#hero as ray also means king
tai-janai · 6 months
sometimes I see in your art the voices call each other by things other than their original voice descriptor, like para as wire or oppy as flora. Is there an existing master list I can look at for the nicknames? Also, what was your reasoning for picking some of them?
so !
in game the voices never actually use their descriptors as names. but i have a lot of content that includes them directly referencing each other, so i had to give em names. perhaps names they would give each other.
so, looking at all of them (and my monster designs in Reunite), i also came up with connections to the greek pantheon, because of course i did.
so here they all are with their full legal names, alternate symbols, and greek god i associate with them
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so yep. masterlist now exists
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cutiekaijumuseum · 3 months
A little trivia for those that just got introduced to Ultraman thanks to Ultraman Rising
You know that part where baby kaiju Emi is shown a kids cartoon with an earworm of a song?
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That cartoon is real!! It's called Kaiju Step Wandabada and it stars cute kid versions of different monsters from different Ultraman series (mostly the original from 1966 wich Rising is also based on). The opening shown in the movie is in stop-motion while the cartoon itself is in 2D.
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The Ultraman heroes don't appear in person, but bizarrely enough they seem to exist as fictional superheroes in-universe, with the kaiju kids having toys and dolls of them. It's no surprise Emi liked it so much! She would be right at home in this show!
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The episodes are 5 minutes long, there are two seasons of 26 episodes each for a total of 52. The official Tsurubaya channel has the first episodes of both seasons uploaded...
...but the rest were sadly only up for a limited time cuz gotta sell the dvds. What is officially available online right now is a series of educational shorts.
Some years ago Marvel Comics got the rights to make Ultraman comics and made a mini-series called "The Rise of Ultraman" (no relation), and these Kaiju Step designs got to appear as part of in-universe instructional videos about dealing with monsters and aliens:
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So let's have a quick rundow on the little monsters and where each comes from:
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Pigmon or Pig-chan is the main protagonist and new kid in town (forest). This coral-looking guy is one of the most iconic and recurring ultra monsters and the go-to kid-friendly one, as he stood out among the original set of kaiju for being friendly and heroic (as well as human-sized). He has the bad habit of dying in many of his apperences but fortunately that's not the case here.
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Kanegon or Kane-chan is the second member of the protagonist trio, and the most energic and simple-minded. A coin purse monster that eats money, and usually a human kid under a curse. He actually pre-dates Ultraman, appearing in the black-and-white anthology series Ultra Q wich had monsters but not superheroes. Fortunately this one doesn't need to eat money and was born a kaiju.
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Alien Dada or Dada-chan is the reliable but temperamental inventor of the trio, he dreams of building a rocket ship. One of the most iconic villains from the original 1966 Ultraman (and that's saying a lot), it's a weird alien with weird powers looking for human subjects for his weird experiments, like testing his shrinking ray. He really earns the name of a weird art movement.
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Gomora or Gomo-chan is probably the most iconic ultra kaiju of all. Remember how in Ultraman Rising there is this whole sequence where the dad omniously talks about fighting him? There is a good reason for that. Gomora had the only two-parter in the original 1966 series, and was able to actually defeat Ultraman in their first figh. He's essentially Godzilla if he lived underground rather than underwater (He's even been a good guy and had a robot counterpart). Here, however, Gomora is a chill guy who's passionate about agriculture. (btw, you can also spot Gomora in Rising on a screen around an hour and eight minutes into the movie).
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Red King or just Red is another iconic ultra dino, that looks like corn. In the show he's brute but well-meaning, and has a friendly sport rivalry with Kemur-chan. But in the Ultraman series he's a sadistic and murderous bully who beats up weaker monsters but gets his butt kicked rather easily by Ultraman (although more recent incarnations have have been more positive, both in his fighting ability and sometimes even becoming a loving father). (and yes, you are right, he's not red).
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Jamira or Jami-chan is a passionate archeologist and fossil collector in the show, whereas in the original Ultraman he was a human astronaut that got infected by a virus. He hasn't appeared much beyond his debut... but doesn't need to, as his episode was very memorable in how sad and tragic it was. I can't imagine the target audience's whiplash seeing this cute creature one moment collecting fossils and the next having a horrible sad death. I guess one could say the same for most of the characters, but this one takes the cake.
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Miclas or Mic-chan is the youngest character, a baby, and loves bugs. He was one of the "capsule monsters" from the second ultra series, Ultra Seven. Sometimes the titular ultra wouldn't be able to fight himself so he would summon up to three very loyal monsters from little capsules to do the fighting instead (or at least buy some time, they weren't very strong). One was a triceratops, another was a robot bird, but the most iconic had to be Miclas because really, what even is he? Some kind of bull toad hybrid? (By the way, fun fact, the capsule monsters were one of the inspirations for Pokemon).
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King Joe (yes, that's his name) or Joe-chan is a robot controlled by alien invaders and is to Ultra Seven what Gomora is to the original Ultraman: he's the subject of a two-parter and was able to beat the hero to a pulp at first, made harder to fight by his ability to divide into three flying parts. Fortunately this Joe is very shy and very friendly.
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Eleking or Ele-chan from Ultra Seven is another of the "mascot" ultra kaiju. If two ultra kaiju have to appear in anything, chances are they will be Gomora and Eleking. In fact, in Ultraman Rising you can see Eleking in a monitor right next to Gomora (around an hour and eight minutes in). It's a dinosaur-like eel monster with (of course) electric powers, and the enforcer of an all-female bug-like alien species set to conquer the earth, that are nonetheless very affectionate towards their pet-weapon dino-eel. The fact that Eleking's masters are always women may explain why the Kaiju Step one is a very femenine and elegant girl despite having King in the name, though no less dangerously electric.
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Alien Guts or Guts-chan here is a very little alien bird child who can multiply into three separate individuals to cause all the destruction in their sincere attempts to help out. The original duo from Ultra Seven meanwhile are ruthless alien invaders that are infamous for freaking crucifying the aforementioned hero, leading to decades of japanese media having christian imagery for the sake of looking cool, most notably Neon Genesis Evangelion, because these birds did it first and it looked so cool.
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Alien Kemur or Kemu-chan is a very agile alien that comes from the distant future of 2020 to consume humans and extend his lifespan. Here he's a friendly but competitive ninja from the present, and has a rivalry with Red King being the speed to his strenght. Like Kanegon, he pre-dates Ultraman, being from Ultra Q.
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Motokureron or Kureron-chan originates from the whimsical, fairy-tale like Ultraman Taro. A kid found him as a baby and fed him until he grew to giant size, but when the kid couldn't feed him anymore he turned destructive; fortunately he was easy to pacify with food, including the kind that made him shrink. He retains his glutonny and clumsiness in Kaiju Step, often doing the bad thing (tm) so the others can teach the kids in the audience why you shouldn't do the bad thing (tm).
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Nova or No-chan originates from the surprisingly dark Ultraman Leo. This creepy and bizarre ghost-like alien created a red mist that made people go crazy, and manipulated a kid with illusions of his deceased family, and under his cloth there are lots of tentacles and a scythe. So of course, in Kaiju Step she's a happy and energic little girl that loves to sing.
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Mugera or Muge-chan is by far the most obscure kaiju of the cast. She's from the 2001 series Ultraman Cosmos, the one where the titular hero protects monsters instead of fighting them. Mugera is an ET-like cryptid that lives in an amusement park that only kids can see, with the ability to fix toys and heal wounds with her magic. After the amusement park closes down she phones home and the protagonists have to protect her from the goverment wich is a little too eager to shoot down the UFO that came to pick her up. In Kaiju Step she likes reading and plants.
And that was your daily dose of kaiju sugar, that may be overdose because you probably already met Emi. Cheers!
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j4gm · 1 year
Here's a bunch of stuff I spotted. Feel free to add more.
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During the anime girl hero dream Fionna mentions Hans Brinker, a character from a novel which introduced speed skating to the United States.
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The BMO style alarm clock has BMO's voice.
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The ducks that steal Marshall Lee's money look like one-headed versions of the two-headed duck from the original Adventure Time title sequence.
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Cheers is a real sitcom. Simon previously sang its theme song in the episode Simon & Marcy, and now it seems to have manifested in the human AU due to his connection with it.
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Fionna says "stop acting crazy" to Cake with the same meter as Marceline said "stop acting crazy" to Ice King in the episode I Remember You.
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We all spotted this in the trailer but there's a Magic Man hat in this shot. Magic Man's hat was most recently seen being worn by Betty.
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The Betty statue also suggests that Simon's psyche has significant influence over this world. The fountain includes frogs, a symbol of change that was previously also used in Temple of Mars. And Fionna mentions the statue underwent renovation twelve years ago, which is the same amount of time that's passed in the prime universe since Betty's amalgamation with GOLB.
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It would seem Mrs. Abadeer runs a vacuum cleaner company as well as being Fionna's landlady. And Queenie runs an accounting business as well as the tour bus.
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The stickers on Marshall Lee's guitar case are all references to real life punk rock bands. X-Ray Pex = X-Ray Spex, Daikini Kill = Bikini Kill, PM might be a reference to AM as in the Arctic Monkeys. I'm not sure what Las Crudas and Dark Eyes are references to. Perhaps someone more familiar with punk rock can let me know?
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In case you were wondering, the credits confirm that this is human genderswapped Fern. It's a bit more obvious now that we can see all her green clothes and backpack, and given what she said about her dreams being super messed up. I'm not gonna go through the rest of the cameo characters in this episode because most of them are pretty obvious or already got figured out when the trailer dropped. That said, if anyone knows who the bus driver is meant to be please let me know.
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The sword in the window of this games shop looks very similar to Fionna's sword from the original comic series.
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The latte that Gumball - ahem I mean Gary - makes in this scene features PB's swan.
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Okay one more cameo mention because I feel like it might become significant later. This is Ice Queen.
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Fionna and Cake are dreaming about their apartment block in the credits of this episode, but it has a roof like the Tree Fort and the same little boat with a telescope and parasol.
Episode 2 to follow!
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enyalios-shrine · 1 year
𝘼𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥 101
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Hi! I’m Raven (or Ray), and I’ve been an Ares devotee for almost five years now. You want to start worshiping him? Great! Despite what today’s media makes of him - which I will talk about a lot in this post - , he’s actually a very caring, gentle and (dare I say) beginner-friendly deity! In general, a great choice! (Also, this is inspired by another post I saw but forgot to save - so, credits for the idea goes to that person) So, let's get started.
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Since I’m assuming you already know the broad strokes of who he is (Greek god of war, bloodshed, violent and so forth), this section will be about some of the misconceptions most people have of Him. If you’ve ever consumed any Greek mythology-related media, I’m sure you’ve seen the following caricature: beefy, misogynistic, violent, stupid jerk, rude and always looking for a fight. While, yes, He IS violent (He's the god of war, afterall), that's far from all He has to offer.
Did you know Ares is actually historically a major feminist? That’s probably the first thing to get demystified about Him when you talk to an Ares devotee or worshiper, so I’m not really saying ground-breaking news here, but since a fair amount of people don’t know about it, I thought it was a fair mention. So, let’s get into the actual myths and proofs for this claim:
Ares was the father of and supported the Amazons in battle, a group of female-only warriors and hunters.
He’s one of the only male deities in Greek mythology to not have sexually harassed or raped someone. Yes, even other deities viewed as “nice” such as Apollo and Hermes have done so (I don’t mean any disrespect for those deities here - I’m also an Apollo devotee).
Ares was held in trial for the murder of Halirrhotius, a son of Poseidon, after he raped one of Ares’ daughters, Alkippe. He was acquited of murder by the gods. Remember, back in ancient Greece, women didn’t have ANY rights - raping one was not considered a crime or even frowned upon as far as I'm aware.
One of His epithets is “Ares Gynaikothoina", which means "feasted by women". During a war between the Tegeans and the Spartans, the women of Tegea defended the city from a invasion led by the Spartan king Charilaus. After arming themselves, they defeated the Spartans following an ambush. Among the prisoners was the Spartan king himself. In commemoration, they would hold a feast in honor of Ares, to which only women were invited.
All in all, Ares is protective, just, and encouraging of His children as well as worshipers and devotees. He’s not the piece of shit jock most people think of when you mention His name. Please stop doing my man this dishonor, He deserves so much better.
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His Roman counterpart is Mars. He’s the son of Zeus and Hera, and his consourt is Aphrodite (even though they’re not officially married). His divine children are Phobos and Deimos (twin daimones/personified spirits of panic and terror, respectively), Harmonia (goddess of harmony and concord), Antero (erote/god of requited love) and Eros (erote/god of carnal love), all which he had with Aphrodite, as well as Drakon of Thebes (a giant serpent), which he apparently had by himself.
As for hero children; Cycnus (a bloody-thirsty men who was murdered by Herakles), Diomedes of Thrace (who had man-eating horses for some reason), Thrax (who founded Thrace), Oenomaus (Greek king of Pisa), and the Amazons (female warriors and hunters as mentioned above).
His symbols and associations are: spears, swords, helmets, armour, dogs, chariots, shields, The Chariot & The Emperor tarot cards, etc.
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Tuesdays are holy to Ares and are ruled by the planet Mars (again, his Roman counterpart), which means they’re associated with action, energy, strength, and courage, as well as the color red.
As for festivals, He was typically honored with special rites in times of war or just before battles. There were also two annual festivals: one in the town of Geronthrae in ancient Laconia, celebrated only by men, and one in Tagea in Arcadia, celebrated only by women, where His "feasted by women" epithet came from. There's hardly any info on exact dates (from the Attic calendar or not) or info about any other festivals.
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Barn owls
Eagle owls
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There’s no plant, flower or tree traditionally associated with Ares, unfortunately, so I’m gonna give a list of my UPG’s. Now, I’m not a witch, so I don’t know about the magical properties of the plants I’m about to list (if you’re a witch and were looking for something like that, my bad). However, I am a florist and have a special interest in floriography, so I assign them to Him based on vibe, meaning, etc.
Amaryllis (Means “Pride”)
Basil (Means “Hate”)
Water hemlock (Means “Death”)
Snapdragon (Means “Presumption”, but I think he just likes the way it looks)
Poppy (Means “Eternal sleep”, but has a long history with wars, being the first kind of flora to start growing in abandoned battlefields that were previously considered infertile)
Nettle (Means “Cruelty”)
Magnolia (Means “Dignity”)
Yarrow (Means “Cure for a broken heart”, and is said to have been used by Achilles to heal his men on the battlefield, which is why the scientific name is “Achillea”)
Ginger (Associated with “Heat”)
Pepper, spices, etc (idk he just gives the vibes)
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Honestly, the only slander Ares should be getting is that He likes edgy teenage boy things. That being said, here's some ideas/suggestions, first for devotional acts and then offerings:
Workout or do any kind of physical activity
Take care of your mental and physical health
Stand up for yourseld and what you believe in
Learn about past wars, battles, and riots
Do things that make you feel badass/brave/empowered
Go to a protest
Work on managing your anger (especially for my fellow BPD havers)
Pet a dog
Honor His children and Aphrodite
For offerings; any kind of meat, especially red
Anything sharp (cool knives or daggers, broken glass, etc)
Halloween decor (I personally have those fake plastic snakes, spiders, and a skull on His altar)
Black coffee, the stronger the better
Any alcohol, but especially whiskey
Anything spicy
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Living in an extremely physically abusive household, I had to know and be acostumed to violence from a very young age. That violence left with many things - BPD and C-PTSD, to name a few - but mostly importantly, it left me only being able to feel one thing: anger.
I was angry at everything. Angry at the world for allowing me to have to live through such a horrible situation, angry at my mom for not standing up for me, angry at my abuser, even angry at myself for not ever trying to fight back or protect myself (though now I realize that was completely out of the question. I was only 8, what could I have done against a man in his 30's that was three times my size?).
That anger didn't go away after I got away from my abuser. If anything, it grew worse. I'd yell, break everything around me, say horrible things to the people I loved - I was a totally different person. I could barely recognize myself. I was an empty shell, filled with absolutely nothing else than the purest form of resentment and wrath, things that had been brewing inside of me since I was a child. I never had the choice to become anything else.
Ares understands violence. He's the god of it. He knows when it's justifiable and when it's not, when it serves a purpose and when it's out of pure malice. He helped me realize that instead of trying to fight against my anger out of the shame it made me feel, I had to embrace it - become one with it. It's a part of me, at the end of the day. I just had to figure out how to control it instead of letting it control me.
He embraced me when I was too disgusted with this ugly side of me to even look in a mirror. I was scared of myself - he wasn't. He's seen worse. I never had someone accept me and all my flaws before, god or otherwise.
That's why it's so upsetting to see the modern depictions so many people have of him. Someone so understanding and loving being defined by the worst parts of Himself, just like I used to do with myself in the past.
Ares is the god of war, war is not the god of Ares.
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evilminji · 1 year
Okay, you know how City Spirits are a thing?
And Superheros both Die, Un-Die, Re-Die, Dimensionally Sorta Maybe Die But Then Don't, and also never Died in the first place? And probably do at least a portion of that in Medical? While ALSO hanging out, quantumly maybe Dead, maybe alive, in their Super Cool Clubhouse?
Which is ALSO exposed to space rays, the entirety of The Magic Club, weird alien Technology, aaaaand whatever they decide to store on it??
I'm just SAYING...
For as long as dwellings Of Significance have existed, there have been house spirits. They are the IDEA of the house. The SIGNIFICANCE of it. What makes it HOME. The weight of the halls that turn into Halls. And The Watchtower? Is KNOWN to enough people, to have SIGNIFICANCE.
It's a HALL where Heros Live. A Place Of Safety. It GAURDS.
It is also inanimate. Steeped heavily in every sort of energy, be it magic or science, and multidimensional fuckery imaginable. But? Not SENTIENT. Yet.
Until of course... this new fangled Anti-Ghost Shield comes out. By the new and recently no-longer on the run (from the Goverment they're at war with) Dr.'s Fenton! Why were they are war? Don't worry about it!
They Won.
Unrelated! Never threaten their kids. They WILL find you. Not a threat, just informing!
:) :)
The security guy they sent to the expo was from Gotham, unfortunately. So he found the couple to be completely normal. They? Should not have sent Thomas. He was hired BECAUSE his parents were Mad Scientists in the making. Batman was steering him away from a life of crime. Thomas could judge "normal" from "deeply unhinged" if it belly danced infront of him, in the seduction dance of a thousand, deep fried, mackerel.
It's his version of face blindness. Great with technology though! And the shield worked a treat. Even promised to be both ethical AND programmable! Not harming the ghosts it pushed out unless they try to force entry AND allowing them to program in exceptions. Allowing Heros such as Deadman to freely enter!
Is it a little janky looking? Yeah. But if it works, it works. They add it to the systems and flip it on.
One small and immediate problem. There is now a small knight shaped child in the engine room. She was NOT there a second ago. She has controlo of the ENTIRE Watchtower, claims to BE the Watchtower, and knows all their names. Knows a disturbing level of information about every employee on the Tower.
Oh and apparently "No one is leaving."
No one panic! Just unplug the... she has swallowed the ghost shielding unit into a wall. Slightly panic.
Panic lite.
Luckily, no one is willing to throw the first punch at what appears to be a small child. So the JLA Dark have a chance to literally run over.
They demand to know who's bright idea it was to add... "ectoplasm"? Was THAT the energy source? Oooh. Their departments probably in trouble. Later though, the hero's are trying to negotiate with a small child. Who is apparently a ghost.
It's not SAFE, she's insisting. Everyone has to stay HERE where she can protect them. From the nebulous threat of Bad Guys. They LEAVE and come back HURT. She is UPSET and everyone is going to STAY! Forever!
Not good.
Then Thomas pipes up, like the oblivious asshole he is, that he should PROBABLY call the engines makers. They did mention something a long these lines might happen.
You think, Thomas? Might be a good idea, maybe? Just a bit? YES FUCKING CALL THEM!
(All right, all right! No need to YELL! *ring ring* 'Ello? Maddie? Sorry to catch you at dinner-)
So now? There is a glowing college student, who was escorted here by a WEREWOLF, who just? Tore open reality? To some green, swirling hellscape? And popped through like "sup, sorry I'm late. Was in a council meeting!" And judging by the ficking CROWN and the various quietly panicking magic users, he probably didn't mean student council, and just?
Guess he's hear to talk to their newly sentient Tower.
Question! Asks Thomas, of the fucking Ghost King because of course he does, are they Dads now? Or if they already have kids, Dads AGAIN? Do they have to come up with a baby name?
.......oh dear lord, the Ghost King looks like he has to think about it.
What are we gonna tell our SPOUSES!? "Hey honey, guess what I got at work today! A NEW CHILD. They're a space station!"
@hdgnj @nerdpoe @ailithnight @the-witchhunter @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation
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miguelhugger2099 · 8 months
A Knight's Oath
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Summary: You're a princess in need of a personal guard after your father's passing. Miguel from the enemy kingdom, is assigned to become a spy that kills you. Next>>
Knight!Miguel x Princess!Reader, Enemies to Lovers(?), Angst, Fluff, Not proofread, Word Count: 1,005
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Like any tale as old as time, history is never clean. Freedom is never gained through peace. It is violence, a necessary one at that, in order to get what you need. Even if it means becoming the villain to some and the hero to others.
Your father was no exception. As a young king, his father had died in battle protecting the kingdom during a famine. With its citizens crying for help and other countries trying to step on their kingdom, your father had picked up a sword and began to lead a slaughter in the name of freedom. With your mother at his side, she helped on the inside, providing jobs, and a sense of community for hope and pride of their heritage. It had been a long thirteen years of bloodshed, but ultimately, the king had successfully pushed back intruders and helped bring his kingdom back to life.
In the middle of the war, you had been born–a princess–a new era of hope and peace for the land. Your people had celebrated your birth with parades, art, music and dancing, while your parents always showed you off with pride. For the next couple of years, you had been raised to be kind, resilient and humble. You were still just a baby when it had ended, so you did not know the true extent of it. You did know there was a war where other countries had looked down upon you and despite the small size of your army, you had won. You knew your father did whatever he had to do to protect the faces of the common people and the future of your life so you never faulted him for it.
Unfortunately, your father passed just before you reached adulthood. An unknown illness and went in his sleep. Everyone had mourned the terrible loss of their protector and beloved king, father and husband. Despite his actions in war, he was always incredibly kind to his people and was a great role model of a man in your life. You took pride in the fact you were his flesh and blood and that would never change. So with honor and grace, you worked hard to follow in his footsteps to be a great leader.
Others, however, did not share the same feelings. In other stories, your father was the devil himself. A cruel king that had struck anyone who had gotten in his way, caused the downfall of armies and used wicked ways to poison and torture troops to his advantage. When word of his passing had spread, many had celebrated the death of the evil king and hoped all those who lived in his kingdom perished with him.
Miguel O’Hara was one who thought the same. He hated the king that had started a war and it killed his father, hated how the aftermath of it left his mother depressed and his family starving. His homeland was in shambles because of your father and for years, he prayed for a chance to help his own country in gaining revenge.
So, for years Miguel had worked his way up in the ranks of his homelands army. A protector of his people and a way to finally fight back if another war were to break out again. He not only trained hard for his home, but to also feed his family—his mother and little brother. He often worried about them but little Gabriel was always eager to help while Miguel was away. Always a kind soul, he was.
When rumors had gone out that his king had been planning on planting a spy and an assassination on the princess of the enemy land, Miguel’s interest had been piqued. He thought to himself, without an heir, that wicked kingdom would surely fall to its knees and get what they deserve.
Naturally, Miguel had been called in for an audience with the king. He bent down on one knee and bowed his head.
“My Lord.” He greeted.
The king’s slicked back white hair practically glinted in the sunlight where its rays were seeping through the tall windows of the throne room. “Stand, soldier.” His voice boomed.
Miguel stood back up, the metal of his knight armor clanking against each other and he rested his wrist on his sword by his side. The king spoke again. “My boy, you are the finest gem in our armed forces. Your victories are endless and you make all of us here proud.”
Miguel’s face didn’t move, still as ever and it only made the king’s grin curl up even more.
“Which is why I’ve assigned you a special mission,” Miguel took a deep breath. “As the princess of Etheria’s guard.”
Now that had made Miguel’s face scrunch up in disgust. “My Lord, forgive me but–” He quickly shut his mouth when the king raised his hand.
“You will portray yourself as one of them. Eat, sleep and breathe like them and gain a position of a knight in their castle,” He explained. “There are talks of the princess needing a personal guard. Once you have gained information and the trust of those lowlife scum, you are to kill her. Once she is dead, we will invade their land and finish what they started.”
Miguel let his words seep into his thoughts. To live amongst the people he’s loathed since the beginning? It was barbaric and humiliating.
But this was his chance. A chance at revenge. He was angered when the king had died before he could even get close. Now, with the opportunity of sticking a sword in his own daughter’s heart–Miguel felt that was an even better alternative.
He was snapped out of his thoughts by his king. “Do what you must to be as convincing as possible. Care for her, protect her, admire her, kill one of our own if need be– just make sure that no one expects a thing… Especially the princess.” Miguel stood up straighter, saluting the man in front.
“Yes, My Lord.”
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A/N: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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knichii · 2 months
OK. does anyone else feel irritated that eng dub seems to be favoured in mha? in edits, in fics, it's clear most people watched dub and idk it's been rlly grinding my gears.
okay, to get this out the way, I don't like mha's eng dub. I don't like any of them. half don't fit their characters, 75% of the time the tone lands forced and awkward, and its literally just unbearable for me to watch I'm sorry. I have this issue with a lot of anime and cartoons so this isn't solely a my hero problem, but this is definitely the most severely I've disliked a dub. and yet I cannot escape it.
one of my biggest issues is the nuance that's lost in translation. anyone with any familiarity with the Japanese language will know what I mean. list of examples:
1. iida refers to class 1-A with '-kun'
2. yaoyorozu refers to class 1-A with '-san'
3. asui refers to class 1-A with '-chan'
3. deku with '-kun' (m) & '-san' (f)
that says SO MUCH about their characters, how they view their relationships, how they view themselves,, but in dub?? all of that's lost. ESP the significance of deku still calling bkg 'kacchan'. [simplified, '-chan' is used for cute/endearing things. it stemmed from children mispronouncing '-san', and became a childish, cutesy way of calling someone, usually someone you're VERY familiar with. it implies a shocking ammount of intimacy] thru years of bullying, all the rocks and straight up non existent road of their relationship, deku STILL calls him 'kacchan', the ONLY one allowed to do so ("but kaminari--" NEENAWNEENAWNEENAW).
in eng dub it gets reduced to a mere nickname, lacking all of its weight.
another thing is bakugou sub vs dub (...)
the most recent example is when bkg says "of course you pulled it off, Icyhot." (I forgot the context tho) in sub, he says "of course you pulled it off, TODOROKI".
THATS SUCH A NICHE, SUBTLE WAY OF SHOWING HIS DEVELOPMENT THATS TOSSED STRAIGHT OUT THE WINDOW. translation (manga) also has him calling his seniors 'senpai' which is... not what he says in sub????? 'senpai' indicates respect for someone your senior,,,, which. bkg would never show. (or only in EXTREMELY rare cases, MAYBE)
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there's also my peeve abt names. this may be an only me issue, but I don't like it when japanese names are written in western format (e.g Izuku Midoriya)... ("this guy cannot be fr rn" unfortunately yes I am). I don't have a reason for this, and I'm aware it's niche and irrational, but I always cringe a little when I'm reading a fic, that's SET IN JAPAN, and their names are written Given Name, Family Name. emphasis on SET IN JAPAN. THEY ARE JAPANESE. THEY ARE NOT AMERICAN.
bkg's hero name. his og one which was translated to King Explosion Murder, losing all of the wit and cleverness in the jp original. this post goes into more detail and is very cool check it out
slightly irrelevant but bkg's jp va, Okamoto Nobuhiko, like. wow. the bkdk fight? the voice cracks? the ANGUISH?? the softness in his voice when bkg was abt to die (the hallucination w all might) ??? like,, wow. the emotion is so much more raw than it's conveyed in eng
(note: jjk was my first anime fandom so I'm probably spoiled. over there, sub seems to be favoured, barring a few iconic lines [ray chase lwk served as sukuna in the shibuya arc] and the fics, like 70% of the ones I read, used japanese honorifics and culture. in comparison, mha was a bit of a shock. the side of the fandom I washed up on is so... American??? maybe I'm in the wrong place idk. everything's just extremely white and slightly uncomfortable.)
this was a bit of a vent post,, obviously ik people are entitled to opinions (even if they're wrong), I js wanted tk if anyone else felt the same way
reading this back, I'm aware of how chronically online I am. yeah. still tho
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Agreement with the Sun
An Arataki Itto x Reader Fanfic
Tags: Arataki Itto x Ruler!Reader, Fake Marriage, Made-up means of governance for Inazuma haha, SLOW BURN (At least I think it is <3), Reader is reserved but a little arrogant, Workaholic Reader, Himbo! Arataki Itto, Sunshine Arataki Itto, Eventual Fluff
Author's Note: Wow I actually gained the courage and posted this fic! Constructive criticism is much welcomed! Take note, I got too silly...
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First Sunrise, First Moonfall - A Child of Ame-no-Uzume
🎶 O, Sunkissed Moon, beloved by the Sun, Its rays kiss your face, love questioned by none 🎶
He didn’t know what he expected. But, definitely not this.
If only he could get into a spar right now. Bust some bad guys with a jab, left-right, and a 'kapow!' that would be sure to wake him! But instead, the insanely boring stacks and stacks of papers made his eyes heavy even though he usually slept with his eyes open. Like, dude, what were these even for? It was a waste of good trees if you ask Itto.
If only he could catch some awesome beetles, he would have some fun with a bunch of kids by now and finally break his ridiculous losing streak which has been a major headache! However, two out of three cups of tea got cold from the incredibly long conversation by nerds who he would rather not upset unless he wanted to live in a nightmare.
Without having anything fun to do, he just spaced out. After all, Itto was surrounded by walls made of the finest purple silk and materials. Its design resembled the gentle waves of the sea and the eloquent color of electro. He eyed the gifts of foreign jade trinkets, placed proudly on quality wooden tables and the illuminating lanterns crested with Inazuma’s proud element. The scent of fine sakura perfume wafted through the air in the dim yet well lit room in Tenshukaku.
Man. He shouldn’t be spacing out like this! He is Arataki Itto for archon’s sake! The Arataki "Above All, Bold-Blooded" Itto! He can do whatever he wants… So why couldn’t he do all those he would rather do?
Well, it was because of you, The reigning ruler of Inazuma. He didn’t realize there was another ruler other than the Raiden Shogun. He didn’t really care who is in charge of Inazuma as long as he can live life as much as he wants, but maybe, you were also the reason why the humans became friendly to the onis and the rest of the yokai. He huffed, only a little as to not interrupt the conversation you and Shinobu had.
If only he wasn’t so awesomely charming and handsome that night!
You were just looking around that night. You were tiny, small compared to him, maybe, a little shy. With your cloaked figure, were you possibly a traveler?
"Hey, man! You look like you ain't around here!" he chirped as he tapped your shoulder and his hand returned to his hips. "Enjoying the festival so far?"
"Oh. I actually live in Inazuma. I just don't come out often." "An introvert! Hey, gotta respect that. You know, a lot of cool people I know are introverts like the renowned golden-haired traveler! Savior of Dragons, Conqueror of the Abyss, Teyvat's hero! Too bad, they ain't here though. Miss 'em." You nodded at his words as you dropped your hood down. And here it is, Itto always knew he was talented since birth at making friends! You finally lowered your guard, and you even gave him a smile.
…Hm? Pretty?
"Haha. I did meet them. I'm glad they reunited." Oh, so you knew the Traveler’s goals too? You’d have to get pretty close to them to do that. Just who are you, small mysterious person? "I haven't enjoyed the festival yet. I don't really know what to do," you added with fingertips pressed together and an awkward smile.
A smile curled up and a loud boisterous voice emerged from Itto, "Hahaha! Well, you are in luck, my compadre! I, Arataki the "Festival King of Fun and Revelry" Itto is here to serve you! When there's fun to be had, I am most undoubtedly there!" Oh, he could feel that adrenaline pumping into his veins! He has to get the gang into this! He looked over at his growing gang and shouted, "Hey, guys! Let's show 'em how to rock a real Festival!"
That was how the great Arataki Itto managed to get the seemingly-uptight you to a night of holler and laughs. What surprised him the whole night was not during the height of the clinking drinks and shared enthusiasm, but during the distant singing of an old man and the diminishing hype of the night. Shinobu had just pointed out your status as ruler, as the esteemed sun of Inazuma.
No way. No way.
You know how to party, he'll give you that. But, he can't believe he has been picking up, carrying you, oni-handling the second-in-command from the Raiden Shogun like a bunch of boxes… For the whole night no less!
He was also crazy loud, and he hoped he didn't say a joke that was offensive that could ruin his 150-day streak without getting into jail.
He began to shove the feeling of cold sweat in the backroom of his mind, and Itto smirked as his pointer and thumb framed the chin of his gorgeous face, "Heh, looks like Arataki the "Festival king of Fun and Revelry" served a hotshot tonight! Was my service just as awesome as you expected, esteemed sun?"
You let out a laugh. "Mister Arataki, you are adorable."
Shinobu and Itto flinched and widened their eyes. A hoot of laughter was so unusual to see from someone who is deemed stoic by the public. And, a compliment? Surely, Itto has greatly achieved many things tonight compared to everyone else in Inazuma. Of course, it is expected of the oni king! And, "Mister Arataki"? Prissy and pretty name to add to the long list of titles and all, but where did the sudden politeness come from? He just remembered that you were calling him "Itto" as the whole gang hollered while you were trying to scoop some goldfish.
"Of course, I had fun," you grinned.
Phew. Good thing you aren't nitpicky. He bowed exaggeratedly as he chuckled, "I am glad to be of service."
Itto knew you could see how his head was getting bigger than his body now. You smiled a little wider, "I enjoyed it so much that…"
Huh. There's more? Well, he was ready for you to compliment his entertaining charm.
"I wish to be your betrothed. Arataki Itto, will you marry me?" Itto witnessed you shine and sparkle to coax him to agree— you placed your hand on your chest as you knelt down on one knee, staring into his eyes with eager glee.
You met eyes with your day-dreaming future husband, and gave him a welcoming smile in the midst of an important discussion, cold tea, and stacked papers. It was a little forced, but the way he smiled back was so genuine and infectious, your true eloquent smile appeared. His infectious aura and presence was what made you enjoy that night and what made you choose him.
Good. He is the perfect candidate as a husband for you: an intimidating resting face everyone will cower in fear from, then the friendliest smile that knows no inequality, inclusive and outgoing personality, the leader of a gang that has been giving itself a good name in recent years, and no true influence to the government of Inazuma.
You were glad to have met him that night.
It was your time to rest in the stuffy yet plain room. Tired eyes fluttered to the beautiful sights of the Festival. Dancing sakura petals of the wind waltz with the lights of the city. The hustle and bustle sang and harmonized with the music of Inazuma. Culture of games, masks and silk infested the streets to satisfy the people and Yokai. Commissioner Kamisato was right; the Shirasagi Himegimi outdid herself this time. The night was too alluring to stay in your room as warmth started to bubble in your heart. Maybe, you won’t spend your night in your stuffy room today.
Indeed, those elders would criticize and lecture you, but at the very best, those grimy sons or selfish daughters of theirs will have no room in your work and your thoughts. At the very least, in your marriage with Itto, he wouldn’t do much for Inazuma other than some minor inconveniences. He would do his own things, and you would do yours. He wouldn’t have any problems with money, shelter, and clothing, and you wouldn’t have any problems with annoying suitors. Now, you have a reason to turn them down.
You also gave your husband his freedom to love whoever he wants.
In the lengthy contract that cited rules and regulations and written agreements between the Arataki Gang Leader and the Esteemed Sun of Inazuma, there, you have written: “The Esteemed Sun of Inazuma, □⁠□⁠□□, agrees for the Arataki Gang Leader, Arataki Itto, to have a romantic or sexual relationship outside of the contractual marriage between the two parties.”
“Hm, are you sure you want this part to be in the contract? Won’t it cause some kind of scandal? It might not jeopardize you, esteemed sun. But the Arataki gang will face grave repercussions." Kuki Shinobu voiced out.
How lucky was Arataki Itto to have a jack of all trades like her? You got a little envious, but the feeling hid behind the curtain. "Dear Kuki, is someone with the likes of Itto even interested in romance?" you whispered.
She actually pondered on your joke, but you pressed on with a grin. "Either way, please notify me if he plans to have a lover. I will make a scandal wherein I have another lover as well as make the narrative sympathize with Itto. Now, they won't be so rude if they think with their little heads. To kill the attention on me, I will announce something beneficial to Inazuma’s-"
"Wait," Itto tapped in, long fingers playing a rhythm to the dark wood. "You're going to sacrifice your reputation? For me to have my own lover?" He raised his brow.
"Of course? My "love life" won't affect my service.”
“Aren’t you technically my lover according to this contract?”
“Well, do you love me?”
“Think of this as a marriage for convenience, Itto,” you gently smiled, mostly because he was cute, but slightly you placed him at a corner. “We don’t have to love each other.”
"Heh! Well, think again, sunshine!" He crossed his arms and widely opened his mouth. "I'm not gonna be some kind of cheating jerk and fail this marriage! I ain't gonna fall in love with anyone or ain't gonna make out with anyone else but my future wife! I am gonna be an awesome and committed husband as granny oni taught!"
Honestly, you stifle a laugh. "Is that so? It isn’t really cheating since we don’t have feelings for each other, and this relationship is obviously one of empty commitment. You will get bore-"
Before you could add anything, you could feel Itto's hand grab yours as he brought it to his lips. "Then, I'll use my good ol' Arataki "The Handsome Oni" Itto charm to make you fall for me" he winked.
You pondered. Does he read those cheesy light novels?
Thank you and God bless!
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vo-kopen · 8 months
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Got off my butt and finally read the origins for the public domain superheroes Micro-Face and Zippo. Both came from Hillman Periodicals and premiered in Clue Comics No 1 along with the more famous public domain hero Boy King and his Giant. Unlike then, Micro-Face and Zippo are inventors who built their powers. Zippo is pictured above, he’s a low level speedster whose max speed is like 65 mph to 85 mph. (I do not recall it coming up in his origin, but I saw both numbers cited on the public domain superheroes wikia) Micro-Face works more from the shadows, his mask has a microphone built in to broadcast his voice, and it also enhances his hearing and gives him telescopic and x- ray vision. He’s more the type to play mind games, confusing his enemies to have them turn on each other.
Micro-Face’s story is the worst aged of the two in my eyes, for one thing a gangster gets called the G-slur by a cop, and Micro-Face is the brother of a cop and my gut says ACAB. Also the villain’s plan is … weird. His gang randomly kills one cop at a time, and then use the dead guy’s badge for the winning number an underground lottery, then the winner of the lottery gets the money only to be later assassinated by the gang so they can take the money back. It is bizarre and complicated and I don’t get it. I do appreciate how distinct Micro-Face looks, and the idea of him listening in from afar and then broadcasting messages to confuse his enemies is unique in a book where punching is more the style, but his fight scenes then end up being not very dynamic. Likewise Micro-Face does not have much of a supporting cast in his origin, his brother dies and he’s like the only named character in his life. On the contrary, Zippo has a secretary, she’s barely in it and I cannot remember her name, but that’s still a bit meater.
Zippo is better in terms of aging, no slurs that I noticed. The plot of his is also a little weird but it felt more coherent, I believe the villain (who has a theme unlike Micro-Face’s gangsters) is using rumors to make factory workers jump ship from war plant to war plant, and the villain gets a cut of the profits for recruiting them. Meanwhile, the original factories have to rehire employees and those new worker have to be retrained so even though the experienced workers are still employed, it slows production. I think that’s a plot. I am not a fan of the war industry, (feels like there ain’t a war crime the U.S. hasn’t done) and it does get a bit “patriotic,” but the comic came out in 1943 so it was during WWII, so I will make an exception. Admittedly Zippo is a PI and that’s borderline ACAB in my gut, but the comic actually addresses that he’s a bit out of the system, and it does give his civilian identity a plausible reason to be investigating, and a reason people would ask him for help. His design is more generic superhero than Micro-Face save for the wheels on his boots, (head gear is fun though) but his action scenes are far more dynamic, and he uses his tech in unique ways. I mean yeah he can move fast, but as a minor spoiler, his wheels can work as sawblades. Also his enemy in this story is called the Pirate and after he kills his doubting henchmen there is actual blood on his sword. The Pirate instantly was more threatening than Big Boston or whatever the name of the gangster in Micro-Face’s story was, tell the truth I kind of already forgot it. But the Pirate, I would say he is an actual supervillain. Overall, Zippo’s origin was a good enough story, maybe not the best, but perfectly fine. And apparently his story got reprinted seven or so years back, so I might want to look that up. Could be cool to have a physical copy.
So yeah, enjoy these thoughts on the first appearances of two Golden Age inventor superheroes. And again, they both are in the public domain and are free to use for anyone. And that’s kind of why I looked into them, to see if I would want to use them in my original superhero stuff. I have kind of a rough concept for them crossing over with some of my characters, long story.
Tagging @espanolbot2 @nitpickrider @majingojira @paulsebert @akirakan @thefingerfuckingfemalefury @bear-of-mirrors @renaroo @heckcareoxytwit and anyone else who might be interested in my thoughts for the origin of two tech superheroes. Of them, I might try to check out Zippo’s next appearance the next time I get spellslots/spoons, as you might notice I vibed with his story more.
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zahri-melitor · 15 days
Continuing Absolute Power:
Absolute Power #2: oh look, Dick finally gets the moment and position he's theoretically been in since Dark Crisis. Bruce is so proud of his boy. Ollie finally gets underway with his triple cross. Waid shades the fact that half these heroes no longer have civilian casts by going "why don't we go after their civilian loved ones" and excusing it as "oh we don't want to hurt ordinary people, we want to save them" blah.
Absolute Power: Task Force VII #4: THE BROTHERS OF ALL TIME! Pornsak Pichetshote you can write Dick and Tim any time you want to.
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"God. I should have known you'd have thrown together your own resistance. I mean, I guessed it the second I heard you on the secure line..." awwwww Dick look at you gush.
Also look at Tim once again going "look I know this location holds a lot of traumatic memories for our family but on the other hand it makes an excellent base that nobody would suspect..."
Also just happy to see Ray Terrill getting some time on page.
Green Lantern #14: I still have no idea what is happening in this title, but it feels really, really good to see Alan Scott sitting at a chessboard, staring at a white king, saying "Checkmate". Really, really good. You are so screwed Waller, that's your King playing your troops right now. And Alan's only made a single move with his White King, taking over the square that starts out as the White Queen's.... (I can't diagnose everything that's happened in the game, but I can tell Black has castled and that Fernando Pasarin knew exactly what he was doing with the art)
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tai-janai · 4 months
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The Ray of Light
- Zeus equivalent, solely because he is the king of gods. Vague weather abilities, oftentimes uncontrollable. I like to think he smells like rain. "ray" is also like "rey" which means king.
- Red can have all sorts of meanings, but red is also one of the very few used colors in Slay the Princess, so it works especially well for him.
- He has a lot of softer edges, since he tends to favor that which gets less people hurt. Reasonable, yes, but comparitively softer than most voices.
- A triangle for the pupil, specifically one pointing up. Meant to be similar to a blade's point, but the similarity to a magic 8-ball was definitely a win design-wise. It is empty (unlike others, you'll see later) because he gets influenced by other voices, and it can change.
- I think he has a very lean, sleeper build that he hides under an oversized undershirt. In most terms, however he is perfectly average amongst the other voices; average height, average build, as normal as it gets.
- Also meaning that he is the most like Quiet. Just a little softer, a little less prone to violence. More of a Hero than a Slayer.
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The Flora
- Demeter equivalent, since the Witch route has so much to do with nature, and he shows off some hints at it too (his own senses mirroring hers, some other stuff). Demeter is also represented by poppies, which fits for that route. Since Demeter has a lot to do with food, and plants that have to do with food, I thought of it as a good counterpart to the chapter of the Beast, who has to do with animal food and meat rather than plant food.
- Orange has a lot to do with confidence and boldness, and my goodness, does oppy got that. Warmth and vibrance, but undoubtedly a symbol of danger and warning. Pretty and safe, if you know what's good for you.
- The star patterns, as I've explored before, are pretty literal. He is sparkly and beautiful but you aren't supposed to get close. Only to be admired from afar, will hurt you if you step any closer. Every sharp part of him is hidden under a fluffy or smooth exterior.
- Cat-eye pupil with a glint whenever he has some sort of plan or trick up his sleeve, which is more often than not. It always seemed to me like he was moreso the predator within his route.
- He's a little bit smaller than the Hero, and he likes it that way. People like and trust small things. He does try to seem more approachable and attractive with the shaping of his feathers; he purposefully preens his chest to be more accentuated. Unfortunately for him, small tends to mean weaker. However, he is very, very sharp when he needs to be.
- He is a little cleaner, a little more condensed than the Quiet. Always something hidden away. Always preying on someone's downfall.
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gorogues · 1 month
andrewmoocow replied to your text post: I just want to give her a hug.
Same, TBH!
demonbirdsforever said: Thank you!
No problem :)
Spoilers for Wonder Woman #12 beyond this point!
timethehobo replied to your text post: I’m of the same mind as you on this issue. Thanks for reviewing it as well.
Glad to hear it, and no problem! People needed a heads up on this.
demonbirdsforever replied to your text post: I heard from Wes (Critical Thinking) that Wonder Woman was going to get the… “Batman Treatment”. I guess this is the start of that.🧐
I hadn't heard that, but it's not surprising given that Tom King wrote Batman for several years. It's clear that to some extent he's differentiating between Diana and Batman/Batfam, but here she's not as different from them as she'd probably like to believe. That could be interesting if she realizes it in an issue or two and it leads to some soul-searching, but I'm not feeling a ton of faith in that.
demonbirdsforever replied to your text post: Side thought. The Interrogation was poor. I’ve seen tv investigators do it better without laying a finger on the perp. How embarrassing.
It was. In fairness, Damian's a kid, but Diana really should have had better control of the situation and of herself.
orion-nottson replied to your text post: DC writers try not to write a frankly bizarre amount of unnecessary violence challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
And it's in that weird awkward zone in which Digger gets the shit kicked out of him but is somehow not bloody and bruised. Not that I'm jonesing to see him hurt, but realistic consequences for the violence might better drive home how brutal this was.
lfthinker replied to your text post: What I don’t understand is why Digger’s so reluctant to betray Waller. I thought a big part of his character was that he wouldn’t think twice about selling out the Suicide Squad. Why wouldn’t he jump at the chance to screw over Waller if he knows he could get away with it?
It is weird, yeah. I guess it's possible he's allowed to be free in exchange for his silence (and maybe assistance), but I can't imagine that even Digger enjoys seeing his friends (or colleagues, if we're being pessimistic about his feelings for other people) depowered, imprisoned, and enslaved. I guess it's also possible he agrees with Waller's goals, but that seems less likely because she also wants to take down low-powered everyday villains like him.
eusouomar replied to your text post: Wow I really hate all of this. The issue, I mean, not your review. Your review is spot on.
Thank you, I'm glad :) But yeah, I feel the same about the issue.
longitudinalwaveme replied to your text post: Our heroes, whom we are presumably supposed to like and root for, engaging in acts of at least borderline torture for an entire issue: definitely not why I read comics. This is like when they had Zatanna and Barry be involved with brainwashing people in Identity Crisis and its aftermath. Or how they had Ray Palmer torturing Killer Moth in that terrible Justice League: Cry for Justice miniseries. Ugh. Who wants to read about superheroes behaving like supervillains?
Both Marvel and DC (but especially DC) go through their edgy phases, and it's honestly tiresome. But it's interesting, I did a quick google of some fan reviews of the issue at other sites and none of them expressed dismay over the torture or even had a problem with the way Digger was treated. It obviously wasn't an exhaustive search and maybe there are others who are upset, but maybe it's just us Digger/villain fans who are bothered :\
longitudinalwaveme replied to your text post: And while I'm glad DC hasn't totally forgotten about Owen, but I dislike the snobby jerk entrepreneur version so much that I almost wish they had.
It's honestly surprising that they didn't, as it was just one story more than five years ago. I would have figured that someone at DC would google Owen and get the more famous version.
ammomancer replied to your text post: wait wym douchey entrepreneur, i didnt realize owen had even showed up post new 52 before this
He appeared in one previous story, which you can see here. He was very different from his pre-Flashpoint self, basically a new character with the same name.
pixie-mask replied to your text post: Our…heroes? Not just as a Boomerang fan but this isn’t enjoyable to see. Last I remember they weren’t anti-heroes. But this is my opinion on a quick look. Will …enjoy reading later.
It's especially disappointing from Wonder Woman, and even a bit surprising that it's in her own book (and not, say, some event comic like a Crisis title).
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doodliydoos · 5 months
You can also read it here
Sun kept a level head to avoid his steering wobble. The winds in the sky indicated that rain was forming into a thunderstorm, as shown through the little glimpses of rays of sunshine. He keeps his stance planted in the center of his cloud. Could it be the rain that made his fur prickle with nervousness? What could be so hard with taking some needed vacation time away from the kid? Wukong knew that his successor was more than capital of taking care of lessons and learning through the given scrolls he sent out to the kid. Sure there was a biting pain of neglectfulness, and a tug of the heart strings each time Mk gave him the look of disappointment, but he's a strong guy! Wukong's gaze narrowed in reminiscing the memory of a similar time when Macaque had gave such an upheaval of praise for Wukong. They both shared that bright eyed, happy admiration and looked up to Wukong like a hero in their eyes. A distant call of his name caught him back into the present. It was Sandy's voice.
"Hey! Mr. Monkey King!" He called, as he waved his hand up at the sky beside his boat home. There was a large sheet that covered a outline of something behind him and a toolbox beside Sandy's sneaker. Wukong halted, in attempts to make his hasty stop look natural.
"Hm? OH--didn't realize you were here!" Sun Wukong stated, with a forced smile. Sandy brushed off his pants with metal dust on it as he placed his wrench away.
"Yyep, figured as much you were out training Mk before this storm hits, or beating up bad guys. It's good to see you though."
Sun sat back on his cloud with arms behind his head making a disbelief grunt. "GHah, nahh...I'm retired! Getting too good for demons to even keep up with me I suppose." he remarked, in a humble brag tone. His cloud started floating down near Sandy's dock towards the ground as Sandy pushed the covered object back into his garage.
"What's that you making?" Sun asked tilting his head curiously.
"Oh this? Just making some ramifications of an escape plane in case...something were to happen but that's just a loose presumption. You heading back to Flower-Fruit Mountain?"
"Oh yeah, yeah days already passing by no thanks to that storm overhead." Wukong addressing Sandy's pointient comment. He felt his tail bristle with slight annoyance as his mind replayed the sentence Sandy said.
Call it imposter syndrome, but the slight bit of his ego crept in.
"The kid wasn't doing to well so, no practice for today. At least he can get some nourishment from staying off his feet. I mean he would need all the rest given that he's got me training him." Wukong continued on,
Sandy blinked, and his brow furrowed slightly. "Uh...okay then? I mean its not like you would forget to tell Mk that he wouldn't have to train today --where are you going?"
Wukong was already inching with his cloud out into the sea, back to where Megapolis was. He perked up and turned his head to see Sandy's dissapointed gaze and arm cross combo.
"Haha..ha....Yeah, I'll just, I'm just gonna go soo, byeee~" Wukong said in a gleefly tone as he whisked himself back into the city, as the storm began.
Mk woke up feeling something drip down the center of his nose. He scrunched up his eyes to make sure the room stopped spinning, as he wiped his nose. When blinking open his eyes, there was a smear of blood in which he immediately was awake. Mk stayed laying down to just trying to recall everything before blacking out.
Okay, Pigsy sent me up to my room because Tang said that I needed to get better. So that happened...early today, because that storm was said to come in the evening , instead of lunch time--ok next!
I then slept, and there was a..a uh monkey--
"Monkey King?--ACK" Mk winced at the sudden stingy pain on his forehead, and placed a hand over the open wound, sitting up from his bed. The visible memory of the interaction was, blurred. Almost choppy.
Staring at the sheets, the rain from outside of Pigsy's noodle shop was pouring to substitute the silence. Mk checked his palm again to see if the bleeding had stopped, and sighed before placing the hand back on his forehead. The feeling of loneliness started to creep in, and was having immense self doubt on his own ability to handle being Monkey King's successor.
I should get some more bandages just in case Mk thought and proceeded to get to his headband and jacket. He knew Pigsy headed home whenever injuries like this happened.
Just minus the Macaque giving a blaring headache. Once getting his shoes on ,he headed towards the convenience store, using his back of his hand to apply pressure.
The rain was coming down hard and Wukong's fur wasn't helping with keeping warm, zipping through the buildings in a blind frenzy. Everything that he thought someone had a yellow jacket, it wasn't Mk. For the past millenia, humans still enjoyed playing in the rain like tiny children exploring what rain is. He could picture a memory of one of his baby monkey's sitting beside looking out into his home, wide eyed and intrigued.
A loud thunder broke his tender nostalgia, and he turned up at the sky, with his arms crossed.
"Rude." He said, and directed his cloud to the ground, where he was in front of Sandy's tea home. When going to knock, the door had already been unlocked. Wukong's eyes switched off his golden gaze and into a red, lava magma color to set up his defense.
His tail pulled the door closed once inside and...Mo was looking up with a blue blanket.
He blinked and started to clean his tiny paw and got up to weave around Wukong's legs. Wukong sighed in relief, as he leaned down to pick up the blanket and throw it behind himself onto his shoulders.
"It's nice to see ya too, Mo. You're lucky that your in here and not out there."
Wukong suddenly shivered and went to sit down on the floor ,in where Mo followed, and he say in front of the king.
Wukong wrapped the blanket and smiled nervously at Mo.
"I just realized I can't understand you ..sorry bud." Wukong apologized.
Mo shook his head before padding up to him and reached a paw out.
Wukong's tail swished curiously, and tilted his head. "Huh? Oh are you trying to point out that I'm soaked, because if you haven't notice, there's like this storm system moving through the while city--MNNFGPHF??"
Wukong got silenced by Mo placing a paw right on his mouth, as his expression showed disinterested.
Wukong stayed quiet and looked at the paw covering his mouth when it hit him.
Mo wasn't who he should owe an explanation.
Wukong's tail lowered in guilt. A heaviness overtook his hidden emotions and he looked at himself. Covered up, bundled up and exhausted.
Wukong started to wonder how often he missed these small details.
He let out a disgruntled groan, letting his shoulders droop, putting his head down with the blanket serving like a oversized hood.
Mk...how ignorant of me to have ignored you. So stupid am I..
Sun thought to himself, his eyes glowed back to its golden color, and reminisced the moments to continue his self beating up tendencies in silence.
The journey, his Master, his brothers, all of the Celestial Court, Macaque...
Mo slipped into Wukong's blanket and sat underneath his chin, with heavy cat blinks.
Wukong felt tears going down his face before noticing the extra warmth and glanced down.
Mo was purring super loud, and rubbed his forehead at Wukong's chin.
Wukong, felt his heart lift and brought his tail to curl around his feet nicely, and returned the nuzzle.
"Thank you.."
He muttered as Wukongs' eyes drew a close and he began to sleep sitting up right.
Mo, gave a smile before peeking his head out from the blanket.
"I don't know if that was for a your welcome but I'll take it
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Ok - Real Talk
This fandom is wild. I’m seeing people write dissertations about how *that* side of the fandom doesn’t understand the nuances of *my* favs while completely ignoring the nuances of the rest of the characters (and it literally doesn’t matter if it’s the TopMew side or the Boston/SandRay side because I’ve seen these crappy takes for both though the TopMew ones seem to be more obnoxious about having to be right)
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OFS has everything:
A voyeuristic chaos gremlin
A Babygirl!Stalker
A depressed cokehead poor little rich boy
A depressed alcoholic poor little rich boy
A ‘King of the Side Hustle’ actual poor boy (who is just super over it all)
And the lesbians
So when someone says Mew is coming off as a little bland, it’s because he is not fitting with the full on Telenovela vibes of everybody else!
It’s also why I think the ‘master manipulator’ think pieces were so prevalent for the first couple episodes. People were just trying to figure out which soap character he was going to be. — I think he is going to be the *Tyra Banks ‘we were all rooting for you!’ Character (as Tyra)* living his best Lemonade!Era. And therefore we just haven’t seen it yet (we are only 5 eps in my dudes).
From day 1 the actors and creators of this show have said that nobody is really going to be all good or all bad. That means there are no villains (yes, that includes our favorite petty bitch!boston). But it also means that there are no heroes (or damsels in distress - no matter how much Ray tries).
So when I say that Mew is condescending and sanctimonious - I am not hating him. I’m just pointing out one of his flaws - they want us to see these character flaws.
It’s no different than when someone points out Ray’s financial condescension when he is cosplaying poor with Sand. I love Ray, he and all of his issues is my favorite in this show. But silver spoon, generational wealth, rich boys don’t understand poverty and can be very patronizing about it until they learn.
That is nuance. And this show is chock full of it.
So, as someone who is not really vibing with the “Standard Thai University BL” TopMew yet, I would like everybody to chill. TopMew are currently in their ~a little boring and bland~ 2gether era. But I have faith that Jojo and the other creators won’t be keeping them there for long (see the Ep. 6 preview 👀).
Remember, this is the Messy Gays being Messy show and Mew hasn’t gotten his chance to be messy yet.
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juniaships · 1 year
I watched the proof of concept for a small soldiers sequel here's my theories/plot
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In the video/official information it Ray Razor and Caden Cannon were siblings who fought for currently unnamed Empire. Caden gets injured in battle, Ray takes him to the pit in hopes of curing him. To her horror the Nekron transforms Caden into a monster. It also infects her arm but she cuts it off before it could mutate her too. Believing that the pit has turned her brother evil Ray swears revenge. Some time later she leads a group of possible vets called the Space Elites with the goal of avenging Caden and wiping out all Nekron.
On Caden's end he is now called Khadenn and leads the Nekronites, after defeating their original leader in battle (likely the one he got injured in). He retains his memory of his past life. While he wishes to bring peace and reunites with his sister, he is unable to get through to her.
Essentially it's the same set up as the original movie but 🌟IN SPACE!🌟
So now we got the story here my take in how it could go: Instead of following the first movie beat for beat, both the "monsters" and humans are heroes/victims/morally grey(?).
It's mentioned that the Nekron isn't an inherently malevolent force. It chooses its wielder (as seen with some of the backstories). My guess is the Nekron was going to morph Ray because she was willing to lay her life down for her family. Perhaps both were meant to be the new leaders but Ray's prejudices and anger blinds her. Instead of trusting the Nekronite/her destiny she sticks to blindly obeying her cause and her lifestyle.
On Khadenn's end the reason why he mutated is he is the one who could bring peace to the galaxy. The mutation is an opportunity to unlearn everything he was taught to believe in and fight for something legitimately worthy. Similar to Archer's role but Khadenn's an actual king!
The real villain is explicitly the Empire Ray and Caden used to work for. Ray and her Elites find out they are merely tools to further imperialistic interests. Doesn't help they're running on anger and revenge which makes them more susceptible to manipulation without even being noticed. The Empire wants the nekronite for their own means. Maybe Khadenn saves her or does something that reminds her that the original Caden is still there. It be a cool twist on the first film; instead of the human soldiers being the only villains, it sends a message message that soldiers are also victims of a system that does not care for them.
The Empire could be represented by a corporation who makes the toys. Showing us that corps (and empires) do not care about us; but it's also up to us to speak up and question and not blindly obeying every little thing.
The Nekronites are still good guys but they're actively more warriors than the Gorgonites. That means they do rather shady if not outright morally dark things. But the message is also NOBODY deserves to be wiped out. Genocide is genocide no matter who deserves it or not. They end up teaming up with the elites to bring down the empire.
Those are my ideas for the sequel. I would be amused if some of my ideas turned out to be actual canon. But it be a cool twist on the concept without making it a total rehash.
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elytra404 · 2 years
so i love coming up with au's for my fandoms that ill never actually write, so yk what? its time to make them a tumblr series!! first up?
ely's hypothetical dsmp marvel au!!!
Meet: the avengers, though their fans tend to call them the sleepy bois! (an inside joke from when the iron bird may have fallen asleep before a very important conference). The line up is as follows!
The Iron Bird! This man, also know as Phil, or Philza affectionately, got rich from a mix of inheritance and coding skills! This one man army can rival all of Nintendo! Well, a man and a robot, if you include his highly advanced digital assistant!
Wilbur! More commonly known by the superhero name, Retrocognition, Wilbur is Philza's assistant! originally created as an ai, he now has a body thanks to the infinity stone in his head! He was originally made as a replica of Philza's son, whose death pushed him to becoming a superhero, but Wilbur has grown into his own being!
This brings us to Philza and Wilbur's first real friend for years, Fire ant. Moved on from her days as a german spy, Fire Ant now works for Phil and helps him in his superhero escapades! Those close to her know her as Niki, and well her instincts are sharp and her mind suspicious, she can make a mean pastry.
And now, coming out of the ice for the first time in decades, its Captain America! She may be a tad old, and catching on lost time, but shes still as strong as ever! Her real name is Cara, but her friends call her Puffy! Why? Nobody really remembers to be honest. Shes our favorite super soldier, and a complete bad ass when shes not trying to figure out how a phone works!
Next in the line up, the great god of thunder, Tho- oh, sorry, turns out he now prefers the more 'human' 'discrete' name of Technoblade? Well, no matter the name, Techno is a wonderful god! Loyal to his hammer, the orphan obliterator! (turns out Milnor was a mistranslation? well thank god(s) for that!) A tad absentminded, and always cracking jokes about some kind of wall, he may just be the most powerful on the team.
But our team wouldn't be complete without our final three! Why, its Goop, Hawkeye, and... Fundy? Sure!
First off, the amazing Goop! Thanks to some gamma rays, great scientist Charlie Sicle became some what of a monster. He's a totally normal man with a perfectly normal bone structure, until you make him mad! Then, well you ever heard of a d&d ooze? Yea... you can have fun with that.
Then, we have Hawkeye. Also known as Jack Manifold (hes not the best at secret identities), this super powered hero is... what is he actually? Why do they keep him around? Well... anyway this family man is probably a wonderful addition to the team!
And last but certainly not least, its the wonderful Fundy! Quickly taken in by Wilbur, this 15 year old was granted out of this world powers by a space stone! And with a slightly unhealthy amount of trauma and self loathing, what teen wouldn't want to be this orange wizard!
Of course, we have other heros! From Sneegsnag the bug man, to Spidered the purple spider hero, Foolish the wizard sorcerer, to King Ponk of Wakanda (and more importantly king of his lemon orchid). Many wonderful heros to beat all the terrorists in this galaxy!
And if its more heroes in the galaxy your looking for, may I introduce the wonderful Guardians of our galaxy?
Starting with our self selected caption, Tommy Inn! Tommy was swooped up as a young boy by aliens, with only his mothers favorite music disc and a handheld player to his name. He protects those discs with his life, almost more then he protects his own life!
Then, of course, we cant talk about the legendary captain without his newly full time best friend! Tho he used to be an enemy, Tubbo is down for the ride! If not a little skeptical of his best friends planning abilities. Former son of Madre, he's ready to gaurd that galaxy!
Of course we can't talk about the guardian without discussing Ranboo! This little devil was made in a lab, and looks oddly similar to a minecraft enderman! A tad insecure, this he/they will not hesitate to bite you.
And of course, Ranboo's loyal companion, Aimsey. Aimsey's species is apparently very close to this earth cartoon Tommy keeps talking about, Adventure time. However Aimsey and their complex language of "I am Aimsey" is a much needed team member.
And now you know the heros of our tales! Fighting Madre, who dreams of creating his own universe with the infinity stones, who knows what could come next!
(partially inspired by and helped with some stuff- @mariposathebutterflyboy )
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