#hes so good at his job of teaching and advising and also being like the fun dad of the department
southislandwren · 1 year
i love that the post button on desktop says "create" like what im doing is not creation. anyway i FAILED failed my processing exam and everyone i talked to was like oh youre fine you always do well even when you say you did badly. but this time is different, this time i drew THREE lighthouses and i know i fucked up like five other questions, like i did NOT do well. im hoping for at least a 60 so i can recover my grade but Uh Oh !
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glittergoblinzz · 5 months
Now, don't get me wrong. I love headcanons about Simon that are extremely dark. What I DON'T like is people twisting his character and trying to say he's canonically a rapist just because of a single line from the comics (Yes, Simon Riley got his own mini line of comics before the OG MW2 released. As far as lore goes, these are still considered canon. They're pretty dark so I heavily advise people who are sensitive to sexual assault and abuse to take care while reading)
It's this line in particular people are using to justify him being an abusive rapist in canon:
"I do terrible things, violent, to people, to women. The scary part is that I like it..."
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His mother literally calls him out on that bullshit, knowing that isn't true in the slightest....and yes. That is fucking TOOTHPASTE he's putting on his face. I literally do not think this man is in the right state of mind to be making claims like that when he's up at like 3AM putting toothpaste on his face
Also, what people leave out when bringing this up is what happens before and after this scene. Let's talk about the before first....
Before this scene with him telling his own mother he "enjoys hurting women", he was asleep; having a nightmare. Guess what this nightmare was about? Roba and what he had done to Simon
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Basically what happens here is that Simon has a dream and he's a sexist pig wanting to get a look at the bartender's daughter. Roba appears and tells Simon that he had done a good job "teaching" Simon (referring to the brainwashing and torture Roba had put Simon through in Mexico)
It becomes clear with this dream and the conversation with his mother after he wakes up is that Roba did get to Simon....but what happens after these two scenes shows that Roba didn't get to Simon in the way he wanted to.
Roba wanted to brainwash Simon, turn him into a puppet. The following interaction with Sparks proves that Roba's brainwashing may have worked on Sparks and Washington but NOT Simon
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Sparks was literally about to rape a woman and Simon was NOT having it. He called the cops, purposely spoke up and asked Sparks about raping the woman so the operator could hear. If Simon genuinely felt that he enjoyed doing violent things to women, then he wouldn't have hesitated to join Sparks in raping her. Instead he called the cops, stalled until the police came and ran off with Sparks.
Sparks and Washington have been fully brainwashed by Roba. They're working for him at this point in the story, keeping an eye on Simon for the bastard. Simon, on the other hand, has NOT been brainwashed by Roba. He still has a sense of himself.
As the comic goes on, he does take down Sparks, Washington, Roba and a lot of his men....proving he never fell victim to the brainwashing Roba put him through like Sparks and Washington had.
Again: I don't mind headcanons....I actually enjoy a lot of the darker Simon headcanons....It just bothers me when people try to push their headcanons out as actual canon. I've had to leave discords and group chats because people got pissed that I wouldn't agree with them on Simon being a rapist/abuser (like, beating his spouse abuse) in canon
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sketalya · 8 months
✨The Steam Team✨
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The Steam Team full ref's
And here are some of my headcanons about them (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ
1) Thomas | 26 y.o | 165 cm
• Cheeky, a little naive, hardworking, friendly, and very loyal
• He didn't have any family left after his older brother Timothy died. So Edward, who is Timothy's friend, decided to take care of little Thomas. And that created a strong sibling relationship between them
• Really admires Edward and always tries to be the best to make his brother proud of him. He even dyed his hair (Thomas' hair was blonde before) and chose to wear blue uniform to look like him
• Teasing grumpy seniors is his daily routine
• Can be a bit stubborn and pushy. But don't worry, he always learns from his mistakes (even though it usually will happen again)
• Always ready to help his friends
• Really likes new challenges and adventures that might cause problems. Don't know how he always makes new friends after that. But yeah, that's what makes this puffball famous isn't it
• Has a huge crush on Lady after saving her. But unfortunately they have to separate because Lady has the responsibility to keep the Magic Railroad alive. Thomas didn't get to express his feelings at that time and now he only hopes to see her again one day
2) Edward | 34 y.o | 175 cm
• Before being the wise Eddie that everyone know, Edward used to be a trouble maker for his brothers and sisters in the past. But after a fatal accident that took the lives of all his siblings, Edward felt guilty for not being a good brother to them. And that made Edward turn into a good older brother figure for all young drivers just like what his older brothers and sisters did
• Always reliable for everything. In fact, because of that, sometimes he gets assignments that actually give him difficulties, but he always tried to do it himself because he didn't want to disappoint people
• Pretty good with children too. He sometimes takes his time to play with the neighborhood children. And all the kids really like him and are very excited every time he comes
• Has his own way of disciplining young drivers who like to cause trouble, Bill and Ben for example. Usually he would just advise patiently but he also don't hesitate to make a little prank to teach them a lesson
• Not very good at understanding jokes and that often makes him misunderstands it
• Actually very tired from everything but trying to look okay (He needs a little help)
• He has quite severe scars on both legs and he also has insomnia...Never let this man get drunk
3) Henry | 29 y.o | 192 cm
• Quite shy, very easy to feel anxious, gentle but can also be a little rough, one of the strongest but people sometimes forget about that because he is quite timid
• Gets along well with young drivers. But he can be a bit mean to them too when he's with other seniors. But slowly he changed now
• Has health problems and has a large scar on his body from the Flying Kipper accident. It makes him feel insecure and try cover it with his turtle neck clothes
• Really likes nature, likes to spend his free time in the forest, and his room is literally filled with potted plants. Has venus flytrap plants that he names Fairy, Bubble, and Lala that he talks to and considers them his pets
• Sometimes he would fish at night after delivering the Flying Kipper and sometimes he would ask Percy to come with him if he wasn't busy and chatting about lots of things together
• Whenever he felt anxious and had a problem, he would usually talk to Edward or Emily about it
4) Gordon | 30 y.o | 192 cm
• Overproud of himself, grumpy, and always seems to look down on young drivers and diesel drivers. But actually he also has a soft side that he doesn't show openly to everyone because of his pride. His face would change when he smiled
• Sleepyhead even though he's a coffee addict, likes to eat a lot, and sometimes smokes in his spare time
• Only likes to take the Express, and would be very lazy if he got another job besides that. Will feel annoyed if other people take the Express even if it's his own friend. But he didn't mind if it was Rebecca
• Very stubborn, only Edward and Sir Topham Hat can deal with that
• Comes from a famous family but he doesn't really like it and doesn't care. Because he has a bad relationship with his relatives and is even awkward when he is with his brother Flying Scotsman
• Really loves all his friends even though he doesn't say it. He will usually give gifts as an apology when his friends are offended by his behavior. He has a hard time accepting new people and can't let go of his friends easily
5) James | 27 y.o | 180 cm
• Splendid, a little narcissistic, and sometimes looks down on others even though he doesn't really mean to
• He looks tough but is actually sensitive, easily offended and will cry silently if someone insults him. That's why he always wants to be the best so that people will praise him more often
• The gossip in the group, literally loves to talk about any drama with the others
• Has several piercing scars on his ears from his emo past. He also has big scars on both arms from an accident but he covered them with fire tattoos and it makes him feel cooler and more confident than ever
• Doesn't like anything dirty and hates insects, especially bees
• Very knowledgeable about fashion, likes to go shopping for new clothes every weekend, happy to give advice on outfit styles. Emily was the one who helped him dye his hair
• Likes collecting cute little things but never tells it to anyone except Emily and Percy
6) Percy | 26 y.o | 160 cm
• The youngest in the group and is often teased by his friends and seniors. Cinnamon rolls but doesn't hesitate to say bad words when he gets really annoyed
• Literally can make friends with anyone even diesel drivers. But a little cynical with Harold because he calls him "Dirty Percy"
• Animal lover, friendly with wild animals, and has many pets such as dog, cat, fish, and even has a collection of insects in his room. Sometimes he liked seeing James' frightened expression when he brought his insects pet
• Admires Henry and considers him his older brother. Henry thought it was cute and was okay with it. In fact, Percy's current uniform is actually Henry's old uniform that was given to him because Percy didn't like his own uniform
• He likes to stay over at Toby's place to play with Henrietta's pet dog. And he thought it was a suitable place to write poetry at his free time (Yes, he likes poetry)
• Percy is quite often asked for help writing and sending love letters by his friends. That made him know about everyone's crushes on Sodor
7) Toby | 40 y.o | 175 cm
• Introverted and doesn't really like being around a lot of people but he still socializes because of his wife. Wise and actually always able to give useful advice but he is quite often underestimated by young drivers
• Always doing things slowly and relaxed, he doesn't like being rushed. Even every lunch time, when his friends had almost finished their food, he still on a few bites. Henrietta was the only one that patient enough for that
• Bookworm and will only wear glasses when reading. Percy says that he looks different when he wears it
• Very good at cooking and often brings food to his friends but he always says that it was made by Henrietta (He doesn't want people to know about it). But of course Percy knew about it, and every time he came to his place, Toby would make cakes and other snacks just for Percy
• He prefers to spend holidays with his wife at home or playing with his pet birds, so sometimes his friend had to push him a little to get him go out together
• Secretly has trust issues and anger issues. He doesn't put much trust in other people who he only considers as ordinary friends. He usually tries to be quiet and patient when someone bothers him, but he can become very out of control when he loses his temper.(Better no need to know what he's do and just don't make him angry)
8) Emily | 29 y.o | 170 cm
• The mature ones in the group, bossy and stubborn in the past but now she has learned to be more open-minded to other people's suggestions (Still a bit bossy sometimes but at least she tried)
• Perfectionist, always wants everything to work well and can be a bit strict about it
• Love pretty and shiny things, she and James often talk about their favorite things
• James sometimes helps her with makeup and choosing outfits every time she goes out somewhere. Which was challenging for James because Emily liked goth style
• She also often talks about flowers with Henry, literally can spending a lot of time just talking about them. Grows lots of flowers in her room with Henry's help, and as a thank you, sometimes she gave Henry some insects to feed his pet venus flytrap (Don't know where she got them but Henry is always happy to receive it...Don't worry, she didn't take it from Percy)
• Likes to borrow novels, especially thriller and mystery genres, from Toby. But that often makes Toby annoyed because she always forgets to return it
• Love to playing with her friends' fluffy hair. Percy, Henry, and Edward are always be the victims if they are careless
• Unlike Edward, she's quite strong and can drink a lot without getting drunk
Sorry if this is too long...I had a lot of fun writing all this ;D and in the future I will always use this design for my AU ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃
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Headcannons for sokeefe when they have children
Keefe is like terrified. Like he cries sm before he first kid is born. He is so scared he's gonna be like his own parents. But once he sees that kid he just...he just knows he's gonna be there for them no matter what. And he is.
Sophie is so scared, but only one of them can be scared at a time. So during her (peaceful elvin) pregnancy, she's pretty relaxed, convincing Keefe he'll do a good job. After the kid is born, however, it's her turn to panic. Keefe comforts her.
Their kids are so sweet. Very emotionally mature. These two KNOW how to raise kids. They will NOT be going through what they had to.
Keefe takes the kids for ice cream and teaches them art (Sophie can't art it's so bad actually)
Keefe takes them to do fun stuff that's not irresponsible
They both take the kids outside a lot
They aren't too strict or relaxed. They're not strict enough to be super big on "No dating until *this* age" but also not saying that some super dangerous reckless kid is good enough for them. Their kids have good heads on their shoulders because they're advised but can make their own mistakes.
Sophie cooks. Keefe physically cannot cook.
Keefe doesn't usually get mad, just disappointed. When they're rude though he's mad.
Keefe has never yelled at them in a serious tone. Like he's loud as hell but when they're in trouble he doesn't yell. He talks to them.
They both explain things to their kids, not just say "because I said so"
He notices minor expressions about his kids and talks to them privately- he stopped yelling out feelings in front of people.
He never uses his abilities on them. Ever.
Their kids can bring someone home and he'll act all "if you ever hurt my kid-" and then laughs and is like "jk hi welcome!!" And his kids' s.o.'s are like "so you won't hurt me if I hurt your kid??" and he's like "haha no my kid will :D" and his kid smiles
They constantly go to the beach
And Havenfield
Home is very important to them. They're open.
Sophie is still really fun
She teaches her kids to make pies and play her little human games and teaches them a love of reading
They play family board games
She takes her kids to parks and just talks with them yk
When Sophie's mad she's gotten used to not really yelling because of being married to Keefe, but she's still terrifying. Death glare of all time.
Keefe and Sophie love their kids. They're sad when they go to school but at least they have each other
The Sarcasm Family(TM)
Side note not about kids- since Sophie and Keefe are both Polyglots, they banter in different languages
They teach their kids to fight
Their kids know a little bit about the war, but very little about the sad stuff. Just enough to know the basis but that they're glad they're not there.
"Go take a shower!" "no quiero!" "残念な。残りの私たちはあなたの匂いを嗅いで苦しまなければなりません。" "คุณหมายถึง" "troppu boffu" "Მიყვარხარ?" "Mhm. Love you too."
*Google translate is my friend sorry if it's wrong lmao*
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yandere-sins · 1 year
im in my captain price phase😣 do you have any headcannons for him? i loveee your work !! 🩵⭐
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Y'all are not alone in this it seems, lol! Thanks for requesting ^-^
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♡ John never hesitates to simply relocate you where he wants you to be. You're trying to sulk in a corner? He takes out the big soldier muscles to grip you by the waistband of your trousers or belt, and picks you up to drag you to where he needs to go. Price might not have the height advantage of other members, but you'd be best advised not to underestimate him. He will throw you over his shoulder or put his hands between your legs, cupping your crotch and spin you around or out of the way if needed. Shameless, efficient, and oftentimes amused by your squeals and complaints. He'll make sure you can't get away from him for too long, and if he says it's bedtime/sit-on-his-lap-time/dinner/time to go over the plan for the next mission and you have to stand between him and the table, his body pressed up to yours to the point the table hurts you, then there's no wiggling or arguing out of it. Try to defy him when this man has a plan of where he needs to be, and you need to be with him at all times. Try him.
♡ You don't even realize the service Price is doing you by making you his darling. You're so careless, especially when you're eating, you don't see the hungry eyes of the soldiers that would love to have a taste of what isn't theirs. Price is single-handedly keeping everyone in check by forcing you on his lap despite your protests, having his arm around you and the other hand on his gun while he demands asks you to feed him. You're very vulnerable when walking to the showers, so he stalks after you like a guard dog, always keeping his smile on his lips but death threats in his eyes. You may hate on him for keeping you in his room, locked and occasionally chained, but it's for your own well-being. Because if he let you out of the safety of his room, you'd be mauled for sure. If he keeps you close and forces his touches and demands on you, John can be sure you'll be okay and unharmed. He's protecting you—at least, that's what he thinks he's doing—regardless of your opinion. The only time he'll be 'careless' is when he's punishing you—and even then, he's standing in the shadows, watching over you, smoking, and making sure no one puts their hands on what belongs to him while also teaching you the valuable lesson that you really do need his protection, other soldiers ready to pounce at such a delicious treat.
♡ Before making you his darling officially, he's definitely not ashamed to use his authority. As I mentioned before, he uses it to steal touches and keep you close to him, but he also likes to police your life as much as he can. What do you mean your company-issued shirts don't fit and are smelly? Price went out of his way to share his clothes with you; you better wear them before he orders you to. Not liking having to share tents with your Captain on missions? Tough luck, Rookie. Who are you going to complain to? You think Price is overstepping by checking on you countless times a day and calling you to him for no apparent reason, just to keep him company? That's normal, you're overreacting. Don't be rude to your Captain, alright? You think you caught him caressing you at night while you sleep? Damn, your imagination has no bounds. All John is doing is non-negotiable. He's just doing his job.
♡ As much as he hates having others' attention on you, he loves, loves, loves how cute you are when you feel embarrassed by him in front of others. You just hate having no autonomy, and Price loves it. He loves giving your rear a good smack when you try to argue with him, cutting you off and embarrassing you in front of anyone you tried to talk to. You hate his lap, and he loves forcing your hips to grind against him as you squirm until you gasp and force yourself to still. He'll lick food off the corner of your mouth in front of everyone else and grin even when you yell at him to stop. Sometimes he makes you wear his shirts improperly so his nametag is showing on the outside for everyone to read. It's his way of marking you, by showing everyone else what they'll never have. His hickies are legendary, and he has ruined some of the shirts he gave you by ripping off the collars or cutting off the arms so he could present his bruises and bites to everyone, letting them know how brutally sweetly you made love to each other last night. No worries, though! John actively shows off his scratches and bites that he got from you even though no one is asking, giving way too much information to everyone.
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artemis-moon23 · 5 months
Alternative ending to Supernatural:
So the supernatural finale was very anticlimactic and sad, so I have a better one:
‼️(Also spoiler warning)‼️
Okay, so, after Cas gets taken by the empty, instead of him just “being dead” Jack brings him back (cuz he is super powered now)
He is able to reunite with Dean and Sam and heals Dean when he got kebab-ed. Cas decides to keep hunting with the winchesters, saving people, stopping the apocalypses, etc.
After a few years, Dean and Cas convince Sam to live the normal live he always wanted too. They are sad he isn’t hunting with them anymore, but they always keep in touch. He finishes his degree and marries Eileen, and they sometimes join Dean and Cas on hunts.
Dean and Cas use the men of letters base to start a countrywide hunting operation where hunters can share information, weapons, ideas, and collaborate on jobs. (Similar to the Men of Letters, but MUCH better)
The amount of monster related deaths goes way down, and Dean finally gets a part time job. He still hunts and runs the hunting network, but he is able to do a lot more delegating. Both Cas and Dean help run it, so there’s always someone to help get extra information or help on a hunt.
He settles down, though even when he is old, he is still going on hunts. He and Sam meet up all the time, though Sam isn’t sure that it’s a good idea because Dean keeps teaching his son cuss words. (Best uncle ever)
Many years later, Dean dies on a hunt, protecting a family, as he expected to. Cas had told him beforehand that he shouldn’t be hunting at his age, but even old Dean is very stubborn. Sam dies from old age when his time comes not to long after.
Their lives of protecting people lands them in heaven, and Cas spends a lot of his time up there, either hanging with them, or advising Jack.
The hunter society they put together still stands, and in the end, they are proud of their time on earth. (And no one gets randomly kebab-ed!!)
Hope you like my ending better!! Thanks for reading it!! 🧂⭐️🎶🔪🧟‍♂️
(“Carry on my wayward son” starts playing in the background)
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
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asking the jaegers to babysit
im loving val’s @mollyville mini series with eren, baby emiko and black fem reader and just had to write something !!
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“you’re looking after your child today”
its not like he doesn’t look after the baby often but because hes most of the time being supervised by you he can feel uncertain doing it by himself? although he’s usually really good with it so you dont have to worry too much. baby loves their daddy lots and just sees it as fun time sjsksk but even if you do leave them with eren, he’ll always be calling and texting to see if hes doing shit right djdjd
“carla, please come and look after your grandchild!”
Mother Incarnate.
carla is mostly your first port-of-call for baby sitting! she had a real gift for kids and genuinely loves to look after them. she feels its her duty as a grandparent, honoured that she’s bestowed the chance to do so!
she was also one of your main helpers when the baby first came, giving you tips and health tricks to cope with post-partum depression and body changes so you trust her with your babe as much as yourself.
she also understands how sometimes you just want a break from looking after babies all day so she’s always willing to take the bundle off your hands.
“hey grisha! sorry to disturb but is it possible if you’re able to look after the baby tonight?”
“carla isn’t available?”
on the odd occasion carla’s unavailable, you ask grisha. whenever you ask him to look after his grandchild, he’s at first shocked because ‘why on earth would you ask him of all people?’ but then he’s also worried because he doesn’t think he’d do a good job. sometimes you remind him like, grisha — you do know you’re a father of two, right? and he’d be like ‘yeah, and look how they turned out’
really, he’s honoured at the fact that you’ve asked him because again, if hes the next best option from carla then that’s a compliment, but he does try and advise against it. he’s also usually very busy so these asks happen only on odd occasions.
“zeke, me and eren have a function tonight but we have no one to look after—”
“ill do it.”
its funny because this man would take up absolutely any chance to babysit but simultaneously disturbing since you’re weary of what exactly he’s teaching your child. he’d honestly be more of a last resort typa situation but because he loves spending time with his niece/nephew, you at least know you have an option.
it doesnt even matter if hes busy, just give him a chest baby carrier and he’s on it. hes a sucker for running errands with your little beau on his chest (he may or may not use your child as a way to get sympathy/numbers from woman ddjskdoem)
“hey mimi! i know you’re super busy but i just have one tinsy tiny favour to ask — and it’s desperate!”
mikasa is as much family as the others but shes always super busy with her lil etsy/amazon business that hit big! even more busy than grisha lol but she’s always so willing regardless? like even though most the time shes flying across the world and hosting events, when things get exceptionally desperate, you resort to asking her, even if it may be a bit of a lost cause.
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yuurei20 · 11 months
Jack Info Compilation Part 5: Leona (pt4)
Jack will occasionally bad-mouth Leona behind his back, comparing him unfavorably to Riddle by calling him a coward, “scared of puttin’ in some effort to get ahead,” “lazy” and “irritable.”
But he also has a line of, "If other dorms run their mouths, I'll deal with 'em! I won't make you look bad, Leona!"
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There is also an incident during Port Fest where a visitor accuses first Ruggie, then Jack himself of stealing his wallet.
Jack does not react until the man accuses Leona, at which point he becomes defensive and Leona tells him to put away his fangs.
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Jack also compliments Leona, saying he “may play dirty, but he’s a brilliant playmaker” and expressing gratitude for a birthday present of roast beef.
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During Vargas Camp Leona teaches a group of students about how to find magestones and Deuce is openly impressed saying that Leona is amazing.
Jack is reluctant to agree, saying he was surprised that Leona volunteered the information and walked them through it as he didn’t think Leona “had it in him.”
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In the end Jack agrees and says, “I can definitely look up to a guy like Leona!”
Jack refuses to allow Vil to blame his slovenly appearance on Leona and tries to stop Azul from charging Leona for the cleaning expenses resulting from a bottle that he breaks in the school store.
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Leona volunteers Jack for Fairy Gala IF and Jack initially refuses, telling Leona that it is ridiculous that he thinks he can volunteer him for an important job without asking first.
Leona explains, “What we need is someone who can lead the pack. Someone with solid judgement and initiative. I figured you had both of those things…There are a lotta students in Savanaclaw, but I picked YOU…oh well, I guess I was wrong. I’ll have to find some other freshmen. Sorry for expectin’ more out of you.”
Jack responds, “You say this is something only I can do? Then I’ll make sure it gets done!”
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Leona is unimpressed when Jack compromises the plan by sneezing.
At the end of the event Jack says that “Leona’ll never let me hear the end of this. He might not even let me into Savanaclaw right now…and even if he doesn’t say anything, I’m so ashamed of myself that I’m not gonna be able to look him in the eye.”
In book 6 Leona says, “Jack’s pretty self-aware…he can get a little prideful, but he knows he’s not boss material yet. So he always follows the boss’ orders when push comes to shove. He’s a good little pupper like that.”
This is corroborated by Ace who says, “(Jack’s) whole above-it-all schtick can be obnoxious. But he turns into a puppy dog around stronger guys, so he’s actually pretty easy to deal with.”
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When Jack refuses to listen to Rook's advice during Port Fest, Rook advises him to speak to someone whom he deeply respects and admires. Jack goes to Leona.
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Leona is less than pleased to learn that the source of the Port Fest drama all started with Ruggie and Jack.
Jack insists that the concert he is to put on (despite not being able to play an instrument) is non-negotiable and Leona encourages him to think outside the box instead of blindly following Crowley's orders.
Jack asks what he is supposed to do and Leona tells him to ask himself what he is actually trying to achieve.
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Ruggie and Jack think on Leona's advice, and the issue becomes less so a question of how to hold an impressive show for the event and more so how to not disappoint Leona.
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In the end Jack is able to come up with an idea for the show, saying that it is all thanks to Leona (Leona replies that he didn't do anything at all).
After the show Leona compliments Jack on his performance, leaving Jack momentarily speechless.
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kellanved-ammanas · 3 months
Hello! I really liked your spydad fics and I hope you write more, I like wholesome stories with spy
TF2 Drabbles: SpyDad - Good Job
Scout’s first proper painting ended up being a cartoony depiction of the Administrator making a goofy face as she got run over by a car. It wasn’t a good painting by any means, Scout’s unfamiliarity with the medium was evident but it was recognizable. Which was more than could’ve been said for Spy’s long ago first painting, barely even remembered at this point. Still he’d lent his expensive fancy paints to Scout only for this to be the end result; a bad painting that would probably get them both in trouble if the Administrator ever saw it. Maybe that should annoy him but well, it was Scout. His approach to art had always been different than Spy’s. That didn’t have make it bad.
He shifted to look at Scout, still wearing the painter’s apron that he’d made an even bigger mess on than it had had before. “I suppose I should count myself lucky you didn’t decide to depict me in an unflattering scenario this time.”
Scout shrugged. “I thought about it ‘cause it would’ve been funny but then uh… figured you wouldn’t appreciate the humor in that and might decide to not lend me you paint stuff anymore.”
“Hmm. You enjoyed it then?”
“It’s super different from pencils, coloured or normal, so it took a bit to get used to but uh, yeah, it was fun. It’s actually really nice not having to work so hard to get a solid colour, it just goes on like no big deal. How’d I do though? I know it looks awful but like, for my first time with a new art supply I think it’s pretty freaking decent.”
This is where Spy could crush Scout’s feelings of accomplishment if he were to apply his usual art standards to the piece but… he had no desire to do so. No, he wanted to encourage Scout’s artistic tendencies as he should’ve been around to do from the start. “I like it. You did a good job.” The words felt stiff and hollow in his mouth, he wasn’t used to giving much praise, but he did mean it. It wasn’t a good painting but he liked it anyway and the clear effort put into it made it a good job.
“Wait, really? Or are you just saying that to try to make me feel good or whatever before turning it into one your backhanded compliments?”
“No, I really do like it. It’s not my type of art but… I appreciate the effort you put into it. And for you first painting, it turned out rather well.”
“Um… okay then. Thanks. So I can uh, do this again sometime? Borrow your paints and stuff.”
“Yes, you may. Just ask first.” Though having stated interest in painting again, next time Spy got a chance, he’d buy Scout a set of paints for his own personal use. Probably he’d start with a slightly cheaper brand. “Also, before you head off, I advise against putting this painting anywhere the Administrator might see it.”
“No duh. I ain’t that stupid. Once it’s done drying I’m gonna… I don’t know, put it in my room I guess. And then it’ll stay there.”
“Very well. I was just making sure you didn’t do something stupid. Now let me teach you about the proper way to take care of your brushes.” He turned and started for the corner where he kept everything brush related.
Scout groaned but followed. “That sounds lame. How important is it really?”
“Extremely. Good brushes are expensive. Leaving them dirty for too long will ruin them.” Spy would also be getting him some cheaper brushes too. Still good ones but he wasn’t interested in letting Scout potentially ruin the best of the best, resulting in needing new ones.
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I think what I meant by jobs/occupations is what do they do? Here's what I think.
Isabela - Interrogator
She plays the good cop while interrogating you. She pretends to be your friend in a way. However, if you don't give her than answers she wants and she KNOWS your lying, that's when her younger Hermana comes in.
Luisa - Torture
Like Luisa in your Protector au, Luisa will literally rip limbs off of you until you give the answers they want. I imagine Isa just let's Lu do her thing until the person being tortured confesses what they know.
Dolores - In field worker.
She can shoot from any range as long as you're in her line of vision. Put any gun or weapon in her hand and she'll use it on any target she has. I also feel like if she's desperate she'll make a weapon out of anything in her vicinity.
I think Isabela is/ could also a field worker, but interrogation is more fun for her.
Camilo and Mirabel - Spies
It's the one job that isn't too messy for Mirabel, and easy enough for Camilo. And honestly, who's going to suspect two teens to be spies? Plus, they are incredibly sneaky.
(Camilo is also learning how to be a field worker like Isa and Lolo)
The medic is obviously the medic, Bruno is also a field worker, and Pepa is an interrogator. Alma handles the important meetings with the higher ups. But honestly, it's your au, these are just ideas.
I understood the question, I just had no idea about what specific roles could be options. But thank you!
In case it wasn’t clear, Alma is very much still the head of operations. She’s not doing much work nowadays, she’s basically retired, but she doesn’t want to hand off control just yet. Besides, she doesn’t know which of the Madrigals would be capable of such a responsibility.
Julieta serves as a medic when needed, but doesn’t dedicate all her time to that. She is mainly the one to stay at home and keep more of a typical housewife/mother role, so the kids had some sense of normalcy growing up and wouldn’t accidentally say anything suspicious to anyone. (The kids don’t know about the family doing crime until they are of age).
Pepa is a field-worker. Understandably given her nature, she was the more cutthroat of her siblings - she needs a more action/physical based job. Julieta and Félix both advise her to take it easy now that she’s getting older, but she rarely listens. She enjoys her job and is very protective of her family, it’s perfect for her. She couldn’t imagine being shackled to a desk or something.
Félix is an interrogator. His friendly charisma is a great mask and earns the trust of most people, his dramatic flair also works well in scaring people at times. He is very keen in teaching his kids some of his techniques, but neither of the older two have any interest in his field.
Agustín handles the more paperwork side of things, typically handling messages and accounting. The job use to be Julieta’s but became harder to manage with being a medic as well and pregnant with Isabela, so he stepped up to help. Alma wasn’t convinced by this as Agustín didn’t come from a crime family (Félix did) and was sure he would sell them out, but he hasn’t given her any reason to complain.
Isabela changes between being a spy, a torturer and a field worker every other week. She can’t do the same thing for too long without getting restless, she needs the variety; wants to feel the shiver of something new, if you will. Being one of Alma’s favourites, she gets the permission to do it. She couldn’t stand by and just let Luisa have fun. She is usually a more public spy - she is a good actress and, in her words, “seductress”, and she uses it to her advantage. (Being an interrogator would be too boring for her).
Dolores also works as a spy. Granted, a much more private and silent one in comparison to Isabela. Isabela is more likely to be working in the open eye (a casino, restaurant, etc); while Dolores works more behind the scenes. They sometimes work together, though it can end in arguments because someone can’t stick to the plan. Dolores considers herself a mastermind and plans a lot of the family’s attacks, she takes a lot of pride in her work. (Dolores doesn’t care enough about physical skills, so would have no interest in field work).
Luisa, though she does sometimes also work in the field when needed, is mainly the torture of interrogations. She is less amused by Isabela’s antics than Dolores is, but in saying that, the pair of them both enjoy torturing people together and making a joke out of it. It takes much longer to get information when they are together because they are bad influences on each other and just start fucking around. They enjoy themselves though and that’s what matters, right?
Camilo, Mirabel and Antonio obviously don’t have any roles yet.
Camilo, who was told a while ago about the family’s work, is now getting to consider what role he wants for himself and can then tailor his training more specifically to that. He is most inclined to join as a spy (just to piss Dolores off) or a torturer. He can’t handle any of the others jobs, sounds like boring work to him.
Mirabel will soon be told about the family’s work, but until then has more generalised training. They assume she’ll take after her mother and become a medic, given she’s already a qualified first aider.
Antonio isn’t have any training yet because he’s five.
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thewatercolours · 8 days
🪐Name three good things going on in your life right now
My fancy black and red dice which I love, and always call "the cool dice," and which I thought my students lost last year, turned up in the mysterious, forgotten pocket of my old backpack! There's always that one pocket, right? My little golden box of dice is that much fuller!
I had some lovely sushi last night! Just some grocery store California rolls, because I'm broke, but it's such a treat to me, and the Save On Foods where I get it always has it very fresh.
I never quite grasp how delighted the start of the school year always makes me until I'm back in it. Yes, teaching isn't always a bed of roses, but man, I love my kids. Every single year, I get a good group. I love making them chuckle, and uncovering their passions, and trying to find creative ways to make the material connect with them. We had group auditions for the high school show on Friday, and has some leftover time at the end, and I had them doing skits with movie quotes out of context, and everyone laughed their heads off, and... man, I love being back with them.
What's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Hm, well assuming we're talking KQ - I mean honestly, I want a longfic of that game I dreamed up that would take place between chapters of the 2015 game. Chapter 1.5, "While the Knight's Still Young," would take place during Graham's knighthood days, and I've always had this image that it would involve him discovering a hidden location in the woods with a magical fountain, and makes an ill-advised choice that kicks off a whole adventure as he attempts to fix his mistake. It probably takes him to some areas of Daventry we haven't seen before, but we also have to have a little visiting the town, because this fic is supposed to feel like playing the game, and the games are always better with more town visiting. I feel like you'd do a great job writing this one, Mickey, because you've got that spirit of adventure and comedy, and are great at balancing lots of elements, and I feel like it would be a great mix of zany antics and heartfelt moments in your hands. I'd also love to see what @gerbiloftriumph would do with it, because she can write exactly like the game at its best, and has really proven out she can write fics that feel like gameplay, and she'd make it wonderful too. Actually, can we stick you both in a blender and have your unholy amalgamation write it? I want 100k on my desk by Tuesday.
(Runner up is somebody writing that continuation of Chapter Three where Graham and the princesses are trying to stop Not-Valanice from freezing and run all around Kolyma and there are warm harbour lights in the tropics and disguises and trying to stop a war.)
🦷 Share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Oh - um - people feel loved when they offer to help you and you let them. It becomes a moment of connection and bonding, of not being treated like a guest, but a closer part of your life. Being raised by a parent whose primary love language is acts of service can make us feel that we'll show our friends we love them if we don't let them help. But 9 times out of 10, someone who already offered to help really wants to and will feel so glad if you let them, especially if you're in the habit of telling them no.
🌿Give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
Don't beat yourself up about creative block. It's self defeating.
If your old methods of getting in the mood to write don't work right now, have fun making a new writing process, even just temporarily. Or come up with a new writing ritual. Even if it doesn't help you write, you had a nicer time of it.
You don't have to make it perfect before people see it. Sometimes people seeing it will help you make it. You can incorporate community and imperfection into the process.
🪲Add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here.
Blast you, Mickey.
“Hey, maybe this is none of my business, but I saw you squinting at those direction signs,”  said Number Two as he stooped to pull the first rainbow sock over his boot. “Have you ever thought you might need glasses?”
“What? Glasses?” Graham scoffed. “Nah, I’m good. It was just hard to read with all this mist in the air.”
🦴Is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
Oh, my imagination's just a big compost heap of every story I've ever enjoyed. Hard to tell what comes from where. I do get in the mood to work on certain stories when I reread/watch certain media. I always think maybe I can make "Pirate Monks" work when I go back to The Goblin Emperor, for example. Revisiting Potter this month made me want to write children's stories for my niece. Twilight Robbery makes me want to work on my old novel, The Brilliant Hour (the one I've been writing "fanfiction" scenes of...) As for KQ, the stuff you guys make is my main inspiration at this point!
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curiouselleth · 5 months
Oooh, tell me what are your plans for the Gil-Galad is Eluréd please!!!!
Hi @camille-lachenille!!
Thanks for the ask, this fic is spiraling into something possibly longgg, so I'll talk about the events I want to hit with this fic, and certain things I want to write with it. Also sorry this got long lol
I am avoiding big spoilers in this, I am going to be adding a lot of things but I'm staying relatively close to canon so going over what this is going to cover in this way is not very spoiler-y I think.
Well my pl*n (ahem, lol) is for this fragment I posted a while ago to be at the end of the next chapter. From there, Elured will be trying to figure out what to do from there, because he's been crowned king of the Noldor and his pl*n to see if Elwing was alive and live as a happy family flew out the window.
From there, he will try to get in contact with Elurin again. I won't say how that goes, for good or bad because I don't want to give major spoilers, but, well... you know how much angst I write 😂 (take from that what you will lol)
From there - however that goes - we will see more of Elured as High King. I will spend some time on him getting into the job, finding his feet and learning, and in a way finding his identity outside of being Elurin's twin, as someone independent and with such a different kind of power, and his struggle with all this.
And I want to spend some time on the 3rd kinslaying, and the War or Wrath.
The 3rd Kinslaying -
I want to show his point of view from Balar of the leadup, his interactions with Elwing in this time as he tries to protect her and advise her, but she likely pushes away because of how she has been infantized and treated as lesser by some of her advisors and lords and such. I think there would be a few more visits between Elured and Elwing, him meeting Earendil, possibly him at their wedding, meeting Elrond and Elros... some good things for a time.
Then I want his POV as he gets the news. As he rushes to try to help... I'm not departing from canon too much, I am placing Elured into canon as a different character. There will be differences. New things. But I want to explore it like that, without departing too much. We know so few details from that time so it's also exploring that time and what it was like.
Then I want to show him after, what he tries to do, his public acceptance of his sinda heritage, something he likely didn't advertise much beforehand.
From there I would start heading towards the war of wrath, and with Elrond and Elros leaving Maedhros and Maglor and coming to him. I want him to meet and know his nephews, some of his last family, I want him to teach them about their maiar powers... I want them to be a happy not quite family for a little bit. He won't tell them who he truly is of course.
Then the War of Wrath.
I want to cover things getting worse and worse, possibly in small bits with a lot of jumps. What I am particularly excited to write is the unlooked-for arrival of the hosts of the Valar and Finarfin.
I want to write the tension of it, yes, they are here to help but they expect the people of middle earth to stand down and let them handle it, and that will not go over well. I want the tension of them trying to reconcile two kings of the Noldor, them trying to treat Gil-galad as someone young, inexperienced and naive. They think he is going to step down, give his power away, give way to Finarfin's authority. Hell no. Then I want to see him show them who's boss and how they have no idea what they're doing and for them to teach the hosts how this place works, how to truly fight... then of course for the hosts of Valinor to gain some respect for the peoples of middle earth, maybe a Galadriel and Finarfin reunion, and a proper, respectful alliance lol.
(I have Thoughts about the hosts of Valinor finishing the war without the peoples of Beleriand lol)
From there it would be summary or jumping to the end of the war. I'm not sure if I will continue this to the second age, I prefer the first and third ages and know much more about them. But we'll see!
...okay this got a little long and rambly 😂 well I suppose that's always what happens when I talk about my fics lol
This fic, or theory I should say, actually started as part of another fic, but that fic has become a white whale and this one has branched off. This theory will be used in that fic, and this will be part of the universe that fic is in, if I ever get any in post-able form lol
Thanks again for the ask!!!
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pollenallergie · 1 year
okay my heart is so full right now not only reading your response to my last ask but also the one someone sent in about girls who dress like art teachers bc that’s what i’m studying to do (early ed specifically) and also exactly how i dress 🥺 so i have a million things to say (i’m horny and i need billy to fuck me from behind so bad) so today my brain is absolutely DECAYING with the idea of billy with a wife who teaches. like i imagine billy struggles to have a consistent job because of his anxiety so he mostly does freelance carpentry work for the rich and bored, and so when he finds out you’re a teacher, he’s so excited to hear about your days teaching, what the training was like, and theories behind education. he loves to make you packed lunches and will sometimes drop by to see you during your lunch period if you aren’t busy wrangling kids. he says it’s because he misses you, which is true, but something about watching you in your element fills his heart (and cock) with so much love and longing. especially if you work with young kids, he can’t help imagining you taking care of his brood of calf eyed babies. when you have a bad day (which is rare), he’ll sit and rub your shoulders or your feet and just listen to you. your experience helping students with trauma allows you to take care of him quite gracefully, and he’s always excited to demo activities for your lessons. while you help him choose outfits that are good for carpentry and impressive for the client base he serves, he helps you pick out flowing skirts and tweed jackets and chunky sweaters. i also have a headcanon that he learned to do hair really well when he was younger in group homes even if he has no clue how to take care of his own, so he loves to sit with you kneeling on the floor as he braids and brushes your hair. every year, as a gift to you for the anniversary of your first date, he makes you something new for your classroom. there are other gifts for other anniversaries, like each year on your wedding anniversary he takes you out for dinner and surprises you with an activity like special museum events or visiting farms after hours which i’ll expand on in another ask, but you especially adore the things he makes you. one year he made you new cubbies for the kids, another year he carved you little animals to sit on your desk, the gifts ranging from practical to decorative. each one you displayed proudly on open house nights, and billy even got some clients through your avid displays of his gifts(he shows up to each open house in his nicest sweater that you chose to bring out his eyes). billy definitely has a bit of kink for you teaching him things, not even just sexual things. he gets bricked up by you explaining to him how to use the new remote for the tv or you lecturing him about separating the darks from the lights in the washing machine. you use that to your advantage to help motivate him, knowing that he’ll beg in a small voice for you to help him and guide him. when you first showed him how you liked to be touched so he would know just what to do, he came in his underwear the minute he touched you and you moaned what a good job he was doing. although he’s gotten more advanced in the sack (having almost daily sex will do that to you), he loves to play dumb and let you guide his hands or instruct him on how to touch his own cock because he loves the way you praise him (i’m not that into teacher roleplay, so i think this is a healthy medium). anyways, i have wayyy more thoughts about billy, especially pure filth and billy as a carpenter, that i might send over later. thank you for being so responsive and i’m super excited to continue bouncing feral thoughts off of each other! -🍊
warning: feral ramblings below the cut. read at your own risk. viewer discretion is advised. blah dee blah dee blahdee blah. 18+ as always. mdni.
awww you’re studying to be an art teacher!!! that’s amazing!! art teachers (especially the eccentric ones) are the best, istg!! in elementary school, my art teacher submitted a handprint painting i did to my hometown’s art competition and it won best painting in my age division which was nuts and was also the first time anything of mine had been celebrated by someone other than my parents… also my art teacher in high school let me eat lunch in her office every day because the crowded cafeteria made me nervous AND she once yelled at the assistant principal and dean of students (on my behalf) because she felt they weren’t doing enough to help me with my bullying issues. oh, and she also gave the coordinated caricatures my friend and i did in her class (mine was guy fieri with a giant ass head driving in the front seat of his convertible, and my friend’s was harambe with a gigantic head and a halo reclining in the back seat of the convertible… we literally measured all the lines and our papers to make sure that our pictures would line up perfectly) an A even though what we drew was definitely not what we were assigned (we were told to draw portraits of historical figures that we admire)… so yeah i fucking love art teachers 🫶🫶 genuinely some of the best people i have ever met.
also “(i’m horny and i need billy to fuck me from behind so bad)”
first of all… same
second of all… he absolutely would, but he’d prefer to do it in front of a mirror so that he can still see your pretty face (the man has needs) <3
(i know you said billy’s wife… but for my purposes, we’re gonna pretend you said long-term partner/girlfriend because, let’s be real here, billy wouldn’t need to yearn for having kids with you if he was your husband… because he definitely would’ve knocked you up within mere months of being married to you, if not literally on your wedding night or during your honeymoon, so like… that would just already be his reality lmao).
billy would absolutely love that his significant other is a teacher 🥹🥹🥹 especially if you’re an art teacher because billy is such an artsy lil man.
i feel like billy himself always wanted to be a teacher growing up — specifically a primary school teacher because he gets on surprisingly well with young kids (preteens and teenagers scare the living shit out of him) — but he was never in the right state of mind to go to school to pursue that dream. so, he definitely loves that you’re one.
billy listens so attentively when you talk about how your day went each night because 1) he could listen to you talk for hours as is and 2) he’s genuinely interested in what you did that day. you’re totally right about him asking about what your training was like and wanting to discuss various theories on education with you.
truthfully, billy sort of lives vicariously through you. for example, no matter what subject you teach, billy will always offer to help you grade assignments, so you’ve gotten used to making extra copies of the answer keys for him (or, if you’re an art teacher, you’ve gotten used to making an extra copy of the instructions so that he can see how closely each student followed your directions… not that it truly matters, you mostly grade based on how students behave during class because art is art and you would never dare tell a kid they made bad art, you wouldn’t even dare to think it, you sweet angel, you… okay you might think it sometimes… but only when some of the year 6 kids turn in shit that looks like it was drawn by a blindfolded drunkard who lacked any tactile perception). he has pictures of you at work, most sourced from your school’s website, printed out, and posted all over his art studio (aka the spare bedroom you two converted into a makeshift art studio) and one or two in his wallet as well. billy knows all of your students’ names; he knows which ones give you the most trouble, he knows who the underdogs are (the students who don’t do so well in school, but who you root for unconditionally because you know they’re good kids), he knows which kids have more artistic talent jam-packed in their little bodies than they know what to do with, hell, he even knows about the two year 6 (5th grade) students that have this sort of will-they-won’t-they thing going on. billy even helps you set up your classroom before each school year starts and, then, he helps you take everything down when the year ends. he helps you pick out decor and supplies for your classroom, he helps you pick out movies for the kids to watch on special movie days, he helps you pick out holiday decorations and themed snacks and games for your classroom holiday parties, he helps you with everything simply because he wants to be involved because he loves what you do just as much as you love it.
growing up, my elementary school always had back-to-school picnics at the start of the year so that kids could check out their new classrooms and meet their teachers before the first day of school. they also had end-of-the-year events where parents could get advice about how to best help their kids prepare for the next school year (mostly just getting summer reading lists and any additional info about the school-recommend and/or school-run summercare options available in their local community) and where kids could see their friends one last time before summer began. so, if your school does those sorts of events too, then you bet your ass that billy willingly goes to both of those events. truthfully, billy attends any event hosted by the school for the families in the community. for instance, my elementary school used do this thing called trunk-or-treat, where parents and teachers would sign up beforehand and then, the night of, they would park in the school’s parking lots with the trunks of their cars opened up and all decked out for halloween, and kids would walk around with their friends and parents and visit everyone’s cars and get candy from each car and eat way too much of it that night and then burn off their sugar rush on the school playground 😂😂 it was amazing and so soooo cute. if your school does something like that, then billy signs up every single year, and every year the two of you have so much fun putting your hearts and souls into decorating the trunk of your car. in fact, you two have even won best-trunk-in-show for the last two years because you’re just that good.
and, you’re so right, billy probably does something like freelance carpentry or making stuff to sell on etsy, something to give him some income but also something that won’t demand too much of him; because he will have bad days, days where he can’t work, days where he can’t function right, days where he just needs to stay home and focus on getting better.
of course, billy’s relaxed, self-employed schedule does come with an added bonus: he’s able to take care of you the way he wants to. you’re totally right about him making you packed lunches; he makes you the bestest packed lunches ever. they’re not just regular packed lunches, no, billy makes you the most aesthetically pleasing bento boxes anyone has ever seen, chalked full of the tastiest foods he can make. he doesn’t make them for you every day (mostly because you’re stubborn and won’t let him dote on you as much as he wants to… which, in your defense, is because you feel like it’s not fair to him since you don’t have time to put that much effort into reciprocating/doting on him in return), but he makes a point to pack your lunch three out of five days of the week. the other two days are usually ones where he allows you to fend for yourself because he knows you like your independence sometimes. notice i said “usually”… because, yeah, billy just can’t help himself, he wants to spoil you so bad. so, sometimes he breaks the rules, grabbing a couple yummy dishes from your favorite takeaway place and surprising you at work with a delicious meal that the two of you can share. once a month, when you’re on cafeteria/canteen duty, this means that he has to sit at a very short table (one that was absolutely not designed with anyone over 14 in mind), his knees pressing uncomfortably into the bottom of the table as he eats lunch mostly by himself — except for when you take little breaks to sit and talk to him — whilst he watches you monitor the gigantic room with the help of only one other faculty member; the two of you occasionally reprimanding kids to keep them in line and helping the littlest among them open certain packaged items, making sure lunchtime runs smoothly. on days where you’re not on cafeteria/canteen duty, billy only has to endure the “oohs” and “ahhs” and curious, lingering stares of inquisitive (nosey) schoolchildren for a few minutes before the kids are sent off to the cafeteria/canteen to eat their own lunches, leaving you and him alone in your classroom to enjoy your meal and spend some quality time together.
billy’s definitely very introverted, but he goes above and beyond to be involved in your life, especially in your work and the community that surrounds it. he genuinely enjoys getting to know your coworkers and the parents of your students. but, like you said, what he loves most of all is watching you interact with the kids… even when they are all paying him entirely too much attention and asking him entirely too many and entirely too personal questions (“are you and miss ____ married?” “when are you and miss ____ gonna get married?” “do you have babies?” “why does your face look like that?” “if miss ____ gets to bring you to school, how come i can’t bring my lizard?”). like you said, watching you interact with your students, especially the littles, gives him such a warm, fuzzy, lovely feeling. he can’t help but imagine how kind and gentle and patient you’d be with kids of your own… kids that were created with and born out of the love the two of you have for each other… kids that have his beautiful brown eyes, the very same ones he inherited from his late mother, and dimples just like his, but that have your pretty hair and your beaming grin…
yeahhh, he wants so badly to have kids with you, and that nagging desire only gets stronger everytime he watches your face light up as you watch one your students finally get something (whether that be how to draw a three-dimensional shape or how to tie their shoes or how to spell the word ‘definitely’), everytime he watches you gently console a kid who fell and scraped his knees at recess, and everytime he catches you having a conversation with one of your students. the way you converse with your studfents is so special… you talk to them like they’re your equals no matter how old they are, treat them with the utmost respect, regard them with warm acceptance and empathy, subtly encourage them to be themselves to the fullest, and take genuine interest in what they’re telling you. these are all the things his dad never did for him, all the things his mum never got the chance to do because she passed while he was still so young, all the things he watched his classmates’ parents do for them as a young boy, and watching you do these things for your students makes him fall even more hopelessly in love with you. watching you be such a good teacher to your students, such a wonderful role model for them, fills him with so much joy, and, as much as he gets embarrassed about it, thinking about how lovely you are, how amazing you are with kids, how wonderful of a mum you’ll be one day, well... that never fails to get him hard. breeding kink go brrrrr.
anyways… yeah YEAHH he does give you shoulder and foot rubs because he loves you and he cares about you and he likes doting on you (an added bonus is that you always return the favor whenever he’s been hard at work all day, but that’s not why he does it. no, he does it because he’s amazing and he loves you and he likes taking care of you).
yes yes yes to him demoing activities with you. that is literally all your sunday’s consist of during the school year: demoing activities, grading whatever assignments you didn’t finish grading during the week (usually not that many), and doing any last minute lesson-plan-prepping together, all from the comfort of your couch (or from your kitchen whenever the activities are too messy to be done on the couch), and billy wouldn’t have it any other way. he loves your not-so-lazy-but-still-plenty-lazy sundays, the kind of days where you two get a lot done without really feeling like you’ve done anything at all.
about the outfits…
mhm mhm yep yep. you help him pick out comfy, but practical outfits for himself; pants with lots of pockets, a tool belt that can hold his tools without sagging too low on his hips, shirts that will keep him warm but that are still plenty breathable, clothes that won’t get caught on any nails or other objects protruding from walls, shoes with thick soles so he won’t get hurt if he accidentally steps on a nail or some glass, splinter-proof gloves, etc. and billy helps you pick out the cutest items imaginable whenever you two go thrifting/shopping together; cute jean overalls for casual fridays, midi skirts that are dressy enough for work but still comfortable, sweaters that will keep you plenty warm whenever the heater in your classroom breaks for days on end during the cold winter months (as it always does), shoes that are cute but comfy enough to wear for the entire school day (without getting blisters or horribly sore soles), jackets and pants and blouses that are professional and classy enough to wear to parent-teacher conferences but that still have that artsy, hippie-esque look to them that you love so much.
also yes yes YESSS TO THE HAIR BRUSHING!!! (and to the group homes headcanon. unfortunately, he was probably stuck with his bullshit excuse for a dad for much of his childhood, but, during his teen years, after his third hospitalization in the span of a year, the system stepped in and removed him from his home, uprooting his life and bouncing him around from group home to group home. billy thinks he probably shouldn’t look back so fondly on the years in which he was separated from his family, but he sort of does. sure, it lacked the stability all kids need and it forced him to not only hang out with, but live with his peers, even those who picked on him. however, it’s not like he’d ever had real, true stability in the first place and… well, the taunting of a fifteen-year-old asshole who has it just as bad as you will never ever compare to the vitriol his father and his brother used to subject him to).
anyways *clears throat* sorry about that. where were we?? oh the hair brushing and braiding, yes, yes. yet another way billy takes care of you: he helps you tame the unruly bird’s nest that is your hair every morning. you’re terrible at doing your own hair (massive self-insert here) and always have been, and billy, beautiful, kind billy, he mercifully (and frequently) takes that responsibility out of your hands in the mornings and does your hair for you. it’s not an everyday occurrence, but it happens a lot, so much so that he’s actually gotten quite good at using a curling iron, despite the fact that he’d never ever used one (or even held one) prior to being in a relationship with you.
but don’t worry, you dote on him plenty in return. when he gets home from a hard day’s work, you’re quick to take a shower with him, helping him wash off (which is really just you massaging the soapy suds into his skin because you love the way he reacts to it, all fucked out and in pure bliss even though you haven’t even touched his cock yet), you’ll *ehm* take care of him in there too, of course (*cough* jerking him off under the warm spray *cough* littering his pale skin with hickeys as you pump his cock with your fist *cough* letting him use your hand like a fleshlight *cough* helping support him to keep him upright when he starts getting all weak in the knees *cough* making him feel so good that he reaches his peak in mere minutes, cumming all over your tummy, the last of his spend coating your hands as you work him through his orgasm *cough* *cough*). then, once you two have finished cleaning up, you get out and help him dry off his hair with a soft, fluffy towel. once you’ve both dried of sufficiently, you then lay him down on the bed and deftly massage him, focusing on his back, and legs, and arms, and, okay, everywhere, focusing everywhere, working the sweet smelling lotion into his skin as you do so. you even rub some soothing balm on his calloused hands and feet afterwards, fully pampering him. then, you ride him within an inch of his life and let him fill you up with his second release of the evening. and then, you two order in some dinner and eat it whilst watching TV. finally, you two head to bed, where you then have sleepy, slow, passionate sex before falling asleep in each other’s arms, his softening cock still nestled inside you as you drift off to sleep.
also billy making something for your classroom as your anniversary gift 🥹🥹💖💖💖 he most definitely does.
the first year, it was a cute little wooden sign with the words “Miss ____’s Class” engraved on it, along with some cute little bunnies and butterflies and flowers, complete with the cutest lil curvy bordering. then, for your second anniversary, it was a carved wooden statue of your favorite animal. next, for your third anniversary, he went above and beyond and made you a bunch of cubbies for your students to keep their art-smocks/backpacks/other stuff in. however, they weren’t just normal cubbies, no, they had this beautiful elven forest-y pattern carved into them. for that anniversary he also made you a brand new drying rack that had this really cool elven tree design to it to match the cubbies, because, again, he went above and beyond that year simply because he felt like it. then for your most recent anniversary, billy made the most adorable rocking chair for you to sit in while you read to your students/while you man whatever artistic contraptions the kids aren’t allowed to use without constant supervision/while you drink your tea and catch up on grading or lesson-planning during your afternoon free period. and, of course, the chair also had a forest-y, elven design to it because billy fully supports your dream of turning your boring old classroom into a mystical, fantastical place for learning — a sort of elven den of creativity. for christmas one year, he even whittled you a bunch of wands and scepters and attached cool, surprisingly realistic plastic geodes and crystals to the ends of them so that you could decorate your classroom with them and add to the mystical, magical vibes. suffice to say, you have the coolest classroom in school, hands down, no competition.
also yes yes yes, a million times yes to billy having a sort of teaching kink. the man gets so unreasonably turned on when you try to show him how to do things or explain things to him. no matter what you’re trying to teach him, his blood always immediately flows south, towards his hardening his cock and away from his head, leaving nothing more than the sound of white noise and the desire to submit himself to you in every way imaginable behind in his brain. he loves listening to you and having you tell him what to do (not in a bossy way, but in a guiding, gentle way), he goes mad for it. the way your voice lilts when you’re patiently instructing him on how to do something once again after he’s already messed up five times beforehand makes billy go dumb with lust. having you teach him things doesn’t always make him so dumb and pitifully horny, though. no, there’s levels to this. when you try to teach him to do simple tasks like how to un-jam the door to your mailbox or explain simple things to him like why you’re suddenly buying an entirely new brand of peanut butter (because it turns out your usual brand uses some preservative that has recently been linked to some awful health defects… which you found out by reading an article in some widely accredited medical journal because you’re a nerd, a well-informed nerd), he gets a little excited, maybe gets a half-chub, nothing too drastic, nothing that can’t simply be tucked up into his waistband and ignored until it goes down, should that be necessary. but when you try to walk billy through more complex tasks, the kind that he usually messes up the first few times which leads to you giving in and gently directing his every move… oof. like when he helps you decorate your christmas tree and you, ever the perfectionist, direct him on exactly where to put each and every single ornaments, how to string up the lights so they’re the perfect level of droopy without actually falling off the tree, how to secure the star to the top of the tree, how to water and tend to the christmas tree you two picked out at a christmas tree farm as it resides in your living room, hanging onto whatever life it’s got left like a plant in a vase after it’s been separated from its roots…. well, having you guide him through those complex, intricately detailed tasks never fails to turn him into the horniest of himbos; fully lustdrunk and so hard that it’s nearly painful. consequently, having the hottest sex imaginable after putting up and decorating your christmas tree is a holiday tradition for you and billy.
also yes to him cumming in his pants the first time you taught him how to make you cum… he probably didn’t even get to actually fuck you that night because, by the time he’d made you cum on his fingers and his tongue, he’d already came so many times that his cock was fully limp and so sensitive that it hurt, truly hurt, whenever it was met with even the tiniest, lightest touch… he had to spend the rest of the night completely nude because he was just too sensitive to wear underwear or trousers and he certainly wasn’t going to walk around with just a shirt on like winnie the fucking pooh.
and you’re right. it’s not like teacher roleplay, it’s just you guiding him and showing him how to do things and explaining things to him and telling him what to do and being so patient and kind and gentle and maybe a little condescending (just a tiny bit, not true degradation, but just talking down to him in a teasing way) but also giving him so sooo much praise. its the most gentle and softest domming of all time and dear christ it makes him feel all fuzzyheaded and spacey and fucked out in the best way possible.
please feel free to send over those carpenter!billy thoughts if you want!! i love reading what your amazing mind comes up with. hopefully i’ll be able to respond to the other stuff you’ve sent me sometime soon!! i’ve read them all a million times over, i just haven’t gotten around to actually typing out responses yet… but please know that i enjoy reading them (and rereading them and rereading them and rereading them and then rereading them again and on and on forever until i pass away and ascend to the literal heavens from all the loveliness contained in them… jk but also… they are immaculate.)
send me all the feral thoughts you got, my lovely lil orange nonnie. 💕
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
Honestly, they're a UA thing. Like sure they're caused by OfA, but it's UA's job to teach him to handle his powers and they just... don't. Like we are told that it's illegal to use your quirk in public without a license so UA should be way way better prepared to teach kids to use their quirks (Also that makes Aizawa wanting to kick someone out for not being able to control his quirk really messed up. Like teaching him that is literally your job, his quirk breaks his bones and is insanely destructive, where exactly was he supposed to learn how to control that as a little kid?) Yet basically every time Izuku has a breakthrough with getting a handle on his quirk, it's by someone outside of UA. Like his teacher is a guy who can shut off quirks! In any other situation I would have assumed he was placed with Aizawa specifically so he could get help getting his quirk under control. Like "Hey maybe you should use your quirk throughout your entire body not just one point" feels like a day one discovery if you're a decent teacher and bother to actually learn about your students, but maybe that's just me.
Honestly even if you got rid of Izuku getting OfA and turned it into the quirk he was born with it really wouldn't change much. Either he'd still have to worry about it killing him if he used it too much, which means he might be advised to wait until he's older to start getting a handle on it, maybe even with the implicit assumption that UA would be the best place to get that training, or he wants to train it, but can't because there's no where he can safely train such a destructive quirk without breaking the law.
Which actually brings up a point, all the UA kids have clearly gotten a lot of practice with their quirks. And you know what that's fine to a degree, even if it shows the laws around quirk use are incredibly flawed. Like Kirishima and Momo have quirks it's easy to work on at home, Todoroki and Iida are hero families so they have the necessary resources, but where the hell did Bakugou train? Like you don't get that good without a lot of practice, especially when he's so utterly unhesitating on using his quirk on people. Though we can guess where he got the practice on using his quirks on humans. Did no one look at the explosion kid and be like "hey, where exactly did he learn to do all that?" or the kid who can flick glacier into nothing and go "hey kid, go on you for following the law, but now let's get you some extra help getting that ridiculously powerful and dangerous to self and others quirk under control." Shouldn't one of the first questions UA had be "so which of you had to very clearly break the law in order to get this good with your quirk?
All of this. You also point out a reason I struggle with believing Katsuki's some sort of prodigy. We don't see him training and the only source of combat we see him engage in is fights against those who can't defend themselves. There's no way he should be even close to the level of someone like Shoto who has trained.
But yeah, this paragraph does a great job at highlighting what is wrong with Shota, and U.A as a whole and even some of Hori's worldbuilding.
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writing-for-life · 7 months
Thanks for the tag, @marlowe-zara This is actually a nice one, and I’ve got time (I always take the day after the Oscars off, I’m really that sad)…
Are you named after anyone? No, not that I know of. I use the name I nearly got as my writing pseud/pen-name though.
When was the last time you cried? Not a crier about a lot of stuff because my go-to-mechanism is to get on with it, for better or worse (so not saying that’s always a good thing). If I cry, it’s mostly when I’m proud of my kid, so rather happy tears than angry/sad ones. I know when I need to cry because of latter reasons though and can easily get the floodgates to open with art/music/films/books when I feel it’s safe for me to do so. That sounds… well-adjusted? Not 🤣
Do you have kids? One, primary age.
What sports do you play/have you played? Dance (professional performer). Knees, hips and back are fairly wrecked, so gentler stuff these days (mostly the right gym-stuff, Yoga and walking/running if my joints oblige). But do they count as “playing” sports?
Do you use sarcasm? Yes. Not always proud of it, so I try to limit it.
What is the first thing you notice about people? Their voice (occupational hazard, but also a kink 🤣). And the way they communicate in general, whether written or orally. That can mean many things—I like the occasional, well-placed swear-word, as an example. But most of all, I notice if people understand that words hold meaning, and if they use them well (again, in all sorts of ways).
What's your eye color? Some say blue, some say green. Very dark, whatever it may be (I have my own opinion, and I shall call it dark teal).
Scary movies or happy endings? Neither really. Not into scary movies, not the biggest fan of sappiness either. But it all depends. A good movie is a good movie and all that.
Any talents? I speak four languages fluently—is that a talent? All joking aside, I believe it’s all a mix between some natural aptitude, interest, support and commitment anyway, so the idea of “talent” is always one that makes me scratch my head a bit. I’ve had people comment favourably on my singing, acting, writing and drawing. Plus that I’ve got good problem-solving skills?
Where were you born? Western Central Europe 😜
What are your hobbies? Reading, writing. And reading. And writing. I also like reading, and did I mention writing?…
Do you have any pets? Yes, a black cat called Morpheus. His name used to be something else entirely when he was a kitten, but especially my kid and I think his attitude is very Murphy. We’re really that pathetic, and so is he. He also has a little scar under his eye now, courtesy of a love interest that didn’t reciprocate his feelings (I wrote about it on here), so it is very… apt?
How tall are you? 1.80m/5’11 My back and joints thank me every day.
Favorite subject in school? Languages, hands down. Everything that relates to writing, reading, literature, drama. And music. I’d love to say art, but I’ve only ever had arsehole art teachers who ruined it for me. So that’s to say: It’s not just the subject. It’s also the people who see you, support you, want you to succeed.
I teach performance-psychology at University, so I like that, too 🙂
Dream job? Oh, that’s tricky. Usually the one I’m doing, but that doesn’t mean it’ll forever stay that way. I’m lucky enough to have basically three degrees (the first one a science/music double major, the second in psychology), and I loved working in all three fields—until I didn’t. And if I didn’t, I stopped. It was hard every time, both financially and emotionally, but I’ve come to the conclusion that my gut usually lets me know when it’s time to move on, and that it’s advisable to listen. At the moment, I split up my time between writing professionally, seeing therapy clients roughly 2 days a week and having a teaching gig. My brain likes the variety and needs it, and for the time being, that’s my happy place.
I see the usual suspects have already been tagged, so I’m going to mix it up (no pressure though if this stuff isn’t your thing) and send this into the direction of @morpheusbaby3 @duckland @dxliriumoftheendless @stellerssong @bobbole
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tybaltsjuliet · 8 months
if you're comfortable with sharing i would LOVE to know more details abt the highschool hypnosis scandal???!??
i don’t mind! (small town, huge school.) dropping the story below the cut; CW for discussions of suicide.
so, at my high school, the principal was an amateur hypnotist, and he used to offer brief hypnotherapy sessions to students who were stressed or struggling with schoolwork and personal stuff. it was not, like, super shady and something he did secretly; parents and other staff knew about it. he had been advised in the past by the school board that he should proceed with caution, but was never actually told not to do it.
what keeps this from being a funny florida man story is that, in my junior year, three students died in very quick succession. it so happened that all three of them had done hypnotherapy sessions with the principal.
one of them died in a car crash after a dentist appointment; questions about whether he had gotten any medication that might have affected his driving got immediately overshadowed by his girlfriend claiming that he had been doing the self-hypnosis the principal taught him to calm down after the appointment.
the other two committed suicide. both of them had well-documented stressors in their lives and previous struggles with mental health.
but the media - and the parents of the deceased students - decided that the hypnotherapy MUST have been a significant factor in all these deaths. it turned into a huge scandal. the principal got dismissed in disgrace. there were lawsuits.
it was a mess, and incredibly upsetting on every level to us students - if i still sound bitter about it, it is because i am. we had already lost a really beloved teacher in a freak accident earlier that year, and now, there were those dealing with the loss of a friend, or friends. those of us who did not personally know any of the kids were still really shaken up by all those deaths in such a short time. and, now, on top of it, the principal we all loved was getting railroaded about it. he had been there for years; he was really well-liked and really good at his job. he pulled us out of a truly embarrassing academic slump; he was a huge supporter of the arts and the theatre kids especially loved him for that. the seniors actually staged a walk-out to protest the fact that he would not be able to shake their hand at graduation that year.
anyway, as these things do, it blew over eventually. the parents got a settlement, which i - well. i will not say what i think of that. reasonable people can disagree on whether or not it was appropriate for a principal to be giving hypnotherapy to students - i personally think it is no different from, like, teaching them meditation, but i also see the point that, as he was an unlicensed amateur, he should not have been doing what was legally considered medical treatment. but the way it got sensationalized was horrible. it cost a decent guy his job and his reputation, and turned three untimely deaths into hysteria, and made a circus out of a whole semester for a bunch of teenagers who were just trying to make it through a hellish year.
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