#hi so i dont think this makes sense without an explanation
crows-in-sevens · 5 months
the old man
warns others
but the boy
had wished for —
now regrets
his power over it:
the change in
(You can read it straight down, but the other way to read it is by reading the first line of the first stanza, then first line of the second stanza, then first of third, then second of fourth, then second of first, then second of second, then so on. Giving you:
The old man had wished for his power over it: fate. Warns others and mourns. Listen; but the boy now regrets the change in everyone.
I thought I was so clever haha
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paintingformike · 2 years
mlevens when the challenge is to explain these scenes without having to go through insane mental gymnastics every single time
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demadogs · 2 years
As a film student what would you say is the strongest Byler proof that was 100% intentional?
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oh this by FAR. 1000%. after volume 2 when we were all still in our confused/disappointed/doubting stage this was the number one thing i kept coming back to.
every other byler evidence could have a shitty half-assed explanation except for this one. people try to rationalize everything else like how at rink-o-mania he said “we’re friends! we’re friends.” and try to say its proof of him friendzoning will or that he couldnt say he loves el because “his parents never say it” or shit like that but THIS??? there is literally no other possible meaning to framing mike perfectly inside the closet. WHILE HE DOESNT KISS HER BACK AND KEEPS HIS EYES OPEN.
the closet perfectly divides their kiss, showing that the conflict dividing their relationship is the fact that mike is in the closet. (which is also why i believe mike is gay, not bi, bc then this frame wouldnt make sense bc he would still like girls so the closet itself wouldnt be whats dividing the relationship, just his feelings for will). if there was just a visible closet in the background of this scene i could see how one would argue that it was unintentional but you dont just accidentally frame someone this perfectly without there being a reason.
this is actually what convinced me byler was happening in the first place. when s2 came out i shipped byler and thought it was cute but after s3 i saw someone point this out and i was like “wait holy shit theyre really doing it”.
i love this shot i think its brilliant.
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conditioned-to-obey · 24 days
Hi i have a question please
In day to day life i am very dominant very hard on people i dont like disrespect i dont like being told what to do even tho i love manly man and i love man who s dominant but for example i dont like giving full control to the guy to tell me what to do how to act or like when the guy be like bring me that or do that for me or you know with full subs like they cant eat with their doms or you may eat after i finish you know very acting like she s beneath you it feels very patriarchy to me
However i am very submissive in bed and i like to be spanked and roughed around but the shame afterwards is a lot like i feel like if my dom spanks me as punishment and he tells me what to do i dont really have control and cant fight you know
Idk if this makes sense and sorry for the long explanation lol but i just want to make peace with how i am in bed and in real life and how to do so
What you are describing is about 3 different things at once.
Firstly, "Full subs" doesn't label what you're describing correctly. Eating after/separate of a Dom or that level of control and protocol falls more in line with subs who practice master/slave sub dynamics. Usually seen in scenes or during events. High protocol such as this is not sustainable for most in the long run. As which, shouldn't be looked at as a base line for kink. Or seen as what it means to be a full sub. It's just one type of sub. One you don't resonate with, which is totally fine. It's not for everyone.
For example sake, the practice of eating from a bowl on the floor or separate can be done without misogynistic or patriarchal undertones. I have seen it in pet play a lot. You aren't treated as lesser, it doesn't have to be degrading or humiliation if you don't wish it to bed. It can be being taken care of, fed and pamper. A lot of subs can find it fun to play and eat out of a cute dish while someone pets their head and smiles. It depends on the angle in which it's played.
Second, yes, the themes you are uncomfortable with seems to be the idea of not being in control or feeling lesser or feeling scolded/corrected. Easily fixed by not giving him that control—outside of the bedroom or otherwise. You do not have to be a sub who gets punishments. You have control to fully take that off the table.
From what you describe your enjoyment falls under masochism and roughness. These do not have to be achieved through punishment. You can do it because you enjoy it, no scolding or framing it as corrective action. In fact it can even be a reward. This may alleviate some of that shame you feel by not being treated as lesser. Rather just as a sub who enjoys roughness in a controlled way.
There is no right or wrong way to be a sub. You can simply just be a bottom who is a masochist as well. Don't put yourself in a box. Submission is on your terms. I'm sure plenty of partners would be happy to be dominating in the bedroom and on totally equal footing outside the bedroom. People who carry a lot of responsibility in day to day life find being submissive or giving temporary control to be very freeing and a release for them. It doesn't have to be one or the other.
It's called a Power Exchange, not a Power Loss.
If it feels like you don't have a choice or are have lost your autonomy, free will or ability to speak up then you need to advocate for yourself and be an active participant in articulating why it isn't working. You have more power than you think. Your Dom either agrees and is satisfied with the arrangement of power exchange and when, or they are not. Either way it's a conversation to be had.
Best of luck.
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eueuphoriaz · 4 months
Hange's last fight.
I was getting some references for some of Hange's fight poses for a personal project and realised that she is the only one who died without any blood on her.
Ok. The heat from the titans vapourised the blood.
And think about how fast Hange is moving between those Titans to avoid the heat. And she has proven that she is, in fact, very nimble. (Leaping away at her first fight scene in ep 9, leaping away multiple times from Sawney and Beane, leaping away from the talking titan in the OVA)
Still in her last moment, she is still looking if the airboat has taken off.
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And that look of determination on her face.
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Honestly, that scene hit so hard because the emotions are all experienced by the on-watchers, aka us. Hange, not showing any fear makes the scenes so emotional.
Look at her last facial expression. I compared with Erwin's cos both are basically heading towards their death knowingly.
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I dont sense fear in Hange's expression even as she is burning. I read that the pupil's constriction and dilation convey emotions. Dilation is caused by our body's sympathetic nervous response (fight or flight), with constriction is the opposite, by the parasympathetic nervous system. It also means when your pupils are constricted, you may be focused. The burrowing of her brows, just depict her conviction and determination so strongly, in the face of death.
Just another quick analysis from Erwin's charge.
The scene of the 3 scouts depict fear and apprehension when Erwin first told them his plan. All of them had the same expression.
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Next, after his motivating speech, Marlowe's expression became determined while Floch showed apprehension still. The girl is a bit hard to read but her pupil gets a little more dilated.
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And then their last moment. Do I need more explanation on the fear the facial expressions and the eyebrows show?
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Hange is truly the most marvellous character in AOT.
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 3 months
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𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐆𝐨 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭
Pairing: Chan x fem!reader (zombie apocalypse au) Word count: 1.1k T_T Warnings: non really >.> hongjoong is scery,
A/N: might end up redoing this whole series >.> i dont like it rn >.>
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Chapter 4
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You and Chan hadn't spoken at all since what happened. The members could sense the tension the moment Chan entered the base, Changbin was about to ask him how it had gone but seeing the infuriated look on Chan's face, he steered clear of him and let Chan storm to his room.
"What happened?" Jisung asked Hyunjin.
He shook his head, pursing his lips and looking at you.
Seonghwa went straight to his room, surprising even Minho, who tilted his head at you, as if expecting an explanation.
You didn't speak even at dinner which Chan, even after Minho went to call him, refused to attend.
You poked at your food until Jeongin finally snapped.
"What happened?!" He almost shouted.
You looked at him, opened your mouth then closed it.
"Nothing." Seonghwa said.
"It's clearly something." Minho looked at him.
You pushed your chair back and left without a word. You left the base and climbed onto a car, sitting there and staring at the setting sun. Why was San even there... Why was Hongjoong still looking for you? As if hopping three cities wasn't enough to make him think you and Hwa were dead. You felt tears burning your eyes, what would he do if he found you? With them? What would he do to Seonghwa? To Chan? To the base?
You bit your lip and sucked in a shaky breath. Run.. just run.. If he knows you ran they'll be safe. You slid off the car to make a run for it when you stopped yourself. But where would you go? With what resources? You kicked a piece of metal hard, it clattered against the old road and hit another rundown car. You slid to the ground beside the car you stood on and pulled your knees close to your chest.
You looked up as you heard the deep voice. Yongbok.
"Are you okay?" He said quietly, sitting next to you.
You looked at him. "Yeah."
"Chan told me what happened..."
"So how can you ask if I'm okay?" You shot.
"Because I got what Chan had to say," He turned to face you. "Who's Hongjoong? What happened?"
You bit your lip. "I can't say.."
"Why not?"
"It's not my business. But it is."
"So it's Hwa's business."
You nodded.
"I get it." Yongbok turned away from you and reached to hand you something. It was a small lollipop. "Chan's not mad at you.." He whispered. "He's worried." he took your hand and rested the lollipop in your palm. "You're one of us. You and Seonghwa, if you're in danger we'll be there." He closed you hand and patted your hand gently. "Because we're a team... Nah we're family.."
You stared at the freckled man for a moment.
He stood and walked back to the base entrance. "Don't let what Chan does get to you. It's because he cares." He entered the car and slid down into the base, leaving you with your thoughts.
Chan looked up as Jisung entered his room. "I said-"
"Minho wants to talk to you." the chubby cheeked man said.
"I'm not hungry."
"Then don't eat." Minho walked into the room anyway and sat on Chan's bed. "How long do you intend to ignore Y/n?"
"Until she tells me what's going on."
"Does she have to tell you?"
"She's surviving in my base so yes."
"Everyone has to know everything." Chan sighed. "For our own safety."
"Our?" Minho raised a brow. "What about Eunbi? Will you tell them about her?"
"You know I can't." Chan huffed.
"Then cut Y/n some slack."
"It's not the same!" Chan said, volume rising.
"How is it any different?!" Minho stood, staring at his friend.
"Because... because we have too much to lose now." Chan looked at his hands. "All the times we almost died just to build this place from the ground up. Eunbi is one person. Wherever Y/n was before.. that's a whole group and they look borderline insane."
Minho didn't say anything for a moment. "What if she has her own reasons? Her and Seonghwa."
Chan didn't say anything to that.
"Think what you want." Minho shrugged. "She's the last person I think would try to hurt us intentionally." He turned to leave.
"I'm worried." Chan said softly. "Not just about us. I'm worried about her. She looked like she saw a ghost when she heard Hongjoong's name."
Minho looked at him. "So? You just gonna let her be scared forever?"
Chan bit his lip. "No."
"Fix it." Minho smiled and walked out of the room.
"So I will.." He muttered. Only when he went to fix whatever "it" was, he found you already laughing with Hyunjin and Seonghwa. As if nothing were wrong at all.
Hongjoong looked at San, San looked at Hongjoong.
"You saw them?"
"Yes sir." San said. "She has a new group."
"Does she?" Hongjoong leaned back in his chair. "Do you know where to find them?"
"Not yet, but we do know where they might appear again.." San smiled. "They're trying to get a plane running. Maybe to use the radio or escape? But that plane is their best shot."
"Who was she with?" Hongjoong asked. "Describe them."
"Seonghwa for one. And a very cocky guy with a funny accent."
"What kind of accent?"
Hongjoong looked at the woman in the dark corner of his office. "Why does it matter Eun?"
"Yeah-" San started.
"What kind of accent?" She pressed.
"Australian." San said.
She stepped out of the dark and stared at him. The mask she wore covering her face, she looked at Hongjoong. "You said this girl ran away from you?"
"More like she was taken." Hongjoong said lowly as he thought of Seonghwa.
"I may know who she's with.. finding him is the issue." She sighed. "Birds of feather flock together."
"I need to talk to you."
You looked up at Chan from where you sat.
Seonghwa stared at him. "About?"
"Was I talking to you?"
"It's fine." You stood, "We can talk."
When he pulled you out of the room he didn't beat around the beach before asking, "What's up with all that? Hongjoong, those people-"
"It's not my business to say."
"Chan." You stared at him. "Why bother?"
"You really just like being mysterious don't you?" Chan rolled his eyes. "I'm asking to protect us all."
"Even if I told you Hongjoong would still get around anything you have."
"You don't know tha-"
"I DO!" You snapped.
Chan looked at you.
"He's not going to wait for you to come up with some big plan and then attack. He's a killer. He's unpredictable. You need to fucking listen to me."
Chan sighed and looked around, his eyes meeting Hyunjin's and then Minho's, who were peeked around the corner listening. Whoever this guy was, why he had you and Seonghwa so scared, he needed to know. He had to protect everyone.. "I'm all ears."
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© 2024 xxkissesforchanniexx. DO NOT COPY OR TRANSLATE MY WORK
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lobotoboy · 1 month
Time to combine two fixations together, and create a new thing that I'm almost 100% certain has been thought of before!
A DANGANRONPA X RIDE THE CYCLONE AU (please someone make art of this, i'll post my attempt at a jane doe pic for this au later, but im still a beginner lmao) CAST (with explanation): To preface, I wanted everyone except Jane to have died in either their game or anime arc. Ocean O'Connell Roseburg: Ruruka Ando So this one was hard, because I initially wanted to stick to just the games, but neither Mahiru nor Hiyoko fit the bill for me, so I went with Ruruka. Personally, I think she's underrated, I feel like she's very compelling, and like Ocean, has room to grow in a similar way. I think she believes her way is the best way, like Ocean, and has the potential to learn differently. Constance Blackwood: Chiaki Nanami Chiaki is an obligatory add for me, no doubt about it. Constance is UNDERRATED, LOVE HER MORE PLEASE. Sugar Cloud is all about Constance finally recognizing the good things about her life around her, and Chiaki has a similar world view in both the anime and the games. If you look in the anime especially, she's one of the few characters who seems to understand a person can have worth without having a talent, and that's something that should be praised. Also she's my best friend's (@multifanforever) wife, so she's chill ig. Noel Gruber: Nagito Komaeda Do I *really* need to explain this one? Look at him. Name me a better character to put here, I dare you. In all seriousness, Monique is giving Servant Nagito vibes, and he'd SLAY Noel's Lament. Mischa Bachinski: Leon Kuwata Leon was also a bit of an 'out of left field' (teehee) pick for me, but Mischa's a rapper and Leon wants to break into music. Mischa's got a bit of angst in him, and so does Leon. Leon and Mischa are respectful lovers of women, so I feel like they'd be buddies and thus fit.
Jane Doe: Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura WHERE DO I START SDUEHFEUFHWE I LOVE JANE AND I LOVE THESE TWO FUCKS. My stupid ass husband and his evil (not really) alter ego. Aside from personal bias for my favorite characters, I think they fit the most. I could (and want to) write a dissertation about Hajime and Izuru, but for the main gist of it, the way his identity is erased in canon, lines up with how Jane doesn't know who she is. At the end too, when they pick who gets to not be dead (i honestly dont understand the ending of rtc, is it resurrection, changing the timeline, rebirth?) it could be reminiscent of Hajime coming back post Neo World Program. Also Izuru lends himself really well to a creepier design. Ricky Potts: Kaito Momota They both kind of have that kind of selfless attitude to them, Kaito's illness is a good match for Ricky's disability, and obviously space. I also headcanon Kaito as a cat person. The Amazing Karnak: Junko Enoshima To me, they have similar, joking vibes to them. I feel like she'd mess with them just as much, if not a bit more than Karnak does. The changing rules and such are just for her entertainment. Virgil the Rat: Monokuma (obvi) I feel like Monokuma would rock the bass, and obviously makes sense as the one to accompany Junko.
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dididi11 · 2 months
I dont plan to get back into HH, but here are some things that have triggered me and that ik sure alot of people can agree on:
1. I feel like Charlie's idea of redemption can be seen through alot of perspectives. HOWEVER- what she specifically wants is to redeem EVERY soul. Now there's a reason to why hell exists, it's made for people who have done terrible things in their life, which is why they get banished to Hell in the first place. We may not know when a soul is actually pure enough to get redeemed- BUT we do know what you would have to be to end up in Hell. Murderers, RÆpists, Cannibals, Paedophiles- just all of those in the horrible category most definitely DON'T deserve a second chance. And even if they somehow did get redeemed, how would the victims in Heaven feel? Heaven is the place where they're supposed to feel safe- So how the hell do you expect to put them in the same place together without any conflicts? If you truly want to get the right people into Heaven, then you should background check every single Sinner throughly.
2. Adam- We all love love him and hate him, but there is one person to blame for when it comes to his Character: Vivziepop. I feel like she used the "Annoying Villain who doesn't care about anything that the protagonist has to say and is just downright badly written" trope way to often. He could've had so much potential to be a good written Character that would actually explain to Charlie why sinners just can't be redeemed. It just felt unnecessary to only let him be a douchebag, sing his song (which was banger don't get me wrong-) and shorten their time by 6 months for the next extermination to cause Charlie another COMPLETELY unnecessary problem. And all that for NO reason, "Yeah, but that's because he's a douch-" And that's exactly my point, why waste your time and effort on a basic ahh character if he's going to be a just an ordinary douche anyway? The first Season would've been so much more interesting if we actually had a logical explanation to why others are against of Charlie's idea. But no, instead all we get is "ahahaha, Sinners are stupid. They deserve Hell." Also why the Hell did Adam shorten the time for the extermination by 6 months?? It felt so unnecessary, They probably felt like the first Season would've been boring without any Action- and I'm pretty sure they could've made a different Scene that was also Epic without it not making sense.
2. ADAM AGAIN- I don't want this to be just about Adam, but since he is dead (BY FUCKING NIFFTY I HATE HER) and maybe wont come back- since we don't know if he'll get respawned..what kind of punishment will Lucifer specifically receive? To clarify things, Lucifer had disobeyed the rules of Heaven and Hell, he helped his daughter and her friends kill off half of the exorcists and even threatened them to retreat. And the worst part of all of this is that he would've killed Adam if Charlie hadn't stopped him. Even though Adam was killed by NIFFTY, I'm pretty sure the blame would be put on Lucifer instead of some Sinner. So what will happen if they try to communicate with Heaven again? They literally killed the first human of mankind created by God himself. Honestly at that point it would be a pretty huge deal and Charlie's redemption idea wouldn't even be looked into.
2. Emily and Charlie- I hate how none of the Characters genuinely understand the ACTUAL purpose of the extermination. It's to prevent Hell from gaining to much power, that's why they need to make sure to kill off half of the population. It was never about the redemption of Sinners, so Charlie shouldn't even think about canceling off the extermination. I also get why Emily is mad at Sera for lying to her, but the fact that she immediately joined Charlie's side without even thinking trough the entire thing is just downright dumb.
3. I feel like there's more to talk about, I just don't know what.
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estrella-zoe39 · 4 months
i love dumping random shit onto my tumblr anyway weird discussion of the most random fandoms combined go! mostly discuses love as core themes of stories.
i think my favourite pieces of media are those that just dont make sense if you dont view them as a love story. i came across this discovery as i was watching code geass ep 17 when lulu goes insane when he realises the one thing thats in his way is also the person he trusts completely. there is no other genuine explanation other than love for the reasoning of his reaction in that scene. with shirley he had this mellow yet sorrowful reaction when he realised he couldnt be with her anymore. not saying there wasnt a part of him that didnt love her but with suzaku? he goes berserk. whatever he felt couldnt have happened if he didnt love suzaku.
other good examples of this are frieren, orv, and house. there are more my brain is just kinda fried rn and i think these three are good examples of like. varying levels of how explicit the message is. (theyre all obvious af tho)
ill start with frieren because i think if youve even like. heard about it youll know but himmel and frierens relationship really is the core of like the entire story. a boy who loved too soon and a girl who loved too late. frieren just isnt. frieren when you take that away. frieren at its like core is about love you cant just remove that because then the story wouldnt be the same it probably wouldnt even exist!!! and im sure everyone knows this its just surprising how frieren isnt officially a romance manga considering its entire premise
another example is orv which is a bit harder to know if youve only read the webtoon. orvs story just wouldnt exist if hsy didnt love kdj. if she didnt write yjh and then kdj wouldve died, plain and simple. and if kdj didnt love the story back then he wouldve also died. hsy, yjh, and kdj at their core are their love for each other. hsy spent 12 years writing a book everyday just for kdj to keep on living and in kaizenix she waited 50 years for him. yjh spent the entirety of orv learning how to love from kdj, through fighting alongside him, through protecting him, through seeing him die, even when he learned he wasnt real he still believed him, and in the end yjh was the one who let kdj be known in every universe. his mission was something that he only could brave through if he loved kdj. and he did. speaking of kdj, i think its very obvious to everyone but his self-sacrificial nature is due to him only knowing that as a love language. something else is how without kdjs love, orv also just wouldnt exist. if his love for twsa, for the chars, for STORIES, didnt exist, he wouldnt be alive. if he didnt keep on molding twsa, to be alongside every yjh and co, to suggest new plot points, he wouldve never came to love it.
onto my last example, house. now i think you gotta be a very specific type of person to catch them (its called not being homophobic) but man are house and wilson like. house the show itself. their love defines the show, from the first scene to the last. he only took that first case which started everything because of wilson. half of his stupid antics are because of wilson. his love starts and ends at wilson because he knows wilson will be the one person who will always be there consistently for him. because no matter what happens, like house getting sent to trial by tritter, or house failing to save amber, they will be together, whether they want to or not. so when wilson is diagnosed with cancer, he breaks. the one person who he thought would always be there for him. isnt. in fact, he'll die first. and so, he does everything. he listens to wilsons stupid fucking ideas because he needs wilson to be there for him, he needs wilson at his grave, not him at wilsons. thats why he gives everything to wilson, his vicodin, his attention, and even his life. the only reason he dies is so he can be with wilson. none of this actions can be done without love in them, absolutely none. i think my favourite quote of them is "if house chops down a tree, and wilson isnt around to hear it, did it really fall?" it just sums up their stupid, needy, insane, and romantic dynamic so much.
all of these pieces of media need love in them to be them, so i hope ive loved them more than they could ever want, despite some of their flaws 🩷🩷🩷
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autisticlalna · 1 month
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okay ive managed to get some sleep, let's try and explain this in a way that makes sense outside of my brain
so Viking and Ruby both have like. extensive multiverse going on. and all of how it functions is established in a different series, but is still relevant to Skyblock Kingdoms because of whatever the beans Cherruby is up to.
the most basic gist is: they have shared lore where Viking is the manifestation of space and Ruby is the manifestation of time, although i guess only when they're in the same world together? there's also an infinite number of Vikings and Rubys throughout the multiverse, and we have this info because of a version of Viking that has space powers and a version of Ruby that has time powers on Twitch SMP. this is also all connected to the clock and compass that Ruby has on Skyblock Kingdoms, so that's why this is getting upgraded to "oh god this is relevant and i need to explain it" rather than me going "HEY THIS IS WHY I CALL THEM SPACETIME SIBLINGS BTW :D"
for the more complicated explanation, I HAVE DRAWN SOME DIAGRAMS.
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behold: a basic Rubyco and a basic VikingPilot. they're siblings! they're also universal constants, seeing as you can't have a functioning world without time and space and these two dinguses represent those foundational aspects. we have no idea how this happened, and 99% of them dont know either, or even know what their roles are. they're just hanging out.
also, like, if one or both of them permadies, stuff presumably explodes. so far this hasn't been like, relevant, but it's been brought up so i should probably include that tidbit somewhere.
along with Ruby and Viking, there's also the Clock and Compass-- the Clock belongs to Ruby, and the Compass belongs to Viking. if neither of them are in a universe together, then the Clock and Compass show up as separate entities. (also they're labeled Tempus and Locus in galactic when we saw them in Twitch SMP, but there was also a bit where the fandom was nicknaming a Ruby and a Viking Tempus and Locus so it gets a bit confusing.)
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however, if one of them is missing-- like, say, there's only Ruby and there was never a Viking in that universe-- then the other sibling gets demoted from "load-bearing pillar of the universe" to "normal guy" and the job of stabilizing space and time is instead done by the Clock and Compass, just like if they were both gone. i think.
for any situation where it's only Viking or only Ruby you can disregard this chunk of their lore as "not relevant" - they're a pair, do not separate. this was also the part i was confused on before, and to be honest im still not sure if im getting it right because the phrasing was vaguer than i remembered. we'll see what happens when i start transcribing tsmp lore again.
ANYWAY. we know this because of these dorks:
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...specifically the bottom two, but tRuby and tViking are also important here.
Sapphire and Navigator are... sort of a matching pair? Navigator's a mess, let's pretend he's paired with Sapphire. (Sapphire's actual counterpart Viking is missing in action.) they're also the only two we know of so far that a) know about their roles and b) have the powers to prove it.
Sapphire can reset the timeline at-will (mainly to bring tRuby back to life, but has also used this to drag Navigator back when he swapped out), and has knowledge of past and future. Navigator can swap himself and other people between universes, and has knowledge of things going on in other universes involving his counterparts. Sapphire can't leave the universe he's trapped in, and Navigator is bad at anything involving time.
however, neither of them are native to the Twitch SMP universe! we don't know where they're from, but Sapphire got put there as gay baby jail and Navigator pops in to check in on her. tRuby and tViking are also not native to that universe; they were originally from TwitchCon SMP, but Nav felt bad that they're from a short-lived world and transplanted them into TSMP. they're also the only other matching set we know of besides Nav and Sapph, which might be why tRuby is able to remember past timelines and why tViking is aware of things other Vikings have done. also removing them from their home universe was probably a bad idea for that universe's continued survival but it was literally about to end anyways, so,
Nav and Sapph also can't manifest a body outside of their home universe (???), so for gay baby jail to work there needed to be a Ruby for him to possess and, uh, there kinda wasn't one in TSMP. before Nav's intervention, there was the Clock and Compass keeping things stable. (probably a good thing, because tRuby dies a lot and tViking exploded. he got better.)
but out of the Vikings and Rubys we've seen so far, Nav and Sapph are kinda the outliers in category of "actually knowing about and being able to do stuff with their powers". god wait shit fuck this raises even more questions about Navigator but im not going to get into that right now. ANYWAY
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so now we've got a mismatched pair! Cherruby isn't from SBK, but we don't know how it got here or what the world it left behind was like. there's a possibility that Cherruby has a corresponding Viking back home (bc she did mention missing family), but there's also moments pointing towards her being solo. also somehow they found the Clock and Compass and has been holding onto them, and they're under observation for reasons probably related to that.
Summertime, meanwhile, presumably has No Fucking Idea. without there being a Ruby native to SBK*, he's been demoted to Normal Guy status and therefore doesn't have to deal with any of this. maybe. it's, uh, getting kinda fuzzier now that the whole "had a flashback to Dominion" thing happened. god i have no idea what's going on with him
(* Cloneby got brought up, but i don't think ze qualifies considering ze was created partway through. and also i don't know if Avid can, like, do that. especially with Cloneby being an imperfect replica, and cc!Ruby drawing attention to the fact that Cloneby doesn't have the clock despite it being part of Cherruby's design.)
you can now see why i decided to include drawings bc otherwise this is an absolute brick of text. TWITCH SMP IS A SERIES WHERE SO MUCH HAPPENS IN IT.
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Prompt: “You are not going without me.”
For Wylan x Reader please!!
WYLAN. My darling, beloved Wylan? The light of my life Wylan? Y e s.
Your Life Over Mine - Wylan Van Eck
Content Warnings: No Beta/Proof Reading. Canon Compliant Threat And Violence. Explicit Language.
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"You're soft on the merchling," Jesper says.
"And what if I am?" You ask, pressing your palms together. "What would the problem with that be?"
"Kaz would probably tell you," Jesper dips his hat, dropping his smile as he does his best Brekker impression. "Feelings are a waste of energy and honestly I dont believe in them, except for anger, I believe in anger. But all other feelings just get in the way of the job, and the job makes us rich, and I don't believe in love, because it's a feeling, but I'd love to be rich."
"He would drown you if he heard that pisspoor impression of him," you warn Jesper lightly. You let your eyes flicker to the shadows and back to Jes, preparing yourself for the startled jump about to follow.
"I dont know," Inej says sadling up to Jespers side silently. "I think he was pretty accurate."
Jesper jumps in his step and raises a hand to his chest. "How," his voice a little higher than his usual register, "do you always do that?"
"She wanted to be quiet, so she was," you say. Inej just nods at that explanation and Jesper asks no more as you arrive at the cobblestone corner, right in front of that black wooden door.
"So do you want to deal with this?" Jesper asks. "Since your sweet on him?"
"Shut up," you say, giving a quick hand gesture that makes Jesper fake a wounded gasp as you open the door and close it in his face.
"Kaz?" Comes Wylans voice through the dark.
"Not Kaz," you reply.
"Oh," his tone shifts and you could swear its excitement in his eyes as he pulls his goggles down to greet you. "I thought Kaz was coming by."
"Sent the lackies," you joke, "hope you don't miss him too much."
"I prefer you," he says. You raise an eyebrow but don't question it, he is cute when he is flustered and the boy quickly becomes flustered.
"I believe I was sent for a pickup?" You try and pull the point of the visit out of Wylan and he lights up with a sense of knowing.
"Right, right," he mumbles, hurried and eager as he moves across the room to collect something from his work table. He bundles a few vials and a small box of something in wraps and places them on the table. "The blue one you've got to be careful with, I tried to explain to... Brekker, but I don't think he was listening."
"Dirtyhands hears what he needs to," you say, "what he tells us is another matter all together, so why don't you give me a run down."
You listen to Wylan talk, and he talks fast and his voice hits high and lows as he shares more information than he needed to, and you listen, leaning against the wall, watching how excited he gets. You've never wanted to kiss someone as badly as you wanted to kiss Wylan as he rubs the back of his neck, laughing a little at himself in embarrassment about how much information he just gave about compounds.
"You're annoyingly cute, Sunshine, do you know that," you laugh, picking up the bundle.
"I am?" he asks, those eyes flickering up to meet yours.
"The irony of you feeling small when your smile could light up this whole damn barrel, had me sold on you," you laugh.
"It had you sold on me?" Wylan ducks his head, his smile playing at the corner of his lips.
"Oh you're letting that go straight to your head," Jesper calls from the other side of the door.
"Jes I will take your own guns and shoot you with them," you warn him. He may be the other side of a wooden door but you know the exact face he makes as he raises his hands and steps back into the corridor giving you and Wylan space.
"Anyway," you clap your hands together, and let them slip into your pockets, "we have a job."
Wylan's smile drops. "Wait, you guys are going on this job?" he asks.
"Yes," you say, "that's why we are here."
"He didn't say," Wylan pauses and you can see the calculations he is doing in his mind, like he was writing them in the air around the both of you. "That is a very bad idea, the instability this will cause," he picks up a bottle with a similar colour liquid as one of the vials he gave you. "No, there are... not good odds."
"There rarely are in the barrel," you tell him. He shuffles his feet, and you can tell he is still running through the options. You're not sure why Kaz side-lined him for this, maybe it was Wylan's choice, not wanting to be really involved with the Dregs and their world, your world. But you knew enough about Wylan to know that he could cause serious damage, and he may not have the best practice in a fight, but you would not want to be on the receiving end of one of explosives Wylan puts together like it is nothing more than making a cup of tea. "Kruge for your thoughts?"
"One drop more than is needed on the turning mechanism and the whole system freezes up, a few minutes difference in timing between the triggers and the you are all stuck in there, you'll get caught if the shrapnel doesn't kill you first," Wylan looks so worried, he might combust. "Kaz must've accounted for that."
Your words were meant to bring him comfort, but they didn't, he looks resigned. "He did," Wylan says, and you don't know why the acquiescence in his voice feels so personal, but it does. "That's why he sent you." You watch him get his coat. "Let's go."
"You're coming with?" you ask. He nods. "Kaz said..." you don't bother trying to finish because the answer is clear in his eyes. Kaz knew Wylan would see all the ways this could go wrong, and Kaz knew that Wylan couldn't stand aside and let it happen, not if you were there. Because Kaz knew Wylan has a soft spot for you too. "I've gotten out of worse," you try gently, giving him an out, "Jesper says I am unseemly lucky."
"Luck runs out pretty fast in the barrel," Wylan responds, "let's go."
You know you aren't persuading him to stay, and you don't really try, you wouldn't let yourself get side lined, and if someone that mattered to you was involved in one of Kaz's typically nonsensical against all odds plans, you'd probably fight tooth and nail to be a part of it to, to keep them safe as much as you could. So instead you just lean over and plant a kiss on Wylan's cheek as he steps out the door.
He flushes a pink and you smile to yourself, stepping in front of him and next to Inej who is delicately flipping her knife over her fingers like it were a coin and not a weapon. "Make it through tonight," you say, "and then maybe we could get some of those waffles Nina keeps talking about."
Wylan nods, unable to meet your eye, but it's not shyness keeping him from you now, you see it in the way he is fidgeting, the way there is a smile a little too devilish creeping in the corners of his lips. He is keeping a distance because of the things he thinks he might do if he doesn't. You bite your tongue, this boy might surprise you yet. You know better than to underestimate him after all.
"Waffles," Jesper says enthused.
"Not invited," you tell him, tone full of warning as you point at him.
"Okay," Jesper holds up his hands in a faux surrender, "Saints you are bitchy today. You really do need to get laid."
"Jesper," you say pulling one of his guns from his holster and pointing it at him, "shut up."
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mechacringekitty · 8 months
incredibly messy essay of my thoughts on darkstalker, straight from my DMs with a friend because they demanded i post it [which means it has incredibly improper grammar]
hes an awful awful person, unapolagetically, and i think there are scenes and areas where he could've been written better. or had more nuance, like his dynamic with arctic [why do they hate each other ?? theres no explanation given, really, besides the fact that they do] but people who reduce him to a monster just baffle me. he loved his mother, he loved whiteout, he tried to love clearsight even though he did it wrong. and clearsight/darkstalker is a really iffy territory, because he did love her and he thought he was loving her right but he wasnt he was kind of controlling and bad! the earrings !! the earrings that kept her from seeing the bad futures !! but he also loved her, he did. their relationship was doomed from the start but he tried. she loved him back too, thats why it didnt work. thats why it hurt so much. he loved his mother too,, the few brief interactions they got in arc 2 hurt me to my core because fuck foeslayer loved him too, even though she realises he's done bad things. and whiteout!! whiteout!! she's one of the only characters we see darkstalker actually properly caring about in a way that doesnt really hurt them somehow. i think she loved him too,, she tried to warn him, she did :( ive thought about them a lot, maybe darkstalker trying to calm whiteout down at times, or them hiding with each other while arctic and foeslayer fought. arctic and foeslayer make me really ill too but this rant is getting long enough as it is. darkstalker lost a little of his pizzazz in arc two because of how domination focused he was and the writing went more focused on making him this evil, hateable villain [imo] than a relatable and understandable villain. which is the best kind of villain. i hate the peacemaker thing i hate it i hate it and that scene in book ten makes me cry every time because he was hurt by it he was so hurt by it. he didnt need a second chance, he needed to die, he needed to reconcile with himself and accept that there was no way he would ever save any of it. something like him coming to his senses, him realising everything he's done is awful and hurtful and he's not ever going to be able to fix it, but he can at least apologise even if the icewings dont accept his apology, not all of them, they'll understand they havent been hating a monster without feelings this whole time,, and maybe some of them can start to understand him and they can start to heal and they can stop hurting each other. but he needed to die and it needed to be on his own terms and i think foeslayer shouldve gotten her peace with that and i think if i were here i wouldve chosen to die too. the world is so different from what either of them knew and i would be tired of trying to change and i would be tired of trying to fix it and i think ending that legacy right there and right then with the two of them together wouldve been good. and maybe foeslayer can tell darkstalker she loves him - maybe she never had time when he was a kid - and maybe he can tell her too and they can leave that world together with the knowledge that they tried but they dont have to try anymore.
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lunar-years · 10 months
and like, the thing about the amsterdam james lore was that if they wanted a james redemption, they could have used that as an opportunity to soft launch it! "my dad took me to amsterdam and we actually had a good time, but after we got back home he started drinking again and things got bad again." i still dont think thats justification for jamie reconnecting with him, but at least we could have canon evidence he was an okay dad when sober. but no, they doubled down, and made trying to kill a main character somehow *not* the worst thing james had done
Yeah I think what's most crazy is that scene solidified in my own mind so many missing pieces in my own headcanoned Jamie lore. We learnt SO much in that scene and not one single piece of information pointed towards "this is a character who is going to not only recover but act as a non-negative presence in Jamie's life."
New information I gathered from the Amsterdam scene:
As you pointed out, physical/emotional abuse of his son and nearly murdering Beard are not the topmost crimes on James Sr.'s scorecard.
leading into, Jamie is a csa victim
Jamie doesn't remember it happening. we've discussed at length what that could stem from and yes there are multiple explanations but. well. uhh. none of them are good. i think.
Others disagree, and that's completely fine, but I very much think the scene is coded as This Is The First Time Jamie Has Told Anyone What Happened and Roy is Now the Only Person Who Has this Information.
At the time of taking Jamie to Amsterdam, James Sr. was trying to get back together with Georgie and playing up the "Superdad" routine
Others disagree with this as well, but I read that line as Jamie implying it was neither the first nor last time James had tried those tactics (and possibly been successful at one or more points, we don't know one way or another)
Georgie allowed Jamie to go to Amsterdam with James and then presumably allowed James to continue seeing Jamie afterwards (we're given no information to the contrary, anyway)
So taking all of that together, to me it's not just the confirmation that the abuse Jamie suffered at his father's hands was even more abhorrent than we thought or that Jamie's trauma runs deeper than we previously thought. It's also evidence that Jamie has never been in a position where he's felt comfortable with confronting that trauma and has yet to unpack all of the things he has gone through.
Furthermore, the scene hints that what we see at the end of s3 is (imo quite possibly) not the first time James has been in rehab or at least claimed to have sobered up or shown signs of recovery, only to fall back into his old ways shortly afterwards. This is indicated by Georgie allowing him to take their son out of the country, which (considering we meet her later in the season and get a sense of her character, including her deep love for her son) I cannot imagine her doing had James been obviously still a drunk. This is also why I personally believe Jamie hasn't told her what happened, because he continues to see his father after he returns. I just can't see Georgie allowing that had she known.
None of this sets the scene for a successful James recovery arc. In fact, for me it makes the whole thing worse and so unlikely to end for good because 1) Jamie forgives his father before even processing everything his father did to him, and without informing any of the people closest to him, let alone consulting an actual professional. This to me does not indicate Jamie is in the right mental place to be embarking on this new journey. 2) There is absolutely a more-than-plausible chance James Sr.'s current rehab stint will follow the same cycle as times previous: he's better for a while. he's superdad! until he's not. and Jamie as usual becomes collateral damage.
I therefore am forced to conclude Jamie could very well be opening himself up to more hurt and more pain at his father's hands, when he hasn't even dealt with his current backload of hurt and pain. If we were supposed to feel hopeful in the final scene where Jamie visits him--I have to say, because of what THEY told us and wrote about their backstory, I feel anything but.
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mamadarama · 1 month
I LOVEEEEEEE KANNAAAAAA I adopted both him and Ibuki and I'd protect them to shreds so if Nice has anything in plan for them I will be the first to fist fight him
Anyways I didn't know that Kanna's name translated to that. It made my brain think lmfao. Also I can't be the first to theorize this right like, I can't be. But I haven't seen anyone theorize it or maybe I'm just in the wrong circles but knowing that Kanna is the last of 4piece to get a tour card, and it'll be with Ibara and Nagisa (or so I've heard) it's super convenient as Ibara is duhhhhhh related to Godfather and Nagisa is DUHHHHHH suddenly think Kanna is a lab human or something with Godfather's data and information, hence his name and genius, as well as his autistic traits similar to Nagisa. And considering this will be the last of 4piece, it's suitable time to hit a climax and the big reveal be with Kanna. Hence, do you miss me, or the god symbols in his name. Considering the tech at least, it's not too far fetched as Enstars is fucking crazy. I do think this will also circle back to Priest, HiMERU and Kaname as it's about time the Tojous get attention as well. And a reincarnation/recreation of a child Godfather would be disaster and (Akira barges into my house and kidnaps me)
- madayumenon @umiedibles SAVE MEEEEEE
yeah i dunno, im sure he has something to do with the whole godfather situation (possibly on the priest/negi/hitsugi side of the picture?) but whos to say about his name cuz it could also be in reference to him individually as a character rather than the role he plays. maybe he was intended to be the perfect idol or replace subarus dad (esu is involved in that so i wouldnt put it past them to have two characters with different experiences abt the same situation in the same unit) being raised with the intention of him being the perfect idol would explain his serious personality ....
or hes possibly a replacement for whatever role nagisa was originally intended for when godfather adopted him . him being a replacement for another characters previous role would lend itself to his name being "do you miss me" because by replacing the previous character he would be "reviving" them/their role. especially in the case of someone like subarus dad
i also wouldnt be surprised if he was biologically related to nagisa and theyre using kannas introduction as a way to smoothly reveal more of nagisas backstory without disrupting the flow of the story, instead of putting it in edens next climax event . maybe hes nagisas half brother or something . they do look similar enough and autism is hereditary after all . plus the writers dont usually introduce characters out of nowhere without giving them some kind of connection to the existing characters and/or an in universe explanation about why they hadnt shown up sooner
im just thinking out loud i havent put too much thought into the details of these theories. well just have to wait and see what happens . im sure itll all make sense later
edit: oh also the kanji in his name could be an indicator of hopelessness ("is there no god" "has god abandoned us" etc) and that could tie into his personality quite easily as well and would follow the trend of how the characters names are themed around specific aspects of their individual characters instead of their position in the story (madaras name and calico cats, tatsumis name being religiously themed, hiyoris name being about the sun and good weather, etc)
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uyuforu · 10 months
Oh i almost forgot. If you have many theories about Jk's chart of fs you should also consider opening your own blog about it :) Don't take it personally, but it would be a shame that all of your theories only gets credits on my blog rather than yours :/ Think about it ^
I would've done that but i like to be anonymous and I dont have any problem with your blog getting credits because I'm here just to learn and have fun.This isn't my main focus in life but I'm free for some months because of maternity leave(I'm 7 months in yayyyyy!!)I'm probably the oldest person on this blog too ig because i dont think anyone on this blogs a 92liner.
I came up with something more and this is something i'd REALLY like for you to give your more than two cents on.
So I started this study like a year ago and its about the possible placements your fs can have.i kept doing it for a while and then i thought about how juno,bride,groom,dsc PC's would be much better to guess the fs chart.
By studying his bpc and his NC I have a few guesses about his fs' possible placements/dominants.
1.she IS definitely having strong cancer placements.(no explanation needed)
2.it can also be that she may have strong 4h placements OR can be moon dominant.(if not the 1st guess then this)
3.mars in 10h or cap mars or mars in a cap degree.(guaranteed success)
4.leo placements or degrees or prominent 5h placements.(creativity,childlike,fame,etc)
5.sun in 10h or sun at leo/cap degree.(same as 3 and 4 guess)
6.pluto-venus aspects,Venus/lilith/pluto in 8h/1h.(magnetism,envy,jealousy,obsession,inference,rich spouse)
7.virgo rising or its degrees on asc.(she's blunt and a bit sharp)
8.gemini Venus or venus in Gemini degrees.(this venus sign is compatible with libra venus and he has geminivenusin bpc too also talking about her having venus-pluto aspects this sign kinda suits it)
9.Sun/moon/saturn aspects.(daddy issues)
10.jupiter in 2h,4h or 11h.(rich family background,big communities, finances and luxuries)
11.this one is random but i see her with a leo mc or an Aries mc OR mc in those degrees.the possible risings with these mc's could be cancer,leo,Libra,scorpio.
12.the above 4 rising signs make the most sense to me.when it comes to his fs I imagine someone soft but sharp.she MAY have these rising signs with virgo degrees.
I have more guesses but they're random.
Talking about the age gap thing,my husband has two stelliums of scorpio and virgo with Libra Moon and I'm 7 years younger than him so ig we wont have to worry too much about Jk's age gap choice because i dont think he'll go for someone MORE younger than 5-7 years of age gap.
Uyu your more than two cents juseyo.
Oh by the way i just wanted to tell you that you don't have to post everyday or keep researching on it daily because it takes up alot of time and energy,it is very draining too so take care of yourself and I hope you and your bf's fight has been resolved yet or will be soon.
Congrats on your pregnancy! I hope it's going very well for you! Yeah Im a 99liner lol! You're not alone, Seokjin's in your team lol!
-> Cancer placement is big to me as it's literally his DSC and the Sun in the BPC! So the spouse will def have cancer placement in her big 6! Otherwise it can't be her lol! And it has to be something that Is very significant in her chart, something you can see on her easily. Like "you give me cancer vibes" stuff like that lol
-> She def has placements in her own chart about success and fame, she literally is destined for that
-> Leo placements are crazy lmao, that's why I always sensed some Leo vibes from JK, now I know why lmao
-> Yep, Leo sun, or sun being in the 10H I agree, it's one of the first factor when it comes to fame or success without using asteroids. North node in Leo can be a thing too, it's also part of it.
-> For the virgo, def on her big six, idk about ascendant because she gives me the vibe of being so beautiful, and I'm not saying virgo asc aren't pretty but asc Virgos have that cold and stoic beauty. They look pretty distant. To me she maybe has that mysterious beauty like scorpio rising, or charming beauty like libra rising. Could also be cancer or pisces rising! Virgo rising can be a thing but it wouldn't be my first guess. but don't mark my words on it, I wasn't very successful at guessing people's asc lmao
-> For the Venus, it would either be an air one (libra, gemini, Aquarius) or it would be something that aspect his sun (either conjunct so virgo Venus, or another one that aspects his sun). Or also libra Venus for the conjunction or another that aspect. JK will def have that sense that she is the one for him, so anything aspecting his Venus or sun will work out. (a good aspect too so conjunct, sextile or trine)
-> For the age gap, I don"t wanna assume things but it doesn't seem like jk will marry that late and I saw some readers say they'll have 10 years of difference of something but in I absolutely don't see it?? On his chart, I saw placements that indicates 1-2 to 5 years of difference max? She is not that young compared to him. She LOOKS very young, but she isn't, this is what I see! The cancer placements are always very tricky lmao! And if people keep saying they'll be together in 2027 (JK's Saturn return, he will be 29) so 19 if ten years of difference???? idk that seems odd to me, I don't sense it. I feel like she'll be working and be in her successful time at the time!
Thank you for your analysis! And sorry for taking so long to reply, it takes me time to concentrate and give proper answers :)
- uyu
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fryuteih · 1 year
Boyfriend Material
Kim Gyuvin x Reader
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High School AU(I'm not creative) where Gyuvin tries to convince the reader to date him. Unfortunately for him, reader is more than cautious of his playful personality.
Note: Probably not very grammatically well. I think this story is too long.
Does your heart beat for him? Gyuvin would often wander around this question.
Many seconds have been spent trying to talk to you. Many minutes have been spent staring at you. Many hours have been spent thinking about you. Many days have been spent longing for you.
It wasn't as if Gyuvin didn't do anything about his more than average adoration for you. He did. He did almost everything that he could. Almost everything for you to reciprocate what he felt, or atleast for you to just look at him properly.
"Keep sulking over there and you'll end up becoming a skeleton." Gunwook hopelessly jokes to his hopeless friend Gyuvin who had been silently staring at an action figure for the past few minutes.
Junhyeon and Gunwook were sitting on the latter's bed. Gunwook had invited his two friends to his house to hang out. Gyuvin sitting on the floor and staring at a figure with joy drained out of his friend's face was not what he had planned to be "hanging out".
In response, Gyuvin only sighs. The boy seemingly was not comforted by his friend's words, his dilemma was too big to be joked about.
"Keep sighing over there and [name] will eventually smell your bad breath from where they're at." Junhyeon laughs
Junhyeon's joke however, unlike Gunwook's, had elicited a non-lifeless response from Gyuvin. The boy's eyes widened, quickly bringing his hand up to his mouth and puffing out air through said mouth to smell his breath.
"Is that why they don't like talking to me?" Gyuvin panics, "Is my breath that bad?"
"Well sure, [name] looks at you in disgust, but I'm sure that your breath isn't the only reason." Junhyeon snickers
Gunwook smacks Junhyeon's back, which elicits a painful wince from the boy, "Sure that you need to brush your teeth after eating fish, but your breath isn't that bad." Gunwook tries to reassure Gyuvin
"But it is bad?" Gyuvin whines, dragging his hands over his eyes, "Stupid, stupid Gyuvin! Always with stinky breath, no wonder they dont like you, they're never gonna like you!" The boy crazily rants about and to himself.
"Didn't know you were into degradation." Junhyeon's amusement was met with Gunwook loudly smacking him on the back,
"OW!" Junhyeon clutches his knees
"You know what, man? You're breath doesn't smell bad. We were just joking with ya." Gunwook tries to once again, reassure his friend, who was banging his head against the wall.
"That doesn't make sense. Then why don't they like me?" Gyuvin had transferred his antics from banging his head on the wall to trying to pull out his brown hair with both of his hands, after having had set the action figure he was holding down beside him, "I tried everything! Bad breath has to be it!"
"You know maybe [name]'s just into more mature guys." Junhyeon says nonchalantly to the boy while laying down on Gunwook's bed.
"What?" Gyuvin now sets his hands on the floor. His hands were now supporting his body that was leaning towards the direction of Junhyeon, expectantly waiting for an explanation.
Before Gunwook could yet again land a slap on Junhyeon, the latter signs to the former to stop, "You aren't really what someone would flex to be their boyfriend. Sure, you're handsome, but I think [name] isn't that shallow."
"You're actually on to something." Gunwook squints suspiciously at Junhyeon.
"So? So?" Gyuvin asks desperately, he uses his knees to walk over to the two boys. The boy stops "walking" once he had reached a close distance and starts patting non-stop on both of his friends' thighs, demanding for a response.
Junhyeon stops Gyuvin's hand with his own, and, without raising his head up to look at him, says, "You're a kid bro."
Gunwook follows in suit of Junhyeon, lightly holding Gyuvin's hand on his thigh, but unlike Junhyeon, looks Gyuvin straight at the eyes, "What he means to say bro, is that you don't act mature enough for a relationship. You always sleep in class, spend your free time playing around, making a mess when eating, making fuss whenever you're in a crowd, and when it comes to [name]...."
Gunwook looks away, halting his statement, seemingly not able to tell his friend what comes next.
"You scream their name whenever you see them, when there's a ton of people around. You're always following them around, talking their ear off. You scare away anybody you see them with. You're always teasing them, hiding their things and laughing when you find a booger in their nose. The list just goes on." Junhyeon completes Gunwook's statement.
Gyuvin looks shocked, "I was just trying to point out the booger, I didn't want them to be embarrassed if other people pointed it out."
"Dude, it's embarrassing when you point it out, especially when you're laughing and when other people can hear you." Gunwook takes his hands off of Gyuvin's to facepalm, "Gyuvin, maybe you can tone down your antics a little bit. Be a little more mature."
"Leave [name] alone, I think this is getting out of hand." Junhyeon grumbles softly to which only Gunwook heard and in response, had nodded his head slowly.
A few seconds pass in silence.
Gyuvin then stands up and puts a fist to his chest, "[name], I'll be the boyfriend you want!"
"First step, stop shouting all the time." Junhyeon sits up and places his hands on either side of his ears with a displeased expression.
"This talk was supposed to stop you from annoying [name], not annoy them even more." Junhyeon grumbles. Unfortunately, Gyuvin seemed to be off in his own world and hadn't heard Junhyeon.
"Where did this even come from?" Gunwook mumbles to himself.
"Let me help you with that." Gyuvin awkwardly smiles at you, hands outstretched to the pile of books you were taking out of your locker.
"No." You reply sternly, not looking at the boy beside you as you struggle to close your locker while carrying your books.
"No, I insist." Gyuvin makes a small fuss with your hands, trying to take your books by force.
The both of you tussle for a bit. None of you, however, had turned out to be victorious as your books fell to the ground, accumulating stares from passersby.
Gyuvin immediately crouches down to collect your fallen books. Before you could do anything, Gyuvin had already stood up with your books in a tight embrace to his chest, "Lead the way, [name]."
"Gyuvin, give me back my books." You exasperatingly sigh and ignore what Gyuvin had said to you, locking your locker closed.
"No, a gorgeous person like you shouldn't be carrying heavy things. You know what? Let me carry your bag." Gyuvin outstretches his one hand, pulling on your backpack strap that was hanging on your left shoulder, in an attempt to carry it for you.
You grip the boy's wrist near your shoulder, "I'm very not in the mood to chase you around the whole school for my things. So, give it up."
Gyuvin scrunches his eyebrows together, "What? I was just going to walk you to class. Come on now, don't you trust me."
"I don't."
Gyuvin pouts, "Please? Please? Please? Please?"
"Fine! Stop whining. If you run off with my things or hold this against me in the future, I'm going to literally never talk to you." You relent to the boy as his whines had started wringing in your ears.
You slap the boy's hand away from you and your backpack. You then try to walk away to your classroom, but you were halted in your tracks. You turn your head to see that Gyuvin had grabbed the handle loop of your backpack.
"What's your problem?" You angrily ask the boy.
"Give me your bag?" Gyuvin confusedly questions you, tugging on the handle loop.
You grab the boy's arm that was on your bag and fling it towards his body, "Be lucky that I am letting you carry my books. I want to go now, so, don't make this difficult." You say your piece as if talking to a child who had done something wrong.
"Exactly, you're already letting me carry your books, so, just let me carry your bag." Gyuvin says like it was common knowledge.
"If I'm going to give you my bag and then you run off, I'm going to be left with nothing. Now, let's go before I take my books away from you." You storm off, Gyuvin quickly trailing behind to catch up to you.
Due to the fact that you were walking so fast and that Gyuvin had been trying to walk beside you, he wasn't able to be aware of his environment. In simple words, the boy had tripped face-first onto a pillar because of that.
"Are you okay?" You worriedly ask, stopping in your tracks to barely touch the boy's cheek with your palm to see if he had broken anything on his face.
Despite almost breaking his nose, Gyuvin didn't let your books fall, firmly hugging the said books.
"Yeah, I'm just glad I didn't land on my butt."
"Are you sure? I can ask for an ice-pack from the nurse."
"Nah, I'm a strong man! This was nothing!" Gyuvin holds his chin high.
You roll your eyes, retracting your hand and turning away to continue walking off to your classroom. This time, your pace was slower.
As you had turned away, Gyuvin turned a very dark shade of crimson. The boy gulps and takes his long legs to walk beside you.
Gyuvin had dropped you off and was now sitting in his classroom that differed from yours. The boy sets his head atop of his table, his right cheek meeting the cold desk. He adjusts his eyes to look at the window infront of him and thinks about his earlier encounter with you.
Never talk to him again? Were you really going to be that extreme? He could barely stay sane without hearing your voice for a few seconds, how could he endure a period of "never"?
He remembers how you had flung his arm away. Sure, it hurt when his arm hit the hard books he was carrying, but the rejection hurt more. Knowing that his advances towards you were always shut down, made his heart rip little by little, because it meant that you didn't want him, that you didn't need him.
"Good Morning, class."
Gyuvin quickly stands up alongside his classmates to greet the old professor.
"You all may take a seat. Now, turn to page 144 in your textbook."
Unlike the past, Gyuvin had brought his textbook this time. Furthermore, he actually opened his book, to the correct page, nonetheless. It was unusual, so unusual that his seatmates and even those infront of him had turned to look at him. Not only did Gyuvin open a book, a book that was for academic purposes, he had also opened a notebook where he was taking down notes.
For the whole hour or so lesson, Gyuvin was attentive up until the bell rang, signifying the end of the class.
"Keep up the good work Kim Gyuvin." The old professor smiles at the boy in amusement.
"Sir, yes Sir!" Gyuvin responds in much determination, one wouldn't have guessed that the boy was a slacker in class.
It was a hot afternoon, Gyuvin and Gunwook had just finished after-school soccer practice that day and were now in the changing rooms. Their friend, Junhyeon, was already waiting for them outside the changing rooms and had invited himself in, once the two boys had entered.
"What's going on with you today? You're being a little less loud than usual." Gunwook says jokingly, wiping sweat off of his own forehead with a clean towel.
"I'm just toning it down, you know?" Gyuvin says whilst changing into the fresh clothes he took out from his bag.
"You didn't even sleep in morning classes today." Junhyeon pointed out, sitting on the bench in the changing room and on his phone.
"What can I say? I am Mr. Perfect." Gyuvin hums, shoving his dirty clothes into his bag.
"And just when I thought you actually changed. Well, Junhyeon did say that you started to doze off in math class. But I guess that was a fluke, huh?" Gunwook clacks his tounge
"Be more respectful of your elders, would ya?" Gyuvin playfully slaps the back of Gunwook's head.
"Hey, bros, could you hurry up a bit? I've been waiting for a hundred years now." Junhyeon complains
"Jeez, could you not? Me and Gyuvin have been tirelessly practicing for the next match, the coach had us stay behind even." Gunwook defends himself and Gyuvin, "You aren't even supposed to be inside the changing rooms."
"Ok, not my fault you guys are MVPs or something that need extra training. You guys promised to game with me after practice." Junhyeon whines, "And tell that Han Yujin kid to stop staring at me weirdly."
"I'd stare at you weirdly too if you were looming over the changing rooms. I'd think you were a pervert or something." Gyuvin defends his junior.
Junhyeon lets out a dramatic gasp, wiping away fake tears, "I am not a pervert! How dare you!" The boy then changes his mood quickly, smiling mischievously, "Gyuvin, bro, I actually forgot to tell you something."
"You already had my attention bro, what is it?"
"There's this girl in our class that's got a crush on you. I think you'd like her." Junhyeon giggles
"Name reveal! Name reveal!" Gunwook claps his hands together repeatedly.
"I really could care less." Gyuvin sighs, rubbing his face.
"Is this because of [name]?" Gunwook asks, seemingly disappointed.
"Why do you even like them?" Junhyeon chastised
"What do you mean?" Gyuvin aggressively asks, slamming his locker door shut.
The other two boys wince, they were taken aback by Gyuvin's sudden change of behavior.
"I don't mean that [name] isn't a catch or anything. They're great actually." Junhyeon quickly defends himself, shaking his hands infront of his chest, "I just meant like why do you like them specifically?"
"I, uh, I uhm." Gyuvin struggles to find an answer.
"I think it's time you move on, bro. Go and date someone else you're actually interested in. For example, maybe you'll actually like the girl Junhyeon talked about." Gunwook says seriously
"Where is this even coming from? I really like [name], I always have liked [name]." Gyuvin asks in disbelief, laughing along the way.
"Then why do you like [name]?" Junhyeon repeats his question.
"I like- cuz you know, uhm. Ah, because I uh." Gyuvin struggles yet again to find an answer. Shouldn't his two closest friends know why?
"You're always like that whenever someone asks why you like [name]. It's really time that you stop messing with them." Gunwook points out.
"I'm not messing with them." Gyuvin whispers
Taking a deep breath of the fresh late afternoon air, he had reached the school's exit and then finds a bench to sit on outside of the school building.
Did his two closest friends really think that he was messing with you? Gyuvin silently walks away, making sure that the changing room door closed silently. The boy becomes deaf to his two friends calling out his name.
He makes a bee-line for the school's exit.
Why did he like you? Was a question frequently asked, by your friends, his friends, his team-mates, his siblings, and even his mother. It was a simple question, but Gyuvin couldn't really pin-point an answer. This has caused for a lot of people to assume that his feelings for you were for laughs, that they weren't real. Maybe it wasn't real. Maybe it wasn't genuine. But why did Gyuvin want you so badly?
Gyuvin didn't really think much. He never sat down to collect his thoughts or reflect on his feelings. So, now he will. Why was it you that he wanted when there were other people who wanted him, like that girl from his class? Well, he was stubborn and often pursued anything he happened to set his mind on, so, maybe that was the reason. Gyuvin didn't want to "mess" with you in that extent. So, he focused on thinking, something others wouldn't have imagined him doing, all to answer the infamous question, "Why does Gyuvin like [name]?".
Walking down the busy halls of the school with no particular destination in mind, Gyuvin was chatting away with his good friend, Gunwook. It was the first day of school and Gyuvin was curious about which teachers Gunwook had, in the event that he had that teacher before.
"Math with Ms. Lee, and then Science with Mr. Cruz." Gunwook tells his older friend of his teachers in each class.
"Good luck with Mr. Cruz, he's a total nightmare." Gyuvin laughs at his friend.
"Was he really a nightmare or were you just being a slacker in class?"
"Hey now, you don't hear me complaining about the other teachers." The brunette boy sighs, "Besides, who tells a poor young boy to sit on air for 15 minutes? Sounds like child abuse to me."
Gyuvin wasn't really paying attention to his environment. Suffice to say, due to his inability to be aware and his extreme clumsiness, he trips and hits a concrete pillar face-first. The impact of which he hit himself wasn't what you called a breeze, rather, it was the opposite. So much so that he fell down on his back, the back of his head included.
"Argh" Gyuvin rubs his nose, he was on the floor, and since he never bothered to close the duffel bag that he was carrying, its contents had spilled all over the floor.
"Are you okay?" You asked, kneeling down to the boy to see if he was alright. You didn't touch him to help him up immediately, as you thought that it'd be awkward and didn't want to intrude personal space.
Gyuvin tilts his head up to look at you whilst holding his nose in pain, he was in a daze and was slightly hallucinating, "Am I dead?" 'Cuz I think that you're an angel." The boy says with a nasal voice.
You shake your head, collecting Gyuvin's things on the floor so that they didn't block the way for other people passing by. You fold the clothes among the fallen contents of the brunette's bag, and place his things carefully back inside the duffel bag.
"You're really beautiful, I'm really beautiful, we should totally go out." Gyuvin sends you finger-guns, clicking his tounge alongside.
"Do you want me to take you to the nurse?" You ask seriously, worried that the boy may be out of it.
"If that means spending more time with you, then yes and yes and yes." Gyuvin drones
You finish placing Gyuvin's things in his bag with an action figure and offer a hand to him.
"You want to hold hands? Don't mind if I do."
You help Gyuvin up on his feet and sling his duffel bag over his arm. You then turn to Gunwook who had been hysterically laughing all this time, "This your friend?"
"Yes" Gunwook musters up a one-word response from laughing too hard.
"Heyyyy, don't talk to another man. I'm a jealous boy, you know." Gyuvin whines, not letting go of your hand.
You tussle with the brunette for a bit, taking your other hand to free your hand in and from his grip. The boy only takes his other large hand and tries to cage your free hand in his.
"I'll take him out of your hands." Gunwook had calmed down from his laughter and pulls Gyuvin away from you by the collar. This had made a leeway for you to take your hands away from him, and ultimately, leave.
"Thanks, have a good one. Take him to the nurse if he keeps this behavior up." You bow your head slightly and run away from the pair.
"Talk about being embarrassing, man." Gunwook shakes his head, slapping the other party's back.
"Who was that?" Gyuvin asks in a daze
"I don't know, I think they're in your year."
"Well, Gunwook, my man." The brunette slings his arm around the other boy's shoulders.
"Get your suit and tie because your going to be the best man."
"Don't even think about it. The least that you can do is thank them, not play around with them."
"Exactly, I'll thank them by being their own one of a kind boyfriend." Gyuvin puts his fist to his chest.
"Where did this even come from? You're absolutely delusional."
"You know, I'd be a great boyfriend."
"Oh!" You let out a yelp and turn to look at Gyuvin who had set his hand on the table you and your friends were occupying, "Oh, its you."
"Yeah, it's me, your future boyfriend." Gyuvin scoots your friend, Taerae who was beside you, aside and invites himself over to sit in between the both of you, "This must be fate."
It wasn't fate. In all actuality, Gyuvin had been ditching his friends during lunch to scour the entire cafeteria to find you. He had been doing this for the past 4 days, shoving his lunch down his throat in the last 5 minutes of lunch period, when he couldn't find you.
"I don't even know you." You dejectedly say, trying not to look at the boy who was trying to put his face infront of you.
Gyuvin fakes a hurt look. Your friend infront of you, Jeonghyeon, scoffs, "He's in the same basketball team as me, his name's-"
"Up, up, up, up, let me introduce myself Jeonghyeon." Gyuvin drops his act and clears his throat, "Since I am your future boyfriend, I will let this slide. But don't do this again!"
"Ok?" You shoot a glance at Taerae, asking for help silently, but he was too busy trying to hide his laughter.
"My name, your future boyfriend's name, is Gyuvin. But you can call me any sweet nickname you'd like." Gyuvin winks at you and rests his lower arm on the table.
"Well okay, Gyuvin, have you eaten yet?"
"Why, I haven't yet. You're so thoughtful, uh..."
Jeonghyeon covers his mouth to laugh, "You don't know their name?"
"Shush, Jeonghyeon!" Gyuvin shouts, showing the other boy his index finger, gesturing him to stay quiet, "What's your name, lovely?"
"Well, you should go back to your table and eat, it isn't good to starve." You look over to Jeonghyeon, asking for help with your eyes, but he too, was too busy trying to hide his laughter.
"You're so sweet, darling. Please tell me your name, though." Gyuvin places his hand on your shoulder.
"It's [name], now why don't you go eat, Gyuvin. If you want, you can take my lunch." You offer to Gyuvin, trying to make him go away.
"Gyuvin and [name], that's nice." Gyuvin wanders for a bit, he stares at you a bit too long and a bit too hard. He then notices something in your nose, "Oh, by the way, you have a booger in your nose."
That seemed to have done it, as all of your friends started to unleash their loud laughter. Even people nearby started to chuckle.
Gyuvin laughs it off, "Here, let me take it off for you." He takes his hand off your shoulder towards your nose but you push his hand away and cover your nose with your right hand.
The brunette was hurt by your rejection. He thought that he didn't do anything wrong. You had stood up and used your left hand to push your tray of food towards Gyuvin, "Here, eat. I'll be going now."
Gyuvin was going to say something else, but you were already running off to the exit.
"Bruno Mars is better." Taerae argues with you.
You and Taerae were in the same class and subsequently, were talking in the classroom you both shared before classes started.
"Whatever you say. Arguing with you is tiring, you're so stubborn."
"I am an ENTJ after all, it's in my nature."
"Stop blaming your MBTI for your horrible attitude."
"Good Morning [name]!" Gyuvin's voice booms inside your classroom, interrupting the conversation you were having with Taerae.
"How did he find my class?" You ask in disbelief.
"I may or may not have said anything about your whereabouts to Junhyeon." Taerae giggles
"He's friends with Gyuvin?" You ask, terrified that you have a mutual friend with Gyuvin.
"I mean Jeonghyeon is too, but-"
"What're we talking about today?" Gyuvin interrupts once again, pushing Taerae's chair away from yours with his leg to make room for his own chair that he had dragged away from an unoccupied desk.
"Oh, hello there Gyuvin." You awkwardly greet the boy who had now sat down beside you.
Gyuvin snakes his arm around your shoulders, "Hi [name]."
"What brings you here?" You try to back away from the boy but his arm stuck you down to your place.
"You, ofcourse. The day was so beautiful today that I just had to come see you."
"Really? I didn't know that you came this early to school." You grumble loudly enough for the boy next to you to hear.
"I told you already, the day was so beautiful today that I just had to see you, sweetie." Gyuvin baby-talks you.
"Well okay then.." You pause for a moment, not knowing what to say, "Sweetie.."
You cringe at yourself while Gyuvin was almost shaking in joy. However, Gyuvin's joy was mildly interrupted by Taerae's loud laughter.
"What're you laughing at?" Gyuvin snaps at Taerae
"Ah, I didn't mean to-"
"You know what? Can you leave? You laughing at [name], isn't needed."
"That wasn't my intention, I-"
"Leave." Gyuvin stares the boy down until he finally stood up to go out of the classroom.
"You went too far." You stare at Gyuvin
"He was laughing at you."
"He's my friend, ofcourse he's going to laugh at me." You push Gyuvin's arm away from you gently, "Look, Gyuvin. I appreciate that you care for me to an extent but you need to learn about not overstepping boundaries."
"I'm sorry, [name]." Gyuvin pouts
"No need to apologize to me. Go after Taerae and apologize to him." You shoo Gyuvin away to which he obediently follows.
Gyuvin finds Taerae just outside your classroom, leaning against the lockers.
"Hey man, I'm sorry about earlier." Gyuvin brings a hand out for Taerae to shake.
"No worries." Taerae brings his hand out to accept Gyuvin's handshake, "But I do want to ask you something."
Gyuvin brings his hand down from Taerae's, "Shoot."
"Why do you like [name]?"
"Why? Do you like them?"
"Absolutely not, we argue too much. I'm just curious, you liking them came out of nowhere. So, why do you like [name]?"
"You know..." Gyuvin drones on his answer, "Because... uhm.."
Taerae doesn't wait for Gyuvin to continue, "Try not to mess with [name], alright?"
"Where is my calculator?" You search your backpack for the said calculator.
You had left your things unattended at the table you and your friends had gathered around, to go to the restroom. You thought that since your friends were there, your things would be guarded.
"I don't know. Maybe Junhyeon knows, him and his friends just left awhile ago." Jeonghyeon suggests
"When you say Junhyeon and his friends, do you mean Gyuvin?" You slowly turn to Jeonghyeon, almost terrified.
"Ahhhh" Jeonghyeon seemingly had a moment of realization, "Yes.."
You see, when you left for the restroom, Junhyeon had stopped by at the table your friends were gathered at, to talk to Taerae. With Junhyeon was Gunwook and most importantly, Gyuvin. The latter was going to ask where you were when he spotted your things at the far-right end of the table. He recognized your bag easily.
Since your friends were occupied talking to each other, he did what any normal person would do. He sneakily took the calculator near your bag.
Junhyeon had finished talking with Taerae, and left with Gunwook and Gyuvin before you came back. In great fashion, Gyuvin took your calculator with him home.
"What's gotten you so happy there?" Gyuvin's mother asks her son.
The boy had changed into his house clothes and was sitting in the kitchen where his family was eating.
"What do you mean?" Gyuvin giggles, he had been giggling ever since he was picked up from school by his older brother, Hao.
"Does my boy have a crush in school?" His mother gushes.
"Ewwwww." His younger sister, Eunchae, voices out her disgust.
"What's your problem? You've been giggling non-stop." Hao exasperatingly asks his younger brother.
"Yes, I do have a crush."
"Ewwwww!" Eunchae voices out her disgust even louder.
"Oh hush Eunchae, go on now." His mother excitedly waits for Gyuvin to expound on what he had just revealed.
"What? So, you asked them out or something? Well, congratulations and shut up." Hao complains
"No, but I did take their calculator with me." Gyuvin proudly says, puffing out his chest, "They're probably panicking right now."
"Oh, Gyuvin.." His mother sadly calls out to him.
"Way to impress your crush, I guess." Hao says in a sarcastic tone.
"What?" Gyuvin asks confused
"Give your crush their calculator back first thing in the morning, Gyuvin." His mother berates, "That's not how you try and impress a person."
"But it's just a joke. They'll have no way of ignoring me now." Gyuvin tries to defend himself, "It'll give me a laugh too."
"Do you even like them, Gyuvin?" His mother asks, trying to find a middle ground for her next argument.
"I do."
"Then don't try and drive them away."
"Okay, mom.." Gyuvin reluctantly gives up to which Eunchae snickers at.
"It's alright Gyuvin, you're father always used to tease me back in the day too." His mother reminisces the past, "What's my boy's crush's name?"
"Oohhh, so, what do you like about this [name]?" His mother asks, elated.
"Because you know..." Gyuvin pauses for a few seconds, nervously laughing and quickly trying to find an answer, "Whatever dad saw in you.. I guess.."
His mother sighs and shakes her head, "Bring that [name]'s calculator back to them immediately. I really need you to stop playing around, Gyuvin."
It was early morning and you were tiringly getting your things out of your locker. You had texted and even tried to call Gyuvin countless of times yesterday night for your calculator. To the point that you had to question if Junhyeon had given you Gyuvin's right number.
As you lock your locker closed, your calculator presented itself infront of your face.
"Guess what I have?" Gyuvin laughs, tauntingly shaking your calculator infront of you.
You quickly try to grab your calculator but fail as Gyuvin retracts his hand away from you faster. The boy was an athlete and that was to your disadvantage. Especially when he starts running away from you, laughing maniacally along the way.
"Try and catch me!"
"Gyuvin! Give it back!" You scream, chasing the brunette along the halls of your school.
"Only if you catch me!"
The two of you continue running and screaming in the hallways. This continued on for what seemed to be a long period to you, as you were running out of breath. Luckily for you, Gyuvin hits his stomach with a drinking water fountain, causing him to stop in his tracks and clutch his stomach in pain.
"Are you okay?" You worriedly ask, catching up to the boy and patting his back softly.
"Kim Gyuvin and [full name]!"
You turn your head to see your school's prefect.
"Go to my office now and clean up whatever mess you made!" The prefect snides, pointing at the ground near you.
On the floor was you calculator, broken. You couldn't help but sigh, squatting down to clean up your broken calculator. Gyuvin tries to help you, eyes squinting in pain as he tries to squat down but you stop him, wrapping a hand around his leg to stop him from extra movement.
"Faster! Can't believe the youth are so disobedient these days!" The prefect had his arms crossed and was tapping his right foot impatiently.
You put the remains of your calculator into your backpack and stand up. Gently taking one of Gyuvin's arms and wrapping it around your shoulders, you help the brunette walk with you to follow the prefect to his office.
"Sorry." The brunette whispers, not looking at you.
"It's whatever." You reply monotonously
The prefect quickly open the door to his office and runs to his desk to sit down. You close the door behind.
"Quickly now!" The prefect snaps his fingers, while you sit Gyuvin down on one of the two chairs infront of the prefect's desk and then sit on the other unoccupied chair.
"Do you know the consequences to your actions?"
You open your mouth to answer but was swiftly interrupted.
"First, the both of you ran in halls. Second, the both of you screamed in the said halls. Third, you destructed school property, the wat-"
"[name] didn't do anything wrong. I stole their calculator and they were just trying to take it back." Gyuvin interrupts, done with the prefect's aggressiveness that had involved you.
"So we're interrupting elders now, Mr-"
"He didn't mean to." You nervously try to defend the boy beside you.
"Now you too-"
"I did mean to. What kind of prefect are you anyway? I'm in pain and you still bring me to your office before the clinic. You're screaming and being passive-aggressive to two teenagers at your grown age. I can go on and on but you know what? This is actual bull-" Gyuvin tries to distract the prefect from getting angry at you, so, he started spewing out nonsense that would transfer all of the prefect's anger and focus towards him. Even if it meant suspension or expulsion that would lead him to miss the matches he had practiced for. It was his fault anyway.
But before he could continue his vulgarity, you bring a hand to his mouth to stop any sound from resounding. However, you were too late as the prefect had successfully fallen into the brunette's trap.
"I'm calling your parent, Mr. Kim Gyuvin. You are suspended and are to go home." The prefect solemnly says.
"He really didn't mean too, he's just in pain." You try to reason.
"[full name], don't get yourself into any more trouble. I'll dismiss you with only a two-day after school detention."
Gyuvin sees your mouth open but quickly opens his mouth to speak over you, "I told you that they didn't do anything wrong. Why are you giving them punishment?"
"Don't try and make this worse for yourself." You loudly whisper to the brunette, pinching his thigh.
"Listen to your partner, Kim Gyuvin. [full name], you are dismissed, please leave." The prefect shoos you away to the exit.
"Can you lend a calculator to [name]?" Gyuvin quietly whispers.
The prefect sighs, "[full name], tell Mrs. Cruz that I'm lending you my calculator. She'll know that it's from me."
"Yes Sir" You respond, surprised, bowing your head and leaving the office. You decide not to fight back anymore as it might lead to Gyuvin getting into more trouble.
"Stop getting yourself into more trouble, mom is fuming right now." Hao berates his younger brother while driving.
Gyuvin's older brother had picked him up from the school grounds after their mom had received a call from the prefect, informing her of the boy's suspension.
Gyuvin stays quiet, fiddling with the action figure he had broken when he first bumped into you.
"Don't get me started with that crush you have that you got into trouble." Hao says exasperatingly, "If you can call them your crush, that is."
"What do you mean?" Gyuvin asks softly with an annoyed tone.
"First, drop that attitude, be happy that i was free enough to pick you up when mom told me to." Hao rants, "Let me ask you again Gyuvin, because it seems that you got into trouble by this one singular person."
"They didn't do anything!" Gyuvin slams the action figure down into the car seat.
Hao ignores his younger brother's behavior, "What do you like about this crush of yours, that you push yourself into so much trouble?"
"Can you shut up?" Gyuvin snarkily replies, tired of the question.
Only those who had seen him together with you would understand, or atleast his two closest friends would, he thought.
Jeonghyeon had ran out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang for lunchtime, the reason being that he was going to practice basketball at the gym with the rest of the basketball team. Due to immediately leaving, the boy had forgotten his lunchbox at the classroom.
Like the good friend that Taerae was, Taerae was going to bring the forgotten lunchbox to his friend at the gym. But Taerae just had to drag you along with him. You were more than reluctant to come along as you still had to buy your own lunch at the canteen, and saw this as an event that would postpone your eating time.
"Stop complaining. I haven't eaten yet and I'm not complaining, sounds like your just a bad friend." Taerae says as the both of you walk to the gym.
"I could care less." You say, rubbing your face, "I should've just ate with Giselle and the rest."
"But I'm your favorite friend, aren't I?" Taerae pushes the gym door open upon reaching the said gym.
Stepping into the gym, you are presented with a group of twelve or so teenage boys playing basketball. The both of you move closer to the group that was playing basketball. Unfortunately, Jeonghyeon was too busy playing. It was as if Lady luck was on your side, as there were also no players on the sidelines that you could've left the lunchbox with.
"Let's just leave his lunchbox here, I'm starving." You complain, pointing to the floor Taerae was standing on with piles of clothes and belongings.
"This is actually disgusting, can't they place their things somewhere else." Taerae scrunches his face in disgust.
"Beats me, just leave it there."
"No, we will not be leaving his lunchbox on the floor. It's dirty and what if he doesn't see it?" Taerae disagrees with you.
"You're logic is dumb. Whatever, you're waiting here by yourself." You try to walk away but Taerae stops you by your collar.
"I am not waiting here alone with fifty sweaty, rowdy and annoying boys." Taerae exaggerates, stomping his foot on the floor.
Hearing a loud clack, the both of you look down to see an action figure that had a dislocated arm. It was Gyuvin's figure, he always brought it around with him, and Taerae had dislocated it with his foot.
"Ohhhh." Taerae nervously giggles
"Yeah, ohhhhh. You're actually dead." You say, squatting down to take the action figure in your hands.
Taerae seemed frightened by your words as he drops Jeonghyeon's lunchbox on your back and quickly runs away to the gym's exit.
"Talk about being a bad friend." You mutter under your breath, taking the lunchbox from your back to your lap to hide your hands that were trying to fix the dislocated figure.
"Oh hey! Look at that! It's Gyuvin's crush!" A rowdy boy playing basketball laughs loudly, pointing at your figure crouched down.
Out of all the moments any of the players could've acknowledged you when you were still with Taerae, it was now that you were all alone trying to fix Taerae's mistake.
"Hey, [name]! This one's for you!" Gyuvin shouts upon landing his eyes on you, dribbling the basketball in his hands.
Your eyes widened in horror, quickly trying to snap the figure's arm back into place. This was your worst nightmare, alone with many males that stenched of sweat and having one of those said males loudly dedicating a shot for you.
Gyuvin outstretched his arms upwards to shoot the ball in the hoop.
Gyuvin missed the shot.
All of the rowdy, smelly, sweaty, and loud teenage athletes erupted into laughter.
"[name], this one's for you!" One of the players mock Gyuvin.
Among all the teenage boys, Gyuvin laughed the hardest. He was on his knees, clutching his stomach from laughing too hard.
You couldn't help but feel absolutely humiliated. As you snap the figure's arm back into place, you stand up. Your legs felt weak, you wanted to run away and hide in embarrassment. Talk about having someone loudly dedicating a shot to you infront of adolescent boys and absolutely missing it.
The boys seemingly had stopped playing due to laughing too hard.
Jeonghyeon jogs towards you, "Hey, is that my lunchbox?"
"Yeah, Taerae was supposed to give it to you but he ran away." You say in a hushed voice, handing the lunchbox and the now fixed action figure to Jeonghyeon, "Give that to Gyuvin, Taerae accidently broke it earlier but I fixed it, so no problems now."
"Thank-" Jeonghyeon was about to thank you but you were already running away.
"Don't tell me is [name] your significant other or something?" A member from the basketball team asks Jeonghyeon, "Looks like you can't mess with [name] anymore, Gyuvin!"
"What? Are you serious?" Gyuvin asks, glaring at Jeonghyeon's back.
"What? No, they were just bringing me lunch. Let's calm down now." Jeonghyeon responds irritable, he turns his head towards Gyuvin.
"Here, [name] fixed it. They said Taerae broke it." Jeonghyeon throws the action figure towards Gyuvin, and like the true athlete that he was, Gyuvin catches it.
Gyuvin scans the figure. Sure enough, it was fixed. The figure's arm was now where it was supposed to be. Although, Gyuvin was confused, it's arm was dislocated ever since the fateful day that he fell and met you, how did Taerae break it?
"Hey Gyuvin, why do you like [name]?" Jeonghyeon asks, hugging his lunchbox.
"Yeah Gyuvin, tell us why you like [name]." Another team member snickers, not taking the question seriously.
Gyuvin stays silent, too tired to answer, scanning the figure in his hands. The boys listening in snicker and stifle their laughter.
"Whatever dude, don't mess with [name] too much."
"Hey bro! Sorry about earlier!" Junhyeon slaps Gyuvin's back and sits next to him on the bench.
"Yeah bro, sorry." Gunwook says, bringing Gyuvin's duffle bag with him and sitting down on the other side of the bench, beside Gyuvin.
Gyuvin sits up straight from his slouched position, "Why are the both of you apologizing?"
"Oh, uh, you know for ganging up on you." Gunwook replies, taken aback by Gyuvin's formalities.
"No, I should be the one apologizing. It is my fault for having immediately acted upon my anger."
"Drop that attitude bro." Junhyeon says, worryingly looking at his friend.
"Apologies, I will try to act more mature from now on."
Gunwook nervously laughs and chucks Gyuvin's duffle bag into the latter's lap, "Here you go bro, you left it at the changing rooms. Next time, you should really fix your clothes, it's disgusting."
"Apologies again, I shall clean up after myself from now on." Gyuvin says, taking out his things to arrange them in his bag.
"Are you really fixing your things right now bro?" Junhyeon asks
"Yes, please don't wait for me. You can go ahead without me." Gyuvin continues to fix his things.
Gunwook and Junhyeon share a look of worry.
"Look bro, we're sorry, we shouldn't have ganged up on you about [name]." Gunwook breaks the silence.
Gyuvin takes out the action figure out of his bag and zips the said bag shut, after arranging everything.
"No, it's completely understandable. My actions towards [name] were immature and concerning, I'll try to make it up to them from now on." Gyuvin caresses the figure with his thumb.
"You're going to be their own one of a kind boyfriend, ah?" Gunwook motivates his friend
"I'll be a proper boyfriend."
Ever since that day, when the boy's two closest friends had questioned his feelings for you, Gyuvin had become nothing short of a perfect student.
He had stopped being late to school, arriving almost an hour early to school. He stopped sleeping and slacking off in class, even math class, even actively participating or asking questions. He had stopped being so loud in the halls, walking at a normal pace and being aware of his surroundings. He had even started asking for extra work from teachers to boost his grades.
Suffice to say, he was a teacher's pet, well-mannered and focused on his studies that he even quit every sports team he was in to be able to study more. Even to the dismay and constant protests of his multiple team-mates about him quitting, he politely declines coming back.
It was such a sudden change that Gunwook and Junhyeon worried and started to feel guilty, did their friend change because of them? It was such a sudden change, and a big change in fact. No one would've known that Gyuvin would become a studious student, even more so quit sports.
So, the both of them had begged you to talk to Gyuvin. You were the reason why the boy got angry at the both of them and then suddenly changed afterwards.
So, here you were, sitting at a park bench on a cool Saturday afternoon. Since Gyuvin would decline any efforts Junhyeon and Gunwook made to hang out, under the pretense that he needed time to study, you were the one to ask Gyuvin out. Luckily, Gyuvin had immediately agreed to you.
"[name]" Gyuvin says breathlessly, greeting you.
"Gyuvin" You politely smile at the boy.
"I'm truly sorry, did I keep you waiting?"
"No, not much really. I just came really early, you came earlier than what we agreed to."
In all actuality, you were worried for the boy. Hearing his two closest friends tell you that he wasn't acting normally frightened you. Sure, the brunette was rowdy and had moments where you wished you never had helped him that one fateful day, but he also had moments where he tried. No one really took such an interest in you, it was charming, and the said brunette really tried his best to appease you.
"Still, I shouldn't have made you wait. That's not what a proper..." Gyuvin halts his statement.
"A proper what?" You ask, trying to not make the air awkward.
"Nevermind, I brought you flowers by the way." Gyuvin says smiling at you, giving you a small bouquet of flowers.
"You didn't have to. Thank you, it's very pretty." You smile, looking at the flowers you have received.
"Their artificial flowers too, so it won't wilt." Gyuvin chuckles lightly, "Do you like it?"
"Ofcourse I do."
Gyuvin's smile widens, "That's good. So, what would you like to do in this fine afternoon?"
"Oh, about that. Can you sit down with me?"
The brunette sits down beside you, awaiting your words.
"First off.." You chuckle, smiling and looking at Gyuvin, "What are these flowers for?"
Gyuvin seemed shocked at your question, "Well, I just thought I'd get something nice for you on our first date. Isn't that normal?
"Ah" You didn't mean to ask Gyuvin on a date, you just said that you wanted to hang out and talk. The brunette seemed to had mistook you, but you don't bring that up. Instead, you ask the always lingering question in your head, "Gyuvin?"
"Yes, [name]?" The boy looks thoughtfully at you.
"Why do you like me?" Sure, you helped him up that one time when you first met, but that really didn't explain his infatuation with you.
"I like you because you always care for me." Gyuvin says, making sure that your eyes were on him, he stares into your eyes, "Whenever I mess up. Whenever I test your patience, you always end up still trying to help me. Like when I pointed out and laughed at your booger that one time infront of tons of people, you still offered me your lunch knowing that I hadn't eaten yet."
You stare into Gyuvin, expecting more, and more did he deliver.
"I don't know why I started liking you, I probably hit my head too hard and fell in love with you at first sight when we first met. But that led me to actually fall in love with you. From trying to see you everyday, to messing up, and you cleaning up after me." Gyuvin keeps his stare on you, "That's why I like you, [name]."
Gyuvin takes a deep breath, "If you would let me, I would like to try and make you like me back, [name]. If you would let me, I will be a boyfriend that is deserving of you, [name]."
Ever since that day, you and Gyuvin started going out together. The boy had kept his promise. Once you said yes to his proposal, the brunette gave you his undivided attention. When he was studying and you happened to ask for him, he would quickly attend to you, even after you would refuse and tell him to keep studying. He always made time for you, even when there wasn't time.
He was a picture-perfect boyfriend. Kind, patient, studious and sugar-coated his words for you.
He would be the picture-perfect boyfriend but you yet had accepted to officially put that title onto him. Much to his dismay, but he would always smile and tell you to not feel pressured to accept.
Today, Gyuvin and you were strolling during the young night. The both of you were walking with no particular destination in mind.
That was what Gyuvin thought, but you were actually leading him to a local basketball court that was free to anyone.
As the both of you reach the court, you point your finger at it, "Hey! Let's go in there!"
"Oh? You want to play basketball?"
"Yeah." You step into the empty basketball court, guessing that no one was playing this late. Gyuvin follows behind you.
You look around for any basketballs, and luckily, find a basket full of them. You take one out, "Jeonghyeon told me that you were a star player. Show me your moves!" You enthusiastically say, throwing the ball towards Gyuvin.
Gyuvin chuckles, "You've been forcing me to play sports these days. Are you into athletes, darling?"
"What about it?" You laugh
"Well, you could've just said so, love." Gyuvin chuckles, dribbling the ball you had thrown at him, "Do you want to play with me?"
"How about you show me how to play first, showcase your awesome-st moves!" You clap your hands together, sitting on the lower-staircase the court had for viewers.
"Anything for you, sweety." Gyuvin sweetly smiles at you.
The boy dribbles the ball around the court for a few minutes, doing cool tricks with the said ball along the way as you applaud. After the said few minutes, he brings the ball above his head to shoot it.
"This one's for you, [name]!"
Gyuvin shoots the shot.
You clap as Gyuvin walks closer to you and sits beside you.
"How was that for redemption?" Gyuvin laughs
"More than enough." You smile at him
"You know, don't you not like sports? I'm sure Jeonghyeon told me that." Gyuvin points out
"You know, speaking of Jeonghyeon, he told me that you played ice hockey! Why don't you show me that next time?" You try and change the subject.
"It's not good to ignore what other people say, love." Gyuvin playfully furrows his eyebrows and pouts.
"I don't like playing sports, but I like watching!" You partially lie.
"Really? Jeonghyeon said that you don't come to watch his games because you found it boring." Gyuvin asks seriously
You gulp, "I like watching you do it."
"Because you like it. You enjoy sports, Gyuvin. You're always happy when you play sports. Back then, you would endure handling too many sports with a smile because you liked it, you like it." You repeat your last words.
Gyuvin cups your cheek with his hand. He uses his other hand to support his body leaning into you. As his nose touched your own, you bring a hand to his shoulder to stop him.
That seemed to upset him, as silent tears started rolling down from his eyes, "Does your heart even beat for me?"
Instead of answering, you take your hand off of his shoulder and tilt your head to meet his lips in yours. You taste the bitterness of his tears.
"Hey bro, nice game!" Gunwook congratulates Gyuvin, excitedly hugging him.
"Yeah, nice game bro! You were totally the MVP." Gyuvin hugs the other party back.
"Only because you just started practicing last week after not playing for a whole three(3) months."
"Just take the compliment bro." Gyuvin says
"Ayo! Congrats to my two bros!" Junhyeon joins the hug, "I'll let it slide that the both of you are sweaty."
Gunwook laughs, "No one asked for you to join the hug."
The three break the hug as Junhyeon fakes hurt, "How dare you!"
"It's great to have you back on the team." Yujin speaks up, eliciting a frightened screech from Junhyeon who didn't see the boy coming.
Gyuvin hugs the younger boy, Yujin, who reluctantly hugs back, "I hope that you're happy with me Yujinie."
"I am, now, stop hugging me." Yujin forcefully pushes Gyuvin off.
"Yujin, kid, stop scaring me!" Junhyeon berates the younger boy.
"Just stop being a scaredy-cat and you wouldn't have this problem." Gyuvin defends his junior.
"Hey, Gyuvin!" Jeonghyeon runs up to the said brunette.
"Yeah, dude?" Gyuvin responds
"You played awesome at soccer today. You still up for that basketball match this Friday?" Jeonghyeon asks hopefully.
"Heck yeah! Why is that even a question?" Gyuvin proclaims loudly, smacking Jeonghyeon's back, "Is [name] with you?"
Gunwook and Junhyeon wiggle their eyebrows as Jeonghyeon laughs, "Yeah, they're with Taerae right now in the stands. They actually watched the match."
His skates clash with the ice in the ice rink of the mall. Gyuvin holds the both of your hands as he guides you in skating, "You said you wanted me to show you skating." The brunette chuckles.
"Yeah, show me skating, not you showing me how to skate." You correct the boy holding you, as your legs wobble from not being familiar with walking on ice.
"Don't worry, I got ya." Gyuvin teasingly says, letting go of your hands for a split of a second.
"Gyuvin!" You scream, grabbing onto his stomach and hugging it.
Gyuvin hugs you back and laughs menacingly. The boy laughed a little too hard as he slipped on the ice, bringing you down with him.
"Talk about being a good skater. I thought you played ice hockey!" You whine
"I'm sorry, love. No one's perfect, I guess."
"Yeah, especially you!"
"Scratch that, you're perfect." Gyuvin smiles at you, struggling to stand up on the ice with you.
"You're such a cheesy boyfriend." You tease after finally being up on your feet.
"Your own one of a kind." Gyuvin says, bringing your face closer to his.
"You are not kissing me in a mall!" You berate
"Let's get out of this rink then." The boy laughs, taking your hand and guiding you to the rink's exit.
That's the end of that. I'm sorry if that was actual dog shit 😔 (No offense to Eumppappa, I literally did not mention the dog at all in the story). I'll write a Sung Hanbin×reader story fiction next, I promise that that wont be a High School AU anymore. Sorry if I just wasted your time and thank you for reading.
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