#hetalia fashion
I’ve been thinking about fashion and
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This is such a Midwest girls vibe to me
(Left to right) Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana is how I’d dress them
I love the idea of all the female states with their hair done up (or done down) and wearing flower patterns it’s so cute to me
And then with the 70s being bolder with fashion and just having fun
Maybe it’s because of the casualness of it and the social revival going on, but 60s (and 70s) fashion just has such a happy vibe to me and I love to see it
This is more of the 70s but
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(Left to right) N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee is how I’d dress them
Like look at how gorgeous and fun yet elegant their silhouettes are that’s so awesome
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analviel · 2 years
Nations would dress appropriately to the passing of time (save some personal preference of course but there would be alternative styles they can adapt in that case) but now in the present century, Nations would dress in their favourite period fashion (not necessarily the favourite era itself, but certain statements just impressed them that first chance they got they switched back to it).
It's easier to pass off in Countries like China and Japan where they can wear traditional clothes and not have anyone bat an eye, but recently even if someone wore crinolines and petticoats, tasteful fashion will blend in. France and Italy particularly, can be seen dressing their own reimagination of different era clothing everyday, keeping all their favourite details and even multiple favourite points that would not feature in the same decade.
This is sort of connected to my headcanon that for the most part, Nations can be a bit reclusive and are not actually involved in governments, it varies to each respective Nations greatly (although ones under Monarchy have a trend of almost definitely being involved one way or another), the two world wars are an exception rather than an example because its a threat at large to their entire population and land and culture and therefore a direct threat to their existence.
When Nations are newborns, their presence in their 'Leader' (government and such) aspects are pretty non-existent and they gradually grow more involved just to the point of stabilizing their 'Country', but then there's a point where they drift away again, wandering on their own and only dipping their hands into politics again when it gives risky vibes. They do the usual watering and pruning and gardening, but again, for the most part, there's really only so much they can influence the country at large and they certainly can't force it to photosynthesize. 'Risky vibes' of course include both low points and high points, like industrialization era, where there's too little or there's too much and it just makes them feel better to watch closely.
China, for example, has perfected the art of being hands off, dancing in and out of his own civilization, he can go on tangents of the delicate art of knowing when and where to push when you feel yourself aching somewhere. He is especially pissed at the westerners because they'd gotten him off his ass and then handed him said ass - they have no finesse in the way they nurture their country too, just full of bullheaded hammering at the largest issue at a point, too involved in human matters when human matters should really be left largely to humans, as at the end of the day, only humans would know what humans need, Nations are not built to nurture for beings built fundamentally different than them. A Nation child can be cared for by humans, but Nations cannot care for human children.
Nations are too easily distracted, a day could be an hour for them just as a year was actually a decade. It'd be a disaster to take care of a mortal child.
ANYWAYS, I just want France and Italy to dig into their wardrobes and I don't want Austria to change his style, or Belarus, I just can't stop thinking about that one polish lady who likes dressing vintage and I want that for Poland too.
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renonv · 10 months
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Gakuen Spain ❤️
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 6 months
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Early Appalachian frontiersman Alfred in buckskin circa 1790- 1810s. I’m trying to figure out how to paint like NC Wyeth digitally (so lol the background is Wyeth’s).
Gonna ramble a bit about my nor’easter au and Alfred below the cut
Following the American Revolution, Alfred is immediately sent out to squash any rebellions (like whiskey rebellion) and to partake in wars against Indigenous nations like the Cherokee. I’ll save a discussion about the Cherokee wars for another time because that’ll take a long time to explain + I’m still working on my Cherokee oc and I need to understand Cherokee history and perspective more before I go forward with talking about this topic.
Now the many of the east coast states are older than Alfred, and they mostly supported him during the revolution because they thought he’d be easy to control given at the time of the revolution he wasn’t tied down as any colony or city. However, he was a New Englander and very obviously so
He was once Plymouth colony and he grew up alongside his cousin Henry/Massachusetts, but by the time the revolution occurred, his status was unclear and he was simply living with his cousin (who’s his earliest and most fierce supporter) .
These states operated like countries and part of why the had the revolution was to continue to self-govern and maintain their regional cultures. It’s also part of why the federal government initially was rather weak. Given Alfred’s closeness to his cousin, and his very staunch New England identity, I think the states would be hesitant over a strong New England national control. And so I think they especially Jennie/NY & Rich/Virginia encouraged Alfred to leave his cousin for a while, and partake in military campaigns (+ he was good at battle).
Also Alfred was like 14, and I don’t think he’s ever been the type to sit down and do paperwork. Honestly he was always a bad student, who was far more interested in the outdoors, horses, sailing and hunting. While he won the war, and he was fine with being head of state, he still didn’t 1) have confidence in himself to make non-military related decisions 2) he just wasn’t mentally ready to take on the responsibilities and was fine deferring it to his states like Jennie, Rich, or Henry to figure out matters that weren’t military related. He was irresponsible and it would come back to bite him in the ass during the Civil War.
Alfred on a personal level it was probably good for him to get away from his overly critical cousin who can be overbearing, but also so he would get more experience to deeply get to know his states.
Also Alfred, growing up in New England, he was a little ball of rage as a kid and he has a difficult time managing his emotions. He wasn’t exactly the personable seemingly fun loving Alfred of the present. Not that he couldn’t crack a joke, but ok I’m not from New England, but in the northeast I find we’re rather cynical, un-filtered and sarcastic and tbh kind of asssholes in the way we have fun and in our humor. That’s how he was, which is like fine unless you’re trying to appeal to the rest of the nation lol which he would have to
I think his time spent in Appalachia and the south did help him learn more about his other states especially Maisie/ North Carolina. But also helped him learn more how to let go some of this intense New England rage, and how to better control his emotions. But also let loose in a way that isn’t so dark and cynical. Also I think this helped him slowly learn how to speak with less of a New England specific accent
He was also able to observe states like Rich and Carl/ South Carolina and gain an understanding of how being able to control your emotions, can help control your image and how others perceive you. So these are the origins of how he slowly began to shape and become at least in public this overly friendly happy go lucky Alfred.
I’ll save a discussion about his interactions with the Appalachian states more explicitly another time I’m just tired😴 fr rn
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ariaovon · 1 year
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cinemairon · 2 months
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Nyo America Vintage
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skitchune · 1 year
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I’m trying to draw more clothes and fashion things and I just had to put Daddy Denmark in a jumper!
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ask18thcenturyrussia · 10 months
Julchen show me your most beautiful all gowns in closet .
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|| I know it said gowns in plural, but this is all I got for you today. She hates wearing 90% of the dresses of the time, so she is most usually wearing a riding habit like this. They were very utilitarian, and some were designed after military uniforms, so she is comfortable in it enough. There is no avoiding a frilly dress now and then, but this is her top pick. She'd definitely answer that this is the most beautiful, if you asked her.||
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ifindus · 4 months
IreNor opinion?
I believe I've answered a question similar to this before, but it might have been closer to a year ago sooooo
I've mentioned a couple times now, but there's very few ships including Norway that I don't like - love people exploring different relations for him. IreNor is one of those I really like. It has great historical background and I believe their personalities would go together very well. I'm def up for seeing more of them around and people creating more art and writing for them - it'd be very interesting to see other people's take on their interactions. All in all, solid ship ✨
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turbomnstr · 3 months
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nakamopapina · 6 months
I accidentally deleted this ask, but luckily I took a screenshot (of several asks) before going out with my mom on Friday.
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Btw, it’s not really a challenge if I only draw Genderbent versions of characters when asked to do so. (Though, I would like some Genderbent related requests)
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Anyways~ here is America and Canada in said outfits.
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vehwill · 3 months
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Outfit 2 for Russia, and for Italy too! I don't know, I just think this street-punk style looks good on them. Even tho the sketch it's a mess...
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peonycats · 2 years
Can you draw the historical character Majapahit Empire?
bruh i waited so long to answer this ask indonesia became canon
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This is less of an attempt to depict Indonesia as he actually was during the Majapahit Era and more like a modern historical reenactment, thus explaining the historically inaccurate short hair lmao
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roran01 · 2 months
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Man can't find clothes that fit him properly
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ask19thcenturyengland · 10 months
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"Lord and Lady Kirkland"
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salchichas-art · 1 year
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rochu in y2k -ish clothes
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