#hibiki takaki
sinful-liesel · 2 years
DIG-ROCK -alive- Series
Release Date: December 28, 2022
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DIG-ROCK -alive- Type:IC
Tsugumi Nonaka (CV: Yuma Uchida)
Toki Mizukawa (CV: Takuya Eguchi)
Mitsuru Hayama (CV: Wataru Hatano)
Hibari Shibasaki (CV: Shinnosuke Tachibana)
Sora Tobikura (CV: Kent Ito)
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DIG-ROCK -alive- Type:RL
Akane Higurashi (CV: Makoto Furukawa)
Kurono Tokitou (CV: Kaito Ishikawa)
Mashiro Fuyuki (CV: Takuya Sato)
Haiji Sumizome (CV: Natsuki Hanae)
Shiki Iwahara (CV: Wataru Komada)
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DIG-ROCK -alive- Type:HR
Hibiki Kouno (CV: Toshiyuki Toyonaga)
Shoma Endou (CV: Ryohei Kimura)
Toya Hayama (CV: Hikaru Midorikawa)
Shion Onozato (CV: Yuuichirou Umehara)
Sogo Kido (CV: Takashi Kondo)
Takaki Kasuga (CV: Tarusuke Shingaki)
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tikobithelich · 2 years
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Sketch Dump of my raptor son, Hibiki
Guest Starring Shoto Todoroki :D
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leenaevilin · 6 years
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[Pics] あんさんぶるスターズ!エクストラ・ステージ ~Memory of Marionette~ (ensemble stars! extra stage ~memory of marionette~)
Valkyrie visuals update^^
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Yamazaki Taiki as Itsuki Shuu (斎宮宗)
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Ino Hiroki as Kagehira Mika (影片みか)
Oosaki Natsuki as Nito Nazuna (仁兎なずな) Kumagai Kaito as Shino Hajime (紫之創) Miyazaki Yuu as Mashiro Tomoya (真白友也) Okui Nagato as Tenma Mitsuru (天満光)
Sasamori Hiroki as Tenshouin Eichi (天祥院英智) Hagio Keishi as Hibiki Wataru (日々樹渉) Watanabe Takaki as Fushimi Yuzuru (伏見弓弦) Soejima Kazuki as Himemiya Touri (姫宮桃李)
紅月 (Akatsuki)
Miyazawa Yuu as Hasumi Keito (蓮巳敬人) Yanagawa Rui as Kiryuu Kurou (鬼龍紅郎) Furuhata Keisuke as Kanzaki Souma (神崎颯馬)
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sambart93 · 6 years
2018.09.22 Ensemble Stars ‘EnStage’ Live in Yokohama [Report]
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Official Website here Official Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4 PreOrder DVD (Strangely they haven’t released any Animate Online or Amazon dvd preorder even though I’m sure they had DVD Reservations at the venue...)
Ozawa Ren as Akehoshi Subaru Yamamoto Ikkei as Hidaka Hokuto Tanimizu Riki as Isara Mao Matsumura Taiichirou as Yuuki Makoto
Konami Koji as Sakama Rei Chihiro Okutani as Hakaze Karou Akazawa Ryoutaro as Oogami Koga Akira as Otogari Adonis
Maeyama Takahisa as Tenshouin Eichi Yasui Kazuma as Hibiki Wataru Watanabe Takaki as Fushimi Yuzuru Hoshimoto Yuzuki as Himemiya Toori
Yamanaka Kenta as Aoi Hinata Yamanaka Shouta as Aoi Yuuta
Saeki Ryou as Morisawa Chiaki Hori Kaito as Takamine Midori Fukazawa Taiga as Sengoku Shinobu Konishi Seiya as Nagumo Tetori Murakawa Shoichi as Shinkai Kanata
Oosaki Natsuki as Nito Nazuna Sakurai Keito as Shino Hajime Miyazaki Kiyuu as Mashiro Tomoya Okui Nagato as Tenma Mitsuru
Higuchi Yuta as Kanzaki Souma Komatsu Junya as Hasumi Keito Ueda Kandai as Kiryu Kuro
Hashimoto Shohei as Tsukinaga Reo Takasaki Shouta as Sena Izumi Kitamura Ryo as Narukami Arashi Aramaki Yoshihiko as Sakama Ritsu Kitagawa Naoya as Suou Tsukasa
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Long story short: It was not worth the 12,000 yen I paid for an arena seat but it had some nice moments...
Let’s just get the crappy parts out of the way okay? BUT if you wanna skip it just CTRL F to ‘the few good parts’.
First, the massive mess up about the goods! If you didn’t hear, they announced about 3 days before the show starts that we would have to APPLY for a LOTTERY for a CHANCE to buy goods! And that the event venue and the goods venue were going to be at least 30 minutes apart (depending on your mode of transport). So we had people not hitting for the goods lottery meaning they couldn’t get any goods even though they might’ve been seeing it that day, so they were going without penlights, tshirts etc. So naturally people were pissed. It got worse when 8 minutes into the goods starting; penlights were sold out. And they were not going to get a new batch in until about 3 hours later. So again, people were losing their shit. There were people who could ONLY get goods at 10am because they were going to the afternoon show but within MINUTES one of the main wanted goods was sold out? Again, people lost their shit. It just got worse as the day went on... By the time the shows actually started, no one gave a shit about anything the official EnStage twitter had to say, everyone had lost their trust in the staff and company. Luckily, I had smooth sailing; I hit for goods, I got all my goods. But just imagining people who didn’t even HIT for the goods lottery but were going to the shows, just broke my heart. It made me just as angry as those who were being left out. OH and they did NOT prepare any trading area this time; why the fuck are you selling RANDOM and TRADING goods if you’re not going to provide a fucking trading area? Idiots...
The second mess up was, when the first show was about to begin, lots of tweets came out saying ‘there’s been a mistake in the seating plans, first row has NO seats, and they’re moving people’ well what a fuck up that is. How can you not have enough seats?! You know how big the room is, you know how many tickets you sold, you know how many people are coming; how did you fuck up the seating plan, not have enough seats and then have the audacity to MOVE a front row ticket holder to other parts of the room?! What the fuck. Again, I was lucky, I had a seat and there were no such problems at the night show I went to.
The next one is more to do with me personally. I am barely 159cm and I never wear heels to any events, even concerts, because I know how tiny some Japanese women can be and if one is behind me, I don’t want to be blocking them more than I should be. But because of this, I could not see the main stage AT ALL. The entire show I had to WATCH the screen even though I was to the left of the front stage. I could not see the main stage at all! So I was pissed! But also that meant that not only me, who paid 12,000 yen for an arena seat which should be one of the best seats, but others too weren’t able to see the stage. What’s the point paying 12,000 yen if I can’t see the whole fucking stage? GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK! I seriously think those in the stands and second floor had the best view for any of these performances. It was easy for them to see the stage, sitting or standing.
The next part, which is apparently my fault again, but apparently (no matter who I talk to) it’s ‘COMMON KNOWLEDGE’ that every stage/musical concert/live that you go to is lipsynced. Well I’m sorry but I DID NOT KNOW and they didn’t tell us it would be And if I HAD KNOWN, I wouldn’t have bothered paying for a ticket at all, let alone a 12,000 YEN SEAT(!). But apparently ‘everyone else knew it was going to be lipsynced’. WTF?! I realised straight away (during TRICKSTAR’S first song) that they were lipsyncing, so it wasn’t even GOOD lipsyncing! It really rubbed me the wrong way. Like A LOT. What did I pay 12000yen for? What did EVERYONE pay 9000+ yen for?! If you’re not going to PERFORM?! I did not pay a ridiculous amount of money to watch people LIPSYNC for 2 and a half hours. I paid that much money to be entertained, to be able to see everything, to enjoy myself, to hear the beautiful voices that people like Ikkei, Kandai, Kazuma and Yuzuki possess(!). To hear the booming voices of RenRen and Shohei who are SO damn loud, there’s no point giving them a mic - but again, because their voices were strangely the same volume as the melody when they were ‘singing’ was also obvious proof that they were lipsyncing -, to hear bad singers like TakaChan and KitaMu sing badly (because I fucking love hearing people live REGARDLESS of how shitty they are!). That’s what I want! I want a LIVE concert performance, and they gave me..... Higuchi barely trying to lipsync in time, for example ---- seriously he BARELY moved his mouth!!!!! 
OH and they didn’t even sing ALL the songs. WTF?! You just play the group songs and... why?! Judge of Knights was such a success and you’re not even going to put in any battle or Knight Killers songs?! Oh please fuck off. I’m sorry but that is NOT a performance! That is 30+ people barely putting in any effort and getting paid for it. Oh I was SO PISSED for the entirety of the show when I figured it out STRAIGHT away. No wonder I sat down for most of the concert; I couldn’t see the main stage whether I stood or not, they were lipsyncing so I don’t really need to watch them, I can just listen to them like I’d listen to a CD because that’s what they fucking were anyway! Again, why did I pay 12,000 yen to listen to a CD recording of them?! what the fuck....
Yeah, I’m still going! At this point I might as well let it ALL OUT. But the audience sucked as well. The cast was trying to get us to ‘oi!’ and yell chants at some of the songs but EVERY TIME, as soon as the boys stopped yelling it out, the audience went quiet again and I’m like ‘FUCKERS CONTINUE!’ it was obvious we could still keep cheering along, they wanted us to continue. The audience fucking sucked. OH god and every time KNIGHTS came out..... FYI I fucking HATE KNIGHTS at this point. I fucking hate Ritsu with a passion and ALWAYS have <<< feels so nice to finally admit how much I can’t stand and have never stood Ritsu. But the audience volume change and the squeal change when KNIGHTS came on compared to the REST of the groups is just so fucking bias and I am so fucking over it. OH and another part that really pissed me off, Rei and Ritsu did the ‘15 minutes before the show rules announcement’ and it started with Ritsu yawning but apparently everyone in that room was dumb as fuck because I knew that was Maki straight away, but it wasn’t until he spoke an actual line that everyone else realised it was Ritsu and then everyone started to lose their shit and scream -______________- . It was obvious it was him. -____________- idiots.... <<< like I said,  I might as well let it all out.
Also, fucking hate UnDead. Hate their songs too. You’re welcome to like them and everyone was super yelling and into their songs (the audience actually yelled and cheered during their songs which was nice) but ugh... just no for me.
New Yuzuru was so robotic whenever he spoke his lines. He didn’t really get a good reaction from the audience the night I watched. But he has time to improve, I think he’s a newbie anyway and he wasn’t on stage long enough to give people an impression really.
No Encore... seriously? No Greetings/Curtain Call... seriously? Ugh....
Sigh.... I think I’m done ranting.. let’s get to the few good parts...
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The actual ensemble cast were a dream! The actual ensemble cast were so good and they were all so good looking! I spent MORE time watching them than I did with the actual cast. They were so much fun! Their dances were great, I loved how they tried to encourage the audience (but were obviously being ignored by everyone else) with claps and cheers constantly, they were good looking, they were just a great ensemble cast! I really, really liked all of them!
There was about 50% live singing when it came to the new FINE, Akatsuki and All Cast song. Knights Escort was 50% live too. But everything else was not. The two new group songs were good. BUT they were obvious goodbye songs and their lines before their songs were obviously scripted ‘graduation’ lines which just made me sigh. If it’s scripted then it just ruins their actual graduation if I’m going to be honest. Making them do the same ‘goodbye / graduation’ lines every show just ruins it. Okay, I’ll stop complaining now.... maybe...
There were so few interactions between people (as in groups mixing and interacting), it was just group song, after group song, after group song. BUT I did enjoy the few interactions that did happen; Ritsu running away from Rei, Ritsu falling asleep on Mao, Ra*bits hugging each other during their songs. But, looking at twitter reports, it was ALL scripted so again, it just cheapens it. BORING.
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EVERYONE LOVES KNEW MITSURU! EVERYONE! When he first came out for his group songs, everyone was yelling ‘kawaii / cute’ and cheering for him and when it was his ‘singing’ parts, everyone gave him so much support! It was absolutely adorable and so great to watch. I’m glad everyone was already so ready and welcoming for him!
Rei messed up his line just before their first UnDead song and everyone died laughing and Kaoru started making fun of him and pointed it out ‘you messed up’ and Rei tried so hard just to ignore it xD
I really liked when it got emotional with FINE and Akatsuki towards the end, there was great (scripted) timing from Reo when he finished writing his song on the floor and popped up like ‘I DID IT!’ and it helped break that tension and sadness and brought laugher back to everyone, which was a nice touch.
Kandai made SUCH an effort even during the lipsyncing parts. You could tell he was actually singing even though his voice wasn’t going to come through the mic. You could tell in his neck movements and his throat and his neck veins were popping out. He really gave it his all even though he wasn’t going to be heard. But I appreciate how much effort he put into it regardless! He’s a star seriously. He looked the most legit out of everyone ‘performing’.
During the final song, Keito was near my side of the blocks and gave everyone attention as he ‘sang’ the end of one of the Shooting Star chorus’, everyone around him sucked it all in.
TakaChan took his moment to congratulate Ritsu on his birthday and Maki replied ‘oh you say it HERE?!’ and we all yelled happy birthday to him.
And I think that’s all. Like I said, NOT worth the amount of money I paid but I’m glad most other people seemed to enjoy it.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Kandagawa Jet Girls on PS4, Steam: Everything You Should Know
May 22, 2020 7:30 AM EST
Kandagawa Jet Girls: everything you should know about the jet ski racing fanservice game coming to PS4 and Steam this summer.
XSeed and Marvelous announced Kandagawa Jet Girls in North America on PS4 and PC via Steam. The game will launch “later this summer”. A day one “Racing Hearts” edition will be sold for $59.99. The digital version on PlayStation Store and Steam will be at $49.99.
Kandagawa Jet Girls is a media mix franchise by Senran Kagara‘s Kenichiro Takaki, Marvelous, Kadokawa, and anime studio EGG FIRM. The game first launched on PS4 in Japan on January 16, 2020. An anime also aired from October 2019 to January 2020.
Kandagawa Jet Girls features cute girls chara designed by Naruko Hanaharu in a near future as they participate in jet ski racing at Kanda river in Tokyo. Races are fought in duos, with the Jetter piloting the jet ski machine, and the Shooter standing behind shooting at concurrents with water-based firearms. The game has a fully voiced story mode and online versus. You can also customize your own jet ski and character’s clothes, along with details like skin tan. Sadly there’s no local multiplayer. The cast includes multiple talented seiyuu such as Ai Fairouz who voices Hibiki in How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?, or Rumi Okubo who voices Mia Ageha in Pretty Rhythm Dear My Future and Pretty Series.
The Kandagawa Jet Girls day one “Racing Hearts” edition includes a copy of the game, 2 OST CDs with 54 tracks, and a 5.5” x 7.3” softcover 60 pages art book. The Racing Hearts’ edition’s cover artwork was drawn by Hanaharu Naruko. This is the exact same content as the game’s Japanese Limited Edition, minus the anime OVA.
Just like in Japan, Kandagawa Jet Girls will add Senran Kagura characters as DLC. In the west, Ryobi and Ryona will be available in the base game, and the first DLC pack will be Asuka and Yumi. The DLC characters are Murasaki and Mirai, Ikaruga and Yomi, Homura and Hikage. Launch date and pricing for the DLCs will be announced later.
【ゲーム情報】 PS4用ソフト『神田川JET GIRLS』の追加DLC第2弾が本日より配信開始!
第2弾として『閃乱カグラ』シリーズから参戦する「焔&日影」と「紫&未来」をプレイ動画で紹介いたします。華麗に水面を駆ける映像は必見です! 動画はコチラ⇒https://t.co/ehHl9TSrJg#神田川ジェット pic.twitter.com/csSktV2oED
— 神田川JET GIRLS プロジェクト (@kjgpjt) February 27, 2020
Kandagawa Jet Girls‘ main producer is Kenichiro Takaki. However, it’s important to note Kandagawa Jet Girls was not developed by the Senran Kagura team. The studio behind KJG is Shade, who made the Bullet Girls series and Gun Gun Pixies.
Kenichiro Takaki is now working at Cygames. He explained his job there and his upcoming new project in an interview we translated, He also claimed Senran Kagura 7Even will be finished one day.
English screenshots and artwork of Kandagawa Jet Girls are included below, along with the game’s opening animation movie.
I’ve extensively covered Kandagawa Jet Girls when the game was about to release in Japan, so I’d redirect you to that to read more. Here are profiles of all the girls in the game. Here’s the trailer for the anime, screenshots and the game’s shop specific preorder DLC costumes and goods in Japan. You can check some gameplay and comments from Takaki. Lastly here’s more gameplay with Takaki, Riko Kohara and Ai Fairouz.
Personally speaking, I was pretty interested in Kandagawa Jet Girls at first but ended up not buying the Japanese version as I felt the game left a lot to be desired gameplay-wise. Story mode is cool and is fully voiced, but the races themselves feel pretty slow. That’s just my Uneeded Opinion though and I highly recommend you to make your own.
You should watch the anime too if you’re not averse to shows with a lot of sexual fanservice. It’s 12 episodes + 1 OVA long. Some episodes are truthfully quite boring and the race parts aren’t that exciting, but there are some pretty emotional and good episodes in the second half.
May 22, 2020 7:30 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/05/kandagawa-jet-girls-on-ps4-steam-everything-you-should-know/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=kandagawa-jet-girls-on-ps4-steam-everything-you-should-know
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omgpengwens · 6 years
I’ve been saying I’ll do it for a while, but at last I managed to do a Hyper Japan for the whole weekend! (well, a whole weekend with a break on Saturday evening for Band Maid because, y’know, everyone co-ordinated so well with their organisation. See the post about the Band Maid gig here). If you don’t know what Hyper Japan is, see my previous posts on it here, here and here. I’ve decided to split this down by the days this time, so one post for each day. I guess you’ll just have to skip the bits that don’t interest you? So without further a-waffle, lets kick this off with Day 1!
This was the Friday session, starting at 12 midday. I must say the organisation this time was kind of confusing initially and a bit odd. So on arrival, we were in a kind of giant shelter away from the venue where the tickets were checked and wristbands given. It took me a while to even find where I was going because of the poor directions I was given by the staff. In the end, I checked the website again to find out where I was supposed to be. Once priority entre had gone, we were then herded into the next queuing bit where we were checked for wristbands/offered wristbands(?!) So what was the point of the first bit?!
After the faff-fest that was the entry into the venue, we were searched and sniffed by the passive search dog. I thought this was a good thing. Its unfortunate that its needed but its good that they’ve thought of this to keep people safe. One thing I noticed when I got in to the venue was that it was smaller than summer (in the summer we queued in this room!) and it was hard to tell because the venue was different but also I think smaller than the last Christmas event. This time it was entirely on one floor as well, the balcony wasn’t in use. I was quite surprised by the layout and the fact that the live stage wasn’t in its own room as it generally is. The zones were set out relatively logically and I liked how they were named this time (such as the gaming/anime zone being Akihabara and the kawaii zone being Harajuku).
The first thing I often do is have a cursory wander around just to see what is where. As it was lunchtime and the food smelled soooooo good, I decided to get myself something to eat. There weren’t many food stalls this time around and I thought that it was kind of cheeky having the venue’s cafes open. Surely that defeated the object? I decided to indulge in a bubble waffle. It was tasty and super messy to eat, but oh so worth it. I think I’m in love.
After greeting my friend and getting her fed, we re-visited the stalls and did a spot of shopping. See my day 1 haul photos in the paragraph below!
I was pleased to see some new exhibitors as well as some of the classics. I saw that Maz’s Boutique was there which was awesome. Some of you may recall I first encountered Maz’s Boutique at Em-Con earlier this year. The bows I bought then are still regularly worn as part of my outfit as I often refer to as “toddler chic”. I invested in some more bows and a choker this time. I also bought some chokers from another stall, Jane Nevermore. Not only are these chokers awesome, but as I tried one and it was a bit on the small side, she put me in some extra links right then and there! I bought 2 to go with my 2 purple cyberlox sets. And what trip to Hyper Japan would be complete without a visit to he Fuzzballs stall?! I invested in some stationary (that I probably didn’t need) and a tote bag (which I needed by the end to put my shopping in….)
One of the main reasons I go to Hyper Japan is to watch the musical acts. Not only do I get to see bands I already know about and enjoy, I also get to discover new bands that I like. Some acts I go to see just out of curiosity because hey sound like they’d be interesting. I also like to watch some of the other performances. The set out of the Hyper Live stage area was just plain weird this time. There were several rows of chairs approximately halfway back which just appeared to be in a random place. There are some acts you see that you just don’t sit down to watch. It would be just plain silly, but if you stand you want to be at the front, but if you do that you’re in the way of the people sitting down, although they can watch the screens. This dilemma first became apparent when I (out of morbid curiosity) went to see Banzai Japan. This is an all-girl idol group. I know what you’re thinking, not at all my style, and you’d be right, but I’m nothing if not adventurous. So we entered the audience area and were handed folding fans that were part red, part white (in line with the girls’ outfits). As we approached the front of the standing crowd and looked around, I suppose we shouldn’t have been suppose that we were surrounded on all sides by middle aged men. Yep, that’s right. Middle. Aged. Men. I had a similar experience watching Band Maid last year. Fair enough if they are into that music but you would generally expect this portion of the audience to be teenage or pre-teen girls. Well, that’s my expectation anyway (like when I was younger). I’m not one to judge and I know that you get the same effect but the opposite way round at visual kei gigs.. Although the music can be heavy, and you may expect some males, its predominantly females watching the show. What was entertaining was the crazy fanboying that was screamed loudly in our ears, presumably from the die-hard fans or from their hyper team or whatever. I found this hilariously funny and was reminded of Gintama (if anyone has seen that anime). I can’t even describe why, but it really did tickle me. They were certainly a fun performance with a lot of energy. Describing them as having “spirit” was pretty accurate I must say. They tirelessly performed a number of songs with well-choreographed dance routines. I was exhausted just watching them.
An interesting performance in the form of DJ Takaki and Hibiki Ichikawa (a shamisen player) was the next one I watched. A combination you wouldn’t expect to work so well, but I could listen to this for days. Both incredibly skilled performers in their own right, but when you put them together, something just clicked. It was Gestalt. The sum of the pats became greater than the whole. Its these types of performance that are just one reason this festival is awesome. You just don’t see it everyday.
  Next I saw Xmas Eileen. They were described as a “Mysterious J-Rock band”. Again, they weren’t technically wrong. Initially it said on the schedule that only 4 members would be present but it seemed all of them made it over. I don’t even know the best way to describe these guys….I’d say maybe a mix between Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit and some hint of Slipknot with the masks, the visual performance and the fact I’m not sure what half the members really do (and I say that as a long-time Slipknot fan). There’s definitely some fun and silliness and the fact that no-one in the band has a name and they have one guy referred to as “the performer” who literally just dances and hypes the audience. I don’t even….For this, we were all stood up, I ended up right at the front, which is an intense place to be when you don’t know what’s expected of you. Thankfully I appeared to be next to a super fan who showed me what to do. I haven’t laughed this much in a while, it was a really fun performance (laughing mainly at my own ineptness at dancing and following directions). The band also like being close to the front of the stage, which always makes me a bit “wha!” out of discomfort. That’s the best way to describe the emotion it makes me feel…The band are relatively newly formed but they didn’t seem to let that impact their performance. Their MC was a mix of English and Japanese, but they were merciful and kept the Japanese relatively simple. I decided to save my meet and greet with these guys until Sunday as I wanted to see Mutant Monster (with missing them the Saturday for Band Maid). So I remained at the front and centre.
I saw Mutant Monster at last year’s Christmas Hyper Japan. A 3 piece female punk band, inspired by old school British punk. These awesome ladies have so much stage presence and personality on stage that its hard to not get swept away by their utterly infectious brand of music. Each donning a Mutant Monster shirt dress and paid of well-worn classic Doc Martens, they truly showed everyone exactly how its done. Their set list was a mix of older songs plus a taste of their new album Nekokaburi. After their performance, the meet and greet queue filled up insanely quickly and fans had to be turned away (many of whom argued the decision with the queue controller). I just managed to get in to get my CD signed but the queue for photos was crazy long so we decided against it. And that concluded my day! My feet were tired and worn out already!
A full weekend of Hype! Part 1 I've been saying I'll do it for a while, but at last I managed to do a Hyper Japan for the whole weekend!
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tikobithelich · 2 years
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Full BIO of the lad underneath the ‘Keep Reading’
This is one of MANY MHA/BNHA ocs that I have, but one of a couple that I’ll probably make full sheets for. Hibiki is my raptor son and I love him deeply.
Name: Hibiki Takaki
Nickname(s): Clever Boy (A Joke by Bakugou)
Age: 16
Gender/Sex: Male
Sexuality: Gay/Demisexual
Occupation: UA Student, Class 2-B
Birth Date: June 27th
Ethnicity/Species: Utahraptor Hybrid
Height: 5’9’’ ft / 179.832 cm
Weight: 175 lbs / 79.3787 kg
Body type: Rectangle - Lean - Mesomorph
Hair color/style: Muted Lime Green - Shoulder Length - Feathered
Eye Color: Amber
Skin tone: Pale Ivory
Tattoos: None
Scars: None
Piercings: None
Clothing Style: Flannel Shirts & Shorts
Accessories: Loose Leather Necklaces & Bracelets
General Personality: Gentle - Helpful - Quiet - Protective - Insecure - Cautious
Likes: Leathers - Flower Arranging - Hot Weather - Cooking Mama (Game Series) - Tempura
Dislikes: Confined Spaces - Chalk
Fears/Phobias: Claustrophobia (Fear of confined places)
Prefers to sleep in a hammock
Instinctual Meat Eater
Sleeps with music/some kind of noise
Parents: Savannah Takaki (Mother/Maiden Name Lee/”Ma”/Alive) - Tokoma Takaki (Mother/”Mama”/Alive)
Juno Takaki (Older Sister/Alive)
Genkai Takaki (Older Brother/Alive)
Tsubasa Takaki (“Twin” Brother/Alive)
Dakota Takaki (Little Brother/Alive)
Other Relatives: N/A
Friends/Acquaintances: Shinori Nagai (OC), Izuku Midoriya
Best Friend: Tsubasa Takaki (OC/Sibling)
Significant Other/Crush: Shoto Todoroki
Enemies/Rivals: Katsuki Bakugou, Endeavor, L.O.V.
Hero Name: Utah Claw
Hero Outfit: Black body suit with dark grey underbelly and red stripes. Orange and red crop top hoodie.
Quirk: Utahraptor
The user has the physical qualities of a Utahraptor, including high speeds, agility, heightened senses, and a powerful toe claw. The user also has advanced battle awareness when working in a group.
Pack Tactics: Battle Awareness when working in a group, able to make faster decisions and calculate effective strategies.
Toe Claw: Sharpened Tow Claw used for climbing and attacking
Heightened Senses: Includes a sense of smell, hearing, and sight
Hand to Hand Combat
Speeds of 25-30 MPH
Easy to overpower physically, no enhanced strength aside from standard UA training
Easier to predict and keep an eye on when fighting alone
Can be shot/stabbed/poisoned/drugged
Number 11 American Hero Savanah Lee aka “Rex Rage” meet and fell in love with Japanese gardener Tokoma Takaki and soon moved to Japan with her. The two started growing their family, starting with Savanah giving birth to Juno and Genkai, the first set of twins. Then Tomoka gave birth to Hibiki and Tsubasa, the second set of twins. Hibiki was actually extremely emotional and often cried as a little kid, also very scared of nearly everything. When he and his brother were 6, the family took a trip to America to visit some family and to generally have a nice vacation. An old villain of Savanah’s managed to pull a fast one and swiped Hibiki, almost grabbing Tsubasa until the little ones started to cry and wail. Hibiki was kept for ransom for two days and threatened into silence by shoving the 6-year-old into a shipping container. An enraged Savanah burst in with the police and finally found the whimpering child. The event effectively silenced Hibiki, the raptor growing to barely say a word. When Dakota was born, it was also revealed that Hibiki grew an extreme protective streak, not leaving the infant for barely a moment. When Juno was 10, she showed an interest in becoming a hero, and Hibiki also showed an interest. Savannah agreed to train Juno, but told Hibiki to wait one more year and she’d train him. Hibiki spent that year watching Juno and his mother train. When the time finally came, he trained alongside Juno and better adapted his combat abilities. With dedication and training with two of his siblings, Juno and Tsubasa, Hibiki joined UA and currently is in his second year.
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tikobithelich · 2 years
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My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia OCs I have so far
Making characters for this show is too much fun and I don’t wanna stop
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leenaevilin · 6 years
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[Announcement]「 あんさんぶるスターズ!エクストラ・ステージ』~Memory of Marionette~ (ensemble stars! extra stage ~memory of marionette~)
title ↑↑↑ and cast ↓↓↓ update
@mandilo depressing news... no hiroki & kei-chan-reunion O_O
Yamazaki Taiki as Itsuki Shuu (斎宮宗) Ino Hiroki as Kagehira Mika (影片みか)
Oosaki Natsuki as Nito Nazuna (仁兎なずな) Kumagai Kaito as Shino Hajime (紫之創) Miyazaki Yuu as Mashiro Tomoya (真白友也) Okui Nagato as Tenma Mitsuru (天満光)
Sasamori Hiroki as Tenshouin Eichi (天祥院英智) Hagio Keishi as Hibiki Wataru (日々樹渉) Watanabe Takaki as Fushimi Yuzuru (伏見弓弦) Soejima Kazuki as Himemiya Touri (姫宮桃李)
紅月 (Akatsuki)
Miyazawa Yuu as Hasumi Keito (蓮巳敬人) Yanagawa Rui as Kiryuu Kurou (鬼龍紅郎) Furuhata Keisuke as Kanzaki Souma (神崎颯馬)
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leenaevilin · 6 years
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[Pics] あんステフェスティバル (ensute festival)
visuals update under the cut^^
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Ozawa Ren as Akehoshi Subaru (明星スバル)
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Yamamoto Ikkei as Hidaka Hokuto (氷鷹北斗)
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Matsumura Taiichirou as Yuuki Makoto (遊木真)
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Tanimizu Riki as Isara Mao (衣更真緒)
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Maeyama Takahisa as Tenshouin Eichi (天祥院英智)
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Yasui Kazuma as Hibiki Wataru (日々樹渉)
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Watanabe Takaki as Fushimi Yuzuru (伏見弓弦)
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Hoshimoto Yuzuki as Himemiya Touri (姫宮桃李)
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Hashimoto Shouhei as Tsukinaga Reo (月永レオ)
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Takasaki Shouta as Sena Izumi (瀬名泉)
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Kitamura Ryou as Narukami Arashi (鳴上嵐)
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Aramaki Yoshihiko as Sakuma Ritsu (朔間凛月)
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Kitagawa Naoya as Suou Tsukasa (朱桜司)
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Akazawa Ryoutarou as Oogami Kouga (大神晃牙)
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Kominami Kouji as Sakuma Rei (朔間零)
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Okutani Chihiro as Hakaze Kaoru (羽風薫)
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Akira as Otogari Adonis (乙狩アドニス)
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Saeki Ryou as Morisawa Chiaki (守沢千秋)
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Hori Kaito as Shinkai Kanata (深海奏汰)
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Konishi Seiya as Nagumo Tetora (南雲鉄虎)
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Murakawa Shouichi as Takamine Midori (高峯翠)
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Fukazawa Taiga as Sengoku Shinobu (仙石忍)
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Oosaki Natsuki as Nito Nazuna (仁兎なずな)
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Sakurai Keito as Shino Hajime (紫之創)
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Miyazaki Yuu as Mashiro Tomoya (真白友也)
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Okui Nagato as Tenma Mitsuru (天満光)
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Yamanaka Kenta as Aoi Hinata (葵ひなた)
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Yamanaka Shouta as Aoi Yuuta (葵ゆうた)
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Ueda Kandai as Kiryuu Kurou (鬼龍紅郎)
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Komatsu Junya as Hasumi Keito (蓮巳敬人)
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Higuchi Yuuta as Kanzaki Souma (神崎颯馬)
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leenaevilin · 6 years
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[Pics] あんステフェスティバル (ensute festival)
visuals update under the cut^^
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Ozawa Ren as Akehoshi Subaru (明星スバル)
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Yamamoto Ikkei as Hidaka Hokuto (氷鷹北斗)
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Matsumura Taiichirou as Yuuki Makoto (遊木真)
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Tanimizu Riki as Isara Mao (衣更真緒)
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Maeyama Takahisa as Tenshouin Eichi (天祥院英智)
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Yasui Kazuma as Hibiki Wataru (日々樹渉)
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Watanabe Takaki as Fushimi Yuzuru (伏見弓弦)
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Hoshimoto Yuzuki as Himemiya Touri (姫宮桃李) Hashimoto Shouhei as Tsukinaga Reo (月永レオ) Takasaki Shouta as Sena Izumi (瀬名泉) Kitamura Ryou as Narukami Arashi (鳴上嵐) Aramaki Yoshihiko as Sakuma Ritsu (朔間凛月) Kitagawa Naoya as Suou Tsukasa (朱桜司) Akazawa Ryoutarou as Oogami Kouga (大神晃牙) Kominami Kouji as Sakuma Rei (朔間零) Okutani Chihiro as Hakaze Kaoru (羽風薫) Akira as Otogari Adonis (乙狩アドニス)
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Saeki Ryou as Morisawa Chiaki (守沢千秋)
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Hori Kaito as Shinkai Kanata (深海奏汰)
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Konishi Seiya as Nagumo Tetora (南雲鉄虎)
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Murakawa Shouichi as Takamine Midori (高峯翠)
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Fukazawa Taiga as Sengoku Shinobu (仙石忍)
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Oosaki Natsuki as Nito Nazuna (仁兎なずな)
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Sakurai Keito as Shino Hajime (紫之創)
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Miyazaki Yuu as Mashiro Tomoya (真白友也)
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Okui Nagato as Tenma Mitsuru (天満光)
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Yamanaka Kenta as Aoi Hinata (葵ひなた)
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Yamanaka Shouta as Aoi Yuuta (葵ゆうた) Ueda Kandai as Kiryuu Kurou (鬼龍紅郎) Komatsu Junya as Hasumi Keito (蓮巳敬人) Higuchi Yuuta as Kanzaki Souma (神崎颯馬)
homepage twitter natalie enterstage ß’slog
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entergamingxp · 5 years
Kandagawa Jet Girls Gets Gameplay Showcasing Story Mode, Online Multiplayer, Senran Kagura DLC Characters
December 30, 2019 2:09 PM EST
Marvelous published gameplay videos with seiyuu Ai Fairouz, Rumi Okubo, and Riko Kohara playing Kandagawa Jet Girls on PS4.
Marvelous published new gameplay videos for Kandagawa Jet Girls, showcasing some jet-ski races, the story mode, the online mode, and the paid DLC exclusive Senran Kagura characters.
The first gameplay video features seiyuu Ai Fairouz, who voices Emily Orange,  or the “blonde girl with a big chest” to quote her. Producer Kenichiro Takaki is there too, along with Riko Kohara (far right). She voices Misa Aoi, the anime’s other protagonist with Rin Namiki. There are some customization gameplay starting 15:30, some racing gameplay at 20:00, and more racing gameplay but with Senran Kagura‘s Yumi and Asuka at 24:20. Multiple Senran Kagura characters can be obtained via DLC and we detailed that in another article. Lastly, at 43:00, Ai Fairouz plays the game against Riko Kohara.
The second gameplay video features seiyuu Rumi Okubo, who voices Pan Tsui. Starting 14:25 we see some of the story mode featuring Pan Tsui and her twin sister and jet racing partner Pan Tina (Naomi Ohzora). These two are twins and also do dol activities together. There are multiple scenes when they both speak at the same time and they’re in perfect synch, which shows how amazing of a seiyuu Rumi Okubo is since just like with most Japanese games, each seiyuu recorded their dialogue alone. The game has a different story mode for each duo of characters, showing developments different than in the anime. The dialogues in story mode are fully voiced and are presented in a visual-novel like way.
Starting 32:10, everyone on stream starts playing together, with Rumi Okubo and Riko Kohara playing their respective characters and getting a head start. Takaki is playing Asuka and Yumi, and the stream MC guy is playing game exclusive characters Kamui and Naraku. Note that they are playing online on four different PS4s, and they simply split the screen for the stream. Kandagawa Jet Girls doesn’t feature 4 players split-screen multiplayer like Wave Racer Blue Storm on Gamecube, which is a shame actually.
Both videos are fun to listen to if you’re a seiyuu fan. Personally speaking, Ai Fairouz is one of my favorite newcomers seiyuu. She also voiced Hibiki in How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift? a cool fitness comedy anime we explained in another article. Rumi Okubo is also another favorite of mine as she voiced many characters I love such as Mia Ageha in the Pretty Rhythm and Pretty Series franchises.
In my opinion, Kandagawa Jet Girls would be much better if only it was a little bit faster. It’s obviously still early to judge though when I didn’t play the game myself yet. However, seiyuu I like being in the cast isn’t enough to make me buy the game at launch and I’ll wait for initial reactions after its launch in two weeks. It’s quite ironic how the anime has the same problem, as the races can be incredibly uneventful as well. I’m not sure how they managed to make races in a jet-ski racing anime this bland, and what happens outside the races isn’t that interesting most of the time either. Episodes 6 and 7 were pretty touching though. The anime is ending soon, and I’m hoping the last episodes will manage to make the ride worthwhile.
You can read check out Kandagawa Jet Girls‘ characters profiles, most notably the game-only characters, more gameplay, and comments from Producer Kenichiro Takaki in our past coverage here, here and here.
A short gameplay video with Asuka and Yumi was also published by Marvelous and is included below.
Kandagawa Jet Girls launches on January 16, 2020, in Japan, exclusively on PS4. The game wasn’t announced in the west.
December 30, 2019 2:09 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2019/12/kandagawa-jet-girls-gets-gameplay-showcasing-story-mode-online-multiplayer-senran-kagura-dlc-characters/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=kandagawa-jet-girls-gets-gameplay-showcasing-story-mode-online-multiplayer-senran-kagura-dlc-characters
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