#hermes deity
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khaire-traveler · 3 days ago
For those celebrating, I hope you have a wonderful time! For those who are unfamiliar with the festival, here are some informative posts and the like:
~ 🍇 ~
On Antheaterion - @kallisto-aglaia
Anthesteria - @thegodsaremyhome
Anthesteria - @dionysusmybeloved
Ancient Greece's Biggest Festival: The Anthesteria - @margaretkart
Anthesteria - The First Day, Pithoigia - @aceofcupsbiggestfan
Anthesteria - The Second Day, Kheos - @aceofcupsbiggestfan
Anthesteria - The Third Day, Khytrai - @aceofcupsbiggestfan
Rethinking The Anthesteria - @thegrapeandthefig
Celebrating Anthesteria Without Alcohol - @thegrapeandthefig
Anthesteria - Hellenion.org (I do not personally endorse Hellenion, based on things I've heard about them, but they can still be a helpful resource)
Anthesteria - Britannica.org
The Anthesteria - World History Encyclopedia.org
Anthesteria Dionysus Invocation - @beatingdrumspouringwine
Protrygaios Hymn/Poem - @beatingdrumspouringwine
Orphic Hymn 46 to Dionysus - @dionysusmybeloved
Hermes Chthonios Hymn/Poem - @sanguinebutch
Anthesteria, Khytrai Lyre Melody - @princesmeadow
Anthesteria - @nyxshadowhawk (found on @dionysia-ta-astika )
Personal Dionysian Ritual, First Day - @beatingdrumspouringwine
Flower Poem For Bacchus/Poema-florido Pra Baco - @piristephes
Anthesteria Playlist - @nyxshadowhawk
Orphic Hymn 30 to Dionysus - @kallisto-aglaia
Celebration Ideas For Anthesteria - @khaire-traveler (me)
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Have a lovely Anthesteria, everyone, and remember to put up protections to prevent any wandering spirits from sticking around ~~~
Hail Dionysus!!! 💜💚
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cinnaspacebuns · 3 days ago
offering my deities Valentine’s Day candy and the only one who took it was Hermes.
And he’s taking being my valentine very seriously.
so far he’s been putting random songs in my head? (“We Belong Together” from Mariah Carey, “Fade into You” from Mazzy Star”. He LOVED it when I played Boys II Men last night.) Romantic gestures in tarot reads? (Two of Cups)
We also watched Challengers the other night. I have fake flowers/ivy hanging above my bed. One of the roses came down and smacked my forehead.
Thanks Hermes.
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wingedfoolnearthesun · 2 days ago
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a quick offering to Lord Hermes for a safe and successful journey to the bank. praise be Lord Hermes, God of Travel and Giver of Good Fortune ♡
all photos are from pinterest and are arranged by me
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wayfind-er · 2 days ago
Quotes That Remind Me of Hermes Mastêrios
Hermes Mastêrios (Masterios), of Searchers, greatest of Patrons. Associated with searches of all kinds—searches for knowledge, wanderlust, wealth, items, etc.
"Not all those who wander are lost,"
“So much of who we are is where we have been.”
"The impulse to travel is one of the hopeful symptoms of life.”
"Your body tells you when it is time to work or when it's just time to relax and recuperate."
“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.”
"Wandering alone doesn't mean you're lost; it means you're on a journey of self-discovery."
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the-purvashadha · 11 months ago
When you step into sunlight, you honor Apollo. When you admire the moon, you honor Artemis. When you admire cloud shapes, you honor Hera. When you smell petrichor, you honor Zeus. When you laugh at a joke, you honor Hermes. When your body twitches to dance at a particularly upbeat music, you honor Dinoysus. When you enjoy the first bite of your breakfast, you honor Demeter. When you choose your peace over any conflict, you honor Athena. When you warm yourself up by sheltering yourself in blanket, you honor Hestia. When you listen to Ocean sounds, you honor Poseidon. When you smell flowers, you honor Persephone. When you admire the coolness of first day of Autumn, you honor Hades. When you wear your favourite jewellery, you honor Hephaestus. When you smile, you honor Aphrodite. When you exercise, you honor Ares. When you light a torch in a dark room, you honor Hekate.
Your body is a shrine to Gods, your being an act of devotion for them. You, by yourself, are enough for them.
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apollophanes · 7 months ago
I've seen this saying being passed around a few times. Not sure where it is from, but I love it:
If you don't know who to pray to, then pray to Hermes. Even if he cannot help you, he knows someone who can.
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fabledfoxglove · 6 months ago
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♤ ʜᴇʀᴍᴇs • ɢᴏᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʀᴀᴠᴇʟ, ʙᴏᴜɴᴅᴀʀɪᴇs, ᴍᴇʀᴄʜᴀɴᴛs, ᴛʜɪᴇᴠᴇs, ᴛʀɪᴄᴋᴇʀʏ, ɢᴀᴍʙʟɪɴɢ, ʟᴜᴄᴋ, & ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇs ♤
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the-gangaridaean · 1 month ago
Absolutely be political in your worship.
Aphrodite isn't called Pandemos (of All People) so you can sit around and let the big names capitalise love and serve it only to those who can afford to pay past the persecution. Hermes isn't called Oeopolus (Shepherd) so you can sit around and let a bunch of power-hungry wolves lead a flock of influencable sheep. Apollo isn't called Paean (Healer) so you can sit around while wealthy corporations serve healthcare only to those who can afford not to die. Athena isn't called Ambulia (Counsellor) so you can sit around while the people are being fed propaganda against each other to divert them from the real enemy at the top. Dionysus isn't called Eleuthereus (the Liberator) so you can sit around while freedom is only granted to those whose skins have the acceptable colour while the others die in chains. Zeus isn't called Xenios (of the Foreigners) so you can sit around while the borders are closed to those who need it and only open to those who can give back the money.
The Gods stand with the oppressed, and so should you.
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lunarphoria · 23 days ago
⚚ offering for Lord Hermes ⚚
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FINALLY finished this only took me like forever.. but hey I can finally post something again !!
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Lord Hermes is a god that's been really present in my life lately, which I'm extremely grateful for. He's been showing up around me and one of my now best friends has a really deep relationship with him , and I can't help but think he had his hands in it somehow <3 .
So I thought it's only fair to show my gratitude in the only way I can really do, by drawing something for him :3 I hope he likes it , you guys too of course!!
I also used this drawing as an opportunity to study Jean-Jacques Lagrenée 's painting titled " Mercury, Bearer of Abundance on Earth " :3
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( divider made by @/sister-lucifer <3 )
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khaire-traveler · 7 hours ago
The silliest and most terrifying thing happened to me while I was doing my final ritual for Anthesteria (the one where you ask The Dead to leave and give thanks to Hermes Psychopompos). It was as follows:
It was snowing outside. When you step out there, you can hear nothing but the sound of the wind blowing. It was an ominous sound, but there was some unnerving peace to it.
I stepped outside and walked to my ritual spot just a few feet from my house. As I gave my first offering, I realized I forgot the second offering inside. I stopped for a moment, trying to decide if it was worth it to run inside and grab it, and although some part of me said I could continue without it, I decided to get it. I found a good place to pause in my speaking and ran inside without looking behind me (key thing here is to not look behind you, as to not invite any spirits to follow).
I snatched a mug from my cupboard and filled it with fresh water then headed back outside, accidentally spilling some on myself, naturally. Right as I'm about to begin again, I hear a man's voice calling out to me from a short distance away. I didn't recognize the voice and debated whether or not I should look where it was coming from, considering I was in the process of trying to ask the spirits of Anthesteria to leave. I pause in silence for a moment, then hear the voice again, actually able to make out the words this time.
"Look over here."
Freezing in place, I looked just ahead of me and saw no one. I scanned the area where I heard the voice (it was a very open area, so I would've easily seen someone), even looking in my neighbor's yard, but not a soul seemed to be around. In a split second decision, my brain felt that the wisest course of action was to turn around, yelling quite literally "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!", and not look behind me out of respect for the ritual. I slammed my door behind me and calmed down before deciding to have someone watch the door (for my safety), grab some more water, and head back outside.
I was goddamn determined to finish this ritual.
I go out there, do what I need to do, and don't hear the man again. As I throw some pomegranate seeds over my shoulder and command the spirits to leave, a nearby bush started shaking out snow suddenly, but I continued speaking and went inside, closing the door behind me and not looking back.
So yeah, it was probably just my neighbor, and the bush was probably a squirrel or bird hopping around (there are lots of those near here), but that shit scared the fuck out of me, especially since I had listened to a ton of horror stories last night (with Hermes, mind you, so I have my suspicions that I was low-key being pranked). The fact that my actual scream of fear was "AH" is also insanely hilarious to me; I hope the spirits and Hermes got a kick out of that lmfao. XD
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undeadwhilealive · 2 months ago
Hermes Epithets
Diaktoros(Διακτορος)- Guide, Messenger
Athanatos Diaktoros(Αθανατος Δαικτορος) - Immortal Guide
Angelos Athanatôn(Ανγελος Αθανατων) - Messenger of the Gods
Angelos Makarôn(Ανγελος Μακαρων) - Messenger of the Blessed
Khrysorrhapis(Χρυσορραπις) - Of the Golden Wand
Klepsiphrôn(Κλεπσιφρων) - Deceiver, Dissembler
Mêkhaniôtês(Μηχανιωτης) - Trickster, Contriver
Phêlêtês(Φηλητης) - Thief, Robber, Rustler
Arkhos Phêlêteôn(Αρχοσ Φηλητεων) - Leader of Robbers, Thieves
Poikilomêtês(Ποικιλομητης) - Full of Various Wiles
Polytropos(Πολυτροπος) - Wily, Many-Turning
Poneomenos(Πονεομενος) - Busy One
Bouphonos(Βουφονος) - Slayer of Oxen
Oiopolos(Οιοπολος) - Sheep Tending, Shepherd
Dais Hetairos(Δαις Ἑταιρος) - Comrade of the Feast
Kharidôtês(Χαριδωτης) - Giver of Joy
Kharmophrôn(Χαρμοπηρων) - Glad-hearted, Heart-Delighting
Dôtor Eaôn(Δωτορ Εαων) - Giver of Good Things
Akakêta(Ακακητα) - Guileless, Gracious
Euskopos(Ευσκοπος) - Keen Sighted, Watchful
Eriounês(Εριουνης) - Luck Bringing, Ready-Helper
Kydimos(Κυδιμος) - Glorious
Erikydês(Ερικυδης) - Famous, Glorious, Splendid
Aglaos(Αγλαος) - Splendid, Bright, Glorious
Kratus(Κρατυς) - Strong, Mighty
Krateros(Κρατερος) - Strong, Mighty
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wingedfoolnearthesun · 20 hours ago
last night was proof to me that quiet and quick prayers are just as important as long, spoken-out ones. i was feeling a bit down in the dumps, so i couldn’t find it in me to devote my usual drawn out prayer to each of my deities. i started with a simple apology for that fact and thanked them for their blessings, collectively. i made sure to also thank Lord Hermes for His security and guidance today and devoted my sleeping space to Lord Hypnos for the night.
i felt comforted immediately and was able to get a very good night’s rest. i was being watched over silently.
your deities understand when you’re unable to spend a lot of time, energy, or effort into the things you do for your religion. something i’ve noticed is that taking it casually is just as loved and appreciated as dedicating all your outward energy into the religion. it’s okay to take it slow. it’s okay to take a step back. it’s okay to be low-energy. it’s okay to approach your practice with the smallest and quietest of steps. your deities will continue to watch over you and love you as they always have. just remember to show them the respect they deserve. be kind and gentle on your own soul ♡
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assistedbytherats · 11 months ago
Committing piracy as a devotional act to Hermes
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sunlight-and-calliopes · 14 days ago
Lord Hermes
God of herds, travel, communication, language, luck, wealth, and thieves.
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Promakhos ~ The Champion
Hermeneutes ~ The Interpreter, The Translator
Trikephalos ~ Of Roads and Intersections (literally; "The Three Headed")
Propylaios ~ Of the Gateway
Pompaios ~ The Guide
Mechaniotes ~ The Trickster
Poneomenos ~ The Busy One
Oiopolos ~ The Shepard
Kharidotes ~ The Giver of Joy
Eriounes ~ The Luck Bringer
Dotor Eaon ~ The Giver of Good Things
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Cattle, sheep, and other herd animals
Hares and rabbits
Crocus flowers
Strawberry trees
Snowdrop flowers
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Offerings and Devotional Acts
Dice and playing cards
Model ships, trains, and cars
Maps and atlases
Tokens of luck (rabbits feet, four leaf clovers, coins, horseshoes, etc.)
Coins and other currency
Bull symbolism
Candles and incense
Learning a new language
Helping and being kind to strangers
Learning about other cultures
Playing strategy games (chess, checkers, go, etc.)
(credit to vibeswithrenai for the Hermes themed dividers!)
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meadcake · 5 months ago
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battelcry · 1 month ago
Prayer to Hermes for students and writers,
Hermes, Diaktoros, messenger to many, guide to those who seek, dearest of all; Skilled craftsman and rhetorician, inventor of lyre and the mightiness of language for those who use it in your name and honor. Now as i sit on my desk and commence my studies or writing; my heart beats while each pulse recites your name, my eyes see and my consciousness think with the mightiness you bestow, my hands write like a pilgrim exploring sacred lands—depths of my consciousness, bringing fruition to my studies. All in your honor and your name, Dotor eaon, Silver-tongued darling of the Gods. I ask you for the brightness of your wisdom and your skill in writing and language enlighten my path of education and my career i seek as a writer. I thank you for all the blessings you gave me. Please, let me stand by your side and be my eternal guide and mentor, most beloved of all teachers. Khaire.
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