#hestia shepard
funkypoacher · 2 years
How about: “Never do that again. Please” + Kaidan & Hestia and/or "I'd hate to be a burden..." || "It's alright, (Name). I don't mind taking care of you" + Joseph & Trudy?
it's been a minute since I wrote Hes/Kaidan!! this prompt was fun. based off my post-war canon which is explained here (dont worry, its short). Will be doing the Trudy/Joseph one as well (because how can I not??) in a seperate post.
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She almost can't hear him over the wind howling through the canyon between them. But before she can give Kaidan his hollered concern its due credit, she's got priorities to sort out, and those are hauling herself up the cliff-edge she's clinging to. Half-dangling from her stomach over a vast wilderness of beautiful north Vancouver splendor—yep, it'd be a shame to bloody-up the cuts of soaring rock and birch going orange with the season.
Shepard lifts herself to the plateau and stands. How she got sand in her crack is a mystery for the ages.
"Are you okay?!"
Kaidan is horrified. Jiggling a little to dislodge the grit, Shepard just eyes the crevice she flung herself across. It's a thirty meter drop, easily, into a sea of trees.
"Guess it was a bit bigger than I thought, eh?"
"You think?!"
Shepard smiles to herself. Readjusting the jostled zipper of her jacket, she loudly asks "you want me to throw the rope across, or—?" but before she can wholly offer to toss him a line, Kaidan is floating across the expanse, lit up with the blue light.
He lands a foot away. Kaidan's handle of his biotics is, as always, lithe. His body, though, moves like a soldier, so he hits the ground running. His boots dig into the earth; he grunts. Yes, Kaidan is both refined and gruff; as rigid as he is ridiculously adaptable. Kaidan is… Well, he's a lot of things, isn't he?
For now, he's the guy giving her stink eye, the blue of his biotics receding like water.
"Nice job, fly-boy," Shepard says, arms across her chest.
"And there was room for one more," Kaidan answers somewhat sourly. "Seriously, we could have piggy-backed. I thought you were going to use your biotics, not… throw yourself at it."
"With my implant fubared like it is, no. No way. Biotics are a no-go for a while." Sighing, sucking in that pine-fresh air, Shepard nods west. "Come on. We're losing daylight. Got a few clicks until the next camp and no one likes when you show up after dark."
Kaidan sighs, too. "Fine." He pinches the bridge of his nose. "Just… never do that again. Please."
Her skin pricks into a shiver. And now it's Hestia's turn to look scared.
In answer to Kaidan's question, Shepard shrugs; turns away.
"Nothing. It's a little like old times, I guess." She smiles small, voice quiet but not soft. "You. Me. You asking me not to complete a totally viable maneuver."
"Completely?" Kaidan's consternation becomes something else real quick, however. Walking closer, his voice reaches for her. "Hes…"
"We need to go."
"We need to talk."
"No, Kaidan," Shepard answers. She looks down. "It's too soon."
"Too soon?" Kaidan takes a step back. "It's been four years since we talked about anything that wasn't the war. But it's over, now—"
"If you think this isn't still the war, then you're wrong," Shepard replies quickly. "This is the war. We're still in it. And this is more real than…"
She knows by the shift in his eyes that she's gone too far. She's drifting in and out of that headspace where the Reapers were a bad dream; where this is all it's ever been—a world in ruins and its populace starving—and Shepard was never any commander because how can she live with that guilt? She misses the simplicity and denial. She misses where Kaidan was just a daydream, simple, and soft.
But things are never simple.
"We're going," Shepard says. And even if she's only there to act as Kaidan's guide, she's going with or without him.
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briarfox13 · 2 years
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Thank you @n7viper for tagging me to make my OCs in in this picrew
Have my current fixations, Saskia Shepard and Hestia-113! And of course, me thrown in for good measure
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lethargicluv · 11 months
Firefighter Ghost Blurb 2
Part 1
Firefigher Simon "Ghost" Riley who didn't think he'd ever mess up a team training exercise until he's falling from the scaffolding to the safety mats below because his boot missed a rung when he saw your face smiling at them from your second story window. Soap is gaping down from the top of the obstacle course in disbelief because LIEUTENANT SIMON RILEY just fumbled so hard he actually fell, he never thought he'd ever see that happen. Gaz is still in position to start once Ghost made it to the top joining Soap but is now trying very hard not to laugh outloud so his face is buried in his arms and his shoulder are trembling slightly. Price has his clipboard to his forehead in exasperation because how would they even make it to regionals for the upcoming yearly firefighter team obstacle course competition if they were messing up in practice like this. Simon has never been more thankful for his mask because he's more red than the firetrucks in the station now that he knows you saw what just happened. He can see you giggling in your window from where he lies splayed out on the mats and he thinks that if he gets to see you laugh like this more often he wouldn't mind falling again. 
You find out that they've been training to compete next month when you bring today's taco tuesday dinner over to them. The recipe seemed to call for a bit too much spice and you get to witness Soap choke and splutter while Gaz brings the table more water. Simon muses that it can't be that bad and that Soap's just a wimp until he takes a bit as feels like someone lit his mouth on fire. Price jokes and tells you it's a good punishment for them for messing up training today. When Soap recovers from his coughing fit he asks if you'll come watch them compete and Simon wants to strangle him because he knows that Soap knows exactly what he's doing the cheeky little bastard. He's going have to discuss upping the level of training with Price after this because if you're coming there's no way in hell he's going to let 141 place anything but first place. They're going to nationals and that’s final. It's now non-negotiable. 
You tell him as he walks you back across the street to your house after dinner that you're thrilled to watch them compete and that you think he looks particularly handsome when hes moving. A week later he brings you a sweatshirt that matches theirs that says 141's honorary member, Hearth, and when you ask his why Hearth he says they all agreed that you remind them of Hestia the goddess of the hearth. You're hospitable and always by the fire stations side. Someone that takes care of them all. You make him what’s possibly the best shepard’s pie he’s ever had the next day.
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aliciavance4228 · 1 month
Quick Question: Why are there so many people who describe gods as "feminists"?
I remember myself writing last month at 2AM while drunk (romanians are just built different) an entire Bible about why Athena being labeled either as a Feminist or a Misogynist is wrong in both cases and that because we're talking here about a figure that was firstly mentioned hundreds of years ago when people had a completely different mentality than ours and blah blah blah. Yes, I'm the idiot who brought back the "Ovid is a faniction writer meme", but I'll let you beat the shit out of me later.
But I've discovered how a lot of greek gods are suddenly labeled as "feminists". And my genuine question is... how?
Ares: Many people claim that he was the protector of women and that he never raped any woman in his entire life just because he murdered his daughter's rapist. People forget the fact that just because there are few to no surviving written works in which he rapes women that doesn’t mean that he didn't do that at all; there are already two discovered myths in which he rapes a woman disguised as a shepard despite the fact that she was one of Artemis's huntress and one in which he sleeps with another woman in secret, respectively. Also, aside from his mother, lovers and daughters he doesn't protect any other woman that isn't close to him from being raped.
Apollo: Many people consider that just because he was a certified bisexual who deeply loved his mother and twin sister (and saved both of them from being raped in different myth versions) that makes him a feminist as well. Wrong: he raped Chione in her sleep and Dryone in the form of a snake.
Hermes: Hermes raped Chione in her sleep and Apemosyne after slipping on skinned hides that he placed on her path.
Dionysus: He raped Aura while she was drunk and Nicaea while she was unconscious. Also, people often forget that his own cult itself is the main reason why he cannot be a Feminist in the first place, and that because his priestesses usually had to get drunk during the festivals and rituals dedicated to him, which made them completely vulnerable to any man who wanted to take advantage of them.
Hades: On one hand, he lets his wife rule over the Underworld and have just as much authority as him. On the other hand, he still kidnapped her and then forced her to eat those pomegranate seeds. And because it's very uncertain wheter or not he actually raped her in Homeric Hymn to Demeter, some people may argue that the pomegranate seeds are supposed to symbolize his seed, and by extension him forcing Persephone to eat them is a metaphor for him forcing himself on her.
What is next: Telling me that Zeus was a feminist as well?
Now, I know that Greek Mythology is completely messed up and the desire to either change or erase some myths is justified. Also, it's really hard for a person who feels deeply connected to a certain deity to recognize that the respective deity has done some things that by modern standards would be considered immoral and/or completely disturbing. But that isn't an excuse for not admitting that yes, [Name] has done some horrible shit just like any other deity from the Pantheon. Save for Hestia, we all love her and she must be protected at all cost.
Now, I have absolutely no problem with your headcanons about the greek gods or depicting them in a better light in your fanfictions, comics, fanarts etc. etc.
However, claiming that your headcanons or retellings are mythologically accurate is a problem.
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deaadcrush · 4 years
🌵 Who’s the prickliest of your characters? The softest?
“prickliest” is interesting!!! Like..... Hm. Probably either Hestia or Albany. They’re sorta my Boss Bitches .... and they’re both kinda mean. I think for the softest would be niobe 100%. niobe is a soft bitch, they’re Really Kind All The Time!!!
🌿 Which oc can handle the most spice? Which prefers the blandest foods?
OOoh this is a really good q and i’ve never thought about it! I think Jezebel would like spicy food the best. They’re my fucking self insert so. They love green chile. As for the blandest.... probably Jesse? She grew up on a whole bunch of space ships so she hasn’t really been exposed to like Good Spicy Food yet. It’d be pretty Offensive for her tbh. 
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funkyscreencaps · 5 years
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this just in: human biotic is going to screw the other human biotic. more at 10.
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stormyblue90 · 3 years
Hmmm, for the Greek God ask, I'd like to ask:
Hestia and Athena, also Ares! (because I know you like him;)
Hestia: describe your ideal house:
Well, probably the biggest thing I'd want is SPACE! A lot of space around the house. Not something gigantic obviously. Maybe more like the typical 3 bed 2 bath house I grew up in. Back then I thought it was small, but that's because four people (myself included), a minimum of about 5 cats, and OCCASIONALLY a dog living in it. (at one point two dogs, a Newfoundland puppy the size of an adult german shepard, and a shetland sheepdog). However if it's JUST ME living in that same size house, it'd feel A LOT bigger. Also I feel like a BIG house with lots of space is one I could keep clean BETTER than the small, cramped space I'm currently living in. Like, even if it's the same amount of mess, in a BIG room it doesn't LOOK that much, therefore it won't feel overwhelming to me. The only time I ever had a SPOTLESS room was when it was just my mom and I (plus 3 cats) living in a pretty spacious 2 Bed/Bath apartment that had BIG walk in closets in both bedrooms. So lots of space to spread everything out or store it. Also with spare bedrooms, I'd probably turn at least one into a pet-room. Whether it be filled with toys and stuff for kitties, OR (provided I did my research and such) a room dedicated to caring for a small bird like a budgie or cockatiel. I'd also like a big backyard so I could have two things: an inground pool, and a catio so my kitties can SAFELY enjoy the outdoors. As for whether I'd like 1 or 2 floors, it doesn't matter. BUT if it was a 2-story house I'd want to have a balcony to walk out on. As for location.... I'd LOVE to live along the coast, have a nice view of the sea.
Ares: opinion on war:
Hmm... Well, I think it depends on WHY a war is being fought. Many (such as Stephen Fry in his book Mythos) say "war is stupid" (and therefore Mr. Fry says Ares is "stupid" because of that, forgetting he is also a god of CIVIL ORDER and Passionate Courage, but I digress). Modern war IS stupid. It's nothing but GREED over another nation's resources. It's pointless. War for the sake of IMPERIALISM or to see who has the most destructive weapons, is stupid. HOWEVER, if it's a war to stop say, Fascism, or to stop an imperialistic power from taking over, then that's a war that NEEDS to be fought! DEFENSIVE wars to me are different than the modern day wars fueled by greed and capitalism.
Athena: share a piece of wisdom:
Let's see... It's kinda cliche or tropey but.... Kindness, love, compassion, gentleness, etc. is strength, not weakness. Cruelty is easy. There's no strength in bullying, or intimidating others. Anyone can be hateful and cruel to others, but to CHOOSE kindness, love, and compassion, that's real strength
Also asking for help is not a sign of weakness. From the moment we enter this world, that is EXACTLY what we do, cry out for help, safety, comfort. We are an aggressively HYPER-SOCIAL species meant to help each other, and even nature itself. Sure other animals will help those in their social groups, but not quite to the extent humans do.
This question was tricky but....that's what I got....
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jungleboy-cruise · 6 years
Demeter, hestia, satyr :>
Demeter: Do you have any pets? Yes I have a dog named Jewel and I would die for her. She’s half Siberian Husky quarter German Shepard and a Quarter Black Lab and she’s beautiful gorl. 
Hestia: Where do you consider home? Would it be a Cliche Actor thing to say if I said on the stage or in the wings of a theater? (the PAC in Big Bear mostly but really any theater) 
Satyr: Last time you couldn’t stop laughing? I was video chatting with my sister last night and that usually gets me laughing 
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esteltar-blog · 6 years
                            ARAGOR.N’S MCU VERSE ---- BLESSED BY ESTILIAN.
            * * his verse probably works easier with gotg verse rather than ave/ngers verse, but i’m gonna attempt at making it easier to interact with either.
the estilian --- commonly or more widely known as the hestians, are a proud people, a people of valor and grace. the entirety of their planet is considered holy, a sacred place, a place of peace and paradise. their soldiers made up the inquisition, the holy order, those charged with keeping evil at bay. their rangers were the dunedain, a small group blessed by the inquisiton with long life and the charge of watching over the land and its people. aragorn did not know this life for a while, as his father was slain when he was a mere two years old by an ambush of an alien race that would later attempt to steal their land. aragorn was hidden away by the inquisition’s high order, for fear his identity would get him killed. hestia was deemed unsafe for aragorn when the unholy war began, when the hestians and the inquisition were forced to fight against dark things that began to pry themselves out from the ground and fall from the sky. and still yet he remained, hidden safely within the holy city of ???? ( i’ll name it later lol ). it was there he learned his rights as a dunedain, as a ranger. he learned to track, to fight, to wield a bow as well as a sword. he learned these things with ease, unknown to him that his birthright gave him dominion over the land to the south, that he was a king. only when he was a young man did he learn of his truth, but there was a darkness that was claiming the hearts and minds of men, an unholiness that corrupted even the strongest of hestians. aragorn feared that corruption, despite his unwavering faith in his people, but he would have remained. fates did not give him that opportunity, for the holy city was attacked by something evil and strong, and most of the hestians were wiped out. very few survived, fewer still those were dunedain, and only a handlful of the inquisition. they all took to a ship and fled to the stars, where they were safe, but without a place to call home. they became a floating city, a floating people, and they began to wander. they never lost hope, and there were rumors of a word that could banish the darkness from their home, a word, a person, and a sword, but the location of them is unknown, lost in the vacuum of time, so while there was hope, it was small.
in his av/engers / earth verse, his people hear that the person of prophecy might be located on a place called earth. aragorn is sent to reside there, to make a home for himself, a name for himself, and to discover the location of this person. it takes time, but his home is a log cabin in colorado. he’s got a horse named kingly and a dog named estel. he lives mostly off the land, sticks to himself, but he makes what little money he can through hunting and selling food he makes on his land. there are whispers of a man named strider that fights crime and unjust, but no one has actually seen him to confirm. especially since the person fighting with a sword or bow is usually hooded & cloaked.
he is probably oh, in his mid thirties when he’s sent to earth.
in his gotg verse --- he doesn’t go to earth / doesn’t stay there long. he and the other hestians form a group similar to the guardians, only they are the inquisition, and they value honor the justice more than anything ( so unlike the guardians, they don’t do whatever they want & steal ).
he has super strength, the ability to understand nature’s intent around him, the ability to communicate with animals ( in a sense ), long life, an is an exceptional fighter with a bow / sword.
kingly looks like brego in two towers, and estel is a german shepard.
he wouldn’t be opposed to teaming up to fight evil ( like if he met an ave/nger or whatever ) but his sole mission is to find the person of the prophecy. he does quickly fall in love with earth though, and it wouldn’t be unlike him to want to stay there if he were ever to save his planet and what was left of his people.
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sakura-green-tea · 8 years
Tagged by: @s-wordplay (thanks for tagging me btw! I was debating doing this or not, but decided to do it just for fun) Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Anastasia Nicknames: Ana, or Nastcha (which is what my family calls me) Zodiac sign: Cancer Height: Around 5′2″, so I’m pretty short. My 12-year-old little brother is almost the same height as me now… Orientation: Idk. I haven’t really thought much about it, but if I had to pick a word to describe my orientation I’d probably say ace. Ethnicity: Russian; everyone in my extended family is either from Russia, Belarus, or Kazakhstan. Favorite fruit: Pineapples and mandarins Favorite season: Summer! I love sunny and warm weather. Favorite book series: I don’t read very many book series, but a few years back I really liked the Alex Rider books. The movie based off of it was a disaster though. Favorite flower: Bleeding heart flowers; I used to have a ton of them growing in my front-yard garden. Favorite scent: Fresh apples Favorite color: Green Favorite animal: Bunnies, and snakes. Komodo dragons are also super cool. Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: I love all three! But I do drink tea the most. Average sleep hours: About 3-5 hours on weekdays, and 8 hours on weekends. Cat or dog person?: Definitely a dog person - they’re so friendly and make great pets. I actually used to have a German Shepard pup. Cats are cute too though; I just like dogs better. Favorite fictional characters: Waaaayyyy too many to list. Some of them are: Allen Walker from D Gray Man, Hestia from DanMachi, the Gintama characters, Kurapika and Killua from Hunter x Hunter, Yona from Akatsuki no Yona, and of course the DR characters. I also love Shawn Spencer from Psych. Number of blankets you sleep with: 2-3 blankets. Dream trip: Either going to Venice in Italy, or Paris in France. Taking a trip to Japan would also be nice. Blog created: I have no idea when, and I don’t know how to check (if possible). Number of followers: 135
And for the tagging part, I think it would nice if these people could also do the 20 questions thing (you don’t have to if you don’t want to though):
@a-lonely-ahoge  @lovely–knight  @tobbs-5  @kuzudon  @somerandomweebtrash  @zetsub0u  @thai  @honekoneko  @saiharashvichi  @wildweeaboob  @hasanybodyseenmystraightjacket
That’s not 20 people, but oh well.
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deviousspleen · 8 years
Just a quick list of my Bioware babies
Hero of Ferelden Damian Amell, blood-mage (based on some kind of Tom Riddle personnality) and romanced Morrigan. The kind who hates the Chantry and who is so much more himself with the witch.
Champion Blair Hawke, Force-Mage, mostly green personnality but in act II, after Carver became a grey warden, purple. Romance with Anders of course (okay, I may have a type…). I tried so hard to make her as Nathalie Portman… So hard. 
Inquisitor Hestia Trevelyan, assassin, romance Cullen (even if sometimes, I have a thing for her and Sera considering the personnality I imagine for her). Not much so say about her but she’s an older version of Léonie. Morever, you will find a lot of her quotes here. 
Ryan Shepard, Earthborn and Ruthless, Renegade (jerk), romanced Miranda and soldier. Ending ? Probably Destruction but I’m not sure. Control ? 
Katherine Shepard, colonist and War Hero, Paragon (my doctor who-girl). Romance Kaidan because he’s a cutie since ME1. I always imagine her with RED hair. And Infiltrator. Ending ? Destruction with full preparation.
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CONGRATULATIONS ON NOT BEING KILLED! you’ve successfully made it to camp half blood, a greek demigod training facility located at the north of long island; you may also know it as camp parental issues. directed by the greek god dionysus and heroic figure chiron, the camp is the only safe place for half-bloods thanks to the magical borders keeping creatures out. demigods live in their corresponding parents’ cabin, though by no means are the gods obligated to claim their children as soon as they arrive at camp: there are some who have been overlooked by the gods. they are the UNCLAIMED – they stay in the hermes cabin, god of travellers, desperate to prove themselves worthy to their parents and hoping to find their parents’ glowing symbol above their head when they do.
will you be claimed? is your godly parent one of the twelve olympian gods, or are you perhaps a child of a minor god? with a camp invisible to mortals except ones that can somehow see through the borders, monsters and mortals can not enter unless permitted from the inside. here, you are safe from anything monstrous that intends on hurting you… and here, you will learn the essential skills to SURVIVE.
this is not a percy jackson group verse, but merely a camp for demigods. feel free to apply even if you haven’t read the books -- canon events from the books/movies don’t exist in this group verse.
please post a few bulletpoints for a bio once you’ve been accepted into the verse -- the only thing absolutely required here is how long they’ve been at camp, whether they’re a summer or year round camper and their relationship with their godly parent. whatever else you add is up to you.
FOR A LAYOUT OF THE CABINS, PLEASE CLICK THIS LINK. please note that hera, hestia and artemis are not eligible as godly parents as they are virgin goddesses; in athena’s case, her children are born in the same way she was.
there’s a limit of 4 canons per person but oc’s don’t count. also, kids of the big 3 are limited to 3 kids each due to their power & the fact that they rule over their own kingdoms. the only exception to this is for canon percy jackson characters that might want to join! i’m sure you can understand due to the 
the official group verse name is GLORY TO THE GODS – the tag for ic starters is gttgic, and the ooc tag for bios etc is gttgooc. please track them both!
if your character is taken and you’d like to join as a twin, please ask the person you’d be related to first. duplicate fc’s will not be allowed unless they’re twins.
this group verse is not first come first serve.
to apply, please submit the following: mun name / character name / character’s age / character’s godly parent if claimed / face claim
darcy deucalion / daughter of athena / carlson young. 17.
luke castellan / son of hermes & cabin counselor / jake abel. 20.
boniface ‘bo’ lacey / son of tyche / river phoenix. 18.
jonathan byers / unclaimed ( hades ) / charlie heaton. 16.
daphne blake / daughter of aphrodite / kat mcnamara. 17.
maya hart / unclaimed ( poseidon ) / sabrina carpenter. 14.
damian hatcher / son of hades / shiloh fernandez. 18.
thalia grace / daughter of zeus / kaya scodelario. 16
katie matlin / daughter of athena / chloe rose. 18.
octavia blake / daughter of ares / marie avgeropoulos. 17.
christina wendall / unclaimed ( athena ) / freya tingley. 15.
bellamy blake / son of ares & cabin counselor / bob morley. 20.
jonathan murphy / son of hades / richard harmon. 18.
cassia watson / daughter of nike / gigi hadid. 18.
stiles stilinski / son of hypnos / dylan o’brien. 18.
april small / daughter of aphrodite & cabin counselor / cara delevigne. 20.
rachel elizabeth dare / ORACLE OF DELPHI / madelaine petsch. 16.
griffin xavier / unclaimed ( nike ) / logan lerman. 15.
allison argent / daughter of nike / crystal reed. 18.
kira yukimura / daughter of zeus / arden cho. 17.
anya woods / daughter of athena & cabin counselor / karen fukuhura. 20.
ontari night / daughter of ares / madison mclaughlin. 16.
aaron grey / son of boreas ( hermes cabin ) / lucky blue smith. 18.
kara kent / daughter of zeus / melissa benoist. 16.
raven reyes / daughter of hephaestus & cabin counselor / lindsey morgan. 19.
casey newton / daughter of aphrodite / britt robertson. 18.
claire novak / daughter of ares / kathryn newton. 18.
clarke griffin / daughter of apollo & cabin counselor / eliza taylor. 18.
erica reyes / daughter of nemesis / gage golightly. 18.
nancy wheeler / daughter of athena / natalia dyer. 18.
sara lance / daughter of nemesis & cabin counselor / caity lotz. 19.
garry ‘eggsy’ unwin / unclaimed ( poseidon ) / taron egerton. 17.
steve harrington / son of apollo / joe keery. 17.
atarah shepard / daughter of nemesis / britne oldford. 16.
kaidan alenko / teacher / alfonso herrera. age n/a.
lucas friar / son of ares / peyton meyer. 17.
john mbege / son of hermes / lucien laviscount. 18.
allison reynolds / daughter of apollo / nicola peltz. 17.
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operationrainfall · 6 years
Just Because English Dub Cast Announced
Just Because English Dub Cast Announced
Sentai Filmworks reveals their English dub cast for the romance anime Just Because.  John Swasey will helm the production as the director.
Eita…………….Greg Cote (Mugi Awaya in Scum’s Wish, Ryuunosuke Tanaka in Haikyuu!!). Mio……………..Luci Christian (Hestia in Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?, Natsu Dragneel in Fairy Tail). Haruto…………Blake Shepard (Yuzuru Otonashi in Angel Beats, Kyousuke…
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Gaia, Hestia, Uranus
Gaia: what is your favorite place in the world?My bed, buried under 2 comforters and my German Shepard.Hesitate: where is your home away from home?For right now it’s my car 😅 Uranus: what are your zodiac signs?I’m a Leo, cancer rising(apparently), and my moon sign is Scorpio
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funkypoacher · 4 years
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ARTBREEDER. I goddamn love it. super versatile. tagging @serial-chillr @curiousartemis @paraparadigm @seraphimalune @muses-circle @juniper-tree @kourumi @damejudyhench @spinningmouse @impalaanddemons @yesjejunus @yummychii and anyone who wants to do it, tag me in the post so I can seeeeeeee.  also, once again, if ya’ll can guess who is who, you get an internet cookie 🍪   
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funkypoacher · 5 years
For the angst questions; 3, 12, 24, and 33 for Hes Shepard and Iris Ryder.
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3 What is your OC’s worst memory?
Her parents’ murder when she was 12. They were killed over spare credits by a junkie. The ordeal’s most acute, easily recalled moment was the sounds her mother made when the bullet hit her. Wrapped around Hes to protect her, blood gargled up her throat, splat out, after which she wheezed helplessly for a few, long seconds before dying. Hes didn’t see her parents die so much as hear it (her face was buried in her mother’s neck), but, somehow, that made it worse.
12 To what extent would your OC go to survive?
To any and all extents. Akuze kind of ‘made’ her in that way. The thresher maw kept coming at the unit’s soldiers, huddled and hiding in the colony’s various buildings, and Shepard kept making sure there was another body between her and what was chasing them. She didn’t out-right throw her comrades at the thresher maw, but when finding a good hidey-hole she didn’t share, and she wouldn’t break cover to try and draw the maw’s attention when she saw it going after someone. She made sure she survived (and she barely did, at that). 
Basically, she sees herself as a mission’s best resource (regardless of the mission), and there’s no way she’s letting such a fab resource go to waste. 
23 What is your OC the most guilty about?
Heh. So much. Pre-Reapers, Hes was an ends-means kind of gal, and very goal oriented, meaning side-objectives like helping civilians was a last priority. She was like Seren in a lot of ways, and low-key agreed with his tactics. Hes and Anderson had a few heated discussions about that.As the Reapers hit, however, Hes has recently suffered a huge (poorly-timed) crises of self, thanks in large part to her trial and dishonorable discharge. She mourns ‘exterminating’ the rachni queen, killing infected Feros colonists,  letting Kirrahe’s team fend for itself, and using Kaidan for sex before they dropped on Ilos. She also hates how loyal she became to Cerberus. When the Alliance kicked her to the curb following her ‘resurrection’ (she tried to go back), Hes goes very pro-Cerberus, largely due to bruised ego (she gave everything to the Alliance, and they just abandoned her). While fighting the Reapers, Hes is fighting just as much to sort her shit (and guilty past) out. 
33 How does your OC let out anger?
Pre-Reapers, she takes frustrations out on whomever is closest, and whomever it’s most feasible to bully rank-wise (if on duty). Ridiculous chore lists and public punishments (particularly the latter) were a favorite. Post Reaper-invasion, Hes swallows her anger down alongside a buttload of pills.
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3 What is your OC’s worst memory?
Walking into the food tent that fateful morning, Iris was looking forward to french-toast Friday. After sitting down with her breakfast, she was informed by the Prothean dig’s excavation director (/the asari she was sleeping with)  of her father’s dishonorable discharge. It was also explained to Iris that she should go home to ‘support her father’, and that they didn’t want anyone connected with Alec near their work, considering the stigma associated with AI research.
Iris sat there, staring at her breakfast tray, knowing that everyone, in turn, was staring at her while waiting for her to get up and go. That’s her worst memory: their judging her, and putting her in the same boat as her father. She felt like a traitor, worthless, and stupid. Plus she just got has ass dumped by her lover.
12 To what extent would your OC go to survive?
Put a gun to her head, and Iris will put a gun to someone else’s head–though whether she’ll pull the trigger is another matter. She plays it tough and unflappable, but she’d likely fall short of murder. 
23 What is your OC the most guilty about?
Iris did some stupid stuff for the sake of embarrassing her father following his discharge (public intoxication, public fornication, drugs smuggling; was caught stealing from the dig site she was kicked off of). Although she’s never regretted doing it out of pettiness, Iris did regret putting other people in a difficult situation. As long as the ‘other people’ weren’t her father.
33 How does your OC let out anger?
Revenge. When she was angry at her father, she acted out (see last answer). She stops short of physical violence, but she’ll start rumors, lie, and be generally vindictive. She has to be pretty pissed off, though. For the smaller/medium sized slights, she’ll refuse to talk, stewing in silence, and maybe do some name-calling.
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