#hewwo darkness my old fwend
delicteflowr · 5 years
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Yes hello. I know I suddenly went MIA again but had a lot of lil’ health problems as well as some personal things but I’ll be getting to things after work this evening. I apologize for keeping everyone waiting on me. I’m horribly slow ( really trying to get used to this roleplay gig thing again as well as adjusting to new job and new apartment ), so I’ll get to what I can. :> But my dms are always open for conversing&such!
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h0p3s-and-m3m3s · 7 years
u ever just wake up one morning and everythings in a brand new light but the light is fucking blinding so u go back to sleep but when u wake up again everythings awful???
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 3 years
Crickle Parents! AU One-shot
Inspired by @crazytimemachineunknown
and their prompts
Crusher and Pickle screamed as they fell through a long portal. Soon, the portal opened up, and they all yelped as they fell onto the ground with a thud.
"Ugh..." The dark blue truck hissed as he forced himself up and rubbed his head. "Where... are we...?"
"I don't know..." the green truck looked around. "but it looks like... a city...?"
Suddenly, the sky began to rumble and darkened with dark clouds. Rain soon poured down on the duo, causing them to sigh before rushing to a nearby alley way with a roof.
"Man, first the portal to a mysterious place then the rain?!" Crusher snarled. "Could this day get any worse?!"
Pickle shrugged and opened up his phone. He was taken back the moment he saw the calendar.
"Uh, Crusher... I don't think it's the 'where' that is the trouble..."
"Hmm?" Crusher turned to the phone, and his eyes widened. "No... no, no no, NO! That... That can't be! That would mean--"
"WE'RE IN THE PAST?!" the duo screeched.
"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Crusher yelled out. "Stupid invention... Stupid portal..."
"I don't know..." Pickle sighed. "but how do we get back?"
"I don't know either," Crusher groaned. "For now, let's just get some shelter and some food, in case it takes long for us to find a way back home,"
[Two weeks later...]
"Pickle... why are we in the jungle...?" Crusher grumbled as they drove through the forest.
"We need food, don't we?" Pickle raised an eyebrow. "And as I remember, this place has lots of fruits!"
"Fine, fine..." Crusher groaned.
The duo went further into the jungle. As they did, they heard a child's cry echoed through the trees, much to their shock.
"Is that... a kid?" Crusher frowned. "What's a kid doing in the jungle?"
"I don't know, but it sounds like it needs help!" Pickle cried out before grabbing the other to drag him. "Come on!"
They both went further to a part of the jungle and gasped as they found a wrecked treehouse, full of scratches, bullets and blood. At the bottom of the tree, they found a basket with a blanket on top of it, where the cry was coming from. Cautious but worried, Pickle drove forward carefully and opened it to see a young tiger cub crying and hugging a stuffed tiger in his tires.
"Hello, little one,"
The tiger cub jumped and looked up at him frighteningly. Pickle smiled and took him gently in his tires.
"Hey, it's okay," he assured him. "Shh, shh, it's okay. What's your name, little kid?"
"S-Stwipes," the kid answered.
"...what?" Crusher's jaw dropped. How far into the past did they even travel to???
Pickle seemed just as surprised but managed to hide it quickly and hold the kid tighter with a smile. "Okay, little Stripes, can you tell us what happened?"
"I... I not know," little Stripes sniffled his tears. "Mama say that we getting attacked and pwace me in basket. I... I not know whewe Mama and Papa go now..."
"Well, we don't know either," Pickle admitted. "but how about we take care of you until we find out if you've got other relatives to stay with, okay?"
"Pickle, is that a good idea?" Crusher asked in a whisper. "In our time, Stripes didn't have living parents either. We might be messing with the timeline,"
"Crush, we can't just let this cub live on his own when we can take care of him," Pickle firmly spoke.
"Fine, fine," Crusher sighed and nodded. "but if this damages our timeline, don't tell me I didn't warn you,
[Two more weeks later...]
"Shh, shh, it's okay, Stripes," Pickle held the trembling cub close to him as the thunder came from the clouds.
"S-Scawy thunder!" little Stripes whimpered.
"Don't worry, Stripes, I got you," Pickle assured him.
"Storm's almost over," Crusher pointed out as he looked through the window of the shack he and Pickle stayed in. "Guess we've got to clear out the debris out there sooner or later-"
Suddenly, a scream echoed through the surroundings. Pickle jumped to his tires then he handed Stripes to Crusher and zoomed out through the door.
"Wait, Pickle, wait--!"
"No time to wait!" the green truck cried out, his voice disappearing.
"But-" Crusher sighed in defeat as he stared down at the trembling cub. "O-Oh, hello,"
"H-Hewwo," little Stripes greeted hesitantly. "Do you not wike me, Mistew Cwusha?"
"Erm... it's not that I don't..." Crusher hissed. "I just... I don't know if YOU like me,"
"You fine, Mistew Cwusha," little Stripes gave a smile.
"D'aww, thanks, little Stripes," Crusher chuckled and patted his head gently. "I like you too. You hungry?"
"Mm-hmm," little Stripes nodded.
Crusher smiled and carried the cub to their makeshift kitchen. He had just taken out a cup of milk to give when the door slammed open again. He jumped a bit but managed to give the cup to the cub before turning to see Pickle carry in a pink truck child, looking a year younger than Stripes as she cried in his tires.
"Is that...?"
"Watts? Yeah," Pickle nodded. "She managed to tell me that her parents were killed in a storm before she broke down,"
"Poor kid..." Crusher hissed. "Do you think...?"
"Maybe, maybe not, we don't really know Watts that well in our time," Pickle sighed and held the now sleeping truck in his tire before smiling up at little Stripes cuddling up to the dark blue truck. "D'aww, it looks like you and little Stripes are getting along fine,"
"Yeah, yeah," Crusher huffed and held the cub close. "If we ever get back, do NOT tell Stripes about this,"
"No promises!" Pickle giggled.
[Three weeks later]
"Ugh, stupid storm..." Crusher grumbled as he zoomed through the rain, broken umbrella up to shield himself. "What is it? Thunderstorm year?! Argh..."
As he zipped through the streets of Axle City to get to the shack, he heard a toddler's cry echo from an alley way. The familiar cry made him skid to a stop as he froze.
He knew that cry. He had heard that cry before.
It was too familiar to forget.
He slowly approached the alley way and found a huge old box with a blanket inside. He slowly opened the blanket and gasped as he found a dark blue truck toddler inside, crying as he held himself with his tires.
"Oh gosh..."
The tot glanced up at him with tearful eyes before fearfully backing up. Crusher sighed and slowly reached out.
"Shh, shh, it's okay," he soothed him. "Shh, shh, I won't hurt you..."
The tot seemed to calm in his tires before glancing up at him. He gave him a smile as their eyes met.
"Wh-Who you...?"
"I'm... a friend," Crusher answered with a smile. "A friend who wants to help you,"
"F-Fwend...?" the tot repeated with a hiccup of his own tears.
"Yes, friend," Crusher nodded, knowing fully well how this would affect his timeline but he couldn't just let this little tot die out here, like how HE almost did. "Come on, I'll give you something to eat, drink and everything,"
"YAY!" the tot cheered with a giggle.
Crusher chuckled and sighed as he carried the toddler while walking through the rain. He soon made it back to the shack, where Pickle was tucking in little Stripes and little Watts on their makeshift beds.
"Crusher, you're back--" Pickle turned to greet him until he saw the now-sleeping toddler in the dark blue truck's tires. "Is... Is that...?"
"Yeah, it is," Crusher sighed and nodded. "Right where my parents left me in,"
"What happened to 'fragile timeline'?" Pickle joked.
"I don't care about that, if it means helping my younger self out," Crusher replied.
"Good call," Pickle nodded and cooed at the tot in his tires. "D'aww, you used to be so cute! Well, you're STILL cute, yes, but... yeah, you know what I mean,"
"Yeah... Yeah, I do..." Crusher nodded and smiled. "I really do..."
[A month later...]
"Mistew Pickle, why you and Mistew Cwusha weawing hoodies?" little Stripes asked as they drove through the streets of Axle City, with the tiger cub and the pink truck kid being carried by the green truck while the dark blue tot was carried by the older dark blue truck.
"Yeah, why you hiding?" little Watts questioned.
"We have reasons, little kiddos," Pickle chuckled and patted their heads.
"Mm... hungy," toddler Crusher reached his tires out.
"Yeah, we'll need to get some milk," Crusher nodded.
"Yeah, we really should--"
"WAIT!" little Stripes cried out, causing them all to stop. "Me hear something! Me hear crying!"
"Cwying?" little Watts looked confused. "Whewe...?"
"I can hear it too!" Pickle gasped. "And it's coming from this way!"
They zoomed towards the police station, and they found one of the police officers holding a baby in a basket while a couple were being arrested. Crusher frowned and went forward, tugging on his hood.
"Uh, what's going on here, Officers?"
"A couple's been abusing their nephew and taking drugs," the police answered.
"So... what's gonna happen to the baby...?" Pickle asked, driving to the other's side.
"We're placin' the kid in the orphanage," another officer shrugged. "Up to the orphanage what happens to him,"
Pickle was turning red in rage. Crusher held him back before handing over toddler Crusher then he turned back to the police. As soon as they set the basket down, he grabbed the basket and pulled it closer to see who was inside.
"Oh my..."
"Why? Who is it?" Pickle glanced over and cooed at the baby inside. "Aww, it's Darington!"
"I... I didn't even know that he was an orphan in our timeline..." Crusher murmured.
"Well, we are NOT letting him be orphan here," Pickle huffed and turned. "Come on, let's take him with us. It's not like the police are gonna notice,"
Crusher nodded and followed after the other, carrying the basket with them.
[Three weeks later...]
"So... we're adopting kids?" Crusher asked as they stared over at the four sleeping kids in one of the spare rooms in the shack.
"Looks like it," Pickle sighed and nodded. "Crusher, I... I don't feel like I want to go back home anymore. This world... This time... it already feels like home. And these kids..."
"I know," Crusher nodded and kissed his forehead. "But we have lots of things to change, you know. Our names, our story, and everything. The timeline's still pretty sensitive,"
"We'll all get through it, right?" Pickle smiled.
"Yes, we will," Crusher gave a nod and returned the smile. "I know that we will. We'll all get through this together,"
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dorkyshidae9 · 5 years
hewwo darkness 👀 my old fwend 🥺👉👈
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snailboywonder · 7 years
hewwo darkness my old fwend
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kozidraws · 7 years
OwO Hewwo darkness my old fwend
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void-official · 7 years
H Hewwo Darkness my old fwend
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
uwu hhhhh hewwo darkness my old fwend
ryan im crying
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
Hewwo darkness my old fwend
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yuujing · 7 years
hewwo darkness my old fwend
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h0p3s-and-m3m3s · 7 years
*strums guitar solemly*
hewwo darkness my old fwend...i’ve come to talk with woo again...
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rumpologist · 7 years
hewwo darkness my old fwend
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