#high iq memes
extensionallydefined · 2 months
If you and your rival don't aufheben each other's narrative value and themes can you really claim to be gay for each other?
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tovarishfungus · 9 months
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schmedterlingfreud · 2 years
Me trying to catch up with all the new Rick and Morty subplots...
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rena-yume · 1 year
Me: why is it racist to do this certain thing with faunus?
Person A:*explains*
Me: ah I see, now I understand thanks, yes I agree it's racist
Person B: uhm akshually you're dumb and racist how dare you not understand something and need someone to explain it shame on you horrible person
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enthusiastofshit · 2 years
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
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Michèle Mercier (Angélique, marquise des anges and its sequels)—Mostly known for her main role in the Marquise Angelique series and my god she's so gorgeous there and an absolute marvelous character. Go watch it. I have no words. One of those people that make me go "I'm so fucking gay".
Jayne Mansfield (The Girl Can't Help It, Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?, The Loves of Hercules)— The smartest "dumb blonde" who ever lived. Seriously, she knew five languages, was trained in the violin and piano, studied drama, had a super high IQ and loved dogs. She was arguably more well-known for her publicity stunts than any of her films, which is a shame because she is so freaking funny in both The Girl Can't Help It and Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter where her genius for spoofing her own bimbo image fits perfectly in the live-action cartoon tone they're going for. Like all her already stunning features are so exaggerated that every man around her is basically turned into the bonk, go to horny jail meme (as in this scene she struts around and causes a truly insane number of boner jokes). Still, those PR stunts gave us one of the most iconic old Hollywood photos of all time where Sophia Loren is side-eying her very famous cleavage as it threatens to spill out of her dress [attached below]. Not related to hotness but she was also the mother of Mariska Hargitay (aka Olivia Benson from SVU!)
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut, TW mildly NSWF photo]
Michèle Mercier:
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Jayne Mansfield:
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veinsfullofstars · 7 months
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-trips and drops all my eggs on the ground-
(ID: A small compilation of Kirby series fanart featuring Magolor in various silly and disconnected scenarios, with guest appearances by Marx, Kirby, and the rest of the RtDL team as well. More detailed descriptions and transcripts under the cut. END ID.)
I sketched out most of these months ago while I was playing through KRtDLDX for the first time. The Epilogue was giving me thoughts and the brainworms were feeding. Still, I didn’t really have any big piece ideas for these, so I figured I’d just slap them all into a comp, throw some lines and color on, and call it done. A little loose on context, I admit, but I think they came out okay in the end. I just love drawing this wretched man (and the clown that bothers him).
Sketches started 02/28/23, render started 11/02/23, finished 11/04/23. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 11/04/23.
Image desc. & transcripts (in no particular order):
-Magolor points to a barrel, smiling pleasantly, and says “Trust me, it’s foolproof! Now get in~” Marx looks on unimpressed.
-Magolor (in his tattered gray outfit) grabs his head with a look of fear on his face, saying “No one told me there’d be consequences to my actions!”
-Magolor (in his Tome Trackers outfit) winks and twirls his mustache, saying “Of course I’m trustworthy! You can tell by my mustache and ridiculously high IQ!”
-Shopkeeper Magolor holding the Gem Apple sapling and giving the viewer a thumbs-up, saying “That’s right! Spin-off games have canon in ‘em! It’s all over for you lore bitches!”
-Magolor happily lifting Kirby by the hands via Helper mode
-a large human hand squeezing a frightened and very unhappy-looking Magolor
-Magolor smiling smugly while the RtDL gang (off-screen save for their hands) all point their weapons at him (see the Knife Cat meme)
-Magolor showing Marx a Gem Apple, a look of wonder in the jester’s eyes
-Magolor weeping and clutching his head as a pair of large hands reminiscent of his Soul form loom around him, ready to grab
-Shopkeeper Magolor smiling with his hands together, an arrow pointing at him reading “no longer evil :)”
-Magolor (in his tattered gray outfit), first standing neutrally, then looking down at his hands, then shrugging with his eyes shut, saying “Oh, well. Time to learn nothing.”
-Shopkeeper Magolor showing off a Gem Apple to the viewer, saying “This apple cured my sociopathy! Imagine what it could do for you!”
-Magolor and Marx sitting back-to-back on the floor, the former fixing a pocket watch with a screwdriver, the latter propped up on his side watching a Minecraft let’s play on a purple childproof tablet; Mags says, “So, anyway, that’s how I lost everything to a baby, went to hell, fought my demons, and ultimately grew as a person.” Marx responds in disinterest, “Uh huh, sure, buddy.”
-Magolor winking at the viewer with a hand on his chest, saying “Of course I have a heart. Several, in fact! In really nice glass jars.”
-Magolor and Marx holding hands (er, well, Mags holding the end of Marx’s hat like a hand), facing away from each other, looking flustered and nervous; an arrow points at them reading “Shhh… they’re on their first date
-Marx smiling innocently at the viewer, eyes shut, one tooth peeking out, waving the end of his hat; an arrow points at him reading “causes problems on purpose”
-Magolor looking at something off-screen, a hand over his eyes as if to block the sun
-a tear in the background shaped eerily like a smile, a goopy drip connecting top and bottom, a blank red eye in the center peering out from within
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cielettosa · 5 months
Popularity does matter and helps measure a characters worth. If they are written well then they generally will be the most popular. Also you should care about popularity seeing how that keeps a conversation going and keeps that character relevant and keeps the fanarts and fandom works coming.
Levi is no longer popular and that just goes to show that he fell off as a character. He had potential to be something great but just left many disappointed. This is why he's no longer the face of aot or the most popular in his show. (Eren took that shit back!!!) This is why he's losing polls to characters like Gojo. He's just not relevant anymore. You're more likely to see Eren and other characters on anime fan creator pages than Levi now. Levi barely pulls in the interactions and likes on twitter whereas Eren and Mikasa are bringing in the numbers. You see Levi used to be the talk of the town and the anime IT boy. He used to be everywhere and if you spoke against him you'd be swarmed. Now that doesn't happen. People just don't care. If you have a character that was that popular and now they're barely talked about, you know something went wrong. You know they fell off and disappointed people because their writing was lacking. So yes I do actually think popularity measures the worth of a character.
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Hey, angry warrior.
Here is the thing about throwing shade from the anonymity – it takes about as much courage as a moldy banana peel challenging a hurricane. If your opinions are so earth-shattering, why hide behind anon messages like a frightened internet ghost?
I find it hilarious that you are saying Levi is the one who "had potential to be something great but just left many disappointed" when in reality it is Gojo who has left many disappointed. (Not hate)
Let's talk popularity. You act like it's some holy grail of character worth, this infallible judge of quality.
Newsflash: popularity is fickle. It's a vapid internet windsock, blowing whichever way the latest meme dictates.
Sure, a well-written character with depth can grab attention, but sometimes pure entertainment value steals the show.
The goofy dumb hero with a tragic backstory might not win a Pulitzer, but they keep the popcorn tubs overflowing, right?
Trends shift faster than Kardashians change their hairstyles.
Characters dominating discussions today are yesterday's news tomorrow.
Guts is one of the most well written character of all times, but we rarely see him dominating popularity polls. Because popularity is a snapshot in time, not a mark of quality.
Are Kaneki and Light still relevant online? Maybe, but probably not the first name that pops into someone's head when they think "hottest anime character." Why? Because Tokyo Ghoul and Death Note are not the shiny new toy everyone's playing with anymore.
That doesn't make them bad characters now, does it? Just means Jujutsu Kaisen is the new kid on the block.
Popularity reflects the current hype, not some objective measure of quality.
Now, about that "Levi isn't popular anymore" claim.
Here's a little fact for you: Levi is declared the most popular anime character of all time. Still riding high on My Anime List at number 2, with Eren trailing behind at 13th and your precious Gojo at a respectable 16th.
Funny how you cherry-picked one popularity poll to fit your narrative (Anime Corner 2023), isn't it?
Bet that pinches a bit in your anonymous little corner.
I don't use Twitter (X) now, because that platform lowers the IQ of the entire internet by several notches. Who cares who's trending there? It's a chaotic mess of fleeting opinions and manufactured outrage.
Attack on Titan season four took a sharp turn, shoving Eren into the villain spotlight. His descent into darkness was undeniably intriguing, and I can see why it grabbed people's attention (and mine too). Let's not forget Eren is the protagonist. The entire story revolves around him. Of course his character development and tragic romance with Mikasa would be a focus!
But here's the thing – Levi's popularity doesn't magically disappear because Eren's on the rise. They're both compelling characters in their own right.
In fact "Bad Boy" manga that is going to be released is revolved around Levi.
So, instead of anonymously whining about a perceived decline, why not ditch the negativity and have a real conversation? What makes a character truly tick for you? Is it the emotional depth, the badassery, the hilarious quirks? Let's dissect what truly makes a character shine, instead of resorting to schoolyard taunts about a fictional character.
In the end, Levi's legacy in Attack on Titan is undeniable. He's a fan favorite, a symbol of unwavering strength, and a character who continues to inspire cosplay, fanart, and endless debates. Maybe the hype has shifted a bit, but his impact and popularity on the anime world remains. So, take your anonymous complaints and channel them into something constructive. The internet could use a little less negativity and a lot more genuine discussion about the characters we love, flaws and all.
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sexytummyache · 1 month
After the whole templeborn situation I almost want to see Sorawo and Toriko face of against other humorous copypasta like the "what the fuck did you just fucking say about me" guy and the "it takes a high IQ to understand Rick and Morty" guy
Mostly I feel like there's a meme to be made about this but I can't figure out exactly what
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not-poignant · 3 months
For T/F: for some reason I assume that you’ve probably had some experience (either of yourself or maybe people around you) of falling into the “gifted” category, and I feel like there’s probably some strong opinions on that maybe?
This one is true in a complicated way.
As a child, no one thought I was gifted until I got into school. I was hyperlexic, reading at a level far beyond my age-range (I read Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species at the age of 8/9, sitting on the library floor with the dictionary next to me so I could flick to different words and understand what they meant).
I was tested for giftedness/IQ but failed every test pretty spectacularly (we didn't know how many learning developmental disorders I had at the time, but it was a lot, and these tests in the 80s didn't favour any child with dyscalculia or severe dyspraxia, or ADHD / Autism for that matter). So everyone kind of officially knew I was pretty stupid, and the librarian was like 'what the fuck' while I quietly went through as many nonfiction books as I could because I found the fiction section mostly very boring.
Recently (like literally a month ago) when I was diagnosed with L2 Autism, I was also diagnosed with 2E, which is Twice Exceptional - or 'gifted but developmentally disabled.' It's a nice way of saying 'oh you're exceptionally smart (at certain things) and you're exceptionally special needs.' This also explains why I tested the way I did as a child, and kind of recontextualised a lot of things in my life, but I had to wait until I was 43 to learn that about myself, and until then I've always viewed myself as someone who was very stupid, but very good at pretending I wasn't simply because I could memorise things / facts I'd read in nonfiction, and I've been reading it since childhood. It's probably going to take a long time to think of myself as intelligent at anything other than words and reading.
So no, I wasn't raised as a 'gifted' child. I was raised as a semi-stupid child who read too many books. My sister tested as gifted and went into academic programs (and that definitely created some issues for her!) and I didn't, and started spectacularly failing maths in high school, which tracks for my level of dyscalculia.
It wasn't until university that I realised I could be clever at things, but again, I still credited that to 'I read well because I've been doing it a long time, and anyone - except for someone with dyslexia - could do this, this easily, and someone with dyslexia could still do this with the right supports.'
So I do have experience of falling into the 'gifted' category, but only for the last four weeks. It's also come with the diagnosis of L2 Autism, so mostly I'm just reminded at how fucking incompetent I am at generally being alive and functioning in a society.
From the true/false meme!
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Thinking about a 'sqq transmigrates (reincarnates) into dc' (specifically the jl because I don't know much about the rest), and who do you think would be funniest? I have narrowed it down to One but if anyone has anything better I'd love to hear it - Constantine, cap marvel and Manhunter were my top choices until:
Batman. Of course. Mainly because of the adoption problem and dozen kids with attachment issues, but also sqq spending his entire time internally shrieking I AM NOT CUT OUT FOR THIS I AM NOT PREPARED SYSTEM WHY DID YOU CHOOSE BATMAN. Trying so hard to fit the theme. Over preparing and stressing over every detail. A bit autism coded. 'I don't fall in love with anyone unless I choose to' wrong. 'You want me??? To?? Share my emotions?? My troubles??? I want to be a good parental figure but I would RATHER DIE'.
*internal sarcasm at local iq* *encyclopedic knowledge* *forgets he's not supposed to know everyone's identity*. "HOW DID YOH EVEN KNOW THAT??!!" 'oh I uh figured it out lol *bluffs sherlock style deduction*'. *repressed* 'Trauma? What trauma? I'm doing Great.'
Alfred is best man but sqq has been fundamentally a rich kid for THREE lifetimes now. He is unsavagable. Acts all high and mighty for the show but self esteem is garbage. UTTER COMMITMENT TO THE BIT at this point (way post svsss canon) I think sqq would genuinely implode if he didn't have a mask to show the public.
System has followed him of course and has him by the scruff of his neck every time he thinks about a more peaceful life. It has very high ooc standards as always until he first puts on the mask.
I can see superman taking over lqgs role a little. Casual friend and bestie. Always ready to help (and occasionally sky uber). Brawn to his brain but smarter than people give him credit for. Ultimate power team. Romantic tension through the roof but never wants anything more (and Bruce is completely oblivious anyway). Everyone sees it though.
Everyone assuming Bruce spent a huge amount of time training in some ultra secret Chinese mountain range (technically they're not wrong!) but no system sent him to the league of assassins he's just using the excuse to work on his cultivation. (talia tried SO HARD to seduce him but it failed utterly so she gave up and stole his dna while he was asleep (he woke up the next morning to a mission success notification and freaked)).
Unlike what his kids except, is fully caught up with memes. They hate it but that just makes him use them more. On the plus side he is susceptible to rickroll. Peak 'my darling child would NEVER how dare' at events. The only ones who know he had (has???) a husband pre reveal.
He teaches them all cultivation like a little qj peak but without the proper environment, which doesn't exist here, they're never going to reach immortality like him. He's fine about that, really :). He's accepted it. Either way that means pit influence doesn't stick, whoo!
Would like nothing more than to kill the joker :). System won't let him. He can't explain that to anyone :).
Cue an enraged ancient demon emperor breaking through the walls of reality on a universe shattering rampage only for him to be batmans husband :). Who wants kisses.
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henrycorniferd · 2 months
Jack: Henry's twin tailed fox brother!
High IQ Mechanic
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The Hroise: A Gay Gremlin
Gay (taken)
Owner of HTV
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Herrah_7z: An AU-wise sibling of Expunged
Trans-Fem (Transitioned)
Digital Demi-God
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Hery: the realer
Meme God^2
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@mrfellsans @cutechan555 @luigigirl12 @y0u5444 @little--critter
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afterthefeast · 2 months
i was close to voting anders for the least tech savvy poll and i do think he would be the sitcom character with some sort of technology curse but i don’t think his generally luckless demeanour actually carries over to his basic skills. he’d probably be fine on a computer ultimately he’s a stem boy. also there’s a not inconsiderable chance he’s part of some cyberpunk surveillance resistance crew and paradoxically that requires a high level of knowledge. sebastian with his party girl backstory is 1000% a selfie king but would only admit that under pain of death. every so often he slips and uses DEEP twitter slang and pretends he just heard it from someone else but he’s also kind of a bad liar and easily flustered so it’s really obvious he still has twitter and his screen time is too high. varric? totally fine if not a coding wizard like my best friend merrill. if isabela is still some sort of a sailor in the modern day she would have to be good with tech and i think anyway is pretty savvy. fenris i think probably makes it to his 30s without any digital footprint at all but once he starts using tech picks it up pretty quickly.
broadening it to different companions alistair would be twitter famous it is perfect for his pithy earnest-yet-ironic humour. morrigan genuinely believes in 5G conspiracies and thinks everyone else is easier to brainwash because of their lower IQs. solas brings a typewriter to use in a coffee shop and WILL make a snide remark if you, a complete stranger sitting beside him, do the crossword on your phone. leliana obviously runs an instagram where she takes pretty suggestive selfies in a nun’s habit and insists she is genuinely a nun but it turns out she’s part of some obscure sect that practices free love and it makes the internet invested in catholic heresies for a day. zevran has 17 burner phones. sera is a skilled hacker but has never bothered to figure out how email actually works. cassandra emails like she is texting whereas cullen texts like he is emailing. josie has the excel skills of someone who has made a pact with the devil. vivienne is a politician so her twitter is run by an unpaid intern but she has a kind of banging insta and she always manages to actually use memes correctly so people see her as relatable
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bellasnokia · 1 year
high iq memes
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mitigatedchaos · 1 year
A great deal of the online or transgressive twitter right-wing 2017-2022 were engaged in a kind of highly transgressive political performance art, partly designed to open up the right side of the Overton window. It was a project of culture-jamming.
Many of these people are IQ 120+ or even 130+, by my reckoning. The most plausible candidate for the true identity of Bronze Age Pervert apparently went to Yale. They could easily run rings around many self-appointed censors, partly because the censors were boxed in to defending bad ideology, and often just weren't that clever themselves.
However, this is actually going to create a problem for the right-wing coalition in the medium term.
Memeing that literal phrenology is real, while knowing it's fake, was a powerful way to sort out who else was high-aptitude in the censorship environment, and leave opponents stumped and sputtering, as the opposition's cultural dominance, easy resort to censorship tactics, and coalition handling, had left them unable to make the actual argument to attack the positions directly and with sincerity. It also functioned as a moat against entryists, similar to constantly changing language norms within the left coalition.
So here's the problem.
Each coalition has a bunch of people who generate ideas, and appears to have a bunch of people who argue and spread ideas on an interpersonal basis. These people are probably about 1 in 20 or 1 in 100 in the population, while the ideology-generating part of your coalition are probably measured only in the thousands to tens of thousands nationally.
There is little in this performance for these intermediate intellectual officers to copy.
If you compress and simplify a performance that pretends that phrenology is real, but carefully winks to the audience that it is fake, that knowing wink will be lost in the compression!
This will cause the right coalition to lose some epistemic advantage over the medium term.
(The intermediates can much more safely copy someone like Christopher Rufo or Ben Shapiro, which (aside from morals) is part of why Rufo is following an invisible set of rules.)
To the degree that the identitarians can be marginalized within the left coalition, and antibodies have developed against their social power tactics (oriented around control of institutions), we can expect the left to intellectually re-diversify, and within that intellectual diversity there will be multiple groups with multiple takes which, after sifting for the best of the collection, will provide epistemic advantage again.
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loser-jpg · 3 months
i just learned of your existence like. barely 2 days ago, so all i know is that you ship your oc with leona and nothing else-
but what are dee’s relationships like with all the other people at NRC?
first off anon i love you thank you for asking me i love to yap especially about dee
ok so dee is a first year so hes good friends with the other first year characters but specifically ace and deuce. they are the dumbass trio and when they are together all of their collective iq drops immensely. also dee is prone to tackling them if he has been separated to long they are his emotional support dumb dumbs. he does call out ace on being an asshole though, and hes always really proud of deuce for working so hard all the time.
with the other first years hes pretty friendly with jack because during book 3 jack helped him out a lot which made dee respect him a lot. hes friendly with epel and likes to encourage the menace behavior when vils not around to tell them off. at first he like, really disliked sebek, but as he got used to him hes started to think of him as a friend too. just a friend who annoys the living hell out of him lmao
hes not too close with cater or trey but he finds them fun in their own ways, he wants to ask trey to teach him how to bake but he hasnt yet cuz hes scared treys always busy with vice housewarden stuff and doesnt want to bother him. he finds cater fun because his internet-ey personality reminds dee of some of the friends he had back home.
now with riddle he sort of pitys him, respects him, and has a small disdain for him all at the same time. knowing about riddles mom reminds dee of his own, and he wants to be able to connect with riddle over that except riddles reaction to having a controlling mother is very different than dees. dee feels that riddle doesnt see how horrible his mother was, and gets angry on riddles behalf because he feels like riddle still thinks his mother was in the right and he gets angry over how obnoxious over rules riddle can be, but he respects riddles leadership and strength too
dee tries to be friends with ruggie since ruggie is essentially leonas second in command, than and he thinks ruggie is fun, but he doesnt like that ruggie sometimes tries to take advantage of the more gullible students. obviously more people than just ruggie do this but basically dee expects better from ruggie because he actually thinks highly of him
with the twins dee finds them really fun and likes to hang out with them just to see the chaos they cause, but hes also kinda scared if jade. not so much floyd because floyd always acts on impulse and such but jade is a planner and is more manipulative than his brother, and smart people like that intimidate dee more
azul...long story short dee thinks hes hilariously obnoxious. he avoids azul unless in groups because he knows azul will take any opportunity to somehow get dee (or anyone else) in his debt, but the time he is around azul he finds it so funny how much 'theater kid' energy he has. any intimidation is gone because all dee can see him as is a guy putting on the most dramatic performance ever
kalim is dees #1 bestie after adeuce. dee saw the one genuinely happy nice lively dude and claimed him as best friend. there are few actually hyper or high energy ppl at nrc who arent high energy due to being...crazy so hanging out with kalim is like a breath of fresh air for dee. they send silly cat memes to eachother.
dee has a lot of respect for how responsible jamil is, like a LOT of respect. but at the same time he has a grudge. in dees mind he cant get over the fact that rather than tell anyone at all or attempt to solve the problems in his life jamil just seemingly gave up before trying and bottled everything up until he lashed out at kalim. like i said dee really likes kalim so seeing how jamil hurt him dee would have a hard time forgiving that, even if he knew why. he just doesnt get why jamil is so quick to blame kalim for it all when kalim obviously thinks so highly of jamil and cares for jamil a lot. its similar to how he feels about riddle. there is respect there, but there are also actions he just cant get over.
ok so with vil, dee definitely disagrees with how strict he can be sometimes, but he gets his strictness is his way of trying to help others become their best self so he would be less mad at vils strictness than riddles. other than that hed be #2 vil hypeman (second only to rook). dee has an appreciation for film so hed ask vil a lot of questions, and vil would probably try to get him to join the film club (hes an honorary member lowkey lmao). essentially those two would be gossipy friends, dee vented to him when he saw leonas vargas camp fit and they bonded over how shit it was and how so many people at nrc have such a rough fashion sense.
dee is kinda scared of rook but also entirely gets why hes so weird. doesnt mean hes gonna go out of his way to hang out with him tho. whenever hes alone hes basically on guard in case rook might be watching (he can never tell anyway which makes it all more anxiety inducing). he will never understand rooks obsession with neige though. he doesnt really like that rook also lowkey stalks leona, but he cant blame him cause he gets it
dee is stealing ortho from ignihyde and adopting him as his brother instead. once again one of the few high energy not too insane people so dee likes to be around him, but also dee always wanted a little brother and does not think idia is giving ortho enough attention. other than that dee has little complaints about idia. he finds him a little whiny, especially with book 6 events, but thats sorta just how idia is and dee cant imagine him acting any other way. dees tried to bond over nerdy stuff with idia before, but ends up just talking to ortho about it because he gets a sort of pretentious, 'im a real fan' vibe from idia sometimes.
dee doesnt really have a typically close friendship with malleus, they dont really talk about in depth things or anything like that, but dee really values his friendship with malleus. sometimes you just need a friend to be chill with, like there are friends you want to vent your problems to and then there are friends who you just know nothing about but you dont care cuz yall are vibing and thats malleus. he likes going on night time walks with him because night walks are just nice, and theyre more fun with company.
dee thinks silvers awesome. thats all. he thinks hes cool and basically has a 'omg silver :0' moment every time they talk. he wants to become better friends with silver, but basically every time he sees him silvers asleep and dee doesnt want to wake him. dee also thinks lilias very fun, but he also is like...constantly suspicious about him. he just feels somethings off about him or that theres something hes not saying so hes constantly like staring him down like '...what are you hiding man' but thinks lilias pretty cool
now small segments on staff
dee is eternally pissed at crowley but at the same time cant be genuinely mad because this man is so ridiculous
dee is scared of crewel because how does no one else find it weird hes treating them like dogs, but i the fit is iconic and being called a good boy is not something he can complain about
dee has no respect for vargas. that man is ridiculous and oh so dense. he avoids vargas at all costs
dee doesnt have a strong opinion on trein, but he thinks its funny he always has his cat in class with him. he has basic respect for trien because hes been given no reason not to.
dee thinks sam is the coolest person alive. dee goes to the store to pretend to look around just to talk to sam. he sees him as like the cool older cousin who is so fun and who you really want to be like when you grow up. dee is however unsure if he is allowed to try to become friends with the store owner 7 years older than him. someone please explain the social rules about this situation my boy is autistic and needs help.
this was way longer than i thought but i really liked talking about all this because for some of the characters i actually hadnt put too much thought and its good to think about this stuff and obviously i love to yap about dee so thank you for the ask anon
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