touyoufoto · 8 months
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Ph. Azeros Heroc 海螺殻 (林宸 Lin Chen). "2021 Hainan: weightlessness" (CN)
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
how about johnathan x a spiderperson?
General hcs for Jonathan with a spider person s/o
Apologies for any typos and such!! Also this may be
Because I'm realizing my knowledge of alchemax is v limited since my only exposure to spiderman is through spiderverse 😔☝️
Sobs I was so excited for this prompt, I was legitimately waiting for someone to send something like in but the second I started writing my brain imploded and
I'm so disappointed in myself <\\3
I tossed in all I could remember so :(! I hope it's alright!!
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Okay him working at Alchemax and likely being a villain and probably against spiderpeople in general (see the first movie, the entire alchemax staff immediately attempting to attack Miles n Peter on sight), you'd both have to keep your relationship a secret
For him to keep his job and for you to not have any leverage used against you; I mean can you imagine if one of your enemies found out you had a boyfriend? And use that against you? Horrid
For convenience let's say you guys are dating long before the idea of the collider is introduced; easier to fall in love with someone when the entire multiverse is at risk/j
Imagine meeting after trying to stop alchemax from doing.. something..
Yeah idk my brains mush, but it warrants you to come down and stop them
Cue you and Jonathan meeting literally just; "oh hes kinda cute :]"
This was funnier in my head
Overall very very interested in any unique abilities you have
Like you know how miles has his electricity and in invisibility? Or Miguel having his fangs? While I don't think every spiderperson has a special power, I do think at least some do
So if you happen to be one of those spiderpeople he's VERY interested
Took a while for you both to warm up to each other because one side was "oh you better not turn me in" and the other is "oh you better not be trying to make me let my guard down"
Yk usual distrust between hero and not-so-powerful-villain
You guys definitely recreate the kiss
You know the one
You're hanging upside down, and
Dates can, unfortunately, get messy :(
Between the having to sneak around and being the towns heroc it's hard to find a time and a place
Oh speaking of that sneaking around thing, it'd have to be a while until you eventually take the mask off around him
He thinks you're.. pretty
Insists you take off the mask more when the two of you are alone
Sneaks and runs off whenever you need to come to alchemax to do something while everyone else tries to take you down
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My MHA HeroC:
The Attention Hero, Extra Extra.
Extra Extra is an underground hero for the most part, mostly because their Quirk is Attention Augmentation (the Quirk I made up for myself), and they usually keep it such that people only notice them when they are actively talking to them, but sometimes they crank it all the way up to maximum to serve as a distraction (plus it disorients people to go from "it has consumed my attention" to "what was that?" and back in the middle of a fight).
The name comes from the idea that they can be such a background extra that they're EXTRA extra. But also when they crank it maximum it sounds like the old newsie cry to get people's attention.
oh dope.
I can't tell if adhd people would be especially susceptible or immune.
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bace-jeleren · 2 years
Any guesses for how Urabrask and Ayara's meeting went? I'm thinking [A]:Ayara ditched the 'Fetch me the Cauldron' quest when Urabrask put compleation on the table (Immortality is Immortality)-- Or [B]: Urabrask had found and returned the cauldron in like an afternoon (Having her as his queen legitimately. Definitely the funny option.)?
Personally either way I hope that they're like... A fun (if not deeply intimidating) power couple, not just a marriage of power.
Y'all know me, I like me a good romance, no matter how fucked up it is. I like the idea of Ayara being interested in compleation, but very stuck in her ways, so she's like "I'll test you like I test all my former spouses, prove your worth and find the Cauldron and I'll consider it", secretly hoping Urabrask succeeds. And finally, after years and years of sending heroc fools off to die, Urabrask succeeds where they could not. When he returns, she openly accepts, but Urabrask, in return is like "Let me put you through a test first, to prove to me that you're worthy..."
And then. Hhrmhrmhrmhrmheh....
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depizan · 1 year
I do have two last thoughts on Shadows of the Empire. I realized I should address the…it’s not really big enough to call a plot…uh… the side plotlet Dash has, since I picked up the book to answer the question of what he was like when written by someone other than the guy who wrote Shadow Games. Also, I’m not quite done being irritated about Roofie Lizards.
Dash Rendar’s crisis of confidence.
During one of the assorted plots that fade out over the course of the book there’s a space dogfight in which several Bothan pilots are killed by a missile that Dash failed to destroy. That he failed for the first time ever and people died gives him a Heroc BSoD for a bit.
*massages forehead*
Okay, two thirds of that is fine, but the middle third just destroys the entire thing. No one gets to the age of…okay, I don’t know how old Dash is, but I’m pretty sure he’s older than, like ten…without failing. I don’t care how hot shit he’s supposed to be, this cannot be the first time in his life that he failed. Or missed a target. Also, given his line of work, this can’t be the first time people he’s working with have died. His plotlet would be more appropriate for someone Luke’s age. Or younger. Not for a seasoned criminal who routinely gets in space battles.
That said, characters are allowed to be upset by things. I’d absolutely have given an “I failed and people died!” BSoD a pass. Maybe it hasn’t happened that often. Maybe it just hits him hard every time. That could actually be a hint of him as an actual person not a random assortment of one liners and ludicrous skills. But it’s written like somewhere between 50% and 75% of his BSoD is because he never fails.
No one never fails. No one. That’s not how anything works!
(Also, his focus on “how could I, the man who never misses, miss!?” makes it all about him and not the people who died, which isn’t a good look. Nor is Luke kind of being glad he was taken down a peg, well, wanting to be glad he was taken down a peg, if not for the loss of life.
I swear to god, Dash has an asshole aura the way Taris has a bad idea aura and Joruus C'baoth has a wisdom and intellect drain aura.)
Anyway, the point is: it’s a plotlet for someone just starting out in life. “Oh no, I can fail.” is not something that an experienced adult should be struggling with. (Again, “oh no, my failure had bad consequences” is something anyone can struggle with. It’s the emphasis that’s fucking the plotlet up, not the events themselves.) Worse, Dash is a character whose brother died and family was destroyed because of bad luck. He shouldn’t be having this struggle with the concept of failure! Bad shit happens! He knows that.
It doesn’t help my irritation that later, after Dash is “dead”*, it turns out that it was a specially shielded missile, so he didn’t actually fail. Or at least, he didn’t actually miss. There was just nothing he could’ve done.
Look, Star Wars writers, the reason people like Han Solo is because he does fuck up. He’s not perfect. It makes him human and relatable and likable. He’s very good at what he does, but he’s not The Best™. Sometimes he encounters someone better than him. And sometimes he just messes up. Because people do.
Han Solo but cooler and edgier doesn’t make for an interesting character. It doesn’t even make for a character at all.
*I don’t know if he’s genuinely supposed to be dead in the book, but I do know from Wookieepedia that he faked his death.
Roofie Lizards
Roofie Lizards irritate me. Quite a lot, actually. They’re also a good example of how I can be a bit inconsistent in what violates my suspension of disbelief. Generally, I’m pretty willing to accept all manner of ludicrous things in the softer end of the fantasy and sci-fi spectrum. I don’t expect actual science in Star Wars. (Or Star Trek or Doctor Who or Stargate or…) I don’t object to people throwing in a bit of actual science, but I fully expect my soft sci-fi/space adventure to run on handwavium. Except when that handwavium only exists to fuel a plot that should be flushed down the galactic toilet.
See, Falleen annoy me. Zeltrons don’t. And that hinges entirely on why the two species exist.
Zeltrons are hot pink near-humans with potent pheromones and telepathic powers that fall on the empathy end of things. They can’t read minds, but they read and influence emotions. They were introduced in the now practically ancient Marvel comics run of Star Wars back in the 80s as, well, Space Hippie Party Kids. They’re big on free love and happiness and having a good time and dress a bit like they wandered out of a rave.
They’ve also been expanded on by a number of authors since then, and were even fleshed out beyond that introduction in the comics. You’ll find Zeltron heroes, rogues, and villains scattered through all manner of Star Wars works. I think they’ve even been recanonized by Disney.
I have never once thought to myself with irritation “I’m pretty sure pheromones are species specific” when reading about Zeltrons. Yes, it helps that humans and near-humans can be assumed to at least be the same class, taxonomically speaking, but it also helps that they never felt like they were designed to be walking Roofies. Or if they were it was a HELL of a lot more subtly.
Falleen are green roofie lizards with insanely potent pheromones who were invented so Xizor could try to “seduce” (consider those the largest quote marks ever) Princess Leia. Also so Xizor could be just that much more Most Special and go on about how his reptilian ancestry meant he was cool and not ruled by his emotions. (Even though he 100% was.)
Why do your pheromones even work on mammals you overgrown iguana!?
As I was saying, my suspension of disbelief has a hell of a lot more trouble with Falleen. I mean, I’d find Xizor a Villain Sue and the whole plotline with him becoming enamored of Leia awful even if he’d been a Zeltron. But you created an entire fictional species just to make your character more special and to be a walking date rape drug? Really?
It just underlines Xizor’s Villain Sue-ness, or DMNPC-ness or That Guy’s character-ness. It doesn’t feel like a case of “oh, I had this fun idea for a new species” it feels like the species was designed because Xizor needed to be special.
Also, like…it’s unnecessary, in a sense. It’s just background set dressing. And a way to threaten a female character with rape that it isn’t clear the author realizes would be rape. It’s just so…weird. And requires jumping through more mental hoops than Zeltrons do.
Which feels more implausible? Magic pheromones that work across species barriers regardless of gender or magic pheromones that work across species barriers (larger species barriers even!) but only work on the opposite sex? It’s not just me, right? Adding in that Only Heterosexual bit just begs one to ask questions about how it’s working at all. (Also whether the author realizes that there’s a larger difference between species, much less classes, than between sexes.)
Also, Xizor is a really weird villain. He feels like he should be a buffoon. The kind of villain you’d class with Rich Biff from Back to the Future 2 or the guy in Making Money (Discworld) who wanted to become Vetenari. Granted, this could just be because real life has an over abundance of buffoon rich guy villains at present, but he’s over the top in a way that interferes with him being an impressive villain. Except I think we are supposed to find him an impressive villain. He’s rubbing elbows with the Emperor. He’s treated as an equal to Vader. He’s been wildly successful. (He didn’t just inherit daddy’s money.) I’m pretty sure he’s supposed to be a cool, sexy villain, not a green Biff Tannen.
I can’t tell if the fact that all I see is green Biff Tannen is a me problem or a writing problem.
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cupajoscafe · 1 year
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68catillac · 18 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Min & Mon HeroCity Trifold Leather Wallet.
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brooklynbred-a · 1 year
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"I like fast vehicles, so bikes aren't off the cards. I'm not a fixed opinion sort of person, which doesn't exactly gel well with someone of your herocism, but it may mean we'd butt heads less often over something in particular. I do know what's right and wrong. Whether I keep to the right side of that, well, that rather depends on the circumstance. Otherwise, I think I did rather well. Do I get a Captain America themed drink now?"
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"Never thought I'd see the day but...Damn...Managed to fill all the spots up. Worth a shot!"
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444names · 2 years
breton names from tes + adunaic dictionary x3
Acrole Adale Adanne Adine Adjeards Adrise Agael Aglie Agrance Agrelena Agren Akellau Alantoir Alben Alyzo Amariyê Amuard Ancel Ancie Andelle Angernas Anght Aniquin Aranne Arcroft Ardynnak Aregon Arlia Artivil Artonan Ascayug Ashard Astie Athie Atois Audelynd Audine Aullet Aultrut Aurel Aurey Auzor Avienric Azepi Badow Baline Barle Batrac Bauck Baumanet Beaulan Bedwulub Belant Belient Belmort Belyne Beraph Berey Berien Berne Beror Bertic Bingfix Blaris Bogeonie Boryd Bricelix Briely Brior Brofte Brudida Bruilyna Brurt Buines Burviri Bêthta Cadrane Calboic Cannar Carcenon Caric Caynette Cedardis Chael Channe Chate Cheart Chilic Chright Chrya Coric Corna Corsa Cranan Crolyste Cronce Dacroft Dalanna Dancien Dandor Danworde Darde Darvie Dasouard Dearond Deignoyn Deland Delle Delre Denne Derne Deynylot Diert Distin Dolerde Doreen Dorlaing Dorya Doucroc Douis Duffina Dunak Dunick Dunodil Durese Durus Ediel Ediend Edmala Edorgyr Edren Edrodin Elardt Elert Elien Eline Elita Ellam Ellet Elrelia Emenaric Emiene Emood Enrone Ephient Erill Erront Escelval Essele Etonrier Evanko Evrel Facheode Falie Faline Fanic Felle Fercette Fieroft Flene Flourt Flozine Fondyne Forine Franna Frede Freet Frelle Frene Fricard Frodouri Frulen Gaber Gabilley Gaette Ganchric Ganoille Garanius Gasar Gaver Gawrie Gelak Geley Gelia Gelles Gemellon Geonts Geraron Geraus Gerle Gertin Gescelen Gesly Ginwyna Girou Gitchard Glaine Glais Gleile Goisirie Gonard Gorle Gotte Grene Grenot Gretic Groin Gront Grubegon Gruzouse Gryannyn Guinise Gwine Gwynces Gwynrel Gwyra Gwyrre Gwywyna Harel Harohdet Harque Haste Hawarcel Heaum Helle Heoldan Heomtore Hermile Heroc Herthiot Hiberann Hileauck Houiste Hoïna Hulive Ilvaude Irine Izabyr Izautric Izout Jacimain Jaminces Jamris Janete Jaquerte Jaste Javaling Javend Javory Jeari Jehana Jerot Jodouing Jodoulud Jolind Joscine Jowind Jurane Jusaring Kavette Kinart Kinient Kinslyna Krirl Laduld Lafel Lanelles Lannaud Larberyn Lastaing Laulover Lerahde Lescien Lessa Loine Luele Lurone Lysab Lyvaic Lywynak Mabrey Macmun Manig Manista Marbou Marce Marde Mardsle Mardyn Marea Marencat Marld Marmon Mascane Matheona Matin Mauck Mauliert Mautrug Mauvenis Maval Melann Melyn Melyse Micelle Millel Moldarra Monhamel Monise Moods Morefulo Morgin Morte Morya Moryvanc Muinaur Muncton Munissan Murique Mylven Mynynaus Namret Nitau Noisa North Nuara Nupera Ochrya Ocquette Octyr Opele Ophin Orane Orfix Osamec Oscene Osiac Osiri Ouiso Owege Pamason Parbin Parianne Paricham Parieris Parierne Pastnol Pauberic Perely Peroche Persmir Pette Pevermon Phany Phoret Pilhick Pilliene Rarbord Rarna Rastai Relle Renia Rhawk Rierrya Roist Rolmor Rolyne Ronienan Rosten Roward Ruffillo Sabelie Segash Sevic Shardin Sillanur Sillette Sistyr Soletta Solle Sorgrey Sorra Spera Spric Stais Stord Storya Styrick Suniser Suronak Swenjak Swoodwic Syvygas Sâiric Tarchelo Tarick Taund Tharmis Thean Thilu Thysa Tices Trabyth Trien Triene Trique Triste Urvelan Ustan Utepi Uthelyn Vacque Valane Valaux Valen Valle Valleon Vande Vault Vienn Villey Vinard Vinere Vissanna Vivea Vivond Vouris Vycton Vyctynow Warobale Wenoebel Wicki Wiles Wrolie Yeont Yssaperd Ystard Ysylivin Yvale Yvyct Zagran Zibaurt Ziding Zonel
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kasou · 4 years
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heroicity said ;   “ just let me do this for you. ” from toga !
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          BLISTERS   &&   BURNS,   that’s all this was. he had dealt with it millions of times, && the pain was all too familiar. he always tried to   HIDE   how he felt behind a cold mask, but this time the pain was unbearable.   &&   OF   COURSE,   toga was there to rub her nose in his business.   TYPICAL.
          “   i don’t   NEED   your help. i’m perfectly capable of fixing this   MYSELF.   ”
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galleryantiques · 3 years
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsyshop #galleryantiques a #Vintage #Matchbox Hero City #Ambulance in Unopened Box #vintagediecast #diecastmodel #diecastvehicle #matchboxdiecast #herocity #eshopsuk #shopsmall #shopsmalluk #etsysellersofInstagram #vintagesellersofinstagram #etsygifts #etsyvintage #etsy https://etsy.me/334Y6Z9 (at Gallery Antiques) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYZRswBILwi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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qjawe · 4 years
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#draperu #draperuniversity #draperuniversityofheroes #herocity @herocityspace #pitching #startup #herotraining @draperstartuphouse @draper_u Looking back a year ago, things grew to FluidAsia.com #fluidasia #BitMOV #moveblock #moveblockotc #moveblockcapital https://youtu.be/a6AAwJQ-6zQ (at Hero City at Draper University) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_I_9TjFs1I/?igshid=11azd9a3t5f4z
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jeanloickmichaux · 5 years
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It was a pleasure to be on the opening panel for @draper_u batch 21 [the biggest one in the history of DU] so far, 123 entrepreneurs from around the world are starting their hero training program. Have fun and improve the world heroes! 🐴⚡️🦄✨🚀 #ponniesteam #rhinos #unicorns #serendipialife #draperu #draperuniversity #herocity #startups #entrepreneurs (at Draper University) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByzN_sgHpAP/?igshid=lkjdmalaakti
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harlyhyde · 4 years
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@heroc I did it! My pens almost died because the paper is not ideal but i'm satisfied. Hope you like it ^^
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red-lens · 6 years
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another wip
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cupajoscafe · 4 years
Hey everyone, I hope you’re having a fantastic Saturday!! I’m here with my part of the BNHArem server’s March collab!! This month’s theme was a Sex Worker AU and I had LOADS of fun with this!! You can check out the masterlist for all the amazing entries to this collab, make sure you check ‘em all out!!
So I’m actually really nervous about posting this piece for two reasons. First being that I’m not confident in my writing but I needed context for this art so I needed to write a drabble to go with it, since the idea that I had was VERY specific and couldn’t be expressed through the art alone. Second being that this isn’t a typical “character x reader/viewer” piece, as this has my BNHA OC in reader’s place. I’m very nervous that this is gonna get a lot of backlash and people are gonna be in my inbox all up in my ass over how they can’t imagine themselves in my OCs place or whatever. But this idea was just so perfect. It’s actually based on an RP I’m doing with my friend @nyrocwrites and this was just too good to pass up.
I also wanna shout out @lady-bakuhoe for helping me with the pose idea!! I had no idea how to approach this drawing at first and Jo gave me a wonderful little stick figure sketch that really helped me figure out exactly what I wanted to do. Thank you so much Jo I don’t deserve you 😭😭💜💜
Anyways enough of my rambling!! On with the collab piece!! Since this is relatively SFW I don’t have to post a censored version YAY!! Drabble under the cut!!
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Warnings: Nothing explicit, just some flirty banter and suggestive themes. KamiJirou and Bakugou x OC
Word Count: 826
It wasn't fucking fair. 
They were already here for Dunce Face's bachelor party. He already had a fucking fiancée. Hell, he had probably gotten laid that morning. So in what fucking universe was it fair at all for Dunce Face to be all over the dancer that he had been eyeing all fucking night? And why was she paying no mind to him after getting him riled up and teasing him all fucking night? 
It wasn't fucking fair. 
The bubble on her lips popped and she pulled the gum into her mouth, running her tongue along her lips to collect it. "Damn, your fiancée is one lucky lady." She cooed, leaning over the edge of the stage to close some of the space between her and Kaminari. He waved the bill around in his fingers and grinned up at her, his cheeks flushed red from the copious amounts of alcohol he had consumed in the last hour. Bubblegum slid her tongue over her teeth, the stud of her tongue ring clacking lightly against bone. "How would she react if she found out you were dropping so much money on a gal like me, huh?" 
The words fell like honey from her lips; sweet and melodious. The fact that she was talking to Kaminari like that instead of him had his blood boiling. Bakugou hastily fished his wallet from his pocket and pulled out a thousand yen bill. She didn't even bat an eye. She just kept her gaze locked on Denki as if to piss him off even more. If that hadn't tipped him over the edge, then the shit-eating grin on her face absolutely did. Bakugou snarled angrily and shoved the money into his pocket.
"Fuck this." He announced, pushing off the velvet  seating near the stage and standing up on his feet. "I'm gettin' another fuckin' drink."
It wasn't fucking fair.
Bubblegum watched with an impish grin as the ash-blond man stomped off towards the bar where his other friends were stationed and she snorted, shifting her doe-eyed gaze down to the bachelor beneath her.
"What do you think, Blondie? Did I push it too far?" She asked, reaching a hand out to brush his cheek with her painted fingernails.
"He's definitely into you. I think you won." He giggled, the money bill still caught between his fingers. "Have fun. Please don't break my friend."
She parted her lips and leaned forward to snatch the bill in between her teeth, looking over to the bar where she saw him hunched over and ordering a drink. With a chuckle, Bubblegum pulled away and took the bill from her mouth and stuffed it into her bra, then leaned down to place a kiss on Kaminari's lips.
"Thanks for playing along." She whispered, then winked at him and pushed herself back up onto the stage to finish her routine.
Of course he watched the rest of her routine from the bar. He couldn't keep his damn eyes off of her. The way she slid down the pole, the way she flipped her hair, the way her ass hung out of her panties. He especially couldn't keep his eyes off the way her tits bounced as she walked over to him when her routine was done. He swallowed down his whiskey sour and winced at the sharp burning in his throat, narrowing his eyes as she approached him at the bar.
She looked good enough to eat.
It wasn't fucking fair.
"Come here to bat your eyelashes at me again, you fuckin' cocktease?" He snipped, watching carefully as she took her place on the seat next to him. The bartender was already making her usual Vodka on the Rocks.
"I think I've teased you enough for one night, haven't I, hotshot?" She hummed, lifting her drink up to her painted red lips. Bubblegum smiled at him and Bakugou scoffed, chugging down the last of his drink and slamming the glass down on the bar top.
"So what the fuck do you want then, hah?"
She looked him up and down and leaned her head in the palm of her hand, smiling coyly and letting her eyes land on his lips.
"How's about a private dance? Just you and me."
He perked up and loosened his shoulders a little, returning her glances and letting his crimson eyes rest on the choker on her neck. Oh, how he wanted his hand wrapped around her throat instead. His tongue darted out to wet his lips and he smirked wolfishly down at her, pulling her up by her waist and holding her body against his.
"I guess comin' out to Dunce Face's stupid bachelor party wasn't such a shitty idea after all."
Bubblegum threw her head back and laughed, then knocked back the rest of her drink and pulled Bakugou off to one of the velvet rooms for a private dance, just the two of them.
Maaaaaybe this time it was fair.
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