#here’s my addition to renga week
ao3feed-18trip · 1 month
by shishi_giek
Ten stared up at the ceiling, a slight sound below his bunk rousing him awake. This was the third time this happened this week, and Ten cursed his light sleeper habits.
Muffled sniffles echoed again in the room, Ten inwardly sighing.
It seemed that Renga was having a recurring dream of some sort that caused him to cry. Judging by his choked up breathing, he was definitely awake, trying to cease his cries in order to not disrupt Ten’s sleep.
What a nice guy.
But even with his efforts, here Ten was, lying awake.
Words: 1207, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 18TRIP (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Murakumo Ten, Nishizono Renga
Relationships: Murakumo Ten/Nishizono Renga
Additional Tags: Literal Sleeping Together, Fluff, r1ze main story side A spoliers aaaand side B-ish, would recommend reading ten and renga's novel too but not needed hahaha, non-established relationship
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renga week day 1: date
(this takes place in between episodes 10 and 11)
the morning after reki has the cindereki dream he realizes he feelings for langa
he panics at first because what if langa doesn’t like him like that but then he thinks back to their conversation from the night before and he’s not so sure it’s one sided
but he has no idea how to act of this and is almost late for school because he’s thinking about it so much
when he skates to school he sees langa at their meeting spot scrolling on his phone
reki apologizes for being late and tries to ignore the feelings langa’s smile stir in his chest
so as they’re skating to school reki is stuck in his head about what to do (“what do they do in movies when people like each other? what happens if i mess up? what happens if langa only see me as a friend?”) he tries to ignore the thoughts like these
he thinks back to his dream (did he actually marry langa?- does that mean he wants to in real life?-feelings are so confusing) and he’s not sure if he can’t just skate with langa as a way to court him seeing as they skate every day
he almost skates off the street when he remembers dates are a thing
so he compiled all his knowledge of romantic dates into a little folder in his head (sue him if most of the knowledge comes from his sisters’ books and shows)
reki doesn’t notice but langa keeps sending him concerned looks when reki only mumbles half responses to langa’s questions
reki isn’t his normal bright and bubbly self but he’s not like he was before their fight so langa hopes everything is ok
when they finally get to school reki has a semi stable idea of what he’s going to do
step 1: confront langa
step 2: ask langa to dinner
step 3: if langa says yes plan time together (if he says no skate into the sun)
it doesn’t seem to hard but every time he tries to talk to langa someone interrupts or langa takes it the wrong way then starts complementing reki thinking that’s reki is about to take down on himself
so finally when lunch rolls around reki tells himself, as he stands before the door to the roof, ‘you either ask him now or never’
and so reki steels himself and steps onto the roof only to find langa is not their yet (reki’s not sure whether to be disappointed or relived)
and so when langa comes up to their spot later than normal (he had to ask his teacher about something on the homework) he finds reki pacing, his bento left forgotten on the ground
langa tries to make small talk (school, skateboarding, S, anything to make reki talk to him) but gives up after reki doesn’t respond to langa waving a hand in his face
so langa goes back to sadly picking at his lunch and dosent expect reki to say anything (he’s stuck in his own head it ok) but the last thing langa expects reki to say is “go out with me”
langa stares at him
“like on a date” he blurts, face burning
“like- like romantically?”
“no platonically” reki snarks, joking to lessen his nerves
langa face falls instantly
“no wait no i was just joking! yes romantically...if you want to.” langa doesn’t say anything so reki continues “i like you langa, i’m not sure how long, but i just realized and i hoped you felt the same way.”
langa stays silent for a few more seconds before letting out a breathless “yes” and beginning to laugh
reki stares confused as langa continues to laugh
“wha-what’s wrong? what’s so funny? do i have something on my face??”
“well it’s just- i kinda thought we were already dating?”
now it’s reki’s turn to stare
“you what?”
“well im not sure how courting works in japan and you were so much nicer to me than everybody else, you taught me to skate, you built my board, you patched me up when i fell. i just thought that you showed your affection through skating or something.”
“i was just being nice to you!”
“well reki, i’m sorry for reading the situation wrong. but i like you too, so yes i would like to go out with you.”
and so they plan to meet up at one of the nicer restaurants in the area (not joe’s restaurant though, that would be to embarrassing. it’d be like bring your father on a date. or more accurately going on a date at your father figure’s place of work)
opting for more traditional fancy clothing, reki panics while trying to think of what clothes he hasn’t ruined during skating
but for the rest of the day, everyone seems to think langa is showing being very bright and not his emotionless self, while reki seems to but about 100x more happy then normal, smiling for the rest of the day, and practically blind anyone in a ten foot radius whenever langa is in the room
skating together to their meeting spot under the street light reki suddenly feels embarrassed. how do you say goodbye to someone after you admitted feeling and plan to go on a date later?
but apparently that awkwardness didn’t effect langa, who simply held up his hand in a wave, saying goodbye before skating to his apartment, as per usual
getting ready is a whole different mental battle thought
after finding something nice looking, nice smelling, and that fit reki had been home for two hours. they planned to meet up at 6:00 and it was already 4:30
when reki walked into the bathroom he realized he had forgotten he had hair. and so began another panic session where he tried to figure out what to do with his hair. should he keep the headband? should he gel it? should he just run a comb through it? should he just shave it all off?
and so finally reki stood looking himself in the mirror at ten till six, semi satisfied with his final product. he had found a nice unripped pair of jeans, which he paired with a black button up (which it may have had a small hole but hey it was a very small hole), his nicest sneakers, and he decided to forgo the headband, instead just combing his hair back. but as he opens his door he hears his mom and youngest sisters in the living room and knows he won’t be able to sneak past without them asking questions. so just as he’s about to close his door he sees koyomi, and they make eye contact. she notes his nice clothes and mouths ‘what?’ he holds a finger to his lips and hopes his eyes scream ‘please’ before silently shutting his door
he sneaks out the window and skates to their meeting spot
langa is already there and reki almost falls off his skateboard
he’s not wearing anything much different than normal (black slacks, a button up, plus an old red jacket over top) but his hair is pulled back from his eyes and reki swears they were never that blue
reki, again, is overcome with embarrassment (does he still go to do their dap? should he have brought flowers? should he-?)
but langa apparently knows what to do again. he holds his hand out for a dap, but after they finish he doesn’t let go “is this ok?” langa asks squeezing their joined hands. reki nods, unable to speak
then langa holds out his free hand “i know they’re not real flowers but i wanted to give it to you,” in his fist is a flower sticker “i’ve been studying how to make skateboard stickers, because i know you’re like them a lot and i wanted to make something for you after your made my board for me, so here you go.”
reki takes the flowers with a shaking hand, he looks up a langa, who looks a little nervous, “i love it,”
and in that moment reki realizes that their love language is skateboarding. that they’ve shown their love to each other through skating. and when words are not needed or cannot be found all they need to do is skate
and so reki slips the flower sticker into his pocket and says to langa “how about we ditch that fancy restaurant, it’s not really our style. wanna skate?”
langa’s bright smile is a sure enough answer
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jackoshadows · 3 years
A fascinating and educational twitter thread about how Prohibition helped Botswana become one of the most stable countries in Africa. 
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For decades since its independence in 1966, Botswana was an island of black sovereignty & stability between apartheid South Africa and white-supremacist Rhodesia. Some say it was the inspiration for #Wakanda in the movie #BlackPanther.  
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In southern Africa as the world over, the Brits and European colonists ran the EXACT SAME PLAYBOOK of alco-colonization.
Read more at the link
Step 1: Introduce hard liquors--industrial distillates--to native populations with no experience with drinks of such mind-bending potency.  4/ Step 2: Clutch their pearls, and recoil in horror at the drunkenness and violence that predictably occurs within the native community and against white colonizers and liquor purveyors. In Africa, they called it the “black peril.”
Step 3: Cite that drunkenness as evidence of natives’ inability to be “civilized,” thus justifying white political domination over them. Africa, Asia, North America, even Ireland--everywhere it was the same pattern. See also: opium in China.
Hard liquor (whiskey, rum, gin, vodka, schnapps, etc.) was the perfect tool of exploitation. Highly potent. Concentrated. Easy to transport. Highly addictive. Didn’t spoil like fermented brews. Easy to make. Incredibly lucrative.
European colonizers would share liquor as a gesture of goodwill, and then once the alcoholic stupor set in, get tribal leaders to scrawl an “X” and sign-away their land, resources, and even people.  8/ More importantly, promoting widespread addiction to liquor made indigenous populations reliant on the colonists, just as junkies rely on drug dealers. Again, see also: opium in China, and two Opium Wars resisting it.  
What did natives have that colonists wanted? Ivory, food, furs, ivory, exotic ostrich feathers, rubber, ivory... the land and the minerals in it, and everything living on it. Also: ivory. And finally, the natives themselves were commodities: as labor or slaves.
If you’re a European trader & the locals trade ivory or furs for (say) your iron kettle, the entire village can use that for 20 years. Blankets might last 5 years before they need to trade with you again. There’s little demand for your wares. Or you. But if you can hook the community on booze that ONLY YOU supply, they’ll have to come back to you all. the. time. Now you’re indispensable. Addiction is self-renewing demand. Becoming the sole drug dealer to a community of addicts is ridiculously profitable. Need proof? Riddle me this: What was the first factory on the continent of Africa? Of course, Africa is rich in every resource imaginable: minerals, gems, ivory, rubber, oil, cocoa, fruit and timber that could be processed into goods.  
Here it is. In 1881, the Dutch Transvaal government granted a monopoly on distilled brandy to the Hatherley Distillery near Pretoria. The company was called “De Eerste Fabriken”--the First Factory. It wasn't first because the white settlers drank it. They largely didn’t.
Instead, with the discovery of gold & diamonds, white mine-owners needed black labor. They lured workers to the mines with promises of liquor, knowing if they had large booze debts to pay back, tribesmen would have to work longer, rather than returning to their village.  
(South African Breweries--today the world’s largest brewer--was founded soon thereafter to provide British-style beer to a white clientele, while the cheap liquor from Hatherley was reserved for indenturing black workers.)  
Consequently, every native leader worth his salt was a prohibitionist--defending his people against the “white man’s wicked water.” King Moshoeshoe in Lesotho. Chief Waterboer in Griqualand. Tembu headman Mankai Renga & hundreds more. In Africa as around the globe, temperance and prohibitionism became the banner for subaltern sovereignty against the white colonial junkiemaker.
Which brings us back to Botswana. Or Bechuanaland, as it was then known. It had long been ruled by tribal chiefs, led by Bamangwato King Khama III ("the Great"), who’d allied with the British against the Dutch Boers.
Three months after ascending the throne in 1873, he informed all white traders on his territory that trading liquor w/ his people was now prohibited. “If, when you give one another a drink, you turn around and give it to my people also, I shall regard you as blameworthy.”  Europeans scoffed & kept selling--until Khama expelled them all: “I am black and am chief of my own country. When you white men rule then you will do as you like. At present I rule, and I shall maintain my laws which you insult and despise.” Prohibition was sovereignty.   “There are 3 things which distress me—war, selling people, and drink,” Khama wrote the British in 1876, asking the Queen’s protection. “All these I shall find in the Boers.”
By 1884, Bechuanaland was British protectorate, respecting Khama’s prohibition.   Meanwhile the 1890s, Britain’s Cape Colony was dominated by the notorious Cecil Rhodes: founder of the De Beers diamond syndicate, quintessential imperialist and unapologetic white supremacist.
“I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race,” Rhodes wrote. “Africa is still lying ready for us--it is our duty to take it.”   In 1889, Rhodes organized his mining interests into the chartered British South Africa Company (BSAC), which had its own government and army. In 1890, he also became Prime Minister of the Cape Colony.   In the First Matabele War (1893-94), 750 BSAC “police” with machine guns killed over 10,000 Matabele spearmen, bringing Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) under Company control. Khama’s Tswana tribesmen served on the side of the Company.
According to BSAC shareholder reports, one of the first items of business wherever the Company set-up control was to farm-out the liquor trade to white settlers. Profits are profits, regardless of prohibition promises.   Rhodes famously dreamed of building a trans-African railroad connecting Cape Town to Cairo... which meant taking Bechuanaland, even though Khama was regaled as a loyal British ally.
From 1892-95, the conniving Rhodes used every administrative trick possible to place Khama’s Bechuanaland Protectorate under the sovereignty of the Company, but was stymied either by Khama or the Colonial Office in London.   By 1895, Khama had enough. Together w/ fellow chiefs Bathoen and Sebele, he voyaged to London to petition Queen Victoria’s government to keep Bechuanaland out of Rhodes’ grasp.
“The two points on which the natives seem to be apprehensive,” the Imperial Secretary in Cape Town telegraphed London, “are the questions of land and liquor.”   The 3 kings arrived in September 1895, and were supposed to meet with Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain. But he--like the rest of the Queen’s government--had left for their annual vacations until November.   “I have for years tried to abolish the use of strong liquors in my country, and prevent the importation of European drinks,” Khama told the London press, lamenting that his efforts “should be hampered by agitation in my country and outside it.”   While awaiting for an audience with Chamberlain or Queen Victoria, Khama, Sebele and Bathoen toured the width and breadth of the British Isles, winning British public opinion to the side of their temperance and sovereignty. 
The Review of Reviews reprinted Khama’s plea that “you, O British people, will not paralyse my efforts by compelling me to submit to the invasion of my country by the trader with his poisonous liquors.”   If Britain were to ignore Khama’s calls for help, the papers editorialized, then the British people “should stand condemned as the most God-forsaken set of canting hypocrites on the whole round earth.”   Following the kings‘ temperance visits, a flood of popular petitions inundated the Colonial Office from across the country, strenuously opposing giving Bechuanaland over to Rhodes‘ Company.   Prior to the meeting, the kings plead their case to Chamberlain: “We fear the Company because we think they will take our land and sell it to others. We fear that they will fill our country with liquor shops, as they have Bulawayo.”
The kings offered concessions and the payment of additional poll taxes, if London would only delay the inevitable annexation by Rhodes’ Company by 10 years. “Do not let them bring liquor into our country to kill our people speedily.” 
On Nov. 6, 1895, Chamberlain finally met with the chiefs to dictate terms. The chiefs would pay a hut tax and sacrifice a strip of land for Rhodes‘ railway in exchange for maintaining their sovereignty as a protectorate.   “White man’s strong drink shall not be brought for sale into the country, and those who attempt to deal in it or give it away to black men will be punished. No new liquor license shall be issued, and no existing liquor license shall be renewed,” Chamberlain declared. 
Weeks later, Chamberlain escorted the Chiefs to Windsor castle for an audience with “the Great White Queen” herself, Queen Victoria, who confirmed the arrangements that Chamberlain had made.   “The sale of strong drink shall be prohibited in your country &those who attempt to supply it shall be severely punished,” the Queen declared. “I feel strongly in this matter, & am glad to see that the chiefs have determined to keep so great a curse from the people.”   Pleased, though unaware of British protocols, Sebele told the press: “Her Majesty if a very charming old lady... But I had no idea that she was so short and stout... I shall go back home contented.” They did.   Far less pleased was Cecil Rhodes, who telegraphed London: “I do object to being beaten by three canting natives especially on the score of temperance.”
Bechuanaland’s stay of execution may have been short lived, were it not for what happened next. Upon returning to Bechuanaland, Khama met Sir Leander Starr Jameson, who was leading a BSAC military force.  Jameson’s orders were to instigate an insurrection across the border in the Dutch Transvaal, whipping-up British sympathizers and lead to an all-out British invasion to topple the rival Dutch Boers.  But in a crowning irony, Jameson’s Raid was doomed by liquor. To take the Dutch by surprise, the British would cut the telegraph lines so Boer outposts couldn’t sound the alarm of invasion.  Instead of cutting the telegraph lines, a drunken British soldier instead cut a farmer’s wire fence. The Dutch anticipated and tracked the whole raid, ambushed and decimated the attackers & imprisoned Rhodes’ brother Frank.
London condemned Rhodes‘ reckless adventurism, forcing him to step down from the BSAC in disgrace. The imperial threat to Bechuanaland’s sovereignty and sobriety was over.  The British honored Khama’s prohibition & sovereignty right through Botswana’s independence in 1966. Today the bronze Three Dikgosi Monument honoring Khama, Bathoen & Sebele is the most visited destination in the 🇧🇼 capital of Gaborone.
Were it not for their 1895 temperance mission to Britain, what is today Botswana would’ve long been absorbed into either Britain’s Cape Colony (now South Africa) or Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)--much to their people’s detriment--instead of becoming its own independent country.   Without prohibition, there’d be no Botswana. And in honor of their Founding Fathers, Botswana emblazoned the picture of the chiefs‘ 1895 temperance mission to London on their 100 Pula note.
HEY! If you liked this liquor-politics thread, may I humbly suggest checking-out my new “Smashing the Liquor Machine: A Global History of Prohibition” book, which contains literally dozens of them. 
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miyuskye · 3 years
Today I stumbled on old posts from people reacting to the sk8 finale. I want to make a premise and say that I also felt mixed emotions after it and I was sure that there was something wrong with it. After two months and a half I can say with certainty that the only thing that felt wrong was the lack of episode time, but oh well. Thinking back about sk8, I feel that the writers and the director did the best they could with the time they had.
I think that the main source of confusion stemmed from people misunderstanding the point of the plot. I'm putting myself also among these people because I was so sad that Tadashi forfeited his match vs Langa, but after thinking calmly about that I realized that I just wanted to see Tadashi skate because I am this whipped for him XD and, in reality, even if he had a match with Langa, it would have probably ended the same way -- with Tadashi forfeiting the race midway and letting Langa win (since it's hinted that he's a skating god and Langa beat Adam because he was lucky). This is coherent with the small number of available episodes and Tadashi's arc.
Back to the general public confusion. I'm sure a lot of people were blinded by Renga and totally missed the point the staff wanted to make. It was confirmed in an interview that "sk8 is the story of Adam's search for his Eve", whatever this means (it could be Adam finding his Eve in either Tadashi or Langa, i.e. finding his Eve through the concept that skating is fun). The point is that the focus is on Adam and always has been on Adam. The fandom gave into a collective thinking that Adam was a pedophile and an abuser, but that's clearly not how the staff wanted to portray him. He is obsessed with Langa because he finds in him a worthy and, most importantly, equal partner, he adores Langa and given how loudly he expresses his feelings (i.e. painting a pierced heart over red chrysanthemum to shout out his feelings for Tadashi) his attitude toward him is just the embodiment of that. He isn't interested in Langa because of the power imbalance between them (again, he sees Langa as his equal); he just doesn't want to be alone.
And, yes, the final episodes clearly fit into the narrative of "skating should be fun" because Langa understands (through Reki) that skating with friends is fun and makes Adam remember that (meanwhile he realizes that Tadashi, his friend, was by his side all of this time). Langa, at the beginning, thought that skating was all about the thrill and the adrenaline. He didn't understand that it was fun and amazing to do it with friends/ the people you care about (paralleling to how he didn't realize why he stopped snowboarding when his father died). That's why from ep 7 to 10 he doesn't feel anything. It's because it was all about being with someone you care about, both in skating and snowboarding. He understands that through his relationship with Reki, but my point (and prolly the point a lot of people missed) is that it's general and it doesn't limit itself to Reki and Reki only. I don't want to invalidate Renga, of course not, I like the pairing and the ending makes it clear that Langa's happiness is skating with Reki especially. But the fun experience that comes from skating is a general thing and him going against Adam is just a consequence of that. He wants to make Adam understand that you should have fun while skating, and he wants to have fun with him because he admires him. He was never scared of Adam, and he generally looked pretty chill even when he smashed Cherry with his board. The only thing that mattered to him before his race against Adam was 'why did he start skating?' and 'he looks like he's not having fun' instead of 'i'm going to make this guy pay for his imaginary crimes with my board'. It was like a argument but between friends, the one that gets you in a fight (idk like Rin taking Haru by his collar in Free lmao) because you both want to stand your ground but still care about the other. Also, Utsumi also confirmed that she wanted them to fight with fists in the last ep XD
So, yeah, sk8's ending falls perfectly in the 'skating should be fun' trope. Moving on, let's talk about Kamata. She's, once again, a target for the fandom collective hysteria and she became like this because they projected their hate for Adam into her. Or into Tadashi sometimes, again completely missing the point that the show is about Adam. A lot of people wanted the police to raid S, but that couldn't be realistically attainable because Adam made sure to take off S from the patrol route again and I'm p sure he took additional measures so it wasn't believable for those measures to be shattered in less than a week (when S has been up and running for 7 years). Let's pretend she somehow managed to search Shindo's house. What would she have found? Nothing accusing Adam of Takano's crime. I understand that Takano's crime wasn't very well detailed but I'm thinking that it was something on the line of being bribed to making a certain kind of contract (when he talks about receiving illegal fundings it's the only thing that came to mind). And, on another note, Adam was the one leaking info to the police in the first place XD first, because he wanted to raise to the top of his party (and just standing in Takano's shade isn't his way to roll) and he wanted to have a leverage on the police, so that he could use that leverage to hide his borderline illegal skateboarding races. But they are two different crimes. Kamata wouldn't have found anything useful for the Takano investigation and, even if she managed to find proofs of S (and that's a big if because I'm sure that Adam and Tadashi go out of their way to hide the S screens also from aunties and the household staff), what can she do with those? They're not related to the investigation at hand and can't be used in that specific trial (which is about Takano receiving illegal fundings). A new trial should have been made and Adam wouldn't surely go to prison in one day XD furthermore, it's clear that Kamata belonged to a subplot and that she was a supporting character. She was never meant to be something more than that. I have a long history of elevating supporting character to something they're clearly not so I'm used not to feel 'betrayed' when this doesn't happen, but probably other people don't.
I don't know if I want to talk about Tadaai AGAIN because I feel like we said plenty about them. TL;DR the relationship is not abusive so the point doesn't stand. Tadashi has agency, and chooses to stay by Adam's side because he wants to (and not because he has... Stockholm syndrome... I cringed while writing that XD)
The last point should be the fact that people felt betrayed that Renga wasn't more canon. which I think stemmed from the fact that Utsumi can't decide what to ship XD she had the same problem in Free because she was torn between MakoHaru and RinHaru, but here?? I'm so sure she ships Renga and Tadaai but she definitely likes Eden too. (She wouldn't have had a whole ass theme song for them if she didn't 😊) and so she couldn't decide what route to take and she ended up taking all of them. Bless her, i love a multi shipping queen 🙏
On this note, I saw also some posts about Adam being a homophobic example of queer villain except for the fact that he's not. The authors have made it clear that they love him to no ends. He's not supposed to be Evil and Unredeemable. I don't know why people are so bent on labelling him with things he's not. My roommate told me that he gave off the creepy vibe at the beginning but she confirmed me that after ep 4 it's clear that he's not meant to be dangerous like the other villains he's compared to. I don't personally like people comparing Adam to Hisoka, for example, because I feel that there are very different intentions behind them. Also, I have a feeling people have never watched a media representation of actual grooming (or something that is closely related to this). There's no grooming in sk8. There are fanfics when people describe Adam this way (and while it's interesting to read them, I feel that he's/very/ OOC there), but he's not like this in the original canon.
Thank you for reading this 🙏
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ao3feed-renga · 2 years
Under The Stars. It's Infinite [Reki x Langa]
Under The Stars. It's Infinite [Reki x Langa]
by Maybe_ImCaiden
"Reki, let's stop here." Langa pulled my hand towards a bridge, and I caught the view of a river. "Isn't this that waterfall that we found the other day?" I leaned over the edge and searched around the trees. Maybe it was a different part of it. "I think so." Langa was still holding my hand, and I didn't want to let go of him. "We could take a photo here if you want." I reached into my pocket and Langa took my wrist. "Uhm- let's just have a memory of this for us." His thumb was rubbing the palm of my hand, and suddenly I felt anxious again. "O-Okay."
  *** Note: The characters featured in this story belong to Sk8 The Infinity
Words: 18621, Chapters: 16/50, Language: English
Fandoms: SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kyan Reki, Hasegawa Langa, Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Chinen Miya, Shindo Ainosuke | Adam
Relationships: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Renga Week 2022 (SK8 the Infinity), Cute
From https://ift.tt/Ip3zo78 https://archiveofourown.org/works/41951943
0 notes
Under The Stars. It's Infinite [Reki x Langa]
by Maybe_ImCaiden
"Reki, let's stop here." Langa pulled my hand towards a bridge, and I caught the view of a river. "Isn't this that waterfall that we found the other day?" I leaned over the edge and searched around the trees. Maybe it was a different part of it. "I think so." Langa was still holding my hand, and I didn't want to let go of him. "We could take a photo here if you want." I reached into my pocket and Langa took my wrist. "Uhm- let's just have a memory of this for us." His thumb was rubbing the palm of my hand, and suddenly I felt anxious again. "O-Okay."
  *** Note: The characters featured in this story belong to Sk8 The Infinity
Words: 13147, Chapters: 11/50, Language: English
Fandoms: SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kyan Reki, Hasegawa Langa, Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Chinen Miya, Shindo Ainosuke | Adam
Relationships: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Renga Week 2022 (SK8 the Infinity), Cute
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41951943
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