#hey uhh it's my 10 year tumblr anniversary
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unorcadox · 10 months
howdy, i'm mabel! it's the 3 year anniversary of unorcadox today, so i've prepared a decent bit of surprises. (and yes that means i started this blog in 2020, which is terrifying to think about.) i'll go into those new things under the cut, but first... check out the carrd linked in the header text of this post :3c
sooo soo so so so where on earth do i begin. uhh honestly let me just break down the new stuff first since i can talk about that more easily.
THE NEW LOOK! ok so like truth be told, i've been a faceless blog on purpose up until now. it wasn't until this summer where i actually liked how i looked or had any solid sense of my own aesthetic or what i wanted to look like. it also made it easier to protect against dysphoria and transphobes in the same breath, as no one could ever comment on any aspect of my appearance, or even the mere suggestion i even had one to begin with! but that all changes now, i'm going to actually have a presence on this blog, as it is MY blog and tbh i'm tired of being so faceless on here. that's why i've been doing more asks and non-edit posts recently, and those will increase in frequency. check out the carrd for more info, my sona's ref, and art credits for assets on here <3
mondays -> MUSIC MONDAYS! so it might come as a shock i'm actually a musician in addition to making stuff on here! i've promoted my music a couple of times by now, but nothing all that substantial. sooo, considering that, i'm going to be replacing monday oc posts with a music post! just a link to a song on my bandcamp and a little description about it. i don't really care if these perform particularly well, but i want to give people a chance to actually hear it without having to deep dive through my entire internet history to get it. i also will be releasing more soon-- whether via compilations of older work or new stuff altogether :3
MORE IN THE FUTURE! i have a couple other ideas up my sleeve, we'll see how they pan out but i wanna keep trying new possibilities on here. i think at this point i've proven my consistency, and it's about time i let myself have a little fun and explore my options. these will be announced individually but probably added here over time as this is the new pinned post lol.
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ok so anyways, i do wanna have the mandatory sappy segment because of course i do. i want to say a couple of things but i'll split them into bullet points again bc yeah i do that.
this year has been really good for me and the blog, in most ways it's been the straight up best year of my life uncontested. not everything has gone perfectly, i had other plans that fell through, but hey that's just how life goes huh. at one point, i was easily projected to hit 20k by the end of the year, and now i'll be happy if i hit 17k lol. tumblr has not been that kind to my blog's growth this year and it's making me consider other options in the future, but everything's so scary rn i don't wanna commit to anything.
as for the blog itself, i've kinda been in a weird spot with it for a while. i've been scraping by on here intermittently for the entire year on and off, and i might have some ways to help keep me on top of the ball during the next year, but i also do wonder how long i can really keep doing this, and how long people will still like weirdcore and my work in particular. i've been considering branching out in terms of my presentation, or format, or style, but i feel incredibly weird about doing so.
in my personal life, this is the year i finally started transitioning and seeking treatment for my most pressing issues. i've finally started dating the love of my life, my best friend of 10 years, and despite some interpersonal turmoil all around me, i think i'm finally finding safe ground and knowing what i wanna do next. i don't really talk about it on here because i'm very private about it, but i've been kinda slowly becoming like a Real Adult Person this year. i didn't really have much of a chance to prior and i still am struggling a lot, but hey i know what i want now!
it's really silly to say but this blog still means a lot to me! it's seen me through the craziest times in my entire life, it's brought me so much perspective and knowledge and opportunities i wouldn't've had otherwise. i wake up every day and go on here and never stop feeling starstruck that people chose to follow me. i know tumblr success means nothing but to me it's the only community i've ever actually belonged to, so thank you all.
ok so like i really just don't have much else to say anymore, so i think i'll end it there! thank you all again, i can't wait for year 4 as it's going to definitely be a crazy one lol. let's hope it's a good one too!
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hypmic-writings · 6 years
Masterlist as of8/16/2020~
!Buster Bros!
When their s/o sleeps in their jacket~
Buster Bros relationship headcanons~
When there's a large spider in the house~
Scenario where you're Ichiro's gf and you act like the 'eldest yamada sister' to Jiro and Saburo~
When their s/o has been hiding their heterochromia~
Ichiro Yamada:
When you have a bad day and he cheers you up~
Ichiro live in boyfriend headcanons~
How he celebrates your birthday~
When you're his chubby s/o headcanons~
NSFW First time with Ichiro headcanons~
NSFW Ichiro headcanons~
Ichiro finds out you're pregnant~
NSFW Ichiro with a bratty, bottom s/o~
Ichiro - 6.“Oh my God! You’re in love with her!”~
Being in a triple relationship with Samatoki and Ichiro headcanons~
Ichiro - 9. “I am not losing you again.”~
Ichiro when he accidentally runs into his childhood crush after many years~
Ichiro with a short s/o~
Ichiro - 28. “You did this for me?”~
When his s/o has night terrors~
When their s/o is depressed and having a bad day~
Comforting his s/o and reassuring them that he loves them~
First date with Ichiro~
Ichiro - 54. “God, you feel so good”(NSFW)
Ichiro Soulmate AU
Ichiro - 36. “Where are you right now?”
Ichiro - 19. “It’s kind of like an adventure, right?”
Ichiro - 8. “Let's go to the beach!”
Jiro Yamada:
Jiro relationship headcanons~
When Jiro has a tongue piercing~
Jiro - 35. “Damn, I didn’t think it would hurt this much”
Saburo Yamada:
Saburo meeting his s/o headcanons~
When they have a cute, small s/o~
Wedding day headcanons~
When his s/o has an asthma attack~
Saburo - 10. “My heart hurts whenever I look at you”
Saburo - 22. “Are you implying I’m…attractive?”
+Mad Trigger Crew+
MTC NSFW headcanons~
MTC ideal type~
MTC in a zombie apocalypse~
MTC being protective~
MTC wedding day headcanons~
MTC and pregnancy announcements~
Poly!MTC - 42. “I don’t think we’re going to make it out this time”
Samatoki Aohitsugi:
Riou x Samatoki relationship headcanons~
Juto x Samatoki relationship headcanons~
Samatoki relationship headcanons~
How he celebrates your birthday~
Samatoki cuddling headcanons~
Samatoki running into his crush~
Samatoki NSFW headcanons~
Samatoki husband headcanons~
Samatoki - 38. “I just wanted an easy day with my boyfriend. What’s so wrong with that?”
Samatoki - 34. “The way you flirt is shameful.”
Samatoki - 50. “Don’t use me as an example. I wasn’t a good kid.”
Being in a triple relationship with Samatoki and Ichiro headcanons~
Samatoki when he accidentally runs into his childhood crush after many years~
Samatoki - 20. "I’m sorry if this upsets you, but I’m going to marry her/him.”
When his s/o has night terrors~
When they walk in on their s/o naked~
When you're Nemu's friend and you confess to him~
When their s/o is depressed and having a bad day~
Comforting his s/o and reassuring them that he loves them~
Samatoki showing his s/o off to MCD~
When his s/o plays video games for hours~
When his fem s/o is self-conscious of being 'masculine'~
Samatoki - 69. “Not now, there are people here!”(NSFW)
Samatokix male!reader - 62. “I am not a bottom!”(NSFW)
Samatoki - 59. “Purr for me, kitten”(NSFW)
Samatoki - 4. “How is your hair so soft?”
Samatoki - 54. “God, you feel so good”(NSFW)
Samatoki - 1. “You look stunning tonight”
Juto Iruma
Juto x Samatoki relationship headcanons~
Juto NSFW headcanons~
Juto with a small, timid s/o~
Juto - "48. “Is there a special reason, as to why you’re wearing my shirt?”
Juto husband headcanons~
Domestic Juto headcanons~
Juto taking his partner on vacations headcanons~
When he's your high school sweetheart~
Juto - 21. “Why would you think I wouldn’t want to help you”
Riou Busujima:
Riou x Samatoki relatinship headcanons~
NSFW Riou headcanons~
Riou - 48. “Is there a special reason, as to why you’re wearing my shirt?”
Fluffy Riou headcanons~
Riou - 9. “Can I lay next to you for a bit?”
**Fling Posse**
NSFW Fling Posse headcanons~
Fling Posse playing UNO~
Ramuda Amemura:
Ramuda relationship headcanons~
Ramuda x Jakurai TDD friendship headcanons~
Jealous Ramuda scenario~
Ramuda with a short s/o headcanons~
Ramuda x Gentaro headcanons~
Yandere!Ramuda scenario~
Ramuda finds out you're pregnant~
Ramuda dating a famous s/o~
When his s/o tries to make him blush~
Ramuda - 2. “Did you enjoy yourself last night?” and 7. “You make me feel like I’m not good enough.”
NSFW Ramuda headcanons~
Ramuda - 1. “I don’t want to have a baby.”~
Ramuda - 1. “I don’t want to have a baby.” PART 2~
Comforting his s/o and reassuring them that he loves them~
When they have a cute, small s/o~
Ramuda falling in love with a 'plain jane'~
Ramuda x Jakurai "Safe words are imporant,"(NSFW)
Ramuda - 56. “I love it when you put your hands there”
Gentaro Yumeno:
SFW/NSFW Gentaro headcanons~
Gentaro with s/o headcanons~
Ramuda x Gentaro headcanons~
How Gentaro teases Dice headcanons~
Gentaro x Dice headcanons~
Gentaro with an s/o who has trust issues headcanons~
Gentaro - 35. “I waited and waited, but you never came back.”
When they walk in on their s/o naked~
Gentaro with a shy s/o~
When their s/o is an idol~
When he's your high school sweetheart~
Gentaro x Dice (Hogwarts!AU) - 5. “I just want to live in this moment forever”
Gentaro - 72. “I can never get enough of your lips”(NSFW)
Gentaro - Soulmate AU
DicexGentaro - Royalty!AU - 1. “You look stunning tonight”
Gentaro - 71. “Your skin is so soft”(slightly NSFW)
Gentaro - 10. “My heart hurts whenever I look at you”
Dice Arisugawa:
Dice relationship headcanons~
Dice with a small s/o headcanons~
Dice with a pregnant s/o headcanons~
Gentaro x Dice headcanons~
Headcanons when his s/o has anxiety~
Angsty Dice gambling headcanons~
Dice - 35. “I waited and waited, but you never came back.” and 39. “Go then, leave! See if I care!”
DicexDoppo - 8. “For some reason I’m attracted to you.”
Gentaro x Dice (Hogwarts!AU) - 5. “I just want to live in this moment forever”
DicexGentaro - Royalty!AU - 1. “You look stunning tonight”
Dice - 70. “I’ve always wanted to try that this!” (NSFW)
Matenrou relationship headcanons~
NSFW Matenrou relationship headcanons~
Matenrou wedding headcanons~
Summer with Matenrou~
Jakurai Jinguji:
Ramuda x Jakurai TDD friendship headcanons~
Scenario when you nervously confess to Jakurai~
Jakurai cuddling headcanons~
Jakurai - 25. “I thought you were dead.”
How he takes care of you when you're sick~
Jakurai when he accidentally runs into his childhood crush after many years~
When his s/o tries to make him blush~
NSFW Jakurai as a caretaker~
Jakurai's s/o taking care of him when he's drunk~
When his s/o has a terminal disease~
Assassin!au when you are kidnapped~
When their s/o is depressed and having a bad day~
Jakurai with a small s/o~
Comforting his s/o and reassuring them that he loves them~
When Jakurai is busy and his s/o is lonely~
Jakurai falling for a blind singer~
Ramuda x Jakurai "Safe words are imporant,"(NSFW)
Jakurai - 38. “I hate myself”
Jakurai - 8. “Let’s go to the beach!”
Jakurai - Soulmate AU
Hifumi Izanami:
Hifumi's gf trying to help him with his gynophobia headcanons~
Headcanons when his s/o has anxiety~
Hifumi taking care of his sick s/o~
Posessive Hifumi headcanons~
Hifumi meeting a girl who is afraid of men~
p>Hifumi - 63. “Don’t tease me like that” - NSFW
HifumixDoppo - Hogwarts!AU - 25. “We should totally NOT do that!”
Hifumi - 5. “I just want to live in this moment forever”
Hifumi - 71. “Your skin is so soft”(NSFW)
Doppo Kannonzaka:
Doppo relationship headcanons~
Scenario when you're both depressed but you're strong for him ~
How he celebrates your birthday~
How he relieves stress headcanons~
NSFW Doppo headcanons when you're a sub~
Doppo - 1. “I don’t want to have a baby.”
Headcanons when his s/o has anxiety~
DicexDoppo - 8. “For some reason I’m attracted to you.”
When they walk in on their s/o naked~
Doppo having a crush on his cheerful neighbor~
When his fem s/o is self-conscious of being 'masculine'~
Doppo - 73. “How did they…how are they doing that?”(slight NSFW)
HifumixDoppo - Hogwarts!AU - 25. “We should totally NOT do that!”
Doppo - 75. “Let me help you relax”(NSFW)
Doppo in a secret relationship with his colleague(NSFW)
$Bad Ass Temple$
When their s/o sleeps in their jacket~~
Kuko Harai
When they have a cute, small s/o~
When his s/o plays video games for hours~
Jyushi Aimono
Jyushi with a strong s/o~
Jyushi x Amanda headcanons~
Jyushi - 62. “I am not a bottom!””(NSFW)
Hitoya Amaguni
Hitoya - 11. “I think I picked up your coffee by mistake.”~
Hitoya wanting to take his s/o for a motorcycle ride but they have anxiety~
•Dotsuitare Honpo•
Sasara Nurude:
How he takes care of you when you're sick~
Sasara - 23. “This is by far the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.”
Sasara - 18. “Wait a second, are you jealous?”
Sasara trying to make his crush laugh~
When their s/o is an idol~
Sasara falling for his rival~
When his fem s/o is self-conscious of being 'masculine'~
Sasara and his s/o having a relaxing night~
Sasara - 11. “I could never forget someone like you”
Rosho Tsutsujimori
Helping Rosho with his stage fright~
When he's your high school sweetheart~
Rei Amayado
None yet~
Otome Tohoten
None yet~
Ichijiku Kadenokoji
When you confess to her~
Nemu Aohitsugi
Nemu - 8. “For some reason I’m attracted to you.”
Which snacks the boys would like~
- 500 Followers Celebration Prompts~
- NSFW Alphabet~
- Shipping Game~
- Three Sentence Fics~
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