#hiddenhaven 43
Make me "shut up" ya coward. I would like to see you try 💕
quick someone give me one of those laughing salad memes
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teddy-writes-art · 2 years
What is your favorite genre to write?
Oooh!!! Ooooh!!!!
I like writing fanfiction (obviously) and within that, I focus on college aus and aus that don’t include the plotline (the murder for the final hour and the island for LOTF). I really enjoy cheesy fluff stuff and ENEMIES TO LOVERS BRRRRR
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hearty-an0n · 2 years
Saying you love abortions is equal to saying you love murdering innocent beings who cannot defend themselves.
i do!
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Writing blog ^
Report anon hate so the user gets suspended because to send anons now, you need to be logged in.
Yearly Lent reminder: if you have an actual illness or condition that makes it dangerous to participate in a fast you are exempt from the fast altogether and should simply offer up another penance in its place.
Prayer list:
For Ashley
For anon to get better taste in music and for their courage to ask on their own blog
For panprincess1997
For junglejim4322 who asked to be put on here (hope you’re doing ok and if not I hope things get better for you)
For my grandma who has drifted away from her faith
For Ms. Deborah to heal and for her sons and her ex husband to become better people
For Ms. Terry’s rv to not have any more problems
for Father Duarte Rosa. He's battling cancer and fainted on top of the pipe organ's keys this past Good Friday
For N (strength in her faith)
For E (salvation)
For @hiddenhaven-43
For litheyl
For nonbinary-nightmare77
For trans-masc-druid
For count-incel
for R and her family. A lot of things are going on for them.
For the salvation of the world, especially for the people of the US, Russia, and China so that we can step back from the brink of destroying the world.
For the kind anons
For my uncle who passed, may his soul be in, at the very least, purgatory
For the guy behind Puppet Nerd. He has brain cancer.
For jadestinks
For ariesmoonbby
For the pagan anon whose health is not great at the moment after surgery.
For the anon who is struggling with a vile sin
For the poor, the disabled, and the oppressed.
For strawberryoverlord
For mewto
For Cataclysmic-cadence
For meowmeowuchiha
For somethingscarlet13 and for others like them
For gothicashworld
For sweetums0kitty
For Rad-fire-fox
For Ukraine
For China and the people there
My dad who has kidney cancer (only on one kidney now! Pray for his recoveries. One more surgery and he’ll be cancer free!)
For my mom
My dad’s friend who is manic depressive
For all the souls in purgatory
For a priest in a small town who has a chronic illness
For everyone trying to find their vocation
For an end to abortion
For an end to COVID and lockdowns
Patty’s daughters who have fallen away from the Church.
For an ex friend
I will be editing this as I see more prayer requests.
Ave Maria gratia plena dominus techum benedicta in muleribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui Jesus, sancta Maria mater dae ora pro nobis peccatoribus nunc in ora mortis nostrae, Amen.
Pregnancy support stuff:
Learn how to help pregnant women:
National housing coalition (national housing initiative for pregnant women, line open 24/7): 800-712-4357
Lifetime adoption: (Hotline offering adoption resources, counseling, and education on adoption. Open 24/7.) 1-800-923-6784
Care Net: (confidential free resources for women in unplanned pregnancies.) 877-791-5475
Option Line: (confidential live chat, text line, or hotline for women in unplanned pregnancies. Open 24/7.) 800-712-4357
Abortion pill reversal: (hotline open 24/7.) 855-209-4848
Why surrogacy is harmful:
Tumblr media
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gone-series-orchid · 2 years
Tumblr media
i think that's a valid opinion! it definitely wasn't astrid's best moment. that said, i do think she was doing what had to be done. after all, it's true that mary's perspective on the fayz was significantly affected by her depression and e.d., enough so that she's publicly endorsing the nerezza and orsay's "prophet" propaganda. as a highly respected and well known member of the fayz, one who's meant to shape the worldviews of its youngest children and keep their best interests in mind, she's not fit for her job anymore. she's influencing others to believe nerezza's lies. it makes sense for astrid to need to take her out asap for the good of the rest of the fayz; she's effectively endorsing mass suicide. i'd rather humiliate and traumatize one kid than do nothing when said kid's actions possibly contribute to a bunch of people (plus a significant amount of little kids, who trust mary implicitly) killing themselves for no reason.
that doesn't mean it was an awful thing she had to do, and it was hasty and impulsive, but i don't think it came from a place of cruelty. when reading the scene, i think astrid's self-disdain come through clearly. she knows what she's doing is horrible and hates herself for it, which i think makes me more sympathetic to her.
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mxadrian779 · 2 years
Hello, do you know any fellow lgbt pro lifers blogs for me to follow?
Hi! I have a few following me, and they're welcome to join in. Off the top of my head, there's @hiddenhaven-43.
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You're all "pro women" until those women have different political views than you huh
sweetheart, this is not like having a different taste in music or different favorite color.
being prolife gets people killed. in droves. i'm not going to support that kind of nonsense, especially when it comes from such a selfish place.
suck it up and shut up <3
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