#hero is home... kel's headspace canon
bittersweetresilience · 10 months
kel's normal day
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sunny is the sun. the warmth in the world, but he's so far away, and his light only reaches from the past. kel is illuminated by the memory of him.
aubrey is a bee, important to the environment, but dangerous to approach. she is shrouded from sunny by basil, who hides her view.
basil is a flower, fragile and needing the sun. he is also all around them, and forgotten.
mari is a cloud attached to a rainbow. each of them are one of its colors, linked to her. she is what gives them color, but kel can't touch her anymore.
hero is home. hero is staying home and he cannot move. hero watches from behind while kel runs out into the world, guided by mari's song.
and hero is also the cloud on the other end of mari's rainbow. half on the ground, half in the sky. floating up to reach her.
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starrbar · 2 years
Alright, I was encouraged by the smol family of HeroKel shippers on here, so now that I have my ass in order, here's the Headspace Abuse AU I spawned out of some horny energy last month. xD
CONTENT WARNINGS: Physical abuse, neglect, gaslighting(?), spiders, brocon/incest if you choose to see it ;3 Also spoilers for Omori!
If you stumble across this post as someone who despises this kind of content, I sincerely apologize for that. I don't intend to main-tag this, but I'm not 100% positive how tagging works on Tumblr anymore. The Read More should cover that though. Have a nice day!
In one of the playthroughs of Omori I really like, they have this ongoing joke where Kel is just bullied all the time, especially by Hero and Aubrey.  Every time Kel says anything, Hero says stuff like, "Kel, I'm going to BEAT YOU when we get home" or "Ohh Keeeel, I'm getting the BELT!!" and it's just met with Kel screaming, "NOOOO NOT AGAIN PLEASE!" and everyone's laughing about it and stuff.  And man, I'm REALLY not usually into any kind of incest kinks (just personally not my thing), but I'd lowkey be fine with an rp/fic where Hero just abuses Kel all the time and has him basically trained to obey and cower out of fear. x'D
Adding onto that, I also had so much fun with the Basil deaths in Black Space, so now I just imagine like Basil is the Kenny of the group, and he just dies horrible deaths all the time and comes back later, and no one even bats an eye beyond giggling or saying, "Oh wow, he's gonna feel that in the morning, tee hee!"
And then when Basil goes missing, Hero and Aubrey start putting Kel through a lot more shit because even they they don't really notice it, Basil's constant deaths and pained screaming do keep them pretty entertained.
Omori isn't phased by any of it ofc, since he's kiiiind of the one pulling the strings here.
I'm not sure how Mari would respond to everything.  Maybe it would be funny if she just acted like she always does and almost as if the stuff happening is just silly goofy bickering or stubbed toes, and she'll say stuff like, "Awww, don't worry, Basil!  All you have to do for a spider bite is (I don't even know, but like generic advice for a single, non-venonous spider bite)!"  And Basil is just like, "-gross sobbing- O-okay...!" while being devoured alive by a billion spiders or chomped in half by a giant one ahahaha.
Then she'll tell Kel, "Aww, Hero got mad at you?  Well... you did step on his foot after all.  But just apologize and talk it over and I'm sure he'll come around in no time! ^u^" and this is like, what you tell someone if all the angry person did was snap at them or get upset and leave for a bit.  But Hero literally broke a branch off the nearest tree and beat Kel with it until it broke lmao.
It's like... ultra horrific tbh?  But I kind of love soaking in more of that type of freaky shit.  It's almost appealing BECAUSE it's the absolute last thing that should ever be happening??
Kel is an absolute sweetie and deserves the world, Hero is a kind and patient big brother who immediately apologized and improved himself the one time he was ever really mean to Kel, and Aubrey is honestly a very good person despite putting on an edgy face when she got older and trying to push people away.  She's never out to truly hurt anyone.
So it's kinda fun to twist them up in this awful way, especially since the game itself kind of already did most of the work for me and all I did was enjoy that and also take a meme from a video series and run with it.
I mean holy shit, there's legit a whole scene in Black Space where Basil's DW friends all beat him to death and then act like everything is normal and fun. It's CANON, and everything I wrote here is of a similar caliber, just with the invitation to view it as abusive shipping if the reader desires.
Basically I'm roleplaying with myself and enjoying the sadistic story I end up with x'D
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starkcanvas · 2 years
Oh you want Sunny Coma Au Fluff? Well you're gonna get it!
I had a few ideas for how the incident might play out, but I'm gonna go for the less angsty one so Mari gets love and support during this tough time even though she blames herself.
Basically the incident happens how it does in Canon, but with one major difference, Sunny jumps down and grabs onto Mari when she falls, and ends up taking the brunt of the damage and (Without realizing it, saves Mari's life), falls into a coma.
Basil sees this happen, but Mari doesn't see him, He runs and calls an ambulance for him and hides in a panic.
A couple of weeks after this happens Aubrey and Kel stop fighting and team up to make their friends feel better.
Their first target? Basil.
Ever since the incident he hasn't stepped foot outside, so they go visit to check up on him, His grandma is worried about him too so she lets them in and goes to make some snacks for the kids.
It takes a bit, but eventually Basil opens up the door, He looks terrible, like he's been crying and hasn't slept.
So they both end up hugging him and trying to reassure him that "We're sure Sunny will be fine! He may be small! But he's tough!"
After calming down and having something to eat, Basil takes them both to his room and tells them he has to tell them something.
He ends up telling them what he saw on the night, but not what he heard as it was less than flattering to Mari, and he didn't want to upset them anymore than they were already. Plus it was pretty personal and not exactly his place to say
So the kids end up with the view that "The situation is terrible, but Sunny tried his best to protect his sister, So lets try to cheer her up!"
All three of them then go to Hero and try to bring him into the "Sunny and Mari Protection Squad".
So unlike in Canon, Hero isn't in a giant depressive slump because of Mari's 'Suicide'.
He's still depressed because his Unofficial little brother is in a coma and his crush is very much not ok.
They gang up on him when he gets home from trying (And failing) to talk to Mari.
They tell him what Basil Saw and try to convince him to join them.
It works and there's a new member to the "Sunny and Mari Protection Squad".
They work together to try and talk to Mari and let her know that they're on her side and don't blame her for the accident, but this doesn't happen for years due to Mari locking herself inside and being tutored instead of continuing in school.
The attempts still happen, but it calms down over the years as they get demotivated.
One thing they always do though is visit Sunny in hospital.
Basically they'd take turns visiting him after school and they'd spend an hour of two on the weekends either drawing, reading, telling stories, or playing games in there with him because they don't want him to be lonely.
On his birthday they all Help Hero bake a cake and get him some presents so they can celebrate it with him, but also so he'd have gifts when he wakes up.
So one thing I've mentioned before on Miko's blog is that Sunny would be in Mari's Headspace, even when she's awake. But he's also at least semi aware of what's going on around him. So when he's in there he hears the stories, them talking with each other and celebrating. Not only that but any drawing they make for him shows up in there too.
While they never see him really react to them. They do feel a sense of peace after spending time with Sunny and he's always happiest in Headspace during these visits.
I have a lot more ideas, but this ask is already getting long enough so I'll send in more later if you want them! I have a bunch of wholesome Basil Centric ones, and a ton more post good ending ones!
Thank you for this and I’d love to hear more ;w; I wanna join the Sunny and Mari Protection Squad too! 💕
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sirenspells · 2 years
PMD AU?? 👀 Do tell?
*said while vibrating at a frequency that can shatter glass* yeah!!
So the premise is that Sunny and Mari wake up in another world having been transformed into pokemon, with Sunny being an Absol and Mari being an Espurr. They're also missing all of their memories, only remembering that they're siblings and that they were originally human. The two of them meet and become friends with essentially counterparts of their friends for this world. Kel is a Growlithe, Hero is a shiny Kirlia, Aubrey is a shiny Buneary, and Basil is a shiny Shaymin, and the six of them form a rescue team (I don't really have a name for it yet but I'm thinking of it being called Team Sunrise).
The PMD world they end up in is essentially Headspace translated into pmd, so the dungeons are based on headspace areas. But there's also the main town, also called Faraway Town, where counterparts of characters from the real world live. So a lot of this AU's story is like original OMORI headspace but with pokemon!
Unown essentially take up both the role of the black keys and Stranger from OMORI. They're fragments of Sunny and Mari's memories who have all been separated, and most of them are trapped somewhere and must be freed by the main characters. Stranger in this AU is essentially an illusion created by the Unown once enough of them are freed (which happens pretty early into the story), and instead of taking the form of a shadowy Basil, they instead take the form of shadowy versions of Sunny and/or Mari's human forms. Once all the Unown have come together, they can give Sunny and Mari all of their memories back.
Omori is the story's antagonist. They're a shapeshifting entity who is the manifestation of Sunny and Mari's regrets, and they're the one who brought the siblings into the pokemon world and was the one who separated the Unown, and their goal is to keep Sunny and Mari in this world and to completely erase their memories of their human lives, thinking that it'll be better than their lives back in the human world. Every form they take is in black and white, and they shift into various pokemon to try and stop the main characters each time they reach some trapped Unown. They still take their canon form of 12 year old Sunny at some point, as well as the form of 15 year old Mari.
So! The Incident! In this AU, Sunny stopped himself from throwing the violin down the stairs, and him and Mari performed like they were supposed to. The performance goes fairly well, but Mari then pressures Sunny into doing more performances with her, and her perfectionism problem only gets worse and worse, souring the siblings' relationship. It's when Sunny is 16 and Mari is 19 that the argument on top of the stairs happens, with Sunny finally having had enough and blowing up at Mari for how she's been treating him, with Mari arguing back that Sunny is being immature and selfish. Sunny pushes her, but as Mari falls, Sunny reaches out to try and help her, which only causes him to fall with her, and both of them wind up falling into a coma. So while Sunny and Mari have been in the pokemon world, their bodies back in their world have been in comas in the hospital.
ARGHHH THIS IS GETTING LONG but in order for Sunny and Mari to return home, they have to defeat Omori, which they do with the help of their friends (fun fact, for the final battle Mari and Sunny are forced back into their human forms while Omori fights them alone as a Giratina >:) ) and afterwards they wake up in the hospital with their rescue team badges by their bedsides :)
Everyone in the squad who can evolve will, while Sunny will mega evolve at some point and Basil's equivalent is finally turning into his sky form (which he'd been scared of doing before).
Yeah uhhh here's a list I posted of who's what in this au and here's some art I posted of the main characters!
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karmitofenix · 4 years
Infinite Dreamwalker
Well, there this stupid of an Au of mine. Before coming with the polemic part, I need to say some things.
While there some dark AUs of Sunny doing things with real consequences with other people beyond Mary INTENTIONALLY, Hero having his mind as broken as Sunny due to knowing the truth, Mary turning just like her brother, Basil being a broken mess as we know by, and Audrey having already her sorts of deals in the Canon,...I have to say Kel having an AU focusing on him is challenging, especially one based on the fact of how much of positively enforcement he is in Canon and in the Fandom, so instead of breaking down every aspect of him and making a darker take, sometimes the simple solution is the correct one,...and being the realms of fanfictions, the solution is “Use a Concept already used on other games”. I could use like a Zombie Kel, Vampire Kel, or some kind of corrupting thing to make him, well less him. But here comes a thought, “Instead of making something destroy him inside, making him, initially,  be internally the same, then a monster in the outside to all those to cry as the same innocent Kel unaware of him sins”, while Something is not really real, neither are the violent thought arriving at Kel in his dreams. The main idea relies on the fact Kel is not really aware of what he doing, and how much he actually doing, so unlike Sunny who stays in his home, Kel had been some of the SleepWalking Problems, and unlike spending as much time on Sleeping while traumatizing,...Kel walks into dangerous trouble, and...I don’t think it might go to help to end. Kel starting having those problems for a while, but not right after Mary’s incident, while as done some damage on him, and not too before going to Sunny’s house on a fateful day. The thing which makes this an AU, well, Kel relives all the HeadSpace experience, including all the elements of the Hikkomoni without anyone alone, in his dreams, but some things are not dreams, for example, while the Recycling Cult is normally just Sunny being overly happy for having a fun time with his friends, Kel fought them for real, if while as cartoonish, being a very real cult of people, a group capable of causing real trouble, with them being exactly as people basing their entire lives out of the trash can be. So the fun of the AU is to make the surreal things of the HeadSpace exists in the real world, with their improper counterparts, but unlike Sunny’s using thing he knows to make the HeadSpace not being most of the time real or instead harmless,...in this AU they something similar to Omori’s adventure in the real world.
And that the real creativity comes by, from time to time, Kel merely having fun or bad dream, then having him fight or even kill animals because they might hurt him back, Kel being a friendly kid trying to help his friends, as they find weird Kel looks a bit hurt for some reason, Kel trying to stop the Marauders of Scaring Basil, as Audrey wonders of how Kel hurting them with his throws(she getting scared to the point of using the bat for real), or the news of some old problem on Faraway being solved, while the police failing to know why they finding the remains of all kinds of abominations. Kel being himself, as he proceeds to live the freakiest experience any human can have, and managing still to be himself, a kind person.
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