halidomhappenings · 5 years
ANNA: “Our final jousters of the day feature another two Ylisseans! Please welcome Sully of the Shepherds and Cynthia, champion of the fliers division, to the ring! I’m a little surprised Cynthia chose to change it up this year-- Has anyone heard anything about her jousting before now? ... Well, I suppose there have been more unexpected entries. Best of luck!”
EMM: “Oh, this looks like it will be very fun. A Shepherd versus a Justice Cabal member. Who will reign supreme?”
CHROM: “I’m still somewhat sore from my own match and knowing these two, watching them is going to constantly remind of that.”
Cynthia: 16 
Sully: 18 
Cynthia may be a newcomer to the art of jousting, but that doesn’t mean Sully is going to go easy on her. Cynthia misses Sully’s shield by just a hair, allowing the redhead an easy strike.
Defense: 10 
Despite reeling from the Shepherd’s surprising amount of force, Cynthia is able to stay in the saddle!
Point to Sully!
Cynthia: Nat 1
Favor Bonus: 13
Sully: 11
While still a little dazed from Sully’s previous point, Cynthia is able to shake it off and make up for the last round. The glint of the Torja family seal in the setting sun gives her a burst of confidence and determination, and her strike at Sully’s shield rings true this time with a mighty battle cry.
Defense: 10
Unfortunately, it is not enough to knock the experienced knight from her saddle.
Point to Cynthia!
CHROM: “So close! Is it me or did Cynthia look like she was about to take off into the air? Good thing she remembered that she’s not on a pegasus this time.”
Cynthia: 16
Sully: 12
Determined to keep up her momentum, and perhaps getting caught up in the adrenaline of the joust, Cynthia urges her mount into a canter. Sully is caught off guard, and reels from the strike...
Defense: 5
Favor Bonus: 13
...But as a pendant flashes in the setting sun, the knight pulls herself back into the saddle and grits her teeth with a determination of her own!
Point to Cynthia!
CHROM: “Cynthia nearly got her, but it seems Sully’s riding experience is helping... Or did that pendant’s glimmer bring her confidence back?”
Cynthia: 17
Sully: 9
Cynthia refuses to let up, not even for a moment. She’s worked out that speed is the key to getting the point on Sully-- She just needs enough force to ultimately unhorse her...
Defense: 14
Fortunately for Sully, this strike was not enough. She sways some, but experience is an incredible teacher and she stays atop her horse yet again. 
Point to Cynthia!
Cynthia: 13
Catch of the Day LION’S PAW Bonus: NAT 20!
Sully: 7
With a passionate battle cry of ‘LANCE OF JUSTICE, STRIKE TRUE!!’ Cynthia urges her mount into a full gallop as she takes aim squarely in the center of Sully’s shield. The force of the impact and Cynthia’s sudden yell catch Sully off guard one more time, and...
Defense: 6
SULLY IS UNSEATED. As Cynthia’s mount slows to a trot, a walk, and finally stops, the young pegasus knight flashes a bright grin and twirls her lance in a victory flourish. 
EMM: “Cynthia, that was brilliant! Well done, indeed!”
CHROM: “Sometimes we have matches that end in round one. Then we’ve got nailbiting matches like this one. Congratulations, Cynthia!”
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repost, don’t reblog.
– one / name / alias.  Scout / Munstone – two /  birthday.  may 31st – three / zodiac sign.  gemini – four /  height.  5′7″? ish? – five  /  hobbies.  all I do for fun is rp, write, and play videogames. don’t judge me >:v – six /  favourite colors.  darker blue tones! green, purple, blue, and black itself. soothing! – seven / favourite books.  i don’t read much bc i’m a dummy thicc – eight  /  last song listened to. Truth Hurts – nine  /  last film watched.  The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals (Thanks so much, Carol! @heroismdreams) – ten  /  inspiration for muse.  i hate this motherfucker so much and hate it when people woobify villains so really my spite was my top motivator, just like a lot of things in my life! go figure! – eleven  / dream job.  i really want to write and design my own video game! i have a few original ideas kicking around in my head that didn’t work well as a traditional story, but I think it’d do well as a game to play through. possibly! idk – twelve  / meaning behind your url.  it’s pretty obvious lmao. i’m super bad at thinking up thought provoking urls. i wanted to go with “Moonstoned” but that was being hoarded already and I’ll never stop being salty about it.
tagged by: tagged by @jasperlion tagging: idk whoever tf lmao be free my nerdlings
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caraidean · 5 years
Continued from Here || @heroismdreams
“You were asking for it!” Severa complained, the princess stumbling a little as Cynthia knocked her with her shoulder in response. She rolled her eyes and grumbled, a hand moving to play with blue hair as they walked down the street. 
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“I didn’t say it’s a bad thing ya know.”
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painintopcwer · 5 years
@heroismdreams replied to your post “¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦ Cynthia has gotten some…. interesting questions….”
(heroismdreams) "L-Laurent! Don't look!!"
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“Too late, my dear.”
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spdtactics-a · 5 years
carolconstellate liked your post:“so in other news, i’m accepting applications for...
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“oh! your pegasus is so pretty, miss! what’s her name? ... or, um, his name? their name!”
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seefirc · 5 years
@heroismdreams - X
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Gerome remained silent for a moment. “..... Nothing truly. You had something in your hair.” He lied. He just... felt like petting her for a moment. 
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drylicu · 5 years
carolconstellate replied to your post
“… what about vegetables? Like I don’t think you’re supposed to eat potatoes raw… or an onion…”
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         “--Vegetables! I completely forgot about those! I bet I can find some in the storeroom!”
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svarmodiig · 5 years
@heroismdreams liked for a starter!
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“ Hey Cynthia! Here are those flower petals you requested - Er, remind me, why did you need them so urgently? “
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“Wooo! Good job Cynthia! See? I knew you could do it like always! Justice Cabal represent!”
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“Good luck next round, Cynthia. I know you’re taking on Exalt Chrom, but I know you can do it! Just remember, you’ve got my full backing and me in your cheering section every step of the way! Stay confident and focused and you’ll win just as well as you did last time!”
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rxgncll-blog · 5 years
@heroismdreams liked for a starter!
“Me, a legendary hero?” he parroted back Cynthia’s question as he rotated the slab of meat over the campfire he had set up for the night. “I was just doing what I felt was right at the time. I knew I had to win this fight, even if it meant defying a goddess’s will. Because people should be free to decide things on their own.” His thoughts went back to the Tower of Guidance, where he and his friends faced off powerful foe after powerful foe, ultimately slaying the goddess of order in the end. He didn’t do all this for power or fame or glory. As he would always say, it was just the right thing to do.
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“Well, looking back at it, I guess I could see why you’d call me a legendary hero,” he finished reminiscing with a chuckle. “But I still feel I have a long way to go if I wanted to become one.”
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emblemseekers · 5 years
@heroismdreams Continued from ask:
“Just wanted to see how daddy’s little hero is doing,” Gaius smiled at the young girl.
He never thought he’d be the father of such a heroic kid, but he certainly wasn’t going to complain. It made him proud that she didn’t follow in his footsteps. He knew he led a less than savory lifestyle and knowing that Cynthia, at least, didn’t become a thief or idolize his thievery was a bit of a relief.
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bladerevered · 5 years
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      “ There you are, Cynthia! See, as the most heroic gal I know, I totally saw your arrival coming. ”
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(heroismdreams) Well here went all Cynthia’s current savings - but it would be totally worth it if she could hit him.
@heroismdreams​ (Tumblr pls let me mention people in asks plzkthnx)
(Get Pied, Son!)
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“Ohhhh? Pigtails, eh? My my, you look like just my type of girl... Stay a while after you’re done, won’t you? I’ve got something to show you...~”
Result: 17!
Similarly to the last pie launched, this wasn’t dead center. It was slightly too low, hitting Valter’s mouth, but not much else -- a reversal of the last time. 
“PAH! KOFF, KOFF, HACK--!” He spat it out as fast as he could, wiping his mouth off with his towel. “NEVERMIND! Get out of my sight! Never come here again! (Until tomorrow, of course. I really need the money.)”
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piercedfrombehind · 5 years
(heroismdreams) "Suns, or moons?" Deliah asks him, out of the blue, softly clutching two bouquets of dandelions - one made up of the bright yellow flower they were, and the other made up of the white, delicate, puffy things they became. "There's an entire field nearby filled with dandelions, soo, suns or moons?"
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Rather than directly answer her question, Zero blew at the white bouquet, sending small specs into the direction of Deliah’s face. “Does that answer your question?” He did wonder why the sky knight had picked them to begin with: most people considered them weeds as opposed to flowers, not seeing enough beauty in them to bother pulling them out of the ground lest it were to remove them permanently.
“Flowers are boring. Can’t do anything with them beyond sitting and staring at them. At least kids can make a game out of the white ones. Moons should win regardless; I’m Nohrian. We don’t like the sun.” He stared at the weeds for a moment.
“Do you have any idea why these things have the same name as each other?”
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(heroismdreams) 💗 💗 💗
ship ship fall in love
//there are three hearts so that means
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//alright!! (jk jk, i’d ship cynthia with everyone bc I Love Her and You!!!! i mean if you have other muses of mine you’d like to try i’m all game!!!)
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painintopcwer · 5 years
@heroismdreams replied to your post: “…………At least…. everyone is together…. I hope.”
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“I’m sure it’s plenty worth it now, but I would like to offer my services....”
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