#hhhhhhhhhhh 🥲
sourapplesauces · 5 months
No joke i think school might put me in the hospital
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fadenotrainbow · 2 months
Anxiety Leads to Insomnia
1. sekolah - ngajar apa TA depan gaje hhhhhhhhhhh
2. duit - hadeh niat liburan malah banyak pengeluaran. 1 gigi ajah habis 5juta belum sama obat2. Cc 1 belum kelar, ada lagi nambah cc🥲
3. rumah - belum pindahan, belum beli ini itu, belum benerin ini itu, ini nanti barang2 bejibun mau taruh dimana.
4. gigi - masih ada 3 yg harus dicabut. 1x cabut ajah uda sakit smpe pusing
5. Abby - uda bisa marah2 dan nangis2 kalau ngga diturutin
Trus keinget ayat devosi yg aku bawain, “Be still and know that I am God.”
Huhuhuhuhu nangis. Tuhan tolong.
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I am finally back with my dogs 🥰
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stars-of-the-heart · 2 years
7, 10, 12, 16, 31, 38, 44 and 49 for the ask game thing!! 💚
7:  Favorite song: IT KEEPS CHANGING, but currently, it’s MAISON by Dreamcatcher!
10: Any secondary blogs: Yes, an OCs blog but there’s nothing on there yet 🥲 ( @the-universe-in-our-mind, for anyone’s interested 😌✌🏻)
12: What would you do if you won the lottery: Firstly, pay for my studies, then buy myself a decent house and finally, working on opening my own library! 📚💗
16: What languages do you speak: Sadly, only French and English but I do want to learn more languages!!
31: Heels or flats: I don’t have the patience for heels HHHHHHHHHHHHHH so flats!!!
38: One of my obsessions: The whole Last Legacy universe, even if it’s on hiatus right now 🥲
44: A random fact: My favourite flower is the sunflower! 🌻
49: Fandoms you’re in: There’s a lot tbh HHHHHHHHHHH but my main ones are Stray Kids, Last Legacy, Tokyo Revengers, Haikyuu and Stardew Valley! There is way more but I guess it’s more in a casual way! ☺️
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