#hikari and throné i DO claim
powwidge · 1 year
Ok so u know how vide has male pronouns and a female voice and the appearance or boobs so ok ok so vide is essentially trans, right?
Makes it a bit funny how it's throné and hikari that I hc as trans, them being his descendants and all-
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sector-z-knd · 2 years
Agnea's Purse of Hope
When the travelers need some funds for a performance, Agnea offers her purse of hope. However, not everyone is as keen to let her use her savings.
“Ten thousand leaves for four tickets?! You gotta be kiddin’ me!”
The concierge shrugged, hands up in a placating manner, though it didn’t quite hide the smirk the man had. “Our performance prices may be high, but it is to cover the costs of the performers and stage designers. You understand, I’m sure?”
Partitio let out a resigned sigh, lifting his hat off with one hand to scratch at his head. “Well, can’t knock a fellah for tryin’ to make a profit…”
Agnea couldn’t help but fret on her feet, her body showing her agitation just as it did all her moods. “But we have to get inside! Dolcinea is performing, and I just know something is going to happen during the show!”
Again, the concierge shrugged, turning away to help the next customer. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but I don’t make the prices. Unless you have the coin, I’m afraid you’re not getting in.”
“Hm, that does put a wrench in our plans. Considering that Miss Dolcinea will only be in town for one night, finding the funds before the tickets sell out may prove difficult,” Temenos mused, hand on chin. Though he looked deep in thought, his eyes were on the gates of the New Delsta performance hall, as if pondering the best way of scaling them without being caught. It was always his mindset to find the paths no one else would tread.
“Indeed. Perhaps paying for the ferry to New Delsta was a mistake,” Hikari sighed, though he took the more practical approach and pulled his satchel off his back. The old canvas bag was worn but sturdy, with the diamond symbol of Ku lovingly stitched into it. He started to dig around in it, the others gathering around to see what he was doing. “We can still pull together the funds if we sell some of our belongings. Partitio, do you have anything of value you would not regret parting with?”
The merchant dug around before finally pulling a pocket watch from an inside pocket. “Well, I do have that silver watch from Clockbank that we got from that old feller. It’d fetch a pretty price on the market.”
“Good. Temenos?”
With a long-suffering sigh that was as iconic as his clerical catchphrase, the man pulled out a handkerchief and began unwrapping something from within. “While I do think there are better ways to find funds quickly, I’m happy to impart what I have.” He pulled the last fold away to reveal a shimmering stone, the last lights of the dying sun setting ablaze its deep stoney hues.
Partitio’s eyes sparkled in kind as he bent down to inspect the stone. “Hoo-eey, that’s a mighty fine stone! Where’d you get that?”
There was a mischievous gleam in Temenos’ eye as he pulled the stone back, teasing the merchant with hidden treasure. “I believe Throné, ahem, borrowed this as we were passing through the last town. She claimed her gut had told her it would be wise to carry it along, and it seems she was right.”
“And her gut hasn’t failed us yet,” Hikari nodded, and pulled out a small stone relief. It had a carving of a dragon on it, the details worn but the features still visible. The warrior’s eyes softened as he looked at it, then turned solemn as he held it up. “I can give this.”
“But Hikari, isn’t that one of the treasures of Ku?” Temenos pried, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. “Wouldn’t you prefer to take it home with you once you return?”
“There are other relics of Ku that hold more worth to me, all of which will be reclaimed once I take back the throne,” the warrior said, passing the relic to Partitio. The merchant held the small relief with careful hands, already planning to buy it back when the chance arose.
All through this exchange, Agnea remained quiet. Her hands were clasped at her chest, clutching a small cloth purse. She swallowed hard, doing her best not to show her nerves. The others were giving such wonderful things that would surely fetch a good price, but in her heart, she knew it wouldn’t be enough. Going to this performance was something that she had wanted to do in the first place, so it only made sense that she contributed the most, right?
“Agnea? You’re being very quiet.”
The woman jumped, the coins rattling in her purse as she did. Her gaze flickered between the three men: Hikari squatting on the ground, Partitio still half-bent over him, Temenos with that ever-present smirk as he regarded her. Pulling in a steadying breath, Agnea said, “I’ve made up my mind.”
“On what?” Temenos urged, head cocked.
“On this. We can sell my purse.”
Partitio’s eyes nearly popped out of his head, eyebrows flying past the brim of his hat. “Yer purse of hope? Agnea…!”
The dancer pressed on, trying to smile. “It has ten thousand leaves in it already, so it’ll cover the cost of the tickets for sure-!”
All three looked down to Hikari, who was busy rearranging things in his pack. His face was blank, but oddly steely. Had he really just said no?
Blinking in surprise, she stepped over to the warrior and put on her winning smile. “It’ll be alright, Hikari! It was my idea to come to the theater, so it’s my responsibility to pay-”
“No.” This time the word was said with more force, and Hikari rose to his full height. Though he was not much taller than her, he was still imposing as he looked down to her. “You need that bag to achieve your dreams. I will not allow you to sell it on our behalf.”
Agnea’s shoulders fell, the tie on her bag drooping. “B-but, Hikari…”
“We’ll find another way,” he said firmly and moved past her, heading for the stairs. “Come on, let’s find an item shop. We don’t have much time before the performance.”
While Temenos hurried to catch up with the warrior, Partitio held back. Agnea was still standing under a streetlamp, her expression caught between disappointment and relief. The merchant stepped towards her, touching her freckled shoulder with his gloved hand. “Aggie?”
“I really thought I’d bring a smile to him, Partitio. I thought offering my purse would be helpful, that he’d be able to keep his relic from his homeland. I didn’t know it would make him upset.”
Partitio had been listening carefully, but at her last words, he barked out a laugh. “Hikari? Upset? Nah, he just wants to make sure your own dreams can come true! Can’t do that if you give it up for a few tickets!”
He put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a half-hug, grinning from ear to ear. “Don’t you worry about Hikari, darlin’. You just keep being yer sweet self, and you’ll bring a smile back to his face in no time!”
Agnea nodded slowly, her eyes slowly lighting up as optimism grew. “Yeah… yeah, you’re right! I can still bring smiles to everyone!”
“That’s the ticket!”
Further ahead, Temenos cast a glance over his shoulder at the happy duo. “Ah, that Partitio. He has a way with making people smile.” He turned his face forward again, arms behind his back as he walked in step with Hikari. Inclining his head towards his fellow traveler, he mused aloud, “Though I wonder why you didn’t take her purse. She offered it willingly, after all.”
Hikari didn’t turn his gaze away from the item shop in the distance. “The first time I met Agnea, she was looking for that purse. In Clockbank, she told Partitio how her village had scraped together that money to help her achieve her dream of stardom. It is not my place to take any of those feelings from her hands.”
Temenos hummed, arms clasped on the staff behind his back. “If it were me-”
“It’s not,” Hikari said flatly, and the cleric gave a soft chuckle, holding a hand up in a placating way.
The silence lasted five heartbeats.
“But if it were me-” Temenos began, earning a sigh from Hikari, “-I would have used her money to buy the tickets, then after selling the items we’d procured, return the money back to her. That way she still has all the leaves she started with.”
“While your method is sound, the leaves we give her would not be the same as the ones given to her by her friends. Everything in that purse came to her through acts of love and tenderness, and those feelings should be continued through letting her use them to become the star she and her village know she can be.”
Temenos chuckled, head tilted as he inspected HIkari’s face. “Why, the war-hardened warrior has a soft side to him! You’re more compassionate than I gave you credit, Hikari.”
Feeling a small glow of pride, Hikari began, “I appreciate your words-”
“Though I do need to point out, your compassionate speech made us miss the general store.”
Hikari stopped in his tracks and whipped around to see Agnea and Partitio standing in front of the store, barely holding back their giggles. Beside him, Temenos had his signature cat-like grin that proved he���d known they’d passed the store but had been waiting to see if Hikari had noticed.
Feeling the tips of his ears turn red, Hikari stalked past and grumbled, “And you’re still as observant as ever, Temenos.”
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beantothemax · 1 year
Stopping in Cropdale, the group was pleasantly surprised to find there was to be a festival. Agnea was well prepared with a gown and internal map of the town. Everyone else was a bit more lost.
While half of the group decided they would rather see the town, Castti was procuring a dress. Truthfully, she wasn't much of a dancer, but Agnea talked her into it and there was no saying no to such a charismatic (and manipulative) girl.
"Does this look like it fits?" Castti asked.
She looked down at the skirt and was hesitant about the slit. It exposed her leg. It was one Pala had lying around that she was more than happy to lend to a friend of Agnea.
"I love the slit," Throné laughed, "it's perfect for you!"
"Hmm... Do a twirl," Agnea suggested.
Castti did as told, and the lightweight skirt lifted from the ground. The extra layers of fabric resembled wings.
"Its perfect!" Pala said.
"Yep, the twirl was good," Agnea agreed.
"I dunno," Castti muttered, "Partitio, what do you think?"
Partitio sat silently in the corner. He had long since chosen an outfit and only stayed at Agnea's request. She claimed he had a good eye for beauty, but really she didn't want him getting drunk with Gus or her father.
"Uh, ya' look f-fine!" Partitio said.
"Are you okay? You look a little red," Agnea remarked.
"I'm fine, it's just hot in here. I'll go outside," he left before anyone could say another word.
He leaned on the wall of the Bristarni's house as he thought.
She looked perfect.
He wanted to tell her everything and nothing. Maybe say how he felt. But that could backfire. But she might end up with someone else, and what if she didn't feel the same way about him? So many things to consider.
After a while, Castti exited the house.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"Yeah, why d'ya ask?" Partitio answered.
It wasn't as hard talking to her without an audience. Throné would no doubt bully him if she noticed anything and he didn't have to fear that if they were alone.
"You said you felt hot, but it wasn't very hot in there, so I'm worried you're sick," she said.
"I think I'm fine."
"I'll still check."
Castti furrowed her brow as she pressed a hand first to his forehead, then his neck. As Partitio's heart pounded, all he could do was pray she didn't notice. She stared at him for several long moments.
"Yes, you're fine. Maybe just have a glass of water," she smiled.
Partitio nodded. They talked and talked while they waited for Throné to pick a dress.
Musicians from all around the Leaflands had visited for the festival. They stood upon a stage as they played their songs. Dozens of people danced and jumped in rythm with the drums. Agnea had sweet talked Hikari into dancing with her. After the initial awkwardness, he found a rythm and smiled as much as she did.
"When do you think Hikari will ask her out?"
Partitio nearly jumped at the sound of Castti's voice.
"Huh? Oh, uh, I dunno. Seems like she already asked him," he laughed.
"Yeah, she's probably the more confident one in that area," Castti agreed.
They watched the two dance a while longer. Partitio thought of asking Castti, but again, there was hundreds of things to consider. What if she didn't want to dance with him? What if she took it the wrong way? What if she-
"Shall we?" Castti held out a hand.
Partitio felt his face burning as he stared at it.
"Are you alright?" Castti chuckled.
"Yeah, just zoned out for a bit, let's go," Partitio said.
He took her hand. The two of them stepped into the square. Castti placed a careful hand on his shoulder. She met his eyes.
"Have you danced before?" she asked.
"Only once," he admitted.
"Oh? When?"
"Just some harvest festival in my hometown. The smith's daughter felt bad for me and asked me to dance."
Castti couldn't help but laugh at that.
"You didn't seem like the type to be a quiet and pathetic teenager to me."
"Oh no, I wasn't, this was when I was nine. She was twenty and just thought I was a cute kid," Partitio replied.
Her cheeks became red, "ah, I see."
Partitio laughed at her expression and she chuckled as well. They danced in silence for a long time. He couldn't help but stare at her. She didn't seem to notice. She was always looking just past him, a curious look on her face.
"Let's go, I wanna show you something," she said.
They left the square, but she didn't let go of his hand.
"Where're we goin'?" Partitio asked.
"Just outside town, Agnea showed me this place."
As they walked, Partitio only grew more curious. It was unlikely she liked him, so why would she bring him there? Was there a weird looking animal she wanted to investigate? A rare herb she needed?
"Here!" Castti smiled.
They entered a clearing. Through it ran the river that supplied water to the entire town. It seemed to sparkle under the setting sun and the plants danced in the breeze.
"So, why're we here?" Partitio asked.
Castti let go of his hand with a smile.
"Have any guesses?"
"I don't know, ya' gonna murder me?"
Castti laughed, "gods, no!"
Partitio's heart pounded as he thought of other options. A thousand ideas raced through his mind, though they were silenced in an instant. Castti pulled him down by the collar.
"Hey-" he started, but was interrupted.
She kissed him.
YEEAHHHHH WOOOOOOOOOOOOO they kiss!!!! finally!!!
partitio being just. unable to be in the room when castti’s doing her little twirl is amazing. he’s an absolute disaster
also as a local hikagnea enjoyer the lil part in the middle about them was v good. thank you
ALSO PARTI ASKING IF CASTTI WAS GOING TO MUDER HIM WAS HILARIOUS but actually as I’m typing this I’m remembering the inbox fic where castti was thinking about how easy it would be to kill Partitio and how she locked herself in her study because she was scared she’d hurt either him or herself and oh no I just made myself sad
this was a nice fluffy fic after the last one, thanks pie! oh hey there’s another one in my inbox wonder what it’s about. sure hope it isn’t heartwrenching elena angst!
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da-millerrrrr · 7 months
Some of the ot2 conflicts don't even happen.
In order:
Eir's apothecaries never manage to find Lostseed. They're too busy taking care of people half killed by hellish monsters to search for a city that only exists in legend.
Osvald and Harvey are working together to turn Montwise into a magical impenetrable fortress, safe from monsters. Researching the one true magic is a distant dream that they know they'll never have time for.
Roque couldn't bring himself to abandon the Yellowils when Oresrush was overrun by monsters. Him, Papp and Partitio all fled to the walled city of Clockbank where they're safe from monsters.
Agnea still dreams of singing and dancing, and she does! But only in Cropdale. It's unsafe for her to leave town alone, who knows what things she may encounter.
Temenos goes from church to church, fortifying their defences and making sure their magic shields are properly made. Roi went missing doing the same job some years ago and Temenos can only hope that he won't die to whatever claimed his brother.
Being a great military power, Hinoeuma can fight off monsters, but not much more than that. They haven't been at war in decades and all the royal family cares about is protecting their people. Still, a shadow looms over them.
But what of Ochette and Throné? They were never mentioned. Their stories are... Different, to say the least.
Ochette is a hardened warrior with countless battle scars. Monsters have been attacking Toto'Haha long before they began their assault on mainland Solistia. Both the beastling and human population on Toto'Haha have become so low that they set their differences aside and decided to work together. They consider leaving their homes behind and fleeing to the mainland in hopes that it would be safer, but even the seas are dangerous. Toto'Haha has never been in a more desperate situation and they're at a breaking point. A scarlet moon would surely kill whatever life remained on that miserable little island.
Poor little Throné was left alone after Mother and Father both disappeared within months of each other. She wandered around the silent, empty streets of New Delsta until she found a door. Beyond it was a beautiful land that she could only describe as paradise. Endless fields of thriving green grass and a gorgeous palace beyond the horizon. She met a man named Claude, who turned out to be her father. How she loved him, smiling everyday now that she knew of her family. She promised to never leave this paradise her father had created.
I should add, the peace in Ku didn't last. The thing that haunted the royal family attacked one day, taking Hikari's body and killing his father. "Hikari" fled and hasn't been seen in half a decade. Mugen, on the other hand, took the throne. He's done an admirable job of keeping up with the help and kindness his father showed their citizens, but an anxiety hides behind his smile. He's worried for his dear little brother.
pie im gonna explode
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powwidge · 1 year
Ok so u know how vide has male pronouns and a female voice and the appearance or boobs so ok ok so vide is essentially trans, right?
Makes it a bit funny how it's throné and hikari that I hc as trans, them being his descendants and all-
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