#hiiii daisy welcome to existence
i made... a Mistake... i wanted to practice character design... how did i end up with four more WH ocs
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initial-lime · 5 months
you’re like the first Buried blog I’ve found so I’m a wee bit excited, and I have a few questions that I need an opinion on
1, opinion on the Vast? It and the Buried are practically opposites but they share the ocean (Drowning & the Deep), so could a Vast avatar and a Buried avatar technically collab on making some poor fools live a miserable wet hell?
2, top 5 favorite episodes?
3, favorite avatar/avatars?
Hiiii welcome!! This is where I go insane about the dirt, glad to have you! (:
1. For the bit of it I like to be antagonistic towards the vast, those damn sky loving bastards. In actuality though I think they should be considered two sides of the same coin, they share a lot of attributes (the ocean, and also space if you think about it) and in many ways they’re both the fear of something large and inescapable (wether it be a literal colossal beast or the weight of all existence keeping you trapped)
Where they differ is the approach to getting out of the situation, the vast is an endless attempt to escape and the buried is a failure to escape at all. To stand still and be crushed.
Which is exactly why a vast/buried “collab” wouldn’t be possible,,, you can’t escape forever and also never escape at all, going far and going nowhere is just a bit too,,, spirally if you get me lol
2. My personal top 5 episodes are!
132 - entombed (the look inside the actual coffin was incredible, it stars my two favorite characters, I just really enjoy this one)
142 - scrutiny (mostly for the image of Jon being creepy but the victims statement was also outstanding)
172 - strung out (aside from the buried the web is also one of my favorites and I can appreciate the simple entrapment of social connections and substances)
152 - a gravediggers envy (because Hezekiah’s perspective is actually. Eerily relatable, I too want a nap in the dirt)
91 - the coming storm (I’ll be honest I didn’t much care for mikes statement but I’m a sucker for the Jon whump AND I get Daisy in action? Sign me up)
3. I am. Predictable and perhaps a little unoriginal but my top 3 avatars are Jon, Daisy and Hezekiah wakely (in that order) I like them all for different reasons but in general they’re just characters I either relate to or have an unhealthy fascination with
This is already a kinda long post so I wont go in detail on this one now, but I’m always open for (more) questions 👁‍🗨 if there’s one thing it’s that. I love questions, absolutely yap-maxxing, I am allergic to shutting up ever (:
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yeosatinyngz · 2 years
Helloooo hiiii!! 💖 It's so nice to see another Blue Lock writer around! 💙 I'm new to the fandom and your event looks so interesting, so would you maybe be willing to write a Bachira x gn!reader with prompt. 12 (reader starts with the first dialogue)? 💝
Hiii, helloooo!! 💜 I’m honored you decided to request from me! 💕 I want to welcome you warmly into the fandom, it’s nice to have you here! I’m more than up for it, I got you! 💖
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#12: “Why are you creeping outside my bedroom window?!” “I thought it would be romantic if I climbed up here.” “You gave me a heart-attack!”
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Sounds of keyboard clicks resonated around your room as you were busy writing your final paper. Your focus was intently on your laptop screen as you continued on typing out all the words you could to finish up this bane of your existence. Not before long you finally completed the paper and you comfortably laid back on your chair resting in accomplishment. While mentally congratulating yourself that you were finally free from your assignment you turned your head over towards your window to try to enjoy the nighttime view.
That is until you saw Bachira’s face pressed up against the glass of your window and your soul immediately leaped out of your body and you emitted a scream of terror. You stumbled out of your chair and went to open up your window to let him in. “Why are you creeping outside my bedroom window?!” “I thought it would be romantic if I climbed up here.” “You gave me a heart-attack!” “Whoopsie daisies.” He said while cheekily sticking out his tongue. You balled up your fist and punched him on his arm. “Whoopsie daisies, my hand slipped.” You feigned innocence as you fake gasped.
He narrowed his eyes at you, “So this is the game you want to play huh?” He said while wiggling his fingers with a mischievous grin on his face while stepping closer to you. “Oh no.” You tried your best to run away from him but he tackled you onto your bed and started ticking your sides. “Stop- I’m so sorry- please forgive me.” You pleaded as you gasped for air in between the tickles. “Y/N - 1, Meguru - 2.” He narrated as he sat up in victory.
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