#hes still very good with people just more on edge with other dogs so having trainers who know better how to deal with this around will help
iguinn · 2 years
honestly this is going to be controversial but after our dad told us quite a few stories about smaller dog actively trying to provoke and bite his lab mix (uve heard of him) to the point an incident happened that made him way more on edge around other dogs since... we think that we need to start to be more critical of small dog owners who dont train them because if a big lab mix like our sweet big boy meant to actually hurt their dog for growling and trying to attack him trust us we would not let our sweet boy be put down because some idiot did not train their dog to not actively attack other dogs because they think its ok cause their dog is small. train ur small dog cause even a generally gentle and well trained bigger dog (like our dad's lab mix) can snap if provoked enough.
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fandom-go-round · 11 months
Realizing They're in Love: Reader x BG3
Warnings: Implied Internal Trauma, Personal Relationship Issues, Gross Stuff like Falling in Love
            He argues with himself for a long time before love comes to mind. It’s bad enough that he’s starting to like you but love? That’s just going to make things even harder. Astarion feels like the more he tries to talk himself out of it, the worse it gets. You corner him after dinner one night and he smiles, turning up the charm. You ignore his nervousness, giving him a simple wooden box. He immediately fills with dread; you want something. Of course you do. He’s not expecting there to be a book inside, the next one in the series he’s reading. You assure him that you don’t want anything in return, giving him a gentle smile before heading to your own tent. His heart thunders in his chest, fingers trailing over the cover. He’s not in love, Astarion tells himself as he goes to start the book. He can’t be but… if he is, it’s not the worst feeling in the world. Not with you.
            He’s not against falling in love per say, Gale just isn’t looking. Honestly he’s not. This is more social interaction than he’s had in years and he’s not trying to fuck it up, thank you very much. That doesn’t mean he can’t forget himself, especially when you start asking him questions about magic. Gale loves magic most of all and he only realizes he’s been ranting after twenty minutes. He winces, scolding himself mentally and turns to you. You’re both sitting on the floor of his tent, sipping tea in the early afternoon. He fully anticipates that you’re going to half awake, bored to tears and doing something else. Instead, you’re staring at him with rapt attention, eyes bright and small smile on your face. When he’s silent for too long you ask him to keep going, asking if he’ll keep explaining. Gale is more than happy to continue, something warm in his chest. He hopes that you’ll keep looking at him that way even after he stops talking. And you do.
            Loud barks and hoots draw Halsin’s attention, the druid looking up from his papers. You’re a bit away from camp, Scratch and the owlbear cub playing with you. The three of you are chasing each other and wrestling, the cub slamming into the back of your knees. Halsin watches you go flying before laughing and grabbing the cub as best you can. You half swing him around, Scratch barking as you send his friend flying. The owlbear cub gives a roar, rolling through the grass and you laugh, chasing after the dog now. Halsin can’t help but smile; you’re so kind of everyone around you and he enjoys that you can relax. He hasn’t been ignorant to the feelings developing in his chest, just focusing on different things. The warmth he feels only grows as he watches you and he vows to talk about it. Halsin is sure he recognizes the looks you send him; he just needs to find the right time.  
            She realizes she’s in love after a tough fight. Her blood is still pumping and she wants more enemies to show up so she can have an excuse to go wild. You’re joking around with Wyll on the other side of the battlefield, the warlock turning to say something to you. You offer a smile and begin to hike up the slope and trip. Karlach watches in slow motion as you land hard on your ass, sliding down mud straight into the river. Wyll is frozen on the edge of the bank and she quickly makes he way over, worried that you’re injured. By the time she gets over there, you’re laughing loudly, head thrown all the way back. Her heart skips a beat; you’re covered in blood and mud and all sorts of gunk but all she can see is the right smile on your face. She’s in love.
Lae’zel doesn’t call it love. It’s admiration, respect for your skills. There are very few people she would follow verses leading herself and she admits that you’re good at it. She also enjoys the sex and that’s always a bonus. The sun is just beginning to go down and you stop on the edge of a cliff to watch. Lae’zel turns to scold you (the group needs to get back to camp) but she’s struck by your figure. You look like a painting, noble and steadfast. Your face is determined but not tense, taking in the sunset. There’s something in your eyes, something softer than she expects and it takes her breath away. She swears to herself and turns away, missing the affectionate look you send her. She’s doesn’t call it love, even if deep, deep down she wishes she could.
            Night has finally fallen on a long, long day. Shadowheart is thankful that you’re the one with her on first watch tonight; your silence isn’t looming as she prays and the sound of sharpening blades is soothing. There isn’t the need to fill the silence with noise and it feels calm in a way that’s unfamiliar. Usually she finds the night comfortable but cold, like an winter breeze. You’re like the night but warm, a balm on an open wound. She smiles as she watches you, not looking away when you meet her eyes. You smile and she’s filled with affection, even as her hand throbs. The pain is worth it; you make her feel truly seen.
            You’re crouched by a small cave, voice low and arm outstretched. The group had just finished a fight, a camp overrun with bandits. Wyll scowled to himself, looking over the bodies strewed over the ground. The people had been innocent and he wished he had been faster. Movement catches the corner of his vision and he turns, watching as, slowly, a child comes out of the cave. They’re covered in dirt and blood but you smile and they take you hand. Wyll can’t the stop the soft look from coming onto his face as you begin the check for wounds. The world can be a dark place but you give him hope; it’s more than he deserves.
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inkskinned · 10 months
it is the first snow today. i think we should all have off work, even though it didn't stick. i think there should be 4 national holidays, one for each season. happy first snow, go home and make cookies. for spring it can be the first crocus. for summer the first lightning bug. for autumn, the first golden leaf. go home, kiss your dog, feed your cat (who is absolutely already-fed but somehow still starving.)
i think we should all take more showers together, but i mean that in the soft way. i mean it like taking a nap. two years ago i had 5 adult friends in my queen bed, all of us laying across each other, head over belly over thigh over hand. any time one of us would giggle, it would ripple over each of us, like pulling on a spiderweb. kim actually needed to nap and didn't get to sleep and i am still sorry for it even though this is one of my most precious memories.
i think we should all wash each other's hair, i mean. i walk my dog and i watch someone put up twinkle lights around their front porch. alex and i just moved, and i love the neighborhood. already so many of our new neighbors have stopped by to say hello. the nice lady downstairs also collects plants, like me. she gave us her number on a pink post-it note. i am trying to decide whether to make her cookies or brownies.
i am going through a very hard time. something bad happened this weekend that i do not wish to discuss. it is hanging over me. i think of the green ribbon, and the woman who had her throat cut. it feels like that sometimes, inside of my body. like i am walking and talking despite being half-corpsed. like i am hanging on by a ribbon, standing on some kind of cusp. i keep saying - at least it wasn't worse. we are so lucky it wasn't worse. the idea is river-rock smooth now, all the edges worried off.
in this very dark night - the sun sets by 3 now - people don't need to, but they try anyway. they paint the missing light into things. i have an embarrassing number of missed calls and texts, but i feel the love from them nevertheless - hey. if you need something, i'm here. i will bring you food/puzzles/anything. i got you.
i think we should all have a big group chat where we do errands with strangers. this week i got lost in a home depot, which is wild because i'm a lesbian and we are actually hatched in a lowe's lumber section. there were two other women in the whole store. we ended up shopping together, at first by accident (we all needed things in the same aisle), and then because, well, why not. one of the ladies was taller than me, so she pulled down the screws i needed. i am agile and have the personality of a raccoon, so they sent me after anything below 3 feet. we talked about holiday plans and never learned each other's names, but did learn all the drama about each other's families.
i am making you cupcakes, because i have so much affection i want to pour it into batter. you ask me if i am eating enough per meal. i wrap your gift twice, trying to do it prettily. i get excited to give it to you, just because i hope you'll be excited too.
my parents drive an hour just to see the new apartment and to do the parent thing; standing in the kitchen saying things like "oh you'll get so much use from this dishwasher" and "well, you could paint that" and "when your mother and i moved it was uphill both ways and in a snowstorm and of course your brother was an infant." my mother brought me a plant for housewarming. i always say i love you before she leaves.
i play dnd on tuesdays still, after all these years. we all keep that night free. at one point, between grad school and marriage and all of it, we had to have a serious discussion about how to keep it running. we will keep going, we decided eventually. just to see each other, even if we don't play - you are all important to me. sebastian is not prone to affection but last night he stole my usual sign off - i love you all, be good, he said. he was laughing.
i don't love the winter, actually. i like snow in theory, but i grew up in the north, and am too-familiar with the season of "mud and sludge". i don't like being cold. but i do love something kind of soft and rare: every year around this time, people remember oh yes. you and i are human together. and i have love to spare.
it is the first snow, and something in my heart is finally warm again. i have spent what felt like the last 18 months just going-through-the-motions. it has felt blank and immediate, like i would never actually feel again. that sounds extremely trite and stupid - but that is the boring and familiar experience of depression. life just washes up against your windows, and you watch it happening. you see things that should be lovely and affecting, and it just whispers too-thin. i was desperately uncreative. uninterested in my hobbies. unimpressed by my writing. i told my therapist, often, i don't know how to find hope again.
almost sheepishly, something strange and lovely is burning in my chest. i keep not-looking at it, worried it will scamper back into the shadows again. it is skittish and wild, but it is so warm i want to sink my hands into its fur and feel it breathing. i love-hate it: if it's real, it can hurt me when it leaves again. but i am icarus-born, sun-lover and poet: i can't help myself. despite my best intentions, i am falling in love with life again.
i am planning to make cookies for my friends. alex and i are going to go christmas tree shopping. we picked out matching dish towels last night, and they have little mushrooms on them.
i love you. it does come back. yes, even after a long time. even for you. i promise. keep trying. you will wake up and it will be a day you can smile about.
write me when you get there. we will take the day off of work, and i will wash your hair, and we will both be laughing.
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haikyu-mp4 · 4 months
Classroom duty
word count; 1317 – f!reader
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Iwaizumi was on classroom duty this week and he used to hate that. It meant that he got to volleyball practice late and didn’t even have time for a healthy snack. In addition, he had to make some kind of small talk with whoever he was paired with. It goes by the pairs in which the desks are placed and he was never the best at socialising outside of the athletic world.
However, classroom duty wasn’t so bad this time around, because ever since last break, he was paired up with you. Iwa didn’t notice you that much before, he just knew you were bright and kind. And of course, he couldn’t deny to the universe that you were nice to look at, but he would still keep trying to deny it to his friends. 
He knew he was fond of you. You with the cartoonish drawings of the teacher on the sides of your notes so you could make him smile in class. You with the lipgloss that looked like it might not taste good, despite how it made your lips look so biteable. You with the evil little laugh every time your paper ball would hit the trash and his didn’t. Yeah, Hajime Iwaizumi was very fond of you.
“Sorry,” he shook his head and chuckled awkwardly, glancing around at the pristine classroom. “What did you say?”
You snorted a laugh and turned around pointing to the garbage bags collected by the door and ready to be thrown away. “I said, let’s go?” Hajime spurred into action, happily finishing up here and putting those muscles to good use.
Usually, there was this thing where the people on classroom duty did rock paper scissors for who took the trash, letting the other off. No one knows who started it, but it stuck. Oikawa seemed to believe you and Hajime were the only ones who didn’t follow tradition.
“Why does she even go with you when all she does is hold up the lid on the trash can while you do all the heavy lifting?” Oikawa complained now that his best friend was finally back in his volleyball uniform. Some might say he was jealous.
Iwaizumi shrugged, about to answer when someone else did from behind him, making him turn around and causing Oikawa to lift a brow at the interruption.
“Sounds like she likes you.”
“Mad dog?” Oikawa exclaimed dramatically with a gasp. Kyotani glared at the setter.
“No, we just do it that way, you know?“ Iwaizumi said, sounding a bit like he was fishing to hear it again. Hear that you might like him.
“Okay, whatever,” Kyotani grumbled. Charming as ever. His two per cent of extra respect for Iwaizumi went into that effort and now it was spent.
They went back to practice, and Oikawa forgot about the interrupted gossip as soon as the practice game started, leaving Iwaizumi to mull this over himself. When this week was over, would you stop talking to him so much?
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The next morning, you’re both there early to prepare the classroom, and Iwaizumi greeted you with a shy nod. “Last day!” you cheered. Iwaizumi’s eyes followed you for a few seconds as you skipped over to the teacher’s desk, where you picked up the note left by the teacher and then walked over to the chalkboard to prepare it. He liked how you were always so bright, even as you had to be there earlier than everyone else. And then he was happy to see you weren’t invincible, when you looked a little more tired in the evening while walking out with the trash, stubborn smile still directed at him like you refused to give up.
But for now, it’s still morning. “You sound excited, any plans this weekend?” he asked, leaving the mop in the corner after mopping the floors. Then he strolled up beside you, picking up the sponge to go wet it. You turned to glance at him exactly when he turned away. Maybe he’ll ask me out if I say no?
“Not much. Just happy it’s the last day we have to do these chores,” you said, seemingly carefree in adding little hearts and stars around what the teacher wanted. It made Iwa smile as he placed the wet sponge on the little edge beneath the chalkboard.
Wait, she’s happy we’re done? Maybe Kyotani is totally clueless. “Oh,” he said, not meaning to. “Me too.”
“That doesn’t sound very convincing,” you teased, putting the chalk down and turning to him. “You like taking the trash out?”
“Maybe…” he said defensively, clenching his fists and then unclenching them again. “I like hanging out with you.” There, at least he said something.
“Iwaizumi…” He looked at you hopefully but glanced away quickly when he realised his face was burning. “You know we still sit beside each other when the week is finished, right? It’s not like I’ll stop talking to you.”
Iwaizumi’s eyes widened, embarrassment sinking into every nerve of his body because he hadn’t much thought about that. “Of course,” he said first like it was instinctual. I just like hanging out with you alone. That’s what he should have said. Instead, he stuttered out meaningless sounds for a second before the bell rang and students started rushing to their seats, meaning you had to move too.
Oikawa sighed from the entrance to the classroom, in absolute disbelief at how his best friend, the ace of all aces, in his opinion, could fumble so badly for a girl.
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“Iwa-chan!” Iwaizumi closed his eyes at the agitating, grating voice that interrupted his peaceful lunch on a bench outside in the sun.
“Hey! I’m here to help you.” He sat down beside his best friend, opening his bento and stuffing some food in his mouth. Iwaizumi was chewing slowly and waiting to hear more with a disinterested look on his face.
“Your love life.”
Oikawa went on a rant about grand gestures, making some very grand gestures himself while explaining, and Iwa could just not figure out why the girls swooned for him when he looked so stupidly invested in his stupid plan for his stupid love life.
“Are you even listening?” Oikawa asked, angrily stuffing another spoonful of food into his mouth.
“Absolutely not. I will not be renting a horse and armour.” And even though that was evidence he had in fact listened, Oikawa was not pleased that his best friend didn’t seem to understand what an expert in love he was. “She’s probably not even interested.”
“Iwa!” Another voice said, making him turn around and almost knock over the water bottle beside his bento.
“That you listen to.” Oikawa mocked from his side, but anything he said went in one ear and out the other once again, when his eyes fell on you.
“Hey,” Hajime greeted you, somewhat awkwardly as you hadn’t chatted much outside the classroom or on the way to the trash containers. “What’s up?”
“Are you doing anything this weekend?” you asked, your words sharing space with a sigh as you had jogged over.
“He’s not,” Oikawa answered, and while that would normally make him annoyed, he just repeated it while still looking at you.
“I’m not.”
“Maybe we can go out for some ice cream? Or a coffee?” you asked further, and it was obvious that you were nervous despite trying to seem confident, not smiling like you usually did. He didn’t answer right away, so you involuntarily went into a word vomit. “I was waiting for you to ask, but then you didn’t and if you’re not interested then we can just forget this, but…” You stopped and looked at him hopefully, one hand on either hip.
“Take him, please.”
Iwaizumi didn’t even need to look to plant his hand over Oikawa’s face before giving you an endearing smile. “I’m interested. Coffee sounds perfect.”
/a special thanks to @cottonlemonade for helping me with my writer's block for this one
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animeyanderelover · 2 months
May or may not write in the next few days also some poly!relationship with Morticia and Gomez Addams (as portrayed in the two movies in the early 90s). For now I would like to try my skills with my currently other hyperfixation. We're talking about the Wolverine version as portrayed in the first 3 X-Men movies.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, overprotective behavior, death
Wolverine Hc's
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The situation would be quite difficult and most definitely unexpected for Logan. He has spent years just aimlessly wandering around with no clear recollection of who he is and how he came to be, spent years just getting by somehow before Professor Charles and the X-Men offered him the closest thing to a family he has had since he came to be. He's loyal yet still sees himself as a loner who prefers keeping to himself. He's very conscious of his own feelings above anything else and even though he's known for his short temper and crude attitude he is by no means a bad person which is why he tries to put some distance between the two of you, fully aware that you shouldn't associate with him. At that point it is most likely too late already. For Logan to get so attached to you to the point of obsession it's likely that the two of you have known each other for a while now and that you've opened his heart up without even being aware of it. You've essentially just gained yourself a guard dog who will take any physical harm for you all too gladly.
Whilst Logan can be very possessive, especially in an established relationship, above all he is very protective. He spends most of his days just watching you from a distance, usually able to track you down by scent and sound alone. Normally his days do not require him to be overly busy unless Professor Charles needs something from him so he has a lot of time on his hands which he gladly devotes to you. All too often you have him always a few feet away from him, watching over you and willing to interfere as soon as anything or anyone should pose a threat to you. As someone who doesn't like when his own freedom is limited Logan at least gives it a try to not be too protective yet the fact that his senses are so much keener do not make this task easier. Never think that he isn't good in noticing your current mood. He hears it when your heart starts racing and his elevated sense of smell makes him very sensitive to changes in your body odor as he's able to detect the chemical changes when your emotions change. This plays a role in how he reacts and if his darling is highly emotional or on a more anxious Logan will be naturally more protective.
Your existence is a blessing as much as it is a curse for him simply because you make Logan aware just how painfully lonely he feels now that he has started yearning for you. You make him miserable in more than one way. Somehow he makes the situation even worse for himself though whilst being your devoted watchdog from the shadows. He's usually there when you spend time with friends or family outside, observing from a safe distance all whilst feeling a strange sensation tugging at his heartstrings, a strange sensation edging between warm comfort and cold loneliness. He'd like to be by your side too but knows that there are things he still has to work on. Jealousy is one of a few emotions that tends to make you aware that there is in fact a man following you around and the first time you hear that guttural growl from behind you you believe for a short moment that a beast is standing right behind you. One may call him too protective but he isn't irrational when he's jealous for neither his nose nor his ears lie to him. He knows exactly when you feel attracted to someone or vice versa.
People have insulted him more than once as being no better than an animal, a beast with no mind of his own. That is not true as Logan doesn't blindly attack people but killing others he will do if it guarantees your safety. There's a difference between arrogant stupidity that some may put up for show and the genuine bloodlust , the will that it takes to kill someone and Logan is able to tell the difference which often spares idiots their life as a few simple threats with his adamantium claws are more than sufficient enough to have grown men running away like little kids. Anyone who really comes for your life though will be met with the beast he has been called he is. Logan is fully prepared to murder anyone who would even dare try to lay a finger on you and his regenerative abilities tend to make him very reckless, fully prepared to use his own body as a shield and endure all injuries if it means that there isn't a single scratch on you. The one mistake someone could make though is triggering him to go berserk by hurting you, leaving him attacking and hurting anyone around him blindly, his mind clouded in red rage as he tears through blood and flesh.
In all the years since he has awoken without any memories of his previous life he has never been able to settle down once as a unease deeply rooted within his soul kept him moving from place to place, too restless to ever allow himself to sit still for even a moment. He has no place where he could keep you and Logan knows that yet strangely enough the longer he starts spending time near you the more he feels a previously unfamiliar ease washing over him, one that motivates him to give a permanent stay in a place a chance, something that previously used to be unimaginable for him. Even if he were to actually take that step and buy a small house he would still refrain himself from kidnapping you unless his trauma that lays dormant somewhere in his mind would resurface when he has to witness the heart-shattering situation of almost losing you, a vice on his mind that would taunt him forever that you almost lost your life because he couldn't protect you. The guilt will most likely only serve as an additional shackle around his soul yet his paranoia would ultimately outweight his guilt.
You may fall in the same trap as others do when they initially lay eyes upon the wild-looking man. Whilst Logan is gruff, crude and quite aggressive at times he is not only that. He's more but that is a side he only reserves for the people he trusts and you figure out that there is far more beneath his hardened surface. He's kind, he's loyal, surprisingly gentle and downright flirty once you get to know him better. He's usually careful with his touches, aware that his grip may hurt you more due to the adamantium that coats all of his bones. Your scent usually manages to calm him as soon as he gets a whiff of it unless it would be tinged with distress in which case his own emotions would quickly start stirring up with worry. There are still occasionally moments where he appears more uncertain and hesitant, moments where he questions just how much he should indulge in all of this and to a degree even how much he deserves it. At that point he's already aware that it is far too late to recover though as he'd leave half of his heart with you if he were to distance himself from you now, doomed to always live only half the life he could have if he were to have you.
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wildestdreamsblog · 4 months
Latibule Season 2: IV
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (Mafia/Detective AU)
Summary: In which he lost his latibule.
Warnings: Secret Identity, Yandere behavior, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Violence, Mention of death, Disability, Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
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Masterlist, Latibule 2.III
The fact that he was not even trying anything was what was making you be more on edge.
It had been more than three days now and he still hadn’t done anything except following you wherever you went. He turned into your very own version of a shadow, never straying more than a foot away. Despite your diminishing sight, you could see how people went out of their way to avoid your path. You surmised that it was because of the man following you closely. You didn’t have to turn to see the glare he was freely giving anyone as though he was your guard dog, or the dark energy he was emitting like a disturbed cat you used to frequently liken him to.
You were close to your breaking point. Your future laid uncertain, more so about your survival and likelihood that you would see your beautiful son once again just because his father was confusing you.
His motives confused you. If he was here to end you, why hadn’t he done so, yet? If he wanted to talk to you and ensure that you wouldn’t blab to anyone about who he truly was, about his other identity, why hadn’t he done so yet?
Why hadn’t he done anything except to follow you?
You were never a good actress, and you knew sooner rather than later that he would inadvertently notice. Honestly, you were already sick with anxiety and you didn’t know what you would do should you take this one more day. This had to stop and you needed to know why he was doing this.
And what exactly was he doing you asked?
Take for example, right now as you were trying to enjoy your meal in a small diner. His presence was unsettling and his eyes, like dark pools, seemed to follow your every move with a mix of intensity and longing that sent shivers down your spine. Not only was he eating on a booth in front of yours, but he also paid for your meal. He even went as far as threatening the waiter with his eyes to make it appear that the meal was free due to some made up celebration.
You couldn't help but scoff at the absurdity of it all. Unicorn Day? What kind of excuse was that? What even was a unicorn day?! That did not even exist! But even as you stopped yourself from rolling your eyes, a nagging question lingered in the back of your mind. Why was he going to such lengths to keep you close?
More so… why was he pitifully eating his meal alone, his gaze held a certain softness and daresay yearning in them? Why did he look so…lonely?
Confusion and frustration warred within you as you struggled to make sense of his intentions.
However, it was becoming less likely now that he wanted you gone when you came home and finally found solitude. You were going through the motion for the night. Your hands were running across the table as a guide, a thing that you had learned to do when you hit yourself too many times from the edge of the table, when you felt what seemed to be a protective gear used in the corner of tables. And then all at once, you noticed all the little things that had changed without you fully noticing.
The bathroom tiles had more friction to what you were used to, the kitchen utensils lost their heaviness, and the doorknobs were now noticeably noisier than before.
And now that you were alone without his overbearing presence clouding your judgement, without him breathing down your neck that caused you to immensely fear for your life, that you started to look on the other side of your horror: did he do all of these for you?
Perhaps, you were able to tolerate it all because of the anticipation of pain you thought you’d get from him. But this softness and tenderness displaced you. Somehow, this was worse. This was something you couldn’t bear, not when you now knew who he truly was. You couldn’t take this, you couldn’t let all of this change anything – especially when you now had someone to protect. You struggled to think of what could happen should he find out that his clever deception brought someone in this world.
Sleep had greatly eluded you that night regardless of how weary you felt. Your thoughts were all over the place, consumed by worry for your son right now. You couldn’t even step out to find solace and watch the stars like you used to do when your thoughts were just too loud. What was the use, you thought, when you could no longer see their beauty?
You had your eyes closed, now accustomed to darkness and your body was even when you heard it– a miniscule creaking of the floorboard, followed by the gentle opening of the door. He was here, you surmised.
Agustd was here.
Was he here to finally do the deed? Was he here to finally end all of this chaos? Did he wait until the dead of the night so that there wouldn’t be any witness? So that the job would be easy? So that he wouldn’t have to look into your eyes as he delivered the final blow to your heart?
Despite the terrifying thoughts racing through your mind, you were still as a board. You were greatly anticipating the pain as he drew near, his familiar scent, once beloved by you so much, was now making you acutely aware of his proximity more than ever before.
You could feel the heat from his body. You could hear the gentle rustling of his coat as he moved. This was it, you thought. This was your end, and maybe it was for the best. Hoseok would take care of your son. He was evidently fond of him. You knew that multifaceted man loved your child despite who his father was. You knew it the moment you woke up when your child was only a month old and found him gone from your side only to discover Hoseok gently comforting your crying son with his ridiculous stories, his voice painting a story. You knew it the moment he patiently stood by your son’s side when he was sick. You knew it when he cried when your child took his first step. Despite what transpired that fateful night, Hoseok was good to you and your son.
You trusted him.
You felt the side of your bed dipped from Agustd’s weight, yet it was his hand that you first felt. His calloused hand tenderly caressed your face, his touch so faint that you almost wondered if this was real. His thumb softly touched your lips and it lingered there for a moment that you wondered how you were able to control your breathing. You had gone years without him, his existence merely both a nightmare and a wonderful dream only in your memories. You had put him behind, hadn’t you? You had fully squashed any hopes that you and him would be anything other than a disaster, hadn’t you? You had repeatedly told yourself that you would never again let yourself feel anything for him, hadn’t you?
So why then was your heart shattering? Why then now that he was near, now that he was touching you, did your beliefs and your resolute heart wavered?
You could take him following you around. Honestly, you would rather take him being your shadow instead of this because then you could play pretend that he was not here.
You were about to open your eyes when you felt a drop on your cheek. Then, it was as though a dam overflowed as you felt teardrops cascading down your skin and the hand touching you trembling with both grief and relief.
Perhaps, if you could see him now, you'd understand how deeply you were intertwined in each and every part of him. If only you could witness how your absence and your inability to see now broke him, then all your hesitations about him would vanish because no man whose heart was not owned by you would cry as much as he was right now. No man who loved you as hard as he did could withstand this.
“Thank you for not leaving me alone in this world, my angel. Thank you for being alive,” he whispered in the silence of the night.
Min Yoongi’s POV
You were alive and it should be enough for him.
But Min Yoongi had always been a greedy man. He was a despicable man who always craved for more and blamed it all on from his terrible childhood to his twisted parents. He knew he was greedy when he took the organization that had been in his Jin hyung’s family for decades and ventured into darker places no one dared to go. He knew he was greedy when he didn’t stop there and even took hold of the police force for himself. More so, he knew he was greedy when he found you alive and instead of being contented that you were here, that you made good on your promise and didn’t go where he couldn’t follow, he still wanted…no. He craved the warmth brought by your proximity. He wanted you so near to him that you couldn’t breathe without him knowing, that you couldn’t think without him hearing your own thoughts.
He wanted you by his side that you couldn’t leave again. He wanted you so close that no one would dare to hurt you anymore.
However, there was this part of him that was good regardless of how minuscule it was. It was the same part that you were able to reach, the one that made you believed that he was incapable of inflicting pain to others, the one that made the betrayal so much more painful to you. And now, that part was warring with the dark side of him to let you be. It was the same part that whispered that he was somehow to blame for all of this, that had he left you alone, you wouldn’t be in this mess. It was the same part that whispered that he should be happy that you were alive, and that alone should be enough. It was your second chance in life but this time, it shouldn’t be with him.
His hands were shoved deep into his pockets, fingers curling into fists as he wrestled with the conflicting desires raging within him. He wanted to reach out to you, to pull you into his embrace and never let you go, but he knew he had already hurt you enough. And so, he stood there, silently battling the demons that threatened to consume him whole.
Perhaps, this was why he did nothing but to follow you and to watch you from a distance, only letting himself near you when you couldn’t know, only letting him touch you when you wouldn’t be able to push him away in disgust.
His train of thoughts and self-hatred were interrupted by his phone. Yoongi looked down at his ringing phone before bringing it to his ear, turning away from you as he answered. The street was busy but he had clear vision of you from behind, and the crosswalk hadn’t signaled yet for pedestrians to proceed.
“Yoongi-ah, where’s my niece and nephew?”
Here he goes again, Yoongi thought. He chuckled at his ridiculous question, his Jin hyung still hadn’t given up on his agenda of them having families of their own. His hyung's unwavering determination to see all of them settle down and start a family was both endearing and exasperating at times. “You won’t even ask how I am?”
Jin's response was swift and filled with characteristic enthusiasm.  “You found her. I’d say your more than okay. That is exactly why I’m expecting a nephew, preferably, within 9 to 10 months, okay? I’m buying Louis Vuitton onesies as we speak.”
Yoongi listened to his Jin hyung’s plans of buying his supposed nephew the most expensive and ridiculous clothes a newborn could have with a heavy heart. Listening to him made the situation so much heavier. Listening to him made him realize how further he was to realizing that dream…and how impossible it would be now.
“Are you really just going to let me buy him his first custom made toy gun? Really? Because your silence seems like you are agreeing-“
“She’s blind now, hyung.”
That statement alone finally made the mafia prince to cease from speaking, the weight of Yoongi’s new reality was slowly settling in. “She cannot see me. She still doesn’t know that I’m here-“
But Jin's response was unexpected, cutting through the air with a coldness that sent a shiver down Yoongi's spine. "Bring her home, Yoongi."
Yoongi's brows furrowed in disbelief, his mind reeling at Jin's insistence. "What? Didn’t you hear what I just said? I said—"
“I heard you, Yoongi-ah,” he stated with his cold voice he seldom used. “She’s blind now,” he repeated tonelessly. “But I’m telling you to bring her home. We might be able to do something. It’s not over until I, the greatest doctor to ever exist, tell that it is.”
“Hyung,” he sighed, looking down as he processed what Jin said and his poor attempt at making light of the situation. There was a possibility that he could fix you. But did you want anything to do with him now? What if you looked at him with hatred and disgust in your eyes? What if you saw him and decidedly left him again? Was he being selfish for considering the alternative? Could he even survive after that?
And for the first time in his life, he admitted that he was beside himself for terror that you might want nothing to do with him, that you would rather forever lose your sight than see him.
But before he could dwell on his fears any longer, Jin's voice cut through the turmoil, filled with frustration and exasperation. “Then make her fall in love again with you. You did it once, Yoongi. I cannot believe after all the education I all gave you, after sending all of you to the best universities and ensuring that you all would be the top of your chosen profession, you are all still idiots! This is such a simple problem that requires simple solution. For the love all of all that’s-“
Yoongi’s turned to where you were, only to find you crossing the road behind other people. He was a good foot away from you when he heard the screeching sound of tires that seemed to have spiraled out of control and horrifyingly, in its path was you.
His angel.
He moved before he could even think, his legs powered through, pushing people out of his way just to get to you. He remembered thinking to himself at that moment that he this time, he would harshly refuse losing you. This time, he would fight harder against destiny that was so hellbent on taking you from him.
And that time he swore that the universe was on his side as he reached for your arm and firmly pulled you to his chest. The screeching tires and the shocked sounds of the city faded into the background as he felt the force of the fall. With a deep grunt, he absorbed the impact, his body tensing with the weight of both of you as you collided with the ground. Despite the pain shooting through his body, his only concern was for your safety.
His arms remained a steadfast barrier, shielding you from harm as he felt the ground beneath him. The world seemed to slow down, time stretching out in that moment of crisis. The sound of your shock was drowned out by his pounding heart and the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. For a split second, time seemed to freeze as he held you close, shielding you from the impending danger.
As the screeching tires came to a halt, Yoongi's focus remained solely on you. He felt a surge of relief wash over him as he realized you were unharmed, safe in his arms. His heart was beating so fast brought by the sickening worry that he wouldn’t make it in time that he failed to notice the consequences of his actions.
“Are you okay, Angel? You’re not hurt…right?”
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Chapter V
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novemberheart · 11 days
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{overview} you reach a new milestone with Johnny and Simon, you have a bad dream
{warnings} fem reader, poly 141, mentions of death, panic attacks, mentions of bruising and pain, cursing, p in v sex (not related to the violence warnings), exhibition, you like being watched I guess….
Chapter 25 <- Chapter 26 -> Chapter 27
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“Push your knee against me like that. It's easier to grab a foot or a hand than a knee,” Johnny explained, moving your knee towards his shoulder. He had some downtime and you had the energy to burn so he settled on teaching you a few self-defense moves.
“I don't think these are actually moves,” you panted. You had just spent the better part of twenty minutes being thrown around like a ragdoll. When you agreed to this you assumed it would lead to more with Johnny- much more. Yet here he was, his eyes laser-focused, using a tone that could rival Simons.
“People aren't going to expect you to know how to fight back. So you are going to have around five seconds of surprise- even more if they aren't trained,” Johnny moved you onto your stomach, gripping your arms with his hands so they were pressed against the mat. You peeked in the mirror along the gym wall, your hips raising slightly at the sight of him hovering over you.
Who knew you liked mirrors so much?
You had been wearing scent blockers, your hips raising being the only sign thus far of how this was making you feel. His mouth fell open, his eyes landing on your bottom that your gym shorts really didn't hide. You smirked, using all your body weight to swing your legs to the side, effectively knocking him over with a thud. Just like he had taught you. You scrambled up running to the edge of the mat. He had drilled into your head to run as soon as you could and even made you practice getting up in any position- which felt silly at the time but made sense now. He chuckled, the vibrations of it going straight to your core even though your distance. You smiled, prancing back over to him.
“That was very good,” he praised, his eyes lighting up to match yours.
“Thank you, Sergeant,” you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. He purred under your touch. He was still kneeling before you, his arms wrapping under your bottom. He hoisted you up easily, and you craned your neck down with your teeth grazing over his bottom lip. He bit back. He slid your body against his, so you didn't have to bend so far, your legs wrapping around his waist. Your lips ghosted over each other, waiting for the other to give in. A standoff. Your fingers played with the grown-out pieces of his mohawk, a small whine leaving your throat as you flashed him with your softest puppy dog eyes. He growled, smashing his lips against yours.
“I won,” you gasped between attacks.
“Did you?” he smirked, his lips quickly devouring you again.
“Bloody hell, you two. Get a room,” Simon growled. The task force had the gym booked, even with half of it missing. “Anyone could walk by and see you,” he reprimanded. Which was funny given the position the two of you were in last night.
“Yeah, any perv,” Johnny agreed, eyeing the alpha up and down. You giggled, pressing kisses against the Scot's jaw, nipping at the corner of his lips. He let you do as you please, his hazy, melted eyes staring down at you. Simon stood still, not quite able to pull his eyes away from the sight himself. He watched the way Johnny’s chest heaved up and down, his lips parting open as you marked him up. The look of determination on your face and the way your lips moved against his heated skin. The fact he had felt the softness of your mouth yesterday, he could imagine you against his skin. He watched as Johnny’s hands gripped your thighs, the softness pooling around his fingers. One small movement from you would have you secured against the heavy bulge the fabric of his workout shorts was doing a poor job covering.
“Johnny?” Simon spoke. His half-lidded deep blue eyes met his. “Take care of your omega,” it was commanded. The life re-entered Johnny's eyes, your back colliding with the wall before you knew it. You gasped, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. All the control you had flying out the window.
“Mac,” you whined, your hips rolling against him. He pressed back harder, a shaky moan leaving you, the vibration going straight down his spine. Your hands crept down his strong stomach, clawing at the waistband of his shorts.
“Can’t take you here, Bonnie,” he growled, making you whimper.
“I don't care,” you purred in assurance. The new position had you blocked by a shelf and all someone had to do was look at Simon's heavy figure and know not to enter. “Please,” you begged, your hands sliding up his shirt. You could feel his warm skin twitch under you, short and soft coils of hair brushing against your palms. Your hands left his skin, beginning to tug at your own shorts. He looked over his shoulder at Simon, who nodded his head. You watched as Simon disappeared, walking over to the door. You could hear the lock click. You had won. You attached your lips to his and Johnny set you down to slide your shorts and panties off, chuckling at the wet spot in them. He tossed the pair behind him, Simon's hand catching them and sticking them in his pocket. You chewed your lip, Simon's hazy eyes meeting yours. You were dragged away when Johnny lifted you up again, your core rolling against his cock through the fabric of his shorts.
Your mouth fell open, your head resting against the chill of the wall. “Johnny, please,” you whined again, your fingers gripping at his shoulders. He was enjoying this too much. Enjoying the way you squirmed and begged for some help.
“What, baby? Couldn't hear you?” he murmured, making you growl. His hand slapped against your thigh to check you, his hand pressing against the spot to help ease the sting. “Still couldn't hear you,” he corrected. “Don't be shy,” he soothed, his lips resting against your cheek, nipping at the burning flesh. “Just tell me what you want and I’ll do it. You have to ask nicely though,” you wanted to bite the smirk off his face, but you knew you'd never get what you wanted then.
“I want you,” you mumbled quietly, your eyes trained on Simon’s shoes.
“Alright,” Johnny seemed satisfied with that until he started to put your feet on the floor to kiss down to your heat.
“No,” you whined, pulling him back up. He hoisted you back up, his face showing all the patience in the world. He could play this game with you all day. “I want your cock,” you said finally, making sure to say it loud enough to where he wouldn't play dumb. The deep rumble echoed off of both men, shooting straight through you. “Please,” you finished. You had a reputation for being their good girl- you couldn't break that by demanding.
“Well how can I say no to that,” Johnny smiled down at you. He distracted you with his lips and it wasn't until the head of his cock caught against your entrance did you realize one of his hands had left you. You gasped, pulling away enough to look down at him. It matched him, stout and energetic- twitching in his hand. He pushed in slowly, your legs already quivering. He was so responsive. Curving into all the right places, throbbing in time with your spasming walls. It felt so intimate even though you were pushed against the hard gym wall. Your toes curled in your shoes. He wanted to say something. Say how good you felt, how beautiful you looked, yet all he could do was groan his hips snapping into place. Your moan caught in your throat, your head lulling against the wall.
“How’s she feel?” Simon grunted. You had forgotten about him as he leaned against the shelf. You couldn't bring yourself to look at him but just knowing he was there made you clench around Johnny, the words he was trying to say catching in his throat once again.
He settled for a purr, sending a vibration through your body. You twitched, your hips pressing harder against him. That’s how John must've felt when you purred around him. “Perfect,” Johnny finally managed to choke out. His mouth attached to your shoulder where your tank top strap had fallen. His thrusts were hard and slow, without a set rhythm but that somehow added to the pleasure. His cock would drag against your walls only for him to roll himself back in with one hard fluid motion. He'd hold himself inside you letting you feel every throb and vein, only to drag himself back out, repeating the process whenever he wanted.
You were a mess. Teary eyes, hair disheveled, clinging onto him as the force of his thrusts knocked you into the wall. Your hand pressed against your mouth to stifle your moans. Normally they hated that, but considering you were in a semi-public place they'd let it slide. His pace picked up, your arms gripping around his neck, his mouth pressing against any skin he could reach. It was almost torture. The two of being so close, yet he couldn't feel the softness of your skin against his. He growled, his hips deciding a set rhythm. He had played with his food enough.
“I can't,” you gasped, your face burying in his shoulder. Your hands gripping onto his shoulder blades.
“Doing so good, Bon,” Johnny assured through his own groans. You could tell Johnny was as vocal as you, and was also trying hard to stifle it. You wondered how loud he could get. A pair of fingers brushed over your knuckles. It was Simon. You reached forward your hand tangling with his, as you felt the ascension of a familiar peak. You whined Johnny’s name, pressing your heated cheek against his. “You’re almost there, beautiful. I can feel it,” he snarled against you. “Feels so fucking good,” his voice dropped to a whine, holding onto you equally hard. Simon raised his mask, pressing a kiss against your knuckles. You held his gaze as much as you could with the stars clouding your vision. You shook your head again. Your heat had made your orgasms more tolerable- less intense so your body could preserve its stamina. You didn't have that to fall back upon. “Relax,” Johnny repeated against your temple, your cunt nearly pushing him out. “We’ve got you, just let go,” he murmured, his muscles shaking from pleasure. “I’ve got you baby, come on,” he pressed, not being able to hold on much longer himself.
You felt too good. Your pussy shaking around him, so wet and and warm. Your breathy moans in his ear. The fact anyone could come in and find you like this. It didn't excite him in the way he thought it would. It made him more possessive. You were theirs. No one else deserved to see such a sight. He could sense Simon behind him, the alpha offering enough protection where he could turn his brain off and focus on you.
The knot in your stomach finally shattered, your vision lighting up behind your shut eyes. You shouted, but nobody could find it in them to care, not with your head thrown back like that. Johnny pressed himself impossibly deep, holding your shaking form so you wouldn't be separated from him. He was a ball of curses and groans, his grip on you sure to leave bruises.
He rested against you, you sandwiched between him and the wall. Both of you were panting- mixing with moans and whimpers. Everything felt too much. The aftershock in your veins, the bright lights, the hard wall. You wanted to curl up under the covers and breathe in Johnny’s cinnamon scent. Simon cleared his throat, his pupils blown as he scanned you and Johnny up and down.
“Come on, pups,” he spoke softly. You smiled at the plural version of your nickname. Simon grabbed your shorts off the floor, his hands resting on Johnny’s shoulders. “Let's get you two cleaned up and back home, yeah?” he hummed. Your eyes widened as Simon placed a kiss on the back of Johnny's neck, mumbling out small praises at how well he took care of you. You both squirmed as he pulled out of you, his spend immediately dripping down your leg. The two men groaned.
“Round two at home, bonnie?” Johnny smirked, kissing your burning cheek.
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Round two indeed took place at home. Your butt resting on the counter in your bathroom as Johnny worked himself in and out of you. Simon was too busy with his ear pressed against the door, his hand working in time with your moans.
It felt like hours before the shower finally turned on.
You giggled as Johnny massaged lotion into your feet, his lips pressing against the ball of your foot.
“You and John both have a thing for feet,” you teased, expecting him to jump into denial. He just smiled, his thumb working deep into the tense tissue.
“Maybe we do, Bon,” he said slowly. “At least you get foot massages out of it,” he smirked, pressing a kiss against the top of them.
Guess you didn't have room to complain.
“Whose room are we sleeping in?” he questioned, moving to stand from his seat on the coffee table. You were about to say Kyle's but the back of your neck tingled at the sight of Simon’s closed door. Johnny followed your gaze. His face spread in a grin that made you nervous.
“No, Johnny it’s fine,” you insisted. His arm wrapped under your bottom, lifting you to his chest. He held you against him, your head hiding in his shoulder as he knocked on Simon's door. You heard a muffled sound, Johnny not waiting for a clear answer as he opened the door.
“Pup wants to sleep in here,” Johnny sighed like he was doing you a favor.
“It’s okay Simon”-
“You have your jellyfish?” was his response. Johnny gasped in remembrance, tossing you onto Simon's bed. It was amazing you didn't accidentally elbow him in the face with how much of it he took up. Johnny disappeared, heading towards your room to get the stuffed jelly. You had forgotten it when you went on leave and had a harder time falling asleep without it. You had grown a bit codependent on its softness against your cheek to fall asleep.
Johnny came bounding back, tossing himself onto the bed.
“Always forget how shite your mattress is,” Johnny grumbled. He tucked both of you under the covers with Simon, his body curling around yours as the big spoon. Simon shifted and you heard the rattling of a pill bottle.
“Take some of these. You'll be sore later if you aren't already,” he sighed, his thumb brushing over your chin. You opened, his eyes trained on your kiss-bitten lips. He held his water bottle up for you to wash them down with. Simon popped a few in his mouth.
“Did you hurt yourself?” you questioned. He shook his head.
“He’s a big boy, bonbon. Aches and pains are his middle name,” Johnny smirked, his lips pressing on the back of your ear. You giggled as his scruff brushed against your neck. Simon relaxed back into the bed, his arm and shoulder pressed against your front. You wanted to rest your head against him, but didn't want to invade his space too much- although you felt like you had already passed that point.
You could feel yourself fading fast. If the three different orgasms pulled out of you weren't enough then the feeling of being the safest pup in the world was the cherry on top. The best sleep you had ever gotten had been that night you were curled up with John and Kyle. You wondered if this would be similar. You didn't know if it was the beta-alpha pairing that made it work so well or just the fact you trusted the both of them.
You rumbled in a quiet purr, Johnny immediately responding with his own.
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It was pouring. The onslaught makes it hard for you to keep your eyes open. Your chest hurts, and the cold water, despite its power, does nothing to get your nervous system back on track.
You felt sad. The sadness felt more suffocating than the rain that was drenching your clothes. Why hadn’t you worn your raincoat? You feel like you knew the answer to that, yet couldn't find the perseverance to dig around in your brain for it.
Maybe the yellow felt too happy for this type of day.
A hand gripped your shoulder. It wasn't gentle. It wasn’t warm or comforting. It was angry- maybe at you, maybe at the world. “Time to go,” it snapped. You recognized it as John. It made you feel sicker, a bubbling anger rising in your chest. Why were you so mad at him? Why was he so mad? He looked worse than when he had left. His eyes are nearly swollen shut from tears and rubbing at them. His face looked older. How long had he been gone? Or had emotions aged him? His hand fell to your forearm, the tips of his finger bound to leave marks against your skin.
Your feet splashed against the ground as he tugged you along. The rushing water makes it hard to walk. How long has it been raining? Every step forward felt like three steps back. If it wasn't for John you would have fallen, and the water would have swept you away by now. A slight warmness fills you at the idea.
“I don't want to go,” you say before you can stop yourself. Your voice is small and weak. He hears you despite the rushing of water.
“You think I want to?” he growls back. It was mean and nasty- his voice and look in his eyes. You whimpered. You’re continually pulled along the flat concrete. There are no trees, no green, just gray as far as the eye can see. Your knees give out, and you can feel the concrete break your skin. A small plea leaves you. A plea of mercy for John to be gentle with you. He wasn't. He growls low in his throat, yanking you up with no patience or fondness in his bones. You shriek, your arm creaking under his grasp. He pays no mind. There's a building in the distance. Gray and square just like the buildings at base. You’re sobbing now. You aren't sure if it’s from fright or exhaustion. His hand digs into the hair around the base of your neck, pulling you forward. You were moving too slow. Your sobs are louder than the rain by the time you reach the building. John throws open the doors. The inside was beautiful, resembling a church. Every seat was filled, each and every person's head snapping behind them to look at the two of you. You don't know any of them, but they all look familiar.
They were waiting for you. John pulls you along the aisle, your eyes landing towards the front. You fall to your knees again, your hands grappling with the legs of people or chairs to keep from advancing. John is jerking you forward by the back of your dress, your body shaking against the carpet. Shrieks and sobs escape you, yet no one comes to help you. In fact, they aren't even looking at you. Once you make it to the front John tosses you against the steps of the stage, your chin colliding with one. You sob against them. You couldn’t breathe. Your heart ached so painfully in your chest all you could do was lay there. There was a mean kick to your legs. Your head finally raised, your eyes landing on an oak casket, half covered by a Union Jack. Your hands reach forward gripping onto the fabric. It pools around you as it falls to the floor.
You don't need to be told. You know who’s in there.
You gasp awake, four pairs of hands holding onto you. You shake in their grasp and they quickly release you.
“Easy, Bonnie,” Johnny soothes. You couldn't breathe, the lightness in the room burning your eyes. Your hands run over your wet face as you sit up trying to take in your surroundings as your eyes adjust. An arm wraps around you, trapping your arms and back against a chest. You fight against it and lose.
“Relax, pup. You're alright,” it was Simon, his chin resting on your shoulder. The smell of alpha fills your nostrils, your brain immediately gives into it- too distraught to do anything else. They both sigh in relief when you relax against him.
“Where is Kyle?” you croak. They share a look.
“He left with John, baby,” Johnny reminded, pulling your legs into his lap.
“Is he okay?” you whimper, tears beginning to descend again.
“Something happen to him in your dream?” Johnny asked.
“Is he okay?” you repeat desperately.
“He’s alright,” Simon affirms to you. The pressure slows your heart rate, and your breathing automatically syncs with his. “I can try to get him on the phone for you. It'll be early morning where they are,” Simon explains, reaching for his phone on the nightstand.
You would do anything to hear his voice. Even if it meant waking him up. Simon lays down with you still in his arms, and Johnny goes to turn the light off. You were thankful Simon had given you those pain pills. Without them, the throb in your body would be worse.
Your cheek rests against Johnny’s, his scruff a welcoming contrast to your soft skin. His large hand takes up half your face and neck as his thumb brushes the tears out from under your eyes. You let yourself sink fully into both of them.
“I'm sorry,” you mumbled softly.
“Never apologize for loving us, Bon,” Johnny soothed instantly. Your heart lifted in your chest.
You couldn't help but feel fortunate. Your pack wasn't writing you off as sensitive or troublesome. Instead, they were protecting you. Assuring you. Protecting you from your own thoughts and assuring you they would be there with you along the way. Simon held the phone up and you quickly snatched it with a quick thanks.
“Kyky?” you breathed, your eyes rolling to the back of your head at the sound of his groggy voice. You had woken him up.
“Hey, Lovie,” you could nearly see the smile in his voice. He wasn't mad at you. You buried yourself under Johnny, the phone pressed tightly against your ear. “Having trouble sleeping?” he murmured. You tried to imagine his breath on the back of your neck as he spoke or the way his hand liked to rest between your thighs as he slept.
“Yeah,” you whispered back. “I had a bad dream. Just wanted to hear your voice,” you explained.
“Guess I should get talkin’ then,” he yawned. You were thankful he didn't ask what the dream was about. You could hear him adjust, the sound of metal creaking under him. You hated that his bed wasn't comfortable. He shouldn't be sleeping on metal bars and springs, he should be curled up in your nest with you. He talked about where he was- without giving you a location. He said it was mountainous and the perfect temperature. You knew for Kyle that meant hot. He told you about all the different birds and the sounds they made and how it made him think of you.
Your eyes grew heavy, your body erupting in a barely there purr.
Warmness flooded you as your pack once again took care of you.
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Hello everyone! See you in three days for chapter 27! 🧡
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too-much-tma-stuff · 6 months
Finally Getting Help (prt. 10)
A/N: Thank you all for the well wishes about my dog. Unfortunately he didn't make it and pass away Tuesday morning in the vet's office. I was able to get some writing done but I don't have the energy to edit. Let me know if you find any mistakes.
Jason: hey, thanks for the gun and the tech, it's really cool.
Danny: new phone who dis 😝
Jason: I hope you haven't given too many people guns in the last couple days.
Danny: no I haven't, thanks for texting me Jason. Have you got a chance to try the gun?
Jason: not on anything moving, I've been doing some target practice to get a feel for it though. Looking forward to when I can test it on Vlad.
Danny: aww are you going to avenge my honor 🥺
Jason: if you want me too. I'll bring you his head if you want me too.
Danny: 🥰 you're so sweet. I wouldn't say no to seeing him suffer for what he's done but don't get yourself in any trouble okay? And if you do call me right away. I'll come rescue you 😘
Jason: hey I'm the one offering to protect you! 
Danny: we can protect each other. And fight each other, can you come spar again soon?
Jason: I wouldn't call that sparring, more like brawling.
Danny: eh potato potato, do you want to come fight me again?
Jason: if demon brat won't kill me for it, sure. Can I take you out for dinner afterwards? I have some questions
Danny: It's a date! Just tell me when
Jason: Day after tomorrow? I have some work to take care of first.
Danny: Sounds great! And it is a date right? You don't mind that I'm going to have kids?
Jason: the kids aren't a deal breaker I promise but let's not jump the gun okay? We're going to be family through B so we don't want this to blow up in our faces. Let's hang out, take it slow, see how it goes. You need to be careful about who you let into your life now anyway, you can't just let anyone around you and the babies.
Danny: don't tell me what to do 😠 but you're right. I'm bad about rushing into things. I'm still looking forward to it.
Danny: By the way Jazz uploaded the power point she made about Liminals and Ghosts to the bat’s server thing. You have access to that right? You should read that before we meet and I can fill in the gaps.
Jason: Sounds good, I’ll have a look at it and I’m looking forward to it too. I'll be there at 5 so we can spar before dinner. Don't forget to warn B and your guard dog.
Danny: Damian is a good kid. I'll let them know.
Danny stared at his new phone Tim had given him with apprehension. The chat with Jason had gone very well, and Danny was glad he reached out but there were other people he really needed to reach out to and he was… frankly scared. Sam and Tucker were his best friends and had always been there for him but they both had tempers. Would they be mad that he hadn’t told them he was pregnant? Would they be upset he had left Amity and wasn’t planning on coming back?
He needed to reach out though, the longer he waited the harder it would be to talk to them, and things wouldn’t stay calm as they were now. Vlad would be back to cause trouble again and even though the JLD had control of the portal but he was sure his rogues would find their way through eventually. Vlad had his own portal anyway, and Danny wouldn’t put it past him to open it just to annoy Danny. Maybe try and weaken him a little so Vlad could swoop in and pick him off.
Today was quiet, he needed to take this chance. He sighed and got up off the edge of his bed where he was sitting and ducked out of his room. He didn’t want to do this alone, so he wasn’t surprised when he found himself in the library where Jazz was studying. 
He sat down across from her and reached across, laying his hand, palm up on the table. Without looking up from her book she reached over and placed her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. He smiled at her and took a deep breath before putting on his earbuds and sending a message in the group chat.
Danny: When you guys are ready can we call?
Jazz phone went off too and she checked it, smiled at Danny, and then silenced the chat and went back to her book. She didn’t need to be part of this call but at least she knew what he was doing. 
Sam: Yes, let me just grab Tuck. He’s playing Doomed.
Danny took a deep breath and put down his phone while he waited for them to call and tried not to panic.
When the phone buzzed he jumped and reached for it, joining the call quickly. 
“Hey guys,” He said, awkwardly, waving with the hand that wasn’t holding the phone.
“Hey yourself! What the heck happened Danny?! Basically the whole town joined in in chasing Vlad when we found out what he did but why did we have to find out on tv?! Why didn’t you tell us?!” Sam said, but at least she just seemed stressed, not actually angry.
“I’m sorry guys,” Danny said, wincing a little when he heard Tucker sniffling a little. “I hadn’t told anyone yet. I hadn’t even fully accepted it yet honestly.
“I still wasn’t ready to talk about it, bur Cass is really good at reading people's body language and I guess she clocked that I was carrying them by how I kept unconsciously touching my stomach. When she asked me about it it sorta broke through my denial and I broke down which started the ball rolling on… all this,” He said with a vague gesture.”
“All this is right!The justice league really brought the hammer down on Amity. They’re dismantling the GIW and really pissed at the government and basically all the adults in the town for letting this happen. And they arrested your parents!” Sam said sounding almost excited.
“Sam! That was really insensitive! They’re still his parents, what if he didn’t know!?” Tucker broke in furiously. 
“No it’s alright I knew, Jazz told me. She’s here with me,” He said squeezing her hand though she wasn’t paying attention to the call.
“Okaaay so where is Here?” Tucker asked warily. 
“Ya are you safe? We haven’t seen you since all this went down! Are you really with Bruce Wayne?” Sam asked sounding wary.
“Yes I am. He’s got a foster license and since his kids were the one that found out what was going on it just made sense that I’d stay here.”
“And he’s Not another Fruitloop?” Sam asked warily. “You need to be careful with these rich people you know? They’re basically all crazy!”
“Sam you’re rich,” Danny pointed out, amused. 
“Ya, and? My point stands!”
“Fair enough,” Danny laughed. “But no, I did some snooping the first night I was here and it seems okay. And since he’s got close ties to the Justice League he was able to get the help we really needed, and he says he might be able to help me meet Martian Manhunter!”
“Don’t fanboy out too bad,” Tucker teased him.
“Oh ya? And what if I helped you meet Tim Drake? Would you not be just as bad,” Danny accused Tucker.
“Touche,” Tucker said. “Could you though?”
“I mean maybe? He’s my foster brother now and he seems cool. You two are my best friends, if I’m going to stay I’m sure you could come visit me and meet all of them.” 
“Are you really going to stay there though? I mean once the GIW and everything is cleared out you could stay with either of us. I know my parents aren’t your biggest fans but I know they’d let you stay,” Sam said sounding worried. 
“And I know my family doesn't have a ton of money but they adore you, we’d make it work,” Tucker added looking worried.
“No, guys I really appreciate the offer but… I don’t want to come back to Amity. The Justice League said they shut down the portal and I really need a fresh start I think. I think I’d rather stay here. Jazz too, she’s gonna study at Gotham U and intern at Arkham,” He said. She looked up at the mention of her name and gave him a small smile.
“I’m sorry, you guys are my best friends and I’ll miss you, but there are too many… memories in Amity you know?”
“Ya I get that,” Sam said, looking sad and distant.
“We can still call, and play Doomed together, and visit on breaks!” Tucker said, his chipper tone sounding a little forced. “We’re going to say friends!” He insisted and Danny smiled.
“Of course we will Tuck,” He promised. They might grow apart with the distance between them, but he hoped not, they really were his best friends.
“Ya, my parents will probably be thrilled about this development and want me to come over all the time. They love the Waynes,” Sam chuckled though her optimism also seemed a bit forced. Of course she was more of a pessimist, she probably thought they would drift apart, but knew Danny needed them right now. 
“Soo what’s been going on in Amity since I left?” Danny asked, letting them ramble about the drama, the rumours, and the bullshit that was the bullies and everyone in the school sudden;y pretending they cared about Danny soooo much.
After they finished telling him about it there were a few beats of silence and Danny was just about to suggest they hang up when Sam spoke up again. 
“So, what actually happened with Vlad? If you don’t want to talk about it that’s okay but…”
“No, it’s okay. It’s not what- what you’d think. It’s superhero bullshit really. When I wouldn’t be his son he decided to try and clone me, you met Dani with an I right? She was one of the clones. But he didn’t know I was trans, and my DNA got all fucked up in the portal so none of the clones were stable. I have no idea how many he tried to make that died. But when I found out it was because he had lied to Dani and told her he needed me to stabilize her clone brothers. It was a batch of ten.
“But he lied, he didn’t actually care about stabilizing them, he was going to let them all die. I was only able to save the two that were most stable and only by taking their cores into myself. So I’m not normal pregnant, I’m ghost pregnant. 
What is my life huh?” He finished, chuckling awkwardly. 
“Oh fuck,” Sam said her shoulders slumping a little even as her expression went through a range of emotions. “That’s better in a way but still a whole different type of fucked up! I hope they catch him soon.”
“I hope so too but I don’t think they will,” Danny said with a shrug. “Not before he tries something else. I’m not lucky enough to be able to just move past this,” He said with a bitter little laugh.
“Well, we can still hope. And even if he does cause trouble you have more allies now! You’ve been able to handle everything else he’s thrown at you basically on your own, with the Justice League behind you I know there’s nothing you can’t handle. I mean, Vlad is kind of pathetic anyway,” Tucker encouraged making Danny smile. 
“Ya, you’re right, I’m sure it’ll be fine. Thanks guys,” he said fondly. 
“Of course dude! We’re here for you!” Tucker said.
“It’s really good to hear from you too. Don’t be a stranger okay?” Sam said, a bit worried.
“Of course not, I’ll keep you posted I promise.” Danny assured before they said their goodbyes and he hung up. 
He put down his phone and leaned back with a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment. Next to him Jazz chuckled and there was a soft snap as she closed her book. 
“You did well little brother,” She told him, getting up from her seat she moved behind him and rested her hands on his shoulders.
“How do you know? You weren’t listening.”
“No, but you reached out to your friends and had an honest conversation which isn’t easy. You did well,” She reiterated, squeezing his shoulders.
“Well thanks Jazz. I hope that they’re right that we won’t lose touch, and I’ll be able to handle whatever Vlad does,” He grumbled. 
“I’m sure we will,” Jazz promised. “And either way there’s no point in worrying about it now. Has Jason texted you yet?” She asked, giving Danny the excuse he needed to change the subject and launch into his more petty worries about the upcoming date as she sat back down to listen.
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peace was so good :,) could you write about swimming with corio in the lake?
The Lakes | Coriolanus Snow
Pairing: Coriolanus Snow x fem!reader
Summary: You spend your time with Coryo at the lake in the woods as the sun sets down.
Warning/s: fluff, Coriolanus in love, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
Author's note: This one is extremely short and I changed some things, but I hope you still like it.
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Soft, green grass brushed against your legs as you walked through the Meadow to get to a lake in a hidden spot outside of District 12.
The rough plants with pointy ends were brushing against your legs lightly scratching you, but you tried to pay it no mind as you tear your way through to get to the lake.
After a while you reached your destination as you came to a sudden stop. The sun was slowly setting down as you stared ahead into the distance, but it was still covering the entire Meadow giving the flowers and the lake a gorgeous shimmer making it seem like this sight is eternal.
For a moment you allowed yourself to close your eyes, enjoying the short, but somehow everlasting peace, that you got while you waited for him to come to you.
You didn't have to wait long.
All of a sudden a pair of strong yet comforting arms wrapped around you giving you a sense of protection yet you couldn't help but to let out a quiet shriek at the sudden feeling, quickly opening your eyes and turning around to look at him.
Coriolanus was already watching you, his eyes full of love for you. He revealed in the way that the wind was lightly carrying your beautiful hair around just like the sundress you wore on a weirdly warm day.
Your smile was infectious, he couldn't help but to return it as he showed you the happiness that he felt at that moment.
"Let's go and swim in the lake." You suggested as you stepped away, trying to get rid of the sundress that you wore, tossing it aside.
Coriolanus gave you a boyish smile as he started to take of his white shirt and his gray pants, agreeing with your offer to cool of.
He returned the joyous laugh that you gave him as he ran after you towards the edge of the lake, his dog tag dangling around his neck as he did that.
You two soon found yourself in the cool lake swimming towards each other. Coriolanus wrapped his arms around your chest as he slowly brought you closer to him, his piercing blue eyes never leaving yours as he did that.
He slowly glazed his hand on your cheek before moving it onto your neck to bring you closer colliding your lips together while being in a warm embrace.
You both soked up moments like these as much as you could. Giving each other the sense of comfort, protection and love.
Coriolanus never thought that anything like this was ever going to happen to him, and even if it did he wasn't so sure that he could love anyone this much who was worth risking everything in his life once again for.
The moment he met you, he knew something changed. He fell hard, but he knew the risks.
The Peacekeepers weren't supposed to be romantically involved with anyone during their time of service.
He knew very well that if anyone catches your longing glances that you were sanding to each other across the room, if anyone saw you talking to each other a little to close for comfort or if anyone saw you two spending a lot more time with each other than necessary, let alone see you holding hands or kissing you would be doomed.
If anyone noticed how you both lose your breath every time you looked into each other's eyes it would be all over for you both.
They could deport him to another District or fire him from his service. You could've been severely punished. Hell, they could kill you both, hang you on the hanging tree or just shoot you on sight.
But as you two held each other in the comforting silence that only comes when two people understand each other and as you exchanged the words that confirmed your love for each other and as you exchanged a billion kisses, he knew that it was all worth it.
You were worth it, and after a long time he came to a conclusion that he maybe deserves your endless love and comfort that you brought him every day.
@hellonheels-x @especiallythewomenandthechildren @prettyinsatiable @caroline-books @runningfrom2am @10ava01 @thecrowdedstreetin1944
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sunnystars2023 · 2 months
Ways BNHA Boys Show their love
Group 2
Synopsis: The ways the boys of BNHA show their love and affection to you.
Characters Included: Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, and Tenya Iida.
Group 1/Group 3
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Izuku Midoriya
Midoriya is semi ok with PDA he like people to know that you two are together with out having to say it. He like feeling close to you but he won't kiss you on the lips in public.
Midoriya takes notice of the little things you do and or like. He has his own journal about you. He knows when you've reached your limits and when you need breaks. He knows everything you enjoy from movies to flowers. You guys know each other so well its almost instinctual.
Midoriya is a sweetheart but after his first year at UA he grew some tough skin. Training to be a hero already puts you on edge but Training to be a symbol is harder especially when you're on the line. He doesn't play when it comes to you.
Izuku Midoriya might be a softy at times but when it comes to you, his friends, and Civilians, he's a protecter.
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Shoto Todoroki
Todoroki likes to be private so PDA is a no go for him as publicity is a bitch and he’s still Endeavors son. Not that he doesn’t wanna show you off it’s just he doesn’t want a bunch of randos having extra pictures of him much less with you. He makes an exception for hand holding on days where you both need a little extra love. Behind closed doors, thats when he becomes so clingy even just in the dorms and not in your personal rooms.
Todoroki at first isn’t to sure how to be someone’s partner as none of the girls that pursued him never got his attention. The only example he has is Natsuo but he doesn’t ever bring his girlfriend home, but he watched you quietly and would talk to you about what you wanted and what you liked and would listen about topics you grossly know too much about. As time goes on he figures it out, learns what you need and is so sweet but still a little dense.
Todoroki loves to spoil you when he has the chance. When he and Endeavor started to re-kindle their relationship Todoroki accepted a Debit card that is loaded for necessities and such. So if you even whisper of wanting something and he can get it, he’s already got it. He says quote ‘You’re so kind and deserving so why wouldn’t I get it’. Not only is he physically Rich but he also once he gets comfortable with you and the relationship is a Rich lover.
Shoto Todoroki is a learner but a Rich lover so be good to him and he’s good to you.
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Tenya Iida
Iida is a strong class leader along side Momo. He is very confident and concentrated on being a good class rep. He like Bakugo HATES PDA as he sees it as A) breaking the rules and B) a breach of your intimate privacy. He will only hold hands if you just absolutely need some affection. He prefers to be touchy behind closed doors.
Iida is strict to his rules even with himself. He tries to keep everything in line. Tries as when it comes to you he will lightly bend the rules for you. If it’s late and you need him, his doors open even past curfew sometimes. Wanna cuddle and end up falling asleep in his bed, he lets you until curfew and brings you to your dorm room. He would bend any rule for you. Bend not break. He is more loyal to you than a dog is to his owner. Iida will not stand for any slander or insults towards you or about you.
Iida is hard working and driven by his peers. He won’t give up and won’t stop working towards his goals so be lucky that you became one of them. He cherishes you and thinks the world of you. He thinks of you as more then just a girlfriend. You’re his partner and Best friend. He helps you with whatever you need. No he won’t give you answers to homework but he will let you borrow his highlighted notes with tips hand written in the margins and go over the assignment without judgment. He also brings you books that he thinks you’d like and writes more notes in the margins for you varying from sweet I love yous to pointed out things that reminded him of you.
Tenya Iida is a smart lover, loyal companion, and a hard-worker. He is as good as gold so take care of him.
Masterlist <- here
Thank you sm for reading! Check out other parts for more characters! If you want more content follow my wattpad @sunnystars2023!
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butchcarmy · 6 months
okay but i can't stop thinking about carmy just watching the reader do yoga or pilates, in a cute workout set, he'd go crazy just watching their body move
but he wouldn'y really see it as something very serious (as people tend to do until they try this sort of exercise and realize it's actually quite difficult), until one evening when he'd join them on the mat after complaining about back or shoulder pain all night, and the reader would show him some stretches and he'd be like WOAH I can RELAX my INSANELY TENSE body? I can feel BETTER? I don't have to be constantly in pain? This is some magic! and surely would reward the reader for helping him out
EHEHE YEAHHH the workout set does a lot for me… and for carmy <3 also it goes without saying but this is🔞, suggestive at the end
They’d set up in front of the tv, yoga mat splayed out and table pushed aside. This is the sight Carmy wakes up to, groggy and lonely without waking up beside them.
“G’morning, sleepy bear.” They greet him brightly, before leaning their head down to stretch. Downward dog, the workout video announces.
“Mornin’, baby,” he yawns back. He sits down on the couch behind them. He indulgently gazes at their legs, wrapped tightly in leggings, following the line up to the curve of their ass. “Y’look cute in that. Is it new?”
“Thanks,” they chirp, turning their upside down head to look at him. “Yeah, they’re new. You like?”
“Quite a bit,” he admits, not bothering to hide the way he’s looking at their ass, and they exhale a breathy laugh.
“Maybe if you do some of this with me, I’ll let you take them off of me,” they offer, grinning shamelessly at him. Cats pose to cows pose, the video instructs, and they’re on their knees, arching their back and sticking out their ass. Surely them wiggling their hips around isn’t part of the video.
Carmy is a simple man. He takes their extra yoga mat and immediately starts following the video alongside them.
“This video isn’t the most beginner friendly,” they’d comment after watching Carmy struggle to keep up. He’s fallen onto the mat, staring up at the ceiling with a grimace.
“It’s a lot harder than it looks,” he mumbles, and they nod. They’re seated next to him, looking down into his eyes.
“I know, right? Here, let me show you some easier stretches. It’ll help your back some, too.”
Sure enough, a couple stretches later, Carmy feels like a new man. He didn’t even realize how tense he was until he got to unraveling some of the tension knotted deeply in his muscles.
“I feel incredible,” Carmy says, leaning his body up and down. They’re both are standing beside each other on their mats. “The back pain is so much more manageable.”
“Good! That means you did it right.” They clap excitedly. “Good job, carm!”
“You’re the one who did a good job, teaching me all this.” He pulls them in with his arms and starts kissing their cheeks over and over, making them burst into delighted laughter. “Lemme make it up to you. That offer still standing?”
“Hm? What do you—oh,” they gasp, stilling at Carmy’s fingers playing with the edge of their waistband. “Yeah, offer’s still up…”
“Good to know.” Instead of shoving his hand down their leggings, he roughly drags two fingers up their clothed pussy, pressing and rubbing at their clit. They make a low noise, legs tensing from his touch. “Might take a while for me to get these off.”
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turbulentscrawl · 4 months
Some Body Type HCs
Hey ho!! I'm back (kinda maybe). Life has been really hectic, and frankly I just haven't had time to write much. BUT some of the friends I've made through IDV got me back to drawing, so now I have some headcanons WITH VISUALS for you. I'm putting this under the cut for partial nudity on the drawings.
(You'll have to forgive me for making it small and watermarking the hell out of it. I'm paranoid.)
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-Pale, and not a lot of body hair. Unlike some of the others, this is normal for him. He has trouble growing facial hair, which is a blessing for him because he hates having it almost as much as he hates having to shave.
-Aesop is averse to several textures, and this causes some issues for him at mealtimes. He's more of a grazer, as far as his eating habits go. He's underweight and a bit malnourished as a result of these, and so he has a slight hour-glass shape.
-He's very hyenic. He hates the feeling of lotion on his skin, but he uses good-quality soaps when he bathes, so his skin is fairly soft.
-Very hairy. (Full disclosure-this hc of mine was born partially as a spiteful counter to those in the fandom who tend to infantize him) Ada shaves his face and neck for him about once a week, but they don't bother with the rest of his body hair.
-Has quite a but of scarring under all that hair, too. His back, wrists, and legs have the worst of it, from old dog attacks and pulling against restraints.
-Not overly muscular, but he is a little stronger than average in the arms and core from his parkour-like hook maneuvering.
-The growth of scales across his body have made his body hair sparse and inconsistent. He will still grow some on his chest and legs, but he shaves it off because he doesn't like the patchiness.
-He's health-conscious and, despite his busy schedule, still finds time to work out. He's muscular and lean due partially to this fact, as well as his ongoing mutations keeping his body fat percentages really low.
-For the same reason, aside from the areas with scale growth, Luchino's skin is well-kept. He uses many lotions and balms to ease the itching of said scales, so his entire body is well-moisturized and has a golden, dewy glow.
-The tallest survivor.
-Lean and lankey. He's strong, but still bulking up after years of near-starvation, so his muscle mass and body fat seem low.
-Has an average amount of body hair. His chest, legs, and arms all have a fair amount. (his head hair and pubes are much thicker) The burn scars left from the accident have prevented hair growth in certain areas of his body. He grows facial hair reasonably fast and has to shave at least every other week.
-One of the tallest survivors.
-Vaguely dorito-shaped with broad shoulders. He's quite strong in general, as a result of years of hard labor like digging and throwing about coffins (and corpses). He has some body hair--but less than average--but it is thin and fine, so difficult to see without being up-close. The hair on his head is a bit thin too, he doesn't have much volume there.
-Very pale (obviously.) It's painfully obvious when he blushes--it goes all the way from his ears, down to his belly.
-He has some faint, scattered scarring just from accidents over the years. Nicking himself on sharp wooden edges, his own shovel, etc.
-Very thin. Luca hyperfocuses on work and forgets to eat a lot, and was malnourished during his time in prison. He's very physically weak.
-He grows very little body hair, and the hair on his head tends to be thin. Not many people know this, but he has a small bald patch from where he worries and pulls at his hair during moments of frustration.
-Has faint electrical scarring across his shoulders, chest, and back. Always has circles under his eyes due to his poor sleep schedule.
-Bulky and column-shaped. He's very lean and muscular from years in his various services. One of the shortest survivors (as well as one of the widest lol.)
-Covered in various scars. Life's been rough for him.
-He grows a fair amount of body hair, but he shaves it all off. This is something he does as a "leave-no-trace" sort of precaution for work, rather than as an actual preference. He's considered shaving his head, too, but he is a bit fond of his hair for personal reasons. The hair on his head is thick, but a bit dry. He doesn't always have the chance to use good products.
(My love for Victor has grown exponentially since I took my unintentional break. You heard it here, folks, I have new favorites. ask me about it lol)
-Has a fairly average, fit body type. He doesn't work out, specifically, but does a LOT of walking, running, and hiking so he's in good-standing with his cardio. He has a very slight softness around his tummy and arms, since his legs do the most of the work.
-Has a t-shirt tan from all his time outside. He's very rosey, too. Isn't that blush adorable?
-Has a very small amount of chest hair, and some on his legs. Similar to Andrew, his body hair is fine and difficult to see. He has trouble growing a beard--much to his holiday displeasure.
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fawnnpaws · 2 months
what u said about patrick blaming himself for art dropping……………. ur mind. neeeeeeeeeed you 2 elaborate. please. show me to me please
I WILL HAPPILY ELABORATE !! based on this post
i feel like because patrick has known art for so long and loves him so deeply, he feels incredibly protective over him, but he doesn’t know a lot about how dom/sub dynamics work at the start of things. he doesn’t know what sub drop is, so he’s not able to identify what’s happening or the fact that he’s definitely going through his own dom drop. eventually you catch on to what’s happening, but it takes a few times for you to see it.
the first time it happens he holds it together in the moment, but just barely. art doesn’t drop too hard, he just gets very quiet and clingy, needs a lot more reassurance than usual, but even that shook patrick up. he kept thinking about it for the next few days. he couldn’t let it go, he felt like something was wrong, but he couldn’t place the feeling. art doesn’t drop again for a few weeks and the feeling fades, he thinks maybe it was a one off thing, just an off day. until it happens again and it’s worse. this time tears stream down art’s pretty face and patrick thinks he’s going to die. his hands shake as he holds art close to his chest, he fights back his own tears because he thinks he needs to be strong for art. he needs to fix what he broke - because that’s what it comes down to - in that moment when art breaks down and asks if he was good, patrick is struck with the thought that this is all his fault.
his fault, his fault, his fault. he did this to art. he had to have said something wrong, sent him on this downward spiral somehow. he was too hard on him. he’s always been that way, too rough around the edges, too harsh, too brash, too loud, too much and somehow still never enough.
as he looks down at art in his arms, at the way he visibly relaxes when your hands run through his hair and coo in his ear about how good he was, his mind swirls with thoughts that he’s not needed here, he caused this problem, he made art this fragile, art is better off in your loving arms because you always know what to say, what to do. all patrick knows how to do is trample on people’s feelings and fuck things up. his voice shakes no matter how hard he tries to steady it, “why don’t you lay with her?”
he tries to start transferring art into your arms, because holding art for even a second longer feels like he’s taking something that’s not owed to him. like he’s doing more harm than good - he’s keeping art from the comfort he actually needs because he’s so goddamn selfish. but art panics. more tears spill down his cheeks and his eyes go wider than either of you have ever seen them. it’s written all over his face, panic, hurt, self blame. ironically, all the things patrick is feeling. art’s breath picks up and patrick nearly shatters into a million pieces when he asks “you don’t want me? was- was i bad?”
silence hangs in the air and time feels like it stops for a moment. you watch the two of them look at each other, hurting in their own ways, searching for words, a life raft, something, anything to fix what they’ve both convinced themselves they’ve broken. art’s lip wobbles, you can see him spiraling, growing more and more sure as the silence stretches on that patrick is going to say yes, he was a bad dog, he doesn’t want him, all of this was a mistake, he doesn’t love him. meanwhile, patrick’s brain has all but shut down, playing nothing but a constant loop of everything he could have done differently to have prevented himself from making art feel this way, stopped himself from taking so much from art, from being so greedy about his puppy and his girl. it’s then that you jump in, knowing your boys well enough to know this was going nowhere fast without your help. you lean over the two of them and run a hand through each of their hair.
“no one was bad, you both are such good boys. can you take some breaths for me?” they both look to you and nod slowly, so you guide them through a couple deep breaths. you keep a hand on each of them, petting their hair, cupping their faces, grounding them back in the present moment. “good. does that feel a little better? this is just an emotional crash, neither of you did anything wrong, okay?”
they nod again, art sniffles and patrick’s brain comes back online for long enough to pull him close again. art goes easily, clinging to patrick like his life depends on it and burying his face into his chest, muffling his little hiccuped sobs of relief. patrick is holding him, you’re telling him it’s alright, his already fragile mind has no reason not to believe you. patrick worries, but he believes you too. you rub your thumb on patrick’s cheek and give him a soft look that says it really is okay, that you’ll talk about it later. for good measure, you lean over art and give patrick a kiss. he returns it in kind and when you separate, you settle yourself down with art sandwiched between the two of you, pressing a kiss into art’s curls. you know this is something the three of you will need trial and error to get right. for now, though, you could all benefit from some simple cuddles and sleep.
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
Hannibal NBC
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Summary: She liked watching Will do things he actually liked to do. Watching him sit on the floor working on those boat motors was the sight she wanted to see everyday.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
So- I actually looked up an article about boat motors and about how to repair them, so I can describe it in a close-enough way, but in reality I've never seen a single boat motor in my life. So if it isn't desribed like it should be described - I'm sorry.
Warnings: references to Will's work, but surprisingly nothing more
She liked watching Will do things he actually liked to do. The things that made him relaxed, but entertained in a good way.
It didn't only give Will a peace of mind, it also made her feel a certain kind of calmness and safety she's never felt when Will was out working on a case, trying to get into people's minds.
Watching him sit on the floor working on those boat motors as the muscles around his eyes and mouth tensed up from concentration was the sight she wanted to see everyday. When he isn't thinking about anything gruesome, when he isn't scared of nightmares or for her safety, when he is home doing what he likes with all his dogs around him being lazy - that was the sight she liked, those were the happiest moments she had about Will.
It felt domestic. It felt normal.
It felt like something they should have everyday.
The simplicity of it was the thing what made it so special - because otherwise nothing about their relationship was simple.
She was lying on her stomach in their shared bed, keeping herself up on her elbows. She was supposed to be reading, so she can finally finish the book she has started months ago but couldn't find the time to finish because of all the crazy, abnormal things that had been going on. This was the only normal evening they've had in months, the only truly relaxing one, yet the book isn't the real entertainment.
Will on the other hand certainly is.
"It's not very nice to stare."
His voice is truly entertaining too, especially when it's calm, relaxed and slightly teasing.
"I never said I was a nice person." she said, not even trying to hide her smile.
"Really? I thought was dating a nice person." he didn't look up from his work, his hands were still moving the screwdriver he was holding, trying to get a stuck screw out.
"I can be nice." she started, feeling her heart flutter as she noticed how Will's curls were messier than usual - God, he looked cute. "Just not when I have such a handsome boyfriend to look at."
That made Will look up, finding her gaze and making eye contact, abandoning his work for a while. She almost giggled at how his cheeks turned into a slight pink shade at her compliment. She rarely saw Will blush, very rarely.
"Such a charmer."
"I try my best." she smirked. " 'Everything alright with the motor?"
"Yeah, the screw's stuck but it'll be fine." he looked down at the boat motor, then back at her. "So, you abandoned the book again."
"Yes." she answered shortly and then continued: "I found something much more entertaining."
"That's a very nice book." Will voice carried a teasing edge.
"Yeah, well I just decided to enjoy the moment." she lost the smirk and the teasing, and used a sincere smile and honesty instead. "We rarely have a calm evening these days. I'd rather spend it watch- admiring you and talking to you, than look at words my mind can't comprehend right now anyway."
Will lost the smirk too and the small, happy smile he sent her way was truly the cutest thing she's seen him do so far. It wasn't anything big, sure. It wasn't a surprise date, it wasn't a gift she wouldn't need anyway - it was something she really wanted to see: a honest smile. A smile what told her everything and a smile what didn't hold anything back. He was comfortable, well rested and happy - the only thing she wanted.
"Come here." he said those two words softly, there was nothing rude or demanding about it.
She got off the bed and walked toward him. When he patted the floor next to where he was sitting, she understood what he wanted. She sat down next to him and crossed her legs.
"Would you like to help me?"
It was rare that he asked for help - no matter the context.
He trusted her, he loved her - she was sure of that. For a second she was too scared to open her mouth and speak, not wanting to ruin the softness of the moment.
"Of course." she swallowed; she was unable to hold back a smile. "What are we doing?"
"We'll try to remove the propeller so we can replace it with a new one. Then we'll try to find out why the battery is dead and if the spark plug needs to be changed." he explained it slowly and patiently, taking a look at her face here and there, making sure she understands what he's saying. "Sounds good?"
"Yeah. How can I help?"
"If you could get this screw out so we can take the propeller off, that'd be awesome."
"I can try."
She took the screwdriver from him as he turned the boat motor towards her so she can get to work. The first time tried to remove it the screw didn't move at all. That's why the second time she tried it she used more force - and to her surprise the screw moved.
She looked up at Will for a second with a grin. "It looks like that's something only women can do."
"Right. Thanks." she could hear that he was smiling, his pride wasn't hurt like any other man's would be.
"What now?" she asked as she took off the propeller.
"Now we'll take a look at the spark plug..."
And Will started to explain everything. He told her how to take the spark plug out, he explained what the most common problems are that can kill the battery in seconds. He spoke and then let her do the work, praising her when she did something right and chuckling when she messed something up. He corrected her and then watched her work with a smile.
She had a feeling that he likes to explain it to her, he likes the thought that he can teach her something new what isn't criminal profiling or basic self defense stuff.
By the time the motor was taken apart her fingers felt numb and she felt herself getting tired. Will must've felt it too, because he took the wrench she had in her hand.
"Is that all?" she asked.
"No, but I think for today you've done enough."
"Enough good stuff?"
"You've done a wonderful job with this for a rookie." Will's smile was genuine - so was hers.
"Yeah, no surprise you're a teacher. You can explain how everything works really well." she rested her head on his shoulder and even if Will tensed up a little from the sudden affection, he didn't push her away - he pressed a soft, barely even a real kiss to the top of her head.
"I think you should go ahead and lie down. I'll join you in a second."
"No. I'll wait here with you."
And she waited.
She waited until he put the new propeller on. She watched as he checked on the oil. She watched as he started to clean up the mess - putting different tools into the toolbox and cleaning the floor with the rag he had close by.
At some point they changed their position. Maybe it was because of Will moving and turning while trying to not move to far away from her - she didn't know for sure. But she was hugging his shoulders from behind while she rested her chin in the crook of his neck and her legs were wrapped around his waist.
It was a comfortable position for her - and must have been a pretty uncomfortable one for Will.
But he didn't complain. Sometimes he brushed his hand along her shin or knee, or took one of her hands and held it. And it was Heaven.
She couldn't really believe in anything good in this world, not after she saw what the world is like and how bad it actually is. She saw it all through Will's work and night terrors - but one thing was for sure, in that moment she felt like they were both in Heaven. They were home, they were close, the dogs were lazily lying on the rug around them.
It felt safe.
It felt normal.
It felt nice.
"Sweetheart?" she was half asleep when Will finally spoke up, his voice wasn't more than a whisper.
"Let's go to bed, okay?"
"Sure." she answered, but stayed still for a moment. "Will?"
He hummed and she felt the noise go through his whole body.
"I like these evenings. The calm ones."
Will didn't say anything. He didn't have to. She knew he felt the same way. She knew it because he took her hand and pressed a kiss on it. She knew it because he carried her to bed. She knew it because that night he didn't wake up from a night terror.
She liked watching Will do things he actually liked to do. But she liked it more when he slept calmly.
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taro-bae · 1 month
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Twisted Wonderland
How do they sleep in general and with you
♡All Characters♡
I'll do a faculty and side character version too
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Riddle Roseheart -
Sleeps on his back with one arm over his chest the other on the mattress of his bed. Very light sleeper, he's probably stressed out even as he sleeps ready to off someone's head. Occasionally when he's in a deep sleep he will reach out grabbing a pillow or blanket edge to hug it in his sleep.
However with you he's a cuddler. He's so touch starved he can't help it. Little spoon in denial, he will never admit it but he just wants to be held or lie his head on your chest, he just needs a break.
Trey Clover -
Probably the most normal sleeper. Sleeps in a more casual position with one hand under the pillow. Bet he snores every once in a while when he fully falls asleep.
When your with him he let's you rest you head on his chest as he has an arm over you. He's very relaxed, he doesn't embrace you to tight or too soft perfect balance making sure you are also comfortable and get a good night's rest.
Cater Diamond -
The duality of man. Unlike his usual exaggerated persona, Cater sleeps in a more closed up fetal position or on his side. He's a little insecure and possibly depressed so in the privacy of his own bed he drops his act hugging himself to sleep. Suprisly, a somewhat peaceful sleeper but does move around sometimes.
When he has you with him he's a cuddler, he will probably lie right in the middle on top of you his head on your chest if he feels like it. During the night he probably moves more to the side and ends up less connected.
Deuce Spade -
Deuce is a little restless (he be fighting people in his dreams) but over all casual. Arms thrown in random direction head to the side. He sometimes let's out small snores if he's sleeping on his back
Whatever you want. He just wants you to he comfortable and satisfied. He can be big spoon or little spoon he won't complain. But he does like to have your arms around him as he lies on your chest.
Ace Trappola -
Arms behind his head (like on that one vingette). He's an asshole even in his sleep he takes up alot of space for himself. Sometimes moves around or hits.
He is smug and is always big spoon, he will hold you but also tease you for it. He'll be a jerk in a teasing manner if you cling to him saying that you're too clingy but he loves it.
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Leona Kingscholar -
Mf does not care he just wants a nap. He can fall asleep anywhere in a matter of seconds. A pretty chill deep sleeper, surprisingly doesn't snore but let's out deep chest rumbles or small growls.
You're his pillow. Head on your chest, lap, thighs, stomache, anywhere he feels like. Sometimes prefers holding you close to his chest in a possessive and protective embrace, just never call him clingy.
Ruggie Bucchi -
Messy sleeper. Bed hair, limbs spread out but he's still a light sleeper. He can sleep in any position usually flipping to his stomache to have his face close to the pillow to nuzzle into.
Cuddly hyena. He loves to have his head on your chest or nuzzled into your shoulder. He is fine with whatever, being held or holding you it doesn't matter as long as you're close. If you pat his head and ears he will let out small contained purrs.
Jack Howl -
On his side with his head resting on his biceps. His tail is tucked near his legs, ears resting on his head. Similar to leona, sometimes growls in his sleep when he's dreaming. (Imagine he does those leg kicking runs that dogs do in their sleep)
When your near him he's more relaxed. He feels very protective and gaurds you when you sleep, his arms in a protective hold around you his tail also finding its way to wrap around your body. Rests his chin on your head but makes sure to not hurt you with his grip (he's a very strong boy). But overall he's like a puppy protective and snuggly.
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Azul Ashengrotto -
It's either sleeping on his back like a corpse (hes practicing for his funeral thanks to the leech twins) or being complelty spread out with his limps everywhere taking up the bed. He is sometimes worried about drying up or turning into his merman form in his sleep.
Super cuddly, affection starved octopus. He wants you to hold him very tight so he can feel your presense and comfort. He's very insecure and wants to feel cared for, will cling to you in his sleep.
Jade Leech -
Another corpse. Sleeps on his back with his arms folded over his chest fingers intertwined. Very quiet sleeper, barely makes a sound, someone should check if he's still alive. He has a weird habit of smiling in his sleep, a small smile like he's scheming (he's dreaming of mushrooms).
If you're with him he's still quiet, he simply holds you in an embrace. He will stay up until you fall asleep and keep watch over you, it's a little creepy but he will stare at your sleeping form for some time until going to sleep himself.
Floyd Leech -
You already know...his arms and legs all over the place, jade walked in on his a few times practically half falling off the bed. He wakes up completely different to how he was falling asleep.
Be prepared to be squeezed like a stress toy. He will embrace you with his arms and legs with all his body weight and height (and he's a big boy, good luck). He will occasionally try nibble on you and mutter things in his sleep.
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Kalim Al Asim -
Starts in a fetal position ends up somewhere else. Moves around alot a little fussy at times. He mumbles in his sleep about the most random things.
Another cuddler. Just wants to be close, is fine with whatever you want, big spoon, little spoon anything else he is up for everything. Might kick or hit you in his sleep accidently, rarely but it happened before.
Jamil Viper -
He's overworked and a very light sleeper. He sleeps on his side holding one of those long pillows in his hands. He has a habit of holding onto things in his sleep, he can't control it.
He's reserved so in the beginning he will be hesitant. But he secretly loves cuddles, but won't admit to it. Falling asleep with him will either be you on his chest with his arm over or him facing away but keeping a hand interlocked. During the night his habit of clinging will let him down, you'll wake up to him holding onto you.
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Vil Schoenheit-
Sleeping Beauty pose. On his back making sure to not damage his hair, his bed is super clean and comfy, silk sheets and pjs. Very calm and peaceful sleeper, ofcourse he doesn't snore.
He will let you rest you head on his chest as he holds you, he wants to make sure both of you sleep in 'healthy' positions that won't cause soreness or effect your appearance. Will sometimes let you cuddle into him.
Rook Hunt -
Doesn't sleep he stalks savanaclaw students
Follows some advice vil gave him on the best ways to sleep. He's dramatic even in his sleep, he probably has an arm over his head/eyes like a damsel in distress. Over than that pretty peaceful overall, doesn't snore but mumbles in French.
All over you, protective arms wrapped around you. He thinks you are perfection. He's an odd one, he will watch you sleep and take photos of you (you are going on his wall behind the wallpaper in his room). Over than that very affectionate and ensures you have the best sleep.
Epel Felmier -
Vil told him the right way he should be sleeping. He's not going to do that, sleeps spread out sometimes moving around. A little bit of a messy sleeper and sometimes snores.
He's big spoon in his mind. He wants to manly and the dominant one even if he's shorter than you. He will have his arms over you big spooning you but he's actually a little spoon in denial.
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Idia Shroud -
Another barely functioning non-sleeper. He plays games throughout the majority of the night. When he sleeps he sleeps on his side either hugging a pillow body pillow or in a not-so contracted fetal position
Give him time he'll be very anxious and shy about sleeping with someone else for a while. Once he gets used to it he likes to cuddle and entangle his body with yours. He likes to be held and have his head on your chest or face on your stomache. When he's a bit more bold he will hold you flushed against him chin on your head.
Ortho -
In his charging station....that's it
He will love some cuddles, he sees you as an older sibling and loves to get attention and affection from you and be held.
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Malleus Draconia -
He has a special pillow for his horns. Very peaceful and still sleeper, probably sleeps on his back. I can see him letting out some smoke from his mouth when he sleeps (dragon behaviour)
He watches you more than he sleeps but not in a creepy way, he wants to make sure your safe and having a restful sleep. He will make sure you have good dreams as he holds you while you sleep. He is thankful that you are comfortable enough to fall asleep with him, let alone on him.
Sebek Zigvolt -
Declares his love for Malleus as he sleeps. He sometimes mutters and talk in his sleep. He's a little tense but for once he's not frowning. He sleeps mostly on his back a hand over his head, he is a soldier who should he ready for action after all.
Very protective, he holds you to his chest with both his arms, one arm over behind your head. He keeps you very close to himself and is usually big spoon.
Silver -
Everyone knows he naps everywhere. Very quiet and insanely pretty as he sleeps, he's got the whole princely vibe. Can sleep in any position and anywhere.
Usually he falls asleep on you, with his head on your shoulder or maybe chest. If your in the comfort of your rooms he prefers holding you, he wants to be your knight and protect you. But he does find alot of comfort being little spoon. A very gentle sleeper.
Lilia Vanrouge -
Sleep? What's that? He's up gaming all night, he doesn't sleep. He's living that nocturnal bat lifestyle. When he does he takes up alot of space and snores (old man behaviour).
With you he stays up and cuddles your body really close occasionally brushing your hair out of your face or patting your head. Sleeps holding you the whole night.
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kyumisyumi · 23 days
Something something something eldritch Nikto something something something
I've sifted through so many ideas for this because I didn't wanna just pick a random eldritch creature from my box of horrors and slap Nikto's name on it. But also I don't feel like I have enough info about him(ironic, considering I write about him so much) to craft him into a creature. I watched some documentaries on eldritch horrors, dived into Russian cryptids and still drew blanks but here's what I managed
Rating: E for everyone who loves Nikto
Eldritch!Nikto x F!Reader
Word count: 1K
~Taking requests~
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You weren't running from the consequences of your actions, more like briskly walking in the opposite directions. Looking forward all the way because backwards held the sounds of large dogs and angry men. Their boots cracking every twig and foliage along the way, voices interrupting the once peaceful ambiance of the woods. You could hardly tell whether the growling was from the hounds or the men. And really, who wouldn't want to run away from such a thing? Not run; walk. Quickly, very quickly. You were being smart, not cowardly.
No, never that.
You weren't cowardly when you snuck into that guardsman's post. You weren't cowardly when you tried to steal the gold he confiscated from the Miller's wife, the only woman that kept you fed while the streets were your home. You weren't cowardly when you defended yourself once he caught you. And you weren't cowardly when you accidentally bashed his head in with a clay pot. He should've worn a helmet, really. A guard should always have their helmet on! What was he thinking? Now look at you, running for your life and deluding yourself as if it would change the actions of the past.
You ran your mouth, ran your mind, but no matter how fast you moved, you couldn't outrun hunting dogs. Your fault, really, for trying to do so while wearing the long, ugly skirt you stole from someone's unattended clothesline. You should've maybe stolen the guard's old pants, you knew he had some because he mentioned wanting to give them to his nephew who was in combat training. Instead you dashed out the home the moment you realized he wasn't breathing, panicked by your first time taking a life. What were you thinking?
"I wasn't-" you spat a thick glob of blood out your mouth, it's red color staining the putrid black floor. Tears staining your vision and pain plaguing your mind. "I didn't mean to." You said it over and over again but it was little defense against men who'd lost a comrade because of you. A good man. A good man who stole from widows and bullied the elderly? It's weird how two people can look at the same person but see someone different. But that train of thought was halted by a kick to your stomach. And when one of the men took the final hit, the force of it sending you against the edge of the pit, you finally felt that feeling in your stomach. The one you hid away behind conversations with yourself. Locked away behind a naive expectation that things will either go your way or go away. Your first taste of true regret. Because you got a glimpse of where that attitude has lead you. That attitude that kept you going when your parents had left you. That attitude that kept you alive when your survival was in your own hands at an age where other children were being coddled and sung to. That attitude that protected you in the harsh village slum, now had you staring down into hell. 'The pit'; a giant hole defacing mother earth's perfect form. It's surface covered in black ichor, you couldn't tell whether the walls were moving or you'd been hit so hard your vision was thoroughly fucked. This was considered a punishment worse than death. Jokesters and troublemakers got a stern talking to. Thieves and crooks got jail time. Murders and adulterers got death. But the truly damned got the pit. The punishment didn't match the crime but judging by the hate filled glares of the men surrounding you, they didn't much care.
Or maybe they did care, they cared about you as much as you did yourself, these days.
That was a more comforting thought, maybe? Maybe not. Either way, thinking about it felt a whole lot better than thinking of the weightlessness you felt as you fell. Your vision quickly losing the greens and yellows of a gentle forest to being plunged into darkness. A darkness beyond description. One that surpassed what's seen when you close your eyes for the night. That surpassed the unconsciousness of sleep when dreams escaped you. A darkness that felt like death yet was somehow alive.
The walls were moving, they shifted uncomfortably as they felt the presence of another. Voices that whispered of uncertainty and conflict. Voices that yelled intruder and ones that yelled fodder. But one voice just hummed in curiosity at seeing the source of blood and spit and tears it tasted. He had consumed many of your kind but what little it had of you ignited interest rather than hunger. So it did not eat. Didn't wrap you in its tendrils and rip you apart into easily digestible pieces to be absorbed by its mass. The tendrils held you, confused by their many intentions and wants, before simply bringing you lower into the pit. To the very bottom that no other creature has ever seen. No other creature would ever be allowed near. Far too close to it's more vulnerable organs. But you wouldn't hurt it, would you? Wouldn't hurt them. Not with those blunt nails and teeth, not with those little limbs and severed ties to the natural order. You were weaker than it's weakest points yet you fought against his tendrils like you believed you could win. Struggled and resisted as if you had a fighting chance. 'Hush, little human.' It thought as it strangled you, only enough to render you unconscious. Give it enough time to build a prison home inside itself for you. Then build a form for himself more perceptible to your primitive eyes, he'd tried once before but the human face was so hard to mimic. There was so much anger inside you, more for yourself than for him. And Nikto couldn't understand it. There is only one 'you' inside that tiny, fleshy form. How can one be angry at their own/only self? That would be one of the first things he asked. He felt there was nothing a creature like you could teach him yet he had so much he wanted to ask regardless. Maybe once he had his answers he could finally consume you in peace. Maybe then the voices that called for him to spare you will quiet down. And the ones that screamed for him to bond with you will stop. Your body couldn't handle the things he desires... Could it?
Regardless, he has time. All the time in the world and beyond.
Silly human, getting yourself thrown down here, what were you thinking?
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All in all, I didn't want to forget the eldritch and just make a monster.
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