#here's to hoping at least we get a nice choco and cacao reunion
demonkinguwu · 4 months
Exactly how I feel about Cloud Haetae Cookie
You captured my emotions perfectly
[More on my thoughts below]
Ngl, I legit thought Cloud Haetae would be Cacao's little beast yeast resident creature/guide like Chameleon cookie was to Vanilla. Since it's most likely each of the anicents will face their own beast, so I thought each of them would get a little beast yeast buddy.
I was wrong <3
At least I got the guide part right, not for long anyways lol. I really thought they would resist being floured but shows what I know lol
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cluescorner · 3 years
Finished Chapter 13 of CRK (SPOILERS FOR IT)
I have some issues with this chapter, namely in how it just felt kinda underwhelming, but I’m gonna focus on the good/funny/interesting bits in this post. Because I like a good bit of this chapter and Dark Cacao Kingdom’s story isn’t finished yet, so I’m going to wait until Chapter 14 in order to give my judgement on Chapter 13 (similar to how Chapter 9 was kinda meh to me, but Chapter 10 made me fall in love with this game. Sometimes you need more buildup to the payoff.).
The reunion went...about as well as I expected TBH but not NEARLY as well as I’d hoped. I was hoping for, like, at least a moment of realizing that they’re both kinda at fault here before one of them inevitably starts swinging. But no, just...soul jam, fight, insult, yeet. I know that Cacao is gonna survive, but imagine having your son make an attempt on your life TWICE. I couldn’t handle that tbh. 
Also, we haven’t seen ‘The Light of Determination’ so far. Maybe it’ll show up next Episode when Dark Cacao is at his worst. 
I hope the dragons show up. My theory is that they have the sword + the soul jam, since they feel like who Dark Cacao would trust with it. The dragons are super interesting to me, like imagine if the cookie of darkness are like ‘hehe we’re gonna get the sword’ and then there’s two ‘fuck you’ dragons staring you dead in the eyes with a look that can only mean ‘YOU FUCKED UP’. I just really want Dark Cacao Kingdom’s really fucking cool concept to be expanded upon more and we didn’t get that much in this chapter, save for the excellent stuff regarding the Licorice Sea. 
I love Caramel Arrow Cookie so fucking much. Her design is gorgeous, she really decided to keep helping people even after her banishment, and her VA is also really talented. I love her interactions with other people, she’s like a light in the darkness of the Cacao Kingdom it’s really nice. I can’t wait until she gets added, I’m going to summon her if it fucking kills me. 
LICORICE IM SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU YOU REALLY RAISED A WHOLE KAIJU. Also, the fact that he came from Dark Cacao Kingdom...like did he and Choco and Espresso all know each other? The Licorice Sea is so fucking cool and honestly I hope that the bullshit with that one fucking Abyssal Licorice Kaiju sets the tone for how powerful Licorice is gonna be in the future. Because I LOVE Licorice cookie but he’s started getting pushed out of the meta (Cotton Cookie basically does his job but better) and I really hope he gets a buff. I would also love it if the Cookies of Darkness were like ‘Hey, we lost this mission and so we gotta go report back to Dark Enchantress’ and Licorice just...stays behind because he likes feeling this powerful. Maybe he can communicate with the Licorice Sea itself and just decides to stay where he’s understood + appreciated + sorta feared? IDK, I’m just so happy Licorice is having his day in the sun. 
Affogato Cookie is simultaneously an excellent villain and kinda hilarious. Like, he’s a total schemer and knows how to ingratiate himself to others in order to build power. He basically formed a cult of personality under himself, which I find pretty interesting. While my theory is that Dark Cacao always knew that this sorta thing would come from Affogato cookie, given how he just straight-up ignores his advice when it truly matters, the fact that Dark Cacao just couldn’t get rid of him is pretty interesting. But also, the fact that he WASNT working with the Cookies of Darkness from the inception of his plan is a breath of fresh air AND hilarious. Like, Affogato was truly terrified of them and I think that he’ll see Dark Choco’s presence as a threat to his bid for control over Dark Cacao Kingdom. I also wonder how he’ll react to the fact that the Cookies of Darkness are now DESTROYING EVERYTHING, and he’ll likely rule over a Kingdom of Dust by the time they’re done with the place. 
Also regarding the Cookies of Darkness, all the main 4 are here. Which means that SOMETHING has to be going down, since the last time they were all together was Chapter 10 (aka the HOLY SHIT EVERYTHING IS GETTING REAL chapter). I’m guessing that either A. Someone is getting redeemed, B. Dark Enchantress is gonna show up, or C. Someone is going to die. I doubt it’s C because that could singlehandedly change the tone so drastically that it won’t be able to recover, but I also think that C is the most interesting. 
I love Pomegranate Cookie out manipulating Affogato Cookie. Like, I refuse to believe that she actually gives a damn about his bid for Kingship and he’s just a convenience for them. But whenever she’s involved in a Chapter, it means things are about to get FUCKED UP. My guess is that she’s gonna be pissed off with Dark Choco for not KILLING HIS FUCKING DAD AFTER THE 2ND TRY and do some bullshit. Maybe there’ll be another dramatically-resonant-hallucination scene like there was with Pure Vanilla Cookie? IDK, but whenever she’s around I’m terrified of what kinda BS she’s gonna pull. 
Poison Mushroom I love you sweet baby. IDK what the fuck you’re doing here but I love you so much. 
DARK CHOCO COOKIE WHAT THE FUCK?? I really wanted a fucking redemption or at least some sort of reconciliation before he decides to stay with the Cookies of Darkness, BUT NO. Dark Choco and Dark Cacao are incapable of talking with words outside of insulting each other. I cannot wait for the inevitable ‘OH MY GOD HE SURVIVED FALLING FROM THAT FUCKING WALL’ moment because that’s gonna be funny and also a ‘oh shit’ moment. Maybe the Cookies of Darkness didn’t realize how hard it is to kill an Ancient? 
Now, this is a crack theory so be aware that I’m mostly posing this as an interesting possibility and there is very little canon evidence for it: What if the Cookies of Darkness initially planned for Dark Choco to take over as King, so that they have the indomitable Cacao Warriors working for them. But once they came across Affogato, they decided that using him would be much simpler and went with that instead. I keep thinking about that fucking loading screen and how, while it could just be cute flavor-text, what if it’s foreshadowing to Dark Choco eventually becoming King himself? IDK, it’s a theory with very little backing but I think it’s kinda interesting. 
I wish the other Ancients were here. We’re really not gonna see them interact with each other until the very end, are we? Oh well, that’s what fandom bullshit is for I guess. 
Dark Cacao is fascinating. Like, he’s as stalwart as the wall itself and his resolve is unmatched. But simultaneously, he isolates himself from his Kingdom and failed to help those on the outskirts. IDK, I just think it’s fascinating to analyze him, since Holly and Vanilla were pretty much universally considered at least decent leaders but Cacao isn’t as clear. I just can’t wait to see what else is going on with him. 
WHERE THE FUCK ARE MILK AND YAM?? SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK DEVSIS WHERE ARE THEY?? THIS IS THEIR STORY TOO. They grew up here (Milk definitely did and with Yam he at least KNOWS the place), both have something to do with Dark Choco, they both probably have some feelings towards Dark Cacao’s leadership...SO WHY AREN’T EITHER OF THEM HERE. I can’t wait to read the inevitable fanfics of ‘Dark Cacao Story but if Milk and Yam were also involved because jesus fucking christ they should be here.’ 
I’m very excited for Chapter 14. For me, it’s going to signal whether I really stay connected to the story as a whole. Because I wasn’t a big fan of the story until Chapter 10, then Hollyberry’s chapters were silly but still excellent in their own right, and now here’s Dark Cacao’s chapters (which I would argue have been the most anticipated save for White Lilly’s, though everyone acknowledges that she’ll probably be the last). I’m willing to excuse an underwhelming set-up in exchange for an excellent pay-off, and the pay-off to the Licorice Sea plot-point was amazing imo. Now we just need to wait for Chapter 14 and see what happens. 
Overall, the chapter was kinda underwhelming but I still like it a lot. The new characters are pretty neat (Caramel Arrow taking the spot as my favorite new character and one of my favorite overall characters) and it expands on old characters pretty well (IM SO FUCKING PROUD OF LICORICE LOOK AT HIM GO). It just didn’t have the punch that I thought it would, thought that could also be me having too high of expectations. The only MAJOR problem I have is that Milk and Yam aren’t here, because this would be an excellent time to resolve their storylines AND give our boys proper screen-time. Regardless, I can’t wait to see what Chapter 14 brings! 
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