#her wedding dress was ugly and her husband is a talentless jack-ass
heir-less · 2 years
Marie Olympia reminds me of a royal Nicola Pletz. Unlike Pletz, I don't think Olympia has (allegedly) thrown a nanny down the stairs or bullied her staff into suicidality, but she just gives me mean girl vibes.
But to her credit, I've watched a lot of her videos and she is way more charismatic than Nicola. Like, her eyes aren't dead, soulless husks of shallow materialism, so she's got that going for her. Maybe it's just something about blonde billionaire heiresses with aggressive PR campaigns that tickles my alarm bells.
Nicola's family can buy her and Brooklyn all the magazine cover spreads in the world. None of that can buy talent, charisma, or empathy. This is probably why she reminds me of the likes of Marie Chantal and her ilk, just an inflated sense of entitlement based on your family name, I guess.
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