sanbook-fourcolor · 17 days
(Hijin Han)
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happyocelot · 1 year
I'm still not that familiar with the sequel, but I think Inuyasha and Moroha would be like Genma and Ranma...you know? I just get that feeling.
For InuKag Fluff Week, Day 1: Comfort! Let me know what you think! :)
In the modern era, she would have woken up to the sound of her alarm clock.
With a robotic beep-beep-beep, it would signal the end of sweet, blissful sleep and plunge her into the nightmare world of studying for tests she hadn't prepared for because she hadn't been to school because she had to face off against a murderous spider demon five hundred years in the past and her grandpa had told everyone in school that she had a debilitating case of maple syrup urine disease (what even was that, jii-chan?) and she also needed an emergency kidney transplant for some reason he never really explained and even through all these wild and ludicrous excuses, no one had yet asked them to produce certifications proving these illnesses because the school administration clearly wasn't that bright and for SOME reason they still required her to take all those tests ANYWAY (after her grandpa told people she needed a kidney transplant) and maybe life in the modern era wasn't all that it was cracked up to be and maybe...
And there it was.
Kagome pulled the covers up to her ears. After years of living in the feudal era, she had trained herself to finally wake up to the roosters crowing at dawn and to go to sleep by the time the sun would set, which was around...7 pm. This would have been difficult for her eighteen-year-old self in the year 2000, at the turn of the millennium, with electricity long since introduced into every single home and wreaking havoc on her circadian rhythm.
She had struggled against that background to accomplish a 4 am wake-up and 7 pm bedtime. That was her achievement, a monumental one she would have thought laughable in the year 1996 or 15-whatever, when she had met Inuyasha for the first time.
Against all odds, Kagome had become an early bird.
A gale-force blow sliced through the air. Kagome heard something break in the distance.
She groaned.
It was two in the morning.
Against all odds, she had become an early bird. Against all odds.
Now Inuyasha and Moroha had apparently decided that this wasn't enough, and resolved to punish her circadian rhythm yet again, pushing it to limits she had never known existed.
Why were they practicing swordfights at two in the morning?
She needed her beauty sleep, dammit.
She flattened a hand over the smooth skin of her eyes, which were definitely going to have dark circles in the morning because her husband and daughter had gotten hyper and –
Something broke again.
What the hell was wrong with her family.
Kagome decided that checking right now wasn't worth it. She could inspect the mass destruction tomorrow.
So original, Moroha.
Why did they all have to shout out their attack names? Did they all live in Sailor Moon? Showing Inuyasha that manga all those years ago in 1997 was a terrible mistake. Now he was going to shout out attack names for eternity and she would never get her beauty sleep.
That was never going to happen and both of them knew it.
They knew that her wrath would be legendary if they ever tried.
Kagome was, in fact, the one who ruled this household with an iron fist. These late night/early morning shenanigans were only possible because she allowed them, however grudgingly. They would come to an end fast if some fool decided to bust out Meido Zangetsuha.
She smirked and rolled onto her side.
Against all odds, she somehow drifted off to sleep.
She woke up long past the time roosters would crow at the dawn, cocooned on both sides by Inuyasha and Moroha, her little girl's leg wrapped around her belly and Inuyasha drooling onto her shoulder.
Evidently they'd grown tired and come back into the house at some point last night, or perhaps they had run out of things to blow up. Both seemed plausible.
Ah, well. She'd inspect the mass destruction later.
She had beauty sleep to get back to.
Waking up to the sound of her dear husband and darling daughter duking it out, flattening valleys, and creating massive craters at the edge of the forest in the feudal era wasn't so bad.
At least she didn't have to worry about math tests anymore.
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sniperct · 8 months
Tataru's Grand Adventure: *emotional gut punches and how can one retain their culture when far from home*
Hildebrand: lets do some wacky hijin--oh god, oh no that is legitimately nightmare fuel
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zushimart · 1 year
i was walking with one of hijin’s friends & he asked very quietly and very nervously halfway through our conversation “what gender are you?” and then quickly apologized and said never mind & i keep thinking about it
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nyxokal · 2 years
Ay mis hijines tengo un puto sueño que se siente como proyección astral
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naominotaisho · 5 months
Shōsetsu InuYasha:
Translation By: Patches
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Chapter 10: Dilemma 1 When Inuyasha saw the reincarnated miko engulfed in the flames of “Onibigushi”, despite handling all the pain up until now in a collected manner, his face showed signs of distress for the first time. (Oh, how interesting.)  Yura loved watching someone being forced to show emotion.  She preferred watching anger, sadness, and hatred, however. “There aren’t even bones left of that woman."  She figured she’d try saying something to prod him even further. As she’d expected, Inuyasha shouted, "You bitch!” which pleased Yura immensely to see him boiling with anger.
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“Are you sad that that woman is dead?  Aww, poor thing."  Naturally, it’s not like she actually felt sorry for him.  Yura generally had no understanding of feeling "sorry” for anyone other than herself.  “Don’t worry.  Soon enough I’ll be sending you to the next world to join her!” When Yura rushed at him with Benigasumi drawn, Inuyasha curled the fingers of his right hand.  The sharp claws glinted. (Hah, still trying to resist) thought Yura, but, Inuyasha made an unexpected move.  He stuck those sharp claws into his own chest.  Yura was startled momentarily to see his blood stain his clothes. (Don’t tell me he’s so upset at that woman’s death that he’s trying to kill himself, But that wasn’t it.  Inuyasha drew his blood-stained fingers from his chest and shouted, “Take this!  Hijin Kessou!!” and swung down his right arm.
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The spray of blood flew through the air in a crescent shape. (Blades of blood?!)  Yura hurriedly tried to dodge, but she was a moment too late.  The blades of blood came flying with a howl and sliced off Yura’s sword-wielding right hand at the wrist. “…!  My hand…"  Yura looked at her right arm, which now had nothing beyond the wrist, and felt a bit sad.  She felt sorry for herself that this had happened to her.  And that she couldn’t forgive that terrible hanyou who did this to her. "Heh, without your hand, you can’t control your hair, either.” The hanyou’s words stung her heart.  “You… should play nicer with girls."  As she said that, Yura put the red comb from her left hand in her mouth.
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2 “You… should play nicer with girls.”     Inuyasha glared at Yura as she placed the red comb from her left hand in her mouth.  “The hell are you talking about?!  What you’ve done is something unforgivable for either a man or a woman!” Yura held the comb in her mouth.  She dragged her left hand along the comb.  It seemed she was combing through the bundle of hair entwined about her left hand. Then, the skulls hanging by hairs from Yura’s nest began to chatter their teeth.  “…?!"  Yura moved the comb further.  Her nest began to collapse.  The multitude of skulls writhed within the long hairs and came charging at Inuyasha all at once.
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A torrent of hair like an avalanche or tsunami pummelled Inuyasha. “Ugh!  Get off me!"  He swung his claws, crushing the skulls charging him.  He destroyed them one after another as they continued to press in. Until Inuyasha sensed a lethal force rapidly approaching behind him.  He hurriedly turned around, and a sharp pain ran across his shoulder. "Eh…?!"  He’d been cut.  Blood was spraying out.  When he looked, he saw that Yura’s right hand that he’d cut off earlier was flying around holding Benigasumi.  Yura was undoubtedly manipulating it with some invisible hairs. "So close.  Just a little more and I’d have had your head."  Yura looked at Inuyasha regrettably.  "How about another go?!"  She moved the fingers of her left hand nimbly.  Her right hand holding Benigasumi came flying. "Hijin Kessou!"  Inuyasha thought he could turn the tables on her, but the countless bundles of skull-bearing hairs moved between Inuyasha and Benigasumi like a curtain, acting as a wall to stop Hijin Kessou.
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“Tch."  Just as he clicked his tongue, a heavy shock and a sharp pain pierced his back.  Yura had used his momentary distraction by the skulls to manipulate her right hand and stab him through the back with Benigasumi. "Now now, where are you looking?!"  Yura made a large sweeping motion with her red comb.  The skulls charged from all directions, wrapping Inuyasha’s body in bundles of hair and swinging him around. "Dammit!"  Inuyasha gritted his teeth.  He wanted to fight back, but with the bundles of hair and Yura’s right hand, Inuyasha’s body was tightly bound and he was becoming unable to move. "Hmph.  So a hanyou really is just half-baked,” Yura mocked while approaching him.  She delicately placed her red comb in her sash and said, “You poor thing.”
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With a face that didn’t show a bit of pity at all, she reached into her cleavage and gave him a glance of the bag containing the Shikon no Tama.  She was just teasing him with it.  “You wanted to use this to become a real youkai, didn’t you.”   She came close and gazed at Inuyasha haughtily, holding Benigasumi in her left hand.  “Now don’t move.  If I don’t get a clean cut on your neck, that beautiful hair will get stained in blood,” Yura said with a glimmer of a smile, raising Benigasumi high above her head.  When she swung the sword down, the blade glinted coldly in the moonlight. “Hmph… quit jerking me around!"  Inuyasha put all his strength into his right arm.  As if someone like her could cut off his head!  What a joke! Thunk!  He’d punched Yura straight through her chest. ”….!“  Yura’s eyes went wide.  Inuyasha’s right hand was sticking out her back.  When he retracted his hand, there was a gaping hole in Yura’s chest that he could see the mountain through. "Keh… that’s what you get,” Inuyasha said as he did so.
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Suddenly, there was a sword stuck through the back of his hand.  “…?!” It was Yura.  Yura had pierced Benigasumi through his hand.  Even though she had a gaping hole in her chest, she was unperturbed.  “How brazen of you.  Sticking your hand in a woman’s chest right after meeting her.” (She’s… she’s fine?!)  He stared in disbelief as Yura wiggled the fingers of her left hand, manipulating the blood-stained hairs.  The bag containing the Shikon no Tama that Inuyasha had clutched in his right hand lifted into the air, returning to Yura’s hand. “Hmph.  Looks like you grabbed the Shikon no Tama while you were at it.  You just don’t know when to quit.” Where is it?!  Inuyasha searched frantically.  (Where is her weak spot?!) “Hm?"  Yura scowled abruptly.  It seemed like she was feeling the hairs on her left hand tug at her on their own. Yura turned around and gasped.
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When Inuyasha followed her gaze, he saw red cloth fluttering in the wind.  Since it had been used to attack Inuyasha earlier, Yura’s nest was no longer a ball, but a scattered mess of separate streams of hair.  The red cloth was in the process of scurrying up one of those streams. Inuyasha knew what it was.  The red cloth was the fire rat cloak.  That woman - the one who was the reincarnation of Kikyou - was boldly climbing Yura’s nest. “That woman!  She should have burned to death!” Yura said in a low voice.  Her face was unlike any she had shown until now: grim.
Next Chapter >>
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worflesbian · 1 year
wa'leS muSuch vavwI'. po vInepbe', 'ej veng jIHtaH 'e' Sov ghaH - qaleghQo'laHbe'. vIHoH vIneH, 'ach SoSnI' vISaQmoH vIneHbe'. toH! neH vIrIQmoH (jIQuchmoH'eghmeH vIja'egh). jIQap 'e' HIjIn! vIpoQ -_-
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shareefshaikh · 2 years
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@shareefshaikh17 #shareef #shareefshaikh #shareefbaurshaikh #shaikh #shreef #baur #kuwait #india #hijin #middleeast #dharampur #patupur #payagpur #bahraich #arqam #arqam #arqam #up #india (at الهجن) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce1i6ecuXhS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zeldahijinks · 7 years
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My fingers slipped, whoops another oc. 
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sesshoumarusama · 4 years
Moroha's Hijin Kessō and Sankon Tessō THAT SHE GOT FROM HER PAPA INU🥺😭😭❤
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koisser · 3 years
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Malisa’s first time at the Humor & Hijins festival WITH the girls! Roger invited them there.
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akatsuki-shin · 5 years
Mo Dao Zu Shi Audio Drama JP ver. Preview
Other Names:
Lan Zhan (Ran Zan)
Hanguang-jun (Gankou-kun)
Bichen (Hijin)
Wangji Qin (Bouki Kin)
Follow the official account Twitter@mimifm11 for updates.
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ismael-doodles · 5 years
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Miren a mi hijin con Leucemia uWu
Risto nació en Finlandia/Porvoo tiene 17 años y mide 1.87 aproximadamente, es rubio pero tan claro que se puede ver albino en la nieve.
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La leucemia de Risto es no terminal, pero el insiste que va a morir y es una razón por la que no tiene amigos, por si llega a morir (lo cual no será ya que, se puede recuperar), no tengan que sufrir su partida.
Es seco en el principio, pero cuando lo conoces es un amor de pibe, su familia vive en su Ciudad natal, actualmente Risto esta en Helsinki para su tratamiento y además allí estudia en la universidad de la ciudad.
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Risto en sus quimioterapias nanana-
Amen a mi hijo, porfa:(
Re chau
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starsmuserainbow · 5 years
Hmm... would anyone mind if I put my thoughts of that earlier-mentioned idea that I can’t get out of my head, out here instead of just into a never-to-be-posted-draft?
Well, I mean, it’s about an OC concept, and it’s still munday, so I’m just gonna say it’s part of that and post it. below the cut, as usual.
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This is made with an avatar creator of rinmarugames, another look-ref would be Hijin of Innocent Venus, though the FC there is no perfect fit either as I’d still have to edit the usual (skin, eyes, hair), and the clothes too and Hijin feels a bit too old too.
Her name would be Kahmlur, which basically means ‘scent of fight/ing’, if she would pick something else for easier earthen pronounciation it’d be Fi (speak like the “fi” from “fight”). She’s a pretty default tamaranean, with strong fighting-spirit and sometimes rather stubborn. Daughter of one of the highest advisors that had been at Myand’r’s side, she sees it ‘only fitting’ that she has to be Wildfire’s (advisor, bodyguard, more, she doesn’t specify what exactly she means), now that Tamaran knows that he still lives.
She thinks Wildfire is cute - weak and weird, but cute - and laughs a lot and claims that she will manage to make him ‘proper’. Treats him nothing like a king, more like a little kid or a pet or sth, but means it all in an endearing way, probably. Doesn’t hesitate to call him out on his weird or un-Tamaranean thoughts or behaviors. Often comes up to him when he’s outside. Doesn’t downright stalk him, but seemingly has her ways to always find him when he isn’t in a building where she can’t just like that enter, like with friends or sth.
She’s proud of her strength, more of a buff figure than Starfire and Blackfire, also curious about earthen things but not really intending to adapt to them. Her voice is somewhat darkish, often laughing, female, strong - I haven’t come across a good voice claim I could share here, sorry. The hair at the back isn’t a bun, but a very puffy ponytail. She doesn’t wear the so common tamaranean collar/gorget, there’s only a small silver band above the neck-covering part of her top on which the gem is located.
This isn’t really as detailed information about her as I would have it if I’d actually plan on keeping her (or making her a blog even), but hopefully this is enough to get me away from thinking through her more and more.
I kinda feel like this idea is giving Wildfire an equivalent of Moonshot for Starfire, even though it isn’t entirely the same; and I also feel like I have enough characters going on already, so I doubt I’m actually going to keep/make her, but yeah. Maybe I got this out of my mind now.
As an edit, here’s a pic I edited a little later than when this post had been made.
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It’s not exactly good quality, but it was the only one I could get through a quick google search of the abovementioned FC, so yeah.
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shareefshaikh · 2 years
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@shareefshaikh17 #shareef #shareefshaikh #shareefbaurshaikh #shaikh #shareef #baur #dharampur #patupur #ranipur #payagpur #bahraich #up #uttarpradesh #india #kuwait #hijin (at Kuwait) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdzT2caIPJR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sennokami · 6 years
* the uchiha clan & avoiding the hapsburg chin.
“The Uchiha Clan is at least five centuries old. Perhaps even older. Record-keeping is, unfortunately, a thankless task that often only gives up its rewards long after one has passed. But our blood is an old one, dating back to the emergence of chakra and ninshu.”
- Uchiha Kyoko, Blood Keeper, Year 3 of the 6th Century.
The Uchiha clan divides its members by five main bloodlines (there was a sixth, but unfortunately, that line went extinct in the 3rd Century after feuding within the clan). Some say that these bloodlines can be traced back to the original sons of Indra, but that’s just pure conjecture. In order of prestige, the lines are:
- Naga (1st son of Indra, married Princess Oto-hime) - Arashi (2nd son of Indra, married Uzume) - Taira (3rd son of Indra, married unknown) - Yume (4th son of Indra, married unknown) - Sena (5th son of Indra, married Hisame) - Hijin (6th son of Indra, married unknown)
In an official capacity, these names mean nothing. But when it comes to breeding, they mean everything. It’s the main way to trace broad tracts of who relates to who and, subsequently, who can marry who.
The matter is both simple and complex. The broad strokes of it is that bloodline clans need to walk the tightrope balance of just enough blood purity to maintain their kekkai genkai, while strenuously avoiding in-breeding.
“Third eyes, horn protrusions, albinism, and mutations in the chakra are one of the many defects an Uchiha child can be born with if his or her parents are too closely related. There was the highest spike of this in the latter half of the 2nd Century, likely due to a poor understanding of genetics and dwindling clan numbers. In those barbaric times, such abominations were given to the hunting dogs. Now, we only drown them.”
- Uchiha Hitomi, Blood Keeper, Year 89 of the 4th Century
Oftentimes, children are given different categories of cousins. There are the cousins who are close, and therefore may only be one’s friends, and the cousins who are far, who are eligible marriage prospects. The tradition is ‘seven generation split’, where one’s blood is removed by seven different generations from another Uchiha (rendering them safe to marry). Of course, some people risk it and marry closer than they should, but everyone else’s caution ensures that defective offspring are minimal.
(And they’ve stopped drowning them. Euthanasia is kinder.)
Uchiha Madara’s birth is considered rather ‘low’ in the clan (Sena’s line, his great-great-great grandfather was a bastard adopted into the clan, born by a runaway). Again, its ultimately unimportant compared to his personal merit, but it’s also not uncommon to point to one’s place on the blood hierarchy and posit conclusions from it.
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