#hes a dormouse though but hes a rat in my heart
micromime · 1 year
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oh yeah my animal. Return of Wes fursona
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heartofsnark · 5 years
MC Has Pet Rats (Headcanons)
Note: This was a kofi commission from @enchantedbythebidders she has her own rat babbies, whom I adore with all my heart and soul, almost as much as I adore her. 
Some people might think that Eisuke would be the type to not like rats, like he’d think they’re dirty animals. But the truth is he treats it like any other animal, IE, they dismiss him and he’s now desperate for them to love him. The most he seems to get from any of them is just a little sniff of his fingers. So, what’s Eisuke to do? Throw money at them. MC is left sighing as he gets the biggest bougiest possible cage for her precious rat babies. Oh, and it doesn’t fit in her dorm, guess MC and the rats will just always have to stay in the penthouse with him, he totally didn’t know and expect that. However, the cage doesn’t seem to impress them. How about a hammock made from pure silk for them to relax in. The hammock is appreciated, he is not. Time for the fanciest of treats? One of them pees on him, MC tells him that’s not bad, but he’s not convinced. After months of trials and tribulations Eisuke is trying to get them to play with some new expensive toy he bought them, MC turns to get something, and hears a small almost gasp of excitement from Eisuke. He’s looking at the shyest of MC’s rats, a small fawn baby, he swears it licked him. 
Soryu, sweet boy, is beyond terrified. Not of rats themselves or anything like that. He’s scared of hurting them, small animals worry him for that reason alone. He just feels like they’re so fragile and he’s so big that he’ll somehow hold them too tight, what if they end up on the floor and he accidentally steps on them, he’d never forgive himself. That being said, like most animals, the rats adore him. The first couple times he’s interacting with them are hilarious. They’re climbing all over him, licking his face and ears, while he’s just tense and scared to move. MC has to show him how to hold them and play with them, reassure him constantly that he’s not hurting them, before he slowly starts to feel more comfortable with them. Eventually, it’s normal for him to just be relaxing and reading a book, while they climb all over him and he gives them pets and scratches. 
Baba loves anything MC loves, he’ll adore them and dote on them. He’ll happily let them climb on him and give him kisses, he’ll pet them and snuggle with them. They seem to have an affinity for climbing up under his hat. He coos over them and gives them just as many pet names as he gives his MC, to the point they can hardly keep up with which one he’s referring to at any point. Baba swears he knows, but MC isn’t too sure about that. And MC definitely did not get a little jealous when they heard him calling one of their rat’s ‘pretty lady’ since that’s their nickname, god damn it. One day MC comes in to see Baba in the kitchen cooking up something, they get excited thinking he might be making cookies or something for them to share. Then Baba tells them it’s gourmet homemade rat treats. They’re definitely not jealous of their rats. 
Ota being the gremlin he is, isn’t as right away into and okay with the rats. He might tease MC about being weird, though he’s not outright mean or anything. He doesn’t understand really why someone would want pet rats, or any pet that isn’t a dog to be completely honest. He doesn’t pay much mind to them at first, doesn’t really play with them, but doesn’t hate them at first. He occasionally gets annoyed when he’s trying to sketch or paint and they’re suddenly a rat in his ear. He gets more loving with them, especially when he learns they act similarly to dogs. They lick, they ask for tummy rubs, MC just has tiny dogs. Tiny Koros. 
Mamoru isn’t a huge animal guy, he doesn’t hate animals, but he doesn’t love them or get excited over them. They’re there, much like Mamoru, just there. He’ll call them brats when they nibble him or lick him suddenly, but he’ll mostly just give them pets when they find there way over to him. The bidders will give him some shit about how they’re surprised he didn’t already have rats from the way he keeps his apartment, assholes. There are also some concerns that he’ll roll over on them in his sleep. But, honestly, it just ends up with him snoring with MC’s pet rats snuggled on his chest. 
Rhion is so excited, he loves them right away. He wants to pet and snuggle them, he’s asking MC to show him how to play with them, what treats they like, what toys do they love most.  Both MC and Rhion are a little nervous to introduce Cheshire to the rats, just due to the association of cats eating rodents. However, Cheshire, being the fat lazy baby, she is, gives no fucks about the rats. They can climb on her, lick her, snuggle her, anything, and she’s completely content. The worse she’ll do is swat at them playfully or flick her tail at them. Also, if it’s safe, he’s jumping to put cute little costumes on them. Even if it’s just a hat. He has a Dormouse to go along with his Cheshire Cat. Maybe they can get a rabbit next?
Luke is more of a cat guy than a rat guy, but hey, cute little animals are cute little animals. He gets that soft excited look on his face when he sees them. Given he’s the tallest of the bidders, they all love climbing up to the top of his head. He makes some mentions of lab rats from medical school and how delicate their bones are, which sets off some alarm bells for MC, but she knows he would never fathom hurting them. It’s just Luke being, well, Luke. They like to climb up and lick his cheeks and ears while he reads medical textbooks. 
Shuichi being the uptight kind of prudish dude, he is, might be a little off put by the rats at first There’s just that association with rats being dirty and grungy. He also can generally be a little awkward with animals, he prefers cactuses. Animals can be generally kind of chaotic and hard to predict. That being said, he comes around, seeing that they’re cute and clean. He starts to see them as something to take responsibility for and look after, like both his cactus and kind of how he sees his MC at times. Plus, rats are supposed to be highly intelligent, which he learned while doing some research on them. After that, he tries to teach them a few tricks, but the results are lackluster. They’d rather snuggle and give kisses. He’s very careful with making sure they don’t get poked on his cactus or get lost in the room. He could do without them peeing on him and some of his things, but MC doesn’t miss the soft smile he has when they grab at his fingers and give him kisses. 
Hikaru, tsundere boy, he’s the kind of guy who insults pets but in that loving way. He gets nibbled and says MC’s rats are as big of a dummy as they are, but there’s no hint of actual malice in his voice. He’ll smile soft and call them stinky or stupid. He leaves the caring for them to MC, not completely sure of what to do in that regard, he’ll focus on playing with them instead. When he’s hacking into something, he has to go to a room away from them, so they won’t climb on his keyboard and mess with what he’s doing. There was a day when one of them peed on his laptop and managed to make him lose all the data he had saved for a job he was doing for Eisuke, who wasn’t impressed with rat pee as an excuse. He learned his lesson. 
~Did you like this set of headcanons? Wanna request something similar? Just wanna support me? Consider buying me a Ko-Fi!~
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quintessence-sentimentalist Takes on 30 Days of W.i.t.c.h.versary!: Week Four
Well, I’m a bit late and also exhausted, so not as much to say this time around. Still, Days 22-29!
Day 22 A wonderful pet
Oh, Dormouse/Mr. Huggles, for sure. Comics Dormouse was as iconic a symbol of Will as frogs or, hell, even the Heart. He was as adorable as he was troublesome, and he was just so precious with Will. His death still packs such a wallop that it’s outright unfair.
Mr. Huggles of the cartoon has a slightly better time of it, with the exception of literally being turned into a monster. I generally prefer comics Dormouse’s brown coat (and lack of name, I’ll admit) to Mr. Huggles’s white-gray, but I do think the color change works a bit better for animation. And while it’s a little... odd that they largely did away with Will’s close bond with him, at least they still kept him in his little family by having Matt take him in for good. Their relationship - a boy and his not-a-rat-he’s-a-dormouse - is reminiscent of another one from a certain other Disney teen hero cartoon around the same time, so that’s enjoyable to me. (And now I’m headcanoning Matt and Mr. Huggles meeting Ron and Rufus in a team-up of sidekicks to badass redheaded ladies and I really need this now.)
Day 23 A magical item
Is it too cliché to say the Heart of Kandrakar?
Really though, I absolutely love the design and concept of the Heart. Do its actual powers vary frustratingly from time to time and randomly do incredibly powerful things without any prior hint that it can? Sure. But the fact that such a pretty crystal packs that much of a punch is pretty darn cool.
Day 24 A group shot
I’m sure I could think of multiple from the comics, but hey, I’m just going to go with my header image, because I feel like I’m one of the only sources out there for it (somehow??) and honestly I love it too much because I feel like it should have been the season 3 promo art, with the way it has the girls looking super badass and surrounded by their allies.
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Day 25 A minor character
For some reason I keep thinking of Principal Knickerbocker?? Her comic design is just really sticking out in my head for some reason.
But okay, I’m going to cheat on this one and go with pretty much the whole non-family/non-significant other supporting cast in Heatherfield (with the exception of Uriah and the gang). I just think they made a very... eclectic cast of background characters in the girls’ civilian lives that make for some fun and interesting moments outside of saving the world. There’s a running gag with how Mr. Horseberg and Coach O’Neill can’t stand each other (and literally come to blows over it), poor Bertold the custodian is Knickerbocker’s confidante/sidekick in running the show at Sheffield, and yes, I’m going to include Medina, McTiennan, and Sylla in this group because I enjoyed the concept of getting actual law enforcement involved in a magical girl series. 
Day 26 A fantasy people/race/species
I think I’m going to go with the Banshees, partially for the reasons I discussed already in regards to Yua (beings that are supposedly super evil but frankly just want to be left alone in their bog home). I also find their design fascinating, as they all pretty much look the same and have the silhouettes of a beautiful woman, but get on their bad side and they’ll show you exactly how otherworldly and terrifying they can be. 
Runner-up goes to the Basiliadians, because they’re so markedly diverse and I’d be fascinated by that worldbuilding.
Day 27 A personal headcanon
Oof, okay, let me think of something that I haven’t already blathered on about... 
Hmm, well it’s not so much a headcanon as, like... a vindictive moment of satisfaction I’d love to see (and will maybe one day fic), but sometimes I like to entertain the concept of Will running into her old friends from Fadden Hills - who rejected her in the Year Before special - and just seeing them react to how much better her life is, having these friends who legitimately care about and love her and how she’s grown into this confident leader. I’ve been in pre-series Will’s place before, so this would be a cathartic thing for me, as well as a means to revisit prior canon.
Day 28 A personal memory
Oh dear, there are several of these that come to mind, some of which I’ve definitely mentioned before. But I guess I’ll choose one for the comics and one for the cartoon that I haven’t discussed previously.
I honestly just distinctly remember the wait for new issues - whether of the Philippines comics or the UK magazines - after my dad would order them on Ebay, since the US had largely stopped releasing any books or graphic novels by that point. I just remember being 13 and zoning out in history class because the package was supposed to come that afternoon (it oftentimes took a few more days) and I was so ready to binge-read when I got home. 
As for the animated series, we didn’t get cable until near the very end of season 2, and the series had stopped running on network TV in early season 1, so I had to watch the majority of the series via YouTube. Mind you, YouTube had only been around for a year at this point and I think we had just switched over from dial-up, so most of my viewing happened at the kitchen table on my mom’s brick of a work laptop, having to rewind the low-quality recording every few seconds because it was buffering again, and then having to track down parts 2 and 3 of the episode because there wasn’t a capacity for more than 6-8 minutes of footage per upload. It was tedious, but the memories are somewhat fond. 
And then some six years down the line, when I was a senior in high school, I would pop the DVDs I had into my computer and rewatch the series in the middle of the night after I finished studying, conveniently forgetting that I needed to be up for school about five hours later. I guess I just have memories of watching the series on a smaller screen.
Day 29 A word of thanks to any official W.i.t.c.h. artist(s)/writer(s)
I mean, you can’t have a W.i.t.c.h.versary without toasting to the minds behind our beloved girls: Elisabetta Gnone, Barbara Canepa, and Alessandro Barbucci. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for giving us these wonderful, truly magical heroines who have shaped my life in more ways than I can list. I’m a good 15 years into my adoration of this series, and I don’t see that train losing steam anytime soon.
Also, a nod to Greg Weisman and crew for season 2 of the animated series, which took the narrative in some intriguing directions that I still enjoy to this day.
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