#her songs are catchy tho. its shit
totallysora · 7 months
West Side Story (2021)
I HAVE SM TO SAY ABT THIS MOVIE IT’S UNREAL 😭 Ok so I finally decided to watch it for the first time in like,,early January and it has actually changed me 😭 IT WAS SO GOOD?? LIKE THE CASTING WAS JUST MWAH I LOVED IT SM 😕 Anyways here are some of the things (from what I can remember, I haven’t actually had time to rewatch it since 😔) that I loved about it!
The jets were amazing, fight me
Ik that’s kinda controversial cuz they’re horrible people, and yes I absolutely get that, and do not support their actions at all (If ur a jets apologist pls leave 🥰) but GOD THE CASTING?? UGH IT WAS JUST SO PERFECT 😭 All of their songs were literally so good?? The Jet song is unfairly catchy, and Gee, Officer Krupke?? It was actually magical (THIS IS WHY WE CAST BWAY ACTORS IN MUSICAL MOVIES PEOPLE 😻‼️)
That scene with Anita?? It honestly made my blood boil, which is actually like,,the best thing ever?? Ik that sounds horrible but I mean it in a way that if a scene is meant to make you feel disgusted, or completely angry, and it succeeds?? That’s how u know it was good acting
I struggle to differentiate between actors and characters, so the whole rumble scene was a lil bit of a mess for me at first cuz I adore Mike sm, however when I thought abt it more, and how Riff acted, I was able to think of him as Riff, not Mike, and realised holy shit yea he actually kinda deserved what happened to him yk
THE RUMBLE OML 😭 THE ACTING WAS JUST SO UGH I LOVED IT SM - Unliked in the 1961 version (which I haven’t actually watched but have seen clips of!) you could actually tell it was like,,serious yk?? And when Riff got stabbed?? Holy fuck the emotion in that scene was unreal
Also the way David and Ansel acted straight after it happened?? I kinda got a ‘I didn’t actually want to kill him’ kinda feel from Bernardo, and honestly I kinda felt for him man 😭
I love the way that this rlly showed why Tony was the leader of the Jets, the way he beats Bernardos ass?? You can see why he led such a strong gang
Completely unrelated but the fact that this whole thing was basically a newsies reunion 💀
like Mike, Kyle, Jess, BEN? GARRETT?? THE TWINS???
I will forever adore the casting tho like honestly it was so good
Also the Sharks were robbed of screen time Icl 😭 They deffo should’ve been on screen more man
RACHEL MF ZEGLER 😻‼️ The fact that this was her debut will literally never not shock me
Like this girl was 17 and could sing like that?? No wonder ppl love her sm like damn 😭
People can actually fight me on this but Ansel was such good casting for Tony
I’ve seen people bash him for it but he was literally so good?? Like sorry but I refuse to accept anyone else (obviously excluding bway lmao)
On the topic of Tony the ending actually made me cry?? Like I was fine untik they picked him up and started carrying him after he got shot 😭
Icl halfway through the movie I googled if anyone died so I was prepared for it to happen but doesn’t mesn I didn’t still cry 😕
RITA MONERO 🥰 She was in the og movie and I am so glad they got her back cuz she was a m a z i n g
Also the fact that she sung her song live?? Cmon man she’s so good
Ok so Josh Rivera 😻 Although I didn’t rlly like Chino at first he definitely grew on me the more I thought about it - Ik killing Tony could be considered extreme, but realistically?? I totally get where he came from, it was an incredibly difficult situation, and I can understand why he did what he did
Ok but the singing in general?? Like Ik they wouldn’t cast bad singers but be fr literally all of the songs slap
Ik I’ve said it before but I will say it as many times as I need to THIS IS WHY WE CAST BWAY (OR THEATRE) ACTORS IN MUSICAL MOVIES 👏👏
The soundtrack is actually so good tho like I pretty much wouldn’t skip any of it
Ok completely random but I couldn’t understand half of the movie 💀 cuz they spoke spanish and although I had subtitles on it just gave me the spanish in spanish subtitles, so half of the time I was guessing or just hoping I’ll get what’s going on 😭
If u couldn’t tell I cannot speak spanish (and tbh I’m not doing that well in it at school so 😔)
There is so so so much more I can say about this movie, and once I’ve posted this I will definitely plan a part 2 specifically focusing on the songs, and a part 3 on characters (possibly in the opposite order tho) because this movie was a m a z i n g and I could actually talk about it for h o u r s
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liquidisedfrogs · 5 months
Last night was the night of creativity and culture that all (probably only like 20%) of Europe adores. Eurovision is one of the times when I, who am a very chill and non-judgemental person, will barf out my thoughts and write my commentary (cos I'm better than Graham Norton). STRAP IN MOTHERFUCKERS.....
We started this wonderful evening with a performance of Hooked On a Feeling which I gotta say is a banger but what's with that Burger King background? He was decent, to say the least but more or less it was just an old dude who stood on the stage singing which is just quite meh. Loved the flag parade, Swedish music is awesome. 
PERFORMANCE 1 : SWEDEN- UNFORGETTABLE- MARCUS & MARTINUS This is a damn catchy song but how are you supposed to tell those twins apart?! I loved the sort of club/ravey vibes it gave. The staging with all the flashing lights was pretty awesome. (ngl those twins were kinda cute) THE MEN IN BLACK DANCERS KILLED ME. It gave Matrix vibes and I'm here for it. The costumes reminded me of F1 drivers but I love it. Rank no. 10
PERFORMANCE 2: UKRAINE- ALYONA ALYONA & JERRY HEIL- TERESA  & MARIA Honestly, one of my favorites. Feminism in a good way. The taller woman gave off such Boudicca vibes and I love that, both women were so gorgeous and had amazing voices put together. I did say the rock reminded me of The Lion King but I really liked that. The costumes were also so aghhhh the Rey-Boudicca and the knight were such a great combo and the song was really catchy. Rank no.4
PERFORMANCE 3: GERMANY- ALWAYS ON THE RUN- ISAAK So. Much. Fire. Ya know, I'm actually disappointed by the fact that it wasn't in German. It's a solid song. It was quite rag-n-bone man style but I appreciate that. I do have to say it wasn't something ridiculously special but it's a nice song and a guy who looks like he gives a good hug. Rank no.14
PERFORMANCE 4: LUXEMBOURG- FIGHTER- TALI Firstly, I love her hair. It's so long and so pretty and she has got an insane voice. I'm not a fan of the song, though. It's too repetitive, extremely forgettable, and just mid song. It just wasn't anything special, it was a quite nice Middle Eastern vibe tho. Rank no. 23
PERFORMANCE 5: He got disqualified so I will not be ranking this.
PERFORMANCE 6: ISRAEL- HURRICANE- EDEN GOLAN What in the voodoo contortionist shit was that position at the beginning? Her dress tho, why she looking like she's just escaped Ghostface. Oh and look more shirtless men.  This isn't the worst song it's just not  the best. Another mid one like literally all of them this year. The dance was giving ring a ring a roses and the floor screens just were not it. She has an amazing voice, I won't lie that she doesn't but it's just not my vibe. Rank no. 17
PERFORMANCE 7:  LITHUANIA- LUKTELK- SILVESTER BELT This is one of my favourites. It's a catchy European bop and I love itttttt. The tracksuit looks well warm. I adore his jewelry its so nice. I literally started cossak dancing it was so catchy. It's a real vibe and I really appreciate it. The short people had me in stitches it was hilarious. It gave off severe jamboree vibe sbut I love that cos it's vibrant and bright and just pretty fucking awesome. Rank no.7 
PERFORMANCE 8: SPAIN- NEBULOSSA- ZORRA I am ashamed to say that I thought this was gonna be high ranking in my books but no. I am a changed person. This is a family show. I get that there's one like this every year but damn this was fucking scary. The men. In fucking thong arsed things. Nicht gut. The song was pretty good tho so and the 80s vibes rlly sold it to me. On the basis of the song not the staging, it was great. And, I mean, making out with a dancer on stage in front of your partner is very eurovision. Rank no. 13
PERFORMANCE 9: ESTONIA- 5MIINUST x PUULUUP-  (NENDEST) NARKOOTIKUMIDEST EI TEA ME (KÜLL) MIDAGI I swear this is just a group of dads who've gone screw it we're doing eurovision and rocked up with 90s rap up their sleeve and traditional instruments. I think its such a vibe and I would kill to be them when I grow up. The suits were great, idk what was up with the slits but for some reason it felt like what a k-pop group would wear to the met gala. Literally the cha cha slide. Rank no.9
PERFORMANCE 10: IRELAND- BAMBIE THUG- DOOMSDAY BLUES Fucking incredible song. Harry Potter mentioneddddd. Their make up is on-point. The song is on point. The outfit is on point. Everything abt it is so wonderfully perfect. The nails are a bit odd but its a vibe. The witches circle was incredible, the screaming bit was too. so witchy, so emo, so awesome. I loved the chilled out bit, in contrast to the rest it was perfect and probably needed. The reduction of clothing towards the end was pretty funny, my brother stared a bit too much but oh well it was great. Rank no. 1
PERFORMANCE 11:  LATVIA- DONS- HOLLOW What in the blue man x Gru crap is this? Honestly I didn't really register this one so I don't have a huge opinion on it. Also gives of Rag-n-Bone Man vibes even if it is  a typical eurovision song. Altogether its a meh song, not a fan, and the fit is just downright strange. Rank no.24 
PERFORMANCE 12: GREECE- MARINA SATTI- ZARI I am confused by this one. She has impeccable vocal control. I am extremely admiring that. The song was just a bit of a rubbish mishmash. There was too many elements. I did quite like that and the live stream addition watching on tv was quite nice. I'm confused by the outfit as well, everything just seems all over the place. It's giving Doja Cat but European. I liked the dance moves and it was pretty darn funny but just a bit mental. Rank no. 18
PERFORMANCE 13: UNITED KINGDOM- OLLY ALEXANDER- DIZZY As the youtube comments said, this gives severe gay lockerroom corn vibes. Just what the friggity frack. The crotch protection while dry humping each other?! It's just a bit odd. I did like the song. It's super catchy and very annoying. That guy can sing but maybe he needs to reevaluate where his loyalties lie in that. The staging was so confusing like for the whole thing I didn't know what was up or down or left or right, it was just mental. First proper European vibe English vibe that I've got. Very odd but it's sorta loveable. Rank no.19
HONOURABLE MENTION: LISA WOODRUFF - My whole family were so confused by this but the song was so funny for no reason such a vibe. It was genuinely better than some of the artists we've had this year. Mental but awesome.
PERFORMANCE 14: NORWAY- GÅTE- ULVEHAM I really enjoyed this one. The vocals are so ethereal and the 90s grunge mixed with Norwegian instrumental influences match perfectly. Stunning lady with an amazing band with her. The song just flowed ad the staging was all sea-witchy and I loved it. Great song, great staging, awesome euovision track. Rank no. 3
PERFORMANCE 15: ITALY- ANGELINA MANGO- LA NOIA The see through ish glittery tights were quite interesting I have to say. Her outfit was breathtaking. Her voice like many of these artists is incredible but not my vibe I have to admit. Its catchy I know it's someones cup of tea but it ain't mine. Overall, it's not too bad like I love the whole Mediterranean vibe but its just samey to the rest. Rank no.21
PERFORMANCE 16: SERBIA- TEYA DORA- RAMONDA The witchy vibes don't really match the song. I think it's really sweet. It's not super up there but it's a tune and I enjoyed listening to it. Here hair is so lovely as well. It really comes across as a bit of a plea for help but it's a lovely message and I always really enjoy Serbia's input because they're always shockingly good. I would love that dress as well if someone wants to go snag it for me. Rank no.8 
PERFORMANCE 17: FINLAND- WINDOWS95MAN- NO RULES! This is the one I've been waiting to yap about. Bloody hell this one was a ride. I'm gonna start with the fits and staging: it was so random, I am so here for it. The egg was just perfect for the randomness and running about the stage was awesomeeeee. The shorts descending from the heavens and then bursting into flames was a real highlight, so iconic. The guy dressed in all denim was such a vibe as well. I actually feel sorry for him cos the other guy stole the spotlight a bit but that was a true eurovision act. I feel I can always rely on inland to deliver something crazy and they smashed it out the park yet again. Rank no. 6
PERFORMANCE 18: PORTUGAL- IOLANDA-  GRITO The staging gave a beige mom house in the US, the makeup gave Coachella. I really thought it was quite a vibe, maybe a bit dentist office wedding but who cares shes a cracking voice and the dancers went down as 'the beekeepers in my house'. The light was giving Loreen's panini press again but it's not that bad and is a solid mid range one. Rank no.16
PERFORMANCE 19: ARMENIA- LADANIVA- JAKO This one HIT man. It was just a vibe, the like trumpets and the woman's mental ness. The patterns almost sent me into a seizure but it's eurovision, you're gonna have a migrane the next morning. She was so cool in her dress and I just loved it, the band was cool as well and jumping around the stage while singing complicated stuff like that is a talent so kudos to the singer. Rank no.11
PERFORMANCE 20: CYPRUS- SILIA KAPSIS- LIAR Yet another same samey song. It just wasn't giving me enough to get a notable score. This is no criticism to her herself but it just got too repetitive this year. Far too many scantily clad men dancing around young women. Particularly with this one, she's only 17 and she looks so much older and I was just worrying for her and praying that the dutch dude wasn't towards her. Rank no.22
PERFORMANCE 21: SWITZERLAND- NEMO- THE CODE One of my favourites for the evening. They looked like nemo as well it was so adorable. The talent to stay on that pendulum wheel thing is so freaking awesome. They cooked hard. Their vocals are so freaking stunning as well just an incredible, catchy one. The drum beat gave breakcore and it's just an ear-scratcher. It's just such a snazzy song. Rank no. 4
PERFORMANCE 22: SLOVENIA- RAIVEN- VERONIKA What in the water-coated body suit? The fit was questionable and so was the dance moves. Yet another situation where the contestant made out with the dancer. The light up tits and crotch were weird as well. Like highlighting the bits you shouldn't want to show off. Oh welllllll. IT was an interesting song, not particularly special but pretty typical eurovision. The eye makeup was on point also. Rank no.15
PERFORMANCE 23: CROATIA- BABY LASAGNE- RIM TIM TAGI DIM The pirate vibe meets My Chemical Romance were real. One of my favourites of the night. The cat pictures sold it to me heavily. I loved the fit it was such a vibe. I had it goin through my head all night. The meowing absolutely killed me. Such a banger a true sea shanty turned rock is the recipie to please my ears. Rank no.2
PERFORMANCE 24: GEORGIA- NUTSA BUZALADZE- FIREFIGHTER Yet another woman singing warbly surrounded by muscular men in interesting clothing. Her dance moves were extremely strange and probably not appropriate for the kids watching, particularly in that short of a dress. The song wasn't the worst though ( take that back probably one of my least favourites). The dance was just a bit odd. Rank no.20
PERFORMANCE 25: FRANCE- SLIMANE- MON AMOUR It was so boring. Like I was falling asleep. It needed spice. It was giving shit drake that sings falsetto that's too high for him. It was too repetitive, too boring. It didn't appeal to me one bit. Probably my least favourite. Rank no.25
PERFORMANCE 26: AUSTRIA- KALEEN- WE WILL RAVE Now, I'm not usually a fa of this vibe of music but kaleen executed it so freaking perfectly, its a n earworm that I hate but its so funny. Very Europop vibe to it, giving me jamboree vibes yet again. She reminds me of Taylor Swift and her little daughter was so sweet. This has gone down pretty well I think. Rank no.12
Now, I've finished my part and I didn't watch the after bits cos I was too busy falling asleep from slimane. Compared to last year, completely underwhelming but its decent. Some hhits hit, others missed the board completely. Sorry about even worse grammar and spelling than last year but that's all folks, see you in 2025.
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proxythe · 5 months
What kind of music can you see the P3 cast listening too? Your latest post just made me wonder that. Also just curious, what music do you listen to normally? I ask everyone this lol
im kind of unbelievably horrible at knowing music genres, let alone trying to assign specific genres to characters but i’ll try my best 😭 guys plz dont cook me if its bad im not that big of a musichead plz plz
Anyways. firstly, since minato and kotone both canonically listen to the p3 ost, i can assign them hip hop/rap/pop off rip. if it’s in their playlist, i think we can gather that they enjoy it.
minato - alt rock, pop punk, gothwave, video game osts. i say video game osts bc i yhink minato would like sitting around in a video game afk just to listen to the background music. i dont think minato is a goth but i feel as if gothwave has a sound he’d find enjoyable
kotone - alt rock, hip hop/rap, pop rock. she loves to lip sync to it and u can hear the song she’s lip syncing to bc i also know kotone probably turns her volume to max so loud you’d think she’ll damage her ears someday if not soon
yukari - dance pop, new wave, pop. she’s one of those people who hates country and sucks at listening to music outside her preferred genre. secretly likes a few alt songs but she’d never put them on her main playlist
junpei - hip hop, r&b. probably also a pop enjoyer, but honestly he’d like anything if it were catchy. he loves to dance and it sucks bc he’s really good at it so nobody can make fun of him
fuuka - alt/indie, pop. she’d also enjoy video game music, like minecraft ost and she cries to it. i think she mostly likes slower music. music that makes her feel like her soul is leaving her body and ascending to a different plane of existence
mitsuru - classical. rich girl… but i also think the girls would influence her taste to expand more and she’d find herself enjoying the worst songs you’ve ever heard in your life. it’s ok tho since it’s her first time branching out. she’ll grow…
akihiko - whatever’s on the radio, mostly enjoys upbeat faster paced music that can easily hype someone up. he’s kinda that one pic that’s like “Gym Beast Playlist” and the first song is hi high by loona
shinjiro - death metal, old school hip hop. death metal came to me bc i was thinking about casual outfits for shinjiro and i really wanted to put him in a death metal shirt bc of the font lmfaoo. but i prefer more old school hip hop for him and occasionally other things like old school rock music. he hates that new shit
ken - pop, alt/indie. ken is a kid so his taste is just beginning to form. he only knows pop radio. i also think ken’s music taste is music where you’d hear it and be like “god how does anyone like this” but he’s a child so he’s allowed to get away with it. and i say indie bc i also think ken is the type of person to be sad so he listens to more sad music as if it won’t make his mood worse. he goes on youtube and types “sad music playlist” when he’s in a bad mood
aigis - feel like she focuses more on the lyrics than the sound 😭 it’s her first day on earth she hasn’t yet learned that u can listen to music for the vibe instead of the lyricism. even then, i think aigis would probably enjoy almost any kind of music bc she thinks the creativity is beautiful
koromaru - adding him bc i think he’d have shinjiro’s taste from how much he loves him. he hears death metal and it puts him right to sleep…
ryoji - similar to aigis, but he’d probably heavily prefer whatever music the protagonist also enjoys. he has his own thing for classical music as well. he plays the piano and stuff …
+ thanks for asking what my taste is. i personally prefer to listen to a lot of rock, punk, metal, etc. if my cutesy art doesn’t make it so incredibly obvious BUT i enjoy anything as long as it sounds pleasant to my ears ✌️
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trickerys-domain · 8 months
Y'all ready for my hilariously candid unpopular UMK ranking!
Obligatory preferace that I'm just an opinionated bitch. This selection is overall really strong and I'm very much excited for the live show. I think a lot of these songs will make or break during the live. I also think there is an odd disparity in the obvious budget and set quiality for the 7 music videos. Almost like they had a different line-up and some songs were last minute replacements.
I also did not factor in whether a song would do well in eurovision at all because frankly rn I do not care.
This ranking will also probably change so like who cares, I'm ready to enjoy a great liveshow full of people who give a shit about their art.
Ok, here we go!
7. Vox Populi - Mikael Gabriel
The general sound of this one is fun and easy. Good filler or backgroud music. Like if it came on in shuffle I probably wouldn't skip it. However, the lyrics are like really bad. Especially in context of the seeming general opinion of this man I am seeing. Also, this man is strategically pandering and a. Its not working, b. No on seems to have noticed. The use of Matti and that obviously käärijä influenced face in the music video smacked me on first watch. He is capitalizing and I'm very curious to see what he does with the live. Not excited, just curious.
6. Dancing with Demons - Cyan Kicks
I liked Hurricane better. There its been said. I do enjoy listening to this but I forget about it a lot. It also took me until basically now to kinda remember what it sounds like. Meanwhile I can still think of the Hurricane chorus 2 years later having not listened to it since UMK 2022. I do think Cyan Kicks has a really good fun sound, I just don't vibe with this song all that much.
Also, this bears no weight on my opinion of either song. But I need to call out the hypocrisy I've been seeing online. I've seen so many people comment that they don't like the amount of autotune Sexmane uses in Mania and then go on to say how much Dancing with Demons showcases Susanna's voice. Like...... there is so much autotune on Dancing with Demons. It will not sound like that live. And that's fine, its clearly an artistic choice that fits with their musical style, like Sexmane. But pls just sit with that for a bit before complaining about the, frankly much less, autotune in a rap song. Tangent rant over.
5. Kuori Moi - Sini Sabotage
This is where my ranking will probably swap a lot. This song is really catchy and I ingeneral like this type of music. I call it chill sex. This is also a very fun unserious song and video played straight, and I appreciate that. I am worried about something with vocals this chill live. They're good vocals, but very intentionally monotone and if the staging isn't engaging it might fall flat. This song is mostly at 5th place because I dont have anything bad to say about it, but it doesn't stand out quite as much as some of the others. I adored her interview tho.
4. Paskana - Sara Siipola
This is a great power ballad while still being upbeat. It doesn't drag. The vocals are great. The music video is great even while being very simple. The lyrics and message are really really good too. This song gets stuck in my head a lot and I think it is, on a technical level, the stongest song this year. I really hope the staging supports the song but with how raw and peeled back the vibe of the song is it will be difficult to make staging that is engaging without being distracting.
3. No Rules! - Windows95Man
Pure unashamed 90s nostalgia schlock. This is very much the type of trashy eurodance I enjoy, so home run for me. I think the staging will be very fun, but maybe too much. Or it will be organized chaos like Portion Boys last year. Speaking of, this is definitely this years silly fan fave that will be well received but probably not win, a la Portion Boys and Teflon Brothers. For being trashy eurodance, I do think it is construced very well. It flows and it actually written well, its bad on purpose and it is successful. Is it the most original or masterful, no. It is very enjoyable and fun and low pressure, yes.
2. MANIA - Sexmane
This one gets stuck in my head the most. Good beat, good flow. I really like the sound of the chorus, including the auto tune. The lyrics hold more than I think comes across initially and you can tell Sexmane really connects with this song the way his voice delivers even in the studio version. This is the song that I'm most excited to see live because I wanna know what kind of staging he pulls out. Side note: I think it's really funny that the brother called Sexmane is less sexual musically than the one just called Isaac.
1. Glow - Jesse Markin
This is just a really phenomenally written and positive song. It is really nice to have some good classic rap at a competition like UMK. The flow is impeccable with his rapping too. There's a lot of American artists who can't write that well in english. The message of this song is really uplifting without feeling hollow because it recognizes you gotta actually work at being in a good place. Jessie is someone who knows exactly who he is as an artist and person and that translates into the song. Also Alpaca!
I think the the songs that have the biggest chance of winning are Paskana, Dancing with Demons, and No Rules!
But truly I have no clue how this will go. This is a very evenly matched line-up both in quality and fan reception. The live perfomances will 100% decide the outcome.
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l00ny13l0u · 1 month
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New Event Bot! Bayonetta~!
¡N3W B0T! ➡ ~《Bayonetta》~
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What is there to say about her that hasn't already been said?
Playing the game is so fucking fun but so hard I love it and hate it
As someone's whose Androgynous and doesn't always feel human Bayonetta grounds me a bit and makes me proud of femininity
She's strong, she's confident, she's magical, she's awesome and holy shit she's hot
The game play is so fun, but I'm just a sucker for hack and slash so obviously I'd like it
Quick time events fuck me up sometimes tho T.T
Spellbound is one of those songs that EVERYONE should listen to.
Perfect song, and it goes so well with the dark magical witch doesn't it?
I love learning about new music and I'm glad I found this song its so fun and catchy if I was more confident I'd go full goth just for her
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sophiesonlinediary · 5 months
thoughts on ttpd (first listen)
fortnight ft. post malone - i was kinda disappointed i thought it would be more ? ig and i wanted post to have a verse but they're voices together are so pretty!!!
ttpd - def not my fav i like the chorus though
my boy only breaks his favorite toys - kinda catchy not my fav tho
down bad - loved this one so muchhhh! CRYING AT THE GYM EVERYTHING COMES OUT TEENAGE PETULANCE AHHH <333 fr one of my favs
so long, london - not what i expected but so sad i loved it like taylor you have done it again another flawless track 5
fresh out the slammer - very interesting but a whole vibe <333
guilty as sin? - very interesting too i think i need to let it grow but the chorus was good
who's afraid of little old me - i dont know why but i relate sm to this song and the fact she acknowledges that we're very scared of her like taylor alison swift is not a force to be reckoned with
i can fix him (no really i can) - i was honestly laughing the whole time cause i knew this was about matty like maam he cannot be fixed and then she acknowledges at the end 😭 i love it tho
loml - why did i cry?! like i cried idk this song made me so emotional </3 and the end with the switch up to loss of my life. not ok.
i can do it with a broken heart - really liked this one def one of my favs the whole chorus is just so <333 and the whole pre chorus is so ahhh like glitter pen i love it so much words can explain
the smallest man who ever lived - the whole time i could only think "DRAG HIS ASS TAYLOR" men aint shit and by men i mean ratty healy 💋
the alchemy - not for me fs this song is so cheesy and not in a good way like im pretty sure this is about travis but i hated it so much 😭 it felt like an snl parody skit of their relationship like the ai audio that's like "im one game closer to making kelce my last name" or sum like that
clara bow - the way i had to pasue the song by the second vers ebecause my sister didnt know who stevie knicks is the disrespect i thought i raised her better than that but any who i like that song def very personal to her and like im manifesting the pre choruses
its late and its my first listen so ill def reblog tomorrow with updated thoughts!
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sojutrait · 2 years
ok soju we need a track by track breakdown ‼️what are ur thoughts on midnights
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HEHEH OKEY (disclaimer: these are all subject to change, i do full 180s on songs. if i call a song ass today and great tomorrow mind ur business!
i’m actually gonna give my overall thoughts out the way first jekrkdk. WELL. ITS NOT HER BEST WORK THATS FOR SURE 😭😭 i wont say it’s BAD but. it’s definitely not a banger. so much of it sounds like a bad rehash of albums and songs she’s already done. so many songs have me thinking “oh yeah. i see what she’s trying to do, but she already has a song where she actually executed this concept successfully” lyrically… yeah after evermore and folklore this feels like a crime. taylor is known to have some goofy ass “a millennial definitely wrote this” lyrics but something about this album made her crank that up to a million like sister please 😭😭 as a whole the album feels like if a god tier album (1989) had a baby with her worst album (lover). which is so confusing bc how did she backslide like this??? WE KNOW U CAN DO SYNTHPOP WELL, WHAT HAPPENED. the timing is just Bad too. like we just had the two masterpieces that are folklore and evermore, she just released the re-recording of one of her best albums, and in comparison to all that this just feels mediocre. anyways here’s to the songs ejrkr
lavender haze - 8.5/10
it’s cute!! it’s catchy and one of the best from the album. all her songs about joe makes my eye twitch lowkey but i can put that aside for now. probably the best bridge on the album (which is not a good sign bc this bridge isn’t even all that- which is disappointing bc she’s known for her god tier bridges but i digress)
maroon - 5/10
this one has potential. i can see it growing on me, but for now it was kinda boring djdkk the verses are delicious but not really feeling the chorus. the bridge made me laugh, like sister please bffr
anti-hero - 8.5/10
not even talking about it sonically, but lyrical content. yeah. YEAH. by the first line i was screaming “ME TOO” it’s like if blank space didn’t have the cynical parody spin it had. introspective and delicious MWAHH (“it’s me, hi. i’m the problem” is a goofy ass lyric tho LIKE SJRKFKF) also love the bridge
snow on the beach - 9/10
YALL GONNA LEAVE THIS SONG ALONE, ITS GOOD MOVE. even tho lana doesn’t have an actual verse on it (she should’ve but-) it’s very Lana. like i can imagine this on chemtrails over the country club. which is why i think a lot of swifties don’t like it 😭😭 the chorus is literally scrumptious
you’re on your own, kid - 6.5/10
her voice sounds so cute on the verses which is probably why i’m being so generous UEKRKD yeah i can definitely see this one growing on me
midnight rain - 1/10
taylor don’t do that shit again. no but actually, idk one of my biggest pet peeves is when artists pitch shift their vocals (looking at you frank ocean), like i get it you’re being experimental but this sounds BAD. reminds me of a reputation reject, it’s like if dress was bad. only reason it’s not a 0 is bc the chorus sounds kinda good when it’s not pitch shifted at the end
question…? - 4/10
boring. next song
vigilante shit - 3.5/10
her femme fatale songs just don’t do it for me 🗿🗿 another reputation reject. but! it does start getting kinda good at the end but atp it’s too late and the song is nearly over-
bejeweled - 6/10
this has potential. the chorus is gonna be stuck in my head i can see it now. also the way she says “nice” at the end of chorus does something homoerotic to me
labyrinth - 9/10
finally, some good fucking food. i’ve seen a lot of ppl compare it to epiphany, but the difference is this song is actually good. i wish she went with this ethereal route for more of the album
karma - 5/10
boring. millennial ass chorus. but i can see myself streaming it and calling it camp by like next week so let me not do too much-
sweet nothing - 6/10
i can see this growing on me. very nursery rhyme tho shekrkfkfk i’m a sucker for slow songs so we will be streaming this one i fear
mastermind - 1/10
nope. not offensively bad like midnight rain but it’s boring as shit
i listened to the 3am songs but none of them provoke a strong reaction from me in either way so i’ll omit them 😭
so top 3 heheh
1. labyrinth
2. snow on the beach
3. anti-hero
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tsatsuma69 · 1 year
SPAIN 5/10:
strong start ngl
bb them boots slay the house down
pandering to me (i <3 red)
fun lil dancy dance :)
straight people? at eurovison?? ew.
she works hard, smoke machine works harder
ngl bored me
there so many twinks this year wtf
its giving charlie from heartstopper
mid tier pop song
hehehoho magic piano :P
first ballad of the night
u bore me
CYPRUS 2/10:
yass howl for be bb
get wet, coward 💦
mid at best tho
get ur knees out, slut
loving the smocks
bbgorl has a growl i like it
oil him up ;)
song was. decent
okay twink steve irwin, sing for me
no his vibes rancid actually
the beige, straight, version of romania
greece bb step up ur game u always dissapoint me
okay discount harry styles
ooh song is fun would have done great in 2014
if u cloned harry styles X5 and it got worse each time youd get this act
not bad
not winners
bbgorl went SO hard with stripper last year what do u have for me
does not even come close to last year but. not bad
fun song + good vocals
ngl not off to a great start bestie what is that hat ????
i take back my slander, slay
funky + dancable
could go harder
catchy tho
oh god please dont be bad
did she just do a flip
empowering :)
love her vibes
damn she put her whole pussy into that
oh that outfit slays
theyre having a wonderful time :)
this song goes hard
adore the strings mixed with electric guitar
UK 3/10:
its ….okay
chorus could have gone way harder
visuals are fun i guess
eurovison has me so unpatriotic
(not that im otherwise patriot fuck facist terf island)
mid as usual, mid as expected
did she just meow? slay.
interesting start
'stralia getting heavy with it <3
yes flirt with the camera
wish they would have screamed more
the guitarist is slaying it
8/10 (mostly bc keytar)
phantom of the opera vibes?
okay no
wait kinda? hear me out
oh he looks so slay tho
sexy robot :)
solidly good song 💛
but not stand out for me
sprinting start babes goddamn
drums go hard
background is giving human centipede poster vibes …. why is this a running theme this year
ooh this is fuuun tho
POLAND 0/10:
nepo baby cheat
jann was fucking robbed
where is twink supreme ??? :(
"what goes around comes around"? sure fucking hope it does >:(
0/10 nul points
edgar slayllan poe✨
outfits? slay.
visuals? slay.
go austria giving us the most random shit i love it
now THIS is eurovision
they got silly with it :3
please no dont end with a fucking ballad
mm still boring for eurovison
like its not a bad song but. mid
was that it???
best: Austria
worst: Poland
blanllad count: ugh
who made it thru:
Albania 🔥
Cyprus :/
Austria :3
Poland >:(
Australia :)
Slovenia <3
final thoughts:
semi bc thats as hard as most of these songs went
like fr why was this round so mid????
frothing at the mouth for the final >:)
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rei-does-stuff · 1 year
Ep one!!!
-Sunny making sure Misty is okay EEE!!
-The way Hitch looks at pipp oooooo!!!!
-AWW HITCH DOING THE DEEP AND MANLY VOICE, I love how much of a dork he isss
-oh noo shes anxious :((
-“smooth sailing!” *immediate storm* Its the little things in this show i love <3
-THE INTRO!!! Oh how I’ve missed you!!!
-Little SunIzzy moment (they’re standing together)
-Convinced Sunny only suggested that bc she’s been BURSTING to share that story
-She loved sellin shit even as a kid <3
-ARGYLE!!!! MY MAN!!!!!!!!!!
-Aw they couldn’t get his actual voice actor it seems (not even the one from tyt :()
-jkjk maybe her dad put it on her, or she snuck into the makeup cabinet <33
-Aww siblings bickering <3
-Epic <3
-That wasn’t flying! That was falling with style!!! /ref
-OH so sprout’s talent IS kindness! Glad to know that! Like a knight in shining armor!!
-That water animation,,, I did say it was SLOWLY getting better in the animation department…Slowly—
-Misty has social anxiety, we are the sameee
-She talks to herself! Just like me!!!
-IM JUST SAYING…T4T Zipitch it could work
-HA people pleaser sunny <3
-The red doesn’t work for me either
-I like the green!!
-Sunny being concerned :(((
-OPALINE!!! I love herr
-YUP that will be a tad awkward but shell get through it!!
-Pipp my dramatic queen
-Aww Haven being encouraging
-It does look weird, them using utensils
-Oh so we know opaline was never gonna give misty her cutie mark, nice nice
-trottie-talkies THAT IS SO CUTE
-See I love how they tell her its okay!! In g4 I’m sure they wouldn’t done an ep telling her to just go out there and be confident but here they can be like “yeah! Its okay to be nervous! We can do something else!”
EP 2
-Those pancakes look sooo good
-Sunny trying to comfort the situation!!
-Sunny and Zipp act like a bickering married couple sometimes
-Aww yk Haven and Alphabittle are a cute couple ngl
-They all have the same hairstyle, reminds me of g3
-I wonder if the shit theyre saying actually means something if you slow it down, probs not but yk
-I have a feeling that Misty’s trauma with Opaline cause her to forget all this, maybe push it back deep in her head as a way to cope?
-Breezies using phones THE HORROR!!
-Ipad kids breezie edition
-Ur so funny sunny :)
EP 3!!!
-AWW misty and sparky siblings arcc
-Aww misty being selfless!!
-After sparky!!
-it looks a lot more…Grassy compared to g4!
-No dragons…Ooooo
-Ooo so we might get an episode abt hitch having to let sparky go!
-Look at pipp being smart!!
-Im wondering how misty met opaline tho!! We knew she “rescued” misty but how??? I NEED ANSWERS!!
-I guess this also makes misty pipp and zipp’s step sisters! Sorry shippers!
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literalite · 2 years
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these are all the music asks i got earlier!! tysm for sending them u guys there’s very little i love more than music just in general and after a pretty trying week? few weeks? on simblr it was really fucking nice to see everyone just sharing music and vibing... ily guys... btw i switched what post type i was using so instead of making it a diff colour i’m just crossing out what doesn’t apply. this is a LONG ass post i was trying to say one line a song but i started getting chatty halfway gfhjk
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@leafrue i thiiink u missed my brockhampton phase shazza HAHA this is gud even tho i aint rlly listen to them anymore
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@swarmtrait I LOVE BEAAA this song was in my 2020 playlist
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@moonwoodcollective a lil more electronic than i usually go for but its nice
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@fizzytoo its like very chill i like this their voices r lovely... i don’t often listen 2 korean music but this fucks
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@judith-ward another very chill one it feels like how champagne bubbles r supposed to taste
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@crsentfairy OH i’ve heard portions of this song before AHHH its so cute... kinda reminds me of my gf highkey- ill look up the chords if i can play it i might cover it who knows...
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@swarmtrait never apologise for more music! and omg this reminds me of one of my ocs... i wanna see the lyrics though if u have a link to that can i see? i can’t find anything online...
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | I REALLY LIKE THIS | downloading immediately | already in my library
@mmusicalwhims IM OBSESSED WITH ALL THE MP100 OPS theyre literally soooo fucking incredible and i’ve loved this season’s op the most TBH ! its so fucking hype literally i will dance to this the fact that it looks back to the s1 op is SO cool
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@deathbypufferfish wait im so intrigued by this im ngl like its not my vibe but is that like throat singing? very cool
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bon iver: couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
sun more often: couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@velvet-disc asian artists i love u forever... i was a big mxmtoon fan around the time bon iver came out so i have it saved.. somewhere but i haven’t listened in a while. bea on the other hand i LOVE and i actually loved space cadet i think that and beatopia are my fav albums from her
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drugs: couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
ghostride: couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@crsentfairy again with the songs i’ve not heard before ty?? drugs is like right entirely up my alley its so good. also after the ask u sent about crumb i actually downloaded all their songs to my 2022 playlist sooooo technically i got it in the library alr LMAO
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@glittermutt for like one single second i was like woah very electronic music idk- and then the vocals kicked in and balanced it all the way out I LIKE THIS im dancin a lil bit
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@moodnamars i could take a nap in the sun to this IN A GOOD WAY im saying that in a good way-
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@nefarious-sims​ fantastic song name LMAO its a lil too pop for my taste rn but its a vibe
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AND NOW FOR THE ANONS im gonna rapid fire thru these
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
reminds me of novo amor almost n i love novo amor
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
this song got me smiling for like no apparent reason? the beat fucks
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
I LOVE THIS this kinda dgwicfcore tbh.........
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
i feel like an asshole but i dont like this singer’s accent that much GTRJFHDBGKDFJS aside from that its a good song tho like its HAUNTING
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
LOVE wrabel his song the village literally is one of my like. im upset and trans songs dgfhjk his voice is so beautiful i should look into more of his discography..
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
OWL CITY LMFAOOOO fireflies is my irl groups collective karaoke song.. this is such a cute song tho awie
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
if i heard this song in high school i would’ve related so hard ERM but yeah its too close i guess to the vibes i cultivated in high school to rlly enjoy. nice song tho!
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spaceytingz · 2 years
1-3 💅🏼😗💅🏼
thanks for the ask bestie!
Song Of The Year?
While I'm bound to eat up almost anything she releases, this song has had me under its spell ever since its release. It's euphoric, bratty, haughty and incredibly catchy. As another tumblr user on here said, Talking To Yourself makes me feel like the prettiest person on the planet. This is how my year-end chart looks like rn (considering it got released in september):
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Definitely one of her very best songs ever and that speaks volumes considering who I'm talking about. Can't wait to scream to it live in February.
But also, since Carly releasing makes everything incredibly unfair for everyone else, we got a runner-up!
Actually quite similar in theme to Talking To Yourself, Constant Repeat was undeniably the highlight of my year up until TTY's release. It's a hot, self-serving showstopper and once I heard the I'm cute and I'm rude lyric, I knew it was gonna stay with me forever.
Honorable Mentions: American Teenager by Ethel Cain, Crush by Ethel Cain (2021 song), Say Yes To Heaven by Lana Del Rey (leaked 2013 song), Joshua Tree and Shooting Star by Carly Rae Jepsen, Crash by Charli XCX
Album Of The Year?
(yeah no shit)
an immediately more gratifying listen than Dedicated, The Loneliest Time is not really a return to form but more Carly allowing herself to experiment to great results. Only weak spot on the album is Far Away with every other track more than deserving its place on the tracklist, even songs like So Nice and Sideways which i had to warm up to. Amazing, hasn't gotten old at all as opposed to Dedicated, which kinda lost its sparkle quickly after release (it regains it and loses it on occasion)
Honorable Mentions: Renaissance by Beyoncé, Crash by Charli XCX
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
I guess the answer is Chloe Moriondo. This year hasn't been that much...full of exploration, musically, for me, but I dig Chloe a bit. I discovered her album Blood Bunny in February and, aside from like three skips, it's a wonderful album really suited to my tastes! (The rest of her discography is not like that)
Also I discovered Ethel Cain this year, she's wonderful but she's a bit like Lana in the sense that not all of her music hits immediately. American Teenager, Crush, Strangers, Michelle Pfeiffer, Ptolamea and Gibson Girl tho >>>
Also Mike Taveira. He's nice.
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wellnesscard · 1 year
omg my teenager coworker was talking about how theyre gonna make a five night at freddys movie im like ya it already came out i saw it - with nic cage? not in my top 10 its no time bandits but whateva. guess nododis seen that one tho. also why do so many ppl with like d.i.d. Obsessed with that franchise ? or maybe thats just tumblr. even b4 tumblr tho there was this girlie at my highschool who was like mental like insane not in reality at all n it was all she fuckin talked about? what specifically is the pull like creating this demographic . but it weirds me out so i dont actually want 2 engage in real five nights at freds only thru the sweet filter of nic cage am i safe ig. cos that was a knockoff? who made that movie it was so weird and not even in an awesome way like many other b movies. idk the whole concept like. and yk fs theres towns like that in america. but theyre just racist. this post is getting away from me . idk the insaneos just dont talk abt jeff the killer anymore maybe im just old . do any pardonmyfrench normal ppl like five nitez at fred. i mean ig my coworkers pretty normal from what i know. ig im probably just in such different spheres from the enjoyers of that n the only ones being crazy abt it is the crazies so. i feel like this isnt very pc im sorry like my brain dont work good too like its no problem to be mentally ill and have interests im just . it throws me thry a loop. that n like taylor swift continuously getting bigger status thru out what feels like my lifespan. like i remember singing 'our song' in first grade w classmates n its like yeah its gud ig im 5 i dont have a critiquing of music mind yet too much. its catchy. never thought shed still be around let alone with a cult following in the year 2023. was it covid? like i havent heard about nikki minaj in ages but taylor swift is being exponential as hell in like . all this. why is she in so many commercials. ok my neighbors just got home one minute and thirty seconds ago and theyre already using power tools fuck yea girls build a house for her!! or that could be a blender tbh i thought i heard hammering though. hammering and sawing. shit did i just stereotype lesbians. i shouldnt be allowed to have tumblr app when im home alone cos then i just type type type whatever i want and we end up with this. oh sidenote too, i have a thickass nodule on my thyroid im having checked today so like ig ilyk laterz if its really fucked. like i hope i dont get all goited up thatd suck. its so funny bc in my eating disorder in highschool i was like oh what a dream itd be to have hyperthyroidism, sighs wistfully. omg what if gods punishing me and i get hypothyroidism and get f*t. but its probably just a lump and its not the consistency of cancer so we good basically. just waiting for the doc to say that too haha! and im like 3 days off all alcohol even the light beers bc i am getting sick of never having energy and like i wanna make sure my life is good and its hard to take care of everything because ngl im a heavy drinker n once i have any alcohol im just like impatiently waiting for my next drink, so. and its expensive when you drink a 12 pack a day plus other alkie snacks such as shooters pints or beers at the bar. and i need to save for a cruiseeee devon n i have been married for almost three years n still havent went on vacation yet goddamn! we deserve it , and i was the sexiest in my life when i was sober for a year too so jot that down.
0 notes
thechildisgone · 5 years
doja cat is hot but say so and a lot of her other songs are produced by dr luke under a pseudonym :/ so 
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oriocookie · 4 years
games ive been playing bc im a Gaymer™ (and some thoughts on them)
most recent update: october 20, 2022 added unpacking!!
games i’ve finished are above the cut, games i’m still in progress on are below so any trigger warnings on those are incomplete. please let me know if i missed any TWs on the completed games, and recommend some to me in the notes! if you need to know about a specific trigger for a specific game, send an ask/a dm/comment on this post! i gotchu!
TWs and commentary may contain spoilers. read at your own risk!
- What Remains Of Edith Finch  (completed)
played on xbox
beautiful game 
it’s well done and most textures are fucking flawlessly lit
 my only issue is there are things that don’t come back that feel like they maybe should??? 
like, i was dicking around in front of the garage door before i went in on like my 3rd replay, trying to find things to look at that i missed the first few times, and then something clattered inside the garage and edith said “i heard something moving around inside the garage” 
and like. holy shit?? holy shit. when i went in to look around there was nothing that had fallen over and nobody inside so uhhhh?? 
i Get that it’s a clever thing to make you go inside the garage. 
i know. 
but Still.
anyway wonderful game and its p short so aspiring streamers, this one is for you! its abt an hour nd a half/two hours worth of gameplay
TWs: death, grief, blood visuals, gun visuals, birth visuals(?? this one is more of a just in case), meds, alchohol, possible suicide (there’s no way to Know)
-  Night In The Woods (completed)
played on xbox
this game is one of my favorites of all time 
the characters are likable, the dialogue’s funny, the art style is SO damn cute, it has all these fun minigames,  openly queer characters, catchy songs, a bit that might give you an extistential crisis, the works!! 
it’s a really good game, my issue is there’s really no way to get everything. 
you will Always miss something 
the gameplay took me 12 hours to complete and i had watched playthroughs before so it’s a LONG game
but this is so high on the reccommended list
TWs: death, cultish behavior, christianity (this game is super cool about it tho, the pastor is a woman and she’s very “no matter what people believe in, i will help them”. yknow. like Actual christians), vomit, knives, derealization, depersonalization
- Knights and Bikes (completed)
played on xbox
this game is hella cute and it’s good to play with a friend! i played it once on my own and i’m currently playing it again with my sibling.
an issue with the multiplayer function is that it doesn’t splitscreen, once my sibling got stuck and we couldn’t progress onwards because the game wouldn’t let me walk too far away from her. makes sense i guess
the storyline is so cute and it reminds me of night in the woods(see above) someone in the comments of this post recommended it to me so💜💜💜 thank you.
all the game mechanics and race minigames are so good 10/10.
the artstyle? WONDERFUL. melza and nessie have the cutest little faces. i have a older sibling problem so they are now my younger siblings. i have adopted them.
captain honkers is my siblings favorite and she insists on stopping whatever plot is going on in order to feed and pet the goose.
nessie and melza are written like real kids and i applaud the devs and writers for that.
TWS: money issues, possession, ghosts, cuts and bruises that are kinda graphic but not that bad
look at this book i found!! it’s got cute art and everything!!! it’s a retelling of the story which i understand is not some people’s thing but honestly it’s great so far!
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- Slime Rancher (story complete)
played on xbox
literally whoever developed this game went “so how cute can i make this” and then absolutely SMASHED that limit
 i havent even finished the game yet but it’s adorable
 my problem is how EASY it is to fall into the ocean and how confusing the map is
 i keep getting lost so i wish i could put like,,,markers on the map?? or have the map tell me what slimes are in what region?? 
idk maybe i’m just dumb but i am very lost all of the time while playing this game 
also the soundtrack is impeccable and it’s a very good game for chill streams
hey hi update i’ve finished the story part of the game. it ripped out my heart and stomped on it then wrapped it up in a pretty bow and gave it back to me. wtf.
TWs: there are monsters that try to eat you but you can opt out of having those spawn, flashing(dont stand too close to plort or food deposits if this is an issue for you! the little burst of light when you put something in tends to strobe!!!)
- Firewatch (complete)
played on pc
this game is absolutely hilarious
and beautiful!! its not necessarily realistic but everything has a style to it that makes my little gamer heart happy. i set a screenshot i took as my pc background and it looks very pretty
the music also really makes the game. it hardly ever shows up but when it does you notice!
everything is voice acted by the way, which sets up the game very well! i never once felt like they were reading from a script, and it made me laugh a ton, even when i was pretty scared.
this is kind of an extension to the TW list but if you struggle with paranoia and feelings of being watched, don’t play this game!! it relies very heavily on that mechanic to make you scared, which is good for horror but bad for people who deal with that every day of their lives. please be careful!
TWs: dementia, paranoia, death, animal death, corpses, cheating on a spouse (if you choose the right dialogue), fires, (brief) abuse mention 
-emily is away (two storylines complete) 
played on pc
honestly? not a huge fan of this one. 
storyline 1: i chose to like. not stay talking to emily? it ended at 2006 if that makes a difference. 
the entire game was just me going “so what is the most neurotypical answer i could give right now” 
i like movement games so the solely text based game was Not as fun for me. 
but whatever 
ill probably play again and find out why everyone Really likes this game so much
okay storyline 2: i chose all the nastiest answers
wow shes not dating brad shes dating travis. weird. 
also every time i insult her music taste i die a little inside thats so Mean
but its for resarch
i feel so BAD being mean to her wtf :((((
alright thats over and now i feel like a dick. thats enough emily for tonight i think
TWs: romantic breakup
played on xbox
ever wanted to play a game where youre a jellybean with legs fighting against capitalism?
thats this
need a friend to take down the evil Sunshine Co.? its co-op! live your dreams of toppling capitalism with your best friend by your side
its pretty fun! if you like to have everything explained to you then this probably isnt right for you but thats ok
its a cute cartoonish style, very simplistic. like a less detailed night in the woods or knights and bikes! and yall know thats my JAM
lots of little side quests to do so enjoy running around the open world doing whatever the hell you want
TWs: at the very beginning the villagers are very prejudiced and scared of you, since youre a different species then the rest of them
played on xbox
ok this was cute
my little sister begged me to get it so she could watch me play it, since the youtube videos she was watching weren’t getting uploaded to youtube kids fast enough.
very soothing, i put on a youtube playlist as i was unpacking this persons houses throughout their lifetime and it was calming but also very rattling especially the college chapter (since thats a thing for me soon at the time of writing this)
the ending couple chapters i was like trying to puzzle together if the persons lover was a girl or not and results inconclusive, could be a guy very comfortable in his masculinity
ok while checking some stuff for the tws i figured out that its a girl!! yay wlw lets go
TWs: theres a chapter, chapter 2010, that sorta seems like domestic violence? the infamous diploma-under-the-bed chapter, where you can’t put basically any of your stuff anywhere, and after this chapter, lots of the characters things are damaged or missing, as if there was a big fight. could be reading way too much into it tho
- Spiritfarer (incomplete)
played on xbox
this game. this game. ive seen Nobody talk about it but it’s so cute!! 
stella, the player character is ADORABLE, she’s so damn happy to be doing that job and hanging out with her friends! 
its so cute her animations are my favorite thing!! 
this game tackles grief and loss, mourning, death, and fear with stella and her cat, dandelion
its such a cute game and its based in greek mythology, you just get to steer a ship around and help out lost souls!! 
also an adorable game for chill streams
TWs: death, watching loved ones die (heavily implied stella took care of her best friend in her last moments), ghosts, jellyfish(this isnt a typical tw but they feature prominently as someone’s greatest fear in the game so), storms
-Raji: An Ancient Epic (incomplete)
played on xbox
okay i’m not even out of the training stage yet and this game is a FUCKING DELIGHT.
music? 10/10. story? 100/10. graphics? 1000000000000/10.
the cutscenes are all done in this amazing puppetry style and aaaa!!!
if there is one game on this list i really want you to play, it’s raji.
it’s all about hindu mythology, it’s so so easy to follow along(even for me, who admittedly doesn’t know too much about most religions) and i adore it.
listen go download raji right now. i will fucking WAIT. just. please.
it deserves a lot of love and support
TWs: demons
- Journey To The Savage Planet (incomplete)
played on xbox
okay this one is significantly less wholesome than most of the ones here
i have maybe an hour put into this game?? and there have been 3 drug jokes, 4 different swear words, a heavy implication that you are a slave for capitalistic labor, and something that i’m like 90% certain was a sex joke. 
so yeah
t’s a pretty game, but honestly it’s really just a horror game disguised as a survival game
the entire time i’m exploring i just keep singing “🎵i hate souuuuunddddsss, if i round this corner and hear a sound i will dieeeee, all sounds can shut up forever please and thank youuuuuu🎵” 
so if that doesnt give you an example of what my mental state is playing this game idk what will
TWs: uh everything listed above, and also terrifying flying squid
- Oxenfree(incomplete)
played on xbox
i’ve watched a play through of this one already but shhhhhhh we don’t talk about that (also its not like i remember what happens anyway)
anyway i LOVE the art style.
it’s like a more simplistic version of night in the woods and y’all know that game is my Jam.
can you all tell gravity falls is my bread and butter because all my favorite games are about creepy towns and weird creatures
i’m not far into it and so far my only drawback is the clunky dialogue.
it just. it sounds Off. i don’t know how else to put it.
i like the radio function a whole lot though
plus the concept is sick as hell it’s literally the dialogue as the only thing holding this game back and not even by that much!!
TWs: grief? it’s been a while since i played i need to head back
- Hollow Knight (incomplete)
played on xbox
i’m honestly not sure about this one. 
i’m notoriously bad at platforming games, plus i have no idea the story of hollow knight. 
ive played for about 5 hours and i have zero progress. 
this game is one that i would only reccommend to people who Know that they’re good at platformers and also are good at remembering where theyre going. 
i’m still playing this one and struggling
TWs: all the npcs look like cartoonized bugs, and you have to fight your own spirit whenever you die
- Outer Wilds (incomplete)
played on xbox
this game is goooood. 
it’s hard to do, but it’s a space exploration game and it’s Hella fun. 
you do have to respawn alllll the way back at your starting planet and it basically rips away any progress you made, which makes sense for the story but damn it’s annoying. 
the aliens are cute tho
and the soundtrack is still the only game soundtrack i’ve actually spent money on, because it’s good!! 
if you do decide to play this, i wish you luck!!
TWs: none?? none i think?? 
- Unraveled (incomplete)
played on xbox
i’m so ashamed of this game. 
it’s the cutest, most cottagecore-y game in the fucking World, and i rage-quit it
i fucking rage quit unraveled
this is my greatest shame
i’m actually gonna go look up a playthrough as soon as i’m done, because i want to see the rest of this game. 
i’m stuck on like stage 3 
anyway its a good game it’s just another platformer which my fingers do not appreciate
TWs: death, dementia, being alone???
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dreamsy990 · 2 years
okay, quick, Headcanon time!
Among the deltarune cast, who listens to what bands? Go!
ok hear me out i dont listen to specific bands and you can really probably tell a lot about my taste in music by this but ill try my best lol
kris likes lemon demon. their favorite song is probably touch tone telephone and i like to think that when they met spamton they were just like ‘ah shit touch tone telephone vibes’ lmao. not much more to it theyre a simple kid they hear lemon demon they happy
noelle gives me the vibes of the one person in the friend group who listens to music just. for fun. on its own. like not while doing something else she just sits there and listens like a maniac. she says she doesnt have a favorite artist or band but her whole spotify liked songs list full of paramore songs says otherwise. shes also probably partial to cavetown. probably also has a playlist just called ‘susie <3′ filled with the most wholesome sappy love songs youve ever heard. like pull out ‘something entirely new’ and ‘despair’ for this playlist because she is dying on the floor crying in the club w/ this one
if you ask susie she’ll say she listens to penelope scott which is. true. she probably says her favorite song is cigarette ahegao but its actually hammerhead
berdly likes lemon demon also but his favorite is cabinet man and kris and him will get into a fist fight over which is better one day just you wait. he also likes really shitty boybands and kris is the only one who knows and its very good blackmail material. his favorite song is bye bye bye but he is in denial. i think he listens to game osts in public tho. especially persona because the music is just that good. but he can and will fight you if you dare say the correct opinion that the persona 5 the animation intro is a fucking banger because ‘its not in the same style as the game and is a disgrace to the game’s legacy’ shut the fuck up berdly
ralsei probably likes lilina flores. good vibes all around. rises the moon is a vvv nice song to him but he also maybe likes devil town. i also think he listens to the hamilton soundtrack on the side and he knows all the words to my shot and one day he’ll just sing the whole song in front of the fun gang and theyll be horrified by his sheer power
queen likes bo burnham no elaboration necessary
spamton also likes bo burnham but has exponentially worse taste and his favorite song is repeat stuff.
jevil doesnt have a favorite artist or band but he does think his spotify playlist is top tier despite it being a disjointed mess with no theme or vibe and one second youll be listening to lofi zelda music and the next youre hit with fucking bye bye bYE AGAIN WHY DOES THAT SONG KEEP COMING UP-
sweet cap’n cakes get into fist fights over music frequently because nobody there has good taste according to everyone else there but if you asked them what specifically the others listen to none could give you a straight answer
seam doesnt have a specific favorite artist and they to whatever they feel lie. although they have been humming passing through for the past week because damn that songs catchy so. yeah.
rouxls likes pretty much any musical and his current favorite is 36 questions but it changes every 8 minutes. my man really be singing ‘ONE THING, I CAMETH OUTETH HERE FOR ONE THING, AND THAT ITTY-ETH BITTY-ETH ONE THING WAS TO FORGETETH ABOUTETH YOUUUUUUUUUU’. thats not a joke he edits the lyrics to fit him better.
lancer likes splat noises
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aquariusshadow · 3 years
Live!Blogging Hsmtmts s2x10
Another Live!Blog at a decent time? Man, what did I do to get this lucky.
Portwell…..plz…….plz make me feel things. I’m begging you. Also, Rickerapy content we need more of that. No Rini make-up/back together. I’m too tired for that.
Lesssssss gooooooooooo
Nooooooooooooooo seblos confliiiiiiiiiiiict
These two were my wholesome “no conflict” ship
I mean ik conflict helps characters and relationships grow
But ive been through too much switching from Rina to Portwell
My poor heart cant take anymore conflict
Finally seeing ricky and Ashlyn act together
Shgjsdhfljsfh ricky stop
Youre supposed to be dying
I don’t think this is supposed to be this funny
No miss jenn
Its not working
Don’t sugar coat
Are we seeing a new friendship duo??? Ricky/Ashlyn friendship rights in the future???
Ricky that should tell you something if you keep breaking up and getting back together with the same person…over…and over..
Like something wasn’t working
I love how carlos refers to miss jenn as “Mother” lmao
Poor natalie
She doesn’t deserve this mask abuse
We love kourt coming in clutch
I need to stop freaking out at every little portwell interaction ahaha
Im tired
Big red should’ve turned on the power drill when lily talked shit on him hahaha
Sorry sorry
Stream Sour everyone ehehe
I do really like mazarra’s and miss jenn’s interactions haha
Awwwwwww seb
Precious bby
Carlos loves you for you :D
Yaaaaaaaaaay everyone’s being sweet to gina about ej
Uh oh
We love honest gina telling nini about the chocolates fiasco
Hmmmmmm now this is interesting
I don’t blame nini for not being happy that no one told her about the chocolates thing
Hehehe ricky called ej ‘pretty boy’
not me carefully watching ricky’s reactions to the ej/gina conversation
yea he’s just concerned about the nini aspect
is mr mazarra
playing therapist for miss jenn
are these two gonna finally get together?
Cmon its there its obvious
Hand holding and cute fist bumps I mean come on
I really like how ricky’s reaching out to others in their friend group
Definitely shows us really cool and interesting dynamics
One thing that would be nice tho
After ricky is done talking to carlos about nini
Im so proud of my bby boy
“a high C is the bottom of my range”
Holy fucking shit that’s impressive
I get it
I do get why youre upset
Can we just
Hold off on the passiveness
Until when youre not focusing on the bigger picture
“Hey G,” voice crack heasdjlhfasjdfasdfas
He did it
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww carlos is serenading seb
This is so cute
Also his VOICE
Seblos is my comfort ship ok
Seblos is my security ship ok
This song is super catchy
My hearttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
I love this so much
Awwwwww ricky and carlos hug
That was so sweet
We need more of these interactions
I knew something was gonna go wrong
Portwell is canon. It’s happening. It’s happening. Also, Seblos was so cute this episode my heaaaaaaaaart.
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