#heroxvillain drabble
infinitymyth · 2 years
Giving up ( hero x villain)
“ I can’t do this anymore hero.” Villain grasped at his chest, bloody knuckles and skinny frame.“ I-I- I can’t- won’t- I tried..” he started to stumble over his words, falling to his knees and hero watched shocked.
He stuttered as he spoke. “I- I love you, so-so much it, supervillain hurts me, he-he beats me..!I can’t keep living like this.” Hero stepped forward, being stopped at villains watery expression.
“ he said… he promised to let me go if I gave him what he wanted.” He explained, his head dropping in shame as sobs escaped out of his mouth. Hero kneeled, lifting villains chin and watching the man continued to sob.
Hero gently sighed, expecting supervillain to want something impossible to create once more. “ what does he want, villain?” Hero asked gently, watching as villain dug his bloody fingertips into the pavement.
“You. Hero, he wants you.”
Hey guys! I’m also working on a series, it’s on a secondary account! The story’s name is Deranged patients and it’s on @dakotainfinitymyth if you would like to check it out! I post every Monday or Sunday in that account.
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letters-unsending · 9 months
No. 47
Hero only wakes in times of crisis and will not sleep until the problem is resolved. Hero and Villain teamed up to vanquish Villain and they win, but Hero is still awake.
“Goodnight,” Villain murmured.
The statement was perfunctory—they’d spoken it to Hero almost every night throughout war, but it was different now. Back then, he’d said it while pushing aside a fold of their tent with his arm. Hero would nod at him from across a candlelit table, still poring over maps and penning down strategy, and Villain would know, without a doubt, that he would find Hero in the same place the following morning.
However, they occupied Supervillain’s castle now. Hero reviewed charters and laws instead of war plans.
“You can rest,” Villain offered, eyeing the papers in Hero’s hand.
Hero glanced up at Villain. From his lifted pen, a bead of ink dripped, oozing darkly onto the topmost page.
“I need to see the city settled before…I rest.”
“No, I didn’t mean that kind of rest. I just meant,” Villain gestured in the air, leaning his temple into the doorframe, “you can relax now. I don’t know when you have to go, but I thought, maybe, you could enjoy the peace for a while.”
“I am not made for peace, [Villain].” Hero lifted the paper before the stain could seep through and set it aside. “I will have my rest soon. And this work, it is of no consequence to me.”
“You’re exhausted, [Hero].” Ever since they’d vanquished Supervillain, Hero’s power had flagged. His tireless facade waned into shaking hands and short breaths; the only work he could manage anymore was desk work. And so they’d labored side by side, discussing edicts and decrees. “I think—I think you’ve needed to rest for a long time now.”
Hero stared down at his ink-stained fingers. “There are things I need to do.”
“I am quite capable of running this city. You don’t have to worry about that.”
“I know you are capable, [Villain].” Hero sighed. “By far, you are the most honorable man I have met in all my waking hours.”
At that, Villain shoved himself off the doorframe. “Then, why? Why do you insist on wasting away in this office?”
“The [magic] let’s me stay as long as there is something required of me.” Hero splayed his hand over the papers. “I have to work to stay awake. This is all I can do.”
“Then tell your [magic] that I need you.” Villain rounded Hero’s desk. “Tell it that I need you to rest, and that I need you with me.”
Hero shrunk back in his chair as Villain loomed over him. “The [magic] does not work so frivolously. You can not simply request it—”
Villain yanked Hero up by his lapel and tugged him out of the room. “I will not have you die reading over grain reports.”
“Where,” Hero winced, his lungs burning with each step, “where are you taking me?”
“To my room. To sleep.”
“[Villain],” Hero hissed, “I am not going to wake up.”
“You will.” Villain insisted, slowing as he heard the cramped hitch in Hero’s breath. He shifted his hand down to his forearm and clasped Hero’s terribly thin wrist. “And if you don’t, I will find a way to wake you.”
“You do not have my permission to start another apocalypse.”
“I wasn’t—,” Villain turned to catch the glimmer in Hero’s eye, “don’t joke with me about this, [Hero.] You shouldn’t have to continue saving the world if you don’t want to. You shouldn’t have to wake up every other century and fight for every second you’re conscious.”
As Hero opened his mouth to reply, Villain gave him a look and pushed him into his drawing room. He unpinned Hero’s cuff links and pulled off his overcoat before doing the same to himself.
“Even if I were to sleep and find myself in an era eons from now,” Hero proclaimed as Villain unbuttoned his vest, “I would remember you.”
In the wan light, Villain floated like a phantom, a shadowed slip of skin and silk, but Hero could still see his smile in the shadowed wrinkles around his eyes and in the gleam of his teeth.
“And I would recall you for the many years until my death.”
“I’ve never fallen asleep on purpose before.” Hero whispered.
Villain shifted closer and pressed his forehead into Hero’s shoulder. He reached over to settle his palm over Hero’s sternum. “Close your eyes.”
“Well, I understand that.” Hero protested.
“Close them, [Hero.]” Villain flattened his fingers and Hero took a deep, shuddering breath. As he relaxed, he set his hand overtop of Villain’s and squeezed his knuckles.
“I want to wake up tomorrow.”
“I will wake you.”
“If I don’t, I want to say—”
“Goodnight, [Hero].”
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pendarling · 1 year
Hero scooted over to the furthest side of the room, still shooting a wavering glance to Villain's hunched over body as they tampered around at the wires.
The room was beginning to feel hotter the longer they stayed. If only they'd taken the stairs, Hero didn't ask to team up with Villain, if they could make the decision on their own they would’ve preferred to fight the greater evil alone. However, one thing lead to another and they were forced to.
Hero leaned back against the cold steel wall and wrapped their arms around their torso. The emergency button still flashed a dim red, a pathetic attempt at alerting emergency services of their urgent need. It went unanswered for about an hour before Villain decided they’d rather figure it out themselves.
"Forget it, you know that won't work." They looked at the elevator lights. It flickered a few times which didn't ease their worry. They wondered if they would ever get out.
Villain shrugged, “It’s still worth a shot.”
“We could still wait it out.” The last part of their sentence sounded more like a question. Villain huffed out a laugh. Their dismissive response made Hero re-evaluate their suggestion.
The stupid henchmen working under Supervillain must’ve done this. It was the only answer. Hero didn’t expect the base of operations to exist in such a large corporate building. They had taken the elevator hoping to reach the top level quicker, it was their only chance at finding Supervillain at all. Now, they were left stranded.
Villain eventually stood up and stretched out their back. A low groan escaping their mouth. “I don’t know I might have to resort to violence.” They pulled up their sleeve and revealed a small sleek black stick.
That piqued their interest, “What the hell is that?” They hesitantly watched Villain tap onto its side as they tried to figure out what their plan was.
“It’s like a bomb.”
“Excuse me?!”
“Calm down, I’m only going to use it to blow a hole—”
“And kill us?” Hero stood astonished and contemplated snatching away the device. They were right not to trust Villain.
The criminal sighed and continued their sentence. “If I can blow a hole through that wall,” they directed a finger at the empty space behind them. “We can probably just jump out and get to the next floor.”
Hero ran a hand through their hair, were they seriously going to follow through? It’s not like they had anything better. “That’s going to get us hurt.”
They backed away from the wall as Villain tagged the device firmly onto it. It stuck in place as a humming noise played out. Hero felt a wave of sweat hounding onto them as they stepped away further, still unable to register their next moves. Were they expected to casually hop out and not get hit by any debris?
“Don’t worry, it’ll be about three minutes until it actually explodes.”
The device had started making different noises which didn’t sit right with Hero. They looked at the emergency button. Partly wishing there was still a chance to wait out.
Villain didn’t seem affected at all, they looked around at the ceiling; their hands to their hips. “No cameras, huh. You’d think such a place like this would be littered with security.”
“Villain! De-activate it!” Hero palmed their attire for anything to protect themselves from the bomb. They considered if hiding behind Villain could be an option, but found it too cowardly.
Almost as if reading their mind, Villain shuffled over to their side and smiled knowingly. “Aww… is Hero scared?” They nudged their shoulder with their own lightly, and Hero shoved them back.
“Shut up, if I die, it’s on you!”
“Pfft!” Villain smirked, “We have like two more minutes, why don’t we… kill some time?” They chuckled and moved closer again. Their eyes told them something suggestive.
They frowned. “Quit messing around, Villain! This is serious!”
Finally, sensing Hero’s frustration, Villain gave in. “Okay, fine.” They unveiled another tool and activated a large hologram shield, its edges shimmering a blue colour. “I’m already ten steps ahead of you.” They pulled Hero in closer and the city's protector wondered if they had judged Villain too quickly. They were at the very edge; furthest away from the device. They felt crowded being held so close by their one true enemy, yet, comfortable.
They always did something out of their control, but Villain was quick to find a solution for the two of them. Hero felt Villain’s arm wrap around them, a thumb aimlessly soothing their anxiety. Maybe Villain was doing this to show off or to make themselves look reasonable.
“I’m not scared…” They mumbled into their chest. Hero had to look away and focus on the number of beeps to keep their heart from beating any faster.
Their nemesis kept their eyes on the bomb. “You might want to cover your ears, love.”
Just as their palms lifted up to their ears, the device exploded. A heavy gust of wind pressed them tightly against the wall; Hero felt themselves slipping away from Villain’s grasped as they used both hands to firmly keep the shield up.
The elevator leaned to one side; a loud creaking sound of wire snapping and unknown gears shifting around them echoed. Hero’s shoes slid away from the comfort of protection.
Hero watched as the clouds of dust revealed a gaping hole on the other side. Their instincts quickly turned to find anything to hold onto, but nothing came about.
The other side was a dark intimidating void. They shouted for help; frantic attempts were unsuccessful.
Villain turned around and raced to find a way to save Hero. Their eyes landed on an abnormal price of metal pole that dug into the elevators side.
“Wait, Hero I’m coming!”
Hero gripped onto a wire as the floor finally gave out beneath them, and turned to face the inside of the elevator. They tried to keep themselves from moving too much, but their curiosity to look down gave them a fear they hadn’t experienced since childhood. They hated the extent of their height; far away from the ground. The emptiness under them.
Panic set in and overwhelmed their mind. The lights inside the elevator shut down. Villain climbed atop of it and examined their position. A chord snapped and a sharp electric sound buzzed past them.
“Hero! Are you okay?” They looked around for their rival, until they spotted them through the dark; stranded. “Grab my hand!”
They reached down; Hero returned their brave face and took a peek.
“C’mon, Hero!”
Hesitantly, Hero tried to make another attempt to save themselves. After taking a few deep breaths their fingers unwrapped from the wire and searched in the empty space above them for Villain’s hand.
Their hands laced together. Relief ran through their body, they were safe. Only a few more minutes of this, and this would be in the past.
With some effort, Hero pulled themselves out and on top of the elevator. Their breathing unusually faster than expected.
“Thank you.” They panted, their arms set desperately curled around Villain’s.
They took a break for a moment. Absorbing their new situation. Villain looked around at the tall ceiling and then back down at the hellish pit. Hero still refused to let them go, their face still nuzzled in between their neck and shoulder.
"Are you okay?" Their voice echoed, Hero nodded, but Villain wasn't completely convinced. They'd never seen Hero so fearful of anything, the public made them look so valiant and glorious in all their might. It had them convinced for so long that Hero truly lived up to their name.
Although they wanted to laugh and tease Hero for their childish reaction toward heights they couldn't bring themselves to do it. Instead, Villain caught a moment of vulnerability when they instead wanted to console Hero.
They seemed a lot smaller now with their head tucked in and a quieter demeanour. Their hand tapped on their shoulder. “Hero, I was… are you scared of heights?” It dawned on them in that last minute that this cherished figure of the city could be so… so human with all the qualities that weren’t super.
“A little.” They whispered in response. They hadn’t expected such an honest response from them already, but in that case, it must’ve been bad. Their hand patted down at their suit in a sincere gesture; trying to keep Hero relaxed.
Villain couldn’t bring themselves to laugh, not yet. “Alright, well, whenever you’re ready then” They could wait a little longer until Hero was fine enough to continue their mission. Besides, it wasn’t as though they were in trouble yet.
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writemeagoodprompt · 1 year
"I loved you!"
"You didn't love me enough."
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tragic-feline · 2 years
Prompt 4
Cw: Hero takes pain meds that are pills, and there's a very brief mention of blood. Also there is violence.
Also, quick note: I wrote this in mere minutes and I'm posting it after skimming over it briefly. I am very sleepy. I'll just edit anything that needs to be edited later on I guess. But not now. it's like raw meat.
It was the middle of an intense battle with the villain, and hero was getting beaten badly. The hero had just been kicked in the face by the villain yet again, when suddenly from behind they heard a familiar voice shouting out.
"Come on [hero] you've got this!" Their new sidekick beamed, pumping their fists in the air with excitement. Sidekick was definitely late, that was for certain. However their sudden appearance spooked the villain.
"Who's kid is that?!" The villain shouted, staring at the sidekick with wide eyes. Sidekick offered a warm smile in return. The villain gripped hero's shirt with both hands, digging into the fabric. Hero was grinning, and their nose had started to bleed.
"I didn't make the kid, but it's definitely mine." The hero chuckled, causing the villain to jolt their head towards the hero. The villain studied the hero's face and then glanced back at the kid.
"Why is your kid here?! Why would you bring a kid to a rooftop fight?" The villain questioned, releasing their grip on the hero's shirt. The hero stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. They had a puzzled expression painted across their face.
"The kid was bored and I thought they could help out." Hero stated, as if it was an obvious answer. In a bit of a delayed reaction, sidekick quickly rushed to their caregiver's side and pulled out a small first aid kit.
"I'm very helpful." Sidekick nodded in agreement. The child pulled out a small box of pain medication and a water bottle. The villain was too shocked to do anything. The villain had never really given the personal lives of their enemies much thought before.
Sidekick handed hero a small pill and unscrewed the lid on the water bottle. The hero smiled lovingly at their kid, before quickly swallowing the pill. "Thank you, I appreciate you." Hero whispered with care. Their demeanor towards the child was a harsh contrast to how they were around the villain.
The villain didn't know how to respond to this. It was such an odd sight, perhaps this was some sort of weird dream? Well, whatever it was.. they weren't interested in upsetting this child. "Fine. You win. I don't want to beat you up in front of a kid." The villain grumbled, staring down at the hero. Their gaze was bitter.
Hero shot the villain a smug smile before getting up with the assistance of their sidekick.
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xnewbiewriterx · 1 year
"Stay with Me"
Okay, so this is another little non-specific character x reader drabble I wrote. The prompt is from TikTok and this is what I did with it. I hope you enjoy it. I'll link the TikTok below.
Hero!character x Villian!reader
The world seemed to have slowed down.
The wind stopped blowing, the sound of screams and sirens faded in the background...it was as if time stood still. 
He stared and watched as the bullet whizzed slowly through the air before cutting into the her chest. At first, he did nothing, frozen in place, watching as she began to fall.
Then time started up again, but everything was moving too fast.
He rushed to the her side, panicking, and started looking for the wound. When he found it, he immediately applied pressure and yelled for someone to call 911.
“No, no, no…” He chanted as he pressed his palms to her wounded chest, trying to stop the bleeding. “What have I done?” 
Tears filled his eyes. It’s okay. You’re gonna be okay.
“Hey, buddy. You won,” she laughed hoarsely, coughing up blood in the process. “Just like you wanted.”
“Shhh. Don’t talk.” He shook his head. “I didn’t want to win. Not like this."
He choked back a sob.
“I never wanted it to be like this… I’m sorry.”
You didn’t deserve this...I’m so sorry.
She gazed up at him with a pain-filled, but grateful expression. “That’s the kindest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” She gave a small smile. “Thank you.”
Oh no...
He sniffled. “For what?”
“For all the great times we had together.” Her eyes closed.
No, no, no, no, no
His heart began to shatter.
“No, please…” He begged. “Stay with me..”
Dammit! Where is the ambulance?!!
He started to gently shake her, hoping the movement would open her eyes.
No response.
“C’mon,” he muttered. “Wake up!”
Please wake up. Please. I’ll do anything, anything, for you to just open your eyes again. C’mon, please.
Still applying pressure to the wound, he tried again to gently shake her awake, but the life had already faded from the her body.
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Walking alone at night wasn’t that big of a deal to Hero. They do it all the time. No one bothered them. It was more convenient than waiting around for the one bus that comes every hour after midnight.
Walking was their wind down. The cool air helped them relax and forget about the days troubles. They also didn’t mind how on their walk home, it would be easier to assist anyone who needed help.
Then, all of the sudden the air changed. Hero felt a presence behind them. They quickly turned around- squeaking when they slammed into the figure.
Two strong hands gripped their upper arms. In an attempt to resist, Hero planted their heels into the sidewalk and leaned back. The grip on them tightened, pulling them up and swept them into a small alley.
“Look, let’s talk about-“ Their sentence cut short as they were shoved into wall. Hero let out a hiss.
“Are you that oblivious?!”
Hero frowned, looking up at the person in front of them. “Villain?”
Villain huffed. They peered around the corner, looking into the street. They seemed stressed, Hero noted.
“Villain, what are you doing-”
“Are you aware that that black SUV has been following you this whole time?”
“Wait what?!” Confused, Hero followed Villains gaze.
Sure enough, a black SUV was stopped in the middle of the road. A taxi blared their horn from behind. Frustrated that the SUV wasn’t moving, the taxi served around, yelling some obscenities out of the window.
Turning back to Villain, Hero looked at them in the eyes. They’ve never seen Villain this tense. Sure, when they were fighting, things could get pretty intense. But Villain was always easy going.
They both went silent and held each other’s gaze. Hero winced as Villains grip on them tightened. Noticing, Villain let go and started using their palms to rub Hero’s sore muscles.
“We’re you following me?” Hero smiled. Poking Villains chest.
Villain rolled their eyes, grabbing Hero’s hand and shoving it away. “Now is not the time Hero…”
“You totally we’re… Why?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
Hero let out a chuckle.
“Listen- I get it! Im irresistibly charm—Mhmm mmm!!—“ They we’re cut short by one hand covering their mouth, the other holding the back of their head.
“Shhhhh- Don’t be stupid. They’re just over there”
Hero’s breath hitched as they realized how close, they were to Villain. Hero felt their heart race as Villain began to lightly massage the back of Hero’s head.
Hero figure it was more of a nervous tick meant to calm Villain more than to ease Hero’s anxiety.
The it hit Hero. Villain wasn’t wearing their gloves. They never went to a fight without their gloves. Villain was dressed in a black hoodie under a long pea coat, black jeans and black converse. Civilian clothes. Not their costume.
This was bad.
But before Hero could say anything. Four car doors slammed shut.
They met Villains eyes. They looked, concerned, worried, panicked - all at the same time.
“You’re coming with me. Now.”
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infinitymyth · 2 years
Heroxvillain x sidekick
Implied and referenced abuse/toture
Asking to be hurt/harmed & threats of harming for someone else
Nudity( no photos, this is a story)
Villain shoveled himself into hero’s base, his hands bleeding and covered in burns. He glanced towards the left, looking at his battered self in the mirror. Unsatisfied, he continued his trudging.
Hero paused down the hallway, watching as villain walked before him, his hands moving above his head in surrender before going out in-front of his face
Hero gulped, watching as villain bent down on his knees and folded his arms behind his back, bowing and breathing though the pain.
“ superhero was correct. Instead of trying to fight you…” villain glanced up, staring at hero’s tear filled eyes. “ I should be on my knees, begging you for forgiveness, for you to be merciful on me.”
Hero stepped backwards, stumbling on the rug and falling hastily on the ground.
Villain slumped, his knees bending at an akward angle as his forehead touched the carpet. “ he said that I should swallow my shame and ask for you to hurt me instead. I hurt you so I deserve it.”
“ villain. I don’t beat people while they’re already down. Yeah, you’ve done some… unforgivable shit but… clearly superhero’s already done the job…”
Hero gasped as he looked at villains blood droolen mouth. “ not implying that I would hurt you either way but… it seems as if you’ve learned your lesson mate.”
Sidekick barged through the doors, a snarl on his face. “ hero! Get up, don’t let this fool sit here and trick you!” He exclaimed, walking past hero to kick villain into his side. Villain only grunted, curling into a ball.
“ sidekick! He’s hurt already. Leave him be.” Sidekick stopped, eyes widening in sympathy as he took in villains form. “ no need to defend me hero. This is what I deserve, anything is better than superhero … anything…. Even, even death.”
Hero gasped, crawling towards villain and running a hand through his matted hair.
“ kill me if that’s what you want. Hurt me, torture me, anything… I deserve it. Use me as target practice, tie me up and starve me… superhero said all of those are good ideas and you should in fact use them all.” He coughed, ramblings exploding out of his mouth as hero and sidekick conversed about something he couldn’t hear.
“ villain… we’re not going to hurt you.” Hero said softly and cautiously, running a hand down his back. Villain only shook his head, tears streaming down his face. “ if you wont hurt me, then I will hurt myself for you. We can start now.” He suggested, not taking notice of the horror written in hero’s face.
“ how do we know that he’s not lying, hero?” Sidekick eventually asked, wary of the villain laying infront of them.
“ how do we know he’s not doing this to fool us or just to look pathetic so we have sympathy for him.” He continued, his hands on his sides. Villain hummed, slowly standing and undressing in front of the hero’s. He stood naked, every part of his body covered in bruises or blood, wounds deep enough to kill.
The hero’s stood in shock. “ a-aren’t you embarrassed to sit- stand in here j-naked?!” Sidekick nearly exclaimed in shock.
“Sometimes the embarrassment fades away.” Villain answered, sitting down and leaning against the wall, staring into nothingness.
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epiclamer · 2 years
Idk if you're comfortable with this but I feel like you probably are, so I'm just gonna ask anyway
Can you write a drabble (heroxvillain) where either hero or villain (character a) has been given an aphrodisiac by someone (not the other person) but the other (character b) is the first person they see after it starts taking effect and they (a) don't really understand why they feel the way they do and the other (b) is kind of confused but also like, okay, cool, but then as the first person (a) starts to act less like themself they (b) get concerned
I hope that makes sense and thank you bye
Leigh, I always love your asks. You’re so creative. Thank you.
Cw: implied drugging and alcohol
(No reposts but reblogs appreciated <3)
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When they first found Hero stumbling through the alleyway they knew something was wrong. It was obvious that Hero had probably had something to drink, which would explain the small stumble in their steps and the difficulty they were having with focusing. But when Villain finally got close enough to actually see the hero, they were sure that something else was up.
“Fun night? You look like you’ve been through a hell of a ride.” Villain took an extra step towards their nemesis, making the gap between them even smaller as their enemy regained their bearings.
Hero only looked at them at first, but it wasn’t a regular look, it wasn’t the normal big doe eyes that had once adorned Hero’s face. No, these eyes were different. They were hungry, they were intense and they were looking right at Villain.
The criminal shivered under Hero’s gaze and spoke up to break the silence. “Where are your friends, Hero.” It wasn’t a question, just something to distract from the tension.
The crime-fighter suddenly grinned, it was wide and toothy and made Villain feel like prey. “Fuck… have you always been this hot, Villain?”
The one in question simply stared, jaw slightly agape, was Hero seriously flirting with them? No, they must’ve of heard wrong, or maybe Hero was just… severely incapacitated? Villain didn’t know, but they most definitely did not want to admit to the slight blush creeping up their neck.
Hero stumbled forwards, beginning a short ramble in a low voice. “I mean, you’ve always looked good in your suit, but tonight you’ve got me foaming at the mouth… like seriously, did you get it fitted or something because it’s catering to your body in every right way…”
Villain couldn’t deny the feelings bubbling up inside them nor could they dismiss the heat rushing to their face, but they couldn’t help but feel a little awkward. Hero had never spoken to them like this, it was so incredibly out of character and the stalking and love drunk look they had in their eyes was nothing like them.
It Villain was being a hundred percent serious, it worried them.
“Hero… Are you okay?” The question seemed to have an obvious answer as finally in Hero’s stumbling they managed to grab onto Villains shoulder. Putting practically all of their weight on their nemesis as they pulled them close.
The smell of alcohol and sweat flooded Villains senses and as Hero began to talk again about their enemy’s attractiveness and run their hands along Villains chest. The other had a fleeting thought and when they looked back at the hero and into their droopy, lustful eyes, they knew it was true.
Someone had drugged Hero and Villain was the one who would suffer through the drug with them.
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writemeagoodprompt · 3 years
"Fuck you." Hero snapped at Villain, their temper running high. "You haven't taken me to dinner first." Villain replied smugly, watching their face turn bright red. "..You know what I fucking mean." "I love you too."
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8 and 11!
8. How do you feel about your most popular fic?
So my top drabble is here, a short heroxvillain continuation of a previous one. I’m rly glad it blew up and all, and i do like it (i actually started writing part 4 today!) but im still upset that a generic drabble that took me an hour at most got as many notes as my whole alec and raina series combined, which was the one i worked on for hours at a time and plotted and planned and rly developed. but hey, thats the way it goes usually.
11. You have to take one of your original characters on a drive with you, which one do you pick?
Hadley! Because they’re super cool, would likely have great music taste, and idk i think they’d be rly fun to talk to and we wouldn’t run out of things to ramble about.
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wings-of-angels · 3 years
Im tryna write my silly little heroxvillain drabbles and my brother is shouting in the hallway 😃🤚
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“VILLAIN!” Hero screamed. So loud that it echoed off the walls. Their chair squeaking at the sudden pull on the restraints.
It was enough to stop Villain from taking another step towards the door.
Just one more chance, Hero pleaded to themselves.
“…Please…” They begged. A sob escaped from their throat, “please…”
Delightful, Villain smiled to themselves.
Villain turned on their heels, “Please… What? Hero…”
Hero’s eyes lit up at the second chance. Villain wanted nothing more but to see it burn out.
Hero’s pleas were no use, but Villain wanted to have a little bit of fun with them anyways.
Hero cleared their throat as Villain stalked back towards them.
Villain crouched down to Hero’s level, placing their hands on Hero’s knees. Giving them a tight squeeze. Awaiting a response.
“Please, please let it go.” Hero’s eyes began to swell. “Just this once.”
Villain watched as a few tear drops fell, paving their way through the dried blood and grime on Hero’s pretty little face.
Villain liked, no— loved Hero liked this. Vulnerable. Honest. Desperate. No façade getting in the way of things.
Hero hated how little of a reaction Villain gave them.
“No need to cry…” Villain pouted, reaching up, wiping Hero’s teary face. “Everything’s under control.”
That earned another sob from Hero.
“You don’t get it!” Hero hiccuped. Frustrated, they moved their head away from Villains touch.
Villain eagerly grabbed Hero’s chin.
“Oh, I get it.” They said in a low, dangerous tone.
Hero froze as the viper grip, tightened. They let out a soft whimper.
“Please, Villain… Just forget about them.”
Tears streamed down Hero’s face and onto Villains hand.
Villain pondered just staying like that. Their tight grip on their favourite little Hero. Their favourite little Hero who would beg and beg and beg…
Sighing, Villain stood up, wiping their wet hand on Hero’s shirt. They turned around and began to walk away.
“Hero, I know you asked nicely, and for that I am greatful but—“
“—Villain, please.”
“I have to do it and you know it. Everything’s under control—“
“— I will remember your manners when the time comes but until then—“
“No! Please!”
“Just sit tight… You’ll learn to forgive one day soon enough.”
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infinitymyth · 3 years
“ why the hell are your smiling?” Hero asked villain, watching crimson blood slide down his bare chest and hit the floor. Villain tilted his head down, trying to glance at the mess hero created on his torso.
“ h-e-r-o.” Villain said aloud. “ you could’ve capitalized the H, y’know?” Hero’s jaw twitched.
“Me torturing and branding you isn’t a joke..”
“ I’m aware,” villain said, his voice still neutral. He took his hands out of the cuffs and rubbed his wrist. Hero stared dumbfounded. “ you have to be a real fucking MASOCHIST! This entire time you could’ve stopped this toture and ran free? You could’ve used your powers you could’ve-”
Villain all but hummed along to what hero was saying.
“ I’m the only villain. There is multiple hero’s” villain started to say. Putting the cuffs back around his wrist and getting back into the position that hero had him in originally. “ every hero wants villain, right? And because they are heroes… they always get what they want. So, imagine just how many heroes have chained me up and kidnapped me.. in the past week”
Then villain looked up to catch hero’s eyes.
“ and because I’m a villain, I also have other villains and monsters and civilians…criminals,” he paused.
“ all running after me aswell. So your treatment has been the best out of all the treatments I’ve received.”
Hero dropped the knife. The weapon clattering to the floor.
“ but honestly, I’d rather have you break me… I’d rather you destroy and kill my sanity.”
“ but- why would you want that?” Hero asked.
“ so it cannot be broken again.”
Anyone have Any prompt ideas?
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infinitymyth · 3 years
“This is the opposite of what you wanted.. wasn’t it?” Villain asked. His bangs falling into his eyes. His hands bloody and bruised from the chains. “ well, you got me tied up, bloody bruised, broken… you technically got what you wanted.” Villain then stated. A smile gracing his lips.
Hero looked down at villain, his eyebrows furrowing. “Technically, yes I got somewhat of what I wanted. But… your reaction-” hero closed his mouth, staring at the blood pooling out of villains nose.
Splatters hitting the floor and blood going into villains mouth, staining his teeth.
“ you.. you seem like you enjoy it.” Hero then said, taking the keys out of his pocket. Villain only eyed the keys, watching as hero walked toward him.
“ honestly, I know I’m not the nicest to you, and I know that you’ve been through hell and back… but I can’t watch you like this… I- yeah no.” Hero continued, his face scrunched in pity for the other.
The keys came in contact with the cuffs, unlocking them and letting the silver gauntlets fall to the floor with a loud clank.
“ just- just erm, leave..?” Hero said, watching as villain stayed in the floor.
“ nah, I think I like it here.” Villain said after a while. Watching the disbelief show in hero’s eyes.
“ y-you like it here.. bloody and bruised in my basement..?” Hero asked for clarification.
“Yeah, it’s better than bloody and bruised by super- Yeah….”
Hero walked over to villain, tilting his head up. “Villain, your free to go, I’m not keeping you hostage anymore…” villain nodded, his head hitting the palm of hero’s hand.
“ I’m aware.”
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infinitymyth · 3 years
“Y-your crazy..” the phrase was even quiet to hero’s own ears, his body and mind still in Shock from watching his home beings burned to the ground. His parents still inside.
“ y-YOUR CRAZY!” He began to yell, spinning on his heels to face a smirking villain.
“ what the hell is wrong with you? You burned down my house you fucker! You- you sadistic asshole!!” Hero all but screamed, stalking up to villain to hit his chest as he yelled.
Villain glanced down at hero, watching his tear streamed face. He then leaned over, bending down to speak in hero’s ear.
“don’t act like you don’t like what I did.”
Hero stoped. His hands freezing.
“ you hated your parents.. they mistreated you, neglected you, abused you. You never liked them.”
Villain tilted hero’s head up to face him.
“don’t act like you didn’t want that house burned, you know you wanted it burned,” villain all but chuckled. “ you wanted them in the house while it burned. You wanted them dead.”
Hero’s face turned pale, his hands still in fist but just laying against villains chest.
“ it’s not even the house that makes you feel this way though, it’s me. Don’t pretend that it doesn’t make you happy.. elated even, to know that there is someone willing to kill and destroy anything in the way of my love for you.”
Villain grabbed hero’s lips with his own and kissed him. His plump lisps falling against hero’s cracked ones. Groaning as he felt hero’s fist bunch into his shirt and hero pushing his lips back into villains.
The kiss broke apart and villain all but smiled.
“ doesn’t it feel nice to know,”
“ that nothing, and i mean nothing, will get in my way, when it comes to you?”
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