chesterfeattim-blog · 10 years
going through a divorce au Hidan/Obito :p
Obito sighted when he entered the huge and noble room of his lawyer. He was pretty much forced to be here, since he was still married, but without even living together or seeing his husband for the last five years. His father wanted it to be out of the world, before it came into Obitos way, when he found a new person. It just wasn’t the best idea to tell a new boyfriend, that he was still married. He had no boyfriend at all but his father was always looking into the future and trying to avoid his son getting into trouble.
It was one of those cliche highschool romances Obito got sucked in back in the days. He was a class above the boy. They met, dated, danced on the school party, said to each other, that they were in love, kissed, had sex, and somehow ended up moving together and getting married hardly after Obitos boyfriend turned 18.
It was a good time Obito had with his husband, but since they both were pretty young, childish and they were each others first love, they had their problems, had arguments but also got together again.
At the end, Hidan, Obitos husband, ended it all after a short time, because the arguments outweighed the good times they had and so it was just the best idea to stay away from each other for a while. First they agreed to not meet for a week, just to calm down again, finding their own time and getting their heads clear. But the week turned into a month, into half a year, then a year, and before Obito was able to realize it, they pretty much broke up and Hidan moved out a while ago.
For sure there were the feelings. It was still love, but sometimes, Obito read it in a lot of books: You have to let go the person you love the most, to make him and yourself happy again…. Or something along the lines. The Uchiha didn’t know anymore, when he stopped sobbing over Hidan not coming back to him. He missed his bashful attitude, his naughty jokes, his bright pink eyes that looked at Obito, like he was an angel, even if he wasn’t. Hidans messy hair after he woke up, and how his cheeks turned red when Obito made a comment about his hair before it was styled and put in place.
He missed the small things, like Hidan coming home after a long shift at the bar, snuggling close to Obito, clenching his finger in Obitos shirt, whispering nonsense while falling asleep. That light smell of cigarettes, beer and Hidans sweet but still masculine aftershave.
The Uchiha never had the guts to ask Hidan to come back to him. Maybe he was also just too proud to crawl on his knees to get back the younger man, just because he missed him so much. Maybe, at least Obito felt like it, Hidan stopped loving him, when he moved out.
Now the black haired man was sitting in this huge and expensive black leather chair, next to him his lawyer. On the opposite side of the wooden table was sitting an olderlady, Hidans lawyer. They all waited for the young man. The Uchiha sighted silently. Hidan would never change in such aspects, he guessed. He was always too late, never even did care for rules. Kakashi, Obitos best friend, always complained about this, but the black haired man liked it. He also didn’t play by the rules. But since he was grown up, and got more mature in a few things, he at least tried to be at time, when he had an important meeting!
30 minutes too late, the door opened and Hidan went into it, with a neutral face. He set down next to his lawyer, nodded just a bit over to Obito.
For Hidan it was a strange moment. He left Obito back then, since he figured that they both rushed into their marriage, into just everything, way too fast. Maybe it was just because the school ended and they were afraid to lose each other if they get a job or visit collage. Maybe that’s why they married right away, even if their friends warned them to not be so hasty.
Hidan loved Obito since he first talked to him back in the school. He always noticed this black haired boy, who was just a little bit tinier then him, having some really handsome boys and pretty girls around him, but just never seem to be interested into them, neither were those people after Obito. He was really noisy from time to time, not the best in his class, not the smartest, but he good humor, and didn’t take himself too serious. He played pranks on his teachers, was always annoying his best friend with the silver hair and seemed so… happy.
Hidan liked this a lot. Somehow most of the people around him were grumpy, sad, depressed or just cold and ignorant, but Obito was just like a happy little goofball all the time.
They first talked, when Hidan slipped over ice in winter and landed, with his face first, on the ground, starting to growl and insult the cold street for being slippy. Obito heard Hidans complain and saw him still lying on the floor. So he went to him, himself almost falling, and picked Hidan up. They both went, arm in arm, over the ice, until the both fell down again, this time on their butts, and started to laugh.
Hidans little flashback got interrupted when his lawyer gave him some paper to sign. It was strange. Not even Obito himself talked to the younger one. The whole communication was over their lawyers and their offices. It was the first time after five years the couple saw each other. Hidan didn’t know how to feel about this situation at all. Their lawyer split up their belongings and signed the contract. Not even in this hour Hidan and Obito talked with each other at all.
When the whole discussing was over, Hidan left at first, almost in a rush, the room. Their lawyers went out later, so Obito walked down the long and empty floor by himself. He went into the nearest bathroom to push some water into his face. He tried to be calm the whole time, but inside him a lot of feelings were raging. Before he was able to drive back home, he needed to get himself together again.
To Obitos surprise he found Hidan, doing the exact same thing he wanted to do. The younger one had face in his hands, pushing cold water into it. When he looked up, with his bright pink eyes, Obito shivered a bit. He looked so sad, so hurt. He didn’t remember to ever see Hidan like this before. Not even in their arguments, when Obito started to cry once or twice.
The Uchiha went quietly to the other sink, pushing himself water into his face. He didn’t want to act like he bothered. He was not sure how he should deal with this moment, if he should talk, or if he should shut his mouth.
“I’m sorry”, Obito heard Hidan mumble. He looked over to him, while he dried his face with a paper towel.
“For what?”, the Uchiha asked, focusing Hidans pink eyes. The gray haired man had his trouble to stand Obitos gaze and swallowed hard.
“That it had come to this. I mean… that we ever married.” Finally Obito looked to the ground and Hidan was able to catch his breath again. He was so scared of this moment. He didn’t want to open up or to talk about his feelings while their lawyer were in the room. And he wasn’t able to talk to Obito before, so here, right now, it was the only chance to get things clear. In Hidans eyes it was something like destiny, that Obito went into the bathroom, and he just took this little chance.
Obito was quite for a few seconds, thinking about Hidans words. It made no sense to him at all. “Why are you sorry for that? We were happy, weren’t we? I mean… I was happy with you…” He looked up again, giving away only a bit of himself with his sad expression.
“You… were? I… I was happy too! I mean, we had our fights and everything, but I learned that it was normal. And we were still brats and you were my first guy anyway, and everything was new and I was excited and scared to move away from my parents and to be together with you this close. And then we got married and everything happened so fast, I wasn’t even able to understand what happened”, Hidan burst out his thoughts. A little smile flitted over Obitos lips.
“I know exactly what you are talking about”, the Uchiha said, getting a bit closer to Hidan, putting a hand on his upper arm. “It was just a bit too fast for us, I think. And our fights? If I remember correctly, they were just stupid.”
Hidan chuckled a bit, but got serious right away. “Does that mean, you don’t hate me?” His pink eyes focusing the wall behind Obito.
“Why…. what? No! I never hated you! I love you, ok? I thought you hated me, since you never came back”, Obito almost yelled at Hidan surprised.
The younger ones heart started to beat faster, when he looked into Obitos eyes, smiling at him shyly. “But… when I left, you never came after me. I moved out and you said nothing to hold me back…”
“Because I was thinking, that you got sick of me and didn’t want to have me anymore…” Obito closed his eyes.
“I… would never abandon you! I just figured it was a good idea, after all our childish arguments, when we would get out of each others face for a while… But I was gone for so long, waiting for you to tell me, to come back, but you never did… So I guessed you were just sick of me and you were happy that I was gone…” Hidan closed his eyes himself, placing carefully a hand on Obitos hip. “I never wanted to leave you in the first place”, he whispered.
Obito pushed Hidan off him. The younger one ripped his eyes open. Did he stepped over a line he wasn’t allowed to cross? The Uchiha got a hold of Hidans collar, forcing him against the nearest wall. “Are you kidding me?”, the black haired man grumbled. “If this is true, we actually broke up and didn’t see each other for five years, because we misunderstood each other?!”, Obito yelled.
“What?!”, Hidan yelled himself, getting a hold of Obitos shoulder, shaking him a bit. “I was missing you for fucking five years and suffering, because you are toostupid to tell me you want me back?!”
“As if I wasn’t sad and thinking about you the whole damn time, baka!”
“Are you fucking kidding me? I was crying my eyes out and thought you hate me! FUCKING BASTARD!!!” Hidan yelled so loud, it was ringing in Obitos ear. To shut up the noisy man, Obito placed his lips on Hidans, kissing him hard, pushing him once more against the wall, pressing his body against the younger once.
Hidan stroking the Uchihas back, pulling him as close as possible, feeling his warm body moving against his own, feeling Obitos desire and frustrating in the kiss. When they stopped the kiss, Obito licked over the younger mans jawline, biting into his neck. Hidan chuckled. “We are so fucking stupid, you know that, right?”, he asked, stroking Obitos black hair, smiling at him, when stopped the biting and looking into Hidans eyes.
“You might are. I’m smart as hell. It was your fault in the first place to not tell me what you wanted…. Ok… maybe I should tell you, I wanted you to come back, too”, he sighted.
Hidan placed a soft kiss on Obitos lips. “And what are we going to do now? The divorce is almost through…”
“I think we should wait. I mean, we lived separated for five years. First we should go out for a few times and start to know each other better again. We also will have to talk about our communication problems… But I feel like we both are more mature…”
“Ah, I get it. It sounds logical. But so you know, I am still after you”, Hidan grinned, running his finger through Obitos soft hair.
“I feel the same”, the Uchiha sighted, standing on his tiptoes to press his lips on Hidans forehead.
He got a hold of the younger mans hand and dragging him out of the bathroom. “Let’s get some coffee. We have to talk about a lot of things”, Obito smiled, clasping Hidans hand with a strong hold. He would not let that idiot go a second time!
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