#hilda still loves her
silent-shanin · 1 year
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Making accessories even for your beast gf
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furashuban · 4 days
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Maybe it's because I haven't been in a great place emotionally and mentally this week but I genuinely can't stop looking at this frame and thinking about how much I wish I could be hugged and consoled by Johanna exactly like in this scene to the point of me tearing up is that weird or
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blaithnne · 9 months
Every Sonstansil Lauren makes it her mission to personally find, chop down and decorate the biggest Sonstansil tree she can find, entirely alone (except for the decorating).
Moving to Trolberg does not stop her, Mr. Ostenfeld has to call in sick to work because there’s a massive pine tree stuck blocking the stairwell.
It doesn’t even stop there, she starts volunteering to get other people trees too, and acts like it’s a personal attack when someone says they’re just going to get a synthetic one.
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peppercorn-4-president · 10 months
Just started season 3 and oh my god!!!!!! They're so grown up I can't believe it!
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wildthunder312 · 10 months
just finished hilda s3 and it was so gooooddd i love all the visuals and the story was just lovely
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
i imagine that florian is the one that gets to go to kitakami while juliana stays back at the academy, but he keeps her updated through texts like any good lil bro would. for example :
florian: hey
juliana: yeah? everything good on your trip so far?
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juliana: KYS
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 11 months
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"sway" you? like, buddy, the only reason you even joined them was because they defeated you in war, not because you believed in their cause.
also "the right thing" is a pretty good summary of "why the fuck are you with our enemies fighting for them when they invaded our home and forced this on us".
don't mind dimitri in the screenshots he ends up in like almost all my screenshots that have nothing to do with him bc aux battles
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adelle-ein · 10 months
saw some old stuff i wrote about 3h and man. i really used to love that game huh
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please do not repost my art
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ms-all-sunday · 9 months
a year ago, today, was the day i first watched arlong park. it was the day i admitted to myself that one piece could be my new special interest. it was also the day i wanted to show my childhood friend one piece and then thought that would never happen. (it happened and she reacted exactly the way i wanted her to. it was so perfect! you have her back in your life now and shes so perfect. you can literally feel her love you.)
i think the guy who experienced arlong park for the first time would be so fucking happy with where we ended up. he would be so happy we have her tattoo, she's apart of us not only our identity but our body, too. he would be so proud, jealous, and in shock that any story- any shonen- lived up to our expectations.
he'd be in shock i like m/f pairings, he'd be in shock i like romance in one piece, he'd be in shock that i like sanami. he'd be in shock that we are now in love with a story in a way we never could've imagined or never even experienced ever. he'd be in shock that we have a blog about one piece that people i think respect the opinions of- he'd be in shock that now generally id say my preference romantically is towards women. and we are attracted to women and are normal about it, now. he'd be in shock that we now trust creators of stories and we trust oda to write a good one, that one piece as a story can in fact love it's audience in the deeply intimate way any story can love it's audience. that it loves us. that we are no longer scared of that trust being broken.
he would be in shock, but he would've said "i told you so", because today was the say he said "if one piece isn't the story to be my new special interest, there's nothing else it could be. this has to be it." -an author capable of arlong park is capable of anything. an author capable of giving me nami is capable of giving me my new special interest.
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magical-girl-04 · 1 year
Yknow I wonder what it says about me that Princess Ruto from Oot was like my first childhood crush-
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genuinely i like all the possible pairings in this show but katarina wears blue and maria wears pink so like. there’s really no contest here
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princehatterene · 1 year
i’m realizing now that i’m not actually shorter than all my f/os, i forgot about hilda!! i’m like two whole cm taller than her lol
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emoaro · 2 years
my least favourite bosses in any game ever are hilda berg and baroness von bon bon
i hate them. they aren’t fun to fight, they’re tedious, and yeah they aren’t boring but goddamn i’d rather be in fighting king dice purgatory
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neil-gaiman · 8 months
dear mister gaiman,
every time i see crowley as nanny ashtoreth, he reminds me of a very amazing female impersonator who i grew up with and loved as a teenager and who just recently passed away as i had to unfortunately find out. his name was george logan and he played dr. evadne hinge of "hinge and bracket" with patrick fyffe back in the 80s and 90s.
i had completely forgotten about them until that particular scene with crowley. and upon googling how george was doing (since patrick died way too soon), i found out about george's death. i was (still am) very heartbroken, because they were AWESOME!!!!! especially their live shows / gala evenings. but it prompted me to re-watch their tv show again and i re-discovered my love for gilbert & sullivan operettas. (i could actually picture aziraphale listening to those every now and then).
in general i see a lot of crowley and aziraphale in evadne and hilda's personalities. one is dark, the other is blond. one is moody, the other is always cheerful and too pure for her own good. even the bit of naivity aziraphale has going on screams hilda to me. it's such a treat to find similar behavioral patterns like that and it makes me love good omens so much more now.
i just wanted to share this little thought with you without asking any other questions since i am sure you have a ton to answer.
i hope you are doing well. greetings from berlin.
That made me smile.
Here's a little moment of Hinge and Bracket for those people who have never experienced them:
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musashi · 19 days
aai2's english translation has done an amazing thing in furthering franziska's juvenile tendency to address people she's close with like she's a child.
here are some facts about franziska:
she addresses nearly every single person she meets aggressively formally and professionally. firstname lastname. sometimes, mr. or ms. firstname lastname. other characters point this out. it's weird, clunky, and a quirk specific to her.
franziska is obsessed with appearing more grown up and professional than she is.
despite her dedication to this facade, she cannot break the INCREDIBLY JUVENILE habit of calling her murderous, long-dead father "papa."
(it pisses me off when people erase this about her. she only ever calls him "my father," twice in canon. he is almost ALWAYS "papa")
to the contrary, franziska does not seem ashamed/embarrassed about this tendency at all, even though she seems very embarrassed about other childlike things she thinks/feels/does.
until aai2 this was exclusive to manfred... but it is now canon that she does it to anyone she considers family, or close to family.
in the fan translation, blaise teases her about being a little girl and calling him "unky boo boo" once upon a time. in the official translation, franziska still calls him uncle in the present day. her first inclination is to call him uncle winner, wholly informal, absolute (pun) whiplash.
okay, cute, but probably not worth noting... AND THEN SHE'S OUT HERE CALLING HILDA "GRAMMA" AS WELL. one thing about me is that when i was TODAY i learned about her having some optional dialogue that alludes to the two of them knowing each other.
(i could go ON about how manfred must have loved her so much more than we see in canon--how often did she insist upon coming along with hm? how often did he find himself unable to say no to her big sparkling eyes? hilda does not say "that's franziska" hilda says "that's von karma's little girl!" which means hilda knows her through manfred. every single person who spent any amount of time around manfred von karma in his heyday knows franziska, which means that she was following her papa around like a little duckling, and he loved her enough to make space for her at his back)
my fave thing they do with franziska is the little hints that her facade is just that. too many of them spoil the subtlety, of course, but they are there--the flavour text about her shaking and looking scared the two times she's a victim of gun violence and thinks no one's looking. the hints here and there that she has a terrible sweet tooth she's trying to control. the meltdown at the end of JFA. and "papa." these are all little ways that the writing nudges us and says franziska is a professional, but she's also quite young, and never really let herself be a kid. she does a great job at hiding most of it, but these little tendencies leak out here and there.
by giving her two more people in life she does this to, it's no longer just that papa is Special Enough that he gets the same treatment from a 3 year old franziska as a 30 year old franziska. no, she does that to everyone she grew up looking up to, any odd work friend that manfred brought around or let her pester.
adorable. absolutely adorable.
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