#hey I do exactly that 😅I barely even know why...
kevinsdsy · 2 months
Hey I’ve been scrolling trying to miscellaneously source but is there any way you could make a list of your fancasts for the characters?? I agree so much with the Jeremy one and wanted to see the others. (Love the socmed au every day I get closer to making my own 😅)
young damon albarn as jeremy knox
so i got this fancast from @problemduetest4life and it’s my absolute favourite fancast— when i saw it for the first time my life was absolutely changed; i will die by this fancast y’all
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young louis garrel as jean moreau
so i committed to this fancast after watching the dreamers (2003)— i saw a gifset of louis and michael pitt on pinterest and i was like ohhh 👀 let me check this out 👀 ((sadly i disliked the film and it made me very uncomfortable so do not take this as a recommendation LMAO)) but yeah louis is french and has a big nose too so that was all i needed to be convinced!
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gabriella medina as cat alvarez
to me this is the perfect cat fancast. this is literally how i perceive her to look like. now i do know a lot of people actually fancast gabriella as laila instead, but i hadn’t seen this take until after i committed to this fancast— but tbh like i said this is exactly how i perceive cat so i probably would’ve stuck with this anyway.
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salma malhas as laila dermott
NOWWW let me defend my case why i think salma is a better fit fancast for laila than gabriella— laila dermott is arab!!! now sadly i couldn’t find a lebanese fancast for laila (since laila is from beirut), but salma is from jordan, so at the very least she’s arab :))
there is sadly not a lot of arab representation in the media which is why it was so hard to find a fancast but i used to be obsessed with salma a few years ago so i’m glad i could bring her w me to this hyperfixtation instead lmao
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ameziane as nabil mahmoud
NABIL MAHMOUD IS NORTH AFRICAN!!! IT WAS REVEALED TO ME IN A DREAM!!!! (i’m self projecting) at first i wanted to self project si bad to make him moroccan, but i didnt even have to look for a fancast i just knew nabil = ameziane for me and ameziane is algerian so i figured i would just stick with that ((idek ameziane’s real name he goes by that on tiktok and youtube and that’s where i know him from))
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okay i have a few more fancasts (for shawn, angela and robin (future fox) so bare with me i’ll reblog this post in a second with those since i’m using my phone and there’s a limit of 10 pictures per pos
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 8 months
The Art of Etiquette Part 6 | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Your parents invite Mr. Jeon over to dinner without your knowledge and spring a proposal on you that you're not given a chance to refuse Pairing: f!reader x Etiquette instructor Jungkook Word Count: 4.1k~ Warnings: Explicit Language and a lot of teasing a/n: A longer chapter as promised 😅 Hope you guys are looking forward to the next one 🤭 p.s. barely edited so have mercy on me lmao Start from the beginning
"Hey" my mom says, popping her head in my room. "Yeah?" I respond, thumbing through the most recent book Jungkook gave me. "Dinner is almost ready so can you come downstairs in a bit?" she questions and I look up at her as if she's grown two heads. 
"Why are you being so nice to me?" I question, extremely suspicious of her motives. "What do you mean? I'm your mother" she chuckles, walking towards where I'm laying on my bed, brushing back the hair that had fallen in my face. 
"Usually you use that as an excuse to discipline me or whatever so what's really going on?" I question, sitting up from my reclined position and straightening out my clothes. 
"I was going to wait for James to tell you but there's a charity ball next weekend and we wanted you to attend it with us" she says, smiling at the idea of having a united front with all three of us together. 
"A charity ball? What charity?" I prod further while cocking a brow at her. Wanting to figure out exactly why there needs to be an event when they can just not have an event and give all the money to the charity. 
I swear, I'll never understand rich people. 
"I don't know honey that's something for your father to worry about" she says not giving a care in the world to what I thought was a very valid question. "Step father" I correct her. 
No matter how hard she tries, no one is going to take my father's place.
"Step father" she echos as if she's tired of me already "Either way, it'll be good to get your face out in public with us. Who knows, you might be able to make some good connections along the way" she finishes as she walks out the door, paying no mind to if I would like to continue the conversation or not.
"Oh and we've invited Mr. Jeon to dinner tonight so he'll be arriving shortly" she calls out over her shoulder. 
'Mr. Jeon is coming okay whatever' I think to myself before blinking a few times and finally processing what she said. "Mr. Jeon is having dinner with us? Why?" I say rushing out of my room to catch her before she's gotten too far. 
"Well after he dropped you off the other night I realized that James and I haven't really had a chance to speak to him yet so a family dinner seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so. Is there a problem with that?" she questions, noticing my body language. 
"Nope. No problem at all" I choke out, mad that she didn't give me any sort of warning or better yet, asked if I was comfortable with it. "Great, we told him to come around 6:30 so try to be down before he gets here" she says and continues on her descent down the stairs and out of my sight.
"Shit" I say to myself and run back into my room and check my phone where it reads six o'clock on the dot. 
Looking down at the clothes I'm wearing I realize I'm donning an oversized sweatshirt and some baggy sweats with my hair in a sad excuse for a ponytail and run into my bathroom to do something with my hair as quickly as I can.
After doing that and throwing on some mascara and chapstick I dig through my closet and find a nice off the shoulder sweater and some jeans and throw them on as quickly as I can and pair it with a set of converse hoping that it'll suffice. 
I know for a fact that he's gonna show up in something ridiculous like a suit of some sort but I can't be bothered to do much more than this. Thanks to my mother I wasn't even given the opportunity to choose otherwise. 
"Y/n Mr. Jeon's pulling up right now" I hear my mom call out for me. I roll my eyes before responding. "Be right there" I yell out, checking myself out one last time before heading down where I see my mom is already greeting him in the doorway. 
As I observe their exchange I watch as Jungkook's eyes flicker over in my direction but once he actually sees me he makes eye contact after dragging his eyes up and down my figure, making me lose my footing for a second but not enough for him to notice. Or so I thought as he meets me with a knowing smile while my mother has her head turned the other way. 
I roll my eyes at him and finish my path down the steps without falter and end up a few feet in front of him where my mom still spouts off a ridiculous excuse for small talk all while Jungkook has barely taken his eyes off me.
"Thank you for inviting me Mrs. Hart" Jungkook says and she quickly dismisses the formalities requesting he call her Lily instead before she excuses herself so she can grab a vase for the flowers I'm just now noticing he had given her. 
"Y/n would you mind taking him to the sitting room? Dinner should be ready soon" she finishes and leaves Jungkook and I still standing by the front door. 
"For you" he says pulling out a single white rose from behind his back. "Oh, it's beautiful" I say, reaching out to take it from him, accidentally grabbing his hand instead of the flower and look up at him with the intension to apologize but my words are caught in my throat when I meet his eyes. 
His damn eyes that see right though me yet beg to learn more. His eyes that leave my skin crawling but craves his touch no matter how light it might be. His eyes that tell me everything and nothing all at once. 
"You're welcome Pretty" he whispers as though it was a secret never to be told to any soul other than our own.
"I- what?" I stammer, caught off guard by his compliment, eyes wide in shock which only earns me a slight upturn of his lips before he turns to face towards the direction my mother had disappeared to.  
"Shouldn't we be heading to the sitting room like your mother requested?" he says slipping his hand out of my grasp. 
I clear my throat before wordlessly walking towards said room, worried that I might betray myself otherwise. 
"You have a lovely home" he says once I motion towards a place for him to sit once we arrive in said room. "Thank you. James and my mother bought it soon after they got married so we've lived here ever since" I respond, making an effort to keep the conversation going. 
"Would you mind if I asked how long ago that was?" he questions, opting to do the same. "It was about four years ago, around the time I was graduating. They had been dating for a few years and I guess they decided that they were serious enough about each other to get married" I say just scratching the surface as to how everything went down between them. 
"Are you fond of your step father?" he asks, apparently interested in getting to know more about me. "I like him more than I like my own mother most days if I'm being honest. He's a really great guy and my mom seems happy so that's all I could really ask for" I say shrugging my shoulders, not really having too strong of an opinion on it. 
He nods his head, almost reflecting on the answer and I fear that I've made him feel awkward by my response so I nervously slip in a question of my own. "Do you have family close by?" I question since now that I think about it we really haven't had too much time to get to know the most basic things about each other. 
"Unfortunately no. My parents and brother live in Korea still and so it's just Bam and I" he says with a sad smile. "Bam?" I question, "Yeah my dog. He's a Doberman that thinks he's a lap dog at times and at other's he's ready to defend me against the smallest of things" he says with a soft smile reminiscing about the fond memories they've made together. 
"How old is he?" I question, seeing that he clearly loves talking about him. "He'll be turning two in December" he says scrunching his brows together for a second as he tries to get it right. "Aw he's still just a baby. Why haven't I seen him before?" I question since I feel like I would've noticed a big puppy like him wandering around the place. 
"I take him to his trainers while I'm working and then pick him up once we've concluded our lessons" he replies. "So that's the business meeting you spoke about when my mother tried to invite you to dinner the other night then" I say clearly catching him in a lie from seeing his reaction. 
"Yes, it was" he says, deciding to admit it to set a good example for me instead of breaking the promise we made. "Is that why you force me into letting you give me a ride home most days?" I prod further, wanting to get answers out of him while I still can. 
"That, amongst other things..." he trails off with a smile and before I'm even able to think about what the fuck he means by that my mother comes in letting us know that dinner is ready. 
"Thank you so much for joining us on such late notice Mr. Jeon" James says, reaching out to shake Jungkook's hand before we all sit down. Jungkook sitting across from me with my mother and James on either end of the table. 
"Thank you for your generous invitation. You have a very lovely home" he compliments while turning his attention back to my mother for a second, inferring that she was probably the designer from the feminine touches throughout it all. 
"Lily really prides herself in creating a soft and peaceful atmosphere and I can't help but adore everything she's done to the place" James says while gazing over at my mother with a soft smile. Anyone can see that he really loves her and although her and I butt heads I'm happy she ended up with someone like him. 
"I feel as though you've definitely achieved your goal then, wouldn't you say y/n?" Jungkook says, catching me off guard by bringing me into the conversation.
"Oh, um yes I think you've done a wonderful job mother" I say smiling at her momentarily before looking back over at Jungkook, giving him a look as a way to question his motives but he only gives me a pleasant smile in return. 
The night goes on almost painlessly with each of us engaging in what Jungkook would phrase it as 'Stimulating Conversations' and even gets a few smiles and laughs out of me. It feels as if I'm seeing him in a new light tonight. 
Not merely as teacher and student, but as some what of a friend. One that I'm starting to realize has had nothing but my best interest at heart. Sure some of his methods might seem unorthodox but I know now that he means well, he just has an interesting way of showing it. 
"Would that be alright with you y/n?" I hear James call out, making me realize I had not only been thinking about Jungkook but also staring right at him and losing track of the conversation. 
"I'm sorry what was that?" I say quickly, tearing my eyes off of Jungkook and over at James, hoping to hide that I was staring at Jungkook but also avoiding his ever knowing gaze. 
"I just asked Jungkook if he would escort you to the charity ball we had mentioned earlier. That way you have a familiar face around" he says, widening my eyes at the suggestion and flitter them between Jungkook and James for a moment before trying to deny the offer. 
"I couldn't possibly ask him to do that. I'm sure he has other matters to attend to or someone else he might have in mind to go with" I babble, trying to offer him a way out of this but my mother clears her throat as a warning to not try to push it anymore and to just accept what James thinks would be best for me. 
"It's fine y/n, I assure you. I would be more than happy to help guide you. It's important for you to make a good impression no?" he says, nudging his foot against mine. Leaving me jolting at the sudden contact. "R-right" I stutter, taking a sip of water to cover up my reaction. 
He just loves getting his way doesn't he? I swear, if we weren't being watched I would've stomped on his foot but instead I pull my feet back towards myself, leaving them out of reach and luckily they take our exchange as an agreement to the posed idea.
"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? You just seem so mature but look so young that I just can't seem to pinpoint what your age might be" my mother asks him while taking a sip of her wine. I swear if she's tipsy and about to start flirting with him right in front of James I'm gonna puke. 
"I turned 27 last September, I do tend to get that a lot. I guess it's just one of the many blessings my parents have bestowed on me" he says lightheartedly but I can tell he's clearly eating up the compliments as a way to tease me. 
"Do your parents live close by? I feel like I would've seen them by now at one of the events over the years but I can't seem to recall a Mr. or Mrs. Jeon" James ponders, turning Jungkook's attention back over to him. 
"Oh they're back in Busan, my home town in South Korea. I figured it would be too big of an adjustment for them to move here so I make sure to go visit them when my schedule allows it" he says giving a concise answer. 
"Oh I've heard that Busan is a beautiful place to live. It's by the coast if memory serves me right" my mother jumps in, making me take interest in the conversation, still wanting to know more about him. 
"Yes that's correct, although I only lived there until I was about eighteen when I got accepted into Seoul National University and in turn moved to Seoul" he informs and James asks more and more questions, fascinated in what the upperclass might call a "self made man journey". 
As the night wraps up and the dessert is long gone I can see that my mother is ready to head to bed, hopefully before making an absolute fool of herself after all the wine she's consumed. 
"It was lovely meeting you Jungkook" my mother lightly slurs and James soon comes to her aid to say goodbye as well and I take that as an opportunity to slip out to get some air.
Making my way to the courtyard at the back of the house I take in the sight of the few stars that I can manage to make out, all these city lights stopping them from shining as bight.
"It's a shame isn't it?" I hear Jungkook's voice say from behind me, making me jolt in surprise. "You scared me" I say after glancing back at him. "I apologize, I didn't mean to" he say while taking a few strides towards me. 
"Likely story" I mumble under my breath and he chuckles at my reaction. "Okay maybe I did a little bit, but it's only because I enjoy watching your reactions" he says smugly once he's standing next to me. 
"Where's James?" I question, glancing over at him before turning my attention back to the sky. "Taking your mother to bed. Seems like she's had one too many" I nod my head in acknowledgment and he surprisingly takes it as an answer, refraining from asking questions, seeing my slight discomfort on the topic. 
"What's a shame?" I question, making him tilt his head in confusion. "You said earlier 'It's a shame'. What were you referring to?" I remind him. "It's a shame you can't see many stars from here. The city lights tend to shine so bright that you can never truly see how brilliant they are" he smiles before answering. 
"I don't think I've ever actually seen that many stars. I think the closest thing was when I was on a road trip with my mom and dad. I was too young though so I hardly remember it. I miss it though" I end, clearing my throat and pushing away any emotions that had stirred up from that last statement. 
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that" I say rubbing one of my bicep and shrinking back into myself so to say. 
"You have nothing you need to apologize for y/n" he responds, leaving a beat of silence before filling it up again. 
"I used to go stargazing with my father too" he starts, making me make eye contact with him for a second. "We used to drive all the way out to the edge of town where it was away from all the big buildings and bring a big blanket to lay on and we would just look up at the stars for what felt like hours" he smiles fondly, turning his focus back towards the heavens. 
"I remember my mother scolding my father once for keeping me out too late, worried that I might've caught a cold. My father swore up and down that we both had dressed warm enough but by morning we both woke up sick as dogs" he chuckles, making me smile. 
"She continued to scold him all day and all night but even through all of that, she was still there, nursing us back to health" he finishes. 
"She sounds lovely" respond truthfully "She is" he whispers with a sad smile, and from that alone I can tell how much he misses home. "She can be quite intimidating when she wants to be though" he laughs. 
"Oh really? Is that who you get it from?" I say, poking fun at him. "Get what?" he asks turning to face me and I mirror him, meeting his mischievous gaze. 
"Your intimidation tactics you try to use on me" I say and he cocks an eyebrow at me. 
"Try? I'm pretty sure I'm rather successful most days don't you think?" he questions taking a few steps towards me, leaving me taking a few steps back. 
"Key word is most though, they don't always work" I say, walking backwards not paying mind to anything but keeping a distance between us. 
"Really?" he says with a knowing smile, glancing behind me. As I open my mouth to respond I lose my footing and step off the patio flooring and onto the grass but before I fall Jungkook grabs my wrist and pulls me flush against his chest. 
"Because they seem to be working right now. Seeing as you're trying to run away from me" he teases, tilting his head at me. 
I push against his chest lightly and he loosens his grasp on me to barely give me room to breathe. "I wasn't running" I say, placing my hands on top of his and prying them off of me. With him letting go with little to no resistance, allowing me to step aside and walk past him. 
"Then what were you doing?" he says grabbing my wrist before I get to far. As I try to respond I see a light turn on in my parents bedroom and pull Jungkook over to hide behind one of the pillars, hiding incase one of them were to look outside. 
I watch for a few moments, holding my breath as I see shadows form in the light cast across the lawn, feeling my heart race until the light turns off, signaling that they've hopefully turned in for the night. 
I let out that breath and jump at the sound of an amused scoff, having forgotten that he was still with me. 
"What was it you were doing Miss y/n" he says in a hushed tone and when I turn to face him I realize I have my back against the pillar with a strong grip on his wrist, in turn having pulled him closer in an effort to hide. 
I take in the distance between us which at this point is mere centimeters and lose my words watching as the city lights reflect in his eyes. 
"I was maintaining personal space" I say after having regained the slightest bit of clarity which dissipates when he leans his forearm against the pillar above my head and leans in closer. 
"And what pray tell are you doing now?" he asks in my ear and I can almost feel how much he's enjoying this, leaving me without the strength to come up with a reply. 
"Hmm? Cat got you tongue?" he says, placing his hand on my waist and barely ghosting his lips against my skin. 
He waits there for a beat, giving me a chance to respond but when I don't he decides to fill up that space. "I had fun tonight. Invite me over again sometime?" he questions, squeezing my waist a bit making me let out a quite okay and he smiles against my skin before pushing himself off of me and turning to walk back inside. 
I stammer trying to say something but decide to just follow behind him.
"Let me get your coat and I'll walk you out" I say, knowing where we keep them when guest come and quickly catch up to where he stands at the front door and handing it to him. He decides to drape it over his arm in place of putting it on since his car is parked right out front. 
He opens the door and lets me out first before following after and closing it behind us to keep the crisp night air from getting into the warm house.
"Thank you, um thank you for coming tonight. I wasn't really in on this plan so I'm sorry if the invitation inconvenienced you at all" I explain while following him to the drivers side of the car. 
"I had a free spot open tonight so I was more than happy to accept" he says, opening the door and leaning in to place his things on the passenger side seat and straightening back up to face me again, not making moves to sit inside yet. 
"I'm sorry they basically volunteered you to be my date to this stupid ball thing" I apologize further, looking down and kicking the rocks under my shoes in embarrassment. 
"You know," he start, tilting my chin up to make eye contact, "You say sorry quite a lot for someone who doesn't need to apologize" he finishes, rubbing corner on my lips with his thumb before leaning in. 
I shut my eyes tight, scared that this might be the time he actually kisses me and hold my breath. 
I hear him chuckle to himself and places a kiss on the corner of my mouth, close enough to keep me wanting more and no where near far enough to maintain that professionalism he tries but fails to maintain around me. 
"Goodnight y/n" he whispers before sinking down into the drivers seat making me open my eyes fast enough to see the satisfied smirk on his face. 
He closes his door and starts the car, rolling down his window before he puts it in drive. 
"We're going to the modiste in the morning to pick out your dress for the event so be ready at seven" he says, turning his face towards me. 
"But it's Sunday" I protest and he nods in acknowledgment. "I'm aware but time is of the essence love. I'll come pick you up so please be ready on time" he says, waiting for an answer to solidify the plan. 
"Yes Mr. Jeon" I mumble looking down at my shoes again, falling into routine of agreeing when I wish I didn't have to. "Good girl" he finishes, leaving me snapping my vision back up at him with shock and he grants me a smile in return. 
"Goodnight Mr. Jeon" I say and at that he chuckles and faces straight ahead, rolling up his window before pulling out of the driveway and onto the street. Leaving me with my thoughts and emotions in a turmoil like he always does. 
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writeshite · 2 years
Day one of asking for billy hargrove x himbo reader (smut and fluff)
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Billy doesn't exactly have the greatest repertoire to refer back to on these new emotions, what with his mom being six feet underground and all; he’s certainly not going to his dad about this, either. So he chooses to suffer in ignorant bliss and silence. Which is hard to do when you’re there. Barely five feet apart. Chin on his shoulder as you look over his notes for the stupid chemistry group project.
Billy Hargrove x Male!Reader
Himbo Reader | Headcanons | Fluff
Words: 595
Author's Note:
I have a confession, I don't write fully himbo characters as often as I should, even with Thor, I do wash down the himboness so...not sure how good this is 😅 I couldn't think of anything for the smut part, apologies for that.
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Billy’s been in Hawkins, Indiana, long enough to know he fucking hates it here; he was happy and fine in California. He liked the sun, the beaches, the people, not questioning his sexuality at three in the morning because you picked him up like he weighed nothing after he squared up to you. 
You didn’t even do anything but set him aside because you were late for practice, and never before has he been glad to be in an empty hallway. If that didn’t do it, then witnessing the absolute dumb fuckery that permeated your mind was enough to make Billy realize he may, in fact, have a thing for guys.
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“But I’m not….am I?” Billy’s been staring at the hood of his car; his reflected image stared back at him, confused as he tried to work through his current turmoil. It was early Saturday morning, and he’d decided not to stay in the house any longer than he had to.
“Hey, Billy.”
He spins around to see you jog up to him - and he is very much appreciating the running clothes right now; he tries to reign back his ogling; thankfully, you don’t notice it.
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Billy doesn't exactly have the greatest repertoire to refer back to on these new emotions, what with his mom being six feet underground and all; he’s certainly not going to his dad about this, either. So he chooses to suffer in ignorant bliss and silence.
Which is hard to do when you’re there. Barely five feet apart. Chin on his shoulder as you look over his notes for the stupid chemistry group project. “Do you mind?” he asks, lacing as much venom as he can.
“Oh, sorry,” he feels relieved you might move back, but you don’t. Instead, you plaster yourself to his back, arms holding your own notes - which he can see even better now, so thank you for that - and with both books side by side, you return to reading, muttering to yourself all the while, Billy feels seconds away from melting into the floor.
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“I can’t believe I have to fuck him.”
“You do not have to fuck him, Billy; I am begging you —”
“I gotta fuck him,” Billy reiterated, ignoring whoever it was he’d been speaking to and all but running towards you. When you notice his approach, you wave him over, the hose in your hand dropping, as Billy tries very hard not to pay attention to how close your shirt is sticking to your skin.
“Why are you wet?” He knows why you’re wet; he watched you try and fill the bucket for the school fundraiser, stare down at it, and then get doused in water. You, of course, explain what happened, and he, of course, calls you a moron.
“Well, not all of us are pretty geniuses, Billy,” you retort, turning away to shrug off your shirt, utterly oblivious to how wide his eyes go. “You alright?” You ask him when you turn back, placing the back of your hand on his forehead, “Your face is all red; oh, god, you’re really warm. Should I get the nurse?”
“No —no, I’m fine.”
“You sure? You look like you might faint,” you worry, “I can carry you there if —”
Billy should get a medal for the amount of speed he puts into his getaway run. He’s out of sight long before you can respond, jumping into his car and driving off to anywhere else; he stops somewhere - feet swinging a little, then screaming into his hand, then back to a blushing mess.
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End Note:
Hope that was alright. Stay Hydrated.
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pinievsev · 1 year
Hi it's mee!! Since you always have amazing Ideas for requests, you must be amazing at fulfilling requests too!!
I'd like to request a Hunter from xikers fluff, where reader goes on a first date to the movies with Hunter and they're both nervous in the beginning but then they hit it off and get very cute with each other!!
Thank you in advance and take as much time as you need! Love you 💞💞💞
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I have, finally found motivation to write! I hope this does justice to your request! I'm not exactly the best at it, I might disappoint you but I hope you enjoy Love<3! (Could've definitely done a better job on this 😅)
{Requests are open, you can find my masterlist here!}
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Pairing: nonidol!Hunter X GN!reader
Warnings: none as far as I know.
Take a shot for every time I say a variation of the word awkward.☠️
You were telling yourself not to panic, be calm, cool. You can do this! Just be yourse-
Your train of thought was cut short as you tripped on the sidewalk, barely catching yourself last second. The other day you had been asked out on a movie date by you crush!
Yeah, you were happy and excited and all that, but you were, rightfully so, nervous. You stood up properly and checked your phone. 8:15PM. You were supposed to be there 15 minutes ago!
You basically ran to the cinema a couple blocks down, a pit forming in your stomach as you saw a very uncomfortable looking hunter outside the cinema glancing around. You mentally slapped yourself and rushed over, apologising over and over "...and I lost track of time and-" he waved his hands Infront of your face, dismissing your apology.
"It's fine! It's okay! I just got here anyway!" He gave you a half smile, you could tell he lied but you nodded, not pushing any further.
"can we just- go inside?". He reached for your hand as you looked for the room you were supposed to be in, making butterflies erupt in your stomach, cliché I know, for a second you felt like you should pull your hand away but you forced yourself not to, instead letting your mind wander. You had let him pick the movie, so you didn't know what to expect.
After a couple minutes of waiting in your sits, your hands awkwardly touching, the lights inside the room finally dimmed and you focused your eyes on the screen.
Your jaw fell open as you saw the movie playing, it was one of your all time favourites! You had watched it so many times and never gotten bored of it. Forgetting the awkwardness moments prior you excitedly turned your head towards him, kind of scaring him.
"W-what-?!" He asked earning a couple of 'hushes' and 'shushes' from the people around you "You like this movie?" You asked, immediately regretting the question. He picked it! Of course he liked it! "Yeah- do you not?! We can always do something else-" "no no! It's actually one of my all time favourites, it's just. Not exactly too known that's why I'm surprised" you explained.
He quickly relaxed, squeezing your hand which you had forgotten was still in his "you scared me!" He whisper yelled this time "Sorry-?" He started at you for a couple of seconds before letting out a wheeze at how tense you looked suddenly.
So, he took it upon himself to help you relax, even though he was tense himself. Throughout the movie you talked about the plot, your favourite characters and even recited some of the lines along with the actors on screen. Laughing whenever someone shushed you.
Towards the end of the movie, you had noticed him turning to look at you quite frequently, your face was flushed red and you thanked whatever higher power was responsible for the darkness inside the room. "Hey.." you turned your head to look at him this time "yeah?" He leaned closer "You're red. Is everything okay?" Dammit. You took in a sharp breath "yep, just a little hot" you made up the stupidest excuse possible.
"yeah, you are." It was barely audible but you heard it, blinking at him repeatedly "wha- what?" "I'll tell you later" he motioned to the screen, turning to focus back on the movie that was mare seconds away from ending. Leaving you sitting there confused and flustered.
Walking out of the cinema you turned your head sharply towards him crossing your arms "Wanna tell me what that was?" He mimicked your actions "but your know what it was?" You narrowed your eyes "do I?" "Mhmmm" he gave you a toothy smile, basically melting you. How can someone he so cute?!
You were currently sitting on swings in a park, having lost track of time. You just sat there not swinging or anything you just rested your head on the chain, starting to once again feel awkward.
You felt someone standing behind you so you looked up, You saw Hunter standing over you, looking down at you "are you always this quiet?" "Maybe" you gave him a side smile, you've only been out for a couple of hours but you were starting to warm up to him even more than you already had.
He leaned down, a couple of inches away from your face "Maybe? What kind of answer is that?!" You bumped his shoulder and he laughed "ok no seriously, why are we so quiet?" Your eyes shone as you decide to have some fun "Oh? Well if that's the problem, WHY NOT BE LOUD?!" you asked raising your voice "Shhh, hey hey!" "WHAT?! I THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T WANT ME TO BE QUIET?!" "Yeah, not so loud tho!" You smiled satisfied with yourself "OH YEAH?! SORRY I DON'T REALISE" you noticed some windows light up across the street, making your eyes wide "Be quiet!" He warned playfully leaning closer "or what?" You asked not as loudly as you hoped.
Wanna take a guess on what happened next?
If you guessed a kiss, you'd be absolutely correct.
"or that" you tilted your head to the side still looking up at him from the swing you were sat on "I should be loud more often then?" "You can just ask, you know." You stood up and turned to him "can I have another one then?" "Good question. Can you?"now it was your turn to lean over, kissing him instead.
Well, that went better than you were expecting, not complaining or anything!
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penny00dreadful · 1 year
Somebody To Love - Part 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 AO3
*Professor Farnsworth voice* Good news everyone! It is finished! There'll be one more part after this, I didn't need as many parts/chapters as I originally thought becasue I figured why can't I just have a high word count here? 😅 I should be able to have the final part out soon once I've completed the edits. 🥳🖤
Some tw's for this part: addict thoughts, talks of dieting, addiction recovery.
The delicacy with which Dustin and Max were handling him made Eddie feel like he’d been thrown into an alternate reality. They had the kid gloves on, treating him with so much care, like he was a temperamental ornament ready to shatter at any moment and honestly, he kind of appreciated it. 
People often took one look at him and just assumed he was a tough as nails metalhead drug addict that would spit at them sooner than look at them and like… sometimes they weren’t that far off. 
But he was still human with an infuriatingly soft core and that core was feeling very bruised right now.
He didn’t know exactly what they knew of everything, they were obviously much closer to Steve than they were to him, but he wasn’t really sure how close.
Still, it was nice that they weren’t automatically treating him like dirt for breaking Steve’s heart and then clumsily attempting to sellotape it back together with promises of proving it to him. Maybe that was Steve’s doing. Or maybe they were just more emotionally intelligent than he’d given them credit for.
Chrissy, however, had no such compunctions.
She waltzed into his house at ass o’clock in the morning and shoved a to-go coffee into his hands, knowing well he hadn’t slept a wink, she had been the one up with him on the phone for half the night after all.
“C’mon, Twinkie!” She slapped his ass hard. Way harder than was necessary, in his opinion. “Now’s not a time for moping, now’s a time for action!”
Eddie scowled at her and took a sip before coughing it up and shooting coffee straight out of his nose.
“Jesus fuck!” He gulped back air, barely able to get the words out through the scratching at his throat. “How many espresso shots are in this?!”
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to.” Chrissy dismissed with a wave of her hand.
He had barely managed to get his breath back, standing in the middle of his house in just his ratty old Dragon Ball Z boxers with coffee dripping down his chest when his front door was thrown open with a bang and more people descended on him.
“What the fuck are you guys doing here?”
The Corroded Coffin boys strolled through his house, immediately descending on his kitchen and raiding his cabinets for whatever food Steve constantly kept his house stocked with.
“We heard you finally got your head out of your ass.” Jeff replied, through a mouthful of Honeycombs.
“Hey! Those are mine- Wait. You knew?”
“Dude, everyone knew.” Grant had commandeered his chocolate Yoo-Hoo, cracking the lid off easily.
Eddie felt his stomach drop. “Everyone?”
“Everyone.” Gareth emphasised, knowing exactly whose wrath Eddie was now fearing.
“Shit. Does he know? What happened yesterday?”
Chrissy nodded. “I called him. He’s in the air.”
“You fucking traitor!” He shouted, pointing his finger at her. “He’s going to kill me!”
She just waved her hand at him. “Go get dressed. We’ve got work to do.”
Eddie mumbled and grumbled but did as he was told, knocking back the rest of the poisonous coffee she had provided him. When he arrived back downstairs it was like walking into the middle of an intervention, even though he had started the process himself.
He was going to get off the drugs, he was going to stop drinking. He was no longer going to be sleeping around, obviously, but he was also going to go to a private medical clinic for a number of tests. Just to make sure he hadn’t picked anything up in between previous testing. He was going to keep smoking, because god-damn it he needed something.
The rest of that day was spent with Dustin, Chrissy and the Corroded Coffin boys scraping through every square inch of his house, searching for his various stashes of drugs and alcohol while Max watched him like a hawk.
Chrissy pulled away some pills taped to the bottom of a decorative pot that sat on top of one of his upper cabinets and Eddie was pretty sure he’d never seen that pot in his life before. Never even looked at it, let alone hid shit using it. It was the ugliest fucking pot he’d ever seen, why was it in his house? Honestly he’d forgotten half the places they pulled a handle of vodka or a baggie of powder out of. 
He wasn’t an addict, he didn’t consider himself an addict but he just used them more as an aid to get him through the day. He wasn’t an addict. 
He used them because he wanted to, not because he needed to.
Except now that he was faced with the reality that there’d be none of it left in the house, and he’d be monitored very closely by all of them so he couldn’t break and go out and get a fix… it had his anxiety skyrocketing through the roof and he almost asked them to stop multiple times. 
But each time he did, he remembered the defeat and heartbreak on Steve’s face and he… he just had to keep pushing forward. 
As they went from room to room, Max seemed to have some kind of sixth sense. Sitting there in her tailored business suit, red hair in a high pony, leaning over towards him with her elbows on her knees. Whenever he knew where something was stashed and the guys skimmed over it or missed it, she called out to them, telling them to look again without taking her eyes off him.
“How the hell are you doing that?” He asked.
“I had a troubled upbringing.” Max replied with a flat tone of voice.
They’d been at it for hours by the time he called for a fucking breather. All of this was exhausting. The stress was eating at his stomach. Eddie was in his back garden, trying to chill the fuck out with a cigarette when he heard the door open behind him.
“Boy.” The voice that came from behind him was heavy and stern, like Eddie’s own personal Kratos had descended and Eddie froze like a rabbit caught in a trap.
He turned slowly, hoping that someone else, anyone else was around to help take the pressure off but they all seemed to have scattered, the cowards.
“Wayne!” He tried to inject as much joy and lightness into his voice as he got to his feet but the man just continued to stare down at him with a raised eyebrow and his arms crossed, towering over him like a monument of parental disappointment.
Quick as a flash Wayne’s hand shot out and slapped him over the back of the head, not too hard, but hard enough to let Eddie know he wasn’t happy, as if that had ever been in doubt. “What did you do to that young man?”
“You can’t hit me! I’m in recovery!”
Wayne slapped him again.
“I’m fixing it!”
“You better be. I like that Steve kid. He’s good for you.”
Eddie slumped, dropping his cigarette butt on the ground and trudging over to his uncle, pressing his forehead into his collarbone. “I know.”
Wayne nodded and pulled him in close for a hug.
“I’m fixing it.” Eddie said again, quieter this time. 
“Good.” Wayne rubbed his hand up and down Eddie back before pulling away. “We’ll get this sorted.” He placed his hands on either side of Eddie’s face and gave him a light squeeze. “Now pick up that butt, I didn’t teach you to litter.”
For all his whining and grumbling and absolute terror of the man, it was a big help having Wayne around. Of course it was, how could it not be. Though he’d never doubted Wayne for a second, facing up to the consequences of his actions had never been something Eddie was particularly eager to do.
Case in point, involving Chrissy was maybe a mistake. 
Because she was, like, sporty and shit. And she kept dragging him out of bed in the early hours of the morning once the worst of everything was out of his system. 
She’d force him into the gym room that came with the house and Eddie was pretty sure he’d never set foot in it before. But all the stuff there had clear signs of being used regularly and it was with a strange mix of sadness and glee that he figured Steve had probably been the one using it all along.
“Why am I here?”
“To get some endorphins into you without using drugs.”
Soulmate his fucking ass. 
Chrissy was no less than a drill sergeant and no amount of whining and bitching would stop her from making him do stretches and get on the treadmill and god he fucking hated it. Any one who enjoyed exercising was now solidly listed under ‘psychopath’ in his brain. 
Chrissy had even convinced Max to get her husband, some kind of sports health something or other, to put together a meal plan for him that had him eating shit like broccoli and apples and brown fucking rice.
Eddie did not throw a temper tantrum by day five of that diet, about a week and a half into this whole ‘getting his shit together so he could prove to Steve he was a competent human’ thing. Definitely not, even though his muscles ached and he wanted to stuff an entire Dunkin worth of Donuts into his mouth and get stupidly ridiculously high.
“Fuck off and leave me alone, Chrissy.” He snapped one morning from underneath his bedsheets. He was fucking tired, he was fucking sore and last he checked sugar wasn’t one of the addictions he was supposed to be giving up so why the fuck wasn’t he allowed to have any?
Chrissy crossed her arms. “No.”
“What’s even the point of this anyway? How the hell is the fucking broccoli and the fucking treadmill proving to Steve that I’m gonna stick around?”
“Because you’re improving yourself, taking care of yourself. Staying away from the drugs and alcohol and sex orgies and showing him you’re trying.” She sighed, softening her voice. “Didn’t you tell him you’d try every day for him?”
“Whatever.” Eddie grumbled, pulling the covers up over his head. “It’s a bed day. I’m staying in bed. Don’t try to drag me out, I will bite you.”
He could hear Chrissy leave and he knew the attitude was unnecessary, she was his rock in all of this, but he just wasn’t in the fucking mood to do anything apart from wallow.
He had dozed back off to sleep until he was awoken by someone coming up the stairs. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw a tall handsome man with fantastic shoulders standing in his doorway with a box of fucking donuts in his hand.
What kind of sugar-craving wet dream was this?
The guy lifted his hand with a pleasant smile. “Hey-”
“Sorry, man. I’m off the market.” Eddie slurred in some kind of delirious half-asleep haze before his brain finally caught up with him and he realised that’s probably not what was happening right now.
The guy burst out in a short laugh. “Yeah, me too. I’m Max’s husband, Lucas.”
Eddie’s entire face went scarlet. “Oh fuck, don’t tell her I said that. She’ll cut my balls off.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He said with an easy smile as he held the box out and shook it slightly. “I brought these for you.”
Lucas handed the donuts to him and even though Eddie should be wary of the quite literal candy from a stranger (although, was candy really the correct term?), the allure of fried sugar was too much.
“Aren’t you supposed to be having me eat healthy?” Eddie asked, practically diving face first into the box and stuffing as much as he could into his mouth at once. “Minoththuppothsbeowmaheawthmfifthnssjurmy?” 
Lucas blinked at him and Eddie forced himself to swallow the large lump of fried dough, but not without sucking on his fingers first. “Am I not supposed to be on a health and fitness journey? Or whatever you,” he wiggled his fingers at him, “active types call it.”
"Don’t get me wrong, you still need to eat right and exercise but the meal plans I write up are usually for athletes at the top of their game. So the fact that sugar and some fats never made it in just never occurred to me. And no offence to you dude, but you are no athlete.” He smiled and tapped the box. “Everything in moderation, right?”
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Things began to even out after that. The boys started to travel between Eddie’s house and their own homes, checking in on him less and less the better he got. Finally getting to spend some well deserved time with their families rather than babysitting their problematic frontman. 
Wayne still stuck around. Eddie’s literal rock in everything he’d ever done in his life ever and Chrissy was no longer riding him so hard about getting the endorphins pumping. 
Honestly video games could do the same thing for him but she refused to accept that.
When Steve walked back through his front door some two weeks after he’d left for a second time, he took Eddie by surprise all over again, manifesting behind him like some kind of ghost and scaring the ever loving shit out of him.
But he didn’t throw himself at Steve this time. 
He didn’t have that right anymore. 
The ball was in Steve’s court and he would be the one that would decide just how fast they moved from now on.
He noticed the difference in Eddie almost immediately because of course he did. Telling him off hand that he looked good, healthy. That he hadn’t looked like that since their second studio album blew up, which caused Eddie to blush furiously and hide his face behind his hair like a fucking schoolgirl and not someone who had appeared in fucking ‘Playgirl’, which he had.
Usually in his down time he would have been spending it hanging out with Steve and his weird little found family. And with Wayne, flying in between LA and Indiana and getting to remember what it felt like to just be a normal person again. 
But it had also been the time Eddie would let loose and go hard into everything could. The kinds of things he couldn’t manage when on tour. 
Days long sex parties, kink clubs, high quality drug dens, week long getaways to someone’s private island or luxury yacht that probably collectively took ten years off his life every time he went.
But they were a thing of the past now.
Eddie found he was kind of enjoying the slower summer getting clean afforded him. He’d started to enjoy the things he used to love so much, but lost over time. 
Reading, losing himself in a writing haze, feeling the frantic passion of ideas and creativity overtaking him, and all with a clear head this time. 
Days spent in his basement studio no longer fueled by cocaine and other stimulants, now only fueled by caffeine. 
Before, he’d be able to go a couple of days awake in his writing haze but caffeine was no substitute for coke. 
As a result of that, being under the influence of only caffeine, sugar and nicotine he usually ended up crashing on the couch down there before he even realised he was falling asleep. Sometimes he’d wake up with handwritten pages stuck to his cheek or forehead, sometimes he’d wake up with the mother of all back aches and stiff fingers. But sometimes he’d wake up with a blanket thrown over him, the ghost of a hand in his hair and a strawberry frappuccino waiting for him on the coffee table.
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The downside of being lucid and sober was that Eddie was now painfully aware of his shithead behaviour over the last number of years and it constantly threatened to push him back into a spiral again. 
He was actually mentally present for the first time in he didn’t know how long for a meeting with the label executives to discuss a timeline for the next album and tour. He had no idea just how much Steve had been doing for him, especially when it came to this. 
Making decisions on his behalf that always benefited him far more than anything he’d have been able to negotiate himself, making excuses for why he was so out of it all the time that everyone could see through. But the execs always let it go because Corroded Coffin were one of the labels biggest bands, on of their biggest money earners and continued to be, no matter how fucked up Eddie was.
And it wasn't just meetings with execs he now had to deal with. The people refused to get the god-damn memo. The invites to all the debauched shit he usually took part in just kept coming and people actually started getting defensive whenever he refused.
No matter what he told them. 
He told them he didn’t want to go. He was healing. He was off the shit that would be shared around like pass the parcel. They were down right offended to hear it. Like Eddie was somehow telling them all he was better than them by holding up a mirror towards their own actions which… maybe, yeah actually.
The only invite he had accepted was a charity fundraiser for queer homeless youth. But only with a firm stance that he would not be going to any kind of after party, so don’t even bother asking.
But it would be fine. 
There’d be alcohol and probably some drugs and probably some people trying to get into his pants there but Chrissy and Steve would also be there, all but chained to his side. Gareth, Jeff and Grant would be taking up the mantle of schmoozing so it would be fine.
Plus, he was close to hitting his ninety days so he was definitely stronger than he had been at the start, right?
Either way, the alcohol, the drugs, the horny people… it would be the kind of shit that would be unavoidable in his line of work. So he’d have to get used to temptation being thrown in his face regardless and this would be a nice entry level experiment.
“You sure you want to do this?” Steve asked him, with an arm around his shoulder. 
The return to normal touch had been gradual, happening over the last few months and it was doing wonderful things for his nerves right now. The three of them were sitting in the back of the big fancy car, stalling.
Steve flashed him a cheeky grin. “We can leave and head to the McDonalds drive-thru right now if you want.”
Eddie smiled and stopped twisting his rings around his fingers. This was an overly fancy event, probably requiring white gloves as part of the dress code but Eddie wasn’t going to start worrying about expectations like that now. 
They knew who they’d invited. 
“I’m fine. It’s fine.” He tipped his head over until he was leaning against Steve’s shoulder and laced his fingers with Chrissy’s gloved hand. “Let’s just get this over with. Maybe we can leave before I turn back into a pumpkin, though?”
Steve smiled. “Sure thing.” He pressed a quick kiss to the top of Eddie’s head and smoothly exited the car. 
It was definitely not the most intimate thing they’d ever done together in their decade long friendship but definitely the most intimate thing that they’d done in the last three months and Eddie’s stomach exploded with butterflies.
“Cinderella doesn’t turn back into a pumpkin at midnight.” Chrissy said, shaking out her large pale pink dress as she stepped out of the car after Eddie. “Are you calling yourself the carriage?”
“Yeah.” He offered her his elbow. “I have plenty of carriage.”
“Twinkie,” she shook her head, “you have no carriage. It’s a tiny little fuzzy peach butt.”
“Excuse you, it’s a pumpkin!”
She rolled her eyes and gave his ass a little pinch out of view of anyone. “It is not.”
“It’s really not, Eds.” Steve put in with a not so subtle up-and-down look.
“This is a betrayal of the highest order,” he pointed at them, “and the both of you are terrible people.”
Overall, things went pretty well. 
He didn’t really have to talk to anyone, the Corroded Coffin boys as previously discussed between them, were dealing with the majority of boring ass rich people conversation and Steve had enough experience from his upbringing with his parents to deflect the most persistent of wannabe schmoozers. Eddie had been sticking only to mocktails (his favourite would always be a Shirley Temple but they had some strawberry thing which was essentially just strawberry limeade but it was fucking delicious so who gave a fuck) and some really nice non-alcoholic champagne that honestly tasted better than the regular champagne without the tang of alcohol in it.
Steve had to lead someone away, almost with a hand at their elbow when they just kept pushing for conversation. Chrissy was in a gentle discussion with a new young artist who looked like she was about to vibrate out of her skin from fear. And Eddie felt a shadow descend into the chair next to him.
He turned, still trying to suck the last dregs of his Shirley Temple out of the bottom of his glass.
The guy who sat down looked vaguely familiar, in that kind of memory signal way. His subconscious definitely knew they’d crossed paths before but that could mean anything. Maybe he’d collaborated with him in the past? Maybe he was an old supplier? Maybe he’d slept with him, who knew?
“Hi!” The guy said with a smile and dark bedroom eyes.
Well, okay.
He slid a drink towards him, cold and beading with condensation and the most beautiful amber colour.
Eddie swallowed, unable to take his eyes off of it. He picked up the edge of the white tablecloth, using it to push the drink away. He didn’t even want to risk touching it.
“I’m clean.” Eddie pretty firmly kept the now empty Shirley Temple glass up, still sucking the straw around the bottom, trying to keep a barrier between them because no thank you. Not tonight. Not ever, anymore, if life worked out the way he wanted.
The guy nodded and smiled again, a little condescending, as though Eddie’s attempt to stay sober was cute. “I've been watching you. Trying to find an opportunity to say hi.” He scoffed lightly with a raised eyebrow. An attempt at an inside joke only one of them was in on. “Your bodyguard’s got a pretty tight grip on you though. Glad he finally gave you a chance to breathe.”
“Steve’s not my bodyguard.”
Even though he could be. Has definitely had to act like it before. More than once. 
God, Eddie was a shit.
“No? He’s certainly acting like it. Won’t let anyone near you. Seems a little possessive if you ask me.” The guy scooted a little further forward and started brushing his leg up and down Eddie’s calf and Eddie retracted almost immediately.
“That’s going to be a solid no from me. I’m off the market for the foreseeable future.”
The guy couldn’t hide his surprise quickly enough. “Seriously? Someone get in your head about it?” The corner of his mouth tilted up in a smug grin. “Couldn’t stop thinking of a particular night? I couldn’t stop thinking of it either. I heard you stopped making the rounds after.”
Eddie could do nothing but blink at the absolute balls on this guy. But apparently this was a one sided conversation because the guy was still talking.
“I was hoping you’d call me again.” He attempted to nudge Eddie’s knee with his hand but Eddie pulled back again with a hard glare. The guy scoffed again. “Unless, of course, your phone privileges have been taken away by the help.” He laughed at his own pathetic, mean excuse for a joke. “I think we could be quite good together, Eddie.”
“I don’t fucking think so.”
The guy pushed out his bottom lip and batted his big eyelashes at him, like Eddie’s rejection was performative, like he was playing hard to get. “Awh. That’s too bad. You marked me up so good last time.”
It was only then that it finally clicked for him. “You’re the guy from the ‘Sucker’ video.”
The guy's bravado faltered, clearly not expecting to be forgotten so easily.
“Obviously.” He bit out.
He was the last guy Eddie had slept with before everything had happened.
Steve had shown him out and left on his vacation almost immediately after.
He’d been so upset.
“What the fuck did you say to him?” Eddie hissed, finally setting his glass down.
The guy blinked with a curl at his lip. “Who?”
“Oh, him?” The guy laughed, short and sharp and mean. “Not my fault if he wasn’t ready to hear some harsh truths.” He shrugged. “I didn’t tell him anything he didn’t deserve to hear. Practically did you a favour, by the way.” The guy rolled his eyes. “Just had to get it in his head that he didn’t have a shot, shooting above his pay grade and if he couldn’t handle it he should take a long walk off a short pier. Even if you did let him weasel his way back in-”
There was something shoved hard into Eddie’s chest and he only had a second to register what was happening before he had to catch Chrissy around the waist and pull her back to stop her clawing this guy's eyes out. 
The purse she’d pushed at him fell to the floor as Eddie was jerked forward, using his all of his weak as shit strength to keep a firm grip on Chrissy who was always so strong with her hidden jock prowess.
“Jesus Christ, put a leash on her, would you?” The guy had fired himself backwards, nearly toppling himself out of his seat.
“You motherf-! Edward, let me go!” Chrissy was swiping at the guy with one arm while the other dug into Eddie’s arm, trying to loosen his grip. 
Before he could consider whether the spectacle of Chrissy Cunningham in her pink meringue dress absolutely wrecking this guys shit would be worth the entertainment enough to let her free, a wall of bodies planted themselves firmly in her way.
“I think it’s time we head out, don’t you?” Jeff asked leaning back, trying to avoid Chrissy’s hands.
“Yeah,” Eddie huffed. Jesus this girl was strong. “Yeah, maybe!”
The four of them were able to manhandle Chrissy, who was still spitting and cursing, shooing her out of the front door. Eddie glanced back and saw Steve leaning down towards the guy with the sharpest smile he’d ever seen, muttering into his ear ‘He doesn’t even remember your name’ before turning and following the five of them out.
There was silence between the six of them outside, save for the sound of Chrissy’s heavy breathing, as they waited for the car to come around.
They all bundled themselves inside and once the door slammed shut Eddie exploded.
“Okay, what the hell?” 
The boys were looking at him with wary expressions, Chrissy was wide eyed and a little flushed and Steve just cocked an eyebrow, well used to Eddie’s tantrums after so long. But that wasn’t what this was.
“Him? Him? I slept with him? He’s not even cute, why the hell didn’t anyone stop me?!” He pointed at each of them in turn, not even bothering to skip out Steve, the fucker would only tease him about it later.
The car started moving and Eddie took a second to send a silent apology to the very nice chauffeur, Marlon, who really shouldn’t have to be dealing with their nonsense.
“Twinkie,” Chrissy huffed, ripping her white opera gloves off, “the amount of times I have tried to slap the dick out of your hand and get you to listen to me-”
Eddie squealed, high and outraged. But he couldn’t even stay mad because Steve was doubled over cackling like a witch on her broomstick and the boys were poking fun at him while literally poking him in the sides and all he could do was slump down in his seat and pout at them with crossed arms.
They did end up going through the McDonalds drive-thru after all.
So... y'all wanna see Eddie's Playgirl cover? 👀 (minors dni)
That magnificent artwork was done by the supremely talented @sporelium and I am in fucking awe of him, like holy shit. I saw it when it was originally posted and I have not been able to stop thinking about it. Thank you so much for letting me reference it here. 😘🖤
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 AO3
@lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring, @child-of-cthulhu, @sweetwaterangel, @anaibis, @katytheinspiredworkaholic, @littlewildflowerkitten, @hallucinatedjosten, @estrellami-1, @gregre369, @stxrcrossed186, @novelnovella, @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme, @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere, @thesuninyaface, @messrs-weasley
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pro-logue-epi-logue · 6 months
Hey, just wanna drop in to say that I love your will & alex hate, hahahaha! I'm glad i found someone who's as infuriated of will as i did. He's so fucking annoying. Nightfall really ruined his character for me. He used to be my fav horsemen, but after nightfall, the only male characters i like are micah and rory. Don't even get me started with alex. She's like a whole different character in nightfall, and i hate how pd turned her character an OWD (other women drama). She was great before nightfall, why did pd had to ruin her character like that?
I was also pissed when people kept on mentioning how emory was jealous of other women with will, but these same people never mentioned how will always treated emmy badly when HE was the one who had to deal with his jealousy of seeing emmy with other men? Like the hypocrisy? 🙄 i love dark romances, but overall, i think this series just aint for me because i like no main male characters here, and that's literally the opposite goal of a romance story.
I don't find Will romantic enough because his words and actions are just so icky. Just because he went to jail for his crimes that are related to defending emmy, and kept on having loving thoughts of Emmy in his head, doesnt mean it excuses every other hurtful things he's ever said or done towards her, you know. And that's the thing, i'm aware that emmy was not fully innocent either, but at least we saw in her pov that she wasn't delusional about her bad treatment towards will, unlike will towards emmy? And his admission was only near the end, and it was so short and dismissive too? It was so unsatisying, I need a big grovelling.
How do you like the series so far though? Have you found characters that you like better now? Or worse? Do you already have a ranking in mind, or are you the kind that decides it at the end of the series? Do you think you'll like will by the end of the series? Hahaha!
Hi 👋
😅 yeah i kind of hate those two idiots (not adorably) but i technically LOATH alex and just want will to use his brain and i am fine.
1 thing is for sure WILL too deserves hate just because he loved emory that didn't erase that he was awful to her at times.
And honestly i hate all the horsemen, none of them are my favorite.
I the entire series the males whom i loved are my precious MICAH and RORY. There is nothing they did that made me hate them, they were in blackchurch where they were put by their families to suffer but guess what they found someone they lived and thought "hey lets just chill".then they saw emory and was like "now i am intrigued, why exactly is she here?".
I just love these two cuties, they are the definition of the word pookies (i honestly hate this word)
But yes I LOVE THEM, and i want emmy to adopt them.
She probably has, they are her brothers.
Now coming to Alex, i don't think she is a different person in Nightfall, its just we get to see more of her, the real her in nightfall. A bitch who just cant understand her position.
She was not the other woman in nightfall, she was the other woman ALWAYS! thats what her character is. Let me explain.
I conclave she explains how she met aydin.
He was someone else's FIANCE!!!!. and she was thet girls BEST FRIEND.
Imagine your best friend and fiance backstabbing you so bad. I am pretty sure she has a life time trauma because of these 2 *insert a bad word her of your choice*.
And in nightfall Alex always ALWAYS interrupted and meddled in between when will and wm are talking, a thing they barely did..
Honestly she was playing a long game to marry will, considering how she wanted will to put that necklace on her.
So when she realized "hey, em is here will wants her, and aydin is not even looking at me. Then what happens to me??"
For me she was not great before nightfall either, for me she was barely there.
She took banks to shopping not because she wanted to help her but because kai PAID her, and she will do anything for money.
She took winter to fare because will asked her and she never left him alone.
She was with winter when damon was not because damon asked her and she is afraid of her.
So yeah she never was a girls girl to me.
Emmy was jealous yes but its obvious she will feel that way because she loved will hey atleast she never behaved as rudely and childish as alex.
I hated will in present chapter, i get it you want to get revenge, as idiotic your reason is but hey have some spine and just say something.
In past he was like "i will do anything for you, depend on me, i won't let anyone touch you."
In present he was like "yes so what alex slapped her even though i know she was abused for years. Who cares? Fuck this bitch."
"I know you know how to take a beating"
So yes present chapters are the reason i say EMORY deserves better than someone like will who would choose anyone be it alex, damon over emmy.
I just know if martin had been there and hit her in present chapter se would have done nothing.
So yeah thats why i never hate aydin for hitting will.
In this series i hate all the man, just like you.
But the thing is i LOVED kai at first, then he showed why i shouldn't.
So yeah they all can die.
Pd did a poor than poor job writing willemmy, okay so the fandom wants alex, let me write her for half the book,
The fandom wants damon and rika, like me, here we have 4 or 5 chapters for them
O willemmy? Its their book right? Yeah well no one said that they want to read them to me. Duh... i will ignore them, what other option do i have?.
I think will is romantic, i think he is the most romantic of all the horsemen, and i can never forget how he danced in front of the entire cafeteria to make emmy smile when he thought she was sad.
Its just we don't get to see it, we all have to accept the fact that pd don't love kaibanks and willemmy and we are never getting anything about them. If only someone stops thinking about rika,damon and alex in all scenarios this series would have been amazing and not grated on my nerves.
YES! Emmy is not innocent either but atleast we know from her pov what she feels, Will's pov were all him acting like a little bitch. And that short admission of his was so weird.
I have this feeling pd went out of their way to make thing infuriating in this book on purpose. How can you compare alex to emmy.
Will was a let down but only in present.
I don't need groveling, all i need is 3 or 4 chapters of will being true to his feelings, telling em straight forward that he loves em not alex he don't want her. Treat em right for once.
Even aydin treated em better than will and he was not her love interest, will was.
All throughout nightfall i was waiting for that 1 chapter of willemmy alone and in disgustingly in love. But we didn't.
As for this series, pd did not do good with backgrounds and plotline, there were soooooooo many loopholes.
And it was soooooo obvious who their favorite character are.
Favoritism is what killed this series.
I liked reading these books the curious factor was there but why would you write a book if you clearly hate both the fmc and mmc is beyond me.
So yeah it is great but not for me, i hope others like it.
I am here just because i can't get willemmy out of mind 😭😅.
The characters i like-
Banks, Emmy,Micah,Rory, Emmy's college roommate ( she was the true girls girl)
Worse characters-
Alex wins the crown, i definitely see a divorce
The horsemen
Rika, its just because of favoritism.
She had 5 books for her while others barely hat 0.5.
Okay my ranking-
The horsemen (some is holding a gun at my head, i am joking obviously)
Daddy issues- kai
The girls, i refuse to call them cowgirls
1. EMMY( she is my baby)
2. Banks
3. Winter, because i have neutral feelings towards her
4. Rika
In hell burning- Alex, who never told a girl about rapist
As for Will, i like the past will, i like the will in fire night. But the present will can die.
Even the past will is going to judge present will.
That's all from me, thanks for this ask, feel free to send more 😊 if you want.
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the-mad-starker · 2 years
Starker Smut: Be Mine
Inspired by this post from @anonoite 💗💗 The first one I got was kitty!Tony x kitty!Peter. So here I am coming in with kitty starker Valentine's Day 😌
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Can you believe this cute lil thing spawned a 5k fic? I can't 😂 I meant for this to be so much shorter. I wanted to finish it for Valentine's Day but better late than never?
Summary: It's Valentine's Day but Peter knows Tony's keeping a secret from him. His alpha makes sure to correct that mistake.
WC: 5681
(AO3 Link)
Notes: Alpha/Omega, feline omegaverse, Barbed Penis (kind of), Intersex Omegas, Omega Peter Parker, Alpha Tony Stark, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, Dirty Talk, Implied Mpreg, Cat/Human Hybrids, Mating jewelry, Light Angst, Marriage Proposal, Creampie, (some) pain kink, mirror sex, multiple orgasms
Note 2: although I have tagged barbed penis, it's not exactly penis spines cause I didn't wanna... Shred poor Peter 😂 so it's still spines but blunted. So no bleeding 😅
Terminology: toms refer to male cats and queens refer to female cats, but in this situation, tom=alpha, queen=omega
Mating Jewelry inspo cause I doubt I did a great job describing:
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Tony's been secretive lately.
The thought plagues Peter's mind throughout the morning class. His ears, usually perked up and attentive, lie flat against his curly hair and his tail barely twitches.
It's February 14th. Valentine's Day.
The tom wouldn't be so cruel as to break up with Peter on Valentine's Day, would he?
Peter doesn't think Tony would do that to him but it doesn't bring him any comfort. What if Tony wants to give him one last hurrah, wine and dine Peter, then let him down easy the next day?
The feline buries his head in his arms even more because somehow that thought seems even worse than being broken up with on Valentine's Day.
A nudge to his side has Peter peeking out of his makeshift hiding spot. Ned's concerned face greets him.
"It's time to go," Ned tugs him out of his seat but Peter drags his feet even knowing Happy's waiting for him.
"I'd thought you'd be excited to see your alpha," Ned muses, his own ears flopping as they walk.
"He's gonna break up with me, Ned," Peter says as though it's inevitable. His tail curls around his waist as Ned tugs him along.
"What?" His best friend sounds appropriately offended. "No way, dude! You guys are like… perfect together."
"Yeah? What makes you think that?" Peter turns to look at his friend. He's latching onto any bit of hope because he really really likes Tony. Maybe even… loves him...
Ned pauses as though not expecting the question.
"You're both felines?" Ned says as though that simple fact is enough.
Peter groans and bumps against the beta.
"That doesn't mean we're perfect together…" Peter says. He wishes it was that simple. "Maybe he found another queen, a prettier one, with– I dunno, a fluffier tail? …I'm just me, after all. I'm just… Peter. Boring, nerdy Peter."
"Hey, don't talk about my best friend like that," Ned pokes him. "And there's no better omega or uh, queen, than you, Peter."
The way Ned fumbles with the terminology breaks him out of his gloomy thoughts.
"You can just call me an omega, I know the terminology is a bit weird to get used to," Peter tries to smile at Ned. He's grateful that Ned tries so hard. He's such a good friend.
"I'll get used to it," Ned shrugs. "Omega, queen. Alpha, tom. It's the same thing, just… a tiny bit different."
"Well, we call each other omega and alpha too," Peter points out. "So it's fine if you use those terms."
"If I can get used to it in my head, it'll be better," Ned says, determined. "And hey, don't change the subject. Why do you think Tony's planning to break up?"
The omega falls silent gathering his thoughts.
"I dunno, it's just… a feeling. Like he's hiding something from me," Peter says, ears once again hanging flat. "He hasn't been texting or calling as much. And he's been busy a lot…"
Ned takes it all in. He doesn't call Peter crazy or paranoid, which Peter appreciates.
"Peter. He's a genius billionaire that's CEO of his own company," Ned reminds him gently.
"Genius, billionaire, ex-playboy, philanthropist," Peter feels the need to correct him, his lips quirking up into a half smile.
Ned rolls his eyes but concedes.
"Right. That. That's a lot of stuff to be handling," Ned nudges him.
"Yeah," Peter sighs. "I know… I just… wish I didn't feel like he was hiding something from me."
"So… ask him," Ned suggests. "What's the worst that can happen?"
And just on cue, they arrive at the parking garage where Happy is patiently waiting.
Normally, Peter feels so excited, so giddy, when he sees Happy because that means Tony's waiting for him at the end of the ride. But here, he can't help feeling a tiny bit of trepidation.
He waves Ned goodbye and resolves to get the answer out of his alpha.
What's the worst that can happen, after all? Maybe just a little heartbreak that'll tear Peter's whole world apart.
Yep. Nothing to it.
Tony's plans for Valentine's Day have Peter wanting to melt into a pile of goo.
The plan goes as follows:
Happy taking Peter to get tailor fit for a suit
A romantic brunch in Manhattan, set on one of the rooftops overlooking the city.
Spending the rest of the night with his alpha at the penthouse, just the two of them.
The custom made suit has Peter feeling so pampered and spoiled. He always feels so self-conscious when he's on Tony's arm, more than aware of the difference in their social standing. But like this, clad in form-fitting trousers and a waistcoat that accentuates his slim waist, he looks like a model ready for a photo shoot.
The way Tony's eyes light up in genuine pleasure, his eyes inspecting Peter from head to toe and finding the omega more than perfect… The kit glows with pleasure and feels confident enough to step up to Tony.
Tony's ears and tail are as dark as his hair, all sleek fur. Peter's, on the other hand, is a sable brown but what really catches the eye is the texture. Fluffy and curly, every single move has them bouncing.
When Peter steps up to his side, the tom's tail sways forward and effortlessly catches Peter's.
"You look lovely, kitten," Tony all but purrs, snagging him by the waist and dropping a sweet kiss on his lips.
Peter melts in his arms, his tail twining possessively around Tony's.
"It's the suit," Peter blushes.
"Even if you were wearing a t-shirt and sweats, you'd still look lovely," Tony continues with the charm and maybe Peter would've laughed and called him a sap but today was different.
The insecurity is still in the back of his mind so he eats up the compliment and all but purrs when Tony strokes one of his ears with affection.
"You look good too, alpha," Peter says sincerely.
Tony must hear it often enough but Peter's sweet words have the alpha purring in happiness.
Their luncheon is amazing. No matter how often Tony spoils him, the omega still isn't used to this type of lavish lifestyle. The tastiest of dishes are placed before him, the meat practically melting in his mouth while flavor bursts on his tongue.
The view of the city is breathtaking too. The company makes it all even better but when Peter turns to face the tom, he can't help but feel a pang of sorrow.
What if this doesn't last?
Tony continues to distract him though, talking about mutual projects and his general day. Peter gets the full brunt of Tony's attention and he eagerly soaks it up like a parched flower tasting rain.
When they're tucked away in the car, bellies full and hands entwined, Tony mentions, "You're a bit quiet today, kitten. Anything wrong?"
Peter means to shake his head. He's decided during lunch that he doesn't want to ruin things and doesn't want to disrupt the romantic plan Tony laid out for them. If he has to be in denial, then let him be in denial.
He leans his head against Tony's chest and the alpha's arm winds around him, tucking him close to his chest. Tony's heartbeat thumps against his ear, steady and reassuring.
It all feels so perfect and Peter breathes in the scent of his alpha and home. He can't imagine being with anyone else but Tony.
"Don't break up with me," Peter can't help but murmur softly. He doesn't realize he's said it out loud until the alpha he's leaning on suddenly stiffens.
"What?" Tony sounds so confused and that's when it registers.
Peter sits up, eyes wide. When his tail tries to untangle itself from Tony's, Tony continues to hold on.
"What do you mean, break up?" Tony looks so adorably confused that Peter has to bite down on his lip to stop from repeating his words.
"Peter, sweetheart, kitten–" Tony takes his hands and squeezes gently. "Why do you think I'd want to break up with you?"
A minute shiver has Peter's body shuddering. Tony's words ignite hope in his heart. Hopefully, he hasn't ruined everything with his insecurities.
"I thought you got bored of me," Peter confesses, "You kinda… weren't as into our conversations the past week and… I know you're busy so I didn't want to bother you but it made me feel like… yeah…"
Tony's mouth drops open in a Gobsmacked expression and he seizes Peter in a hard hug.
"Silly kit," Tony says and the feeling of his hand sliding through Peter's hair and rubbing against the velvety soft fur of his ear is so soothing, so right.
"Happy," Tony calls out to their driver and Peter jerks, embarrassed that he forgot Happy was an unintentional audience in this. "I think it's time. Change of course, take us to the secret spot."
"Tony…?" Peter asks, unsure.
The alpha kisses his forehead and only holds him tighter.
"Shh, sweetheart, this will explain everything."
And because Peter trusts Tony, loves Tony… the omega closes his eyes and just breathes in the soothing scent of his boyfriend as Happy changes course.
The place Happy takes them to isn't familiar to Peter but that isn't unusual. The stores here scream luxury so it isn't a neighborhood that Peter would have reason to frequent.
The name of the boutique is a simple word, Promises, and when Tony leads him to the entrance, the door is opened by a peacock. Or– Well, Peter assumes it's a peacock man since the employee has a distinctive crest of blue feathers swaying above his hair.
"Mr. Stark," the man doesn't seem surprised to see him or Peter. "This way, please."
They're led inside and it's a spacious area with a few mannequins lined against the walls. The lights in the store are specifically placed to shine on the mannequins and there are strands hung on the bodies where bright sparks of light are reflected back.
Peter wants to get a closer look, attracted by the light, but Tony's hand in his has him tugging the younger man to his side.
A teasing pinch to his ear has Peter flicking it instinctively.
"C'mon, kitten," Tony says, "You'll see for yourself why we're here."
Peter still wants to peek but he's also excited to learn more. They rejoin the employee, following behind a train of brilliant green feathers.
They're shown into a room. A dressing… room? Fitting room? It's the fanciest dressing room Peter's ever been in. Definitely the most spacious.
In the corner, a large section is curtained off from the rest of the room with thick light blue curtains. In the center, there's a small platform that's surrounded by mirrors so that the person standing in the center could see every angle.
There are bouquets of red roses on corner tables. And there's a small white couch against the wall for the comfort of waiting partners.
Suddenly, Peter knows exactly what Tony's been so busy with.
"Tony, this…" Peter trails off, helpless, and even more helpless when Tony leads him to the curtained off area.
The curtains are retracted to reveal a single mannequin, very similar to Peter's size. Peter wouldn't be surprised if it is his exact measurements.
The mannequin is decorated in fine strands of gold. Just like the front of the store, the light here is specifically positioned to showcase the jewelry. And that's what it is… Jewelry. Peter hadn't been able to see clearly when they were brought in, but he realizes now that it could've only been jewelry.
"Tony…" Peter breathes out as he approaches the mannequin. He lifts a hand and hesitates as though touching them would make them disappear.
Tony approaches with him and when Peter hesitates, the alpha calmly presses his hand down on the thin strands that make up the chest piece.
"It's yours," Tony tells him softly. "I've been coming here to check the progress. Make sure everything was perfect, the diamonds, the rubies, the arrangement… It had to be perfect for my future mate."
The courting gift is beautiful. It's made up of delicate gold strands that make up a chest harness. It starts at the neck where a beautiful collar sits. From the collar, two strands of gold gently trail downward and wrap around to the back. Connected from these chains, two more meet in the middle where there are rubies. The first chain would sit right where his collarbone would meet and the next chain would be between his pecs.
From the last chain, three gold strands are attached. The center dangles just short enough to rest above his belly button while the other two are long enough to wrap around his waist.
And separate from the chest piece, two more delicate strands of gold circle around the waist, crossing in an X at the front.
Peter knows it must've cost Tony a fortune, one that the omega probably can't even fathom.
"Alpha…" Peter murmurs when he turns to Tony. The tom's tail is flicking nervously and his ears are pushed forward eagerly.
"Peter… I hope you know now how serious I am about you," Tony tells him. When he steps closer and pulls Peter into his arms, he leans down and rubs their noses together.
Peter can't help the soft rumble that comes from his chest. His grip on Tony's arms tightens and he leans into him.
"Kitten… Peter… Peter Parker…" Tony murmurs. "Will you be mine? My mate? My queen?"
Even though Peter expects the question, it still makes his heart jump. He gives a brilliant smile, his fluffy curls bounce when he leans up and kisses his alpha.
"Yes, yes–" Peter says between kisses and smiles and a heart full of joy. "Alpha, my alpha. I want to be yours, wanna be your mate, your queen, only yours…!"
Tony returns the kisses. Peter can feel the press of his alpha fangs against his lips, their kisses are so full of passion.
When Peter pulls away breathless and giddy with happiness, he can't help but look back at the courting gift. An engagement set, he now realizes.
"Wanna try it on?" Tony's voice, low and suggestive, almost makes him jump.
Peter's face blushes pink. A lot of the jewelry is meant to show off Tony's claim on him. The collar, specifically, is the traditional piece and often, it tends to be the only piece necessary for a mating. Tony, of course, is going for a full set.
The jewelry is meant to show off Tony's adoration for him, but it's also a quiet declaration to Peter himself of Tony's love. The collar is meant to be shown off but the other pieces, the ones that Peter can wear under his clothes or hide away, those are just for him.
The chest harness and the pieces that hug his waist are only for him and Tony.
Peter wants to try it on and he wants to show his alpha just how well he knows him and his body.
"Yes," Peter answers, turning and nuzzling Tony's neck. "Will you put it on me?"
"Of course, sweetheart," Tony murmurs with a crinkling of his eyes, "I'm at your service."
It's not the first time Tony has seen him naked. They're way beyond that and are intimate with each other's bodies. Tony has kissed freckles and moles on Peter's back that the omega hadn't even been aware were there.
It's safe to say that Tony knows Peter's body more intimately than even he does himself.
So when Tony starts to remove the expensive suit he bought for Peter, the omega lets him until he's completely bare. He's more than a little hard, more than a little slick, and Tony can smell it on him.
Tony's eyes when they look at him are all dark pupils and full of hunger. But the anticipation makes it all the more worth it and Tony turns away, though he has to adjust himself too.
Peter hums teasingly, rocking on his heels and waiting eagerly.
The first piece that Tony places on him is the collar. It goes around his neck, neither too loose nor too snug. When Tony secures the clasp on the back, he brushes over the gold with reverent fingers when it settles into place.
Then a necklace is put on him. Peter hadn't even realized that it's a separate piece, it matches the set so well. The sparkle of a ruby settles right in the hollow of his throat like it belongs there.
The chest harness is next and it attaches to the collar seamlessly. Peter likes that he can wear them separately or together. When Tony goes to secure the harness, Peter obediently lifts his arms so Tony can reach the back.
Just as he expected, a line of gold dangles from the harness and barely reaches his belly. The ruby is just as red, just as beautiful as the one on his throat.
Tony's hands linger on Peter's hips when he places the last piece but the alpha behaves himself. Peter almost wishes he didn't.
Once that's secure, Tony steps back and lets his eyes linger in appreciation.
"How's it look, alpha?" Peter asks shyly.
The piece had looked stunning on the mannequin and even though he knows this is custom made for him, he wonders if the jewelry is too fine, too delicate, to look right on him.
"Come," Tony beckons him, taking his hand and leading him back to the center of the room.
Peter feels self-conscious walking around naked but Tony has always been a possessive alpha and has always taken Peter's safety into consideration. He knows he can trust the tom to keep his privacy safe if only because Tony would ruin anyone who even glances at him.
The alpha helps Peter up onto the platform. He stands behind the omega as Peter takes in the sight of his body covered in Tony's claim and he looks…
Handsome. Stunning.
The alpha looks at him in the mirror, eyes dark, his tail curled possessively around Peter's waist. Standing in front of the alpha, Peter feels so small and covered in gold, he feels just as delicate.
He feels adored and loved.
Tony's hands roam over his body, feather-light, as he teaches the strands of gold.
"Do you like it?" the tom needlessly asks.
Peter catches Tony's hand as he settles over his belly, large enough that his palm nearly covers the width of him.
"I love it, alpha," Peter says honestly. He turns towards Tony, smiling brightly.
The alpha is satisfied and he nods before smiling mischievously.
"Good, although…" Tony turns and steps away, confusing the poor omega. He takes a step to follow but then waits patiently when Tony goes to the door.
Something is handed off to him from the other side but Tony makes sure that Peter is still safely ensconced inside, hidden away from any curious eyes.
The box he returns with is longer than it is wide, easily the length of his forearm. When he opens it, Peter's brows raise in surprise.
There's another piece in there and it matches the set Peter is wearing.
"Alpha?" He says curiously.
Tony knees in front of him and looks up with sparkling eyes.
"Did you really think this was all I had for you?" Tony teases gently before he leans forward, takes Peter's hand, and kisses his knuckles. "No, kitten mine, what you have on now… is just the start."
He takes the new jewelry out and holds it up for Peter's inspection. It's just one piece and compared to the chest harness, the direction of the gold is going the opposite way. Instead of falling in a V, the chains here go from a point and lead downwards.
Peter isn't sure where it's supposed to go until Tony gently takes a hold of the back of his knee and urges him to lift his foot. When he does, Tony carefully helps him balance so that Peter lightly places his elevated foot on Tony's bent knee.
The new piece of jewelry is secured around his thigh like a garter belt and Peter shivers at the feeling of Tony's hands on him.
"There we go…" Tony murmurs, pleased. His fingers stroke the sensitive skin on his inner thigh.
"Alpha… what did you mean by this being the start…?" Peter has to ask, otherwise, he'd lose himself to the feeling of Tony's hands. Something embarrassing would truly happen then, like Peter whimpering.
Tony continues to stroke his inner thigh with a loving caress and then he leans forward and places a kiss there.
Peter shudders and his entire body feels like it's being lit up from the inside when his alpha's warm breath brushes against his skin.
"My mate, my queen," Tony calls him, "The set you have now is not complete yet. I'll spend the entire first year of our mating adding to this one and when it's complete, I'll do it again and again…"
Peter's breath catches in his throat. It sounds like so much but it's also so very Tony. He can't deny that it makes Peter feel so very… very spoiled.
You don't have to… He wants to say but he knows Tony wouldn't do something unless it was something he wanted. So the only thing Peter can do is run his fingers through Tony's dark hair, rubbing his dark ears and purring contentedly.
"Alpha…" Peter licks his dry lips. Tony being so close, his alpha scent free and unfiltered, is doing such things to Peter.
He knows his alpha is doing it on purpose and Peter is more than willing to follow his lead.
"Alpha…" Peter murmurs again when those gentle hands start to press deeper into his skin and Tony's purrs against his inner thigh. His face turns to where the omega is hard, his cocklet aching for attention.
"I'm glad you like my gift," Tony says, purring as he nuzzles the hardening cocklet. "Let me show you how appreciative I am that you're accepting."
He sets Peter's foot down, allowing him to better balance for what he's planning next.
"Shouldn't I be thanking you, alpha…?" Peter gasps out when Tony takes his cocklet into his mouth.
The alpha's mouth is hot and his tongue is soft and wet against Peter's cock. The omega, so sensitive already, grips the tom's hair, trapping strands of it in his fist. He needs it, something to hold onto, as Tony sucks on his cocklet, the small thing fitting so easily in his mouth.
For such a small thing, it's so very sensitive and Tony knows it. He sucks gently, swirling his tongue around the top and tracing the underside of Peter's cock with the tip of his tongue.
"Oh… Oh…" Peter moans, squeezing his eyes shut when Tony's fingers creep up his thighs and start to tease his pussy.
He's wet, dripping with slick. His insides part easily for the alpha's questing fingers but once they're inside, they clamp down, desperate for something bigger.
"Alpha… Tony…" Peter begs, muscles clenching tight as the fingers dig deeper, pumping into him with purpose. "I want…"
Slick wet noises come from between his legs and his ears grow hot with the filthy sound of it. Tony's mouth on him, his devious tongue playing with his cocklet… Tony's fingers fucking his wet pussy…
Tony knows him so well… His alpha…
"M gonna… Alpha, please… I can't…" Peter wants to protest, wants to be fucked before he comes but Tony continues to suck and finger him even when Peter grabs onto his ears and tries to wrench him away.
"Mm…! Ah-alpha…" Peter is helpless as he comes into the alpha's mouth. His tail lashes out, spasming as his insides clamp down on Tony's fingers and he floods the warm mouth he's in.
Wetness gushes from between Tony's fingers and the alpha hums and swallows.
"Alpha…" Peter complains when it gets to be too much. His legs feel like jelly and he melts into the alpha's lap, slick staining Tony's pants but neither care.
He purposely rubs against the alpha's cock, almost desperate despite just having an orgasm.
The orgasm sates him for two seconds because his body takes note and demands more. He hasn't been mated, hasn't gotten fucked and he needs more than a suck and a fuck for his omega body to be satisfied.
So he writhes in the alpha's lap, a desperate needy thing that only wants one thing.
"Let me thank you, alpha," Peter begs him, kissing Tony's lips and tasting his own seed in the alpha's mouth. It only makes his body burn hotter, his insides feeling achingly empty.
"Alright, kitten, I'm not gonna say no to that," Tony says against his lips. And yet, he seems reluctant to part from Peter's mouth, licking and nipping at his lips.
Peter gets handsy and not only does he rub against Tony's erection with his ass, but he also reaches down and fondles what he finds. Tony's cock strains against his pants, large and demanding and so so hard…
Tony hisses at the direct touch and that does it.
"Turn around, kitten," Tony growls against his mouth. "Let me see that pretty pussy."
Peter shudders and obeys immediately, going on his knees and lifting his tail to the side so he's exposed and vulnerable to his mate.
"So perfect…" he hears Tony murmur behind him.
A touch to the base of his tail has him lifting his ass higher and pushing into Tony's touch. When Peter lifts his gaze, he sees their bodies in the mirror and it shocks him.
The jewelry is still glimmering brilliantly in the light but they look even prettier against the flushed pink of his skin. His face is particularly red, even more so when he sees his alpha positioning himself behind him.
Large and intimidating, the alpha is staring intently at the place between Peter's legs. It makes Peter squeeze his thighs together before he forces them to relax.
"Alpha… C'mon, alpha… Take it… take what's yours…" Peter says, tail waving in an almost hypnotizing gesture.
"God, you're such a temptress…" Tony groans before he rushes to pull his cock out.
Peter licks his lips when he sees it reflected in the mirror. Tony's alpha cock, thick and ready. He jerks when he feels the heat of it slap on his ass but a harsh grip on his hip keeps him in position.
"Here you go, kitten… You need it so bad, don't you?" Tony says as he positions the head of his cock at Peter's dripping pussy. The tip teases the omega's hungry hole and he shifts on his knees just to feel the alpha's cockhead nudging in.
"Please, please…" Peter whines when he can't get it inside by himself.
"Shh, I have you, kitten… Gonna give it to you…" Tony doesn't make him wait any longer and pushes inside.
Just the girth of his alpha's cock makes the breath in his lungs rush out when it pushes inside. The length, though, it feels as though Peter's split apart every time. It's only practice and familiarity that has Peter taking the impressive cock in its entirety.
Even then, that first thrust doesn't let Tony sink all the way. It's still enough for Peter to buck against his hold, hips wanting to simultaneously pull away and push back.
Tony groans, loud and clear, and pulls out only to fuck back in. Peter gasps, scrambling for purchase when the tom starts to fuck him hard, trying to inch his entire cock into the tight, wet space of the omega's body.
Peter's eyes threaten to roll to the back of his head as Tony works his cock in.
"Mmph! Mmm alpha…!" Peter cries out, pleasure making his body eager and primed for the rough fucking their kind enjoys.
Tony's cock works him open but he's still so big, so large inside him… Peter's insides are going to ache for days and it's what he wants… That type of pain that has the feline omega arching his back, begging to be mated and bred.
He could never have this with anyone else. It is only ever Tony for him, his tom, his alpha…
The pain of being fucked harshly transmutes into a type of pleasure that has Peter crying out and only begging for more.
"Alpha–" Peter cries out, "Mm, it hurts… hurts…"
Tony's hips never stop working. By now, his cock has sunk all the way in, plowing into Peter's insides over and over again.
"Yeah?" Tony pants, breathless, and then he folds his body over Peter's, covering him completely. His teeth nip at his mating mark and Peter feels like he's going to fall apart. "Hurts good, doesn't it, kitten? This is what you wanted. When you waved that pretty tail at me… Bent over and gave me access to that pretty pussy of yours…"
Another thrust, this time shorter but no less impactful.
"Mm!" Peter moans, his head tilting to give Tony better access to his neck. "Yes, alpha… yes… hurts so good… alpha's cock… splitting me open…"
"Mm…" Tony groans. He sets his teeth against Peter's sweat damp skin, teeth encountering gold and pressing in against skin despite that. "Don't want me to stop, do you, kitten? Want me to go all the way? Let my barbs out and make you pregnant…?"
"Oh!" Peter gasps out, his mind going haywire with it. Tony's cock… Tony's come, Tony's barbs… The one thing that would scare the shit out of other omegas that weren't of their kind but Peter is exactly like Tony.
He was made for this. He would only ever get pregnant from a feline alpha like Tony. His body would only ever recognize an alpha of his kind and his heart would only ever recognize Tony.
"Yes, alpha, my alpha… give it to me…" Peter grows desperate, pushing back against the alpha's thrust, now hungry to be filled. "Make me pregnant… Fill me up… Do it, do it–!"
A hand clamps down on his nape and just like that, Peter's body goes soft and pliant.
"Alpha…" Peter whimpers as Tony takes full control. The hold has him incapable of moving but it's necessary for what's next.
Felines mating… It's rough on the omega and Tony needs to take complete control.
With a few more thrusts, Peter's body sways like that of a rag doll as his alpha takes his pleasure. He's happy to do it, happy to please his alpha.
His mind starts to float, pleasure and pain signals mixing in his head until there's only pleasure.
He knows the moment Tony gets close. The alpha's thrusting becomes rougher, almost jarring. The clapping of his hips against Peter's ass is especially harsh, sounding loud in the fitting room.
"Alpha…" Peter mewls and Tony hauls him onto his knees, replacing his hand with his teeth so that the omega remains pliant for him.
He catches a glimpse of them in the mirror, Peter's flushed body held captive in his alpha's arms. A feral glint gleams in his alpha's eyes and he stares at Peter and meets his gaze in the mirror. Between his spread thighs, the alpha's hard cock is seen in flashes of slick wet flesh, his heavy balls pulled tight and ready to deliver a thick virile load.
Tony's teeth in his flesh only add to the pleasure. Tony's rough calloused hand stroking his dripping cocklet… His thick cock fucking in and out of Peter's pussy…
He fucks another orgasm out of Peter and the omega is gone. The pleasure is even more overwhelming, the heightened pain turned pleasure has him clutching onto his alpha's forearm.
Tony's cock sinks in all the way and in the midst of Peter losing his mind, the barbs on his cock raise up, the blunted tips scraping and rubbing.
Peter screams, he yowls when he feels his alpha's cock grow and rub against his already tight insides. His eyes roll to the back of his head as the alpha's cock jerks inside him, pulses erratically, and fills his aching insides with come. The barbs feel even more prominent with Peter's pussy squeezing down like a vice and the omega moans in oversensitivity. The blunted tips rub him just like he needs and his entire body shudders in recognition, his demanding instincts finally quieting down at the feel of a feline male's cock breeding him.
Tony doesn't release him until he's done and so Peter takes it with soft whimpers and whines. He's being bred and his feline body knows it, his stomach cramping as more and more come is spilled into his overflowing pussy. Even when he feels like there can't possibly be more space, his pussy still shamelessly wants more, clamping down on Tony's cock and milking it for more.
When Tony's finally done with him, he lowers Peter gently onto the floor.
As always, their mating takes a toll on the poor omega and Peter looks at his alpha with hooded eyes, barely able to keep his eyes open. Tony settles between his legs, his tail flickering contentedly behind him. The satisfied smile he gives Peter spells trouble but the omega barely twitches when Tony puts a hand on his knee.
He does, however, whine, when Tony places his knee over his shoulder and lifts his hips.
"Alpha… can't…" Peter whines but he doesn't try to stop the alpha when Tony sets his mouth to his pussy. He only squeezes the alpha's head between his thighs and resolves to the fact that he'll most likely be fucked into unconsciousness tonight.
"Shh," Tony murmurs then laps at his pussy, licking away a mix of come and slick. "Let me clean my mate…"
So Peter just lays back and lets his mate clean up the mess, a purr sounding from his throat and Tony working him up to another release.
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f0point5 · 1 year
Alright here we go... another chapter, another session of rambling. :D
I saw what you did there with the messages between Metaphor and y/n... like yesterday I said she doesn't change her approach with the messages and all of a sudden she's asking questions and using emojis. I'm shocked 😯😅
What drives me nuts about this chapter is her chat with Max. I'd LOVE to take a glimpse into their thoughts. Seriously. Like her texting with him is soo different compared to anyone else. It's like they're flirting without knowing it. When she talks about being robbed of the sweaty post race hair shots and telling him she misses him. Like there's no doubt about it and no reason for her not to say things like that.
I just keep asking myself what SHE wants Max to do... she was so irritated about her friends warning and nagging her what her dating someone could possibly mean to Max and how he'd react, she did seem bothered when none of it happened and he didn't react at all. But was it really only because she was angry about herself and her friends making it bigger than it seemingly was? Or does she want to get a reaction out of him? And if so... is it happening consciously or not?
And that gets me to the one thing that stuck out to me in between their texts... I didn't see it right away but the more I thought about how natural and easy their conversations always are, the more I picked up that there was something different this time... and I feel like it's been creeping into their messages slowly and barely recognizable, but it's there.
Like she's teasing him about the hair and writing things like he's robbing them of the post race sweaty hair and all and he questions whether she's drunk. Also his 'y/n...?' when she started how she doesn't know how to say this. You didn't give away anything that's going on inside his head after y/n told him about he dinner date with Metaphor. So where did that leave him? It just feels like he's a little more sensitive to everything that could possibly be laced with innuendo.
And like I said I wonder if she actually wants to get a reaction out of him. Is that why she's saying all those things. Is it their usual bickering? Is it their normal way of communicating? But why would he ask her if she's drunk then? It's like she pushes him a tiny little more than he's used to (maybe even unconsciously) and he hasn't yet figured out how to react, trying to navigate the streets of his own feelings and possibly very much afraid to ruin what they got. From her side it's always like 'I said what I said', she doesn't pull back whatever it was, and he's lost without an explanation how to interpret it. So he opts for the explanation of her possibly being drunk, out of mind, saying he doesn't have time for this.
It's like she's pushing for signs of him and he's fending her attempts off because he doesn't see hers, while desperately in need to get some.
Or there's always the possibility that I think waaay too much about it, but that's what you do to me with that story, that's how invested you get me. 🤣
We LOVE a ramble here!
The thing about the Elliot messages, and I guess this did not land like it did in my head because you can’t see when in the day this all happens and I should have time stamped - everyone she normally talks to is asleep. By the time she’s telling Elliot about her day all her friends in Singapore are in bed lol. I do think she’s consciously trying to give him more but also she was running low on options lol. I saw it very much like, she’d had a bit of an emotional day, and everyone she goes to for comfort wasn’t there, and then there’s Elliot asking how her day was and she suddenly appreciates his presence a little more than usual. She realised, hey here’s someone I can talk to who’s sweet and charming and takes my mind off things and most importantly he’s here.
I will tell you, because I don’t think this gives too much away, Y/N wants Max to do exactly what Max wants to do, and as far as she knows that’s what he’s doing.
Max, for his part, is a little on edge. He was waiting for her to tell him about Elliot, now he’s waiting for the next shift, the next shoe to drop. A bit of anxiety is creeping in that maybe they are on borrowed time. He sees her saying she wants to talk and his chest seizes like, what now.
I also think Max doesn’t like to be messed with. Dirty joke? Yes. Flirt? No. And he knows she knows that, so he’s a bit like, why are being like that with me, how do you want me to react? Because it’s not something he can really reciprocate. And on top of everything else, I think the poor guy was like, can this girl give a break.
Also, I did a writing exercise of what happened when Y/N came home from her date so I have headcanon of what their last in person interaction was like and just…poor Maxy is probably feeling the heat in Singapore in more ways than one lol.
I describe all emotions as Taylor Swift lyrics and right now it’s giving
This is looking like a contest of who can act like they care less
And idk who’s winning.
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ejzah · 2 years
Hey 🤗 I would like to read a fanfic where someone from Rosa's past shows up, like a family member, but that someone doesn't want her good and Rosa is scared while they try to get closer to her.
I hope this makes any sense 😅
A/N: I hope this is what you were looking for!
And it Could All Come Crumbling Down
“Hey, do you want to try the new Mediterranean place or Mexican?” Kensi asked, popping her head into the home office where Deeks sat. When he didn’t answer, she tapped the doorframe. “Babe, falafels and hummus or tacos and guacamole?”
“Um…” Deeks shook his head, and something about his tone in that single utterance raised her concern.
“Deeks, what’s going on?”
He turned, lifting his head, and the look in his eyes made her stomach sink.
“I, uh, just got off the phone with Rosa’s caseworker. Um, she had a family member reach out. She wants to meet us. And Rosa,” Deeks answered, pressing his lips together.
“Oh my god,” Kensi whispered, sinking down beside him. “Why—what are we going to do?”
“I mean, we gotta ask Rosa what she wants, right?” Deeks said. Kensi pressed a hand to her temple, trying to work through a flurry of thoughts.
“What exactly does this person—”
“An aunt.”
“Ok, what does she want?”
“All Ms. King could tell me is that she wants to meet Rosa in person. She said she’ll send more information when she has it.”
“What if we say no?” Kensi asked, sounding more aggressive than she intended. “I mean, Rosa is our daughter now.”
“Legally, we have to let them meet. Since the adoption isn’t finalized and there’s a living relative, we have to honor the request. It would be different if this were a closed adoption and all, but it’s not.”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe this is happening,” Kensi whispered. She closed her eyes, trying to control her snowballing thoughts. “I should be happy for Rosa, but I’m not. Does that make me a horrible person?”
“No,” Deeks answered. “Cause I feel exactly the same way.”
Kensi and Deeks decided to wait to tell Rosa until they had more information, which came a far too short three days later. In that time, they had several more tense and long conversations, debating how to approach the situation. Kensi was leery of making Rosa feel like she was being forced into something, while Deeks worried their own concerns would impact her response.
In the end, they decided to present the news as neutrally as possible.
“Rose, do you remember someone in your family named Andrea?” Deeks asked over dinner on Saturday. Rosa passed reached for a plate of grilled asparagus across from her, brows furrowing as she thought.
“When I was little, there was my Tia Andrea, but I haven’t talked to her in years,” she replied.
“Oh, when was the last time you saw her?” Kensi asked, not quite masking the sharpness in her voice.
“I can’t really remember. Maybe when I was five. I don’t think she got along with my family very well and then she moved here. My parents never talked about her after that.” There was a pause while she ate a bite. “Why are you asking about her?”
Deeks shared a tense fleeting look with Kensi; she nodded ever so slightly, reaching for his hand under the table. “Um, well, your aunt reached out to your case manager, Ms. King.“
Rosa’s eyes widened as he spoke, and she set her fork and knife to the side. “Why?” she asked, her gaze flicking between Kensi and Deeks. “How did she even find me?”
“I’m not sure. But apparently she’d like to schedule a meeting with you.”
“If you want to,” Kensi spoke up, reaching across the table to cover Rosa’s hand. She gave her a reassuring smile.
“So, I can decline?”
“I’m not sure about,” Deeks responded honestly. He dragged a hand through his hair, hating himself a little bit. “There are certain, uh, legal ramifications when a family member makes contact. Usually you can’t ignore it or turn them down without a very good reason.”
“That doesn’t make any sense. I barely know Andrea and she certainly try to find me when I was about to be deported back to Guatemala,” she said. Her voice had started shaking a little and Deeks saw tears forming in her eyes.
“Hey, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes with all the paperwork, it’s hard to find estranged family members.”
“What if she tries to take me away?” Rosa asked, the hitch in her voice heartbreaking. “I’m happy with you and Kensi. I don’t want to leave.”
“That won’t happen,” Kensi said, fiercely protective as she squeezed her hand. “We won’t let it happen.”
Rosa nodded, but turned to Deeks, the trust and sheer vulnerability in her eyes making his throat tighten painfully.
“I will do everything in my power to keep you here.” He added his hand on top of her and Kensi’s. “You’re ours now and you can’t get rid of us that easy.”
Rosa giggled wetly, rubbing the palm of her free hand under her eyes.
“Good. Because you’re stuck with me too.”
A/N: Quick note. I don’t want to give the implication that family wanting to make contact or showing interest in adopting a child placed with non-family is necessarily a negative thing. In this situation though, I think Rosa, as well as Kensi and Deeks, would be alarmed. Part 2 to follow.
Thanks for the prompt!
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leggomyayygo · 2 years
i saw your post earlier, and you’re absolutely right. the mileven tag has a lot of issues. first of all is the type of content being posted.
we barely have any active blogs, and the ones that are seem to be more content posting anti-by/ler hate then actually propping up mike and el. like from what i’ve seen, that’s exactly what by/lers make fun of us about, and we’re playing right into their narrative.
next is the cross-tagging. this isn’t entirely our fault, with bigger juggernaut ships mostly to blame. but god it’s so hard to find mileven content like headcanon or fic when it’s drowned out by anti content or unrelated relationships.
honestly that’s all I can think of off the top of my head, but i’d love to hear your thoughts.
Oh hey there!! 🤗
Ight lemme just preface this by saying I'm reeeeeeeeally struggling with word retrieval and transitions today, so I apologize if this is... clunky, lol. 🙈💧
It's a tricky situation for sure! First, we're outnumbered af. That alone puts us at a disadvantage for content output. Factor in that there's generally less of a "need" to generate content of long-canonized ships (for obvious reasons lol), and it's a recipe for a pretty quiet tag. The fact of the matter is that Mileven is and has been canon for several years now. It's only natural that hype would die down. For the most part, Mileven shippers have graduated from the honeymoon stage to having a more quiet and resevered appreciation for the ship. But for those of us who never left, or those whose love has been reinvigorated (me lol), it can be really frustrating when all you want to do is celebrate your ship. So yes, while I do wish there was more positive Mileven content to consume, I get why there's so little of it. A lot of shippers are just content with what canon has provided. 🤷
Now where anti-b*ler content is concerned.... generally I don't mind seeing it myself, but there's definitely exceptions to this and I can see how others would prefer to not see it at all. While I try to avoid the topic of B*ler on my own blog, I sympathize with Mileven shippers who are constantly under fire by trolls and antis who just don't know when to quit. It's really shitty and unnecessary behavior, especially considering how much they outnumber us. I get how choosing to engage with them could very well be giving them what they want, but simultaneously I can understand the frustration and desire to throw it back at them. Plus I'd be lying if I didn't find the content amusing or cathartic at times. I guess it really isn't my place to tell people how to deal with being harassed, but yeah. I agree that it would be better to only tag anti-b*ler. Even if don't mind seeing it, it would make finding actual Mileven content a LOT easier.
As for the cross-tagging..... Yeahhhhh... There's not much I can really add 😂 It's a much bigger issue than us, and aside from telling them to cut it out (a likely futile effort), I really don't know what else can be done on our side. THIS IS WHY WE NEED A "HIDE" BUTTON GODDAMMIT ASKSHDJDK 😤
Some final thoughts:
While there's little we can do solve these issues, one thing we CAN do is just try to engage with other shippers and put out content of our own. If we get the ball rolling, it may inspire others to do the same. Hell, I'm no writer, but because a mutual sent a simple Mileven ask, it got the gears in my head turning and I started writing a wholeass fic 🤣 I also want say that I do believe things are starting to head in a better direction. I've only had this blog for 3 months, but in the time that I've been here, I do believe that I've seen a positive shift. And I mean... we are bringing Mileven Week back this year, so I can't be the only one who thinks this. 😋💕
Anyway, I hope this was the type of response you were looking for! Again, my brain isn't working all that well today but I did my best 😅
Thanks for stopping by!! ✨
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dragondemoness · 2 years
LOVE YOUR WRITING SM!!! you probably could've guessed this was coming by now but could you please do the motive prompt w the drv3 cast please? Keep up the amazing work!!! 💞
Thanks so much! I appreciate that! And yes, I completely and totally saw this coming😁And I finally finished it!
So sorry for making you wait, but I do hope it was worth it!
This got so long, I'm surprised Tumblr didn't crash😅 So I put a "keep reading" under here
Monokuma's Motive - DV3 Edition
It had been a couple days since the last motive.
Nobody had attempted anything, and Monokuma seemed to have backed off of everyone, so everyone was at ease.
And it was all thanks to you.
Thanks to your charisma and friendliness, you managed to convince the others not to give in to despair and kill their classmates. Without any recent motives, it was even easier.
But all that was thrown out the window when Monokuma summoned everyone to the gym.
You exchange an anxious look with your significant other before heading there together. 
And there was Monokuma, along with his Monokubs.
"Well! Hello, hello, my wonderful students!" Monokuma greeted everyone.
"Hey, you bastards! We have something to say to you!" Monotaro started.
"Yeah, um... Our father is very displeased with you all." Monophanie added.
"Yeah, it's been what, a whole fuckin' week, and nobody's done shit! We've been sittin' on our asses, waiting for the next kill, but nothing's happened!" Monokid shouted.
"We've been waiting patiently, but nobody's done a thing! So now, you bastards are in for it!" Monosuke finished.
Monodam said nothing.
"That's right! You've all done nothing but sit on your butts for this past week! After I worked so hard on those motives, too..."
Monokuma looked down in an almost convincing display of despair. But he recovered quickly, and you were sure he shot you a glare.
"But not to worry! I have a shiny new motive all ready to go, but this time with a twist!"
Everyone stiffened anxiously, waiting for Monokuma to elaborate.
"This time, there is a selected target you must kill. There is one person, and only one, that you can kill. Any other kills don't count and will count as a rule violation! And you all know how I feel about breaking rules..."
"A target?"
"Wonder what that could be..."
"It could be anyone..."
Your classmates began muttering and mumbling amongst each other while you froze, looking at Monokuma with a bewildered expression. Your significant other took your hand with a concerned look, but you barely noticed.
You knew what was coming, and that sadistic grin Monokuma gave you told you everything.
"And now, your target... is (Name)!"
Your blood turned cold at those words.
Shuichi Saihara
"What?! Why?? They didn't do anything!"
Except get in Monokuma's way
Now poor detective boi is on the edge now
After the meeting, he quickly pulls on your hand and takes you to his room
His anxiety is clear on his face and his stiff posture
He can't even hide it from you
You let him fall asleep on your chest that night, and it makes him feel at ease
But he still can't help but worry
He holds your hand at all times, and doesn't leave your side ever
He doesn't fully trust anyone with you either
He prefers to just stay in his lab or either of your rooms for most of the day
He wants to avoid the truth as best as he can
But he knows Monokuma won't let up until something happens to you, no matter how much you try to avoid it
Which is exactly why he's so scared
Rantaro Amami 
"What? Why? Why (Name)?"
He only appears mildly shocked, but on the inside, he's terrified
He doesn't even try to hide it
When you leave and go to his room, he immediately takes you into his arms
He holds you like you'll disappear the second he lets you go
He falls asleep on your chest that night
After that, he'll be very protective over you
He'll act cold, sometimes rude, towards the others when they get too close to you
He doesn't mean to, but he's not taking any risks
Then he'll take your hand and pull you away
He acts very stiff when you're out, afraid of the future
At night, he lays beside you, holding you tightly while laying on your chest as you stroke his wonderful avocado locks
This is not gonna be easy for either of you
Kokichi Oma 
For a second, a brief second, his playful demeanor wavers
He stands in shock, staring at Monokuma
But as quickly as it happened, he lets out a fake laugh while pretending he doesn't care
But the second you return to your room, he jumps on you and latches onto you like a koala
You bring him to his bed and hold him as he releases his fears
The next day, his clinginess is multiplied by ten
He prefers to stay in your room with you all day
He doesn't want to let you leave
If you try to, he wraps his arms around your waist while giving you puppy dog eyes
"Whaaaat? You wanna go outside? Whyyyy? Don't you wanna stay here with me? Aww, you're so meeeeann!"
He plays it off as him just being cute and clingy, but he's genuinely terrified for you
If you reeeeallly wanna go outside, he'll begrudgingly let you leave, but only when he's with you
He either holds your hand or hugs your arm
And if anyone gets too close, he face darkens and he wears a sadistic smile
"You'd better stay away from them before I sic all my D.I.C.E members on you."
They think he's bluffing, but he's dead serious
Then at nighttime, he clings onto you while either laying on top of you or having one of you lay on the other's chest
He prefers not to talk about the whole situation, so he'll either comfort you or ask for your comfort
He'll run his fingers through your hair while promising to keep you safe
When he's laying on your chest, he just stays silent
These moments are when he's at his most honest
Whether that's verbally or non-verbally
Kokichi is a very protective, very clingy koala
Kaito Momota 
"Wha-? What the hell are you talking about?!”
He is not pleased
You'll need to hold his arm back from shoving his knuckles down the bear's throat
Then you'll have to pull him back to your room
He's fuming, but he's doing his best not to let it show
Then he'll sit next to you on the bed and wrap his arms around you
You can feel the fear and anxiety in how tightly he holds you
You gently guide his head to your chest as you go to sleep
Like Kokichi, he would much rather stay inside with you
Anyone would, honestly
But if you have to leave, he'll act as your personal bodyguard
If anyone acts funny, he'll glare at them and crack his knuckles
And if Kokichi cracks any jokes, he's immediately gonna get a face full of pain
He doesn't trust anyone, even Maki
He tries not to let his fear show, but he's as obvious as it gets
He's not very good at hiding his feelings
Kaito does his best to comfort you, but sometimes, he'll need it too
He doesn't like talking about the situation, and would much rather just chill inside with you
He desperately wants to keep up his cool, upbeat personality, but it's difficult
He's dreading what's to come in the future
Gonta Gokuhara 
Starts tearing up right on the spot
"What...? Why scary bear choose (Name) as his next target...?"
The moment you leave and go back to your room, he picks you up and holds you close to his chest
You feel your shoulder dampen, and you can tell he's crying
You take this to the bed and he holds you close to him, like a teddy bear
And the next day, he goes from gentleman to gentlemanly bodyguard
If anyone gets too close, he kindly, but sternly asks them to leave you alone
He feels bad for not being more like a gentleman, but you're more important now
Then at night, he holds you tight and close to him
He wants to make you feel safe, and it makes him feel safe knowing you're there
But he has a sinking feeling that it won't last long
Korekiyo Shinguji 
"I beg your pardon...?"
You can't really tell by the mask, but he is very shocked
You can see his eyes widen
When you leave and return to your room, he just kind of sits for a minute, processing the whole thing
Then he takes your hand in his
"This is quite the horrifying situation, dear. But I promise that I will not let anything happen to you. I swear on my life."
He is probably the most chill, despite being so worried
He doesn't act overprotective, but he'll give anyone he doesn't trust a good glare, and it'll have 'em running
He may not look it, but he is very worried
He prefers to be the one comforting you, believing you need it more
But at night, while he holds you, if you let him rest on your chest, he will melt into it
At some point, he considers committing a murder to lessen the amount of contestants of killing you
He knows it will get him killed, but maybe it'll be worth it...
But for now, he'll stay by your side and protect you, in any way he can
No matter what happens, he will keep his word
Even if he has to kill to do it
Ryoma Hoshi 
"You bastard. You did this on purpose, didn't you?"
Indeed he did
Monokuma wanted to be rid of you
When you leave the room, Ryoma just stands in front of the door for a second, frustrated and worried
He may land a punch to the door a couple times
Then he sits beside you on the bed and takes your hand in both of his tiny ones
"Hey, kid. I know this situation is super scary and whatnot, but even though I'm small, I'm not letting anyone lay their hands on you. I'll be damned if things go Monokuma's way."
He knows he can't do much, so he just stays inside with you most of the time
If you need anything, he'll just go and grab it for you, making sure the door is locked
He's not normally a fan of this, but he'll let you hold him close to you, like a teddy bear
He knows this must be terrifying, so he'll do whatever helps you
Ryoma may be small, but he'll do protect you in any way he can
Over his dead body will anyone take you out
"H-Huh?! Why would you pick them?! They didn't do anything wrong!"
Not to Monokuma
Kiibo doesn't understand why he would target you
I mean, you've been the one keeping the peace the whole time
But that's exactly why Monokuma needed to be rid of you
Kiibo has no idea how to process this, or what to do
But he can see that you're worried about it, so he pulls you close and hugs you
"Don't be afraid, (Name)! I'll protect you!"
He's confident in his abilities as a robot
He won't force you to stay inside, but he will strongly suggest it
If he's bothered by someone's presence, he will politely and meekly ask them to leave
He considers asking Miu to upgrade him so he has more accessories he can use to protect you
Then he worries that she might break him somehow
He wants to be there to protect you, and he doesn't want to take any risks
But then, getting an upgrade may be the thing he needs
At night, he'll hold you to comfort you if you need him to
Or he'll use any of his robot accessories to entertain you or comfort you somehow
In the end, whether Kiibo gets an upgrade or not, he's still gonna protect you
Kaede Akamatsu 
"Huh?? Why (Name)?! What did they ever do to you?!"
Put a damper on the killing game, that's what
You can see her body stiffen and an expression of fear on her face
When you leave, she basically immediately runs into your chest
You'll bring her to sit on the bed and let her rest on your chest for a little
She tells you how afraid she is of the situation, and of losing you
You'll go to sleep with her laying on your chest, but she doesn't go to sleep yet
She watches you sleep, delicately stroking your face with her thumb, thinking about everything
Then when you start to separate from her, she'll pull you into her chest instead
From then on, she swears to keep you safe
She prefers to stay inside with you while you spend the day together
Whether that's you resting on her shoulder while she plays piano, her watching you play a game, or just enjoying each other's company, she's happy
But if you need to leave for whatever reason, you'll go together
If anyone she doesn't trust approaches you, she'll ask them to leave you alone before pulling you away
She doesn't trust anyone, not even Shuichi or Rantaro
At night, she likes to play soothing melodies on her piano before you sleep
And she'll let you sleep on her chest
But if you offer her comfort, she will resist very little
Then she'll sleep on your chest too
Kaede often feels like she can't do much, but she will do whatever she can to keep you safe
Maki Harukawa 
"Do you wanna die?"
The one time she means it the most, and she can't even say it with the same unbothered demeanor
Her voice sounds so small, so weak
She sounds so vulnerable, even though she means it for real
When you leave, Maki kind of just sits, looking down at the floor
She's processing the news while wondering what she's gonna do about it
You tap her on the shoulder and ask if she's alright
She looks at you before slowly shaking her head
You wrap her arms around her and pull her close to you
She confesses that she's horrified of losing you, and that she feels powerless
That night, she falls asleep laying on your chest
The next morning, she becomes hellbent on making sure you survive this BS
She much prefers staying inside, to keep you away from the "idiots"
But if you insist on leaving, she'll begrudgingly come with you
Anyone who approaches you is immediately met with a death glare
That's usually all it takes to make them leave
Then you do what you need to do and go back to your room
She has a knife and a pistol on her at all times
And she has her lab locked tightly so no one attempts to break in
She seriously considers just going on a killing spree just so your chances of survival are higher
She'll do it, just say the word
She will put her true talent to good use with no question
But you can tell what she's thinking, and just ask her not to do anything rash
She promises to use her talent to protect you, in a very vague manner
She doesn't say how she's gonna do it, just that she'll do whatever's necessary
You don't like this, but you decide to just keep your mouth shut
At night, she always holds you close to her chest
For your comfort, and because it makes her feel that she can protect you, which is reassuring
But she is very stubborn about letting you do the same for her
She doesn't like accepting comfort
It makes her feel weak
But when she finally gives in, she realizes that it actually feels really nice
In the end, Maki is hella protective over you
She doesn't want to kill anyone, but she'll be damned if Monokuma's motive comes to pass
She'll do whatever is necessary to protect you, and make sure you survive
Miu Iruma 
"What the fuck?! Why the fuck are you picking (Name), you shitty piece of scrap metal?!"
She is fuming
She'll definitely spout some swears and insults at the bear
But she doesn't waste her time with violence, despite her many threats of dismantling him
After the meeting, she just takes your hand and pulls you away
Upon returning to your room, she walks in circles while ranting angrily about the situation
Then she'll look at you and sigh before sitting with you
She'll wrap her arm around your waist and pull you close while you lay your head on her shoulder
"Hey, babe. I know you're probably scared shitless right now. But I'll be damned if any of these thots try anything. You bet your ass that the gorgeous girl genius is gonna keep you safe." 
That night, she'll have you lay on her chest and stroke your hair while holding you close with her other arm
After that, she'll spend a lot of time working on inventions that can be used to protect you
You express concern over this, but she snaps back that she's "doin' this for you, dumbass!"
But if you try to go outside, she'll demand that you stay inside
"Hey, you'd better keep your ass in here! You don't know what those flat-assed fools are planning on doing to you!"
It takes a lot of convincing to pull her away from her work, but if you sit next to her, she'll wrap one arm around your waist without looking away
Eventually puts together a robot bodyguard to walk with you when you need to leave for whatever reason
And she makes a security system for the door, the room, and outside the room
Then she starts panicking that it's not enough, then you cup her cheeks and tell her that all you need is her
And finally, she'll step away and just be there for you
When you go outside, you'll go together
She'll scream at anyone who approaches you before pulling you away
At night, she's one of the few people here who will immediately indulge in your comfort
She's probably more stressed then you are, honestly
She loves laying on your chest at night
But if you say the word, she'll pull you into hers
Overall, Miu is horribly stressed out about this, and you'd best believe she'll be putting her talent to good use to help you
Himiko Yumeno 
"Nyeh?! Why? What did they do?"
She doesn't act super emotional, but her eyes widen in shock
When you leave, she's not really sure how to process the whole thing
But she is very worried about you dying
So she climbs into your lap and wraps her arms around you and lays on your chest
"Nyeh... I know this is super scary. But   don't be scared. If anyone tries to kill you, I'll put a curse on them! Or... Turn them into a frog! Or frogs...? I dunno, but I'll do something."
You can't help but smile at how cute she is
You fall asleep with her on top of you, holding each other tightly
The next day, she kinda just treats it as a normal day
Whether you stay inside or not is kind of up to you, honestly
If you want to stay in, she's fine with it
She either sleeps, performs tricks, or does one or both while being with you
If you need some fresh air, great
She'll walk with you while you both do your thing
Either way, she's not leaving you alone
Staying together is the best method of safety
And she doesn't trust anyone with you
Not Angie, not Tenko
If anyone approaches you, she'll kind of just pout at them and pull you away
At night, she just cuddles up to you like normal
If you need to be comforted, she'll let you sleep on her chest
But when you offer to do the same, she insists she doesn't need it
When she practices her magic, she's trying to conjure up a powerful spell she can use to protect you somehow
It's kind of her main focus, besides you
Whether or not it turns out a success, Himiko will still be by your side, and will do whatever she can to protect you
Angie Yonaga 
"What? Atua did not warn me of this..."
She kind of just stands in shock for a moment
Then when you return to your room, she returns to her sunny, cheerful self
She'll sit with you on the bed and take your hands in hers
"Do not worry, (Name)! Atua will protect you! And so will I! You have nothing to worry about!"
And then she'll hold you close and comfort you
After that, she kind of just treats it like a normal day
She'll do her art pieces and you'll do your thing until you want to leave
She'll usually say something like, "No, (Name)! Atua wants you to stay inside! It's much safer for you!"
But if you really need some fresh air, she'll come with you
She doesn't particularly distrust anyone, but if someone comes up to you and gives her bad vibes, she'll quickly scare 'em off
She'll widely smile at them and threaten to use their blood (or them as a whole) as a sacrifice to Atua
That quickly has them running for their money
Then she'll apologize, but not regret it
"My apologies, (Name)! But Atua tells me that we shouldn't trust them!"
Then you'll go back to your room and continue going about your business
Angie may act completely unconcerned or unbothered about the whole thing, but she actually is a little worried
But she believes (and hopes) that Atua will help you survive in the end
Kirumi Tojo 
"You are truly deplorable. How could you just blindly choose my significant other?" 
Oh, it wasn't blind at all
It was purely intentional
Kirumi is not happy
When you leave, she starts dusting the window to distract herself
Ends up breaking the duster because she was holding it too tight
Then she sits beside you on the bed and takes your hand
"I know this must be scary for you, love. But I will do whatever I must to ensure your survival. Not only as your maid, but as your partner. Please, tell me what I can do."
You ask her to just hold you that night, which she gladly obliges
The day after, she insists you stay inside to increase the chances of safety
She'll stay in with you, and occupy herself by doing chores
She also checks on you very often, asking if you need anything or if you need her to do anything
But if either of you needs something from outside, she'll begrudgingly leave, but have you stay inside
She'll go get whatever she's looking for and come back to you as quickly as possible, her panic rising the longer she's away
For once, she'll ignore any requests from anyone else
She's not their maid anymore
She's yours
And you're her top priority now
Then she'll be relieved that you're alright and both of you will continue to go about your day
At night, she'll hold you close to your chest, play with your hair and whisper soft words to you for as long as you want
She wants to be the one giving you comfort
It'll take a lot to convince her to relax and let you comfort her, but when she gives in, you hold her the exact same way she's been doing
In the end, Kirumi may be a maid, but she's your maid
And she's not letting anyone lay their dirty, crusty fingers on you
Tenko Chabashira 
"What?! Them?! You degenerate bear! I'll use my Neo-Aikido on you!"
You'll have to hold her back from drop kicking the bear
You'll go to her lab instead of your room
She needs to get her anger out
Once you leave, she'll start kicking and punching the practice dummies she has in her lab while ranting angrily
It won't take long before she's exhausted and the fear sets in
And then she immediately tackles you in a hug, crying into your chest
She's horrified of losing you
But that night, when she holds you tight to her chest, she decides that she'll do anything to prevent that from happening
She would much prefer to stay inside with you, but if you must go outside, she'll stick to you like glue the whole time
She is very anxious and very paranoid
She doesn't trust anyone near you, not even the girls
And God forbid one of the boys dare approach you...
They're getting a very sharp uppercut
She'll keep her hands off the girls, but she still can't trust them
And her clinginess is increased by 20%
She's holding onto your arm every single second you're out
And when you go back in, she tightly wraps her arms around you while laying on your chest or shoulder
Even more so at night
She prefers to give you comfort, but she won't resist you giving her some too
In the end, Tenko will not let anyone kill you
And she sure as hell isn't letting anyone kill her either
She needs to be by your side to keep you safe
She will do whatever it takes for the both of you to survive, no matter what
Note: I omitted Tsumugi because she's the mastermind, so I had no idea what to put for her. Hope that's alright
But if y'all want her really bad, just gimme some ideas on what to put for her section, and I'll add her in
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Takeda YN: Karasuno's Assitant Coach
and Multilingual Expert
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Takeda is so cute I can not 😭
Karasuno x Takeda YN
Warnings: Swearing (English and Spanish), my attempts at using my limited knowledge of Spanish 😅
AN: This is an Anon request! Anon later requested reader being related to Takeda so we have Takeda YN!
Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
YN you are literally related to the most patient human being alive
I meam, come on
Look who he deals with daily
And he's so motivational 🥺
Plus look at how much effort he went to for Karasuno to play against Nekoma and the other schools!
This man begged 👏🏻 on 👏🏻 his 👏🏻 knees 👏🏻
Case in point, Ukai
He full on stalked Ukai just to get him to coach our precious bby crows
And look how that worked out 🙌🏻
So when you were in town visiting, he thought it would only benefit the team to bring you in
Did you have any volleyball knowledge? Not particularly
BUT you did have knowledge of other things 🙃
Not only are you intelligent but you are multi-lingual
And Takada, knowing thus fact, brought you in as a consultant
When you first met the team, they were si confused
"Umm coach why is Yn here exactly?"- Daichi
"Well I thought YN could teach everyone a little something. Take it away YN"- Takada
So tell us YN 👀 what are we going to learn
"I'm going to teach you guys some simple Spanish"- You, so proud 🤗
The reactions are mixed as you might expect
"YN you do realize whose on our team right?"- Ennoshita
"Literally the dumbest of the dumb YN"- Suga
"They barely know Japanese YN and you expect them to learn Spanish"- Daichi
"Kageyama can barely function as is!"- Asahi
"Ok ok guys chill"- you, sweating a little 😅
"YN how you do you expect us to chill! Omg is there going to be a test?? If we fail can we still play volleyball?"- Hinata
Kageyama 👇🏻
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Well if that didn't escalate quickly 😅
"Everyone chill out!! Im going to teach you a few simple words just to help fool your enemy"- you
"Ahh so a confusion tactic"- Daichi
Exactly 🤗
Kageyama js slowly regaining is coming
"I'm not the best with words"- Kags
"It's ok, they are two simple words that you can use occasionally to mix up your enemy when you are in a tight spot
Warning: my Spanish is not the best, I preapologize 🤚🏻
"They are 'derecha' which means right and 'lzquierda' which means left"- You stoked
Pls Kags and Hinata are back to panicking
Kags just sits there, sweating
Yes bby give us nothing 👏🏻
"Guys chill! You memorized handle signals right?"- you
"Yeah but we use our hands YN not our mouths!"- Tanaka now getting in on the panic
Takada 👉🏻😏 feel my pain YN
And so begins the descent into operation: fool the enemy
Too bad the only person you're fooling her YN is yourself 🙃
Its the day of the interhighs and you've managed to successfully give yourself a migraine 🤣
Please these boys are just hopeless YN
You've tried everything!
Repeating, breaking it down, heck you even got in there yourself and did it!
And it all FAILED
imagine the one thing you fail at is teaching these idiots 😭
Needless to say, your nervous for Interhighs
Not to mention there are some rather annoying characters 🙄
Case in point, Oikawa 🙌🏻
Because when you first meet him and he makes Kageyama fall on his butt
You literally say "geez that guys a real gilipollas"
"What does that mean YN?"- Hinata
"Dumbass"- you
Hinata 👉🏻🌟👄🌟
Please he runs to Kageyama
"Kageyama you are a real gilipollas sometimes"- Hinata
Please Kageyama thinks it s compliment 🤣🤣🤣
"You really think so"- Kageyama running the back of his head
"Seriously he learns the word for dumbass but he can't learn the words for right and left!"- Suga
"HEY GILIPOLLAS SHUT UP"- Daichi screaming at the group
Well it's good to see they can learn under the right circumstances 😅
Anyways, you are nervous about how much the team has actually learned
You are up in the stands with Yachi
Pretty sure you and Yachi switched places in the nervous department 🤣
"Yn chill out its going to be fine"- Saeko
"Have you seen them Saeko!"- you
"Ok you right you right"- Saeko
Thanks for the confidence boost
However as the game progresses you become more and more nervous because they have yet to use their new secret weapon
Until you hear Hinata shout "lzquierda!"
Everyone else's is like 🤨🤨🤨
Seijoh is so confused
But Kageyama surprisingly knew exactly what to do
Everyone is all 🤗🎉
And you are just like 👁👄👁 they actually did it-
Honestky nobody is more shocked than you
After the game, they all run up to you and are so excited
"DID YOU HEAR ME YN? I wad all like 'bam blam smack'"- Hinata
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 yep I heard you
"Why do you look so shocked YN?"- Daichi smirking
"I actually can't believe you pulled it off"- you, still staring 👁👄👁
"You have such little faith YN"- suga
"Yes, yes I did"- you still staring
Someone check on YN please and thank you!
"I'm really proud of you guys!"- you, starting to tear up 🥲
"Thanks YN, you really saved us out there"- Asahi
"YN can we learn some more words!!"- Hinata
"You should probably learn English first"- you
🤦🤦 somethings never change
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Time for another rant about how the fandom mischaracterizes Luke just because they think he's "pure evil", and how they make up reasons not to like him to try and convince people not to like his character just because they don't personally like it😌💜
(Buckle up! This one's a long one 😅💜)
Ok so, everytime I see someone with a "hot take" about how "Luke groomed everyone in the Titan Army to join him, especially the people from camp who joined", it makes me want to claw my own eyes out...
Like, if you really got that from reading the books, I suggest that you go and listen to this little bonus track from The Lightning Thief musical for a simplified version of what happened before Luke "turned":
That is exactly what I believe happened and how it went down. 100%
Because, you're going to look me in the eyes and tell me that the person who started all of this. Who has fought ever since meeting Hal in that trap of a house. Hal, a demigod who was tortured by the god's just because they got entertainment out of it. Who they punished simply for using the power that was given to him BY THE GODS. The same person who sacrificed himself to save Luke and Thalia and asked Luke to make sure that no other Demigods die in vain. You're going to tell me that Luke, the same person who promised Hal that he would do all he could to make sure that the god's were stopped and that Demigods stop dying by the hands of the gods, wanted to recruit his friends and others in general, on purpose, just so that he could watch them die? Going against everything he stood for?? Absolutely not!
I firmly believe that he desperately tried to get the others to rethink siding with the gods! He desperately tried to get them to stay out of it regardless of what side they were ultimately on! One verse from the song that really peaks my interest is Luke talking to Silena and saying, "Silena, we don't have to fight their (the gods) battles". Kinda sounds like he's, oh I don't know, trying to talk her out of fighting in a war at all!
But then there's more! Luke tells both Silena and Clarisse multiple times that they "don't have to choose". In addition, there is also one main part, this part right here:
Now at camp we win
Be the champion
The Last Olympian standing!
(It's their fight, why bother?)
He literally is asking them, 'why bother to fight their (the gods) fight'! But also, as both Silena and Clarisse are talking about winning this war, Luke is just asking them to 'wait' and almost in a begging voice asking them to reconsider. Now why would he do that? Because he doesn't want to see them get hurt because of the god's and fighting for them when, in Luke's experiences with the god's, they wouldn't even try to fight for their children.
Luke doesn't want to see two of his friends die, just like he had to watch Hal and Thalia die!
Now I know some are probably thinking "well, that's just evidence from the musical and that doesn't count as cannon to me." That's absolutely ok because, there is also a lot of evidence from the books, even if it isn't stated out right! So let's look at that evidence from the books!
First of all, is Annabeth. If Luke really "groomed" everyone at camp to try and join his side, why did he never really try to talk her into joining him? Because, if he were going to try and get any of his important friends/ family to join him, it would be her. He doesn't really try to talk her into joining him. It seems like after Percy comes to camp and before she goes on the quest, that he distances himself from her.
In fact, it doesn't seem like Luke has ever told Annabeth about his plans. I doubt he barely even told her about how he felt about the gods! He probably hid it because he didn't want her to see his struggles. Why? Because he wanted to protect what he saw as his only family from this war for as long as possible. Much like with Clarisse and Silena in the song, he didn't want her to "pick a side", he wanted her safe and not at risk of dying a senseless death. Luke isn't stupid, he knew or at least had the feeling that he would end up dying or being in major danger of dying at least. He didn't want her involved in the first place.
Besides, with Annabeth's infatuation with Luke, if he really was manipulative and "groomed" her, then Annabeth would've joined him in a heartbeat. They probably would've been long gone together to work on setting Kronos free before Percy even had a chance to meet Ms. Dodds. But Luke knew how she was and, that she was also growing frustrated with the gods, especially so with her mother.
Then we come to the events in The Titan's Curse. Luke does kidnap her, but only because he knows that Artemis and Percy will do just about anything to save her and take her back. He already kind of knows that Atlas is going to fail. He knows that Artemis is going to try and save Annabeth because she wants her as a hunter and, even though most god's don't care about Demigods, Annabeth falls into the catagory of demigod who she swears to protect. A young, wise, strong girl who may or may not be ready to renounce men for eternity. A potential recruit.and person to worship her.
Then you have the fact that Percy is of course going to come and save Annabeth. Luke knows this! He knows that it's going to happen because, if anything, he knows his enemy. He always knew that Annabeth would end up going back with at least Percy.
However, he does trick her into holding the sky for him, that is a given. But, she accepts the challenge and follows him blindly, which is even more proof that if he really were "grooming" her back at camp, she would've followed him almost no questions asked back then!
"But what about the other Demigods who Luke recruited from camp? So what he didn't groom Annabeth into believing what he thought! He still groomed the others!"
Why would you automatically think that? Do you not believe that there were no other Demigods at camp that didn't share Luke's feelings before he even talked to them about it?
The Demigods at camp are a pretty close knit community. They almost all know each other or have at least seen each other. They've all noticed how people they usually see walking near the lake, or ones that they usually see tending to others in the infirmary, suddenly just... Disappear or just never come back. Kids in the larger cabins have probably felt the pain of seeing a younger or older sibling go out on a quest and then a week later their burning that same siblings burial shroud.
All of the kids in the Hermes cabin have realized that, if they haven't actually been claimed by Hermes himself, that the their godly parent just... Doesn't care enough to claim them or, in Ethan and Alabaster's case, they're parents are "minor gods" and that the other gods don't respect them what so ever.
All that to say that, Luke definitely wasn't the first and only demigod to really look around at things and realize how screwed up things are. However, he was the first to have enough drive and power to try and find a way to put the gods "in their place". But, that does not mean that he groomed the other campers if they already shared his sentiments.
Then we have the recruits who didn't come from camp. I will admit, there isn't much said about these kind of recruits in the books. With that said, I believe that Luke probably did what he knew best. He probably saw Demigods out in "the wild", saw that they were about to either die a senseless death by a monster or, something to do with a god, and stepped on to save them. He probably ran into so many Demigods who were just like him when he was younger. Scared, confused, hurt, alone, probably a runaway as well. So, Luke took them in and offered them protection on the princess Andromeda.
Now, did things definitely change with Luke when Kronos was truly starting to take control of his body? Absolutely. However, even to the end, Luke's true goal never changed.
Try to stop Demigods from dying senseless deaths at the hands of the gods. Make the gods take responsibility for their children.
I'm the end, Luke just wanted Demigods to have better lives, to be treated better by their own parents. To not be left alone when they're just young and confused kids. And you know what? He sacrificed himself for that. And, even to his dying breath, even his death wasn't in vain or caused by the gods. His death helped kick start change, with Percy's help.
Percy, who in the end, saw what Luke truly wanted, saw his view on things, and agreed with him. The one Demigod who from the very beginning, Luke has no intention of bringing to his side. Which brings even more evidence to, if Luke really groomed everyone to join him because no one else would want to join him or understand where he's coming from... Then why did Percy end up agreeing with most of what Luke was fighting for, especially when he gets older.
So, with everything said; no, Luke was not a "groomer". What he was is a kid who was villainized since he was younger for something he quite literally couldn't control. He was someone who was wronged and manipulated by the gods and Kronos too many times. He was a kid who looked around at the crumbling world around him and vowed to make a change. He was the catalyst for that change, opening up people's eyes to how the world really was and that it could be better. In the end he was the unfortunate hero who was meant to bring change. And in the end, he did.
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animesllut666 · 3 years
Style: Headcannon.
Characters: Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kageyama
Anime: haikyuu
Summary: You never told them when your birthday was, due to having a birthday when school was never in session. And these are the reactions, of when they find out.
Request from @blue-asher: about headcannons of some Haikyuu characters reacting to you not telling them it was your birthday? Like, they could found out from your classmates that same day or reader mentioning it days later.
A/N: Requests are currently open! Go to this post for reference! Thank you for requesting this, I can relate too it since my birthday falls when school is out of session so no one never knew unless told otherwise.
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First thing
He would gentle slap you up the head
In an .. enduring kind of way
But also a "hey what the fuck?!" Kind of way
He found out by your friends asking and pestering him what he was doing at the practice gym on this day
He replied back with "What are you doing here? I'm not the only one here,"
And they just stand there like "... He has a point"
But then one blurts out "We already visited Y/N ! And gave her gifts and told her happy birthday! What have you done?!"
Of course
He gets hit right in the face from the ball bouncing off the wall
Realizes that it is practically almost the end of the day and that you never even told.him when your birthday even was
So while standing there, and getting bombarded with questions and scolding by your friends
You walk in
Unbeknownst to the whole conversation
"Y/N-chan! You want us too beat him up?! "
They all start shouting and hollering their distaste for the whole thing
And you very calmly
Just walk over, grab his hand and lead him out of the gym.
"I.. I didn't know, I'm sorry, but you never even told me"
*que the light slap up the head
"Well, I never really see it as a big thing. I'm just getting older, and it's just a day of the year. My family and I never really do much anyways, it's not much of a big deal "
He is just standing there 🧍🏼🤦
"Just cuz you or your family don't do anything big, doesn't mean that others feel the same, now come on"
"Where are we going?"
"We are going to celebrate your birthday, now come on. Let's go get food, go to the arcade, and watch the stars above us "
Turns out Suki is a huge birthday person
He did exactly what he said
Got food, went to the arcade, won you a few gifts, and then on the walk home sat at a bench at a park, watching the stars. And pulled out a little cupcake with a candle on top.
And he made sure that once dropping you off at home
He marked his calendar and made a mental note of your birthday
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This shy
Honey bun
Y'all been dating for a while now
Almost a year
11 months
And your birthday was actually the day you both started dated
Thing is
You never said anything or mentioned it 🙃 and it didn't really cross his mind
Till it was your guys one year AND your birthday
He is going over to your house, getting ready, asking Suki if the gift is good enough and if his outfit looks good
"Did you get them another gift?"
"Its their birthday today dumbass "
he died right then and there
Starts crying and panicking
"What.. no ... No ... It can't be .. omg that's why there were birthday cards in THEIR BAG WHEN I ASKED THEM OUT!!!!!!!!!!"
Cackling in the background
"aren't you late?"
Cut to him tripping and fumbling on his way out, completely forgotting about the gifts and card
Gets to you place
Knocks on the door
A very weak knock
You barely even heard it when walking by
"Oh babe! Happy aniv- are you crying?!"
He is practically sobbing trying to hold back the tears and snot
"I forgot your gifts, and the card and food I made. Not to mention, I ... I didn't even know it is your birthday."
Ya got to reassure him that it's okay
You never really liked to celebrate your birthday anyways.
Plus it was during holiday break, so everyone was already doing their thing with families and celebrating
"It's NOT fine, I should have known, I should have asked"
It legit took your parent to tell him that's it's fine and it doesn't bother you one bit
He still wasn't convinced but both of you went back to his place to pick up the things he forgot
"I may not celebrate birthdays that much, but... You've made this one the best. That and we started dating on this day, that's the best gift of all."
His heart exploded and he died right there on the street
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Hear me out
I feel like he would KNOW the month and date
But be forgetful of it at times
He gets so in his head and with volleyball tournaments going on
And that damn flatiwaka in his thoughts
He thought your birthday was NEXT week
Not this week
So imagine his surprise when he is getting some milk
And your classmates rush over too him and start to ask him questions left and right
"What did you get them?!"
"They don't seem none the wiser that you've forgotten"
"God your such a terrible boyfriend"
"I bet it's something romantic, and he just is putting up a facade"
"what are you guys on about?" He asks taking a sip of his milk, eye brows furrowing at them
"God you guys are annoying"
It takes Hinata coming behind him
For him to realize
"Isn't it Y/N-chan birthday today?!" Hinata whispered died in his ear, having him spill his milk everywhere
Even on the classmates
"T-Thats next week ... Right?!"
Their faces
Just dead pan
"So he knows the date ... But he forgot.. "
Que you walking over and man's does a whole 360 change
Grabs you and just straight up starts apologizing
Hinata is living for it but so shocked by how his classmate and teammate just .. is begging for forgiveness
"Tobio.. what what are you talking?!"
Que Hinata "Doesn't that mean you forgot"
Que flames coming up around Kageyama "What did you say... You little orange head ass!?"
Ends up chasing after Hinata, leaving you standing there with a small smile on your face
"Aren't you upset he forgot?"
"No, I know he is just forgetful and has been planning something nice for next week."
"But your birthday is THIS week."
"Actually it was three days ago, so everyone is wrong. But it doesn't bother me, my family forgets it as well."
Que the classmates Lossing their SHIT
As their losing it
Hinata and Kageyama are running around, Hinata jumping out of his reach and Daichi coming over
"You really don't care?"
"No, but I'm going to go help Daichi before Tanaka gets involved... I can feel him circling around... Waiting."
After Kageyama was scolded and you both walked back to the classes
His head hung low, that pout on his face
"I.. I'm sorry I forgot, I'll make it up"
"It's fine, I'm used to it. My birthday was three days ago anyways, and I got to spend it with you and watch your game and totally destroy the team!"
"Oh yeah, we really di... THREE DAYS AGO?!"
Que you running away giggling
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Ha. Hahaha... This only took me a month to finish 😅
Mainly because I started, hated it, neglected it for weeks and now started completely over. But hey! I like the 2.0 version way better. Am I still a bit insecure? You bet! xD
Anyway. I actually have a question: Would anyone be interested in me not only opening requests for MysMe, but also Obey me? 👀
And if you guys wanna be added to the tag list for either of the fandoms, please let me know 😊
All that left aside, I hope you guys like this little piece of fluff 💕
Lucifer x Reader
Leaning against the kitchen counter, you reread the last messages with Simeon as you waited for the coffee to be done.
Tell Lucifer to take a break. If he's going to listen to anyone, it will be you.
"Good joke...", you muttered under your breath, stuffing the D.D.D back into your pocket.
That man was one of the most stubborn people you knew. Not to mention the amount of times you already tried to make him go to bed, only to fail miserably.
It was more than obvious that you needed to try and approach this in a way that wouldn't immediately give you away. Coax him into leaving his desk and the paperwork behind for the night. Maybe even, if all else failed, playing it a little unfair by making use of the soft spot you knew he had for you.
Letting out a quiet sigh, you poured the freshly brewed coffee into a cup to carry it carefully to the eldest brother's room.
You didn't even have to knock. The second you were about to raise a hand, his deep voice already reached your ears, a little muffled through the thick wooden door that separated you two, telling you to come in.
For some reason it never failed to make your heart skip, whenever he seemed to know exactly that you were coming to see him.
Whether it was because of the connection from the pact or a special connection you had with him, you didn't know. But frankly, you also didn't really care.
Stepping quietly inside, you made sure to close the door behind you again, before you walked over to his desk and set down the cup. Followed by pressing a kiss to his temple. Even if it was only briefly, you felt him lean into your touch.
"Thank you, MC", he hummed, his entire attention on you for a moment, until he turned back towards the stack of papers in front of him.
"You're welcome~ How are things looking?"
"Nearly done. Only a couple more documents to take care of."
"Hmm...", you only hummed as an answer.
You rested your hands on his shoulders, slowly sliding them down until they rested on his chest and you were leaning into him, chin resting on his shoulder. Your cheek pressed to his.
For a while you both stayed like that. No one saying anything. The only sounds filling the room coming from the crackling flames in the fireplace, and his pen gliding over paper.
It never failed to make you question how he managed to stay awake for so long. The fire made the room all warm and cozy. And you were convinced that at that point all the letters and numbers would've been swimming in front of your eyes, with nothing making any sense anymore.
Even draped over his shoulders like that, you could've easily fallen asleep.
"Can't the rest wait until tomorrow?"
Your voice was barely above a whisper, your lips pressed to his neck as you spoke.
"I know what you're trying to do."
"Mhm? What do you mean?"
You tried to sound as innocent and clueless as possible. Though at the same time you stood up straight, hands moving back to his shoulders where you slowly began to knead the tension out of his muscles.
Even though Lucifer still held the pen in his hand, he at least stopped writing and it didn't take long until you noticed that his eyes fluttered shut. Quiet groans escaping him when your fingers dug into especially sore spots.
"Don't play all clueless, love. I have to finish this", he began, still not making any move to make you stop. "Why don't you go ahead and go to bed? I'll join you as soon as I'm done."
He reached up to take one of your hands, pulling it closer and brushing his lips over your palm.
His answer wasn't good enough for you. And you surely wouldn't give up now. You were so close to achieve your goal. You just knew it!
"But Lucifer...", you nearly whined, using the opportunity of him being distracted to plant yourself right into his lap. Aiming your best puppy eyes at him.
"You know that I sleep way better with you next to me. The bed is too big and cold without you."
At that point you were pretty much pouting.
"MC...", he sighed, brows furrowed together as he was clearly trying not to fall for your tricks.
You, on the other hand, were far from being done. Reaching up, you began to card your fingers repeatedly through his hair. Nails occasionally scraping over his scalp. Something you knew always made him relax further.
"You really don't plan on making this easy for me, do you?"
"Nope. Wanna know why? Because I'm worried about you. Babe, you need to get a good night's sleep. Desperately. So come to bed with me. Please?"
It was possible to pinpoint the exact second his resolve crumbled into tiny pieces. Making it near impossible not to beam at your victory. After all, it was the first time in weeks where your plan actually worked.
Although there wasn't much time for you to celebrate. His fingers grabbed your chin, making you look at him that way and he leaned in so closely that your lips were nearly touching.
"Don't let this get to your head."
"Or what?"
"You'll see", was his reply, his usual smug smile adorning his face.
After finally closing the small gap between you, his lips moving slowly and gently against yours, he simply picked up up. Carrying you over to the bed where he flopped down with you.
His arms immediately encircling your waist and pulling you flush against him.
"Lucifer, we both need to get changed!"
He only grumbled, his face already buried in the crook of your neck.
You couldn't help but laugh quietly. First you had to nearly beg him to go to sleep and now he didn't even want to get into something more comfortable.
Well, at least he'd taken his shoes off. Still, you wanted him to be comfortable, which was why you began to unbutton his vest, followed by his shirt.
"I though you wanted me to sleep? Now you're trying to seduce me?"
"Shut up, I want you to be comfy. That's it."
"Mhm, whatever you say..."
He let you continue your work on his clothes. Even shifting a bit to give you better access.
When you caught his gaze, you nearly choked at the intensity of it. His eyes were so full of love and adoration. So gentle... Something you usually only saw when you two were alone. Making you cherish those moments even more.
"I love you", he whispered as soon as he pulled you back into his chest. All snuggled up under the warm blanket.
"I love you, too. Now sleep, babe."
It didn't take much longer until you noticed his breathing evening out as he fell into a deep slumber.
For a moment you just looked at his handsome face. The way he looked so relaxed, a rather rare sight, and you brushed his bangs out of his face. Afterwards you buried your face on his chest, his grounding scent and the warmth radiating from his body slowly but surely lulling you to sleep as well.
You knew you probably had to try a different approach again next time, but honestly? You didn't mind as long as it meant your lover would get the rest he needed.
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mopillow · 2 years
hey just saw the deleted post lol. and yes aside from the jian yi telling his tale part, i forgot the rest, but i’m actually going to make a new point based on that panel:
never noticed but zhen xi asks where jian yi was pretty casually. someone who supposedly was devastated and heartbroken- just to ask That casually where he was all these years like “oh hey” is kinda hmm. idk if it’s a form of protection/his reluctance aside from the unbelievableness of jian yis rendition, but now he’s doing this unfair thing to himself holding this grudge while jian yi is trying to get him back in his life. like just as jian yi needs to own up to a lot, zhen xi can’t pretend either, and at some point needs to stop going out of his way to push jian yi out of his life when he probably is dying to return to normal too. i imagine the more he holds that grudge, jian yi could be convinced he doesn’t even like him as a friend anymore, let alone a supposedly future romantic partner (considering too future tianshan are past that point while it seems very likely jian yi could just let zhan xi go at this point-like he “gets zhan xi’s point and never showed signs he even liked me so i will leave him alone”).
so unless they both man up and have that “tell all” moment (insert angsty rain confession scene bc yes) i honestly think zhen xi needs to start expressing himself more…plus he’s kind of a needy betch so it’s not like he can pretend he doesn’t want jian yi 😅
Thanks a lot for replying Anon, I was getting worried that I may had offended you in some way
Please note that OX made this chapters long ago and it is possible that they may have changed their mind about the plot once they started writing the flashback and since they’re about to publish a 📕 they may explain better on in a different way in it but we do notice that the ZZX from the first chapters and the ZZX from the future in resent chapters are not exactly the same neither is JY, ZZX is more aggressive and JY is a perv but still an idiot and the present versions of the future are not like that, ZZX does hit JY but not with the same violence and JY blushes more and sexually harasses less,
I get what you’re saying and I agree to some degree although I do have an explanation for ZZX attitude towards the question, it is possible that ZZX asks that way because he doesn’t know if Jian Yi is ready to share this with him since he hasn’t talk about it so far, I don’t think he has a grudge against JY is more like “hey dude we’re not boyfriends why are you touching me without my consent” kind of behavior and that is completely understandable
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They appear to be living together, the Christmas specials seem to be suggesting that but we see it in the 5/20 too, true they don’t look as intimate as TianShan but maybe their relationship is that way there’s always the possibility that they’re one of those couples that barely touch and lastly but not least
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Here is my main problem with JY, I know he’s the favorite of a lot of people and I respect that but for me he is not shy he is sly, ZZX has shown that he has no problem with him yet JY still doesn’t say what he wants, he does gives hints but in my opinion he needs to be straight forward about it because ZZX has this mentality
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We have witnessed that just trying to force intimacy doesn’t work but talking about your feelings and needs does get you closer of what you want, I mean HT is winning in life and he got it by being sincere with Mo, that’s why I believe that JY should be making an effort to ask ZZX out, he’s the one who has the “is either you or celibacy” mentality but at the same time he is waiting for a signal of his stone faced friend like g damn it JY don’t you know him?! Instead of copying the ass grabbing technique of He Tian learn the “now you can’t live without me” one, the fucking worst part is that ZZX already is in that place, at least ZhanYi is not like QCheng, poor Cheng can’t be more clear but Q just don’t get it
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