#hes literally the only normal ex bruce has and the fucking hilarity of him and bruce being together while Everything happens
bruciemilf · 2 years
The way I need more people to realize that Harvey's literally the most normal, ordinary, average motherfucker in Gotham. Like.
He doesn't have any super powers besides mental illness and a soul full of spite. If Jason told him Gods and aliens existed he'd pop like a firework
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falloutfiona · 6 years
new man- bucky barnes
new man
Summary: female reader’s ex-girlfriend has a new boyfriend, and you think he’s not the right kind of guy for her. The Avengers tend to hear this conversation and they understand your strife, so it didn’t come as a surprise to you when Bucky Barnes offered to be your fake boyfriend to show your ex how much you upgraded. Turns out, it was all a plan to get you two together- for real.
Pairing: bisexual female reader x bucky barnes
Song: New Man by Ed Sheeran
Warnings: angst, this is the dirtiest thing I’ve ever written so PLEASE know it is NSFW and you should be 18+ to read this!!!!, jealousy, cheating, choking, alcohol
It was game night at the Tower, a night you and all the Avengers had looked forward to twice a month. You all loved destroying your friendship while getting super smashed, and you valued that bonding time after your longest relationship ended a few months ago. The Avengers had been nothing but supportive, and though game night was pretty brutal, everyone sprinted down to the common room the second the clock struck 10 pm. You would often stay up all night playing Monopoly or another long-winded game of Cards Against Humanity, and it was a much-needed break from the drama and the lingering pain you still felt. It gave you an opportunity for your stomach to hurt from laughing instead of crying. That was, until, your phone suddenly rang. It was your ex-girlfriend.
You stood up, backing away from the coffee table, not sure if you should answer the phone.
“Oh my God, is that Allie?” Steve asked you. You nodded, groaning and tossing the phone back and forth in your hands before you finally swiped to accept her call.
“Allie, why are you calling?” You asked in a passive-aggressive sing-song voice, spinning around in circles. “Oh, right. It’s Friday, so it must be Ladies’ Night at the strip club your new boyfriend goes to, so you’re alone in the apartment regretting everything you messed up with me?” You began, attacking the conversation with words like knives.
“Allie, your new man is a douchebag. He literally buys designer jeans and goes to the gym at least six times a week, if not more than once a day. He wears Sperrys without any socks and he bleaches his asshole, and you can’t even eat anything anymore because he’s on that stupid diet and you’re doing it with him. He literally has a tribal tattoo on his bicep. You’ve got to be kidding, right?” You spoke, irritation in your voice.
All the Avengers were listening, so you got up from the couch and rolled your eyes at the group in reaction to Allie before walking further away. They all stopped their game of Monopoly and were eavesdropping on you, and you knew it. Your ex-girlfriend situation had been painful, but hilarity ensued when you found out who she had downgraded to.
“Well, Allie, if you’re really into this guy, you wouldn’t be calling me up trying to fuck!” You exclaimed with a laugh, finding her unbelievable. “I KNOW he doesn’t want to find out about me, so you shouldn’t call.”
Upon this statement, Tony Stark quietly handed you a shot that you downed while listening to Allie’s response. They had dragged you back to the Monopoly table, egging you on to put Allie on speaker, but you knew that was a bad idea considering how you were going to respond.
“Allie, it’s a damn lie that the dude that owns every single Ministry CD and carries a purse he unironically calls a satchel can do it better than I can! I know you’re missing this kind of loving, but that doesn’t mean that you can call me and make it all better. You cheated on me for him, so there’s nothing I owe you, and nothing you’re entitled to. Actually, you owe me a lot. So, if this guy makes you happy, then cool, but don’t fucking call me telling me about your new man, then ask me to come over! I’m hanging up cause I literally have to vomit. Thank you, next, babe.” You responded, hanging up your phone and tossing it to the side.
“Holy shit!” Bucky exclaimed, every other Avenger knowing they could finally react. They were well aware of what had happened, and were completely involved in all the drama.
“You came for that man’s life!” Steve exclaimed, unaware you had that kind of mouth on you.
“Yes, because he’s literally a human disaster!” You defended yourself. “And she can’t just cheat on me for this dude, then cheat on this dude for me.”
“Does he really wear Sperrys without any socks?” Natasha asked. “Is everything you said true?”
“Unfortunately.” You sighed, finishing off your drink and making your move on the Monopoly board.
“I don’t know if it’ll stop her, but you should show up to a place where they’ll be with some sexy beefcake and show her how good your rebound is compared to hers. Plus, it might make her leave you alone if she knows there’s not a chance of redemption.” Wanda suggested, taking a swig of her vodka cranberry.
“There are plenty of sexy beefy dudes here. Or, I’m sure you’ll make the same point if you go out with one of these ladies. I mean, you’ve got your pick of fake rebounds.” Clint pointed out. At first, you thought they were joking, but they were entirely serious and after a few moments of thought, you knew it could possibly work.
“You’re right. Does anyone want to volunteer?” You asked the group.
“Oh, we all want to do it. But some aren’t reasonable or believable, so we have to narrow it down.” Natasha spoke. “For example, Thor is just a little bit too inconspicuous for the fake rebound thing to pass. He’s way too sexy for that, and everyone knows he’s a god. So, sorry Thor, you might not be the best candidate.”
You leaned back, listening to Natasha, because she obviously had some insight you didn’t.
“Steve? Now Steve is a good candidate. He is so nice, people get tattoos of his face they love him so much, he’s got his shit together, could kick your ex’s ass. Steve is definitely in the running. Clint’s got a wife and kids, so he’s out. Bruce is in love with me, so the chemistry won’t be believable if he were to be your fake rebound. Tony is the least inconspicuous of them all. Everyone would know it was fake. So that leaves you with me, Wanda, Steve and Bucky. What do you think?” Natasha explained, then turned it over to you.
“Well, Wanda looks too much like Allie, so Allie would think I was just trying to find another version of her.”
“I didn’t think about that. Good point. I personally think Bucky should be your fake boyfriend. You guys have legitimate chemistry,  and he’s got all the qualities you need for this plan.”
With that statement, Bucky nearly choked on his drink. He had stayed very silent for the whole conversation, and for a reason. He wanted to hide his crush as best as he could, but he knew that everyone knew an would put him into the place of your fake boyfriend.
“You okay there, Buck?” Steve asked with a smile.
“I’m good, I’m fine. Sure, I’ll be the fake boyfriend.” He agreed, and everyone toasted to that.
“Hey, does Allie still follow you on Instagram and Twitter and shit?” Tony asked, after everyone had a couple more rounds. They were all pretty smashed, and for enhanced humans, that said a lot because they had all had enough to kill a normal human being.
“Yes, she does, and I only follow her so I can creep on her Instagram a little bit.”
“I have an idea. In order for this whole thing to be believable, we need to start now. Give me your phone,” Tony asked, and you unlocked it, giving him the device.
“Great!” He exclaimed before putting his hand on your shoulder, turning you around and sitting you down on the couch next to Bucky.
“Tony, what are we doing?” You laughed nervously.
“Acting normally for a candid romantic picture on game night.” Tony stated as if it was obvious, but you and Bucky hadn’t quite mastered being candid or romantic. Tony rolled his eyes, put Bucky’s arm around your shoulders, turned you towards each other and lifted one of your knees over the other to cross your legs so yours would be against Bucky’s. Tony kept taking pictures until he found the right one where Bucky was smiling down at you and your hands almost covered your mouth in a laugh. Tony posted the picture with the caption “he owns my heart and my properties #gamenight”
All the Avengers had immediately liked it, leaving cute comments that would make it even more believable. The problem was, Bucky wasn’t sure how good he could be at being fake.
You all continued your game through the night until Tony won, per usual, but you had continued the drinking and were all absolutely blacked out. You woke up on the couch next to Bucky, not sure where all your clothes went, until you remembered that when the game began getting heated, it quickly became drunk strip monopoly. Game night had never been this intense before. You knew that Tony already had a picture of you two sleeping on the couch together, barely clothed, but what’s done is done. You had fully committed to this fake relationship.
You swung your legs over the side of the couch and stood up, trying to find your clothes and every memory of last night, but Bucky woke up at the same time you stood up and your scantily clad butt and lace thong was right in front of his face. His eyes shot open wide, not sure what to do. You turned to him after you heard him groan, meeting his staring eyes.
“Do you know where my clothes are?” You asked, your voice raspy and hungover. Bucky couldn’t even form words at the sight of you. You sorted through the clothes that were strewn all over the floor, having to figure out which clothes belonged to eight other people, but there came a point where you didn’t care whose clothes you donned, as long as you got a shirt on. You put on Bucky’s black tee shirt and moments later you found your loose running shorts.
“I’m gonna go vom for the rest of the morning, so swing by my place if you wanna visit later.” You spoke to Bucky, who was still speechless, before you walked back to your room and regretted drinking for the whole night for the entire morning. Bucky did stop by later, he lightly knocked at your open door. You knew you were going to be in your bathroom all day, so you kept your door open to air out the smells as well as leave it open for Bucky.
“Come on in, Buck. I’m good, what’s up?” You asked, gagging a little more. He waited to respond until after you were done gagging. You wondered what exactly you had drank you make you feel this bad, but then you remembered that you all drank everything. Thor’s Asgardian alcohol that kills people, beer, wine, liquor, mixed drinks, shots, you guys really went off for this one. It was outside the norm, which was good, because you were miserable.
“I just wanted to stop by and check on you,” He began, not making himself comfortable in your room. He didn’t sit down or really look at you in the eye. Your stomach sank, a different feeling than the vomit you were dealing with all day, knowing he wasn’t here to tell her something good.
“Listen, we were really drunk last night, all of us, and I don’t know if you remember everything that happened, but it was a lot and I kind of wanted to talk about it when we were sober.”
You wiped your mouth and stood up to face him.
“Bucky, I get it if you don’t want to be my fake boyfriend. Or, I’ll try to understand.” You responded with sadness in your voice.
“No, that’s not what I was going to say, even though the way I said it it kind of sounded like I was going to. But I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page about it. I’m your fake boyfriend and you’re my fake girlfriend so we can get back at your ex.” He confirmed. “Do you want boundaries for our fake relationship? I know that Tony’s taking pictures and posting things and I know we’re going to go out in public, so I just want to be clear about the things you don’t want to happen.”
“Nothing comes to mind, I’m down for anything.” You answered. “How about you?”
He hesitated.
“I’m not sure if it’s the best idea for us to kiss, because I think then it crosses the line in to real.” He spoke, and your heart jumped, not sure how to feel about that. Especially after your breakup, it felt like there was something wrong with you, or undesirable. You nodded, biting your lip and hiding your emotions badly.
“I have to continue vomiting, so if you’ll excuse me,” You said, closing the bathroom door behind you, letting your empty stomach continue to hurl, and you heard your bedroom door close upon Bucky’s exit.
From that night on, Tony was in charge of your Instagram account, posting pictures he secretly took of you two throughout the weeks. It hurt a little more knowing that it was all fake and Bucky wouldn’t kiss you, and you were nearing the time that you had planned to go out in public and face Allie and her new man. The team knew this too, and they asked the question when they knew Bucky couldn’t run away.
“So, in two weeks you guys are going out to the club and I’m all out of pictures.” Tony stated, leading into the next conversation.
“Everything has been believable so far, Allie is subtweeting you and Bucky on Twitter, she’s adequately jealous, but now that I’m out of stock on pictures and each one has been kind of similar, we need something else.”
Bucky knew where Tony was going, and he didn’t like it.
“We need you guys to kiss.”
“Tony, we kind of agreed not to.” You answered in the least awkward manner you could find.
“Um, why?” He asked, utterly confused.
“Bucky thought it would be too real for a fake relationship.” You answered.
“Huh.” Tony hummed quizzically.
“I’ll do it for the picture, if that’s what you need.” Bucky answered.
“Oh, thanks for sounding so excited about it.” You answered, a little hurt at his delivery of that message. Everyone simultaneously felt a yikes pass around the room.
“If you guys could just stand by that big window with the natural light,” Tony spoke, trying to move on and cut the tension by getting it over with as soon as possible. You and Bucky stood face to face, making eye contact that you could only describe as hostile.
“Okay, this isn’t a hostage situation. You’re telling me after all these weeks of insane chemistry and disgustingly real romance, you guys don’t know how to kiss?” Tony asked.
“We get it, Tony.” Bucky stated, and he quickly put a hand on your back as he leaned down and gave you the driest, least interested, grandma kiss you have ever gotten in your entire life before you grabbed your phone from Tony and ran off, flustered.
“Bucky, can I talk to you for a second?” Steve asked, but it was more of a command. He grabbed Bucky’s arm and led him out into the hallway.
“What just happened there, Buck? What’s going on with you? What do you mean it would be too real to kiss her? You’ve liked that woman for months and haven’t said a word, and you get the chance to kiss her and don’t kiss her in the ways you’ve told me you want to?”
“Yes, Steve, because this is a fake relationship that exists solely for the purpose of revenge, and if I kiss her like I mean it then I’m afraid I won’t be able to bring myself back. Then, I’ll be humiliated for getting to into it and putting my feelings into a fake, set up arrangement. I won’t lose anything if I don’t ever give anything.”
“Bucky, you’re the stupidest person I’ve ever met. You have dumbass disease, and it’s incurable. The whole idea of a fake relationship was so we could set you guys up finally. It’s been long enough, and you’re so stupid to think she doesn’t feel the same way towards you. You broke her heart just now, Buck. It’s meant to be real, Bucky, and you just ruined it.”
You didn’t speak to Bucky until it was the day you were supposed to go out with him and meet your ex, Allie. You had spent the whole day considering if it was even worth it to go out, if all the weeks you spent “pretending” with Bucky were just trash. Was it worth it to just make Allie jealous? You thought you should cancel the outing as you questioned if it was all worth it.
Nat and Wanda invaded your room to style your hair and put you into a pair of suede Louboutin boot heels and a red miniature two piece set. You looked the best you ever had, but you felt like absolute crap.
“I’m not sure if I want to do this, guys.” You told Nat and Wanda.
“Why not, darling?” Nat asked.
“Because I knew I was really going to fall for him. I knew that I couldn’t keep it fake this whole time, and I let my emotions get the best of me. So now I’m hurt that he doesn’t feel the same way.”
They laughed out loud.
“You sound like Bucky.”
“What do you mean?”
“That’s literally what he said to Steve. You both don’t think the other is interested. He’s so crazy about you.”
“Then why did he kiss me like I was gross?” You asked.
“Because he’s an idiot, but also because he didn’t want to reveal how he really felt to you since he thought you didn’t feel the same way. So you’re gonna go to this club, show Allie who’s boss, get your ex off your back, and then finally get into bed with Bucky.” They explained.
“Oh my god, I’m not even sure if I still even want to go out tonight! Let’s take it slow.”
“You won’t be saying that after he kisses you like he really wants to.” Wanda responded, and it was time for you to head out to the common room to meet everyone, and Bucky. He was wearing a white shirt with a few buttons undone with his cuffs rolled up, tucked into black slim pants and leather shoes. His hair was tied back into a bun with two long pieces hanging down around his face. It was high-end club, and there was a dress code. He couldn’t stop staring at you, making you wish you weren’t doing this even more. You hadn’t talked about your first kiss where he really didn’t want to kiss you, and now he was basically drooling like a hyena over you. There was a lot of unspoken tension, and your outing wasn’t going to make it any better.
“You look great.” He spoke to you, finally able to form words.
“Thank you. We should get going,” You responded plainly. He knew you were still hurt, so you drove in silence to the club in one of Tony’s Ferraris. The Valet took care of the car while Bucky walked around to your side and opened the door for you, extending his hand so you could step out with ease. You took his hand for the moment before you let your hand fall, and you walked up to the door together. The bouncer let you both in, and you stood at a tall table while Bucky headed to the bar. He got you a vodka soda and a gin and tonic for himself, because he liked disgusting drinks. The music was loud but you still weren’t talking to Bucky. You were looking for Allie, and you knew she had to be around because you saw her car pull up a few ahead of yours. You became frustrated not being able to find her, but then a server approached you with a tray and sat down a rum and coke on your table.
“From the woman in VIP.” He explained. Bucky was confused, but you knew.
“Rum and coke is Allie’s favorite drink. She sees us but we can’t see her. It’s like a calling card, she’s toying with us.”
“Well, the server said she was in VIP, so let’s go find her.”  Bucky suggested, feeling like that was the best option, and he started walking in that direction. You followed close to him, turning a corner and finding Allie lounging on a velvet couch in a silver dress. She waved to the VIP bouncer and he let the pair in.
“Allie.” You stated, not sure of what you were going to say.
“Baby, come sit!” She said, trying to entice you over to her.
“She’s good, thanks.” Bucky answered, snaking his arm around your waist and immediately becoming protective over you.
“Oh, so that’s real! I was sure it was fake.” Allie spoke in response, pointing between you two.
“Yes, it is, and you should back off, considering you’ve got a new man.” Bucky answered.
“I’m just shocked it’s real. I didn’t think she could get anyone after me.”
“I loved you so much and you hurt me so badly, so get off your goddamn high horse, thinking that you’re a god.” You answered, hurt in your voice.
“So like, is this thing serious with him or is he just a rebound?” Allie asked with an evil chuckle.
“It’s serious, Allie. We only just recently made it public, and you shouldn’t be looking to get her back when you’ve got somebody else. You must have wanted him so badly you cheated on her, right? Stick with that. You’ll never get my girl back.” Bucky responded. “And if you try, I’m going to come for you and your new boyfriend so hard, you’re going to regret ever getting close.” Bucky growled, leaning forward more towards Allie.
“Oh, do you promise?” Allie responded, biting her lip.
“Okay, we’re done.” Bucky stated angrily, pressing you close to him and walking away.
“She’s pretty shitty, you know?” He spoke, once they were far away from her.
“Yeah, I know.” You spoke, feeling dejected.
“But, the good news is, she’s with someone equally shitty. Her new boyfriend is making out with that blonde.” Bucky pointed out. You saw him, and the random girl.
“It’s a match made in cheater heaven.” You spoke with a hint of a laugh, knowing that you were better off without Allie, despite how much you loved her to your core before she ruined you.
You decided to get the words you wanted to say off your chest, so you blurted them out. Bucky knew it was coming.
“Bucky, why do you not want to kiss me? I know this is supposed to be fake, but I get this feeling that I’m not pretty enough for you to want to kiss me, and I feel like I’m reasonably attractive, but you just seemed revolted at the idea of having to kiss me.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to kiss you. It’s the fact that in that moment, I couldn’t kiss you like this.” He answered, not caring that you were both in public before his hand sunk deep into your hair that Wanda and Natasha spent an hour styling, and his other hand grabbed your ass and pulled you against him. He kissed you as if his life depended on it. He broke the kiss when he realized that you couldn’t breathe, and he took the moment to clear the air between you.
“I know we agreed on doing this as a ruse, but everything I feel is so damn real and I want to be with you so badly, it’s killing me.”
“Then don’t let it kill you and just be with me.” You answered. “It’s been a long time coming. Everything I’ve felt has been as real as it can get, and I know everything you’re feeling is real, because I can feel it too.” You spoke, pointing out the fact that he was holding you tightly against him and you could feel his bulge against your leg.
“Yeah, we should go home.” He smiled at you. You both headed outside and waited for the Valet to bring Tony’s car around, and since you were both sober, it was a fight for who was going to drive back. He held you against him as you stood in front of him, a hand strategically placed on your hip.
“You drove here, so I’m driving back! I think I can work the gearbox better than you can, too.” You argued, running around to the driver’s seat when the car arrived.
Pulling off quickly, letting the engine roar, Bucky waited until you were on the freeway to head home to unbuckle his seatbelt, lean over and put his hand on your thigh as he kissed your neck. You missed a gear change in your distraction, but quickly fixed your mistake that Bucky chuckled at. Trying not to get caught for speeding, you went as fast as you could without getting a ticket and it wasn’t long before you were back at the Tower. You tossed the Ferrari keys up on the wall of the garage, and Bucky couldn’t run fast enough to the elevator button. You were both getting impatient at the agonizingly slow pace of the elevator that had to operate on 50 stories, so you grabbed Bucky and pulled him over to the nearest car hood to wrap him back up in your embrace until the elevator got to you. Once you both heard the chime and the doors opened, it was a sprint to get upstairs in time before clothes started coming off in places they shouldn’t.
Bucky pushed you to the corner, his hand running up your thigh as he continued the work he started on your neck. He grabbed your butt from underneath your skirt, his fingers finding the lace of your underwear.
“If you’re wearing something under this dress that is like what you wore for game night, you’re gonna kill me.” He groaned into your skin.
“You’re in luck, Bucky. I’ve got that and more.” You responded, and you knew that all it did was get him harder. He knew you were teasing him, so he teased you right back and slipped a finger into you. You let out a small sigh of pleasure, but it was cut short when the elevator stopped at your floor. You both took a second to regain your composure before stepping out, not sure who was still around to see you. Bucky called out to the empty floor, and got no response. You picked up a slip of paper on the table and showed Bucky.
“They’re all out for the night.” You smiled, handing him the note.
“Thank fuck-” He exclaimed before setting it aside and resuming your close contact you had moments before. He wrapped his arm around your waist and threw you over his shoulder, getting to his room as quickly as possible. You laughed at his methods, but were suddenly brought back to the moment when you finally understood why you were thrown over his shoulder in the first place. He only had to adjust you slightly so you were straddling his shoulders, facing him. He pushed your skirt up to reveal your lacy lingerie and thigh garter, and he could get off easily by just seeing you in that.
Finally in his bedroom, he laid back on his bed and he kissed the insides of your thighs, the lace brushing against his face. As much as he loved the lingerie, they had to come off and he carefully removed them as he ran them down your legs and tossed them aside. Grabbing your thighs, he used his mouth in a very different way than when you had kissed.
Eventually, you both lost all of your clothes and were left in your underwear, or what was left of it. Your bralette was a sheer lace, and he was able to see through it. As sexy as it was, it was gone in the blink of an eye. You grabbed his hair and gave it a strong yank, pulling his chin up so you could kiss his lips. You were straddled against his hips, and you knew that both of you were just about dying the longer you waited to just get to it. Though he was playing rough, he dialed it back a little bit and took it a little easier when you were getting used to him. Once he knew everything was good he flipped you over on the bed, your hair cascading in all directions across the pillow, and his hands traveled up from your waist to your neck and cheek to hold your face as he kissed you. You looked him in the eye as you moved his hand just a little lower on your neck. He was taken aback just a bit.
“Okay, before I choke you I need you to know that the last time I choked someone, I was doing it to kill them.” He warned.
“Good. Don’t choke me so hard I die, but I don’t want to be sure I’m going to live, either.” You instructed. “Ease up when I start turning blue.”
Taking your instructions, he nodded and eased his way into it, not wanting to go too hard too fast. He was worried he was going to hurt you, but he could read you like an expert and was able to know what you needed before you said it. He threw your leg over his shoulder and made you see stars, and not from the lack of oxygen. There were things that only he could do, and only he could do to you that you’ve never experienced with anyone else.
It wasn’t long before you could even remember the pain of being hurt, and Allie wasn’t even a thought in your mind. It was just you and Bucky, alone in his apartment and nothing else mattered except for the way he touched you. It took a surprising amount of time to wear each other out, and the sun was rising by the time you both hit your complete endpoint.
“Not bad for a fake boyfriend, right?” Bucky laughed, staring up at the ceiling.
“Best sex I’ve ever gotten from a fake boyfriend.” You responded, taking a pause before the words you were thinking about just fell out. “But how about you be my real boyfriend?” You asked. Bucky didn’t have to think about his response, but he smiled when he heard you.
“Damn, now I have to earn the title of “best sex for a real boyfriend”? That’s a lot of pressure!” He exclaimed.
“Nope, you’ve already won that title too.” You responded. “Don’t worry.”
Soon, the morning was approaching the afternoon, and the rest of the Avengers still hadn't been back. You got a call from Natasha just as Bucky was bringing you a Gatorade. He tossed you the bottle and laid back down on his bed as you answered the call. Bucky reached over and put it on speaker, so he could chime in, too.
“Hey love, how are things going? Just wanted to call and check up on you.”
“Things are going great!”
“I hope you’ve been taking the time alone to your advantage.” Natasha spoke, trying to get you to spill the details without asking for them. Bucky responded in his deep voice,
“Natasha, I’ve done things that should land me in jail.” He stated, never having done some of the things you wanted before.
“Glad to hear you’re branching out. Do you need a couple more days alone? We can stay away for the entire weekend.”
“Yes.” Bucky answered without letting you even think. “Where are you guys, anyway?”
“We’re at Clint’s place. We promise to bring you guys back some smores, it’s like summer camp out here. Super woodsy.” She answered. “And it seems like you might need the extra calories by the time we come home.” She laughed.
“Bye, Nat. See you soon.” You smiled before hanging up the phone and facing Bucky.
“Do you ever get the feeling that Natasha was the mastermind behind setting us up?” You asked him with a smile.
“Oh, I know for a fact she did this to set us up, and I’m glad she did. Because I knew I was in love with you, but I had convinced myself you didn’t feel the same way about me. I never would have done anything, I never would have made a move. So for once in my life, I’m glad you have a shitty ex, because it brought me to you. I’m so sorry for all the pain you endured, and I wish I could take that away, but I’m always going to be thankful I have you now. This also wouldn’t have happened if Allie hadn’t found her new man. I’m not a superstitious guy, but I know that everything that happened was meant to bring us together.” Bucky spoke, and it was the first time he had really revealed his heart to you. You knew that you were in a so much better place than you were with your ex.
You knew that you didn’t want to hear about your ex’s new man because you found someone so much better than him and better for you, and his name was Bucky. 
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