#hibari x gokudera
what-the-fuck-khr · 16 days
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new artwork for the newest KHR x Sanrio collab and merch that’ll be held via lottery!
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heirloomgem · 2 months
KHR/Katekyo Hitman Reborn
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First Vongola Family
Giotto Vongola
Asari Ugetsu
10th Vongola Family
Tsunayoshi Sawada
Hayato Gokudera
Yamamoto Takeshi
Hibari Kyoya
Cavallone Dino
Kozato Enma
Kozato Simon
Status: The request box is open only for the monthly one-shot series if the characters are chosen.
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lunacielooo · 6 months
poison the tea then burn it (or curse it instead)
Extras ❗may or may not be included to the fanfic❗
just the khr cast ft. Ria being chaotic af with a bit of spoilers thrown around
[1] Ria's eyes
[2] First Meeting
[3] Whimpering
[4] Hibari clan
[5] ---
Requests are open! | Tell me if you want to be tagged!
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whiskeysmulti · 3 months
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eternitas · 13 days
Hi 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 Questions time!! For Ava and Lorenzo
Are there any tropes fandom would put upon your character, for better or for worse?
What headcanons/theories do you believe fandom would invent about your character?
By contrast, what would their haters dislike about your character? Is it a petty complaint? A mischaracterization of the character or their intentions? Are they just a woman in a largely male-centric series?
Ask Meme
Hi hi hi there! Thank you for sending this in Mel! I'm so honored that you have interest in my dudes!
Are there any tropes fandom would put upon your character, for better or for worse?
Ava is definitely one of the biggest yandere providers. The way he clings to his brother would spark many many yandere scenarios. I also think he is someone who is put a lot through unhealthy relationships or one sided loves. Another thing I could see with him is going through the entire shipping bingo (only one bed, hanahaki, fake boyfriends, arranged marriage, snowed in together-)
Lorenzo weirdly enough I could see as being made the reluctant team mom? Also def seen as being a witty one liner machine. Biggest enemies to lovers candidate tbh, he gets instantly paired with whoever he has beef with and that's half the cast.
LorAva as a ship would def be a fave for the tragedy enjoyers, because despite them working it out in canon they just have such high angst potential. Lots of "there was only one bed" stories.
What headcanons/theories do you believe fandom would invent about your character?
For Ava they'd definitely do a lot of HCs about how much he is like their mother and what that says about their mother and Ava in return. Lot's of fluffy headcanons about him being pure and wholesome, letting out his box animal to play, holding tea parties. There is definitely a long running theory that all officers and especially Xanxus have "adopted" Ava as their princess because it's Squalos cute younger brother? Many many "Xanxus is actually soft to Ava" headcanons.
Don't ask me how but i believe there'd be people who believe Lorenzo is secretly related to Belphegor or even Gokudera. Def a candidate of moe gap headcanons about him secretly being really into stuff like stuffed animals??? definitely a lot of "he is just misunderstood :c" posts and a strangely wide accepted AU of Lorenzo and Dera being brothers??? It's all good fun though
By contrast, what would their haters dislike about your character? Is it a petty complaint? A mischaracterization of the character or their intentions? Are they just a woman in a largely male-centric series?
The amount of hate for Ava, because there are a good few that ship him with his brother. In general I think most Ava hate would come through how he is depicted by fandom as this uwu shota bean too pure for this world, which makes him seem so unnecesarily childish. With the uwu baby bean comes also the "he has never done anything wrong in his life" which some find extremely annoying because Ava is ALSO violent and hotheaded and can say insanely stupid things. Also lots of hate because of his relationship with Takeshi and the Yama x someone else shippers don't like that.
Lorenzo is definitely just hated because he is a meanie. Or rather it's the whole "they are so unhealthy for each other" debate. One specific thing he is hated for by some is that [SPOILER ALERT] during the fights that break out to determine if Tsuna keeps listening to Squad 4 or if he refuses their teachings, Lorenzo actually wins his fight against Hibari through a technicallity and myyyy god there are enough Hibari fans who hate that so much, and therefore just can't forgive Lorenzo.
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queenharumiura · 1 month
Send me a KHR ship pairing and i'll tell you: Yamamoto x Squaletta
[My KHR ship game] ||Accepting|| @squaletta Reminder: As with the last one, take my thoughts with a grain of salt because I can only work based off what I know of Squaletta and I don’t know everything about her. In other words forgive any and all inaccuracies.
Hate it |Am Neutral to it|Ship it| love it! |
Hmm… so you’ve asked for Squaletta before so I can probably recycle some bits as the character thoughts for some parts will remain the same. So, if some parts sound familiar… there is a reason for it lol. Since answering the last one, I don’t think I received any new information I didn’t have before, and I don’t believe you’ve written out some of the information that I know in a bio page yet, so I won’t speak too in depth on some things.
Those disclaimers finished, let’s move on.
I think I told you before that I’m pretty neutral to the ship in general though moving towards slight dislike in regards to Squalo and Yamamoto. I suppose I just strongly bias over other ships instead with Yamamoto so Squalo x Yamamoto get pushed down. (For reference, I am a biased queen and I love Gokudera and Yamamoto, Haru and Yamamoto, and Hibari and Yamamoto. Can you tell I bias over 10th gen?) ANYWAYS. A part of my reservation comes from the age gap. Yamamoto from the start is 14, while Squalo is 22, so that’s like a 8 year gap. It isn’t to say that I’m totally against it because of it, but I would require certain circumstances to be okay with it, like a ship only happening in the adult years for one- which would already be the case since you write TYL verses.
I know people IRL with larger age gaps and they’ve met later in life, so an age gap of 8- though a bit difficult to work with at times because of the maturity differences there can be, I’m not against it. That’s just the explanation for why I’m on the fence with the ship in general.
Now to ACTUALLY start (for real this time).
To talk about Yamamoto and Squaletta as a ship, one of which is a canon divergent gender bend, it’s hard to say something is truly canon or otherwise. There are various Yamamoto muses that you write with, and so the circumstances of background stories and set up vastly differ how a ship can go and whether or not I’m personally on board with it or not.
Just based off how I personally see Yamamoto and understand him, Yamamoto is the kind of guy who has a lot of trust and respect for those around him, and authority is actually something that means something to him. He puts a lot of respect to those above him or his superiors (such as coaches or teachers). He may act freely and may have a bit of a flippant side to him occasionally, he does really respect people. IF there is a Yamamoto that viewed Squaletta as a teacher, I do not see him forming romantic feelings for the person. HE would not cross those boundaries, and he would only really see them as a teacher and respect that role for what it is. So, in my opinion, if a ship were to happen, he cannot view Squalo/Squaletta as his teacher. Instead, viewing them as a comrade or a fellow more experienced swords(wo)man is fine.
I’ve mentioned it before, but in the case of my Yamamoto, he does not see Squaletta as his teacher. For me, with the way that he is and how strong his convictions are about his faith in his father’s Shigure Souen-Ryu, he will only see his father as his teacher. You can make the case of Reborn during the TYL arc, but I honestly get the vibe that Yamamoto doesn’t see Reborn as his teacher either. First of all, he knows full well that Reborn is Tsuna’s tutor, and he won’t do a thing like ‘stealing’ someone’s teacher. Secondly, Reborn was there to help train Yamamoto and hone his skill since there wasn’t an appropriate person who can help him until Squalo/Squaletta came. Even then, he more likely viewed it as Squalo/Squaletta volunteering their time to help train Yamamoto and instill some of their experience into him to make him stronger.
He wasn’t actively trying to learn everything he could from either of them to then forge their teachings into himself. He was taking in their pointers and advice and adapting it to work with the Shigure Souen-Ryu. The ONLY teacher he will acknowledge for swordsmanship is his father, the one who ‘birthed him’ as a swordsman through teaching him the ways.
I will finish this thought by saying that if anyone disagrees with me, that’s totally okay! This is just how I personally see him and how I personally will characterize my own Yamamoto- is all. If anyone believes that Yamamoto views other tutors as his teachers and respects them as such, all the power to you! I think it makes sense! It just doesn’t work with my characterization is all =w=
Moving on.
How Yamamoto views Squaletta is that she is a strong and independent woman. I’ve mentioned to you before in private that part of the appeal of what makes Squaletta so interesting as a character is her drives, her motivations, and the way she interacts with people. She’s different, and I don’t mean that in the ‘I’m not like the other girls~’ kinda thing. She’s different as a person in general. To be honest, that’s to be expected of Varia-Quality. She’s just built different (I love the built different meme) and that’s what makes her so funny (Yamamoto’s words, not mine). He finds some of her reactions to be funny, and he finds it so fascinating to see how mad she gets at him at times.
You’ve mentioned before: “When he was younger, she admonished him to take swordsmanship seriously because she saw his talent and potential. She tried to help him and still tries to help him. They are not in the position of superior and inferior - teacher and pupil. She may sometimes sound like a teacher because she is more experienced in swordsmanship and is dominant and bosssy, but those are her personality traits. She is very happy to tell him what he is doing wrong. XD” [ß lol yes from discord]
This is something he’ll better understand later in life, but when he was younger, he kind of saw her as a fussy swords senpai who is getting mad at him for having two priorities. Why can’t he like both things? If he’s doing well, what’s the problem if he does it? In canon Squalo even says ‘I know you have the ability to do both, you have the talent for it!’ and I’ll say that I BET that inside his head he thought ‘Then what’s the problem, haha?’ Someone cure him of his idiocy, please. Lol Like I said, he understands it later on in life. She didn’t want his talent to go to waste, and she wanted for him to really hone his skill because he clearly had the talent for it.
People just don’t like to see wasted talent, especially if they too had talent. Does this mean he’ll regret all the time he spent on baseball? No, it was a part of him and his history. It was a big part of who he is, and he’ll never regret that.
So, I mentioned just moments ago that he felt that Squaletta was like a fussy swords senpai. He has a lot of respect for his upperclassman and such. He has a lot of trust for those he acknowledged, and so that is why he REALLLYYY disliked Xanxus for a long time. He heard/saw the way that Xanxus treated her. To see someone he greatly respects being treated that way does not sit well with him. So, he probably asked about it one day and then she explained that they’re basically friends who trust each other a lot and that’s simply how they operate. They just banter a lot. He’ll then realize: OH! Just like me and Gokudera! [they fight a lot] He’ll be okay with Xanxus after that. Grudges don’t last long with this one.
I do think that he could’ve possibly had a small budding crush on her but literally never realized it. He’s a lil… daft when it comes to introspection, so I really don’t think he would easily realize if he were to have feelings for someone. His focus is usually elsewhere like his swordsmanship or baseball, so he doesn’t usually have the time to even contemplate on his feelings in particular. Not only that, whenever he did have a small baby crush it would’ve been when he was young, and she obviously wouldn’t have any feelings for him then or I’d really start questioning things like—why you looking at a young teen like that? B<
Therefore his small baby crush would’ve been short lived and then he’s simply move on with his life. He spent some time in Italy when Tsu-chan moved there as an exchange program, and then he went back to Japan. In TYL times, he does still primarily stay in Japan, but he does visit Italy quite often. From there, he would’ve have more dealings with Squaletta. Now we’re finally getting to the part that you’re actually curious about, I think. LOL 1500+ words to finally start talking about the actual premise of the ask.
If they were to ship together, they would’ve had to once he was an adult, and probably happen because she started to notice how accomplished he’d become as a swordsman. With all the experiences in battles honing his blade to such a razor sharp point, I think that would be one reason for her to start actually noticing him and not just see him as a fledgling chick who is just ‘playing around’ with his sword. In the TYL timeline, he is fully capable of holding his own, even against the Varia, and that would make him a fun opponent to spar against. Yamamoto’s ability to go from 8D to >B| in a matter of seconds is something wild and for someone who has a bit of a feral element to her, I bet that’s EXCITING.
My gut instinct tells me it’s these small points that has her noticing him and slowly start to come to like him more and more. Over time she starts to realize that she thinks about him more than she should, and find a lot of things about him cool or somewhat cute. His carefree attitude may have irritated her when he was real young, but maybe now it’s a little bit endearing. It’s like gap moe to have him have a carefree and cute side that contrasts the sharp and cold attitude he has when in the midst of battle. The duality of a person is very fun to witness.
Knowing that not many get to see both sides of him (and live to tell the tale) would be a reason for anyone to feel honored and special. Just things like that help some feelings form- is my guess.
Being the strong and independent woman that she is, where she cares about her sense of self, her right to herself, and being in control of what happens to herself, it would be good to have someone who could truly treasure her and treat her with respect. Yamamoto has a casual gentleness to him, and he’s respectful in his own ways. He would never do anything he knows bothers her. He’s more aware than others usually give him credit for. It wouldn’t be hard for him to have noticed that Squaletta normally doesn’t like to be touched by others. Knowing that, he is careful about giving her her space. It’s the small things of consideration to show that he cares to respect her and took the time to notice.
It's commonly noted that she’s a bit of a huntress, and has the instincts of a killer/hunter, so it would make sense for her to also like a man who is capable. Someone who has the ability to fend for themselves adequately is just the bare minimum. It’s super important from a romance perspective because being around a Varia member can mean someone could be in danger. I’m sure people can recognize the flag of the Varia and possibly also the uniform. So being seen around her is like walking around with a target. So Yamamoto being able to protect himself is very important.
If you take some of those things into consideration, it gives the feel of… Squaletta having a preference towards men who not only can treat her well. Like I said in Dino’s thing, I do think that treating her like a woman is also important to her as well. Yes, she’s a swordswoman who should be respected, she’s the vice-commander of the fearsome Varia—but she’s also a woman. Don’t forget that she’s a woman in favor of respecting her for her accomplishments. It is only right to require both. Respect her for her titles and accomplishments, but don’t lose the sense of treating her well as she should. Every person, regardless of how capable they are, should still feel like they are cared for and appreciated. No one wants to be in a relationship where their partner doesn’t make them feel courted. Her love is not easy to come by, so you better actually fight and work hard for it!
Like I said, Yamamoto does have some awareness of things around him. He’s quickly notice things about Squaletta and her actions. He can tell that even if she acts rough or whatever, she doesn’t mean it with ill intent. She only means it either teasingly or out of care. Having someone who can understand you is very important, and the fact that Yamamoto is a pretty easy going guy, it’s also equally as important that she’d be with someone who doesn’t have thin skin. She couldn’t be with someone who gets hurt over every small thing, but they can’t be too thick-skinned either. If they are, then they won’t really understand a lot of the nuances behind her actions. If she’s going out of her way to push past her comfort zone or anything and the other party doesn’t realize it? That’s almost insulting, like you’re taking her good will for granted or not even appreciating it. HOW DARE YOU- is the vibe that I get from her. She has standards and refuses to settle for less.
She more than likely didn’t think she’d ever have a romance considering she cared so much about swords and fighting. She probably didn’t have romance in the brain a lot, so if she’s going to be in an actual romantic relationship, the person had BETTER BE WORTH IT. Therefore, I think Yamamoto having those qualities is a good thing, because she can be assured that he understands her and would be willing to travel through life with her. He won’t die such a pitiful death, and she can trust him to forge a path on his own, but still be close by to her so that if she ever looks for him, he’s right there. She really values independence and self-will, so she wouldn’t impose her way of life on someone. She’d respect him for his goals and aspirations.
Of course, this isn’t to say that she wouldn’t doesn’t care if they are apart. I get the feeling that if Squaletta were to actually fall in love with someone, my gut feeling tells me that she is the kind of person who falls hard in love with her lover. She still loves space and independence, but when with her lover, she enjoys having moments of closeness with them. She loves to feel the heat of the passion of their love, to really prove to her that what they have is real and powerful. It isn’t something that she could ever tire of.
(in the back of my mind, I feel like when she realizes she’s in love and notices that she can actually enjoy soft moments over fighting… is when she can somewhat understand how he felt about baseball and the sword. In those moments, there can exist something that means more to her than a fight)
In that way, Squaletta can learn about the more gentler things in life with Yamamoto. It’s also so important that Yamamoto is an accepting guy. She can feel assured that he won’t ever demean her for being herself. He won’t chastise her for being loud, bossy, snarky, etc. He won’t ever try to change her as he’s accepted her for who she is and he came to love her anyways. That is a really important thing to her is what my instincts tell me.
Like I said before, he finds her amusing at times. I think any time she teases him, it reminds him of how he tends to tease and make jokes a lot to make light of situations. He would secretly wonder to himself if it’s a part of his influence that she’ll tease more often. Even if it’s not true, let him believe it. It makes him happy lol.
To know that she’d allow him to touch her hair (referencing the one meme), it’s really important to him, because it would show him that she really cares for him and trusts him. She is really trusting him and letting herself be more vulnerable around him. It is so easy to just grab someone by the hair and disarm them, so it’s actually really big that she’d let him touch and play with her hair. Not only that she’d allow him to help her address a wound. I understand that that meme was sent during my testing phase so it’s not a canon event, but the fact remains that you sent it. It thereby means that in TYL, Squaletta WOULD trust him enough to be around when she’s injured. For beasts and warriors alike, being injured means you’re more vulnerable and you’re more than likely to be hostile towards anyone—unless you actually trust them.
For Yamamoto, having someone trust him that much is PEAK goodness. It’s like baseball, where teamwork is really important and having trust that your teammates will be there for you. As such, trust, compatible teamwork, and faith in someone is really big factors in if he’ll like someone. Small things like that actually would be the start of him catching FEELINGS TM. It leaves a bit impression on him.
They truly would be a power couple LOL. They can fight and have eachothers back. I can absolutely see the playful banter between them if they’re fighting together and Yamamoto takes out an enemy behind her who was about to slice her—imagine?
‘I knew they were there, I could’ve handled it myself.’
‘I know, but I could’ve handled it quicker, so I did.’
Just the casual air between them built off of trust in each other and their skills is PEAK, and it would SOOO piss off all the enemies like FUCK OFF with your flirting? DIE, ACTUALLY. Alas, they always die to the blade of the power duo. SIGHHHHH (kekek)
Will say that I do think that in a relationship they both do maintain a level of independence. I feel they MUST due to their jobs. She’s in the Varia and he’s a guardian, so that independence they both have is actually a really good thing because then they can still focus on their duties and not slack off. BOTH people could not handle a slacker. Squaletta would probably rather murder someone than date a slacker, and Yamamoto couldn’t really be with someone who doesn’t have drive. It would make him feel a bit stifled.
So the fact that they both can understand that in eachother and be accepting of distance between them is actually a really REALLY good thing about them. When they are together though, Yamamoto is an openly affectionate person and I think she could be too once she falls in love. So, they embody the phrase ‘time and place.’ When on the job, they are serious and dedicated, but when they’re together, they can be soft… they can be calm and enjoy the atmosphere… they can just… be there in the moment and that’s so sweet.
Let’s see… as for some cute ideas… unfortunately I will have to cheat you on this. Any ideas that I put here may be things that I may plan on using in the future for interactions and I don’t like to give out spoilers like that. I tend to think of cute ideas that I want to do in advance and I really look forward to using them—so I don’t want to give out any spoilers.
Sorry! Look forward to things for whenever we do develop a solid (romantic) relationship between them!
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dreamieparadise · 3 months
❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤍🖤 💖💔💕📖🏳️‍🌈💀
I took so long so I'm sorry, Jojo!! I'll include the questions with the answers ☆ ~('▽^人) Answers below because these are a lot of questions!
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
Imma be real, I don't really pay attention to fan theories...? Like...do we have any...well Jojo told me there was one about how Gokudera survived on the streets and that was really disgusting to me. :) I completely disagree this poor kid had to "sell himself" in order to survive, especially when the manga and light novel made it clear he was surviving through violence.
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
D18!!!! I can't get behind it because every iteration I see of it...Hibari never acts like himself? Like who is that! That's not Hibari ;A; like age gap aside and stuff, even when they're both adults he's so...unlike him. Just some blushing mewling beast. lol
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
I'm always surprised by how people forget that Gokudera is a sweetheart? The guy doesn't "like" but LOVE and so deeply too!! If you're someone he claims, he'll be more likely to treat you like he did Tsuna than, like, Yamamoto...I always wonder why folks don't think that? Gokudera is someone who is love starved in every sense of the word so if he fell for you than he'd drink you up like a man in the desert searching for water. He wouldn't be mean to you at all!! Also I love to think as the series progresses passed its end, Gokudera would soften and become sweeter with the rest of the gang as well. He is just awkward, angry and cautious. Like a street cat! He needs time!
💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think?
I love how these questions are like... "let's start a fight!" lmao anyway, hmmm...who isn't as hot as everyone thinks...this is hard because KHR is full of such pretty people!! I feel like anyone I say, it'd be like...obvious and not an unpopular opinion? -thinks some more- um...Bel [decided to start a fight]
💜: Which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
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🤍: Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
This is a funny one because I think instead of saying "not as morally bad" I see takes that soften them up instead? Hm, let's see...let's go with...bruh. lol THIS ONE IS ALSO HARD! Let's go with Squalo but only because he has some manners [he brings a gift when visiting! What a decent fellow!!]
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
DINO CAVALLONE! He is total scum but I keep seeing things about how he's super sweet and a wonderful guy? It's funny though, ahaha. Dino himself says he is scum! I think it's due to him having a strong sense of responsibility and obligation that has people thinking this though. Like how he calls Tsuna "family" or how civilians in his territory are the most taken care of. Cx
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
Apparently it's the fact this series is misogynistic lol also not well written but the misogyny is the biggest sin for me!!!
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
SHAMAL. Or rewrite him the way Jojo and I do! Because I'm not fond of sexual predator characters ok lol like stop groping people!!! ESPECIALLY THE MINORS? [If you're wondering we just take that part of him out but he is still a massive cheater and still a scumbag...]
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
An unpopular ship I like...? Mimi x everyone. Okay, okay...I'll be serious... (¬‿¬ ) anyway...for canon characters, I really love Reborn x Colonnello! I actually don't know what is or isn't popular, tho lol I just hardly see this ship these days! I find them really funny. Another one...Hibari x Ryohei is another goldmine!!
📖: If you had to remove one book from the series, which would you choose?
One book from the series...let's go with Arc instead? lol if I had to remove one arc...yeah sorry Enma, I love you but the rest of your family can kick rocks so that Arc can go!!
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
huh, hm. Tbh a few but I'll go with Tsuna!! I really can't see it but I still love plenty of mlm ships with him. It's so cute! HIM AND TAKESHI THOUGH!!! ARUGH. Like when we diverge canon it's like...now it can happen!! Yay.
💀: If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
If I had to choose a major character? Tbh he is my fave villain in the series, I love Byakuran soooooo much! But he should not have returned lmao I say that even though I find present! Byakuran soooo much fun! But still!! He should stay dead!
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
KHR Fandom prompt
Running Music Mix
Thoughts on Enma & Tsuna's friendship
Songs for Gokudera, Squalo, Fran, Kikyo & Xanxus
Disney based KHR Fanmix
Who in KHR prefers to do hair or get their hair done
How do some KHR characters behave at a fancy Mafia Gala
Relationship between Ken, Chrome, and Chikusa
KHR - Assorted Oregano headcanons
KHR - The Arcobaleno camp together
KHR - Elena NSFW headcanons
KHR - Daemon x Elena Fanmix
KHR - Hibari x Mukuro Fanmix
KHR - Who, between Ryohei and Verde, would be better at what
KHR - Reborn x Tsuna Fanmix
KHR - Random Romario headcanon
Vongola Guardians "Which friend' prompt
Shimon Family 'Which friend' prompt
Arcobaleno 'Which friend' prompt
KHR fandom prompt
KHR - What animal would Tsuyoshi Yamamoto be
KHR fandom prompt
Free!! - Makoto Tachibana relationship headcanons
Free!! - Makoto Tachibana assorted SFW & NSFW headcanons
KHR - Tsuyoshi Yamamoto spending the day with his grandchildren
KHR - Tsuyoshi Yamamoto when his son was born
Yu Yu Hakusho fandom prompt
Who out of Bel, Gamma, and Yuni would be best at what
KHR - Uri's reaction to not being able to eat the whole day
KHR - The Bloody Twins background
Karneval fandom prompt
Death Parade Fandom prompt
Overwatch fandom prompt
Who from Karneval & Bungou Stray Dogs would dress up as each other for Halloween
Who from Durarara and Ao no Exorcist would dress up as each other for Halloween
Sailor Moon fandom prompt
Eyeshield 21 fandom prompt
The Arcobaleno competing in a tournament against each other
Oregano's s/o is accidentally killed by a colleague
Who from Tsuna's family is most likely to die in which way
Who from KHR has non-stop puns
KHR fandom prompt
The Kokuyo Gang with a swear jar
X-Men: Evolution fandom prompt
Gokudera/Reader/Tsuna/Yamamoto polyship Fanmix
KHR - Vongola Decimo Generation Coffee Shop AU!
Who from Nanbaka and Katekyo Hitman Reborn would dress up as the other for Halloween?
Who from Boku no Hero Academia and Katekyo Hitman Reborn would dress up as the other for Halloween?
Boku no Hero Academia & KHR Crossover fandom prompt
Eyeshield 21 & KHR crossover fandom prompt
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arealmunited · 5 months
Question time! Did Yamamoto want to stay in the states? Does he regret or resent being back in Japan? Similarly, does he regret going to the states in the first place?
Answered from {X} @queenharumiura
So at first when Yamamoto went to the states he did regret it a bit, he felt horrible for leaving Tsuna and the gang especially after becoming one of his guardians.  But he also couldn’t force himself to pass up an opportunity like this, Yamamoto knew that if he didn’t go he would regret it greatly.
Did he want to leave the states? Yes and no.  No because Alec and the others became family to him, and while he knew it was the same as being one of Tsuna’s guardians Yamamoto was just happy being considered part of the Delamarre famgilia.
Yes, because even though it had been a long time he truly did miss all of his old friends and his father.  While Yamamoto was abroad he had very little contact with them and even less after his accident.
At times he really does regret coming back to Japan, he can tell that many of the others no longer trust him and he also has a hard time trusting them as well.  For the first bit he was back there were a lot of fights, mostly between him and Gokudera.  Any time that he tried to leave and go back to America Squalo or Hibari would stop him, causing even more resentment towards them.
It took a long time for his resentment towards everyone to calm down.
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strawwritesfic · 6 months
Ryohei Sasagawa x Female!Reader: Cootie Catcher [Ch. 4]
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Summary: You liked it better in the old days, when boys had cooties and didn’t talk to you.
Challenge: “What to do, oh, What to do?” by crimsonxtearx5 on Lunaescence Archives.
Ratings/Warnings/Tags: T (Friends to lovers; idiots to lovers; childhood friends; happily blended family; embarrassing parents; civilian!reader; bookworm!reader; opposites attract; Namimori Middle School; TYB!KHR Cast; no honorifics; boxing club; tutoring; Seven Minutes in Heaven; birthday party; mild language)
Relationships: Ryohei Sasagawa/Reader; Original Character/Original Character; Kyoko Sasagawa & Reader; Ryohei Sasgawa & Kyoko Sasgawa; Tsuna Sawada & Hayato Gokudera & Takeshi Yamamoto; Hibari Kyoya & Reader; Hibrari Kyoya & Ryohei Sasagawa; Kyoko Sasagawa/Tsuna Sawada/Haru Miura
Tag List: @imaginesfire
Master List
Chapter 4: Should Have Made Up Sooner
Getting ready to take your high school entrance exams was hard work. Even for someone as dedicated to school as you, the studying took up a lot of your time. Several months lay between you and those tests, but you wanted to go in completely prepared—which was why giving yourself a rare evening to read a book you actually wanted to read meant a lot to you. You could curl up in a chair in the corner of your room and forget about the stresses of reality for just a little while.
You turned a page in your novel without giving any indication you heard your mother rapping on the outside of your bedroom door. She’d been coming upstairs with excuses to check on you for the last hour or so. Why did she need your attention this badly? Katsuro had given her a cell phone so that she could constantly text you; now she wouldn’t give you any alone time when you were home either.
Whatever she needed you for, she wasn’t about to give up and go away this time.
“What, Mom?” you asked with your eyes still glued to your page.
“Aren’t you going to answer that?”
“Answer what?”
“Your phone.” She pointed at the device sitting at the little table next to you. “That’s the fifth time it’s gone off since you came home from school.”
“It’s not ringing right now.”
“But it was about ten seconds ago.”
Could she not tell you didn’t want to talk about it? Of course not. Even the person calling you incessantly couldn’t take the hint, so why should you expect your mother to? You did not attempt to continue the conversation. She didn’t get that either. When you remind tight-lipped, she crossed the room to kneel next to your chair.
“That nice Sasagawa boy has been leaving you messages, hasn’t he? Don’t you think the polite thing to do would be to call him back?”
“I’m not going to call him back,” you said flatly., and turned another page in your book as loudly as you could. “If he needs to talk to me that badly, he can talk to me at school.”
Or Ryohei could talk to you at school, if he could find you. He hadn’t managed to do so yet. Hibari had given you permission to skip tutoring for the week, which left you free to leave the school grounds as soon as class was over. Throw in eating lunch in a different place every day, and Ryohei shouldn’t ever have a chance to discuss the Seven Minutes in Heaven incident with you before you left Namimori Middle forever.
“When you have a crush on someone, you aren’t supposed to avoid them. Not all the time, anyway. And I really don’t think he’s the kind of boy that wants someone who plays hard to get,” your mom put in.
“Mom, I am not playing hard to get. Okay? And I don’t have a crush on Ryohei.”
“Didn’t you say you get butterflies in your stomach when you seem?”
“And that your face gets all hot when you say something dumb around him?”
“I mean—”
“And that you get annoyed when you see him spending time with his sister’s best friend?”
This was what you got for opening up to your mother. Ask her to take you to the doctor for all these crazy symptoms, and what did you get instead? Constantly heckling about the wonders of puberty. She’d even refused to let you stay home from school for those first few days after Ryohei’s party. Maybe if she had, you wouldn’t be forced into such drastic measures to keep Ryohei away from you!
“I’m just coming down with something,” you mumbled for what felt like the fiftieth time.
Your mother reached up to hover the back of her hand against your forehead. “You don’t feel warm to me.”
“Well, then I must be starting to get over it.”
“Then I think you’re healthy enough to call the boy. He’s your best friend, [Name].”
“I know.��� You couldn’t help sounding so miserable. Did she think you enjoyed eating lunch all alone every day? “But I don’t know what to do.”
“It’s okay to have a crush on him, you know. It’s perfectly normal for girls your age. And mine! All those things you feel? I feel them when I look at Katsuro. And I’m normal, right?”
“Hey! He’s my best friend, just like the Sasagawa boy is yours.”
“Mom, you’re only making me feel worse. I don’t want to like Ryohei like that.”
“Why not?”
You chewed on your lower lip in lieu of answering.
“Before all this started, you two were inseparable,” she went on. “I hardly saw you around the house without him attached to your hip.”
“I don’t want that to change! I mean, he’s the only person at school that talks to me, other than Hibari.”
“And you’re repaying his kindness by refusing to talk to him?”
“I…” You swallowed roughly. For once, your mother was completely right—not just about how you felt about Ryohei, but how badly you were treating him. Your throat felt tight with tears as you said, “I just hoped it would go away.”
“Your crush?”
You took a deep breath, placed your book on the nearby table, and curled into yourself on your chair. “Yes.”
“It might, Sweetheart. But do you want him to have found another best friend in the meantime?”
“No,” you moaned.”
“Then I really think you should call him back, or at least pick up next time he calls you. I get the sense he really misses you, and for what? A silly game of Seven Minutes in Heaven?”
“You’re right. Thanks for the advice, Mom.”
“Anytime.” She stood to walk out of your room, but paused before she exited entirely. “I’m going to go make dinner. If you need anything else, you know where to find me. Don’t spend all day reading. Okay? At least try to talk to your friend.”
“I will. I promise.”
With one last meaningful glance at your cell phone, she left you alone. You looked at it yourself. A blinking light indicated you had another voicemail. No points for guessing who had left it. And while, yes, you’d just given your word that you’d quit ignoring him, you didn’t feel ready yet to discuss the Seven Minutes in Heavens debacle—especially not with Ryohei himself. What would you say? How could you convince him hurt feelings weren’t the cause of your sudden disappearance? Obviously, you couldn’t tell him the truth.
“Ten more minutes,” you told yourself. You’d nearly finished chapter five anyway, and focus would come easier when you didn’t have outstanding words to read. One chapter was surely better than the entire book in terms of procrastination.
Picking your book back up, you settled back against the chair cushion just in time for your phone to start buzzing once more. The sudden flood of nerves felt like a punch to your stomach. No! You weren’t ready! But you had promised.
“Hello?” you said after accepting the call.
“[Name],” the voice on the other end roared. You winced as you wrenched the phone away from your ear. “Finally!”
“Hi, Ryohei. Listen, I—”
“Can you open the door? It’s sweltering out here!”
“Can I—where are you?” You twisted in your seat to push back the curtain hanging across your bedroom window.
“Outside your house, of course!” he said, just as you spotted a head covered in short, silver hair below.
“What? No!”
Despite your protests, you were already up and dashing for the front door. Ryohei, however, did not know this. He rambled on, “Well, you wouldn’t talk to me at school, and I can never find you after school, so I—”
You yanked the door open and interrupted him mid-sentence. The two of you stared at one another until you took your phone away from your face and ended the call.
“Hi,” you said awkwardly.
“Hey,” he said, just as awkwardly. “I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for ages.”
“Yeah. Sorry about that.”
You both stared again. Heat crept up the back of your neck. Your lips twitched. Those awful stomach butterflies returned with a vengeance. Could this really be as normal as a teenage crush? The mere sight of Ryohei hadn't ever made you feel like you wanted to run and hide under your bed before, and standing there at your doorstep, you would have traded just about anything to not feel that way again.
“Do you want to come in?” you asked at last.
“Only if you want me to.”
“Why wouldn’t I want you to come in?”
“Because I didn’t kiss you!”
Your mouth fell open. Sure, you’d heard Gokudera tell Ryohei the truth behind Seven Minutes in Heaven, listened to the voicemails begging you for a call back, and endured Kyoko’s suggestions you could just talk to her brother for a minute to straighten things out, but never in a million years had you considered that Ryohei actually believed you’d stopped talking to him because he hadn’t kissed you.
Ryohei must have taken your shock as space for further explanation, so hurried on, “Octopus Head told me everything about the game we played at my party after you felt. I’m extremely sorry that I didn’t kiss you, but I didn’t know that was the point!”
No matter how many times you opened and closed your mouth, no sound came out.
“[Name]? Are you extremely mad at me?”
“I—” Success! A single word! Now to string a few more onto it before Ryohei had any crazier ideas. “No! I’m not mad at you at all.”
“You’re not? Are you sure?”
“Then why have you been avoiding me?” he demanded.
You took a deep breath and prepared yourself to lie your butt off. You hadn’t felt very well the last couple of weeks; please just go home; maybe you’d talk to him this weekend. But Ryohei looked so upset that your fibs died on your lips. How could even look him in the eye when you were going to treat him like that?
So you didn’t. You moved your eyes to your feet and told him the truth: “I was just embarrassed doing that in front of your friends. I’m really glad you didn’t kiss me.”
“You are?”
You nodded. “I’m just not used to playing games like that.”
“So you forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive.” Finally, you worked up the nerve to face him again. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a jerk.”
“It’s no problem! Kyoko says sometimes people can do weird stuff when they experience an extreme shift in their homelife.”
Well, Katsuro wasn’t what you’d call an extreme shift in your homelife. He’d been a fixture there for quite some time before he and your mother tied the knot. But you had no intention of weaseling out of the excuse Ryohei had offered you. You wanted your best friend back at school. At least he had other friends to spend time with when you were giving him the cold shoulder.
“Thanks, Ryohei.” You smiled. “And next time you have a party, maybe we can play something else?”
Ryohei did something strange when you said that: He frowned. Before you could ask him why, though, he hitched his usual grin back in place.
“If it makes [Name] extremely uncomfortable, we’ll never play Seven Minutes in Heaven again.”
Perhaps his disappointment had just been in your imagination. Why would Ryohei be disappointed about not getting shoved into a dark closet with you again? You doubted he had much actual interest in kissing. An underclassman had tried to him a lunch just a few months ago, and he’d only promised to remember to bring his own lunch from then on so no one felt obligated to sacrifice their own meal for him.
“You want to come inside?” you asked. “We have Yakult.”
“Yes, please!”
You stood aside to let him in. Ryohei stopped in the entryway to take off his shoes, and you marched into the kitchen, pulled out the Yakult and some coconut water, and got busy mixing the drinks.
“Two glasses?” Your mother asked as she wandered into the kitchen. You could tell by her smile that she already knew, but you answered anyway:
“Ryohei’s over.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful! Did you two make up?”
“Sort of. We weren’t really fighting.”
“Oh, I get it.” She winked at you. “Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me.”
“What secret?” asked Ryohei. Of course. Now he showed up, just in time to overhear that.
“Hi, Ryohei,” your mother said.
“Hello, Mrs. [L Name]! How are you doing to the extreme?”
“I’m fine. Just lonely lately, what with [Name] off at school so often and Katsuro working long hours.”
You waggled a finger at her over your stirring. “Quit trying to make him feel bad. Grandma visits almost every day. And you know Ryohei isn’t the one keeping me at school so long. I already told you that’s Hibari.”
Your mom did not reply to this. For several blissful seconds, you thought she might wander off to go do her own thing. But you could not be so lucky. The next words out of her mouth were:
“So Ryohei, are you and [Name] dating yet?”
“Oh, my God!” you shouted before Ryohei had an opportunity to comprehend the question. Thankfully, your apparent distress got his attention at once.
“What happened? What's the matter?" he asked.
You grabbed his wrist. “I just remembered.”
“Remembered what?”
“I left my umbrella at school today. It might rain tomorrow. We need to go get it!”
“But your mother just—”
“Right now!”
Without waiting for her to say anything else to keep either of you there, you dragged Ryohei by his arm out of the kitchen and toward the front door. The Yakult would have to wait for a safer time. At least for now you had your best friend back…so long as your mother’s big mouth didn’t put an end to that once more.
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boxanimal · 1 year
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Reborn x France-Tei Collab Menu
Ciaossu! Reborn's Viennese Coffee (880 yen, including tax)
Iced coffee
Whipped cream
Tsuna's Dying Will Orange Juice (880 yen, including tax)
Grenadine syrup
Orange juice
Orange slice
Gokudera's Bomb Drink (880 yen, including tax)
Strawberry syrup
Mixed berries
Yamamoto's Completely Flawless and Invincible Drink (880 yen, including tax)
Blackcurrant syrup
Whipped cream
Hibari's Hamburger ~Japanese Preparation~ (1500 yen, including tax)
Grated daikon
Green onion
Japanese-style sauce
Mukuro's Pineapple Drink (880 yen, including tax)
Pineapple juice
Whipped cream
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momodita · 1 year
general event info.
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this includes some themes / topics i won't write for blog events, and a list of characters i write for! all other relevant guidelines will be included in the event post
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NOTE: these rules do not necessarily apply to the fics i write in my own time. i like to keep events mostly light and fun, but will explore darker themes outside of blog events.
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i do NOT write       > non-con, incest, pedophilia / underage nsft       > major character death       > infidelity / cheating       > drugs / substance abuse       > readers that are siblings of canon characters       > explicit violence against animals and children       > character x character       > pregnancy / kid fics
* in general, it's best to ask about a topic if you're unsure!
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this list of event characters is subject to change, so i will always include this post for easy access so you can check if your faves are still here!
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KIMETSU NO YAIBA ⠂⠁⠈⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂
kamado tanjirou ✧ tomioka giyu ✧ uzui tengen ✧ rengoku kyojurou ✧ shinazugawa sanemi ✧ kochou shinobu ✧ yushirou ✧ sabito
NARUTO ⠂⠁⠈⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂
uchiha sasuke ✧ nara shikamaru ✧ hyuuga neji ✧ haruno sakura ✧ rock lee ✧ aburame shino ✧ gaara ✧ namikaze minato ✧ hatake kakashi ✧ maito gai ✧ uchiha madara
KATEKYO HITMAN REBORN ⠂⠁⠈⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂
sawada tsunayoshi ✧ gokudera hayato ✧ yamamoto takeshi ✧ hibari kyoya ✧ rokudo mukuro ✧ giotto ✧ reborn (adult)
IDOLISH7 ⠂⠁⠈⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂
sunohara momose ✧ nikaidou yamato ✧ oogami banri ✧ kujo tenn ✧ izumi mitsuki ✧ rokuya nagi
BLEACH ⠂⠁⠈⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂
hirako shinji ✧ hitsugaya toshirou ✧ ichimaru gin ✧ kurosaki ichigo ✧ uryuu ishida
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whiskeysmulti · 7 months
Ship Wishlist
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.Whiskey. This is by no means to pressure, just to give a heads up what ships I'd like to test out or things I ship but haven't written yet with a partner. This does include some muses from my hidden/request list. And some are self indulgent crack pairings. KHR: 1820- Hibari x Adelheid 5420- Aoba x Adelheid 1859- Hibari x Gokudera 2759- Tsuna x Gokudera B59- Bel x Gokudera 5940- Gokudera x Shittopi 48 +1- Spanner x Irie 100 +1- Byakuran x Irie A02- Alaude x G AG- Alaude x Primo 2700- Tsuna x Enma 2795- Tsuna x Kyoko D88- Dino x Bianchi
Banana Fish: ShorAsh
Bleach: Starrk x Nel Starrk x Harribel Harribel x Nel Naruto: ShikaTema MinaKush Pein/NagatoKonan Yahiko/Konan
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fightingthetides · 10 months
"Did that really just happen?" ( gokudera )
Bc you know I accept memes from my other blogs [x] ||Accepting|| @dyingresolve
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"You have eyes and a brain. Figure that out for yourself." Hibari retorts, not wishing to waste his time with convincing the other that what had just transpired truly happened.
Stop distracting him with stupid questions. There was a pest to bite to death.
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queenharumiura · 1 year
☯ Is there a muse you've always wanted to play?♣ Is there an author(s) that you look up to with your writing skills?♥ What's your favorite ship with your muse?✿ Do you have a mun FC? If so why did you choose that as your FC, and if not who would you choose?回 Which muse was the worst to play? Why?
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting||
☯ Is there a muse you've always wanted to play?
Mmnn... I don't think so? If I always wanted to play someone, I probably went and did so. It may take a while to get there, but i'll do it. I'm loyal to my desires and if I really want to do something, i'll do it- tho I suppose there was a time I wanted to basically muse the entirety of the 'Trash of the Count's Family' series lol
Then the thing with licensing getting revoked happened and so the people who were translating the novel had to stop and that made me go 'oh- nvm then'. Apparently Korea does that sometimes, let you have licensing to get popularity up and then revoke it and ask someone else to do an 'official' translation. Bah. <- I'm Korean, so please no one take this as me just hating for no reason or smth.
♣ Is there an author(s) that you look up to with your writing skills?
No, the thing is, with me, I don't usually look up to people. I respect them, sure, but I don't look up to people in the way like idolizing them. That's just not how my personality works. I just appreciate the writing skills of everyone I interact with and that's that. I don't like find a person and go 'oh wow their writing style is so good! I look up to them!' nah, it's more like 'oh wow they're really good at writing! I wanna write with them'.
♥ What's your favorite ship with your muse?
Mmmm so in general, my favorite ship with Haru is Hibari and Haru (bc I'm the bitch who ships my favorites together AHAHAHAHA), and Gokudera and Haru (because of old cosplay nostalgia reasons).
My favorite ships currently with Haru would be Byakuran and Haru (bc it is in the works right now) and Gokudera and Haru (also basically a thing currently). Belphegor and Haru was also very big for me though that ship kinda died so- yeah. It still has a very strong place in my heart, don't get me wrong. It's just hibernating.
✿ Do you have a mun FC? If so why did you choose that as your FC, and if not who would you choose?
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On this blog, it's Tsukuyo from Gintama. Many eons ago, I with a group of fans just made up a lil family of people and we kinda associated ourselves with a character from the series. So, as the founder of sorts of this group of people, I had the mother role and I liked Tsukuyo, so yeah. For nostalgia reasons, I kept her as a FC in RPC.
回 Which muse was the worst to play? Why?
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This insufferable mother f*cker. He was such a pain in the ass with his 'PRAISE BE ME, I AM THE GREATEST. WORSHIP ME AND THIS BODY FOR I AM THE PEAK OF GREATNESS!' bs-- I LOVED HIM. KEK. Super narcissistic lol. Love him so much. Still do. I could consider playing him still, but mmmmm nah. The people I did write him with went bye bye and I brought him in for them- so since they're gone-- he sleeps.
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KHR X MHA Oneshots
KHR X MHA Oneshots by Some1reading
Different oneshots of multiple ideas that has been plaguing me.
Words: 9528, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Sawada Tsunayoshi, Ten Years Later Sawada Tsunayoshi, Hibari Kyouya, Ten Years Later Hibari Kyouya, Lambo Bovino, Ten Years Later Lambo Bovino, Gokudera Hayato, Ten Years Later Gokudera Hayato, Yamamoto Takeshi, Ten Years Later Yamamoto Takeshi, Sasagawa Ryouhei, Ten Years Later Sasagawa Ryouhei, Rokudou Mukuro, Ten Years Later Rokudou Mukuro, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-A
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45954094
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