#hey they've been in Nikal's inventory FOREVER might as well get some use out of them
victorluvsalice · 3 years
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And then I remembered I had Flutterberries (from their Tree of Emotion) in Nikal’s inventory. So they chowed down and promptly started engaging in all the PDA. XD Which hilariously coincided with the NPC hanging out there finally heading out, so I was able to get my pretty pictures in the gazebo after all. :D I really like some of the background buildings in this world -- they’re very cool-looking!
Anyway, the date ended at Gold, as most of my dates in this game do -- Emmett took the opportunity to practice his “Florolorial” spell on the local chocoberries, then he and Nikal had a nice relaxing swim in the river Bagley. I was going to just send them home after that. . .
But then I figured -- “You know what? Let’s do a little more magic stuff before we end this week. They deserve it.” So it was off to the Magical Realm to see what was what there! Nikal spent her time with Simeon, who kindly taught her the spell Copypasto! And Emmett?
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