#hes so good in mamd bro
itsjusteds · 7 months
Tuxedo, fur coats, and diamond rings. The smell of Spies are Forever brain rot is in the air! For those of you who don't know, I am the sick masochist who is fist fighting my commitment issues by drawing every character in saf daily until I draw them all
Today's character is Joe Walkers funky little casino guy from the Richman's Casino in Monte Carlo, Day 20/55
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What songs do you associate with different BTT80s ships?
Okay so I misread this ask initially so you're going to get some character songs as well lmfao but I hope you know how much I've thought about all of this.
Cynffany (Cyndi X Tiffany): Together from Firebringer
Flionel (Feargal X Lionel): Even Though from MAMD (Random, I just love this song)
Branniger (Mr Cocker X Miss Brannigan): All the Mistakes That He Made About the Girl by Joe Iconis
Lyndi (Laura X Cyndi): Play the Princess by Joe Iconis (Joe Iconis writes really good ship songs)
Felmer (Michael X Corey): Different As Can Be from A Very Potter Musical
Meileen (Michael X Eileen): Dirty Girl from Nerdy Prudes Must Die (I'm sorry but it's true), The Slow and Treacherous Disintegration of You From Me by Emily Rohm and Take Off Your Clothes from Twisted
Kalf (Kirk X Alf): The Bro Duet (George Salazar + Jason Gotay), Two-player Game (Be More Chill) and Looking at Clouds (OFF BOOK: The Improvised Musical Podcast)
Buey (Billy X Huey): Blue from Heathers
Alfey (Corey X Alf): Pyjama Pants by Cavetown
Kirkey (Kirk X Corey): Tim Wish You Were Born a Girl by of Montreal
Corey: Corey doesn't know what music is ;-;
Kirk: You're My Best Friend by Queen
Alf: Cool As I Think I Am from Nerdy Prudes Must Die (Even down to the Star Wars references, also, trans coded)
Michael: I'm sorry, but to me, Michael only has Mickey on repeat forever, and as much as I love GOOMDGIMC, Mickey is just straight up his song
Tiffany: Ash by Annie Blackman
Cyndi: Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepson
Feargal: Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown (Ftm Feargal real, I will die on this hill)
Eileen: Smoke and Mirrors by Emily Rohm (credit to @or-not-2b---i-dont-know for enlightening me to this one)
Debbie: Rocket Man by Elton John
Laura: Livin’ on a Prayer by Bon Jovi
Miss Brannigan: Sweet Transvestite from Rocky Horror Picture Show and Run Away With Me from Nightmare Time 2
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Wait r u a starkid fan??? (If not then pls ignore this uwu)
I'm gay and on Tumblr what do you think
No but on a legitimate note I've seen just about every Starkid show (not including the Tin Can Bros stuff because I can't fucking find it on YouTube) except for Ani, and I tried watching that but I'm not into Star Wars so it just fell very flat for me. I got into Starkid because of TGWDLM. I love the Hatchetfield series, Twisted, Trail to Oregon, and Holy Musical Batman. I liked Starship (absolutely loved Dylan's song in that) well enough but the ending was kinda bleh, and I just,, was not a massive fan of Firebringer or MAMD. They're fine enough but I probably wouldn't rewatch them. The Very Potter series was pretty good too but with everything that happened with JK Rowling I kinda distanced myself from it.
I ended up leaving the fandom for a bit because of the whole Robert Manion thing that I'm actually still not sure what exactly happened??? My mental health just could not deal with it at the time. But idk it sounds like stuff got resolved so ?? Idk. I know he got removed from NT2 to 'rebuild trust with the team/cast member in question' but apparently people are saying he's gonna come back for NPMD? If he does come back then I hope it's because everyone - including and especially the person he harassed - has agreed that they feel safe with him. I try to be optimistic in general and he did seem genuinely remorseful about what happened so,,, idk I'm not up to date enough to really have an opinion on all of that. It was a dark time for everyone for sure but I hope things are better.
Also I've been thinking about writing some Hatchetfield stuff and maybe messing with a Last Legacy/Hatchetfield crossover. You can throw some ideas at me if you want.
Anyways when NPMD comes out I will become a fucking monster and I apologize ahead of time.
Rant/Spoilers for Black Friday below because I have a lot of feelings about it:
Okay first and foremost I love Dylan Saunders and I love Kim Whalen but the Tom/Becky relationship was so whatever to me that I just,, didn't care about them tbh. The basic idea of it was sweet but idk!! I think the difference between them and Paul/Emma in TGWDLM (who I love) is that Paul and Emma kinda fell in love throughout the story whereas Tom and Becky kept bringing the plot to a complete grinding halt to do their shit. Take Me Back was just lackluster imo.
I loved Jeff Blim (as I always do lol) He is In A Hurry and him?? As fuckin uh??? Mister John McNamara????? ouGH I LOVE HIM 07. He makes me wanna take a solemn vow to become my best self now. I openly simp for him. He's just a fuckin spectral agent in the Black and White now and I hope he's fucking Wiley's shit up.
Also the way that Joey Richter's voice got all gruff when he said 'a gob of fucking lust'??? orz.
As a neurodivergent younger sibling with a well-meaning-but-sometimes-not-the-best-but-still-trying older sister and an abusive mother, Lex and Hannah hit me right in the chest. Especially because when we were younger my sister always talked about leaving home together. Absolutely loved Ethan but why can Robert Manion never survive the fucking show. Reversed!Ethan killed me and my heart broke for Hannah so bad.
My biggest gripe is that tOM SPENT THE ENTIRE FUCKING SHOW BEING LIKE 'OH I HAVE TO GET THIS DOLL FOR MY SON' AND THEN PAUL AND EMMA SHOW UP AT THE END LIKE 'HEY SHIT IS GOING CRAZY AND WE WERE GONNA RUN TO THE BUNKER BUT TIM REFUSED TO LEAVE YOU' AND INSTEAD OF GOING TO HIS SON (since Tim couldn't be in the group because yeah obviously Hannah needed to be there) (yes Tom would have missed the final number but it would have made way more narrative sense to the fucking character arc he'd been going through) HE STAYS AND GETS NUKED AND TIM DIES IN THAT FUCKING CAR ALL ALONE HAVING NEVER SEEN HIS DAD AGAIN AND I AM FROTHING AT THE FUCKING MOUTH. 'IF I FAIL YOU' GUESS WHAT TOM YOU FUCKING DID
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Starkid Musicals Ranked
So I know I've done this before but it was quite a while ago and Black Friday has come out now so naturally I've had some changes in opinion. Also I've got nothing else better to do in self-isolation and I had plenty of time so i thought why the hell not. 
I’m sorry for the fact that this post drags on a bit. I just really love Starkid if that’s not already obvious. Please keep in mind I wrote this at 3am so if it’s riddled with spelling errors or doesn't make sense, please bear with me.
This time I wanted to be really thorough in how i ranked the shows so i went through a few processes. 
First I ranked each of the shows based on the writing, music, production, humour, costumes and the cast’s performances (which is really just criteria that makes a show great for me personally). For each category i gave them a score out of 10 which I then added up and each show what given a score out of 60. 
The results of this were:
Hmb (53/60)
AVPS, Starship, Twisted (52/60)
AVPM & Black Friday (47/60)
The Trail to Oregon (46/60)
TGWDLM (45/60)
AVPSY & ANI (44/60)
MAMD (37/60)
Firebringer (35/60)
To be honest, i was quite surprised by some of these scores. Some shows were way higher or lower than i though they’d be but some were pretty accurate. However, i didn’t think these scores alone really reflected my actual personal opinions of these shows as a whole. There were a few shows with the same scores so I tried to figure out a way to kind of rank them by personal taste while still using the scores. Really all I did was I ranked the ones with tied scores.
Black Friday
The Trail to Oregon
Now I definitely thought this list was much more accurate but I still felt a few shows were out of place. In particular, HMB. A good portion of the reason of why it got such a high score is purely for my love of the costumes. Therefore, I pretty much abandoned all the previous work I did and then just listed them based on my personal enjoyment of each show which actually isn’t too different. Because at the end of the day, no matter how high I score a specific criteria for a show, that doesn’t necessarily mean I enjoy other aspects of the show equally.
For each show, I go into a pretty lengthy description of things I love about the show, commenting on the writing, music, production, humour, costumes and the cast’s performances. I also give provide an MVP for each show which is just a specific cast member or two’s performances that I particularly like to or stood out to me. I also give my favourite song and scene of each show. 
Also this is just MY personal ranking of each show based on things that I do or don’t enjoy about them. I absolutely love every single one of these shows, don’t confuse me being a little critical with some of them as hate or disrespect. Please understand that these are my opinions, which I am allowed to have just like you and I ask you to respect them even if you disagree just like I would respect yours. 
So without further ado, this is my final ranking of Starkid’s musicals:
1. Twisted
In my eyes, this show is quite possibly the closest thing you will ever get to perfection. Whether it’s the soundtrack (BLESS YOU AJ HOLMES AND YOUR RIDICULOUSLY AMAZING SONGWRITING SKILLS) or the acting (DAMN YOU DYLAN SAUNDERS FOR MAKING ME CRY SO MUCH, IT’S REALLY NOT FAIR) or just Nick and Matt’s writing which let’s be honest is always amazing. This show perfectly balances both the comedy and dramatic elements of the story, which if I’m being truly critical, not every Starkid show does. It’s a ridiculously beautiful, heart-warming show but it never takes itself too seriously. It has this amazing ability to have you both laughing and crying at the same time. Aladdin is one of my favourite Disney movies and I have to say it’s an amazing adaptation, it’s legitimately better than Disney’s live action remake in my opinion. Like all of their adaptation/parody shows, Starkid is able to stay true to the original text while also making it their own which I think is what make their shows so unique and refreshing.
MVP: I mean I gotta go with Dylan Saunders. I know it’s an obvious choice but how can I not. I mean I can’t believe it took them five years before they have Dylan a lead role because let’s be honest he’s amazing and he absolutely nailed this fucking role. Not only does he perfect every single one of those heart wrenching monologues/scenes but like his comedic timing is perfect. But Jeff, Joe and Rachael are definitely honourable mentions.
Favourite Song: IF I BELIEVED. If you don’t believe this is the best song on the soundtrack then you can bloody fight me, alright. I’m getting emotional just thinking about this song, just imagine when I listen to it or worse, when I watch the scene.
Favourite scene: I really love the entirety of Twisted with all the other Disney villains but literally any scene with Achmed is very fun to watch.
2. Starship
So I explained this in my original ranking post but I’m going to say it again. This show holds an extremely special place in my heart. It was the first Starkid show I watched after initially joining the fandom through AVPM and AVPS. I honestly couldn’t tell you what my favourite thing about this show is or why I love it so much, I just do. This show was my favourite show (until Twisted was released) and I would literally watch it over and over again. I love the music, I love the writing, and I love every single one of the cast’s performances. I legit have almost close to zero critiques on this show. It’s one of Starkid’s best written and produced productions (I mean the set, the puppets, everything was on point). This is such a hilarious show with some of Starkid’s best and most iconic jokes and yet it still manages to be such a beautiful and inspiring show.
With all this being said, this show is so criminally underrated and I really do not understand why but I guess everyone’s got their own tastes and all but okay. You do you.
Also, just gonna go off on a tangent for a bit. This musical is what made me fall in love with the beautiful, amazing, talented Dylan Saunders. I could not believe that the same man could play the adorable and very loveable cutie pie that is Tootsie Noodles/Mega-Girl and the hauntingly charismatic Pincer who is by the way one of Starkid’s best villains. Yes I said it. Nonetheless 12 –year-old me was absolutely flabbergasted by this man’s talented and really had no choice but to fall in love with him. Apart from Twisted, this is most definitely Dylan’s best performance (Not that he has any bad ones. Let’s be honest, that man is perfect). Legit, I challenge anyone to try watch this musical and not fall in love with him. It’s literally impossible.
MVP: I don’t think I could pick just one, I mean they’re all so amazing. I’d probably have to go with Joey. I think Bug was a great character for him and really showcased his abilities, which have just grown exponentially over the years. It was great seeing him play a more serious role rather than his previously more comedic roles (Ron and Joey) while also getting to goof off a little bit. It’s so fun to watch him in this and I really don’t think he gets enough appreciation for this role. Oh and also Meredith is amazing in Starship. I absolutely love her as Mega-Girl and it’s my favourite role of hers.
Favourite song: The Way I Do. Bro the chemistry between Meredith and Dylan is off the charts and this song just shows it. I love everything about this song. It’s so beautiful, I can’t even. Also not too be too like generic but Kick it up a Notch is phenomenal and one of Darren’s best. Actually this show’s whole soundtrack is probably my favourite of the ones that Darren wrote.
Favourite scene: I don’t think I have a favourite but I love the scene with Junior and Mega-Girl where he calls her a toaster and all that. Some of Brian’s best acting and he and Meredith’s chemistry really is really present here. It’s not often you get to see these two play opposite each other so it’s fun and interesting to watch.
3. A Very Potter Sequel
As a major Harry Potter fan, it’s only natural that I hold the Potter series with the highest regard. Despite the fact that this show is a parody by a bunch of college kids, it literally is a better adaptation than a whole eight-part, multi-million budget film series and that’s saying something. How the hell did Nick and Matt write every single one of these characters more accurately and consistently than professional screenwriters and at times, JK Rowling herself? It’s very rare that you ever hear me say that a sequel (I guess it’s technically a prequel) is better than the original but here we are. Don’t get me wrong, AVPM is iconic™ but this show just somehow improved what AVPM already perfected. The plot was much more fleshed out and every single character was written so perfectly and also everybody was casted perfectly. If you follow me you probably know of my love for Remus Lupin and while his character is AVPS is written absolutely ridiculously, it is one of my favourite things about the show. In this show Remus is written to be like this total mess of a person, who is like homeless and just walks around the school half naked, covered in blood and forces a child to eat a dead deer and is just drunk all time and yet I can just totally accept it. Like if the movies had written Remus like this I’d be like “hmm no” but when Brian Holden does it I’m like “um yes this is amazing”. This is quite possibly Starkid’s funniest show, I literally cry of laughter EVERY TIME. Honestly this show is comedic gold for any Harry Potter fan. From anything that comes of Lupin’s mouth or the entirety of Umbridge’s character to Lucius’s dancing.
This being said, I can totally understand why anyone wouldn’t like this or the other Potter shows as much as the others or not think it’s funny if they’re not a fan as most of the humour is based on knowledge of the original series and obviously this for the other parody shows like HMB or ANI. Nonetheless I still think anybody could enjoy this show and its humour as Starkid pretty much has the same sense of humour running throughout most if not all of their shows.
MVP: Brian Holden. I don’t think I need to explain again. But also Tyler Brunsman and Joe Walker are scene-stealers too. Also Corey Dorris as Yaxley in this show is peak comedy.
Favourite song and scene: okay so these kind of go together for me for this show. The whole scene with Those Voices brings me to tears every time. I fucking love the whole marauders era so them showing Sirius Black seeing James and Lily in the Mirror of Erised is more than my heart can take. Nick and Darren in this scene is just *chef’s kiss* and then you add Brian Rosenthal harmonising in the background, well it’s enough to make any girl break and you bet it does every time.
4. Holy Musical B@man!
Oh my god this is just such a fun show and if it was a person, I would die for it. When I first watched this, I wasn’t that big of a DC fan at the time so I couldn’t fully appreciate it for what it was. It’s actually so amazing and it’s a real shame that it sometimes gets overlooked. Nick Gage’s song writing is actually amazing and I really love this soundtrack. I mean I literally get chills every time I listen to the end of Dark, Sad, Lonely Knight. You know which part I’m talking about.
Also can we talk about the costumes for this show? June really fucking outdid herself with this show, they are literally the best costumes out of the whole Starkid canon and you cannot tell me otherwise. Not only did she nail like the classic comic book character costumes like Batman and Superman, etc. while also making them her own but she also created completely original and amazing costumes like Sweet Tooth and Candy. I wish I had even a small percentage of that talent and artistic ability. Anyway this show is so hilarious and also so emotional at the same time it’s not even fair. I’m not a big fan of Batman or Robin and yet this show almost has me changing my mind. And honestly, Nick Lang deserves the fucking world, I absolutely love watching him act and it’s unfortunate he doesn’t do it a lot because he’s amazing.
MVP: Joe Walker. Don’t get me wrong, I love watching Joe play all of his over-the-top comedic roles but I particularly love watching him play a slightly more serious role like this, it’s really refreshing and I really think he knocked it out of the park. Also Jeff Blim as Sweet Tooth is one of my favourite Starkid characters. No joke, 12-year-old me was OBSESSED.
Favourite song: either Dark, Sad, Lonely Knight or Rogues are We.
Favourite Scene:  the whole To Be a Man scene.
“Batman or should I say Butthead”
If that’s not comedic gold I don’t know what is.
5. A Very Potter Musical
This show is and always will be Starkid’s most iconic show. I think it says a lot that a silly parody musical put on by a group of college students has been able to inspire a whole decade’s worth of beautiful, creative, crazy works of art which only continues to grow. This show was never meant to become what it did but how lucky and fortunate are we all that it did. I am so grateful that 8-9 (tbh I can’t even remember anymore) years ago I decided to watch a silly musical about Harry Potter because I cannot imagine my life without Starkid in it. No this show might not have the best set or props or costumes or sound/video quality (it was 2009 guys, give them a break) but it is absolutely amazing in every single way and that’s all I’m going to say.
MVP: fucking everyone. I mean I’m around the same age they were when they started all of this and I can’t even imagine being able to create something even remotely as creative and wonderful or having any kind of success as close to that any time soon.
Favourite song: I feel like I should go for a classic like Not Alone but I’m not gonna lie I’m a real sucker for Missing You.
Favourite scene: oh man I don’t know the whole show is so iconic. I don’t know how I can pick just one.
6. Black Friday
I’m sure some people would be surprised that this show would be so high on this list for a number of reasons. Mostly due to the fact that I’ve been known to be quite fond of, and pretty biased towards some of Starkid’s older shows. But I think that’s just because I’m really nostalgic for how the fandom was back 8 years ago when I joined. And also when I joined the fandom, HMB was like our TGWDLM. It was the newest show out and everyone was talking about it. And also this is the show I have been rewatching the most lately and vie literally had the album on repeat for the last month.
A lot of people don’t really like the new direction that Starkid has taken with this show and honestly I don’t get it. Yes, it’s considerably darker than their other shows and while they classify it as a horror-comedy, it doesn’t really have a whole lot of comedy. But in my opinion, I think that’s what makes the show so great. The main focus of this show is the characters – their pain, their desires, their struggles and I think any excess of comedy would just take away from what’s really important. I really love watching Starkid delve into this new kind of story-telling and I think they’re doing an amazing job with this Hatchetfield series. I think this show did such a great show of introducing us to all the new characters, developing their arcs and really establishing their role within the world of Hatchetfield while simultaneously blending them perfectly with the already established characters from TGWDLM. What I really like about this show and even TGWDLM is how the characters are written. They feel so real not as cartoonish as some of the characters in Starkid’s previous shows which are why the audience can really relate to these characters.
Also this editing and cinematography of this show is fucking amazing and unlike anything else we’ve gotten from Starkid over the years. The choreography is outstanding and the musical is phenomenal. This is easily Jeff Blim’s best work and I have a feeling some people might disagree with me on that. The music in this show is so beautifully intricate and the lyrics have so much depth and emotion which I just feel like TGWDLM lacks. I know some people have been a bit offstandish about the singing in this show and I guess I’d have to agree. The live vocals on the youtube version do seem a bit off but I just suspect some cast members may have been sick or maybe they were just having an off day (it happens guys, even to professionals). Also I love the additions of some new members to Starkids, everyone was absolutely great in this show. For some of these actors, the characters they played were completely opposite to roles that they’ve played in the past but they all nailed it – Joey, Jon, Lauren. My only complaint in terms of casting is that I wish they gave Jaime more, while she is often praised for her singing skills (rightfully so), she often gets overlooked in her acting abilities and it would be great to see her play a bigger role in the next show.
Also I get it, Santa Claus is going to High School is very hilarious and great but please don’t make it another Workin’ Boys thing. Don’t go demanding Starkid to make a short film for this too, let them focus on their other bigger and better projects, please.
MVP: this show had some of my favourite performances from many Starkids but if I had to say someone who particularly stood out to me it’s definitely Kim. Before Black Friday, I will admit I hadn’t really seen anything with Kim in it so this was a great surprise for me. I am literally in love with her voice; it’s one of the most beautiful things in this world.
Favourite song: Take Me Back. Dylan and Kim are just amazing in this song I can’t even explain how much I love it. I’m also a major fan of Feast or Famine and If I Fail You. Ooh and Made in America.
Favourite Scene: I really love the scene with Tom and Becky in the movie theatre but I also really love the whole What Do You Say scene, I think it’s hilarious. But I think my favourite is with the whole Black and White scene with the President, Wiggly and Wiley. One of Joey’s best performances in my opinion.
7. The Trail to Oregon
So on my last list, this show was considerably higher but, on my recent rewatch of the AVPM shows and HMB, I’ve realised how much I really love those shows and unfortunately TTO had to be downgraded. Don’t get me wrong, I still very much love this show. It’s one of the most fun shows to watch and has me smiling the whole time without fail. In saying this, this show also does an amazing job of adding in these beautiful emotional dramatic scenes that brings the audience to tears. At the end of the day, this show really is just about family and how important it is to love and appreciate them no matter how insane they are or how much they annoy you. I know Jeff is really beloved in the fandom but I still don’t think he gets enough appreciation for how good of a writer (both script and song writing) he is, as well as an actor. This show is so unexpectedly beautiful and I’m really grateful for Jeff creating this story.
I don’t really think this show gets enough credit for how good its production actually is considering it only has six cast members. This show is proof of how diverse, creative and talented all these actors really are. It’s such a different concept from their other shows and I think they executed it so well.
MVP: Joey absolutely smashed it, I’m sure it’s not easy having to play all these different characters and literally change between them in a matter of seconds while giving each of them their own separate, unique identities. Another performer I got to give credit to in this show is Rachael, When the World’s at Stake is an amazing performance and Corey is so funny to watch in this show. Grandpa is probably my favourite character as well as the son.
Favourite song: probably When the World’s at Stake but also Independence. I cannot possibly estimate how much time I spent trying to learn those lyrics and sing it at that speed and get it right but I finally got there.
Favourite scene: the whole scene when the Grandpa, Son and Daughter are hunting makes me laugh every time, it’s so funny. But there’s something about that scene with McDoon and Cletus that ends with them riding on the horse together that makes me crack up.
8. The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
Okay so I know the last time I did this, TGWDLM was like no 5 or 6 but like it’s been like a year and a half and a lot of my opinions on this show have changed. I’m also aware that by the time the next Starkid show is out I’ll probably also have changed my mind about Black Friday but who knows. I am eternally grateful to this show for introducing me to the amazing Jon Matteson. In a matter of 2 hours, this man somehow became one of my favourite human beings in the world. His portrayal as Paul is just, I don’t even know but something about it just sticks with me and I absolutely love it. This concept of this show is actually so amazing and you really gotta give the Lang’s credit for being able to come up with stuff like this. A lot of the beauty of the show is that it seems like such a simple concept but if you really think about the implications, you can actually understand why it’s so terrifying. Production-wise, this show isn’t anything fancy in terms of set, costumes props, etc. But the lighting design is amaaaaaazinggggggg!
The soundtrack for this show is pretty great but if you’re comparing it to Starkid’s other scores, it’s not the best. I said it before; the music in this just lacks the depth and emotion that is so heavily prominent in the Black Friday score.
MVP: Jon Matteson for the reasons above. And also Joey’s monologue as Ted to Bill gives me chills every time.
Favourite song: I feel like as the show goes on the songs do tend to get more personal, detailed and emotional which I why I probably favour those over many of the songs in act one. Let it Out and Inevitable are two songs in particular that I love and definitely stand out to me.
Favourite scene: the whole Let it Out scene with Jon trying to resist the apotheosis. And also Lauren’s acting at the end of Inevitable is amazing. Her running around the stage, distressed is both so horrifying but also absolutely hilarious.
9. Me and My Dick
I mean I guess I understand why a lot of people don’t like this show but that doesn’t mean I can forgive the fact that it’s so underrated. Yeah the humour is a bit crude and I get that’s not everyone’s thing but literally this show is two and a half hours of pure golden comedy. Honestly, who thought a show about high school kids and their walking and talking genitalia could be one of the most wholesome and heart-warming things in the world. I don’t think anyone other than Starkid could pull of something like this which honestly says so much about them. These people come up with some of the most craziest, outrageous stuff and somehow turn them into beautiful, amazing works of art.
The soundtrack for this show is so freaking good man. And AJ Holmes is literally one of the most amazing and talented people on this earth. How the fuck does he write such good music? I need to know, it’s really not fair. And for all those people who complain that it took Corey Dorris ten years to get a solo, I urge you to simply watch MAMD.
This show doesn’t have the best production and the sound quality is not great but you know what? Fuck you. Because the acting is this show outshines all of that. The energy each of the performers has in this show is crazy and they are all extremely talented. Literally AJ as Joey’s heart is next fucking level. And Arielle is criminally underrated for her role in this. And Nick Strauss is a comedy king. I’ve said it before and will say it again; The Old Snatch and Flopsy are the most iconic duo.
MVP: AJ and Nick. Like I said. Next level and iconic™.
Favourite song: Listen to your heart. But also Even Though. And Finale is a certified bop.
Favourite scene: I love the scene with Dick and Flopsy but I don’t know if it’s my favourite. But one of my favourite quotes is when Dick is talking to Joey about Miss Cooter’s hair and Joey’s delivery of “on her vagina?” cracks me up every time. And honestly there’s not a lot that can beat Brian during Gotta Find His Dick just intensely repeating “Someone tell him where his dick is”. It makes me laugh so hard I really don’t know why.
10. A Very Potter Senior Year
Alright so let me take you back to 2012. I remember the day they posted the video announcing they were not only making another Harry Potter show but that they were bringing back almost every Starkid member. It was actually such a weird time for the fandom because it really did seem like this show was going to be the end of Starkid. When you watch the show, you can see that the actors are not only saying goodbye to Harry Potter and the characters that they had been playing for the last 3 years but also they were saying goodbye to each other. It was heartbreaking to watch then and it still is now 8 years later. 2012 me was absolutely devastated because I had only just discovered this fandom and I thought I would already have to say goodbye to something that become so special to me in such a short amount of time. Luckily for us all this was not the end of Starkid.
This show really holds a special place in my heart, for so many reasons. First off, it was the first Starkid show that I got to watch as it premiered. Second, I was still grieving the end of the Harry Potter movies and these musicals had kind of replaced that for me but then this was ending too. And third, it really just is the most perfectly executed ending to the AVP series.
This show makes me both laugh and then cry and then laugh again and then cry and laugh at the same time. In my opinion, it is one of the best written Starkid shows, on par with the other Potter shows and I think the only reason why it gets overlooked is the fact that it’s a stage reading rather than a proper production. But you know what, considering this show was literally put together in such a short amount of time and the actors literally had a few days’ worth of preparation, they still managed to put on an amazing show. I wholeheartedly believe that if this show had been a proper production, it would be pretty fucking perfect. The soundtrack for this show is probably the best out of all the Potter shows for me. Every one of these songs is a bop and I love them all so much.
Long story short, people need to stop sleeping on AVPSY and appreciate it more.
MVP: Joey Richter. I don’t even need to explain. Just watch Act 2 Part 11. Actually him in the entirety of Act 2. And also that delivery of “losers like us that’s who” just makes me cry every time. How did Starkid portray Ron more accurately in these musicals that WB did?
Favourite song: it’s a tie between I Was and I’m Just a Sidekick.
Favourite scene: The whole scene with the resurrection stone and Everything Ends. Absolute Perfection.
11. ANI
Like the Harry Potter shows, I can understand why people don’t like this show. If youre not a fan of the original text, you probably won’t like the comedy or understand the entire plot or whatever. And honestly that’s the only reason I put this show so low. I have very very little knowledge of Star Wars so pretty much all of the jokes and that go right over my head. However, I still find it very enjoyable to watch and most of that probably has to be credited towards the fact that it has a killer soundtrack and a pretty perfect cast. Also like I said with HMB, I love the rare occasion that we get to see Nick perform. This soundtrack, oh my god, it’s so amazing. Why do people keep overlooking it? I get that it’s different because it’s not the character’s singing it but like that choreography though. Clark Baxtresser has one of the most beautiful voices so you’ll never hear me complaining about a whole score of pretty much just his voice. But that’s just me. I hate how much hate I see for this show. Everyone worked extremely hard on this show, particularly Nick and Matt who wrote the whole thing and the lack of appreciation for it is horrible to see. It’s actually such a fun show, and you can tell the cast had so much fun doing this show because their energy is so great in this.
MVP: Nick Lang. Again, he deserves the world. And Chris Allen is incredible in every role he does but particularly this.
Favourite song: With My Own Eyes and Long Ago and Far Away. I just really love the vocals.
Favourite scene: Nick’s scene as Obi-Wan.
12. Firebringer
CoNtRaVeRsIaL oPiNiOn  but sorry but I don’t like Firebringer. It’s not that I hate it. I’m just not really fan of it or its comedy – mostly because I don’t think it has any. I’ve seen people say that Twisted or MAMD rely too much on using swearing/ profanities for humour but honestly I think that’s more of the case for this show. That’s not to say that there’s not things I don’t like about it. Apart from HMB, this show probably has some of the best costumes. I can’t really fault Nick and Matt’s writing too much but I have to say this is some of their weakest work. I don’t think the plot as a whole is bad I just think there’s parts that don’t work for me or just don’t feel right. And I’m not really a fan of the characters and their development. I never thought I’d ever be able to say that I dislike any role of Meredith’s but honestly I find her character really unlikeable and I know people might attack me for that but it’s just my opinion. I like Zazzalil, I think Lauren did a great job, as always but I don’t know I just don’t think there’s any particular character or performance that really stands out for me in this show. If I’m being completely honest, I have only been able to watch the full run of this show twice, maybe three times and it has been a while since the last time I watched it but if I’m being honest I don’t see myself sitting down to watch it again any time soon. One thing I can definitely praise this show on is the female and LGBTQ+ representation, although that should go unsaid but even in 2020, seeing positive representations of female, LGBTQ+ or POC in media is still somehow refreshing and surprising and ain’t that just a little bit sad?. Another thing I can praise this show on is the music, I actually quite enjoy majority of the soundtrack.
MVP: Both of the Lauren’s. Lauren Lopez because she’s amazing in everything but especially in this, I’m so happy she finally got a lead role, she deserved it 100%. And Lauren Walker is just fucking hilarious. Why hasn’t she been in another Starkid show since?
Favourite song: probs climate change
Favourite scene: like I said, there’s really not a lot that stands out to me in this show so I really don’t know what to pick.
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timoothy · 4 years
Ok omgtwr is literally... the most perfect best thing ever written? It’s so good? Idk how it’s even possible that it’s so good but it is? You are a writing goddess. I thought about what it’d be like as a TV show or movie since I need that in my life. Of course the show or movie would be EXACTLY like the fic because it’s perfect. Obviously the TGWDLM cast would play their respective characters, but who would you cast for the others (Henry’s family, Chad, Marcus, Bri, the school staff etc.)?
Agabjdnsjsbh?!?!!! Bro.,.,,,,, :’))
you are too nice and I’m ~cuh-ryING in heRe~
(for real oh my fucking god thank you so much I’m !!!!)
Aaand tbh I also think about that a lot lmao, I even have specific soundtracks for specific scenes in my head (Put Your Head On My Shoulder by Paul Anka sets in after their bathroom kiss and there’s also a lot of Queen bc.,,,)
Okay okay okay I fucking love this question sm hshshhshsh
I’m gonna cast this with Starkid actors only (we’re just gonna ignore that most of them are technically too old for their roles bc this tv show won’t happen anyway and Ted looks like mamd-Joey in my head, I can’t imagine him being played by anyone else)
Okay so the others:
Henrys dad: Nick Strauss wearing glasses
His mom: Devin Lytle (or Bonnie Gruesen?)
Ted’s mom: Jamie Burns
Frankie looks exactly like the french exchange student I had a crush on in 8th grade and uuuh I don’t know anyone else who looks like that and I’m therefore incapable of casting her
Chad: ??? bruh’s got a weirdly specific look in my head, I don’t know who to cast
Mason: ?? all I see when I think about him is blonde hair and broad shoulders, he doesn’t have a face
Brianna: Tiffany Williams (or Letitia Wright or Alisha Boe if we go beyond starkid actors, there’s so many incredible actresses I can imagine for her dhghkfg)
Dean: James Tolbert
~school staff~
Mrs Duncan: Britney Coleman
Prof Reid: Dylan Saunders
Amy: Mary Kate Wiles (technically not a starkid but it has to be her)
Laurel (not rlly part of the school staff but whatever): Lauren Walker
Nancy: Mariahhhh
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