#here is my slightly original (though altered to fit this prompt) bad ending for huntsman!
alch3mic · 4 years
I don't remember if i asked this before. But the cheshire update reminded me... So for to break-up with huntsman response, would they or what if lil red noticed the disappearances of their s/o's afterwards? Like if it went on for too long?
Please be advised of some dark themes ahead such as possessive behavior and mentions of death.
Once upon a time, there was a cute little human who wore a red hood.
So striking was the bright hue in such a dull and gray city that it attracted the attention of many, many people. Some were flowers who wanted to befriend the little human. Others were maggots who wanted to feast upon their kindness. Most were ...wolves, who wanted nothing more than to devour them whole.
And one... was the biggest and baddest wolf of them all.. who.. wanted to..
“Stick to the path and you’ll be fine,” their mother said, “just don’t allow yourself to get distracted along the way.”
...If only they had listened to their mother’s advice.
If only they hadn’t been distracted by dirty flowers off the path.
If only they had brushed off the maggots, instead of allowing them to fester in rotted apples.
If only they hadn’t been tempted away by the sweet, false lies of wolves in sheep’s clothing as they strayed them, farther and farther away from him.
...Perhaps this would’ve never happened..?
..Perhaps they’d be happy, living in a peaceful and ignorant bliss..
..But it’s too late now.
The path is gone.
There is no exit.
There are no more flowers.. or maggots...
And now....
There is only one wolf.
“do you understand?”
...No... how... how could you? This.. didn’t make any sense. Just.. what the hell was he going on about!?
His tone had been so controlled and cold the whole time that it sent shivers down your spine, making your whole body tremble in absolute horror as the realization of what was finally going on was setting in. 
You had only... asked.. about...
The disappearances.
He had cautioned you before about your growing obsession about what was going on. So many people around you had gone missing with no leads or no evidence that anything ever happened. It drove you mad, watching the people you care about drop like flies while the police could give you no answers...!
That’s exactly why you had simply taken Sans’ warning as the worryings of your best friend.
His gaze was.. empty now.. those familiar eyelights turned completely foreign as they no long held any of the warmth or fondness you had grown use to. Even that once sweet smile he saved only for you had vanished.. and now you couldn’t even recognize the skeleton in front of you.
...This... this wasn’t Sans... right? H-he couldn’t... be like this.. right?
No... No! This wasn’t him..! You knew him! He was kind and funny, with a whole plethora of dumb jokes that he loved to tell you.. and...! And he... always knew how to brighten your whole day! He was your friend, someone who had always been there for you...
Even after you.. turned him down..
And each and every time.. someone important to you had disappeared...
He had been there for you.
....And now.. he was the only one left..
Almost all of the people close to you had... gone away without a single explanation... which is why you began digging a-and.. asked him...!
He took another firm step forward and you inhaled sharply, taking another step backwards only to be greeted by the wall as it pressed firmly against your back. Thick drops of sweat came rolling down your face mixing with the tears that had quietly escaped your eyes, sobs threatening to wrack your whole body as you did everything in your power to stuff them down. The shadows were gathering around him as he continued to approach, swallowing that hollow expressions on his face under it’s twists and turns. Only those tiny white eyelights were left, piercing through the darkness right through your soul.
There was no where else left to run.
...You... had let a wolf into your home under the guise as a friend.. someone who you trusted without a doubt... and now...?
“S-stay back!”
He didn’t hesitate to complete his step, even at your pathetic plea. Your words were too hushed and shaky to carry any weight, falling to the wayside as he took yet another step, nearly closing the distance between you two.
“sweetheart...” he murmured, that low and husky tone making your chest flutter for a moment as a certain tenderness clung to the nickname.
Even his eyelights briefly flickered with a hint on concern, taking in your terrified expression with a calculated stare, but his expression was still completely unreadable to you.
“i won’t hurt you.”
And just like that, those small signs of your friend vanished, only leaving a complete and total stranger standing before you.
“..You... lied to me.. about...” you began, your hushed words picking up momentum. “About... everything..! I.... I trusted you and..!”
“you trusted everyone because you were so desperate to have something to hold on to.”
His cold words cut like a knife into your heart, snuffing out the small fires of resistance that had just barely lit in your chest.
“the moment anyone every showed you a shred of kindness you opened up and began giving everything you had to offer. it didn’t matter if they hurt you or trampled all over your feelings, you always forgave them.. all because you didn’t want to be alone,” he said blankly, taking another step forward.
“not true..?” he asked, letting out a humorless laugh as a hand reached out to lightly stroke your cheek. “well now who’s the liar?”
“That’s not..! Y-you’re....”
The words were failing you now as you tried to pull away, only to have his free hand press firmly on the wall beside your head, trapping you in.
“then why? why did you humor them even when they hurt you? why did you continue to let them slowly eat away at you, piece by piece, without a single complaint?”
“why did you care so much for people who didn’t care for you at all..?”
...Nothing else came out.
You.. didn’t know what to say..
You could hardly think, his harsh words splitting you apart while he gently brushed away a few tears with his thumb. The contrast between between his actions and words just left you feel confused and nauseous. 
“...do you know what it’s like.. to see the person you love most in the world do that to themselves, time.. and time.. and time again?” he asked, his eyelights never straying from your face. “it’s enough to even turn a good dog, feral.”
“....So.. you...you!”
“ate them.”
“come on now sweetheart don’t look at me like that.. not literally,” he laughed dryly, still lightly stroking your cheek, “but i did what had to be done. “
You felt sick.
“they were using you.”
The tears wouldn’t stop falling.
“they got what was coming.. for all the sins they committed. a sort of... karmic retribution...heh..”
You had to.. get away from him..!
“i just... need you to understand why i-“
“Understand..? Understand!?” you hissed, smacking his hand away. “What is there to understand Sans?! You...! You...”
The word got caught in your throat, another sob threatening to break free as more tears pulled forth.
He... killed them..
“You’re a murderer.”
His expression didn’t budge on the slightest at your accusation, send small waves of shock and horror flowing through your body. Having him so close you could feel his cold magic rolling off him in waves, sending goosebumps trailing up and down your arms.
“...You hurt innocent people..! And for what!?”
He answered... without hesitating.. and it was enough to nearly make you wretch.
“Don’t... even try to-!
“everything i did was for you...”
“..Stop it..”
“every cut.”
“Stop it..!”
“every scratch.”
“every bite.”
“all.. so i could protect you.. my little red riding hood.. from the world you refused to acknowledge,” he whispered softly as he grabbed your arms to stop your flailing. “all so you could keep living on in your little fairy tale bliss.”
You struggled against his grasp again put he pinned firmly to the wall, those eyelights painfully burning into your face.
“i already told you i wasn’t going to hurt you sweetheart, but if you intend to make things difficult then i’ll have to handle you much more roughly than i’d like to..” he said, firmly squeezing your wrists as you failed to pull them from his grasp again.
“...Then.. what do you.. want from me?”
“i want you to understand.”
“I already told you I don’t..!”
“i know.. and that’s... fine..” he said softly, his blank expression breaking for just a second as he struggled to get the last word out, “because i can make you understand, in time.”
For a moment, your heart stopped..
..He... he couldn’t...!
“Y-you.. can’t..!”
“...can’t what?” he asked, eyeing you curiously. “can’t keep you here? with me? where you belong..?”
You wanted to break away from his gaze, but you,, couldn’t..
“did you just think i was going to let you go..?”
He laughed again, just as humorless as before, your heart sinking further and further into your stomach as his cold breath brushed against your skin.
“no.. no.. i’m afraid it’s too late to run now little red. our chance at a happily ever after ended a long time ago, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make our own ending.. one where you understand just how twisted this world and it’s people are.”
“Sans..!” you pleaded quietly.
“one where you understand why i had to do this.”
“Dammit.. stop..! Sans! Please-!” you begged.
You couldn’t take this any more. His expression, his words..! They were all.. too much!
No.. this.. This isn’t..!
This isn’t how things were suppose to be!
You were both so.. happy!
Where did it ... all go... wrong.....?
When did you.. stray from the path..?
“an ending where you finally realize that.. you’re mine... and that you’ve always been mine ..and i will protect you.. now.. and forever... my precious little red riding hood.”
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