#hetalia germany x reader
mxromanoitaly · 2 years
Could I request K, N and R from the SFW alphabet for 2P! Germany? If you're comfortable with multiple letters that is!!
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warnings: none, pure fluff !
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K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like? 
Luther kisses like he’s about to fall into a deep and relaxing sleep. His kisses are slow, soft, and ginger. Each kiss is like butter cream and he always places a hand behind your head to cradle you with splayed fingers. He likes to smile into kisses, too, so you can always feel the corners of his lips curl upward. 
The first kiss with him was something so sweet and so chaste that you almost forgot how to breathe. Luther cupped your jaw so gently, like you were made out of porcelain, and he edged forward as such too. It was only a peck, but it was so warm and passionate that you felt your legs get all wobbly. 
N icknames - What do they call their s/o? 
Various things such as: Kätzchen, Schatzi, Liebling, and Maus. He’s kind of obvious and stereotypical with pet names. He doesn’t think too hard about it, but he prefers to say your name the most. 
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Luther isn’t that romantic, but he can be sweet sometimes. He’ll wrap an arm around your shoulder and hold you close, maybe kiss your forehead—but he’ll be few and far between with giving you roses and chocolates. He does sweet gestures sometimes, too, such as pulling out your chair or letting you wear his jacket whenever you get cold. He’s rough around the edges, but he means well. He might not be creative, but he’s easy and warm on you. That’s all that matters.
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atom-writings · 4 months
ok like ur one of my top 3 fav hetalia request blogs so uhhh could i get the big 8 (and canada ofc) and how they cuddle???
hetalia main 8 (+ canada & prussia) affection hcs
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2.0k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: mention of suggestive themes, mention of alcohol
a/n: sorry this got turned into just general affection hcs. hope thats ok. also i couldnt find the original source for any of these images :sob:
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Alfred is a very casually intimate person. His legs intertwined with yours while you game, his hand on your shoulder while you introduce him, and his hands held over yours while he shows you anything, are all common sights even before you start dating.
But once you actually get together, he doesn't get much more affectionate as much as he does touchy. Say goodbye to any personal space, as Alfred loves to manhandle you. Anytime he likes something you're wearing, he just grabs it and forces you to stand there awkwardly.
Every time he comes home from work stressed, he insists that you hold his head in your lap and pet his hair.
When the night begins, he's on the other side of the bed. But by morning, the blankets are practically all on the floor while he hugs you from behind, his face buried in your hair and his legs caging you against the sheets.
Also: he's a great hugger (: Any sickness can be ailed by drowning in his arms.  Sometimes it really does feel suffocating, he has no sense of self-control and way too much love for you to realize that it’s alarming to be tackled to the ground.
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Arthur despises PDA. Arthur despises you knowing how much he cares. Arthur despises being vulnerable in any way. Arthur despises rainbows and sunshine. But he loves you, so he'll hold you by the waist when your head falls on his shoulder.
Most of the time, the most you'll get is a chaste kiss, only sometimes on the lips. It took him a while to even agree to share a bed because it's “unseemly“ for an unwed couple. When you do share a bed, he rarely cuddles up to you. He’s almost always an arm's length away, close but not too close.
But when he gets drunk, his real self comes out. Suddenly he's pressing soft kisses up and down your chest, his hands keeping you pressed against the bed while he whispers how much he loves you in languages he hasn't spoken in centuries.
But even when he's in his right mind, you might be able to convince him to let you sit in his lap while he reads to you. He'll deny it, but he does love it greatly. In general, he prefers holding you rather than the other way around.
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While Francis may be incredibly affectionate, he isn't really the biggest cuddler. His physical affection comes mostly in the forms of passionate, breath-taking kisses and slow dancing. But of course, he does love having you close, so you'll end up cuddling anyway.
He loves lounging with you by his side, a nice bottle of wine readily available, while you two reminisce. His hands always find a way to snake underneath your clothing, but it's only so he can trace soft patterns on your skin, making you relax even further against him.
At night, it depends on the mood. If you're feeling needy, he'll happily pull you close to rest your head on his chest. If he's feeling needy, he'll beg for you to hold him close, to run your fingers through his hair and tell him how much you love him. But if it's the summer and he's hot, he'll kick you off the bed if you touch him.
Also, just for the record, he never lets go of your hand throughout the day. Ever. The difference between affection at home and affection in public is completely lost on Francis, so be prepared for him to pull you against him just like he would if no one was watching.
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In terms of love languages, Yao cares much more for quality time than physical affection. But he can be prone to clingy moods, refusing to leave your side for hours at a time. During those times, it's best to just let him nuzzle his face against your neck without protest.
On the rare nights that he lets you cook, he'll hold you tight from behind. Surprisingly not just to criticize your technique, but also because he just loves how you feel pressed up against him.
When it comes to the bed, he is surprisingly cuddly. He'll ghost his hands all over your body while you're falling asleep, seemingly always in awe of your beauty. He's rarely aggressive in any way, his affection always soft and thoughtful.
(Also, he prefers cuddling without clothes. Not for even a single remotely sexual reason, but just because it's so much more intimate)
When in public, he never goes beyond brushing a hair behind your ear; but with the way he looks at you, you always feel just as loved as you would otherwise.
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The moment you give him permission, Ivan is all over you. Constant kisses, constant hugs, never more than a step away, he'll be attached to your side for as long as you let him.
Anytime you two are together, he'll pull you as close as possible. Watching a movie is always done with you on his lap, no car ride is complete without his hand around your thigh, and even when you're separated, he's anxious to keep an eye on you.
Without you in his arms, he'd find it difficult to sleep. He can't get enough of watching you while your eyes flutter shut, his calloused hands running through your hair until you finally relax completely.
Every time you reach out for him first, he finds himself too flustered to speak. He's a very handsy person himself, so it's impossible to make him uncomfortable. All he can do is watch you in awe, never growing tired of the feeling of your skin against his.
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Matthew's affection is always hesitant, as if he's afraid you'll break the moment his skin meets yours. He'd never do as little as hold your hand without your permission, much less pull you into a hug.
But the opposite is true when you're the one asking him for his touch. If you seem nervous, suddenly his kiss is all-consuming, taking the breath out of your lungs and causing you to stumble.
At night, he absolutely melts when you hold each other. Your hands around his waist make him shiver, and he can't stop himself from burying his face in your hair, his fingers drawing feather-light patterns into your back. But it already takes an hour of convincing to get him into bed with you, much less to get him to cuddle without him constantly asking if you’re alright.
In public, however, any affection makes him blush bright red. He can barely believe that you're alright with showing your love for him. If you were to suddenly hug him to say goodbye, it's unlikely he'd be able to pull himself away. He loves your touch, but he can't let himself indulge, the fear of your rejection making him fear getting too close.
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From the moment you two met, Feliciano's hands all over you, at all times. Personal boundaries is not something he's familiar with. No matter where you are, he's grossly affectionate. He usually doesn't care whether or not you hug him back, as long as you don't reject him too bluntly. Then he'll cry. But stop nonetheless.
If you're ever insecure, he's the man to reassure you. You'll never again leave the house without tons of kisses all over your face, much less do anything without his arm around your waist.
As expected, he's also very needy. He's satisfied to just rest his head on your shoulder most of the time, but sometimes he just needs you to hold him. If you're alright with it, his designated spot is always curled up against you with his head in your lap. If you pet his hair too, he'll be yours for life.
In bed, it's the same. If you're wrapped up in each other's arms, he's happy. But if you're holding him, not too soft yet not too tight, he might just start crying. For good reasons this time.
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Ludwig’s affection is always awkward, his grip is always too tight or too soft, but he does truly love being beside you. No matter how afraid he is, as soon as you pull him into a hug, he completely forgets all nervousness. But still, it’s not often he goes out of his way to do any more than rest a hand on your shoulder comfortingly.
At night, it’s the same. He wants you close, close enough that you could always wake him up if you needed to, but not close enough that you’re pressed against each other. But on those awful nights when you just need some comfort, he’s more than happy to wrap you in a bunch of blankets and hold you all night long (He won’t get any sleep, but being so protective makes him feel just as happy.)
What he lacks in physical affection, he more than makes up for in every other area. At least he always knows the best places to kiss you.
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Kiku is a very private man. You knew that before you were dating, but even now, it seems like even his affection is kept to himself. You constantly see him reach for you out of the corner of your eye, before he suddenly pulls away.
He's always rather cold in public. The most you get at home is usually just a chaste kiss, too.
Except at night, when he's too overworked and sleepy to think straight, it's the opposite. Suddenly he's crawling into your arms in the dead of night, desperate and whining for your affection. Sometimes it's the opposite, his hesitant hands running over your side, careful not to disturb you as you're pulled into his embrace.
Either way, it's rare that either of you wake up without the other, strewn across the bed and buried under the mountains of blankets Kiku loves. Just don't bring it up, because he's deathly embarrassed of how much he needs your affection.
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There is not a day that goes by without Romano demanding you two cuddle. In public, at home, at night, in the morning, when you're doing nothing, when you're busy... he is... quite needy when it comes to physical affection.
His favourite way to cuddle is in bed, blankets thrown wildly around the two of you, him wrapped around you and resting his head on your thighs while you play with his hair. But he's honestly not that picky as long as you're almost painfully close.
He doesn't kiss you often (especially in public, just because he's so insecure about how people see the two of you,) but when he does, it feels like something out of a movie. Your breath taken in a second, your mind going blank, your entire body seeming to melt into his effortlessly...
As time goes on, he would probably become less clingy. When you first start dating, he's so anxious to make sure you understand how much you mean to him, that he ends up overcompensating in a lot of areas... especially when it comes to affection.
But his body IS kind of perfect for cuddling, so...
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Gilbert is a very proud man, and that remains obvious in the way he touches you. He's anxious to show off your attachment in public, always having his hand intertwined tightly with yours, his eyes never leaving you no matter what.
At home, it's the same. He's not overly clingy, especially when he gets in snippy moods, but he still believes everything is better when you're by his side. His favourite thing in the world is being cuddled up on the couch, your head resting on his shoulder while he runs his fingers down your thighs, watching probably one of the worst movies ever made.
When in bed, he's a lot more needy. He tends to get cold, so he always pulls you against him. When you cling to his chest, he swears he's in heaven. But that also means it's a struggle to get up in the morning since he always insists on “just 5 more minutes.“
He's rather... grabby. His affection is usually aggressive, and sometimes a little embarrassing, but it's just because he's so desperate to show you how he really feels, beyond the silly act.
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milaisreading · 9 months
Y/N: Can you guys please do something for me? *Giving them a cute face.*
*The Hetalia guys are blushing.* The countries: Anything for you. What is it?
Y/N: Can you guys help me to hide a dead body?
Italy, not even bothering to listen: Let me help you, bella!
Germany, calculating in his head how to make the body disappear: Alright, I need gloves,bleach, a bathtub, acid...
Japan, after debating in his head for a moment: Let me call my good old friends.
Yn: Who?
Japan: The Yakuza
America: Alright there, dudette! You hero will go a shovel a hole and you go and think of an alibi!
Canada,after his soul traveled around the globe and came back to him: Alright... I know a place where there is a lot of ice and snow right now
England: Consider that a done job, love. After I am done with it we could maybe grab some food-
France, covering his mouth while looking excitedly at Yn: I will do that, cherie! Then WE can go and have a quiet dinner!
Yn, sweatdropping as they start fighting: You two...
China: Aiya! None of you are old or experienced enough to hide dead bodies, let me do that.
Yn, bow more worried: E-experienced?! You did this before?
China: How do you think did I get rid of your suitors?
Yn: My what?!
China: Not important.
Russia: I will call on a few people I know. Don't worry, sunflower, you won't be suspected even for a second :)
Yn: T-thanks, Russia-
Russia: But, just to make sure, you should stay at my house for a while
The rest of twb group: NO! ARE YOU INSANE?!
Yn, while the others are arguing:... Denmark will pay for this dare...
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rotin0 · 6 months
Hetalia x reader fans, when are we getting those Gangsta!Hetalia x reader fanfics..?
And I’m not talking about a Gangsta AU or whatever we fans had made up during the past years NO GUYS I MEAN
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Like everyone is so hot in this THE OUTFITS?? HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THEM??
have..have you seen my Romano (breakdances 🏌️‍♂️🛹)
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I was hoping if I could see more x readers fanfics based off of this season bc that would be really cool I have some ideas.
OR THE MEET CUTE ONES WHERE YOU DON’T KNOW THEY ARE GANGSTAS AND YOU JUST GEN THINK HE IS A NICE GUY BUT THEN BAM! IT IS REVEALED! BA DUM! WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT? (This could also slowly turn into yandare if you want to go down that path…(i have no objections) (it sounds nice))
Thats will I got so far 🧍🏻‍♀️ I have more I swear but..it needs some development 🏌️‍♂️Anyway I hope these ideas or this post inspire you actually this might motivate myself into doing it who knows, thats all from Roti bye bye
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merbear25 · 4 months
Hi, can you please write nsfw headcanons about Axis having spicy dreams about a fem!reader?
Hello! I had some fun thinking of what kinds of dreams they'd have, so I hope I did them justice. I had the most fun with Japan's, honestly. 🤭 Thank you for sending in this request. I hope you like what I've written for you! 💜💜
CW: NSFW, MDNI, fem!reader, vaginal penetration, headcanons
Having a wet dream about you (Germany, Italy, Japan)
You were always strong-willed, able to handle yourself in any situation. However, that night he dreamed of you unraveling beneath him, completely and utterly losing all sense of self.
With a face that typically held a poised expression, your jaw was slacked and he had you panting for more. Only you could make looking pathetic sexy. Pushing both of you over the edge with one final thrust, he was abruptly woken up by his alarm.
Looking down, he groaned at the mess he made. However, the little bit of extra effort in the morning wasn’t something he was going to let sour his whole day.
Heading out the door at his normal time, he was at the track punctually, waiting for the other two to arrive. Japan was on time and Italy was running late just like every day. Looking over, he saw you coming.
His mind immediately recalled the dream he had of you, but he tried with all might to keep his composure, no matter how awkward he felt about it. You informed him that you thought it’d be a good idea to get back in the swing of things and start exercising again. He felt like you adding that being under his guidance would be the best decision was unnecessary, but that was mostly due to it making it hard to suppress the hue on his cheeks.
Clearing his throat, he instructed the session once Italy finally arrived. Remaining focused wasn’t something he thought he’d be struggling with that day.
With the cool wind coming through the window, rain started pitter pattering against the shingles. You were cuddled up with him, slightly shivering from the sudden chilly weather. Wrapping his arms around you, the sweet embrace easily drifted into wandering hands and heated kisses.
Curled up in his warm arms, he thrusted into you. Despite the early morning calling for lazy motions, you were hitting all the right spots for him. The nice breeze casted over him, sending a shiver down his spine. His breath was hot in your ear as he cooed sweet nothings upon climaxing.
Stretching under his newly soiled sheets, he didn’t have a care in the world. Feeling completely relaxed, he lazily made his way throughout the house.
Going about his day as normal - relaxing under a tree, eating, napping, taking a stroll in the park - he caught sight of you coming out of the shop.
Without thinking twice, he called out to you and made his way over. The conversation alluded to no lingering remnants of the previous night’s dream, seeing as he saw no real reason to dwell on it.
Exchanging pleasantries, he always enjoyed chatting with you. You were so kind and easy to talk to. With the wind picking up, you shuddered from the drop in temperature, immediately taking him back to that precious moment that never happened.
You’d just finished eating dinner and were now in the kitchen doing the washing up. You looked so sweet with the pink bow from your apron tied behind your back. You took really good care of him, leaving him wanting to give you a bit more attention that night.
Wrapping his arms around you, he kissed your neck tenderly, whispering how good you were to him. Yanking your skirt up, he thrusted into you with fervor that had you quaking. As you gripped the kitchen counter, you bit your bottom lip so as to muffle your low moans. Cupping your breasts from behind, he placed soft kisses along your shoulder. With a final wave of ecstasy consuming you both, the vibrations from his phone pulled him out of the post-nut haze.
Pondering there for a moment, he had a difficult time wrapping his head around the dream he just had. Besides the obvious, you weren’t his wife. You weren’t even dating. Trying not to overthink it, he proceeded to clean up.
Already shifting to that day’s list of things to do, he was out the door. Though the day was admittedly long, everything went off without a hitch and the dream felt like it was ages ago.
Seeing you outside of your place on his way home, you asked if he’d eaten yet. You told him that you’d prepared a bit too much food and if he’d like, he was welcome to join you.
Taking you up on your offer, he was thoroughly enjoying spending quality time with you. Offering to help clean up, you were grateful for his kind gesture. Trailing behind you, he saw you put on an apron, making the dream feel all too real.
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hwsing · 5 months
nsfw alphabet for germany and/or prussia? thank you!!!!
germany nsfw alphabet
notes: 18+, reader is gender neutral and i don’t think genitalia is really mentioned. includes: germany (ludwig). as always, reblogs are appreciated!
cws: mostly top + dom! ludwig; cockwarming, power dynamics, restraints/bondage, piss kink, pet play, size difference, toys, overstim + edging, pet play. let me know if i forgot any through replies, anon or PMs. wc: about 2k words. not really proof read.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
king of overthinking so trust that he’s likely to go above and beyond, especially at first. it’s also partially because he’s pretty deep in kink culture, but not quite porn dead brained; instead, he’s like… really conscious of being mindful. he’s not really the type for pillow talk and he can get pretty flustered after sex, so he’s gonna busy himself with getting you what you need.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
for him, it’s probably his overall physique since we all know this madlad works out like the world is about to request him to singlehandedly carry it on his shoulders. as much as he can be self critical, he’s pretty proud of himself!! he likes the confidence he can have in his strength and health and all that good stuff.
on his partner’s, he’d probably say something like their smile in an almost bashful way, but in reality it’s going to be their chest/hips/thighs/butt; whichever catches his attention the most, really. he just feels a bit bad that he’s that perverted, but you’ll know by how much he pays attention to that spot. i think he’s a boob guy (regardless of size/gender) though
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
ludwig is nasty in a way that should be studied. for someone who is so neat, he is very messy with cum — *both* yours and his. the type to kiss you after you swallow his cum, to stuff his fingers into whatever hole he creamed into to ensure it doesn’t leak, make you suck his fingers after getting you off with his hand. he likes to cum in you, but he does like how demeaning it is to cum on your body
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
what isn’t a dirty secret of his would be easier to answer… everything is a dirty secret to him. he’s a private person, okay! god forbid you somehow find his private tab. regardless of if you’ve been dating for years or a short time, he’s so embarrassed that he’ll go red.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he’s not super experienced because 1. he has little to no game, ESPECIALLY with feminine presenting people and 2. he’s always been pretty busy. by modern day and age he’s by no means a virgin, though. he’s gotten around enough — but he still is pretty awkward and tense at first. knows what he’s doing, but can find it hard to actually go through with it is all. give him a second to hype himself up!
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
anon stop it you’re embarrassing him with these questions :( LOL no but he’s pretty versatile, probably likes positions you’ve never even heard of but … maybe the seashell is his favourite. overall, likes positions where he can more or less go to town and put some weight on you, because even when bondage isn’t involved he’s inclined to pin you down.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
please do not make a joke while his dick and balls are out they’ll literally shiver up inside him and never come out again
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
when he has a partner he’s extremely well groomed. shaves by default but if his partner makes it known they like some bush he’ll grow some out
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
intimacy is something ludwig struggles with a bit. he worries he’s too awkward and just butchers it, completely ruining the mood; still, he definitely tries, especially when things are still just starting. he’s not very smooth with sweet words, and he knows he isn’t either. so, this intimacy is going to come from what he’s doing — the way his strong hands carefully hold you, how his lips kiss up your leg while he undresses you, the feeling of him holding your hands tightly while fucking you.
he does find cockwarming to be extremely intimate. ludwig does like it quite a bit; he’s not easily overstimulated either so he can handle it for a good period of time as well. he likes to big spoon for peak intimacy… holding you makes his heart almost give out
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
this isn’t terribly uncommon for ludwig. his sex drive is high, and he doesn’t get game often. he will use his own imagination, but only under the condition that something is inspiring him; for example, his crush or partner. otherwise, he has plenty of porn saved.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
we would be here all day if i said all of them. so lets just unpack a few
power dynamics: he kind of needs a sub/dom dynamic in the bedroom. he greatly prefers being the dom, but he can find it a bit hard to bring himself to actually act on his desires. and so, he really, really likes when you play up the submissive thing; the more pathetic you are, the more he’s gonna feel the urge to make you a mess. his mess though! he’s likely to manhandle you since he’s… probably stronger than you.
restraints: he’s not super picky with this one because as long as you’re at his mercy he’s satisfied but, he REALLY likes bondage benches. loves them actually. be warned because he’s gonna go to pound town with this one
piss kink: very into humiliation and he’s not above purposely making you piss yourself. the more embarrassed you are, the better, really; he’d entertain the idea of pissing on or in you as a punishment. would understand if you are not into this though because he is self aware enough to know it’s nasty
pet play: feel like this one is a given but anyways, he does like the kitty thing but he especially likes the puppy side so he can train and discipline you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
anywhere around his or your house/apartment. “risky” sex would spike his anxiety in ways that should not be apart his foreplay… overall prefers a bed but he’s not above fucking you bent over the counter or smushed up against the wallz
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
unfortunately for him, just about anything. he’s horribly down bad. the lingering scent of your perfume/cologne/etc after you leave is enough for him to get him stiff.
i would say his biggest turn on’s though are; times when your size difference (if there is one) is prominent, when you’re struggling physically with something (the small groans/moans/whimpers… his mind travels FAST), and if you wear makeup. he likes the idea of ruining it
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
this is hard because i struggle to imagine him having a big no other than, like, surprises/not respecting boundaries and things of that nature. he’s pretty open minded because he of all people has no room to judge…!
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
prefers fast and rough for obvious reasons.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
does not like quickies. ludwig can see the appeal but… he’s only going to do it if he gets caught up in the moment enough to. not a common thing to expect from him
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
now you already know. he’s pretty open minded. the main times he’d be hesitant would be if the idea includes him bottoming or subbing, but he’s usually still down to at least try once
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he generally lasts a decent amount of time, but the first few times he sleeps with his partner he tends to take forever to cum because he gets SO nervous he cannot let himself. he prefers 2-3 rounds generally, but he does draw them out as much as he can. generally, he makes you cum at least twice before he does at all.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he’s easily one of the most into toys out of the cast in my opinion. he doesn’t like them on himself as much as he likes using them on you. he does have a handful, but will expand the collection with his own money if he discovers more online or his partner shows interest in a new one. i wrote a bit about this here
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
him being a sadist is well known i think 😭 he’s nervous to do it at first, as he is with everything, but once he feels comfortable prepare yourself because this man will not be your peace in the bedroom. whether it’s edging or overstim, making you get off on his boot or thigh, keeping you restrained with one of those fuck machines… he’s awfully creative.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
ludwig isn’t very loud and isn’t very talkative. unless he’s in enough of a headspace to degrade you anyways……. he groans quite a bit when he gets close but he’s not much of a screamer. even when he does talk during sex, it’s pretty much to the point and without many filler words. he does check in pretty often though, just to see how you’re doing.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
gets a lot of dom drops/post nut clarity after particularly intense sessions but he’s very reluctant to share this. he just feels embarrassed/ashamed about reaching out for reassurance or comfort. it’s pretty easy to tell when he’s feeling like this though, he’ll be extremely quiet and have a tense look on his face while he goes extra with your aftercare while completely neglecting himself
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
now rarely do i give a man the credit of being well endowed but… i have to say that he is. i simply cannot picture him without a massive dick. i personally would guess around 8”, thick AND veiny; most certainly struggled to know what to do with it at first but he discovered the power of it soon enough!! actually kind of shy about it because he’s had a notable amount of experiences with a partner being iffy about how big he was. lmao
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
clearly pretty high. he’s also pretty well disciplined though, so it’s not enough to like.. take over his life or anything. ends up sexually frustrated often because of this… he has a poor habit of ignoring his needs
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
ludwig doesn’t usually fall asleep after sex unless it’s like just before his usual bed time. and even then, he probably will fall asleep after you since he’s busying himself with aftercare and whatnot. sleeps the best after getting to empty his balls once or twice though!
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serenityinstone · 6 months
Feline Fiasco
Hetalia x Reader
This is written for a female reader but there isn't really anything specific that would suggest that besides a few references. If you want to read, I'm not going to stop you.
Also (Y/n) is completely uninterested in the countries for the majority of this, all she's interested in is the cats. This is way fluffier than anything else I've posted, which is two things, and this part is relatively America-centric because (Y/n) works for him. This is also way less quality work than those two posts but idk deal with it?
There is more to this but it's unfinished and I'll probably never post it. My friend also helped with the cat names so if you don't like them... uh assume that they chose them. One last note, I thought it would be funny to write the accents so you also have to deal with that.
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As one of the many secretaries working in the White House, it was actually quite a surprise to you that you ended up as the main secretary to the human personification of the U.S.A.
Because of this, you had become quite close to Mr. F. Jones and more importantly: his cat.
You couldn't help but coo at the adorable and floofy feline. Sure, you should probably finish filing those papers, but national security can wait a few more minutes. Besides you couldn't resist the allure of the purr. It would be an understatement to say, when you learned that the other personifications also had furry friends of their own, you were excited.
America didn't want you interacting with the other countries, especially not Russia. But you honestly didn't care and you weren't the recording secretary for those meetings, so it's not like you were in attendance anyways. That somehow didn't stop you from having to tag along and meeting more nation cats; of which you weren't sure why they had brought them along in the first place. It's not like you were complaining.
Ball of fur after ball of fur. No cat went un-petted. Except for Germany's cat; he had evaded you time and time again. But no longer! For today was the last day and you were going to pet that cat if it was the last thing you did.
There it was. It's sleek black fur, the ribbon in Germany's signature colors around its neck, and that always alert look on its face. He would evade you no more. You crouched down in your very inflexible pencil skirt and prepared to pounce.
"Vhat are jou doing?" A voice thick with a German accent called out, startling you and the cat who decided to bound back towards him and into his arms.
"Uhhhh." You blanked.
"You're America's secretary right? Vat vere jou trying to do to my cat?" He questioned, eyes narrowing with suspicion.
You gulped and tried to explain your actions in a way that didn't sound absolutely ridiculous.
"I-uh. I wanted to pet your cat and… he kept evading me and I thought if I snuck up on him that I could pet him." You looked away and pitifully whispered, "Sorry."
"If jou vanted to pet him, all you had to do was ask."
"Really!?" Your eyes lit up and you looked up at the German with pure and unbridled excitement. He coughed and looked away with a slight blush resting on his cheeks.
"Of course." He held the cat out. You, with no hesitation whatsoever, immediately started to adore and love the cat, even shifting it from Germany's arms to your own.
As you continued to pet the cat, who despite his earlier refusal, seemed quite happy, you asked Germany a question. "My name's (Y/n). What's yours if you're willing to share? No pressure though."
His eyes widened a bit before he shook it off and gave you an answer. "Ludwig Beilschmidt." He responded, studying his cat. "Germouser seems to like jou."
You could barely stifle a laugh at the name he had given to the black cat. He sensed your amusement and gave an explanation.
"Feli- Italy named him. I vas going to name him Johann or something similar. Italy was zoroughly horrified by my suggestions and vould not rest until I vent vith his."
You smiled at the Italian's antics and shook your head with amusement. "Germouser is a fine name for an absolutely wonderful cat."
Germany seemed to get flustered again as he watched you coo at his cat, completely ignoring his presence. He would have just left him with you, but the meeting was starting soon and he didn't want to be late. Luckily for him, America decided to pop around the corner, demanding your attention. So you were forced to give up the precious kitty cat and return with Mr. Jones.
Alfred was annoyed. Not at you but at everyone else. Why did they have any right to be around you? You were an American citizen. His citizen. Sure, all you were really interested in was their cats. But what if you thought that they and their cats were so cool that you left him and went to live in a different country instead? He couldn't let that happen.
"So, (Y/n), dude, broette." He said on the way to the meeting room. "Here's the deal."
You gave him a look and raised an eyebrow.
"I need someone to watch Hero for me and my sitter flaked so you're gonna be watching him." He fingered-gunned at you and stars seemed to shine in the air around him. This, of course, was nothing new to you. It wasn’t like you would have rather been attending the meeting anyways.
So you stayed in a different unoccupied meeting room with a lovely, furry friend. It wasn't until he started hissing at a corner that you were in trouble.
"Hero, what's wrong?" You asked, concerned at the agitated cat. His tail bristled up and his ears flattened down as he took a defensive position. Out of nowhere another fluffy cat waltzed in from the very corner that Hero had been hissing at. It was Boris, a cat that belonged to Russia.
You hadn't actually gotten to pet him yet because to be honest, you were also scared of Russia. But… He wasn't around… and his cat was. And his cat was purring.
That was about all the reasoning that you needed to brush past Hero and scoop Boris up into your arms. The former started yowling for your attention and followed you as you went to sit down with the Russian cat.
You laid down on the plush carpeted floor and lifted the cat that you were holding up above you. Boris’ fluffy body was placed onto your chest and he immediately started purring louder once he got comfortable. He nuzzled his face into your neck, much to the annoyance of the American cat. Hero yowled at you and pawed at Boris, desperately trying to get him off.
Boris only gave him a smug look in return and kneaded into you, further solidifying his spot. Hero decided that it wasn’t worth the fight and that he was going to get his owner to remove the Russian cat and put him back into his mother’s lap: aka you.
The surprisingly smart and agile cat leapt around the room and pushed down the door handle, slipping out through the crack. You didn’t notice this as you were currently immersed in the bliss of a cat sitting on you and letting you pet it.
Eventually the purring lulled you into a peaceful and warm slumber, the two of you deciding to take a cat nap.
It would be Russia who found you first. Ivan realized that his cat had gone missing and he honestly didn’t care enough about the meeting to stay. It's not like anyone would try to stop him.
So as Hero bounded down the halls towards the meeting room, Mr. Ivan Braginsky came from the other direction; his sense of where his cat was at any one moment was completely uncanny.
The Russian gradually opened the wooden door and it quietly opened without any resistance. He turned his head towards where he heard purring and was met with a surprising sight. It was America’s secretary, with his cat, lying, with his cat.
You were breathing softly and the movements of your chest moving up and down also moved Boris. Ivan couldn’t help but faintly smile at the sight. Said cat opened a singular eye to acknowledge the new presence in the room. He flicked his tail and settled back into his spot. Not wanting to bother you or the cat, Ivan pulled out a chair and sat down. 
He pulled out some paperwork, seemingly from nowhere, and began to work on it. The sounds of your quiet breathing, combined with the light purr from Boris, made for a calming work environment. 
As the three of you remained in peaceful bliss, another kitty cat was running around the corner on the never ending search for food. Itabby trotted up and down the corridors looking for an open door that might lead to some food that didn’t come from England. Her golden fur glimmered as the sun shined through the many windows in the building. She looked over at a door that had opened slightly and was too blinded by the thought of food to notice the scarily familiar scent coming from the room.
Itabby scampered over to the door but screeched and meowed as she was sent flying by an American blonde and his equally irritated cat. She tentatively peered around the door at the scene forming.
“HEY!” Alfred yelled, startling both you and the cat. You shot up straight, Boris falling into your lap. “What are you doing with her?!” He yelled again, getting his face up into Ivan’s. The other man gave him an unamused look and stood up, towering over him. Alfred, despite this, did not back down and continued to stare angrily at him.
“Go away.” The white-haired male said, his accent heavy as he crossed his arms. “You have startled them with your unnecessary noise. You are just like the rest of your country.”
The air tensed and became heavier as the seconds went on. They began to size each other up as Hero, ironically, “heroically” walked proudly over to you and with his front paws, pushed Boris off of your lap. He quickly took his place and started purring. Boris’ fur began to puff up as he hunched down and prepared to pounce. His back legs flexed and he made the jump, sending both him and Hero flying towards their fighting owners, who were remarkably somehow not in a physical fight. Yet.
You very quickly realized that you did not want to be in the middle of  two superpowers fighting and quietly took your leave. (E/c) eyes met feline amber ones and you swept up the cat and made your escape, leaving behind the feuding men and cats.
Itabby snuggled into your arms as you finally slowed down to catch your breath. Her round tail whooshed back and forth as you tiredly walked through the long hallway. The two of you eventually ended up in the rose gardens of the meeting building. The area was well taken care of and beautiful if you did say so yourself. The meeting was taking place in England and Mr. Jones had told you about how the Brit enjoyed gardening, so it made sense as to why it was here.
Speaking of the British, you spotted a fluffy feline shape from the corner of your eye. It was deeper into the gardens and among the trees. Itabby finally decided that it was time to go and return to her owner. She gracefully leaped out of your arms and landed on all fours and trotted off to beg Italy for some pasta. You instead continued your approach to the cat, which at this point, you could tell was a Scottish Fold.
The left side of his face was brown and so was his tail. Alike to his owner, he seemed to have what you assumed were some kind of eyebrows and when he opened his eyes to look at you, his olive eyes stared into yours. He flicked his tail and layed back down onto the wall that he was laying on. His collar jingled as he moved and you quietly moved up to him. On the gold circle attached to the same olive color collar, was a name.
‘Scone’ You thought. ‘Oh my god. This is the most English cat name I have ever seen.’
You almost started laughing but the smoldering glare the cat gave you made you think otherwise. The stone wall was surprisingly cold for the summer sun and as you sat down, you took a look at Scone. He seemed to still be quite grumpy, but he knew you from earlier in the week, so he was not alarmed. You lifted up and moved your left arm forward to start petting him.
Scone was soft and clearly well-taken care of. His fur was clean and had no knots or dirt insight, despite laying around a garden for half a day. You continued your actions and the both of you started to fall back into slumber. Your hand hovered on the back of the feline and your head slumped alongside your body.
It was peaceful. With birds chirping and the wind lightly blowing. There was a river babbling somewhere in the background and it made for a serene scene. The only reason he had let you pet him was because you had fed him earlier in the week. He didn’t have his collar at that point so this was the first time you had gotten his name. Your eyes closed as you recalled the event from a couple of days prior.
The day after the plane landed you were on the hunt for felines. Armed with some cat food, a retractable mouse-on-a-stick and hope, you made your way around the building England had set aside for housing the rampant countries, and byproduct, their cats. France’s cat, Monsieur, was an absolute attention wh-. He really liked attention, and would rub himself against your leg anytime the two of you crossed paths. It’s not like France, or Francis, was much better.
It’s not like you minded petting him. He was adorable after all. The cat, not Francis. But you had wanted to meet as many other cats as you could and so you had to stop by Francis’ room multiple times to drop off Monsieur.
“Je suis désolé.” He said, taking Monsieur out of your arms. “He keeps getting out. But I guess he knows when there’s a lovely lady around.”
You ignored his attempts at flirting and instead scratched Monsieur’s chin one last time before leaving. He purred at you and while you felt bad about leaving him, you were on a mission! Besides, you had a certain Japanese cat to track down. Monsieur meowed at you as you walked down the hallway and if you didn’t know better you’d say so did Francis.
Either way, nothing was going to stop you from petting Tama, Japan’s cat. He was an adorable little black and white feline with the cutest little bob for a tail. You had actually spotted him earlier and was about to go up to him before Monsieur literally jumped into your arms, demanding attention. Of course you weren’t going to say no so Tama quickly left your sight as you went to return Monsieur. 
Wait, isn't Monsieur just sir in French? Oh well there was no time to think about questionable cat names, this building was full of them.
Monsieur wasn’t the only attention whore of a cat. Prussia’s cat, Purrussia, wasn’t much better. He would follow you down hallways and meow with his scratchy meow at you while Austria’s cat, Allegro, whined behind him. He literally tried to jump up at you a few times.
Of course both of them were interrupted when Hero ran straight at you and tackled you like a professional linebacker. You had thought that it was mostly fluff, but no, apparently Hero could pack a punch. He knocked the wind out of you as you fell backwards onto the tiled floor. The cat sat proudly on you and looked around like he was waiting for something or someone. Whoever he was waiting for, however, wouldn’t show up fast enough to see Purrussia return the favor and tackle Hero off of you, much to Allegro’s horror. 
The white cat had a German ribbon as well but it looked like it was fraying at the edges. The reason you were bringing this up was because Hero was currently using one of the edges to try to choke Purrussia and Allegro was using the other to try to pull Purrussia away from Hero. Neither was really working and all it was really doing was making Purrussia more and more agitated.
“PURRUSSIA!!!” A shrill voice yelled out from down the hallway.
The cats stopped their roughhousing to see two of the countries barrelling down towards them. Well Prussia was. Austria was slowly walking over, looking more inconvenienced than anything else.
“Purrussia! Purrussia!” Prussia reiterated, pulling his cat up by its arms. “Did jou vin?!”
Everyone but the two Prussians stared in disbelief at his statement. The albino feline furiously nodded his head and if he could have talked you would have imagined that he would have been saying, ‘I’m awesome!’
Hero angrily meowed down below, as if to oppose Purrussia’s non-verbal statement. Allegro just haughtily licked his paw and stuck his nose up as if to pretend that he was disgusted with their fighting as if he hadn’t just been a part of it. Austria picked up his in-denial cat and you picked up Hero who calmed down as soon as you did. 
“Sorry about him.” You said, brushing his unruly fur down with your hand. “He gets a little competitive.”
“Ja. It’s fine.” Austria said, petting his own cat. “Purrussia is not much better.”
“HEY!” Prussia yelled. “My awesome Purrussia is doing his best! And besides, at least he actually does something!”
“Jour cat picked a fight vith a vall (wall) Gilbert.” Austria sassed.
“Vell jour cat’s piano playing is trash!”
Austria gave a gasp of horror before inching closer to the Prussian.
“Jou take zat back, RIGHT NOW!”
Prussia just laughed, still letting Purrussia’s back paws dangle as he held him like one would a toddler. He got in close to the Austrian’s face, smiling deviously at him.
He suddenly, while still holding Purrussia, took off, running away from Austria. He wasn’t far behind though and you could hear the man yelling in German all the way down the far corridor.
“Well Hero.” You said, looking down at the cat who had made himself very comfortable. “That was weird.”
He just snuggled closer to you and you sighed. You scratched him once more before heading down the opposite hallway. The destination was clear, before you could continue your cat quest, you’d have to get this one safely back to its owner.
You suddenly snapped back to reality, still sitting on the wall. The sun was now high in the sky and the spot underneath you was no longer cold. You were especially warm as you now had a Scottish Fold sitting comfortably upon your lap. Quietly cooing at the cat, you looked to see if there was any way to escape your furry prison. The most important rule of cats: once a cat sits on you, you’re not moving until they do.
You sighed, legs uncomfortably stiff. Scone was far more content and his bushy tail occasionally brushed against your leg. It was incredibly cute but it didn’t make your back stop hurting from being hunched over for the last half hour.
Voices came from farther within the garden. There were two people currently engaged in a soft conversation. You caught bits and pieces of it; there was a man with a British accent and a man with what you thought was American until you heard him say ‘aboot.’ You couldn’t help but snicker at your own observation, disturbing Scone in the process.
He scornfully meowed at you and you offered pets in an apology. Around the corner turned Scone’s owner and a man who looked incredibly similar to America. They both turned to look at you when the Scottish Fold you were fondling stretched out to impossible lengths and complained like a cat while he did it. England looked down at your lap to see his cat very happily cushioned on your thighs. The man next to him was also holding a cat who again looked very similar to America’s.
They were clearly different though. This man’s hair was more auburn and his eyes were a shade of impossible purple. There was also more of a wave to it whereas America’s hair was as straight as hair comes. Familiarity lit up in your eyes, not for the man however.
“Maple!” You exclaimed, wanting to go to the cat but also not willing to disturb the one on you. “How have you been?”
The men stared at you, wondering if you were talking to them or the cat. Of course Maple himself answered this as he jumped out of his owner’s arms and darted over to you. He gracefully climbed up the small wall and placed himself down by you. Scone was on your lap and he was nicer than Hero so as to not push him off. You moved one of your arms to pet Maple and kept the other on Scone. They were so cute you felt like you were going to explode.
“Oh.” A quiet voice spoke out. It came from the man behind England. “You’re Alfred’s secretary right?”
You smiled and nodded at the man. “And I assume that means you’re Canada, right?”
He looked a tad taken aback before nodding himself. “Yeah…” He trailed off and England instead picked up the conversation.
“I thought you were supposed to be watching his furrball cat, Hero.” He walked over and leaned against the wall.
“I was. But then he and Boris got into a catfight… and then America and Russia got into a catfight.”
Canada laughed in the background but quickly covered it up. England stared at Scone, looking to see if there was anyway to get him off of you without being scratched himself. He had enough injuries, that should have scarred had he not been a country, from the cat. He shivered a bit, though also began to pet the feline, scratching his under the chin.
“That sounds like those two.”
You hummed in agreement, continuing your affections. Canada also came over to pet his own cat who ironically did smell like maple syrup. 
“Can I make you the villain of this story?” You asked England, gesturing to Scone. “I do actually have somewhere I need to be.”
“Oh I suppose I can assume that role.” He mused, carefully picking up his cat. He was not happy to be moved but England just shushed him.
Canada also picked up his cat who was slightly nicer about the whole thing. He fidgeted with Maple’s ear as he held him.
“I’m Matthew.” He said, carefully shifting Maple so he could put one arm out to shake your hand.
You finished the formal greeting. “I’m (Y/n).”
The other blonde butted in from the background. “I’m Arthur, love.”
“It’s very nice to formally meet both of you. Seeing you from across a meeting room doesn’t really count.” You smiled and gave a small pat to each of the feline’s heads. “Well I wasn’t kidding about needing to get somewhere. I really didn’t mean to get stopped as long as I did.” 
You playfully glared at the Scottish Fold sitting comfortably in his owner's arms. He promptly ignored you, instead turning around cutely. England apologized but you told him it was fine. You were at least 50% sure that Mr. Jones was probably still fighting with Russia. Those two really were like angry cats. You waved the two men off and went on your way to find out the answer to that question.
Instead of coming across two feuding superpowers, you came across two of the Asian nations’ cats. You had already met them both but this was the first time you were seeing them together. Tama was sitting up high on a shelf while China’s cat, Meowzedong, was angrily meowing at him from down below. Everytime he tried to climb up, Tama would use a paw and swipe a book or other object down at him.
You flinched as a very breakable, very expensive-looking, vase crashed down. It was this movement that alerted the two cats to your presence and Meowzedong wasted no time at all to come over to you and complain. Now you couldn’t exactly speak cat but you got the jist.
Bending down, you carefully picked up the cat. Meowzedong always had a weird clump of fur that looked almost like a ponytail that, no matter how much China cut it, always grew back. He yowled at you and pointed a furry paw in Tama’s direction. The other cat had already loafed on top of the high shelf and you looked at him, back at Meowzedong, back at Tama, and then back at Meowzedong again.
“I don’t know how tall you think I am but I’m not that tall.”
Meowzedong just narrowed his eyes and meowed at you again. You sighed, looking back at Tama. If he had a long enough tail to flick it at you he would’ve. Sensing the futility of his quest, Meowzedong instead spread himself out in your arms and if you didn’t know better you would have said that he was mocking Tama. And if you really didn’t know better you’d say that it was working and that the bobtail was getting more irritated by the second. The personifications might have had to act cordial but their cats had no such qualms.
Finally, Tama de-loafed himself and gracefully hopped down a few other layers before reaching the bottom. He gracefully walked over to you and sat on your foot… Well shoot. What were you supposed to do now?
So here you were, from one cat prison to the next. Standing in the middle of some random, out-of-the-way hallway because the nations’ cats were all attention-hogging, though very adorable, brats.
You didn’t know how much time had actually passed. There was no clock in the hallway, you didn’t wear a watch, and both of your hands were occupied so you couldn’t check your phone. As cute as they were, your legs felt like they were about to collapse in on themselves. You couldn’t even shift how you were standing because Tama had taken it upon himself to lay across both of your shoes. Your arms also felt like they were going to fall off at any second. Meowzedong wasn’t a particularly heavy cat but try holding anything over five pounds for longer than five minutes.
You were desperately hoping that either they would finally get bored and leave or someone would come to save you. Wow you guessed you really did need a “Hero” right about now… Dammit you thought that referencing needing a hero in your head would magically summon America or his equally hotheaded cat.
“Tama. Meowzedong.” You murmured. “Can you please get off?” You hoped to whatever god or gods were out there that they didn’t hear the desperation in your voice. Never show weakness to a cat.
The two cats made eye contact with each other for a moment and seemed to come to an agreement. Meowzedong stretched his body out before jumping onto the ground. Tama did the same but instead greeted Meowzedong when he landed.
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration if you said that you collapsed onto the wooden floor below. You quickly got up however as you didn’t want them to see it as another chance to sit on you. At least not right now. You pulled out your phone to see all of the messages and calls you missed. You had put it on silent while watching Hero and forgot to turn it back to vibrate.
‘Oh my god Mr. Jones called me twenty-three times.’ You thought, frantic. ‘I’m gonna be in so much trouble!’
You raced down the hallway, startling a group of micronations as you went. There was no time to apologize! You had to keep your job! If not for you then for the cats!
Not even thinking to knock you burst open the door where America was staying, side note why wasn’t it locked? And were greeted with the sight of!... Mr. Jones… crying? His cat looked pretty dejected too and was currently hanging himself off the side of the bed like a rug.
“Sir?” His head shot up to look at you.
He quickly snapped his head back away, mushing at his face in an attempt to try to make it seem like he wasn’t crying.
“(Y-Y/n)” He stuttered for a second, before immediately going back to the hero persona. “Where’ve you been!?”
“Are you okay?” You ignore him, instead asking your own question.
You titiled your body to look at what he was looking at… Was that a framed picture of you?!
It didn’t matter because he was very quickly all in your face again. You could see what seemed to be a rapidly healing black eye and a tooth that hadn’t fully regrown in yet as he smiled at you. Just how long was he fighting with Russia for?
You sat him down on his bed, considering if you should even bother getting a medkit for him. Either way you ended up spending the rest of the day with him, watching movies and sitting what you considered a good ways away from each other on the plush couch. He apparently had a nicer room in all of England’s properties from when he used to live there during parts of the year.
Hero filled the gap in-between you of which America was mildly annoyed about. He kept trying to get you to use ‘Alfred’ but you insisted that it was unprofessional. He’d close the gap one day.
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lady0ctavia · 21 days
Hetalia Headcanons - Their Favorite Spot to Kiss their S/O (Axis, Allies, and Nordics)
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Doing something real quick while my hands heal, and to give you guys a little something. You know, keeping you fed and all. <3
Includes: Axis, Allies, and Nordics (except Iceland, see pinned post as to why).
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Italy: Lips or nose
Germany: Forehead or cheek
Japan: Cheek
Prussia: Lips
Romano: Temple
America: Lips
England: Hand
France: Lips or neck
Russia: Top of your head
China: Cheek or hand
Canada: Nose or the spot between your eyes
Denmark: Lips, jawline, or shoulder
Sweden: Top of your head or forehead
Norway: Nose
Finland: Nose or cheek
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yantalia545 · 9 months
Yandere Axis and Allies with a runaway bride attempt
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆💍☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
This was the most perfect day of his life.
After all this time; These years even. He finally has you within his grasp.
Today will mark the day he finally got it all; Money, power, you. Nothing in the world could make this perfect day any better. Maybe if you actually reciprocated his feelings.
Everything was in perfect order. It's taking many months to plan this whole day down to the very last detail but it was worth it. All that was missing was your beautiful form to walk through those doors and waltz up to him every so slowly so he could take in every inch of this marvelous moment.
He won.
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Bold of you to assume that running away would have been an option.
Of course, he thought about you trying to pull some last-minute stunt and has planned accordingly.
He would have liked you to use logic over emotions and realize that at this point there would be nothing you could do to stop this wedding from taking place when you and your boss have already signed the papers. The ceremony is more for his own pleasantries. Germany's fought tooth and nail for this and he's not about to rush through his victory. He had dreamed of this moment for a long while and had read anything he could get his hands on to fully prepare for this moment and he’d be damned if you’d ruin this.
Germany isn’t stupid and had a suspicion that you would try to pull something like this and came fully prepared.
He thought the extended amount of guards would have kept you in place but apparently not. On the off chance that you have managed to get passed his most trusted men, he was prepared for that too. His men would be sent out at the first brush of finding out you got away and be quick to hunt you down. Hopefully, before the entire day was ruined.
Yeah, good luck trying to get away from this one. Best to try running away after the two of you get home from the honeymoon, but be warned, Germany has well prepared the house for you too.
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He should have known you would pull something like this. You did seem just a little too excited about having a wedding. Japan would have preferred a quiet wedding between just the two of you, but you were admin about a bigger and more public wedding that he went along with it. It was foolish of him to imagine that your decision was a sign of you finally giving into him.
Japan is a very collected man so no one can really understand how much he’s bubbling with rage after you to get him all worked up over a big wedding and just ditch him in front of everyone. He won’t say a thing to anyone when he hears the news that you’re gone, but the game is on.
He won’t involve anyone in his search for you. Japan wants to be the one to personally hunt you down and make you his. He wants to see the exact moment that your hope washes away when you realize you’ve been caught. When you realize that you belong to him and there’s nothing you can do to change it.
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The poor man is a mess. Not even a minute passes past the queue for you waltz down the isle and he’s already breaking down.
This doesn’t work in your favor one bit. Once the water works break through, everyone is quick to take Italy’s side on the matter. How could you leave such an innocent man standing at the alter like that?
Believe me, you’ve tried to get others to believe all the horrible things that Italy is capable of when no one’s looking, but no one ever seems to listen. How can anyone suspect that Italy is purposefully doing anything bad? Italy is so sweet and innocent that it must be you just misunderstanding things or just you making them up to try to make Italy look bad.
You thought that if no one would believe you then running away would just make things better but Italy is too sneaky for his own good.
Why else are the two of you getting married now? If you won’t stay willingly then he’ll just have to make sure that you can’t leave him.
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It’s been over fifteen minutes since the ceremony was supposed to start and you’re still not here. Russia was holding the benefit of the doubt that you were just as nervous over the most wonderful day of his life, just as he was. He knew he couldn’t seek you out himself since, according to traditions in weddings, it was considered bad luck for couples to see each other before the ceremony. 
Even though the others countries were well aware of your situation and were forced to attend this horrific day by Russia, some couldn’t help but feel some sense of remorse from Russia as he arrogantly stood at the alter, waiting for a woman who would never arrive. Then there were some like America and Prussia mostly, who were fighting the urge to laugh at the poor man’s rejection. 
His smile never left his face when the realization does hit him that you’ve gotten away somehow. All your loved ones are sitting amongst the crowd of people in front of him currently, right? All he has do is show you just the kind of man he is and what he’s willing do for you and you’ll come right back to him yourself.
You really didn’t think this one through, did you?
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He was a little pissed off that he put all of this time and money into making your wedding the most amazing and extravagant wedding anyone has ever seen, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but fall in love with you even more.
America is a very strong-headed man, so it only makes sense that he’d fall in love with someone who’s also like him. A strong-headed darling would only inspire him to do better. To him, this is just another game of tug-of-war between you two and he can’t help but feel exhilarated about it all. You really are perfect for him. You really do know how to keep him on his toes and constantly test his wits.
You running away only makes securing you all the more interesting and indefinite for America. Oh believe me, you will be his and he will put an end to this little game of yours, but your defiant nature just makes it more rewarding for him in the end. You just don’t know it yet!
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So, you thought you could pull a stunt on your perfect day together and run away without consequences? Or better question, did you think he was going to stop pursuing you just because you exposed him in front of everyone?
Bad move.
Its seems that you haven’t figured it out that what he was doing was considered just a tip of the iceberg of the things he’s willing to do in order to obtain you. England thought you would have noticed that he was trying to be civil about the whole matter but if you want to be a brute about it then he’s not going to hold back either.
England isn’t going to waste any time over the matter either. He’ll send his troops out to retrieve you the moment you set foot outside the church. When your caught, and believe me it won’t take long, he’ll have you watch as he burns your country to the ground; literally.
If you won’t come to him peacefully then he’ll show you all that he’s capable of. Maybe then you’ll learn to be more appreciative of his good grace if there’s nothing for you to build upon without him. The others would be wise to stay out of it too if they don’t wish to end up in a similar position as you.
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It's funny actually. Did you really think he was stupid enough to believe that you wouldn't try to leave today of all days? He's not young and stupid like the rest of the countries; He plans. And he plans well.
Without you even noticing, he had ordered one of the maids who were fixing up your dress to slip a tracker on you so even if you did manage to escape then he could track you down with ease.
To China, this was all a big cat and mouse game to him. Don't get me wrong here, he is very irritated that you refuse to love him, but if he has to show just how much more power he has over you, then he will get the most he can out of it.
It's all so pitiful to you. You thought you had finally managed to outrun that hellish nightmare, when seemingly out of nowhere, China pops in with a smug look on his face. Mocking you the whole way back to the church.
No matter where you go or how far you run, China will always find you just when you think you're safe.
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crimson-kisses · 8 months
Ok umm. Yandere god Canada, America, Russia, Austria, Germany, and France with a nature Goddess reader.
🤡💧anon ~
Technically, I have already done this ask in a way so this will only contain some drabbles!! Hope you liked it. Austria is a new one, tho!
Warning: Contains usual yandere themes, toxic relationships and the like.
Other works related to the au [post 1 || post 2 || post 3 || post 4 || post 5 || post 6]
Tangled vines
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Canada || Matthew Williams 🇨🇦
Sitting atop a grassy hill, surrounded by vibrant blooming flowers, Matthew watches you with an admiring gaze. The calmness you give off brings a sense of peace to his soul, and he could spend hours simply observing your serene demeanor.
However, beneath your calm exterior, a storm rages within. Containing your seething fury, you make a decision not to show Matthew the extent of your anger. He had held you captive, subjecting you to his relentless beasts—creatures both mortal and immortal, magical and fierce.
His mighty wolves encircle you, seeking solace and warmth, as if yearning for a mother's touch. But you are far from their mother, yet you dare not push them away, lest you lose half of your body.
While your injuries may heal, the pain would prove burdensome, and that is the last thing you desire.
Matthew has succeeded in breaking your spirit through fear, ensuring your submission to his will. Meanwhile, delicate creatures flutter around you, drawn to the beauty of the blossoming flowers, as if inviting them into an embrace.
Sitting on the hill, you keenly sense Matthew's loving gaze upon you, his watchful eyes drinking in every detail of your presence.
"Your presence brings me a tranquility I haven't felt in eons,"
He murmurs, walking closer to where you sit, his hands clasped behind his back. He stalks towards you, paying no mind to the flowers crushed under his boots as he positions himself besides you. In his outstretched palm, a delicate butterfly finds solace.
His eyes, a shade of soothing lavender, gaze at you with a glint of delight. He reaches out, intertwining his fingers with yours, binding them tightly together. The fluttering creatures find respite around both of you, creating a delicate barrier.
You manage to suppress a shudder at his words, a bitter irony lingering in your mind. For he has brought you nothing but misfortune after misfortune. Trapped in this place, guarded by unfathomable creatures, you find yourself drained and wearied. His clinginess, has only soured over time, leaving you with a distaste that grows stronger with each passing moment.
At the very least, he hasn’t taken you far away from your domain.
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America || Alfred F Jones 🇺🇸
The palace of the divine king stood in all its splendor, a spectacular sight of celestial marble adorned with magnificent statues. Pearls of various kinds adorned every corner, while golden rings encircled the ceilings, creating an ambiance fit for the heavens.
Yet, for you, it was a personal hell.
Alfred had positioned you on his lap, gripping you tightly as he attended to his duties and other matters, leaving you unable to attend to your own responsibilities. Your connection to your own domain felt distant, slipping through your fingers like sand.
There was no solace to be found within these walls.
But of course, Alfred was busy with showcasing you, parading you around, while purposely disregarding your legitimate concerns. It often felt as if he intentionally sought to provoke you, to ignite his wrath within you.
Perhaps that was exactly what he desired.
There is no piece or a leaf of your domain to be found near his castle, his territory, his domain, because his insufferable pride wouldn’t let that happen anytime soon. Instead, he to claim you as his, not as an another immortal being, but his wife, his woman, his lover. That’s the only identity you ought to have in his eyes.
Except for the garden, a sprawling expanse adorned with lush nature, you were forbidden to enter without his presence by your side. He would lead you beneath the thick foliage of the trees, that’s where he pleased you as he so wished, over and over again, until he was satisfied. The flowers bloomed with an ardent passion, glistening with dewdrops that adorned the garden like delicate jewels. It was a place solely dedicated to your pleasure, a sanctuary of sensory delights.
As if he was saying without telling, that even in this sanctuary you cannot have solace or peace without him by your side.
His hands were now inching towards your thighs, the dress slipping away smooth as milk as goosebumps raised on your skin, he stared at you with a lustful gaze, sitting between your naked thighs.
"It’s always a pleasure to be on my knees for you".
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Russia || Ivan Brangisky 🇷🇺
He was more than aware that the frigidness of his domain did not suit you well and often clashed with the climate of your domain. Frost clung to your delicate skin, causing you to tremble ever so slightly in the face of the biting cold breeze.
He inhaled softly through his nose, a smile slowly spreading across his lips as he imagined you snugly wrapped in his coat, finding warmth and comfort within its embrace.
Sadly, you had politely refused.
Ivan set a steaming bowl of hot soup before you, urging you to partake as he settled into a seat across from you. His gaze, filled with intensity, roamed freely over your form, appreciating your beauty. You were indeed a stunning woman, a captivating sight that was truly a feast for the eyes.
He held a special fondness for the moments when you brought life and beauty to his desolate domain, watching nature bloom in all its loveliness and delight. It was a sight that touched his heart and filled him with a rare warmth, a feeling he rarely experienced within his own realm and in his life as a whole.
And it was precisely because of this profound connection that he felt compelled to carry out what he was about to do.
With deep violet eyes sparkling with delight and a hint of amusement, he watched as a vibrant cluster of sunflowers flourished around his house. Your cheerful laughter and radiant smile tugged at his heartstrings, bringing warmth to the depths of his being.
You were undeniably enchanting, blissfully unaware of the healing power you possessed. In your presence, the scars that tore at his heart and the wars that ravaged his immortal soul seemed to fade away.
It was you, and only you, who had the ability to mend the shattered pieces and bring solace to his troubled existence.
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Austria || Roderick Edelstein 🇦🇹
Glowing bluebells sway delicately from fragile stems, emitting a soft, ethereal glow. As you run your fingers tenderly across their petals, a melodic serenade reminiscent of piano keys fills the air. With a sigh, you become aware that you are under the watchful scrutiny of keen plum-colored eyes.
You have long stopped caring about such things, focusing on the peaceful arrangements of nature around you, swaying with their own set of tunes which was such a joy to hear.
Emerging from his hiding place, Roderick would reprimand you about the seemingly chaotic music that resonates in the surroundings. Swiftly taking control of the situation, and in response to his commands, the flowers obediently bloom and unfurl themselves once more. The melodies that fill the air follow his guidance, harmonizing in a more orderly manner.
At the very least, you would be near your domain and Roderick, as much as judgmental he is about some things, whether it be how your too much of a carefree woman or being agitated by your chaotic domain, he had no qualms about separating you from your home.
You supposed you will take what you get, as he exclaims that it is now time for dinner and grabs you inside his mansion by gently placing a hand on your waist and demanding you to clean yourself up.
It wasn’t all that bad, you supposed with an exasperated look directed towards him and go ahead, to wash yourself up for dinner.
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Germany || Ludwig Beilschmidt 🇩🇪
You swim around the extravagantly colorful reefs with a burst of speed as dozen fishes follow your trail. Playfully, you swirl around and watch as they circle around you, filling your heart with warmth unlike the cold water which was your home.
Your tail, looked like a part of the nature itself, scales glistening with shades of green, mimicking hues of lush moss that clung to ancient stones, delicate tendrils of seaweed and aquatic flora intertwined with the moss-like scales.
It shimmered vibrantly in the ocean, as you glided through the vibrant reefs, leaving a trail of luminous pearls in their wake, so you could be easily tracked by the Deity of the twelve Oceans.
You feel the sudden change of current in the ocean, as he swims near you skillfully, his powerful tail a deep shade of forest green, with a golden hue.
The water lilies swim above you, blooming in your presence as they gently make way for the sunlight to fall upon you both. Following your and Ludwig's command with perfect harmony.
"You have been wandering quite a lot, I can’t help but be worried about you. I suppose the pearls were a good idea after all".
Solemnly you nod, as the former giddiness you shared with the fishes fades away into an empty space in your chest. Ludwig takes your hand and together you both take a dive, deeper into the ocean.
The pearls would make a fine jewelry for a more fortunate woman someday, you think, as Ludwig can’t help but collect few in with his hands.
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France || Francis Bonnefoy 🇫🇷
A necklace adorned with a delicate array of ethereal feathers, gracefully embraced your neck. In the mirror's reflection, you could see the reflection of Francis, dreamy expression adorning his face, captivated by your appearance.
You swiftly avert your gaze from his, he gently takes a hold of your hand, pressing a series of tender kisses upon the top of your knuckles, his affectionate gestures ascending to graze your neck.
You don’t bother saying anything, not that he would listen to what do you have to say. Staying still, as he presses kisses across your collarbone, his hands inching towards the sides of your bosom.
In your divine beauty, you stood as a celestial masterpiece, crafted from stardust that cascaded across the vast expanse of the universe. With a single glance, you effortlessly ensnared his heart, drawing him into a realm of enchantment from which he could never escape. Your allure was irresistible and mesmerizing, leaving him forever spellbound by your radiant presence.
His adoration for you knew no bounds. He was madly in love with every curves of your body, his hands tenderly skimmed through the strands of your hair, cherishing each delicate strand. A shudder comes through you as he pushes your dress down, and then presses a passionate kiss on your lips, hands grabbing whatever they could find.
You were the nature's most precious treasure, indeed.
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bloodyselfshipping · 2 years
(Hetalia Main 8 x Reader) How they talk about you!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~
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Most people around Alfred would probably not realize you two are romantically involved. The way he talks about you is less like a partner and more like a best friend.
But that said, everyone would know who you are. It’s immediately obvious how close your relationship is. He seems to know everything about you.
He won’t bring you up constantly, but your presence is around him in some way.
“Who are you texting during the meeting?!” “Oh, Y/N! Right now they’re-”
“Who are you inviting?” “Y/N! I really think they’d have fun coming along-”
“Are you free tonight?” “Mm, sorry dude. I’m with Y/N tonight, just like last night, and the night before we-”
But if anyone asks, he loves talking about you. You make everything more fun, so even thinking about you makes him feel so much better!
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He doesn’t bring you up much, but when he does it’s so obvious how much he loves you. Always looking in the distance longingly…
Doesn’t share a lot of personal details, probably doesn’t even mention your name. He always calls you nicknames or just “my lover.”
Arthur prefers to keep you his little secret.
“Ah, I have to go. I have an engagement with… someone special.”
So it's usually very stilted and formal, but not because of a lack of affection. He thinks that PDA and gushing about romance in public is tactless, so he refrains.
You’re like royalty to him so he always makes sure to make his respect more apparent than anything. No one is more special to him than you <3
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The second most normal out of any of them. Although he always refers to you very romantically, that isn’t very out of line for how he normally is.
It seems as if he sees you as perfect, above others in every way. He always praises you and everything you do, to an absolutely absurd degree.
Always has very specific things he calls you in front of others.
“Ah, this reminds me of my S/O. They are like poetry in motion…”
“Every day I am inspired by Y/N, even the most impressive works of art are nothing compared to them.”
“My eternal love, they are calling to me… I must go!”  “Just say you wanna get outta here!”
He can’t help but gush about how perfect you are. He would say you are nothing less than soulmates.
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Yao is a very traditional man. From the start of your relationship, he’s always referred to you as if you were married.
Sometimes he’ll refer to you like those old men who hate their wives, but only because he doesn’t realize the full implications.
“”Aiyaa! Have to go tend to the ball and chain, see you later!”
Except when he says that, he means it affectionately. By “tending to the old ball and chain” he means laying his head in your lap for two hours and telling you about how stupid his friends are.
He’d love nothing more than to just talk to you and you alone, he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks of you two.
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Ivan CANNOT stop talking about you! Seriously, everyone is very annoyed by it. But he just can’t hold himself back, he needs everyone to know about how much he loves you.
Anytime anyone brings up something that reminds him of you, he has to go on a whole tangent. God forbid someone brings up an interest of yours, then it goes on forever.
They probably won’t even know your name because he just always uses some adorable pet name for you (:
When he misses you, it’s even worse. Anything just immediately results in,
“My darling used to call me that…” “Because it’s your name!”
If he could, he would bring you everywhere with him. So, he’ll do so in his own way (: (telling everyone who breathes in his direction about you)
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Everyone is immediately aware of your existence. He LOVES bringing you up at every opportunity. All his friends need to know about his lovely S/O right now!!!
Definitely tries to show you off.
“You know whose really attractive? My S/O! Look, see!!!”
“I just thought of something funny, one time Y/N did that! But like, they were super hot!”
“Cuore mio, everyone should see how wonderful you are. Don’t be embarrassed!”
When he gets drunk, he can’t help but talk anyone’s ear off about you. About how much you mean to him, about how proud he is of you, a lot of other stuff that seems way too sentimental for an easy-going guy like him.
Often ends up bursting into rooms just to bring news of you. He gets so emotional it can become unbearable for those around him.
He can’t imagine his life without you, and everything is just a reminder of that fact. Feliciano loves you more than anything!
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Ludwig wouldn’t not talk about you… but he wouldn’t go out of his way to do so. Not because he’s embarrassed of you, but because he’s embarrassed of how much he’s in love with you!
You make him so soft… and the thoughts of you are constantly distracting him! His darling (you) lives in his head rent-free, damn you!
“Oi Germany, is that a person on your lock-screen?” “N-No! Well… it’s my S/O… don’t make it into a situation!”
He thinks very highly of you, and trusts your judgment completely. Talking to you helps him think out his problems. That fact is so obvious that a lot of times, his friends will call you up for him when he’s panicking.
Not a fan of pet names, and can seem cold about your relationship in public. But don’t let that fool you, he doesn’t want to go a day without you!
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Very casual about you. You’re his partner, you matter a lot to him, and he’s not embarrassed about it. 
But he does use his experiences with you to help him relate to others, so you get brought up quite a lot with his friends. When he’s having trouble socially, he tries to remember everything you’ve ever told him and repeat it.
“My S/O had something similar happen to them. May I consult them on this?”
“This reminds me of something that Y/N said to me last week. Shouldn’t we just put the past behind us? They said it’s no good to dwell on these things.”
“Hm… maybe we should just go home and rest before making a decision. Besides, I want to talk to Y/N about this.” “Are you sure you don’t just miss them?” “That is a possibility.”
He acts as if you two are married, but just because you have become so important to him so quickly. You make his life so much better and easier, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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atom-writings · 10 months
hiii can i request russia, canada, germany and greece seeing their s/o wearing their clothes for the first time? good luck on ur finals :D !!
hetalia russia, canada, germany, and greece seeing their s/o wear their clothes
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1.0k words ~ gender neutral headcanons / scenarios
tw: none!
a/n: holy shit tthis request is so old that its a new finals season :sob: guys im trying. ALSO idk how to write greece. but hopefully its ok
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Ivan wouldn’t know what to do with himself if you wore his clothing. Like, he just never expected anyone to ever… want to do that?
Plus, if you’re any shorter than 6’ 5”, his clothes are more like blankets than anything wearable.)
Mornings at Ivan's house were always cold. His dacha had been built long before the invention of home heating systems, and he had always refused to modernize anything he owned.
So, when you finally woke up, you grabbed one of Ivan's jackets to keep yourself warm while you made breakfast. It was huge, on him and you, and lined with fur from animals killed centuries ago.
The house was quiet aside from the quiet sizzling of an egg on a pan. Or at least, it was until you heard the dull thuds drawing closer behind you.
In an instant, Ivan wrapped his firm arms around you, picking you up off the floor for a second.
“G-Good morning to you too,” You tease him softly. All he responds with is a quiet grunt, muffled as he buries his face in your hair.
“Should I make you something too?”
He shook his head, “You are too perfect to be cooking right now...”
“Aww, Ivan...”
”Please wear things like this more often...“ He mumbled, seemingly embarrassed.
”What, your things? Should I steal more jackets?“
“Yes... please...“ He said, and you could feel his smile, even if you couldn't see it.
He just can't get enough of you wearing his stuff. He thinks it makes you two look like a real couple. Then everyone will know that you're his (:
From the start of your relationship, Matthew had been trying to subtly coerce you into wearing his clothes. It's like, one of his main relationship goals.
So if you did it without him asking, his brain would fry.
“D-Dear, what are you- a-are you...?” Matthew's shaking voice makes it way past your earbuds, which you promptly rip out.
You turn away from your desk to face him, and his face immediately lights up.
”Sorry, I- I didn't have an-“ Is all you sputter out before you're interrupted by a hug that sends you tumbling backwards. He's warm as he curls around you, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
”Oh. Uh-”
“W-Wait, sorry... I- I didn't mean to um-”
“You're f-”
“No- I mean-” He pulls away, letting go of you completely.
“MATTHEW,” You finally manage to break him out of his stuttering state, “It's fine.”
He averts his gaze as he stands before you, awkwardly playing with his hoodie cuffs, ”I- I just really think you're um- cute in that...“
”Matt, it's just a hoodie.“
”Yeah but it- it has um... that...“ He points to the maple leaf pattern covering the hoodie. That makes you pause, looking up at him like he said something weird.
“It's just leaves.”
His cheeks immediately turn the same shade as the leaves on his hoodie, ”W-Well! It's better than stars and stripes!“
Seriously, anything that shows that you're showing him over America will make him go crazy.
Ludwig doesn't have a lot of casual clothes, so you're kind of limited in your “stealing t-shirts for pyjamas” options
And sorry to disappoint, but his stoic demeanour isn't getting majorly cracked even by that.
It was a rare occurrence for Ludwig to let you do anything around the house. He cooked the meals, he cleaned the dishes, he did most of the laundry, and the sweeping, mopping, and literally any other task that had to be done. So, in a moment you thought would never come, you were actually excited to be doing the dishes for him.
But, because of his disaster of a “modern, ergonomic” sink, that meant getting water all over your shirt. And seeing how you were wearing something nice for a date night with him, you only had one choice. Throwing on one of his torn and faded old t-shirts.
After a few minutes of washing the dishes alone, Ludwig took his place beside you, leaning against the counter and watching you intently.
“Yes?“ You prompt him, and he immediately looks a little embarrassed.
”Thanks for doing this.“
”You do this every night, so like, it's fine?“
”Y-Yes, but, I still appreciate it.“ He tells you quickly, before placing a hang on your shoulder. You turn off the water for a moment, plunging the kitchen into silence again.
Before you could register it, you were pulled closer to him. 
“You should wear my things more often…” He mumbled before leaning down to kiss your cheek.
“Buy more normal person clothes then.”
Then he pulled away with a groan, “OK, the moment is over.”
Heracles probably didn't even notice until you said something. Anytime he's looking at you, your clothes are the last thing he registers.
”Oh, wait... uh- sorry,“ You blurt out once you look down and remember what you're wearing, ”I forgot to ask if I could...“
He looks over you as your hands fidget with the hem of his oversized t-shirt. The design said something in Greek, but all you could make out were the words ”FOOD“ and ”CATS” (It was more important that it was comfortable than stylish.) For his part, he looked completely disinterested in whatever you were saying.
“If you could what?” Heracles asks, his tone dry and tired.
“If I could wear your shirt...”
“Oh,” Then he glances over your direction, barely looking over his tea, ”Yes, I see that now.“
”Do you... care?“
”No.“ He says as if what you had just asked was as obvious as the colour of the sky. Despite that, it didn't seem to bother or excite him in the slightest.
He might find it a little amusing when his clothes don't fit you, but generally he doesn't care. He believes strongly in the idea that ”What's his is yours, and what's yours is his.“
Because of that, he'll steal your clothes too. And he might rip them. Oops.
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milaisreading · 7 months
2p Axis and 2p Allies reaction to a guy giving Valentine's Day gifts to y/n before they had a chance?
🌱🩷: Here u go! Hope it is ok, and thank you for the request!
2p!Italy: Bella, these are for you~
Yn, while looking at the flower bouquet: Thank you! I didn't expect you to care about Valentine's Day! These are really pretty
2p!Italy: You care about this holiday and so do I. Besides, I wanted to be the first one to give you the present.
Yn:Oh... uhm...
Yn: Well... Actually... Sweden already gave me a present so...
2p!Italy: Really?
Yn: Thanks for the chocolate!
2p!Germany, all proud that she likes it: Nothing to thank me for. I heard from people you like this flavor.
Yn: Yep! It's one of my favorites, actually.
2p!Germany, confused as he thought she likes this one: One of? What's your favorite? I can get you that instead.
Yn: No need! Besides, Denmark already gave me that this morning.
2p!Germany: ... What? Wait, so someone already gave you a gift?
Yn: Yeah. This morning
Yn: Why is your gun out?
Yn, worried as his glare intensifies and his grip on the present tightens: Are...are you ok?
Yn: You look constipated. Was it the food you ate earlier?
2p!Japan, embarrassed as he shoves the present into her hands: Just take this stupid gift?!
Yn: Thanks... *opens to see what's inside*
2p!Japan, trying to look like he doesn't give af: And?
Yn: Oh! This is a cute figurine! It will go well with the one Korea gave me!
2p!Japan: When did he give it to you?
Yn: This morning.
2p!Japan: Ah... so someone already gave you a gift?
Yn: Yeah- where are you going?
2p!Japan: Out for a walk.
2p!America: Hey there, dollface! Happy Valentine's Day! Here is your present.
Yn, jumping in surprise as she takes it: Thank you! The bear is cute!
2p!America, swinging his arm around her shoulder: Not as cute as you.
Yn, blushing:O-oh...
2p!America: Anyway, want to go and eat something?
Yn: No, I just ate with Norway
2p!America: Excuse me? What?
Yn: He took me out to lunch as a gift.
2p!America,thinking of all the ways to kill a country: Oh... lovely...
2p!France: What is that?
Yn, looking at the small cake 2p!France was pointing at: Oh! This? It's a cake Finland made me for Valentine's Day! Want to try? He made it with my favorite flavor.
2p!France while tightening his grip on a gift he got her: Oh... And you accepted the gift just like that?
Yn, confused by the question: Yeah? We always give each other gifts.
2p!France: You gave him gifts as well?!
Yn: Yeah... Are you mad?
2p!France: Yes.
Yn: O-oh... I will put it away then...
2p!France: Please do.
2p!England: Poppet! I made you my special cupcakes! Try them!
Yn, nervous as she remembers what his special cupcakes might have:I am not really hungry, so...
2p!England: They don't have anything bad in them, I swear!
Yn, slowly nodding her head as she takes them: O-Ok.
2p!England: I wanted to make this present special! Do you like them?
Yn, surprised they taste like real, normal cupcakes: Yeah... they remind me of the ones Switzerland got me this morning.
2p!England: What?
Yn: Switzerland gave me some as a present this morning *continues eating*
2p!England, thinking: I will turn him into literal Swiss cheese
Yn: Thanks for the presents, Russia... Isn't this too much? *looks at the mountain of gifts*
2p!Russia, shakes his head while patting hers: Not really. In fact, there are more I need to give you.
2p!Russia: Don't worry your pretty brain about it, but... Who gave you those flowers over there? *points at the tulips*
Yn: Oh! Netherlands gave me them as a gift this morning! They smell so good- Why are you taking the vase away?
2p!Russia: They have gone bad. I will get you better ones
Yn: What?
Yn, admiring the Hello kitty plushie: This is so adorable! I never saw this one!
2p!China, while having a huge grin on his face: Well, it was a special I requested for you. Happy you like it.
Yn: Thanks! You didn't have to go through so much trouble for me.
2p!China: It was more trouble at all~
Yn: It will look great with that plushie Estonia gave me this morning
2p!China: Someone gave you a present already?
Yn: Yep~
2p!China: Oh... Can you do me a favor?
Yn: Sure. What is it?
2p!China: Can you sleep with your window open for tonight? And put that plushie from Estonia as close as possible to the the window
Yn: What?
2p!Canada, blushing as Yn thanks him for the chocolate: It's nothing. Just a small token of appreciation.
Yn: Still! Thank you for remembering me! I didn't expect gifts from both Iceland and you, to be honest.
2p!Canada: Oh, it's nothing. I am happy you like- What do you mean by Iceland?
Yn: Him and Mr. Puffin gave me those cute Valentine's Day cards. They are so adorable~
2p!Canada, agitated while she is smiling: Aha...
An hour later...
Yn, yelling from her room: My cards are gone!!
2p!Canada as he lights up a fire: How tragic
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yawujin · 28 days
Can you make Germany with short reader pls?✨️
request | germany x short!reader
type | short read, gender neutral reader , ship dynamic
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kind of surprised you weren't intimidated by him
i feel like if he saw you shivering, he'd offer his coat but, be super awkward about it like: "it might not fit so..." "I DON'T MIND"
he looks shocked that you had answered so fast
"here you go then." he lends you his coat.
as we've seen, he'll give people piggyback rides...but he just needs a little persuasion
(he secretly likes to do it anyway, at least with you <3)
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merbear25 · 4 months
Hi, can you make Russia, Germany and Prussia with a reader who's also a total simp for them? (Like in previous ask✨️)
Hello, hello! So much love for the Hetalia men, I love it! Thank you for sending in your request. I hope you like what I've written for you 💜💜
pt 1, pt 2
CW: gn!reader, fluff, headcanons
Meeting a simp reader (Russia, Germany, Prussia)
At first, he was a bit shocked, then that shifted into doubt before he eventually realized you were genuinely head over heels for him.
The more time you spent around each other, the more comfortable he became, eventually looking around for you when you weren’t by his side.
He’d adore cuddling with you, especially on cold nights when the winter wind was howling loudly. Whenever you drifted off to sleep in his arms, he melted and allowed himself to fall asleep soon after. Waking up to you still wrapped up in his embrace gave him the confirmation that you were there because you wanted to be.
He’d want to strengthen your bond by exploring your common interests. I’d even go as far to say he’d get out of his comfort zone: giving things a try that he may not have prior to meeting you. A deep and meaningful connection was all that he’d really want at the end of the day and if you were willing to give that to him, he’d never complain.
He’d be fairly hesitant to accept your praise and affection. He was far from the romantic or touchy-feely type and you always wanting to be around him was making him…flustered. 
Despite that, you appeared to be hard-working, dedicated to your ambitions, and an overall respectable person, eventually earning his good graces.
With you seeming more than one dimensional to him now, someone he felt like he might enjoy having around, he’d invite you to training sessions and maybe small outings with the others if he thought you’d like it. Affection would undoubtedly start out small, mostly through acts of service and sometimes words of affirmation.
The progression in your relationship would be slow yet gradual, leaving room for you to both explore who the other truly was. Quality time would increase the more comfortable he became around you, wanting to share peaceful moments with you or enjoying a nice walk in the park. Looking at you, he’d have a subtle smile pertaining to his gratitude for you.
Everyone knew just how highly he thought of himself, so when you came into his life fawning over him, he couldn’t help but agree with you. He was the amazing Prussia afterall.
When your praise and adoration didn’t wear off the more time you spent with him and you expressed genuine interest in him, he started to wonder what your deal was—what you were all about.
You piqued his interest and now he wanted to know more about you. Inviting you out for drinks would be the easiest option for him. Getting more one-on-one time with you made everything easier for the two of you to bond properly. He came to really like you and suddenly your praise made him feel a bit differently—more affectionate.
Once you two got past the first hump with getting to know each other, he’d match your eagerness to see each other. He'd want to be around you all the time. Despite the chaotic energy he brought, he enjoyed the softer moments too. Whenever he got you smiling and laughing were times that he cherished, never wanting that feeling to fade.
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hwsing · 11 months
notes: 18+, reader is afab and gender neutral. includes: germany (ludwig beilschmidt), japan (kiku honda). as always, reblogs are appreciated!
cw: dom/sub themes; vibrator (ludwig); bondage (ludwig); electrodes (ludwig); wax play (kiku)
☆ ludwig
in what ways would ludwig not overstimulate you? to say he has a curious mind is an understatement — he has thought about so many scenarios, all of which end up with you practically brain dead — albeit hesitant and even shy, he would never have a shortage of methods on how to overwhelm you.
he can feel his palms sweat as he spreads your thighs — his eyes trail up your body, watching intently as the pads of the electrodes send shocks against your nipples. quiet, pitchy whines catch in your throat every time, and it catches his attention; his gaze meets yours, and he swallows thickly at the sight. your brows are pinched and you look like you’re trying — and failing — to stay quiet, to stay composed. he wants nothing more than to see you lose yourself.
“relax, liebling.” he says compellingly. despite his soft tone, there is an underlying of sternness — it was a command. his hands, stronger than you could ever begin to imagine, move your knees to rest on his shoulders as he looks down at your fluttering cunt. you were tied by your wrists attached to the bedposts. and, you were already nearly soaked to the bone; he would never dare underprep you. he knew the stretch of his cock was enough to have you gasping and digging your nails down the line of his spine. he already spent what felt like a century with a vibrator against your clit, and it was for that reason he was able to push into you with such ease, gripping your hips as your needy pussy sucks him in; you moan loudly, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. you look at him, and even now as he controls the pace, his reddened face betrayed him — his expression wouldn’t say so, but he could feel how he struggled, just as you do.
as much as ludwig was a man who preached patience, it wasn’t long before his hips slammed against yours, feeling overwhelmed at how overwhelmed you were. you looked pathetic beneath him, left only with the option to submit to the feeling of his cock plumping relentlessly into you and the literal shocks zapping against your chest. his cock twitched inside you, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to last long as you fought against your binds and cried, back arching almost impossibly into him. he’d take care of you — of course he would; his attention and devotion was completely forfeited to you as you allowed him to fuck you like this.
☆ kiku
he has experience in the human body’s limits — just not as personal, or intimate, as this calls for. still, kiku can’t help but wonder how you would handle scenarios that would test you; and, as the pathetic loser he is, he has seen his fair share of porn and has likely tried this before. still, he wants to see you, and your skin — and how the both of you handle things.
he kindly let you relax, sitting between your legs; he told you to stay as still as you could, and you agreed — but now, as you watched him angle the candle above you, you weren’t so sure you could. his other hand was busy inside you, softly rubbing against your velvety walls with precision while his thumb worked circles against your clit. he had already made you cum twice — he wanted for the wax to almost startle your dazed body. you already imagined how it might feel — and when it finally came, you couldn’t help but involuntarily flinch. the wax was almost painfully hot against your bare skin, and you took a shallow breath.
“did that hurt?” he asks, almost plainly as his dark eyes flickered up to look at you; you swallow and you hesitate on what to say. his fingers never stop, even as he stares. the heat of the wax came again, seeming even hotter this time, and you shook your head no as you did you best not to squirm. all kiku did was hum quietly in acknowledgment, looking to the wax now littering your skin. your soft moans at the contact had him feeling rock solid in his pants, but that wasn’t really on his mind now — he only focused on you.
you tilt your head back, panting through quieted moans as the wax continues to drip onto your pliable skin. your brain felt foggy as a knot tangled in your lower stomach — the burn of the wax had distracted you from what was, up until now, dull pleasure building inside you. ever observant, kiku’s thumb pressed firmer against your clit, and your legs nearly kicked out. your hole clenched around his fingers, and soon enough another orgasm was rippling through you — it lasted longer than usual as he worked you through it, a satisfied smile tugged at his lips. that didn’t mean he was done, though — no, no. he only just brought the wax out, after all!
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