#hes not a coward like everyone else
deathfavor · 9 months
@ashrifts said: "3, 2, 1..." for serpent <3
Send "3,2,1..." for a new years kiss from my muse
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One year dies and another is born, and such an event calls for only the most exuberant celebrations as if to appease the new year. The club is full of dazzling lights, glittering chandeliers and the finest of decorations served alongside phenomenal food that is more art than food. ( Some people seem reluctant to destroy such beauty but ultimately cave for the exquisite flavors that burst upon their tongues. ) It is to be expected, when the underworlds greatest and society's elite are the guests of the exclusive club. More often than not, they are one and the same.
It was no surprise to Serpent that her presence was requested. Something dangerous and beautiful always gets hearts racing, and the rich are gluttonous for such catered shows. ( But they are happy, Serpent can taste the happiness in the air. ) So she appears with her venomous snakes, with her magic that no one seems able to comprehend ( how do airy bubbles turn into vibrant blue butterflies? how do flames become snow sprinkling from the ceiling ? Secrets she shall not divulge. ) They laugh and clap and look as enraptured in her shows when she's on the stage.
It is different the moment she steps off. People like dangerous things then they're protected by glass cages or seated in the audience, not when it can walk among them. Serpent is used to it, the mix of fear and awe. But no one dares approach. Certainly not as midnight draws near and traditions come to mind.
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Then, Serpent sees Ran, and her pleasant enough smile becomes little more genuine. She hadn't known he would be here. Serpent makes her way easily through the crowd to him, a bright smile on her lips. " I didn't know you'd be here! Aw, if I'd known, I could have gotten you something extra. " Maybe another time. " Are you having a good time? Did you like the show? " She asks, while Vesper lifts her head from where she's been laying draped against Serpent's throat to flick a tongue in greeting towards Ran.
A cheer from the crowd draws her attention away briefly from the man. Displays flick on to show a timer, and the energy in the building becomes a buzz in the clamor to get celebratory drinks or conveniently find someone to happen to stand by. Serpent observes - she's always been alone at this time, a monster among humans. But Ran doesn't cower away from her or Vesper seems unfazed by her own serpentine visage. It'd be fun to try this tradition, at least once. Maybe she'd finally taste the happiness she brings others.
Serpent turns her hand and two cards appear in her hand, and she offers a playful wink towards Ran when they seem to dissolve into flower petals, just for her to suddenly be holding two glasses filled with blue. One she keeps for herself, but the other she offers to him with a smile. " On the house, of course. " It's sweet on her tongue when she takes a sip, no surprise to herself.
The buzzing grows louder as the countdown gets louder.
Serpent blinks and then turns to Ran, till purple eyes and serpentine eyes meet.
He doesn't seem opposed, so Serpent stands up on her tippy toes, cool fingertips resting gently against his cheek.
Thankfully, he bends down so the strain is not so great.
1 !
Serpent leans forward and presses her lips against Ran's while cheers erupt in the room by those not participating in the tradition. It's silly, but it's all in good fun. Serpent's kiss is gentle, sweet like caramel rather than bitter like a snake's venom. Her kiss is soft and demands nothing, and she pulls back after a moment, leaving the sweetness to linger upon his lips even in her absence. She offers a cheerful giggle, sinking back into the flat of her feet again.
" Happy new years! " She offers him, turning her head a fraction to take a sip of her drink.
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astrolotte · 2 months
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i've been haunting the fairly odd parents tag for long enough bc of him I suppose I should at least doodle him. gotta actually WORK on some Art Fight stuff before I allow myself to draw him properly though... sigh. Previously established obligations </3
also once again SO sorry for drawing this in 2px leading to it looking so pixelly. I always go "well I'm just drawing this for myself it doesn't need to look proper :)" and then midway thru drawing im like aah yknow what I WILL post this. whoops.
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charmwasjess · 2 months
Welp. I have an almost-complete heat wave challenge draft for the Mines Monday.
...It's the absolutely most filthy E thing I have ever written.
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feline-evil · 7 months
Dethvanity is really funny to me conceptually as an episode because you can see how little they had to make the characters insecure about for the bit. They swing for obvious lowblow choices with Pickle' baldness and Nathan's weight and even those require some suspension of disbelief because ok. Sure. Nathan '(said extremely proudly) never skipped a meal in my life!' Explosion is insecure about being a big man now. Nathan *guy who everyone thinks is smoking hot 99% of the time* Explosion is a tiny bit larger than usual and is insecure about it now. Lol. Lmao even.
But anyway then we hit Skwisgaar and Toki and there's like NOTHING to swing for, you can see them going uhhh ok Skwis doesn't sleep he probably drinks a lot of coffee, and Toki? Shit, what does Toki have to be insecure about with his looks. He's perfect, he's adorable, he's ripped. Um. FUCK IT, HE'S DOING NOTHING BUT EATING LEMONS. WE GOT NOTHING, WE GOT NOTHING, JUST GIVE THE BOY CITRUS FRUITS.
I'm sure i could make some smarter points about the attempts at applying vanity in this ep and how outside of this and a few other moments i do actually like that the show rarely takes pot shots at things like Nathan's weight, but you see Nathan has shirtless scenes in this one and so my intelligence is impeded when all the blood rushes out of my head and into my-
#metalocalypse#jay talkin#I LOVE TOKI'S LEMON EATING CHALLENGE HES ON IN THIS EP. BABY YR STRANGE AND PECULIAR#pickles being insecure abt balding is funny too. my man has chosen a hairstyle that is actively making that worse for himself#buddy if u didnt have whiteguy dreads impromise yr hair wld be healthier. but we love u for yr octopus swag anyway <3#also hi nathan dont listen to the tv listen to me you look great. hi hello. im unsheathing my sword to cut down anyone who makes u feel bad#EVERYBODY IN UNIVERSE IS A COWARD. ITS BIG BOY SEASON. COME GET U ONE#dethvanity isnt in my list of favs i think most its humour is rlly easy lowballs but i find it funny for reasons outside of that#which is namely the show trying to make charavters insecure abt things when they absolutely are not any other time lmao#trying to find things to make skwis and toki insecure abt but theres NOTHING. ITS RLLY FUNNY#listen. putting my hand on everyones shoulder. lets not ignore the elephant in the room this show is uh#OFTEN VERY FATPHOBIC. so its no bastion of rep just cuz it doesnt take all the pot shots it cld at nathans body#it still does take some and theres plently of fatphobia outside of nathans character#but i do like that nathan is a bigger guy and outside of a few eps thats just treated as smth fine! its not remarked on outside of those!#and i think his body is drawn really well and i like that hes permitted to be sexy and to be like. seen with his body out just as much#as like anyone else in the band. like yeah duh nathan explosion is sexy in universe ppl are rocking with this. AS THEY SHOULD BE#idk like i say. not denying the show its fatphobia just saying i like how nathan is treated and portrayed a lot of the time :]
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i am going to stand on my Raph Is The Sun soapbox forever ftr. not that anyone has said not to.
i don’t mean that in an “everything and everyone revolves around raph all the time, bc he’s the most important one of them all” way. bc i’ll reiterate forever that there is no one member of this family who is the Most Important or most special, there is no member of this family who would be the most or least devastating to lose. like. if the hamatos lose anyone they’re never fully recovering.
i do mean what i say in the general sense of raph being a source of warmth and support, and in the sense that he does a lot of holding everyone together.
but more than anything when i say raph is the sun and his family is his solar system i mean like
raph isn’t the sun bc he’s the most important one that everyone revolves around, he’s the sun bc without a planetary system, a sun isn’t a sun. and i think so much of raph’s sense of personal identity and purpose is wrapped up in the roles he serves for his family so like. it just all checks out
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lemonandpie · 1 year
Hmm I know this is weird for this character but I need to share this with someone
I love sunshine Dick, but I love it mostly because of the horror potential
He's ethereal, smells sweet, he's warm and kind and his smile is the sun after a long winter, but there's something about him that makes you feel in danger, like something wicked and non-human is looking at your soul
He's your older brother, the guy who gives you a good night kiss on your forehead, but the horrors lurking around Gotham fear him like he's something worse, like his ethereal face and gentle smile are a bait to attract his prey, again, he's your older brother, but also the eldritch under your bed
He's really a good person, a sweet little guy, but his vibe is a biblically acurate angel telling you B̶̮̹̓͆ë̷̩̰́̑ ̴͙̓̆n̴̛̖̥o̴̱̒ť̷̹̽ ̶͎̆a̴̮͘f̷͈͗͗ȑ̷̬͒a̶̺̗̕͝ȋ̴̍ͅḍ̵̀̌
Dick Grayson's vibe is like... okay, you know those scenes where the villain dies, and as he does, he sees the ethereally beautiful woman he has been comitting atrocities for? His eyes widen, and he even has tears in them, and he smiles so wide it's like his mouth is going to split open? And then just as the vision fades he meets a horrific demise? Dick is that moment in human form.
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4e7her · 22 days
someone please tell me why blue lock is consuming my entire brain.
i have made a short prologue for the fic. shinsei ayame is my new baby girl and i love him. he is my personal way of distributing justice against isagi for making niko cry and kuon for being an ass.
it's going to be slight yan / yan tendencies, probably just more obsessive love interests than considered normal but we can blame that on everyone being trapped in a football prison. i think it makes sense
anyways i'll probably post the prologue on friday? depending on how fast i finish writing the second chapter. i think it'll go pretty fast once i get into it i've already got notes on the first episode so
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orcelito · 1 month
That bitch Danzo getting killed and it starts showing his past like I'm supposed to be sad for this piece of shit??? I'm Not. He's a warmonger and a fucking snake. He caused so much suffering, literally inlaid the eyes of Sasuke's murdered clan in his arm -- the clan that HE ORDERED TO BE MURDERED. He conducted genocide for the sake of "peace", and even in death he thinks it's for the best of the village. Nevermind the fact that he literally stole children from their families to indoctrinate them into his underground cult, and he was just Allowed to do this??? Hiruzen when I catch you...!!!!!!
Anyways fuck this dude, I'm glad he's dead. Good for you, Sasuke.
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winepresswrath · 1 year
Gabriel and Aziraphale are currently my little guys and they are both so misunderstood. I was prepared for this with Gabriel but some Aziraphale girlies have never had a problematic fave before and it shows.
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
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Ted B. Grizz himself
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kariachi · 1 year
Hey look, ficlet! Who wants some Kevin-brand survivor’s quilt?
It’s his fault.
That’s the worst part of losing Kwarrel. The part that keeps him up at night, digs itself up under his heart like the point of a blade. Knowing to the depths of his soul that he could have done something.
It had all just been- There had been so much adrenaline in the air, things had gone so wrong so quickly. And he’d trusted Kwarrel. Had all the faith in the world in him, had never seen him falter, never seen him fall. That there had been any struggle against Morgg had been more than he would have ever expected, and the idea he could actually- (he should’ve known better, he should’ve known better-)
Kwarrel had said to go. He’d trusted him, he’d listened.
He’d been a fucking coward.
For so long, too long, he’d told himself he should have picked up the blaster, but he knew better. As he got older it was easier to admit, easier to let that blow land. Taking the weapon had never been an option, he hadn’t known how to use it then, and he hadn’t been stupid enough to try. No, his instinct had been the same one that coursed through his veins whenever a fight got hard.
Crush beneath his heels because how dare he.
And he had been scared. Scared of what he could be, scared of what he could do, scared of getting stuck again, scared of the pain, and Kwarrel- Kwarrel had given him an out.
Like a coward he had taken it.
He’d run. Kwarrel had died. He’d kept running. Hadn’t turned when the shot went off. Not when Kwarrel didn’t come after him. Just. Kept. Going.
His nightmares remind him of it. Every fight that goes wrong reminds him of it. That he turned and ran instead of giving the help he knew he could. That his mentor, his family, had died from his cowardice. That people suffered beyond that because he didn’t just kill Morgg when he was right there.
The first person to see the whole of him and not find a monster was dead.
That was all the proof Kevin needed to prove he’d been wrong.
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chiangyorange · 8 months
Spark is great value brand Jordan
the thing is is that ive been caught with Brain Bug and hes worse. hes an actual viable rival brand.
aka. he loves his wife so much but he will also drop everything including his two 10 year old kids (martha and ia lived in katsir for a decade, ianite spent a 10 year coma when she sent the alts to s1 world, martha is canonically in 30s) behind to go on a half baked quest to revive s1 dianite just because she said so (also have thoughts abput how the alts arent really that close to each other but thats not the point here)
hes so dedicated to her and her to him, but that just makes it so that their world is ONLY themselves. spark built a city FOR HER. s2 ianite has a reputation of cowardice (at least thats what it seems like to me) and spark is RELENTLESS on following her word no matter what. theyre both so interesting. i want to beat them up for being absolute bitches.
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handfulofmuses · 1 year
What was Vervain's old chief rabbit like?
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Strangely enough? He never hold the betrayal against him and he never figured out why. The same can't be said about the other rabbits from his former warren. Which...fair.
He still remembers that his former chief tried to reason with the general. After watching what was going on with in that warren, he decided to talk with the large rabbit about it.
Those who see leadership as control and take advantage of their position of powers are no leaders. True leadership requires work. Your warriors rely on you. Their failure will always be your failure.
Obviously that whole conversation was all for nothing. Wasted his breath. So, his old leader decided to take matters into his own paws. While he stayed in Efrafa, one by one rabbits from his old warren disappeared. Making sure members of his warrens get away safely somehow while the leader stayed behind. Not each day, because he didn't want to create a pattern, he did it in a sneaky and cunning manner - although Vervain wasn't sure how.
And yet - he even extended that to him as well. The one who betrayed him and yet he wanted him out of here? Laughable. A trick, perhaps?
Becausse that's how he found out his old chief rabbit was behind the disappearances in the first place. And instead of taking that offer...he just threw him under the bus a second time.
Which resulted in him becoming an example of what happens if you resist the general.
.....And he still wasn't mad. It did not made any sense.
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"He was a fool."
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rdhadastroke · 1 year
I wrote a thing with Fern after he gets his friend killed, enjoy his suffering :)
I'm not a hero.
The crowd roars as Fern and his party make their way into town, all celebrating the defeat of the wrathful Ancient being that was terrorizing the people of the Insomniaverse. The group of ragged adventurers move through the sea of people sluggishly, never returning waves of excitement, never smiling. Every member of the party is weary, battered, and exhausted. More importantly, they're all grieving. Silently, yes, but loss weighs heavily on their shoulders, still. Only one of them has the energy to mourn right now, but the rest will soon follow suit.
I'm not a hero.
Horrified and simultaneously numb, Fern automatically makes his way to their room at the inn, the rest of the group following suit dazedly. The mighty orc, Shel, sways slightly on her feet as she walks, looking as if she might faint at any moment. The elf, Kavarrah, looks shell-shocked and disoriented as she walks, gazing at the familiar surroundings with confusion. "Al" and <Creator> shuffle along at the back of the group, their expressions downcast. The townspeople are oblivious to the distress of the adventurers, only caring that the triumphant heroes have returned, never noticing that a member of the party is missing.
I'm not a hero.
Fern slams the door to the inn open, walking into his room without so much of a nod at the innkeeper, entering his room and promptly closing the door.
He collapses face-first onto the rickety bed without making a sound, not acknowledging his friends opening the door and shutting it behind them as they enter quietly. Nobody speaks for the rest of the evening.
He wakes up to Kavarrah yelling his name.
"FERN, YOU BASTARD!" The elf shouts in his face, violently shaking him by the shoulders. Her face is contorted in fury, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. "YOU KILLED HER. ANCIENTS, YOU KILLED HER."
Fern looks at her groggily, trying to process what Kavarrah is saying to him and shake the sleep from his brain at the same time. He sits up, rubbing his eyes and blinking a couple of times before it hits him.
Kira is dead.
And he let her die.
He, the mage and designated healer, failed to save his best friend after she died to save their sorry asses.
Fern stares at his bed blankly, the weight of his mistake hitting him harder than Shel could ever hope to. Tears silently stream down his face as Kavarrah keeps screaming and sobbing at him, punching and shoving him furiously.
Without a word, Fern gets out of bed and starts to gather his few possessions from around the room, shoving them into his backpack without care.
"The hell are you doing?!" Kavarrah cries, her tone softening in confusion, though still filled with fury. Fern glances back at his elven friend tiredly.
"Home," Fern replies softly, zipping up his bag and hefting it over his shoulder. "I don't belong here anymore, Kav. Not without all of us being together. Not without Kira."
With that, he opens the door and steps out, shutting the door behind him, intending to never return.
I'm not a hero.
Fern has to see his old friends again.
The Insomniaverse has gone to shit again, with yet another Ancient being rising from the Void and taking over the universe, and Fern is being sent to stop it.
Because <Creator> said so.
Because she thinks I'm a hero.
Uh this got long and isn't my best work, but I hope my dumb story is interesting! I'm open to criticism/critique and questions about my characters and their world, so ask away!
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agnesandhilda · 2 years
reading a reprint of that famous man of steel, woman of kleenex essay in the comics section of my college library (which is a wonderful phrase) and thinking that like 90% of this drama could be avoided if lois just pegged him
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sammygender · 2 years
i’m so upset. lol. sometimes i just get so upset because i didn’t sign up for this (this as in having crippling gender dysphoria) and yet everyone treats me like i did. im sorry im sorry ok i would love to be a normal girl and to be okay like that. i would love it if my only options weren’t transition or slowly die. nobody around me cares at all i have maybe one singular friend who thinks of me as a guy and the worst part is i’m surrounded by so much insane transphobia that i can’t blame the ones who don’t. it’s wormed itself into my head that i’m just a stupid delusional girl and it’s my fault if people don’t gender me as male but im trying as hard as i physically possibly can how much more can i restrict myself??? and my ex girlfriend is maybe the only person who ever truly saw me as a person and sure she made me suffer but she was real and mine and now she’s gone forever and will never see me as a person ever again she might see me as a guy still but not as a human person. and im so upset because my friend of 5+ years respects but doesn’t support my existence and that means she sees me as a girl, still. and i cant blame her because what fucking right do i have to say im otherwise? my moms fucking words have wormed themselves into my brain and now i just cry about not being seen as a guy when i know that to cis people guy is synonymous with amab and male and nothing i do will change that im stick in this fucking tortuous prison and i cant even transition medically for another year and a half and it’ll eat up all my savings and i’m failing school. i want to go back a year ago so badly please. everything gets worse all the time i keep telling people it doesn’t but i am a liar. i would do ANYTHING to be cis. anything at all
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