blaithnne · 8 months
What’s great about Hilda is that a lot of things that could be plotholes are easily explained by the fact that this show is told from the perspective of children. Why didn’t Frida question her magically cleaning room? She’s a kid, she thought it was normal! Why does Trolberg jail citizens for 100 years for accidentally bringing trolls into the city? They don’t, kids just spread playground rumours. Why don’t the main characters react more strongly to the existence of magical creatures they were previously unaware of? They’re kids, they’re unaware of 60% of non magical things anyway, they learn abt new stuff all the time! When you’re a kid you don’t question weird stuff so much, provided it’s explained to you like it’s normal! Idk, I just think it’s neat
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blaithnne · 8 months
Do you think Johanna settled for Anders’ despite him being so non committal and always leaving her behind because that’s the kind of love she was used to? Do you think she thought this was all she deserved? And it’s through loving Hilda so strongly that she could never dream of leaving her that she realise love isn’t supposed to work like that? Do you think she wondered if she was wrong when Hilda started to drift from her as well in season 2? Do you think she wondered if this was always how it would go?
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blaithnne · 5 months
I think that Astrids memory blocking spell did more than what it said on the tin. I think it also blocked Johanna’s natural magic stuff and kept it hidden, both from her and from any…idk magic detectors.
So basically all I want is a season 4 of Hilda that’s just the gang dealing with the random magic constantly emanating from Johanna now that that spells been undone. None of its useful, one day she just started floating and it took several hours and three trips back and forth from the library to get her down from the ceiling. At dinner the following day she coughed up a sealed envelope addressed to someone they’d never heard of. There’s a bird that insists on making its nest in the hallway outside of her room and no one can figure out if that’s related. She keeps accidentally stealing people’s souls by asking them their names and offering them food. Above all else, Hilda is very upset that so little of her mother’s weird magic trickled down to her.
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blaithnne · 5 months
I just really like the idea that Johanna has never questioned her sexuality ever, she’s never even considered the possibility that she could be anything other than straight.
She will sit staring at other women with a look of such longing and lament how lucky lesbians are because she wishes she could be one, instead of being stuck with gross men. If asked about her sexuality she will say oh no, I’m straight, I just get the normal amount of butterflies in my stomach when I talk to pretty girls.
She just assumes that everyone feels this way, because lesbianism was always something described as different, something she decidedly wasn’t. So she assumes that being a lesbian means something totally different, and doesn’t realise that wishing she could kiss girls isn’t very heterosexual of her.
She does, however, know that she’s not bisexual — “if I had the choice to like men or women, why would I like men?”
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blaithnne · 9 months
Louise has two dads. Hilda is pissed as hell when she finds out - “what do you MEAN you get TWO DADS when I barely have ONE!?”
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blaithnne · 9 months
Also after what happened in the finale I think everyone freaks the fuck out the next time Johanna gets sick. Sketchbook meeting au where they meet bc Hilda comes running to the library for Kaisa to save her dying mum, only for Kaisa to arrive at the flat at find Johanna, who is perfectly find except she just has a mild cold
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blaithnne · 1 year
Ik the fandom headcanons Frida’s parents as toxic or sometimes abusive, and those headcanons are nice and present fun adoption AUs etc BUT the most canon has told us is that they’re overbearing, and whilst it’s had a negative effect on Frida there’s nothing to suggest that they’re aware of this and wouldn’t strive to fix their relationship should they be made aware
All this to say I love the idea of Frida’s parents finding out she’s a witch and just being aggressively supportive - they buy her a cat and a cauldron and everything and are constantly bragging about what a unique field their daughter is going into. They put a massive emphasis on Frida’s relationship with Hilda, because it’s so important they get along and that their connection is strong so they can become the best people they can possible be!!!! Johanna is seething bc this by extension means they want their families to get along and now she cannot get rid of them
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blaithnne · 9 months
Do you think Johanna ever thinks that it’s her fault her parents are trapped in fairy country forever? Do you think she ever wonders if it’d be better if it was just her trapped in there, as opposed to two people.
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blaithnne · 1 year
I can’t decide if its funnier to imagine that Johanna never swears, like she goes “ah biscuits :-( “ and means it so seriously.
OR she swears constantly. In the same sweet soft tone that she always speaks in, and as a result Hilda does too because she doesn’t understand that it’s considered rude
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blaithnne · 1 year
Johanna the type a mf who puts a gentle hand on her heart and whispers “good heavens” when she sees a pretty girl
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blaithnne · 1 year
Johanna has face blindness and she dyed Hilda's hair blue to make her easier to recognise in a crowd yes I've thought about this a lot
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blaithnne · 1 year
Let’s not sit here and act like Kaisa isn’t an avid fanfiction reader and writer
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blaithnne · 1 year
hmmm we can be pretty sure that Hilda and co are visiting Astrid, making her likely the first family member other than Johanna that Hilda will meet, assuming her Dad doesn't come first. That sticks out to me because Johanna is introducing Hilda to Astrid before her own Parents...
My theory is that either Johanna is estranged from her family but still keeps in touch with Astrid's side bc they were always close, OR Johanna was actually raised by Astrid.
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blaithnne · 2 years
7, 8, 12, 16 for malamhin?
Meet Malamhin here!
7. Do they prefer crowds or being alone?
Being alone. Her anxiety is very strong, she finds crowds of people overwhelming, loud, and unpredictable. When she’s alone not only is it quite, but she’s in full control of what happens. Even if something unpredictable happens she’s in control of how she handles it. If she ever does have to be in a crowd of people she tries to make sure she’s with a friend or family member who won’t leave her, that way she has a line of defence. She combats her anxiety with planning basically
8. What’s something that will always make them smile?
This is gonna seem obvious but, Hilda. She looks up to her and finds her antics charming. Even just walking nearby and overhearing her talk about whatever big adventure she’s got planned makes her happy, she’s an observer and often gets just as much out of a ‘conversation’ from listening in than she does from actively participating (navigating conversations is scary and stressful!).
For a nonnn Hilda related answer…I think waking up early in the morning! It makes her feel confident about the day and just, more in control of how it goes and it sets her off on a good foot yk?
12. Have they ever had their heartbroken?
I don’t think so maybe lmao? Malamhin very young, and Hilda’s the first crush she’s ever had so she won’t have had any opportunities to be heartbroken yet - she’s young after all. I’ve never really built an active ongoing story around her so I still don’t know whether or not I’d have Hilda reciprocate her feelings, so there’s a chance that heartbreak could be an inevitability for her but, who’s to say honestly lmao!
If she was ever to get into a relationship Post-MK (so around 13 years old) I don’t really think it would be heartbreak levels when it ended, yk? I think she’d either end it herself (maybe she’d only get into it as a way to try and move on from Hilda and then realises she’s not being fair to whatever girlfriend she’s kinda chosen at random to have a crush on and date), or if it was ended by the other person she’d be…sad but not heartbroken, yk how breakups are when you’re 13 lmao
16. Are they the ‘mum’ friend or the ‘suck it up’ friend?
DEFINITELY the mum friend - she’s pretty good at comforting people, since she’s kinda been there done that with a lot of anxieties and has had to learn a lot of coping mechanisms herself. Also the fact that she carries a backpack of supplies with her everywhere she goes is very dad friend lmao so she gets to be BOTH ain’t that exciting
Thanks so much for asking about Mally, it’s been ages since I’ve really thought about her! Questions are all from this ask game!
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blaithnne · 10 months
Does the general tension between Kaisa and Lauren put a strain on their relationships with Johanna and Hilda?
"Leave the goff girl alone she makes Mum happy!"
Not really a strain, in the sense that it doesn’t actively damage any of those relationships. It’s just sort of an annoyance, like two family members at a gathering who you have to ensure don’t sit next to each other because they will start an argument
At the end of the day, they both love Johanna so much that they’re willing to put up with each other to make her happy. Plus, by the time sketchbook gets serious, they’re able to bond and find things abt eachother they love.
They consider eachother family in the end, with Kaisa having a sort of motherly relationship towards Lauren. But Lauren is a grown woman by the time she comes along so she never calls her Mum or anything, it’s just sort of a generally understood thing that they see each other in that way underneath it all.
They still can’t sit next to each other at dinner though because they’ll either start a fight, a ridiculous competition, or get absolutely hammered
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blaithnne · 2 years
Gonna assume this is about Lauren lol so obligatory disclaimer - answering these under What If! AU conditions bc that’s the story I’m working on rn!
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Annoying her sister lmao, their age difference and. Lack of Father means that she often more takes on the role of second parent more than sibling, and she takes that responsibility pretty seriously. But sometimes it’s just funny to wind her up, it makes her giggle.
Same goes for Johanna tbh, she takes on a lot because she doesn’t want her mum to be stressed and tries to take care of her even though it should be the other way around. But she still finds it funny to mess with her
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