#hey olivier you don't need dion as a big brother
tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
“Sir Terence, I want a horse. See, my emperor here needs a steed now that he has a hunting companion… You must procure it!” He is waving his little toys intensely, for added urgency.
@cinderella-gurei <3
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For a moment, Terence nigh fears that Olivier is talking about an actual horse. Yet when the boy waves his little toys up at him, the dragoon understands, relief washing through his body. That makes matters certainly easier. The doll is Olivier's constant companion, but Terence hasn't seen the small falcon he's holding before. That must be his new hunting companion, then.
"Hm, he would indeed need a steed. You're right," Terence hums, a hand at his chin as he ponders what to do. Of course he doesn't have any toys in his possession here that he could give Olivier, nor would he be able to leave the palace grounds early enough to buy one for him. However, Terence well remembers the games that he used to play with his brothers and his sister. Figurines and dolls, going into battle against one another, mounted on chocobos and horses alike. One of the horses that he was particularly fond of ━ a gift from his father ━ should be just the right size for the doll... Perhaps Olivier would like it.
"If that is alright with you, Your Highness, I should have a horse ready for your emperor by tomorrow. Do you think you'd be able to come meet me here again?"
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