you what they really think without sparing your emotions. Will press your buttons just to rile you up and get a reaction out of you.
1h lilith + chiron placements can have have an unstable/toxic relationship with women and be extremely competitive with them. Can receive a lot of unwarranted negativity and jealousy from other women which in turn will make the native see other women as untrustworthy. (I have lilith in the 1h and I've noticed I tend to rub a lot of women the wrong way. My entire school experience was getting bullied and targeted by MULTIPLE women. I've also had to work through a LOT of internalised misogyny).
1h lilith + pluto will have an intense and heavy energy around them whether they like it or not. Command attention in every room. People will fear or respect you, most likely both. They crave power and don't care if they step on anyone along the way. Will get what they want, or else...
Leo placements including 5 house and sun. The stereotypical 'qeen b' sign. Can often struggle with extreme self esteem & self worth issues. When not worked on, they will project their feelings onto other people to regain a sense of power and control.
Narcissistic to overcompensate for what they think they lack in. Similar to Regina George, they will keep people around that they look down on to always feel on top and like theyre the star/ main character at all times. "She's the queen bee - the star, those other two are just her little workers."
They are ruled by the sun, so they feel like the centre of everyone's universe is their rightful place, they can't help it🤷. (Yes, I'm a leo, and what about it?)
Leo risings can have the typical 'mean girl' look. Attitude, confidence, great outfits and big/poofy hair. "That's why her hair is so big, it's full of secrets." Big Shelby Cummings energy.
When paired with aquarius placements, they can have an even more inflated ego. Theyre the two signs with the biggest god complex.
Virgo placements including 6h. The 'know-it-all' of the zodiac. Can come off as pedantic. Trying to outsmart anyone. Big emphasis on virgo mars and mercury.
When paired with leo placements, they can be self-righteous and very judgemental. "I'm just better than everyone" energy.
Scorpio placements can be as fierce as aries placements, as they are both ruled by mars in traditional astrology, but they will mostly keep it bottled up/hidden to maintain their mysteriousness.
Sun-pluto aspects can make an assertive and driven individual.
Scorpio/1h mercury: "So you agree, you think you're really pretty" energy. Calculating and manipulative. Will play mind games with you. Watching your every move. "Gretchen Wieners knows everybody's business, she knows everything about everyone." Like a cat playing with it's mouse.
Can come off as cold and rude at first regardless of their character (especially scorpio rising). But that's just their rbf. Unless you actually give them a reason to dislike you, then all hell freezes over.
Scorpio mars will become vindictive and spiteful. They hold onto grudges like no other. When vengefuly, they play the long game. WILL remember that time you made fun of their outfit when bumping into you 20 years later. Selective memory🙄.
Gemini placements including 3h and mercury. Stereotypically fake and two-faced. A social chameleon. Extremely charming and persuasive. Can have a tendency to lie and gossip like no other, they love the mental stimulation it gives them. They are ruled by mercury, the planet of communication after all.
Mars/Mercury in gemini or in the 3h love to argue for fun. Will start a verbal altercation just for the hell of it, if they're feeling particularly bored. Gemini-mercury placements will come up with the most creative insults lmao. "You put the "suck" in "liposuction" You put the "ooo" in "jiu-jitsu" You put the "ism" in "This is all just a defense mechanism". Truly a poet, they have a way with words.
Not easy to anger. Like they'll fight you but they don't actually care unless you really got to them. The type to make fun of you if you're really angry and riled up.
If paired with scorpio placements, girl........ They can really be scary is all I'm gonna say (and i hate to stroke people's ego's so this should say a lot).
Libra placements including 7h and venus. Ruled by venus the planet of love, and represented by the scales but don't let that fool you. When underdeveloped they can be highly superficial, shallow and fake. Love to gossip.
Libra rising look innocent and sweet, borderline angelic untill you past it and the mirage slips away~ Remember, biblically accurate angels are scary as hell. Can have the typical 'mean girl' aesthetic, very pink and feminine.
Libra mercury/ venus can be a sweet talker, very charming and persuasive.
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Heavy moon aspects especially harsh moon-pluto and moon-mars. The 'mommy issues' placements (I'm sorry. Me too tho). Can become manipulative, fake, cold and detached. Can see women as the enemy and fail to make connections with them due to the maternal trauma they experienced. Have a hard time trusting other women.
Capricorn/10h placements can be dedicated and power hungry. Their workaholic tendencies, if mixed with more vindictive placements or character traits can make the person very ruthless. Goal oriented, focused on the bigger picture. Gets shit done, it's not their fault you were in their way. Big Blair Waldorf vibes! “Destiny is for losers. It’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.”
“If you really want something, you don’t stop for anyone or anything until you get it.”
Yh you get my point.
Sagittarius placements are known to be brutally honest. Born without a filter, trust them to tell you the truth. Can come off as rude but usually without malicious intent. "What? I'm just being honest." Truth hurts sometimes.
Mercury-mars and mercury-pluto aspects (heavy on the mercury-mars) know exactly what to say to hurt someone. They can say some awful things in the heat of the moment and regret them afterwards. Their comments can really stick with you, they'll go right for the jugular with no hesitation.
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*Remember, these are just for fun, based on my own research and observations. I'm not a professional, I don't know shit. There's no such thing as an evil sign, all placements have a dark side. It all depends on you and how you deal with your issues. I have like, a lot of these placements so I'm not targeting anyone*
© 2023 Daremna All Rights Reserved
Edit: To the one's reposting this on tiktok with no credit, it's pathetic babes, stop. If you're that interested in astrology try coming up with your own takes🥰💋
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Miles G and Miles Morales Headcannons: Twin Edition
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For reference: miles g will be called Milo
A/n: AHHHH ITS GOOD TO BE BACK BABES!!! Ik new fics And pt.2’s are Coming soon, works been a killer and I’ve been going through stuff but it’s good to be back writing for my boys. Requests are closed but opening up soon 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Warnings: none
Miles Morales:
Is like 4 inches taller but makes it feel like 4 feet
Nicer and a bit more approachable
Loves being in pictures and making funny faces
Dog person
Can’t cook for shit but tries so hard for his mom
They have their own little dates and things
His side of the room is a mess
I feel like he played an instrument in the past when he was a kid
Maybe Piano or guitar
He’s a loner by default but he would have more friends if he wasn’t so busy being Spider-Man
He def takes pictures of sunsets from the tips of buildings
Used to color code outfits with Milo but stopped when they were 12
Same with baths but they were 7 for that
His side of the room is disgusting. Like shit is crawling
There’s a single chair with all of his stuff on it
He brings Ganke over sometimes but Ganke took a stronger liking to Milo bc he’s chill
“Yeah man idk if i can come. Is Milo gonna be there?”
Milo doesn’t give a shit but secretly loves Gankes company
They chill and play video games
Miles is also better at video games than Milo
Whenever he gets stuck on a level, he hands the controller to him
He’s more affectionate than Milo
Will draw you and touch you more
Very smart but he has his moments
Definitely more book smart then Street smart
Doesn’t know basic things and code within the streets so sometimes Milo has to help him
Overall, he’s a sunflower child and we love him 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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Milo Morales
Was def born First but is shorter than Miles and Miles makes fun of him for it
Plays basketball with Uncle Aaron sometimes and he’s pretty good at it
Played the violin or cello at some point in his life
“Don’t forget im older than you” “im sorry is someone speaking?”
Is more violent than Miles but it’s because he’s the Prowler
Takes more time for him to warm up to you but once he does, he’s stuck on you for life
Will spoil you with Gifts
Speaking of… him and Miles get into it regularly over it, when they fight physically they sometimes slip and use their real names
He’s a mamas boy FR. This man loves his mama
Will make fun of Miles for being a no sabes kid
Sometimes, him and Rio will speak in Spanish in front of Miles and he’ll just stare at them hoping to recognize a word
“Hey you said cabròn, i heard that!”
He’s more of a cat person then Miles
Yells at Miles for creasing his Jordan’s
“Nah homie, you gotta apologize to the J’s they didn’t deserve that”
Is a loner by choice whereas Miles is a loner by default
This man hasn’t smiled in YEARSSS
He hangs out with Uncle Aaron more than his dad
He seems like his side of the room would be cleaner than Miles
“Milo! Have you seen my- Oh Nevermind! I found it” “yeah”
Has an rbf but once you get to know him, hes kinda nice
Takes the pictures in the family
Learned to cook from his mom and regularly cooks with her while speaking Spanish
It’s so freaking cute oml. Like if there’s music playing, he will spin her to the music and everything and they will laugh
He’s not a snowbunny lol. He’s down with the brown
He seems like he wears 100 million cologne
Smells better and is more put together than Miles
Overall, he’s more razor sharp
More nonchalant
Definitely is a tad bit jealous that Miles is apart of a spider society
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mayfast · 3 months
Avatar Headcanons (FIGHT ME)
1.) Because of their tails, Na'vi are really bad at shooting upside down. Like you know human trick shots where we can just comfortably dangle upside down to make a shot, yet, their tails' sense of balance it throwing them all off. Think of a cat's tail, it corrects them while they are upside down.
2.) Na'vi have different waves of light that they can see in. Like you know how bugs see in different waves, or dogs hear in different frequencies?
3.) Their enhanced senses are something the RDA uses dramatically for war. Like think about the Flash Bang potential here? A weapon that only throws off Na'vi. That means avatars have slight protection from them because of their human DNA, or when Jake gets word that these are gonna be used, he has Spider come along as their human coverage.
4.) There are poisonous foods to Na'vi that humans can eat. Like something that would stop their hearts, Spider can just casually snack on. That's like watching someone eat deadly nightshade for breakfast.
5.) Na'vi aren't meant for long periods of starvation. Not like humans are. Have you seen how lean they are?? There isn't a fat deposit on these guys, and they are BIG. They need food to keep going. So they can go without eating for a week, max.
6.) There are human pheromones that they can't smell and there are Na'vi pheromones that human's can't pick up. I mean, smells are chemical structures allow us to recognize something and pick up the smell. So if the chemical make up of environments for humans and Na'vi are different than it makes sense that there are smells that they/we can't even pick up. OR EVEN BETTER, the smells are all off. Like if we give them an earth flower for them to smell, and to them it comes off as the smell of rotten eggs. IMAGINE.
7.) Na'vi don't thermoregulate like we do. Thus why there isn't a big need for clothes. Granted, it's be weird, cause that's where most of our calories go towards, straight up thermoregulation.
8.) Human's are better at reading body language between the two species. Human's don't have a tail or ears to give away feelings, and we're taught from a young age to control our RBF, eyebrows and flushing. So we typically pay more attention to the posture of another person. So humans can pick out little details better.
9.) Na'vi are better are regulating their emotions. Or at least dealing with them. I know their brains have 3 lobes or something, while ours have 4. But I just have a feeling that since they have response to another creature in their brain, that they have a better specialize area in the brain for dealing with emotion.
10.) No tumbling or gymnastics for the Na'vi. I was thinking about it. And it's a lot of circular movement and I genuinely think their queue would hit stuff or disorientate them if swung around too much. Like, I know we saw the Metkayina teens do all that diving, and Neytiri's roll on to the boat, but like. She just did that, onto her brain organ. God that had to have HURT.
Thank you for listening to my silliness.
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litiyerses · 7 days
~by an aspiring astrologer♡
pls keep in mind that these are my personal opinions, if you don't agree with these that's completely okay. this is based on my experience and knowledge not their canon birthdays. sun sign is our ego, moon sign is our emotions and relationship with our mother and rising sign is our physical appereance and how people perceive us at first glance.hope you enjoy!!`
-percy- leo sun cancer moon leo rising
sun: confident but insecure at the same time, extremely stubborn
moon: very good mother figure, mood depends on other people or the vibes, introvert but thrives with friends, hides feelings a lot
rising: charming presence, luscious hair, captivating eyes, gets attention without even asking
-annabeth- virgo sun aries moon cap rising
sun: needs structure and reliability in life, plans everything 5 years in advence bc "just incase", very understanding to others but too hard on herself
moon: dominant mother figure, resentment towards mother, good at making new connections, needs physical outlets for anger, jealous in love
rising: mature and reserved look, serious case of resting b face, doesn't realize she looks scary and gets offended when pointed out
-hazel- aqua sun scorpio moon aqua rising
sun: stands out and good with people but not very social
moon: very traumatic childhood/parent, very observant, hates being lied to or being deceived
rising: you'll notice her immidiately bc she looks like she doesn't belong, very much alien energy, ppl will say something's "off" about her but can never pinpoint what it is
-leo- sagitarius sun pisces moon gemini rising
sun: very fun, adventurous and energetic,
moon: really funny and good with words, prone to romanticizing toxicity or his pain, needs to feel loved to thrive, hard to really get to know him very good at acting/pretending
rising: fun and charming demeanor, amazing smile, long limbs short torso, really funky and uniqe sense of style
-frank- taurus sun taurus moon cancer rising
sun: extremely chill, avaoids drama like the plague, very reliable, enjoys luxury and finer things in life
moon: overbearing and overprotecting female figures, bullying due to body image in early ages, seeks comfort
rising: moon-like features, very emotionally expressive face, look like you can trust them w your social security number
jason- cap sun sag moon cap rising
sun: likes being in control but very fun once you get to know him
moon: feels better living abroad or with different cultures, seems opinionated and tough but is actually really understanding, attached to his hobbies, often misunderstood
rising: angular and sharp features, rbf, looks like has his life together but crumbling inside, hard to open up but funniest person once opened up
-piper- libra sun gemini moon libra rising
sun: very indecisive, witty and inteligent, has her way with words, flitrs without even meaning to
moon: can socialize with many different types of groups, too many thoughts, switches between shy and straightforward, nervous inside, very witty
rising: doll-like features, really pretty and sensual, infectious laugh, just overall really pretty and feminine looking, often feels unsure and confused
-nico- aqua sun scorpio moon scorpio rising
sun: doesn't really fit in, reads people really well
moon: same as hazel, also very secretive and private, sonetimes too perceptive or obsessive
rising: very intense eyes, mysterious and powerful presence, his mystery either draws people in wanting to know more or scares them away
-calypso- leo sun leo moon taurus rising
sun: basically the same with percy perfect hair, charming eyes except she DEMANDS attention and rest assured she WILL get it, wants to be in control of everything in her life and extremely stubborn w it, gets really dissapointed when thing don't turn out as she excepted
moon: needs to feel attractive and productive to thrive, prone to trust issues, clingy but won't show it
rising: looks best with no or minimal makeup, think brooke shields and gigi hadid love child, has a very nature-y type of look -idk if that makes sense-
-reyna- aries sun capricorn moon aries rising
sun: values her friendships deeply, very initiative, go big or go home, doesn't stand any bs
moon: had to grow up fast, too individualistic, the wounded healer, sensitive but hates seeking comfort, very creative and initiative
rising: angular and sharp features, athletic build, bold and confident presence
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athanasia-things · 8 months
Some headcannon about Athanasia
• She's a mama's girl.
• She has a Damian-Dick relationship with Jason.
• She's more of an anti-hero like her mother than a hero like Bruce.
• She's closer to Mara, Damian,Jason Rey, Rose, and, surprisingly, Kon than the other bat kids.
•Rose is her babysitter.
• She feels weird that Jason and Rose are dating because Rose is Rey's brother, Jason is her brother, and Rey is also her brother.
• She's closest to Rey (hidden child trauma).
• She hangs out with Lena ll on the weekends (Bruce doesn't know what to make out of her friendship with Lena ll).
• Their trio is Athanasia, Lena, and Adrina (Aquaman's daughter).
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• People are kind of afraid of her rbf (understandably).
• For me, I don't think she will take up a bat mantle or work for Batman, or I don't want her to work for him because we already have Damian. For that, I wanted her to have a different path. You know, becoming an anti-hero might be the best option for her character. I meant she can definitely change, but her overall character can stay in the anti-hero zone.
I really like her relationship with Alfred. I think it's cute to have a nice relationship with your grandfather.
•Alfred repeatedly reminds her of Ubu because of their gentleness. And Ubu is the one who primarily takes care of her.
• She's the student council president.
• She likes control (where she gets it) and
• Surprisingly, a very messy person when left alone (Talia Lexcorp era)
• She can actually make people cry because she's really mean.
• When she gets used to Gotham and starts hanging out with teenagers her age, her vocabulary really expands. Batfam doesn't really know what she says half the time.
• She gets scared when animals are around her because she might hurt them.
• Idk but i really wanter to add this even thoug This is a bit controversial but when she's in stykers Island one of the guards is really bored and he's a Christian and started bringing the Bible on his duty and athanasia bored been locked up for a few months take interest in the guard and started asking him questions about it and she got hooked up and because she got nothing to do because she's in prison he started to ask the guard to read the Bible to her and the guard is an older gentlemen and felt locking up a sixteen year old is heartbreaking and because her own granddaughter is also 16 he took pity in her and started teaching her about how it all started and she got curios and asked a question why did God gave human a free will the guard answered because God does not need a robot who only knows how to follow orders and wanted us to have our own choices weather it is to do good or to do evil and because God wanted for us to choose him and when you don't have another option that just force love because there no other option that's why he gave us free will.
• And that really opened Athansia's eyes because all her life she's always been told to want to do and to follow orders, not ask questions, and just to know that someone is telling her that there's a God that gave us free will so people will choose him willingly, which is quite hard to grasp—more than killing and violence. When the guard finished reading Matthew to her, she fell silent, and she asked the guard why they killed him (Jesus). He did not commit any sin or do anything wrong. The guard responded that someone has to pay the fine so we can come to the Lord without sin, and only through him can we get to the Lord.
• After that, she repented and started getting better, and after a few months, the old man is retiring, and his last gift to Athanasia is a Bible.
That's all. I added a lot of things.
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slippinmickeys · 4 months
The funfetti universe please oh please more! William vs the bullies, Mulder encouraging going lower, repercussions of William losing control when he's upset, Scully just getting to have her life with her boys I love it!
The mudball hit him right in the neck, sending little droplets of gunk into his ear. After the initial shock wore off, he turned slowly around. 
“Hey William, you’ve got some dirt on your neck. They not bathe out in Farrs Corner?”
William sighed. “What do you want, Logan?” He already knew the kid didn’t want anything. Just to inflict pain. 
“Nothing,” Logan said. “Just wanted to let you know you’re a freak.”
Will was so sick of this crap he could spit. He looked at the three other guys who had come over with the bigger kid; Winter, Cole and Liam, who up until now had always been nice to him.
“Noted,” William said, eyeing Liam directly, whose face at least registered a bit of shame. William turned back around, hoping they’d go away. 
Thwak! Another mudball, this time catching him on the butt. God, it was going to look like he’d crapped his pants. 
William thought about his mother’s advice. His father’s. He’d love to knee the guy in the nuts, but not with all that backup. Still. If he walked away, all he’d probably get out of it was another mudball to the back. 
He turned around, took a step toward Logan and his goons. 
“Why do you keep picking on me Durwood? There not enough enrichment in your enclosure?”
The confusion that crossed the kid’s face was amusing, at least. You had to be smart to get into this school, but Logan Durwood was legacy. His test scores probably didn’t reach William’s knees. It took him a minute to figure out the insult. 
“Are you calling me an animal, Mulder?”
William gave him a pitying look. “You can’t figure out what I called you?”
Winter and Cole both turned to look at Logan’s face, clearly worried he’d snap. William was worried he’d snap too, but it would give him a reason to hit the guy. Or something. 
“Shame,” Will went on, shaking his head. “And you, an intellectual.”
At this, Liam snorted in laughter and that was all it took Logan to turn sort of a reddish purple and start marching toward William, who watched him approach, holding his ground. 
William glanced back toward the big old barn that housed most of the school’s classrooms. There wasn’t a teacher in sight. 
It had done nothing but piss rain for the last three days and the field surrounding the old farm  was saturated. Logan’s footsteps squished as he approached, and the boy leaned down on the way and scooped up another mudball. 
“I’m going to make you eat this, freak,” he said menacingly. 
Winter and Cole were a couple of steps behind him, but Liam hung back, watching and looking nervous. 
“Actually, I think you’re going to eat it,” William said with confidence. 
Logan had just gotten up to him, and pulled his arm back to fling it or punch William with it or something, but instead, when his arm swung forward, his elbow bent and he ended up shoving the mudball into his own face. Logan froze, bewildered, and all five boys stood there in stunned silence. A glob of mud fell from the boy’s chin onto the ground at his feet.
“Geez Logan, I was only kidding,” William said, feeling the bright thrill of conquest, and an even keener thrill of power. His power. The kind no one else had.
Logan spit out a mouthful of mud, his eyes all rage. “Get him,” he instructed his two friends. 
Mulder and Scully escorted William out of the office of the head of school silently, squelching across the school lawn and into the parking lot. 
William kept throwing worried looks at his mother, who was walking quickly, her face a steel mask of what Mulder knew to be anger. Anyone else looking at her might just assume RBF, but Mulder–and more importantly William–knew better. 
When Mulder unlocked the car, Scully ducked quickly into the passenger seat and William slunk onto the back bench like a man headed to the gallows. As soon as Mulder turned the ignition, Scully whipped her glare to her son. 
“That was incredibly dangerous what you did,” she hissed. 
“But I didn’t get in trouble!” William said, defending himself. It was a childish answer, and they all knew it. William was a kid, but he was a smart one. 
“Will, you know what your mom is talking about,” Mulder said, flicking his eyes to his son in the rearview mirror as he pulled onto the county road on which William’s school sat. 
Mulder had actually been at least a bit amused by his son in the principal’s office. The boy had pointed at the remains of mud on his neck and ass, pointed out that his hands were perfectly clean and claimed perfect innocence. One look at the other three kids (all but the kid Liam, who appeared to have run into the school to grab a teacher once the muddy melee started in earnest) covered head to toe in mud so thick that the whites of their eyes stuck out, and the head of school had no choice but to proclaim William a victim and send he and his parents on their way. 
“But they were going to beat me up!” 
“That’s no excuse for using your powers on other people, William. On other kids!”
“They didn’t know it was me,” William said, growing a little sullen. “I only made them throw the mudballs at each other a couple of times, once they started, they kept doing it, it wasn’t me.” At this, he looked at his dad in the mirror, and Mulder suspected the last bit of his story wasn’t entirely accurate. 
“I saw the look of confusion on their faces, William,” Scully said. “They may not have known it was you, but they damn well knew it wasn’t them.”
“They’re not exactly the brain brigade, Mom,” William said, slumping back on the seat. “They look like that all the time.”
Mulder had to suppress a laugh.
Scully sighed. “You should have walked away.”
“I tried.”
Mulder flicked his eyes to his son again. “Will, if anything like that happens again–if you show someone–anyone–your powers, we’re going to have to move. Change schools,” he said.
William heaved a breath out and Scully seemed to calm. 
“It’s not just about the school,” she said. “And it’s not just about letting other kids see what you can do. William, you can’t draw attention to yourself like that. If the wrong people find out about you…”
The boy’s lip wobbled. They hated having to tell their son that he could be taken away from them, but he had to know the risks. It was a far more dangerous world than anybody realized.
That sat heavily between all three of them for several long moments. 
“So I’m just supposed to let them beat me up?” William finally said, sniffing.
Mulder exchanged a look with Scully over the center console. 
Scully sighed. “What if Dad teaches you a few moves?” 
William’s countenance lightened at this and he sat up. “FBI moves?”
“Yes,” Scully said evenly. “FBI moves.”
“Yeah, okay! Cool!” 
“But they’re only to be used in self-defense,” she clarified. “Only if someone actually touches you first.”
William nodded enthusiastically. 
“And if anybody asks who taught you the moves, tell them it was your mom,” Mulder said. “Nothing will come back on us, then,” he went on, stealing a look at Scully. “Everyone is scared of your mom.”
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qwimblenorrisstan · 1 month
character layouts for this au !!
(lmk how I did, just kinda winged this)
Simon’s Daughter
Name: Brianna “Bri” Riley
Age: 16
Birthday: November 20
Physical Description: Blond hair (slightly brown in some streaks), blue eyes, diamond-shaped face, light brows, thin lips (downturned), nose has a slight ridge to it. Has some muscle packed onto her body, but generally skinny, with smaller breasts and butt, stands at 5’6, blond lashes.
Personality: Has serious rbf (resting btch face), and quiet like her dad, but has dry humor. Generally a bit more able to lead and take control of things, and make the hard decisions/calls. Not the type to talk about emotions. Anger issues. Burns bridges before trying to cross them.
Talents: Handling weapons. Simon would definitely not let his daughter go have some teenage fun without making sure she could handle a knife and gun, and he sent her to self-defense classes too. Also good with time management, as well.
Likes: Watching terrible romcoms with friends, she would die before admitting it, but she loves it, often hiding her tiny smile behind her hand. Also loves providing for people, her love language is def acts of service.
Dislikes: When people walk slowly or talk too slowly. It genuinely infuriates her. If you need to get somewhere or do something, hurry up with it??
Relationship with Family: Not in contact with mother (she might be dead, haven’t decided yet), close but strained bond with dad, close with uncle Kyle, Johnny, Price, and their kids.
Johnny’s Daughter
Name: Isla “Is” MacTavish
Birthday: August 17
Age: 16
Physical Description: Thick brown hair, darker blue eyes than Brianna’s, dark brows, little ridge to nose, medium-sized lips, medium breasts, and butt. Plumper body (think pear-shaped), with thick thighs. Has muscle, and lifts with her dad at the gym. Stands at 5’2, her right canine is slightly crooked, giving her a very devious grin. Face shape is diamond with a wider jaw.
Personality: Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious, just like her dad. She can make light of almost any situation, making jokes in her Scottish accent that defuses any tense situation. However, she also gets angry very easily, leading to both Brianna and Charlitte to hold her back from starting fights.
Talents: Learned a thing or two about defusing bombs from her daddy. She’s also freakishly good at math (got that from her dad, too), and can take things apart and put them back together very well, too.
Likes: Lighting things on fire. Throwing fireworks down the sideways-sewer-tunnel things in ditches and watching them explode. Just destroying things.
Dislikes: When people make fun of her accent. It inflamed her temper worse than anything, because who do they think they are to make fun of her family and ancestor’s accent??
Relationship with Family: Very close with mother and father (both around in the same house, married), and close with uncles Kyle, Simon, John, and their kids.
Kyle’s Daughter
Name: Charlotte “Charlie” Garrick
Age: 16
Birthday: June 27
Physical Description: After some research, I think she’d have 4c hair, usually wearing it in braids tied up in a ponytail, and sometimes adding a lick of color into the ends. She doesn’t like beads on the ends, though. Bronzed skin, dark brown eyes, dark long lashes, dark brows, stands at 5’5 and ½ (yes she counts the half inch), softer diamond-shaped face. Medium breasts and butt, body is a bit plump like Charlotte, but she doesn’t have as much muscle, has more of a mushroomed nose, and plump lips.
Personality: She knows how to get all the gossip and drama out of someone, loosening their lips with the right words and faux sympathies, only to run back to the girls and spill everything. She has a strong moral compass (sometimes ignoring it), almost the opposite of Brianna, and she takes pride in her appearance being clean and put-together. When hanging out with friends, though, she is very sassy. Like Gaz really imprinted on her with the sass.
Talents: Good at getting information out of people/manipulating them (interrogation skills observed from her dad). She’s also mostly the one to calm everyone down, shutting arguments or fights down with some cleverly aimed words. (Basically, she’s the glue of the group)
Likes: Journaling. In school, she’s the type to have everything highlighted, underlined, and the prettiest handwriting by far. Writing her thoughts down helps ease any anxieties she has inside. (She also has the best perfumes)
Dislikes: Bratty children. She was raised to be respectful towards her parents, so seeing some screaming kid in the grocery…it makes her want to pop their little head off.
Relationship with Family: Close with mom and dad (separated, but on good terms, share half custody while both live in London near each other), close with uncles Simon, Johnny, Price, and their kids.
Price’s Son
Name: John “Junior” Price
Age: 17
Birthday: October 25
Physical Description: Rounder face, still has a decent jawline, the nose goes almost straight, the tip of it just barely pointing up. Medium-thickness chestnut brown hair, grey-ish eyes, medium size lips, brown brows. Cannot grow facial hair for the life of him (much to his father’s teasing), and stands at 5’7 and ½ (counts the half inch just to get on Brianna’s nerves). Has some muscles and meat on his bones, and a little belly pooch (his southern momma has been shoving him full of food). Has the fattest ass known to mankind.
Personality: He’s been raised to be a leader like his dad, but he’s honestly better at fixing than leading. Growing up with his younger sister, he learned to play gently, and how to fix any problems. The best with his emotions, and will patiently listen to anyone’s problems, understanding that sometimes you might just want someone to listen, and not fix. But he is very good at planning things out and fixing them if that’s what you want. He’s patient, and a bit soft-spoken, but can be rowdy, and if someone above him tells him to get his hands dirty…he will. Has a good moral compass, but ignores it most of the time.
Talents: Good at handling emotions, basically a free therapist. Very good at making plans, thinking rationally without any sort of tunnel vision on one thing, and fixing problems. Likes to think of himself as level-headed.
Likes: Secretly loves having tea parties with his little sister. Won’t ever admit it to the boys, but Uncle Kyle has caught him fake sipping a cup of tea, plastic crown on, with his sister before.
Dislikes: People who try to cut off relationships and burn down bridges instead of addressing the problem. People that run from their problems *cough, cough, Bri, cough*
Relationship with Family: Loves his momma and dad, (married) very close with both, and his little sister too, not to forget his uncles, Kyle, Simon, and Johnny, and their kiddos.
Price’s Daughter
Name: Josie
Age: 5
Birthday: April 12
Physical Description: Round face, big cheeks, big blue eyes, wispy brown hair. Chubby little body and hands, super short at 3’4, button nose, long eyelashes, puffy lips. Always has a tiny pout for whatever reason, but as soon as she sees her brother, her face lights up.
Personality: Little kids don’t have the most personality, but this kid loves Disney princesses, she makes John dress up as Tiana or her favorite, Rapunzel, and has tea parties with him and the stuffies in her room. She also loves cornbread and begs her mama to make it on the daily.
Talents: Eating copious amounts of cornbread?
Likes: Playing dress up.
Dislikes: Nap time.
Relationship with Family: Super close with everyone, but most attached to her mom, rightfully so.
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fandom-go-round · 5 months
How about SFW and NSFW for FGO Penthesilea and Lancer Artoria
Warnings: Sex, Sexual Situations, Chase Kink, Scent Kink (Sweat), Body Worship, Choking
A lot of people assume that she doesn’t smile much and they’re only half right. Penthesilea has a major case of RBF (resting bitch face) and she doesn’t bother to correct people most of the time. She likes to be left alone and if that’s what deters people then she’s alright with that. You’re the exception; she loves it when you come to talk and hang out with her. It makes you feel special, seeing the smile break out across her face.
You don’t do much to curb her rage but she takes comfort in knowing that you’re there. Once the bloodlust fades, your presence helps her recover faster. Part of Penthesilea worries that you may leave her because she can’t control herself but seeing you after a rage kills those fears. Let her complain and rant or just rest her head in your lap; coming back to you helps ground her and she wouldn’t give up the feeling.
She loves chasing you before sex. Penthesilea isn’t into traditional predator/prey play but a good chase gets her blood pumping. The longer you can avoid her the better; she doesn’t want you to go easy on her. Make her work to find you and she’ll work to get you to cum. After a session like that, you find it hard to walk and she always has a self-satisfied smirk on her face.
Penthesilea is very much someone who goes with the flow. If you want rough sex, she’s into rough sex. If you want something slower, she’s happy to go that way. She has her own kinks and is happy to share them with you. She’s not huge into hurting you or being tied up but can come around to the ideas if those are things that you’re super into. She has a scent kink just because she has a great sense of smell; nothing turns her on like your sweat.
Lancer Artoria:
Everyone knows that the two of you are together. Not because you’re by each other often but because Artoria has a huge possessive streak. Sometimes it can bleed into jealously but in general she just wants to make sure you’re protected. One of her knights is going to be by your side throughout the day. Some people can mistake this person as your lover but it’s pure loyalty to their king.
Artoria likes to take tea with you or any sort of gathering when you’re presented to her. She likes it when someone tells her that her lover is there and sees you approach. Most are too afraid to get close to her but you never hesitate and she loves that about you. It does mean that a lot of your dates are in more public spaces than you would assume but it’s not a bad thing.
Artoria is really into body worship, specifically when you worship her. She soaks up your attention like a sponge. Kneel at her feet and kiss up her legs, she loves every second of it. She doesn’t make you work hard to get to the main event but she likes feeling special. Give her some genuine flattery and she’ll open her legs for you as a treat.
She’s into choking for both of you. If you’re on top of her more often than not her fingers are around your throat. Artoria will coo as you move, not cutting off your air 100% but making your vision blur. If you’re fucking her, she prefers it if you pin her to the bed by her throat. She wants you to squeeze hard and cums fast if you release right before slamming into her. Artoria won’t ask for you to choke her all the time but when she does watch out. She doesn’t want to leave the bedroom for a while.
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1ovede1uxe · 1 month
matchup for @joestarfoundation
Hi there!!! I hope you're doing ok :)) I'd like a matchup with any character (+18 ofc) from any part. I'm 24 years old, I use she/her pronouns, I'm bi, ESTP and a Taurus. I speak spanish (mother language) and english (medium). I have straight black hair, brown eyes and I'm 5.3 feet tall. I'm currently majoring medicine at my university. I spend most of my time listening to music, and I enjoy watching cartoons. I consider myself extroverted most of the time, however, it's not like I'm talking to people 24/7, since for some reason I tend to… scare them? for the conversation topics I bring up. I'm a big fan of dark comedy/humor, although, obviously, I have my limits. I understand why people choose to follow their heart but I prefer to follow my head, there's just something I like about using logic to come up with "cool" solutions or comebacks. I hate being told what to do, and that has gotten me into conflicts, I'm also not afraid to say what I want or think, no matter how controversial or unpopular it may be, and although this doesn't apply on the internet, in my daily life it offends me when people ignore me lol. I'm moderately energetic, and I have such a loud voice that it seems like I'm shouting (even though I'm not lmao) I have… anger issues that I find kinda difficult to control with strangers. I forget my past mistakes very quickly, and that has led some people to think that I am "uninterested" and/or "arrogant." I'm rarely hardworking and serious, I prefer to be carefree but I know that sometimes I need to be serious. I'm open to listening to any musical genre but mainly I listen to rock, glam metal and kpop (guilty pleasure🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️)I have a TERRIBLE case of RBF(resting btch face) but my friends would describe me as someone who would not hesitate for a second to defend them in any way. I don't have any particular style (it depends on how I feel that day, so one day I can wear everything from black to everything from pink). Lastly, I tend to be a little vindictive and have a hard time admitting my mistakes, so…I think those would be my main red flags. You can post this if you want idm, in fact, I'd prefer that you do💆‍♀️💆‍♀️dw, take your time!
due to an issue the original ask needed to be replaced, so it was copied and pasted here :D
I match you up with Jotaro Kujo from Diamond is Unbreakable!
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The similarities between you two are honestly just right, you're alike in many ways, but where there's contrast it absolutely perfect. I believe Jotaro is an ISTP, which compliments well with your ESTP, and he also shares your rbf :P
You have a loud and energetic personality, and it might take him some getting used to, but Jotaro's calm nature can help balance the energy and keep you grounded, as his steady presence would help balance out your energy, providing you with a sense of stability without dampening your enthusiasm, keeping the good vibes going and keeping the less good vibes out.
Your sense of humor, though they aren't a perfect match, complement well, as he'll go drier and you go darker with your comedy. You'll definitely share some inside jokes over time, even if even if they wind up being something as simple as seeing something that reminds you of it and you both pass a glance and grin at each other.
You're both strong-willed and independent people, you forge your own path and you take action based on what you think. You're both direct and it's awesome. This makes for easy communication, but you, being a bit more forward, might have to be the one to have to bring anything to the table.
He understands what it's like to have to deal with some anger problems, as he's had to work his own out (and yes it does sometimes slip through the cracks), so he'll definitely be empathetic to this, and might offer some pointers on how he's worked on his anger in the past. You both very much think with your head rather than the heart, so he'd have a decent understanding of your thought process, but if you just want to ramble and blow off steam, he's all ears too.
As Jotaro is not going to be a strict or possessive partner, it still allows you to do what you want when you want, and he's going to do the same thing. You guys obviously still have boundaries, but you both can act on your own volition and still feel supported, because at the end of the day, your mutual unwavering loyalty, care, and trust to each other is something incredibly admirable and honestly might make other couples end up jealous. Jotaro has that love and care hidden beneath the surface, and when he's with those he loves (especially you), it really comes to light.
I hope you liked it! I'm super sorry it took so long. Much love to you <3
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xylathesilkwing · 9 months
You got any autistic head cannons for either Jesse or Emily? Just curious!
A few!! a lot of them are based off my brother, as he’s autistic but some are just general neurodiverse headcannons from my experience. A lot are for Jesse however pfft- If I’m using any wrong terms please correct me!!
-Jesse paces. just generally walks around/runs around either in her office or in assorted places with a lot of space. sometimes she puts on music and spaces out; other times she’s just daydreaming in her own head. It’s hard to get her attention when she does this (especially if she has somehow gotten to the upper level of the panopticon and is just zooming around) (this is based off my brother)
-plain cheese pizza is her safe food/same food. loves it. figured out how to make it at home and your better believe she’s doing it all the time
-Jesse and Emily both subconsciously mask at work/in public but they both definitely unmask around each other.
-Emily chews her pens/pencils. Jesse clicks her pens repeatedly
-Emily made a joke that Jesse got a hyperfixation on the Bureau of Control and Jesse has not stopped thinking about it since. she denies it every time it’s brought up
-Emily gets tics/nervous tics I feel. I used to have a tic(?) where I’d crack my neck repeatedly or clench my jaw repeatedly and I feel that’s definitely in character for her. Jesse clicks her knuckles/fingers, and whenever she’s nervous she wrings her hands/pops her joints.
-Jesse/Emily def has some sort of echolalia. I wouldn’t say scripting but they’ve definitely heard a word and kept repeating it (and although the house does not like new things, if they were on TikTok they’d probably repeat popular phrases)
-I feel like Jesse and Emily both struggle in social situations but in different ways. Emily talks/rants about things she enjoys and ends up coming off as annoying/loud, while Jesse says things out loud that might come off as rude or just doesn’t talk which weirds people out in conversations. huge case of RBF (Jesse’s social stuff might also have to do with her weird childhood but there’s probably other reasons)
-Jesse has Alexithymia. cannon trust me I’m remedy entertainment. Girl did not know what nausea was until she described it as “feeling like I swallowed chlorine” (personal experience)
-Jesse either makes a ton of eye contact it’s scary or doesn’t make any at all, which comes off as rude especially in her workplace/position
I have more, but these are what mainly come to mind!! Again if I used any wrong terms please please correct me 🙏 🙏🙏
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
Mean Girl
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Warnings: drug use, coercion, dub-con
I leaned back against the bar, watching the party that was Midsummers unfold. I sipped my fourth drink between twirling the straw with my finger and scanning all the boring too-rich-to function losers attempt to have a party.
This wasn’t a party. I could show them a party and this was the farthest thing from it. The party was in a little baggy in my pocket. Which reminded me, I needed to disappear for a minute. I needed a better buzz to help me keep up appearances.
I was about to leave for a moment after downing the rest of my drink when a manicured nails digs into my shoulder, tapping to get my attention.
I turn and face Courtney Cain, the Kook princess. Also a cold hearted bitch with a body built for sin. Her chocolate brown hair was curled perfectly and she wore a tight sequins dress that was practically painted on with high slits in both legs. I didn’t look long because those green-ish hazel eyes were shooting daggers at me and she huffed impatiently.
“Yes, princess?” I asked, wondering why she was talking to me of all people. She left right after graduation for some prim and proper elite college across country but I’m pretty sure it was because her parents couldn’t control her. So they shipped her off.
“I heard you’re the person to go to if someone needs something. I’m asking for a friend.” Her RBF is spot on, practically freezing me where I stand.
“Something?” I hinted, wanting her to say it. She scowled at me, her eyes darting around before scoffing under her breath.
“You know what I want. How much?” She hisses, looking me up and down like she knows I have it on me.
“I thought it was for a friend.” I smirk and she bristles. I suddenly wasn’t bored anymore.
“You know what—.”
“Easy,” I chuckle, letting my eyes linger on her prominent cleavage for a moment. “Follow me.”
I lead her upstairs to an empty private suite and to the bathroom. She keeps checking her surroundings, like she doesn’t want to be seen with me or she doesn’t want her parents to catch her. Either way, I’m down to help Queen Mean Girl get dirty.
“How much do you want?” I ask, cleaning off the counter to draw up the lines. She blinks at me.
“How much do you have?” She asks, licking her red painted lips. I widen my eyes. If I didn’t know who she was, I’d think she was an escort with how on display she was. But I knew this was just another jab at her parents. Anything to rebel.
“How fucked up are you trying to get?” I question, taking the baggy from my pocket and giving it a shake. Her eyes lock on it and she reaches inside her cleavage, pulling out several hundred dollar bills.
“I don’t want to remember this fucking day.” She huffs, holding up the money between two slender fingers. I was a shitty person. I’d let her have a gram for $400.
I reach for the money and offer the baggie but she shakes her hand at me.
“Line em up. Do one. I want to make sure it’s good shit.” She says and I chuckle, shaking my head.
“What could the Kook Queen herself be so eager to forget?” I smirk, setting up four lines and she rolls up one of the bills.
“Shut up. We’re not friends.” Courtney snaps, watching me as I take the rolled up bill and quickly do two lines. I inhale deeply, closing my eyes as the high hits and I hear her do the first line. She sniffles then does the next one.
I can’t take my eyes off her body as her eyes fall closed and she lets the high take over. The way her tits raise and fall. The curve of her ass just begging for me to take a bite out. I also found myself liking that she didn’t smile. She wasn’t fawning over me. But I suddenly liked this challenge.
“Stop staring at me, creep.” Courtney scoffs, rolling her eyes then sniffling.
“Sorry, I’m just wondering why we never hooked up.” I admit, leaning against the wall next to the toilet and she scoffs again. I wanted to know what she sounded like when she moaned.
“Because you’re not my type.” Her face morphs with disgust and I grin. I was everyone’s type. No one told me no. And I didn’t miss the way her gaze swept over me, like the thought did cross her mind. I ran my tongue over my teeth as I watched her turn slightly and pull a small flask from her cleavage. My eyes widened in shock and amusement as she downed the entire thing.
“What else you got in there?” I taunt, not taking my eyes off her beautiful tits. I earn another scowl.
“Pour another line.” She demands and I shake my head, seeing her eyes starting to get glassy.
“Let me do a line off your tits.” I smirk and she glares at me, letting out an annoyed scoff.
“Fuck you. I paid for that.” She reaches for the baggy just as I snatch it up.
“Price just went up.” I declare, shoving the bills in my back pocket without her noticing. She blinked long and slow, those pretty eyes fully dilated as she stared back at me. She was starting to feel really good now.
“Come on, Court, I can keep a secret.” I whisper, approaching her as she backs away, her back meeting the door. She licks her lips as she swallows, then waves her hand like to say get on with it.
“Fine.” She snaps, but I could tell with the way she was panting, she was excited. I trail a finger down her bare arm and she shivers.
“Push them together.” I murmur, my cock fighting for freedom in my slacks. God, I was so hard it hurt.
Courtney complies and watches as I pour a small amount on the swells of her perfect tits. I smirk at her, my gaze lingering on her parted lips before I dive down and drag my nose over her tits. It hits me hard, my heart racing in my chest as I blink a few times. She’s silent as she watches me, her tits still in her hands. Like she wants more.
“Your turn. Snort it off my dick.” I growl. Her eyes widen for a moment but she doesn’t fight me as I free my aching cock from my slacks.
The way she was looking at my cock right now had me ready to nut already.
I carefully pour some powder along the tip and down my length and hold it in place for her.
“Come on. You know you want it.” My voice is lower and thick with need. If she touched me, I’d fucking snap. She approaches slowly, like a scared animal as she stares at the line I made for her.
“Like what you see?” I taunt as she starts to lower herself down.
“Shut up, Rafe.” She snaps, diving down and snorting the line then jumping back like I’ve burned her. I lunge forward, grabbing her and sitting her on the counter.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Courtney hisses, slapping at my chest.
“I can make you feel good, princess.” I lean into her neck and inhale her expensive perfume.
“Let me in, baby. I’ll take care of you. I’ll make you forget this shitty fucking day.” I run my tongue up her neck and she shivers, fisting my suit jacket.
“I know you’re horny. Your nipples are so hard I can see them through your dress. Your body is shaking with need. You want my big cock in your tight little pussy.”
“Jesus, fuck.” She growls, almost like a pissed off kitten as she pushes her pussy against me. I force her dress up around her waist to find her pantyless. My knees almost fucking give out. The hood of her pussy was pierced and she was dripping wet.
“What better way to get back at your parents than fucking the guy they hate?” I growl.
She was going to have the night of her fucking life.
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starii-galaxii · 2 months
Random Mach Headcanons
She is either somewhere in her mid-20s or is like... 1000 but looks younger, you never know honestly
She definitely has an athletic build, you cannot convince me she doesn't have at least some muscle on her body
She most likely has a more deeper voice, quiet, but deep.
I like to think she is on the spectrum (The autism spectrum or the AroAce spectrum?... BOTH!)
She likes to spin her hammer or kick her feet as a form of stimming (Or just because she wants to)
RBF, she totally has RBF
She has slight empathy issues, she isn't 100% apathetic and doesn't care about other people's feelings, she just sometimes says things and doesn't realize how it may hurt them until she takes more time to think about it.
She also probably has a slight staring problem, she will sometimes just zone out when she looks in a specific direction (even if that means she is staring right into her soul)
Adding on to that, she likes to maintain eye contact (though she will try not to if she knows you don't like it, like with Pilby for example)
If she wasn't in a Roblox game, she would definitely curse someone out if they made her mad enough, but you have to make her infuriated (but not enough for her to just insta-kill you)
However, she does have a lot of control over her emotions (she in fact, has no control over her emotions, she just bottles them all up because that was how she was raised and she never had the chance to unlearn that trait.)
She will either be very late, or super early. There is no in-between. She will never come on time unless someone else (whose sense of time isn't warped) drags her there.
She can be bribed (from personal experience)
She is morally gray, but it's like a very light gray.
Her favorite color is either red, purple, or blue (I haven't decided yet)
The closest she will get to being in a romantic relationship is if she involved herself in a QPR
She actually loves flowers a lot, she even has her own garden filled with plants she found from her many expeditions around the universe.
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gremlinbabe · 2 years
Things I personally felt I was Robbed of in teen wolf: Hale family edition
Who Eli’s other birth parent was
Eli’s first words (I like to think it’s jeep, no, or mine)
Derek getting a house
Coyote form Malia
Possibly wolf form Cora would’ve been interesting
Derek reading every parenting book EVER
Derek asking the sheriff grandpa and Melissa for help with his possibly at the time human baby
Peter, Cora, and Malia getting into a full blown fist flight over who gets to hold Eli first (it’s stiles, then the sheriff, then Melissa, then Lydia, deaton, then Cora)
When Eli first steals the jeep
Erica and Boyd being amazing god parents
Big brother moments for issac
Derek finding the jeep and confronting Scott & Lydia
Gruncle - Stockbroker!peter and art gallery owner!peter (I feel like he’d be good with money but needs the galleries for when he’s trying to lie low in the broker side of things)
Cool aunt - Brazilian ufc fighter! Cora ( love a way for her to Chanel her anger over the years but she’s also amazing at it)
More Mechanic!Derek
Vodka aunt - Pilot!malia
Signature glare/RBF for all the hales & honorary hales (issac, stiles, sheriff)
Issac and Derek making up after he gets back from France and issac ask to be apart of Derek’s pack again
Isaac finding out Derek has a kid ( maybe when Eli is 6-10ish) and we see so much of his happy and hurt and feels
Grandpa sheriff taking Derek & Eli to lunch
Derek making the sheriff grandpa lunch as thanks for help with his kid
Peter and the sheriff going to lunch to gossip like old ladies about beacon hills
Dilf! Derek getting every casserole made to man kind when all the women in his neighborhood find out he’s single w a kid in a new house
Malia taking Eli and Derek on their first plane trip (to my to see stiles)
Cora getting Eli his first super Spanish gold name bracelet
Peter begging to babysit
Eli spoiled rotten by everyone
Peter joining the pta just to watch Eli & flirt with milfs & dilfs
Issac hosting community bbqs & block parties
More family moments involving cora
Peter and Malia go to therapy and acknowledge each other and occasionally get lunch
Cora and kira start dating when she out the dessert and fully can control her powers
Sunday dinners with Derek, Eli, issac, issac’s French husband, stiles, sheriff, Cora, Peter, Malia, & kira
Malia gets 2 partners and travels with them regularly
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