#hermann christopher
at1nys-blog · 2 years
Dream I had that feel like I shifted pt.1/?
Disclaimer: I know little to nothing about shifting, I never tried to shift before and I don't think I will try it in the near future but sometimes I have such vivid dreams about something and somehow when I tell my friend about it they are like "dude that sounds like shifting the hell?!" So, this morning I had another of those dream and thought why not making a serie where I share those moments? And here I am.
If you don't care and want to spoil yourself the 3x01 of the show do it but again don't come at me with "why did you spoiled me this?" because as I stated before IT IS NOT MY FAULT but yours entirly, now let's get into the dream/shifting moment
Episode 1: Big Brother Kelly Severide
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I was minding my business in front of the Fire Station 51 waiting for Kelly, the man needed some sense slapped into him and today was that day. No one was able to bring him back to reality since Shay's death so Herman and the rest of the fire house came to me for some help.
I checked the time hoping the end of Kelly's shift was coming soon enought for me to have the time to talk to him and then go carry on with my original plan, when a car sprints to me almost hitting me. My fisrt reaction? Shock, what the fuck was happening? Who on earth would hit me out of the blue? Then when I saw Hermann getting of the car I wished nothing but to scream at him.
-I know, I'm sorry. Hop on we have to go.- he tells me and looking inside the car I see there is no space for me. -Oh come on, is not like the police is gonna stop me. Get in.-
-Herman you called it. If the police stops us you need to give me 100$ or let me drink for free for an entire month.- he rolls his eyes and agrees to the little bet. Once in the car I greet Cindy and the kids and then we drive off of somewhere anonimous to me.
During the whole drive I get lost looking outside the window, noticing a very amazing but unfamiliar scenery. The tall trees and all that greenary getting all my attention until we stop and Hermann basically screams at us to get off.
-Cindy one of this days he is gonna loose his voice and we all can be blassed.-she laughes and follows the direction her husband just gave us, and so I did as well.
The firefighter points at an entrance telling me to go in first and once I'm in I see Boden playing chess or something of that sort, I can't really tell since other firefighters are hiding my visual to their game.
-Hello guys.-I say getting the men attention and when the Chief of the 51 sees me his eyes sparkle and his smile is so big that I thought I never saw him smiling that much.
-Oh my God, what are you doing here?- he asked me after giving me a bone cracking hug.
-You know, I was walking by and decided to pay you a visit.- I joked making averyone in the room laughing a little bit. Me and Boden strated talking about nothing in particular to be honest, just some small talks that's it, until Hermann came as well and told me to go and talk with Kelly, who was in the room next door.
-Listen talk to him about everything but keep Shay out the conversation. I just did and it was horrible.- I salute him responding with a mocking "got it sir".
Entering the room I see the man I consider my big brother being someone I never saw before since I meet him, he looks kinda pathetic but I understand he just lost his best friend. I make him notice I'm there as well and when he turns around his face is picturing something completely different from what I imagined but something inside me knew the reason why he was doing that: keep me away from comforting him.
-Why are you here?-he asked confused but happy or so I hope to see me
-I think you are deaf I just explained this to Boden.- I started joking. -I was just passing by- I repeated and he laughed as well what a nice occurance after the incident. -Now what were you doing here all alone?-
-You know same old things. Ehy look what I found?.- he shows me a cassette and I know is a video he and Shay made when they went to live together. My first thought was to tell him to avoid to see it now but honestly? Now was better than later.
-Show me.- I say, he grabs my hand and makes me take a seat on the couch while he inserts the cassette and then gets under the blanket next to me. -Ehy, before you press play I have something to tell you. I hope you know Shay wouldn't like how you are dealing with it, am I right?- he just nodds and press play.
Watching that tape with him was funny and a little bit healing for the man and I'm happy for him. He nedded that and I think me being with him during this process was what he nedded as well.
-I know, about you said before. You are right but I don't know if I can do this alone.-
-You have Casey, your man and everyone at 51. You also have me to relay on so don't worry, you are not alone.-
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citizenscreen · 4 months
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claires-audience · 6 months
Guys we really need to start paying more attention to law and order OC as well because its Elliot’s show and it allows us to see his side of the story so there are a few instances where Olivia makes an appearance and he asked her once “what is this” and replied “a friendship”. Another time he asks her about her relationship while he was gone and she replies “ seriously?!”. In OC he takes his chances to ask her around whenever he can but in SVU thats not so much the case because it’s Olivia’s show and we wont know how she feels unless she voices it out.
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gilsart · 1 year
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i bothered editing the notes out because some of them were very embarassing (shout out to one of them: "how do i say fearful in italian?" i don't know my own language)
look at how confident katte is!
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amsgrey · 2 years
Blind Date
Halstead reader x Jay halstead
Warnings: bad writing. misogynistic comments.
Synopsis: Your date goes horribly and Jay thinks it's the funniest thing ever.
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Note to self; never let Gallo set you up a blind date again. Never, ever let him within 50 feet of your dating life. And while you are at it, make sure Violet and Ritter get what's coming for their peer pressure in all of this.
"You know," Violet said, sitting down next to you at the table one shift, "One of us has to have a successful dating life and it might as well be you."
You turned and scowled at her, "Why me?"
Violet grinned, "Gallo is a lost cause and Ritter is, well, Ritter."
The two sitting across from you looked up from their plates and made mumbled protests. Violet shooed her hand at them, shutting them up. She turned back to you and started rattling off ideas to find you a date.
"What about a blind date?" Ritter said in passing, grinning as you scowled at him.
"I know the perfect guy! I went to the academy with him," Gallo said, growing excited in his typical Gallo way.
You screwed up your nose in disgust, "When has a blind date ever been a good experience?"
"Blind dates are fun!" Gallo protested.
Hermann gave Gallo an incredulous look as he walked by, muttering about Gallo's stupidity.
You laughed, "I'm with Hermann on this."
Ritter shrugged, trying to hide his grin, "Hey, maybe it will be fun. You never know until you actually go."
Oh, man were those three going to pay the next shift. You were sitting opposite one of the stupidest firefighters you had ever met. You spent the entire first half of the meal listening to him recount how he had made the record at the academy for whatever, you had almost completely zoned him out.
You were both finishing your meal when he finally asked something about you, "So you work at Firehouse 51 right?"
"Man!" He interrupted, "That house has so many rumours! Don't you all live together or something?"
"Uh, I mean I guess?"
"Yeah, my house is super tight too, we'd die for each other ya know?" He launched into a recounting of when he almost died in a warehouse fire. Does this man ever stop talking about himself?
You finally finished your meal when he wrapped up his story. The young waitress came over and asked how your meal was, "Are y'all after the dessert menu?"
"No," You said at the same time your date said yes.
He laughed awkwardly, you completely ignored him.
"No, thank you," You clarified for the waitress, "Thank you though."
She returned with the bill after a few more moments, which you split and started to get ready to leave. Your date was almost dragging his feet, you regretted letting him pick you up.
"So, you and Gallo went to the academy at the same time?" You asked as you got into his passenger seat.
"Yeah!" He grinned, "Gallo and I were head to head during the academy, expected him to make squad already."
You nodded, "I'm sure he will soon," You and Gallo talked about making Squad a lot, both of you actively trying to pursue it, "We train together a lot."
Your date laughed, "You train for Squad?"
You frowned, "Yeah? Severiade said I have a real chanc-"
"Ha! Yeah right, a women firefighter on squad?"
You stared at him in awe, "What's wrong with that?"
He looked over at you as he realized you were offended, "Look, you have to be honest. The only reason female firefighters exist is that the academy lowered the physical standards and woke culture at work."
It took you a few seconds to actually process what he said. When you did, you replied, "Ok yeah. Uh, Pull over, now."
"What? Why?"
"Pull over!" You demanded, "Let me out now."
He pulled to the side of the street, watching with a frown as you got out of his car and grabbed your bag, "Take this as a no to a second date."
You slammed the door and started walking down the street. Never let a date pick you up, that was your second mistake. The first mistake was letting Gallo near your dating life.
You pulled out your phone, opening the group chat you Gallo, Ritter and Violet were in.
Blind dates are the worst, I hate you, Gallo.
You watched Ritter and Violet immediately respond with laughing emojis. You ignored the conversation and opened your phone to see if Jay was working. You knew there was a good chance he would be working, but if he was too busy you could always try Will.
"Halstead," Jay answered the phone after three rings.
"Do you not check Caller ID?"
You could hear the pause as Jay rolled his eyes, it was your greeting now. "What do you want?"
You giggled, "Are you at work?"
"Yeah, sitting in the Bullpen, why?"
"Any chance you can come get me? I'm stranded." You said sheepishly.
"Stranded?" He asked.
"Gallo set me up on a blind date and I couldn't be around that prick anymore so, I walked out," You explained, bracing yourself for his response.
"Who goes on blind dates anymore?" He chuckled, clearly trying to hide how amused he was.
"Don't be mean," You heard Hailey in the background.
"Yeah! Don't be mean to your little sister who is stranded in downtown Chicago in the middle of the night," You replied.
"Alright, Alright," Jay sighed, "Where are you?"
You relayed your location to him, rattling off the street signs around you.
"Okay, just stay there, Hailey and I will be there in ten."
You sighed, putting your phone back in your pocket and crossed your arms over your chest. There was no way you would hear the end of this from anyone in intelligence. You could already hear Ruzek and Atwater's jokes about how terrible an idea blind dates were.
You were about to text Jay and ask him where he was, when you heard police sirens from a few streets over.
Please, lord no.
The black police car came around the corner much slower than was necessary, you could see Jay grinning like the Cheshire cat through the windscreen. The few people who were on the street looked over at the commotion, you could feel their stares as Jay did a U-turn and pulled up beside you.
He turned off the sirens, climbing out of the car.
"What are you doing out here alone, young lady?"
"Jesus Christ, Jay," You sighed, smacking his chest, "Do you make everything in a commotion?"
"Ma'am, did you just assault my partner?" Hailey called from the passenger seat.
You threw your hands up, "I should have just walked home!"
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fritz-on-a-blitz · 9 months
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Happy 2024! (late)
Actually Posing Cutely for the Picture
Disaster Short Gay Lord
Tired of You, Should Go on a Long Vacation (Gay as Well)
Thanks to everyone who stopped by to leave this blog a little note in 2023. Ily dearly <3
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stellariders · 2 months
who wants to bet that the synopsis for the first episode will look something like this:
“Kelly grapples with life changing new, Stella struggles to reach a decision, Violet and Carvers relationship hits a roadblock. While, Herrmann and Firehouse 51 deal with Boden’s replacement.”
i think i’ll be spot on tbh
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cas-kingdom · 1 year
I’d love it if you could write
“Well, this went horribly wrong…” And “Idiots. They are all idiots.”
With Chicago Fire pretty please ❤️
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The atmosphere of Firehouse 51 was one of absolute secrecy. The majority of the house had crammed into the common room, some filling food dishes while others strung up decorations, each person adopting a very temporary and absolutely rare attitude of quiet.
"Hey, Kelly, grab that," you whispered as loud as you could. Balancing on the edge of an armchair, you had been attempting to stick a Happy Birthday banner above the doorway.
Kelly put his stack of party hats down and rushed over to help. "Where am I going?" he asked, taking the end of the banner. He pulled it over to the other side of the room, standing on the tips of his toes to stick it in the corner. "Here? Hey, Stella, pass me the tape?"
Sylvie slapped Mouch's hand as it reached for the bowl of popcorn. "Uh, no! Hands off the party food, Mouch."
"Oh, come on, there's more than enough here," Mouch sulked.
Sylvie stared. "Off."
"Guys, where am I putting these party poppers?" Violet called, slapping a hand over her mouth when a chorus of hushes came her way.
Cruz pointed towards the pile of presents on a table. "I think Y/N said over there."
Hermann cursed. "Damn, I think I forgot my present."
"No, no—" You turned momentarily away from the birthday banner, which you were still struggling to hang up the right way, to point Violet in a different direction— "By the cake."
Stella, about three party hats on her head, frowned. "Did that personalised birthday sash every arrive?"
"Mouch, I said off the food!"
"Please, Sylvie?"
"Y/N," Kelly said, "this is impossible." The birthday banner did not want to stay up, its finicky material ripping and slipping every time you and Kelly tried to stick your respective ends to the wall.
You, ever the tenacious one, set your lips in a tight, determined line and frowned as you concentrated. "Nothing's impossible Just—reach a bit more—"
Ritter's voice, riddled with nervous laughter, broke through the quietude of the common room. "Uh, guys?"
"What in God's name are you doing to my firehouse?"
Your head swung around so fast you lost your balance on the edge of the chair and fell, only saved from falling in a heap on the floor by Cruz, who caught you and steadied you.
Chief Wallace Boden stood inches in front of the open doorway, stern face surveying the common room's new features. Behind him, Capp and Tony lingered, the we fucked up looks absolutely at home on their faces. They escaped not a single glare from the occupants of the room, who stood scattered, each with their own job that they took one hundred percent seriously.
Capp leaned over Boden's shoulder. "You said twelve!" he hissed.
"We said half twelve!" Stella hissed back.
There was a general silence and very little movement that lasted approximately three seconds before Sylvie stepped forward, hands clasped in front of her and smiling as wide as she could without it looking too forced.
"Chief!" she said. "Surprise?" At the ensuing silence, she spun on her heel and glared until everyone shouted "surprise!"
The birthday banner fell on Kelly's head.
"Well," Hermann said around an awkward cough, "this went horribly wrong."
On any other day, in any other circumstance, you might have laughed about the upheaval. But this was a party you had been planning for three shifts. Each detail had been meticulously thought out, greatly desiring the man who'd been there for you since you were toddling around the firehouse to have a good birthday despite working. Now, that plan had plummeted downwards.
You sighed and your shoulders slackened in defeat. Noting this, and finally grasping what this was, Boden let himself smile and picked up a party hat from one of the tables. "On the contrary," he said, putting the hat on your head, "I think it's wonderful."
A chorus of cheers rounded the common room and Cruz struck up the music player.
"Thank you, guys," Boden said as he pulled you, finally grinning, into his side, "truly."
Chicago Fire Masterpost
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fictionalreads · 6 months
Chicago Fire Season 12 Episode 9
Mouch she seems lowkey stalker-ish. Better not let Trudy know she likes you.
Kathy is flirting Mouch. I know you just want to be nice and do well but she’s a little weird.
I told you Kathy had issues Mouch.
Oh you were trying to tell Trudy. She just didn’t get the hint.
Oh no she got the hint. GO TRUDY I should’ve never doubted your ability to get the hint.
Homie relax. Boden’s not gonna just put you on the street. Make and save your money and move when you can.
Oh that’s why you stressing.
James. Where are you?
Of course Boden showed up.
This paramedic looks familiar.
She also seems….selfish is what we’ll go with.
Lady shut up.
Oh shit Rosie stepped up when needed. Also, I literally just learned her name.
She’s a lot.
Yeah Varver is only into PICs.
You just wanna play fire cop. You ain’t slick 😏
Oh that’s a body. That’s what you’re smelling.
Um. I don’t like the connotations that rap equals drugs. Especially when rap is predominately black. Do better writers.😒
It ain’t Antoine. I’m rooting for him.
I told y’all the owner was shady.
Oh. Did Wyatt do it? Or his wife?
Nothing improper about the acetone but the equipment
Do I believe her? I don’t know. Cause it’s real easy to blame a dead man.
Severide is just so fucking cool.
Owner seems nice. Call me paranoid but I don’t trust him.
Put the gun down kid.
Why is he holding his head like that?
So apparently Rome Flynn is gone for good. I’m feeling some type of way.
Kylie’s here! Oh just as a floater.
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shewholovesall · 2 days
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hooty-1-6-svu · 29 days
This is probably Mariska being funny, but this seems like something Chris would post
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I mean, M for Mariska and Meloni? Aka, Marshmellon (I can hope)
And since it's today, Happy 20th Wedding Anniversary to Mariska and Peter❤️
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browneyedbeauty5725 · 2 years
Rewatching Chicago Fire again and these are my thoughts over the years lol
1. I love Shay, I miss Shay and as much as I liked Mills i wish he had died instead.
2. Shay and Severides friendship was everything.
3. I didnt realize the other times Ive watched but i dont really like Gabby. She doesnt listen and she always thinks shes right.
4. I was determined not to like Brett because i loved Shay so much but she very quickly became my favorite character.
5. I hate how they keep changing Bretts ambo and romantic partners. Just leave my girl alone damn.
6. Never like Sylvie n Cruz.
7. Brettonio owns my soul
8. I loved Jimmy n Sylvie as ambo partners. I was pissed how they did his storyline. Borelli is my boy. Little Gilbert makes a hot fire fighter lol
9. Never really liked Chilli even before she went off the rails. I just found her really annoying
10. Hermann is my man lol
11. The actor who plays Casey was the whole reason i started watching the show cauze i loved him on House
12.i like Stella but i dont like her n severide as a couple.
13. Bodens alright.
14. Otis my poor boy i miss you
15. Connie it will always be your fire house
16. I like Foster but she was kinda lowkey stuck up a lil bit to me.
17. Cant say anything bout the new seasons cause i couldnt stomach Brett n Casey. Maybe i can make it through this time
18. I did actually like Gabby n Jay even though im not a fan of Gabby
19. I completely forgot they got Mollys so early, idk why i thought it was late season 2.
20. No hate to anyone who loves them but Brett n Casey are just weird. Like dude Sylvie he is your best friends ex husband and you dated his brother in law and Casey my man she is your ex wifes best friend. Like no you just dont go there.
Long live Shay and Otis
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windshield91 · 3 days
If the goal of all of these interviews and previews is to discourage watching, It's working. I have been less interested in the show by every article I read.
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gilsart · 8 months
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this is all i have to offer for today
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Annotated Cicero
411G Cicero 106 B.C.-44 B.C Epistolarum familiarium…libri XVI, ex Christophori Lo[n]golij eloquentiss. oratoris castigationibus recogniti, quàm antè hac multò etia[m] à mendis curiosiùs adserti; elenchum eorum, quae adiecimus, versa habet pagina Coloniae : Apud Viduam Marini Gymnici, 1551                                     Price $3,300 Edited by Christophorus Longolius (Christophe de…
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storiesfabled · 5 months
@surgcns asked: “you never answered my question.”
"What was your question again?" Hermann asked, though he already knew what it was. The firefighter really didn't want to admit that there was some new pain happening this long after the surgery; he couldn't afford to be out of work for a long stretch again. "Honestly, doc, I'm fine. Nothin' to worry about. Just gimme a clean bill o' health to give to Chief Boden and I'll get outta your hair."
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