#him (babywan)
raphaerolo · 5 months
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padawansuggest · 2 years
4 year old Obi-Wan: The anxiety you feel in the silences of the universe; the space between sentences while you wait for a reply; the waiting for what’s to come, and who will deliver the blow, it is not misplaced. Only mistimed.
Knight Windu, who just wants to get to his quarters and sleep off his last mission: …uh-huh…
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comebackali · 2 months
with everything else going on in master & apprentice i literally FORGOT about qui gon saying, word for word, "oh, obi wan you're so mature for your age i forget you're only seventeen." multiple times in this book but HOLY SHIT i cannot believe they canonized that. that man is one insane giant walking red flag.
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masterkeynobi · 2 years
frankly i think if you hate qui-gon for his actions in ja you simply do not have very good reading comprehension skills that man is not the abuser many of you make him out to be. how are yall letting a series for actual children beat ur ass like that
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other-peoples-coats · 2 years
I read your sithspawn Obi-Wan au and I can't stop laughing it's so good 10/10. All I can think of is Qui-Gon walking in to find Obi-Wan staring at a wall being like "I can't tell if I got drugged or if I can see in UV now." and Qui-Gon not being sure if he should laugh or rush him to the healing halls. Or Anakin looking at old pictures of Obi-Wan and seeing more and more features show up as he gets older and Anakin being just so confused. Or what Cody's reaction to that would be.
I hope you're having a great day (your fics are great)
<3 cheers anon, I'm glad you like it! (and my other fics) but also l m a o yes 100%, obi-wan is always very casual with the 'so I might be dying or this is a fun new trick I can do now, 50/50 odds' and qui-gon always reacts with hahaFUCK. They get very familiar with the healers. There is talk of putting in a special code for the door, given how often master jinn has come bursting in, carrying his padawan over one shoulder, then flung him at the nearest bio-bed for scanning for some new exotic poison/allergy/weird reaction. (on the other hand, padawan kenobi is possibly the best vaccinated being in the temple, under the assumption that his genetics are so goddamn weird he might as well get the shots for mon cala mumps, montral pox, correlian bantha flu, and furred dropsy.)
There is at least several missions where they both get to play 'which of these cups/meals is poisoned' where the answer is either: a)neither (qui-gon is just Allergic to Random Local Ingredient); b)both (obi-wan is immune to Random Local Poison); c)One But Not The Other (which realistically is 'qui-gon's is poisoned; obi-wan's isn't', because if obi-wan's is poisoned it's basically the same as if neither is poisoned and qui-gon's not allergic to random local ingredient)
Anakin 100% sees holos of baby-wan and is like who tf is this random human kid?????? he does Not believe it's obi-wan until someone puts together a slideshow of like, here's babywan with teeny tiny claws. here's babywan with slightly bigger claws. here's babywan when he started growing his first set of horns! here's babywan--
(even then he is a bit doubt.jpg until the day obi-wan picks him up from baby jedi class and his pupils have changed shape or something.)
Cody is fine and cool about this. he is absolutely not stressed out that his jedi is of a species he doesn't recognise (even after delegating some slicers to traul the holonet about it) and is also best described as having a diet of 'yeah whatever'. he's totally fine that his jedi will run up a wall and skitter across a roof hanging by his claws. it's fine. this is fine. the man is a walking talking force powered radar dish that can see infra red and ultra violet and tracks things by scent as well as the undrana beasts the retreival corps use, it's fine, this is fine, he's can fit another antenna or radar or sensor on somewhere, there's space on his left bracer maybe.
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themonopolyhat · 2 years
qui-gon reporting to the council
random thoughts while rewatching this TPM scene without sound (because the actual dialogue makes me want to set fires):
+ money spent on window FX: $100000, money spent on practical set: $20
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+ babywan!
+ qui-gon always looks like he got dragged backward through a hedge and it works for him
+ q-tip and creepy santa are actually yarael stupidname and oppo rancid
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+ babywan has already mastered the dramatic cloak-swirl
+ the way the lads tuck their hands into their sleeves makes me feel soft
+ q-tip stop swaying your head in the background it is upsetting
+ depa and eeth looking at each other like can you believe this shit is everything
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+ q-tip stop swaying your head it is UPSETTING
+ have yoda’s teeth always been this nasty
+ ki-adi looks at yoda, yoda looks at mace, mace looks like he would rather be Literally Anywhere Else
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same, bb, same
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deniigi · 2 years
17 please!
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
Oh man. I tend to just fucking go for it and write them myself but I think I've got a handful that would be like wishlist.
Maul and Kanan competing for Ezra's master and Maul being actually good at it.
Obi-wan's name having been mispronounced by everyone his whole life.
Rex being super into his aquarium/terrarium building and hiding it from everyone he knows.
Obi-wan returning to Melida/Daan and being recognized as a hero there
Vader realizing that Luke and Leia are his kids earlier on and trying to be a dad to them while they are all actively fighting each other
Kit Fisto losing babywan on a field trip and living his life in perpetual anxiety of losing sight of him again after that.
The whole Opress family being social media stars/influencers in various areas (Maul is a model punk bad boy with music/punk/destroying obi-wan lifestyle type of account, Savage is a video game streamer, and Feral (like 15 yo here) is just chronically online, accidentally joining chat rooms with the TCW padawan crew and making friends with the family nemesis-troop.
Obi-wan, Xanatos, and Feemor being forced to do brotherly things.
Luke and Leia encountering cantankerous old man Cody who does not give a shit about them or social niceties anymore.
Cody and Gregor's complex promotion/demotion system for each other.
Mace and Qui-Gon being forced to let a baby Plo play with them and Dooku trying to make them all treat each other kindly.
Alpha-17 becoming a postman/courier post war.
Cobb and Luke being partners in crime, united against Peli
Thats probably a good selection of the ideas rolling around in my head.
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americankimchi · 2 years
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generation swap au again bc this au has me by the throat
starring obi wan as the unofficial council mascot who’s called in when Certain Individuals From That Migraine Inducing Lineage get a little too rowdy
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lilredghost · 2 years
Oh no I’m going to die. I think Anakin meeting little Obi-Wan is something that makes me so soft. He better be the nicest gentlest kindest person to him. He can joke to adult Obi-Wan in private but if he upsets babywan I’m killing and maiming
Omg I could never have Anakin upset Babywan, I think I would cry. Actually, Anakin in this AU is very good with children, and he also becomes very aware that This his Master but so small and little oh no must protecc….
Obi-Wan and Anakin see Qui-Gon and Babywan return from Bandomeer, and Anakin immediately loses his mind when he realizes Obi-Wan was a slave. He’s so caught up comforting Babywan that he just straight-up leaves adult Obi-Wan standing there in the hangar 😭
I have actually written this part, so here’s a piece of it!
Anakin’s heart aches as he crouches down in front of little Obi-Wan Kenobi. It doesn’t seem real, that this lost, heartsick Padawan could become his indomitable Master. But then, he’s known all along—maybe better than anyone—that Obi-Wan wasn’t really indomitable. It’s just…It scares him. The thought that, one day, Obi-Wan Kenobi would meet a disaster he couldn’t walk away from.
This is a sobering reminder that, while Obi-Wan had walked away from many, many disasters before he met Anakin, he didn’t always walk away whole. He has Anakin, now. But who was there to look after him while he was so little?
“Padawan,” he says gently. “Have you seen the healers?”
Padawan Kenobi blinks at him with big, big eyes. “Yes, Master. We went to the medcenter on Bandomeer before leaving for the Temple.”
Well, that’s something. He’ll still send the boy to the Halls later, if only to ensure that these distinctive injuries are on his record. For now, he moves on. “I’m just a Knight, little one. Knight Sky-Walker.”
He watches as Padawan Kenobi’s eyes sharpen even as his brows furrow. His Obi-Wan makes this expression too, when he doesn’t quite recognize something that he’s heard before.
“Do you have a few minutes to talk?”
Obi-Wan agrees, so Anakin whisks him away to one of the nearby meditation rooms. It’s hidden away, far from prying eyes—as is their custom. A shared custom, which his Obi-Wan had never gotten the chance to know.
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that-gay-jedi · 2 years
Today in reading Master and Apprentice: I'm deeply enjoying the symbolism of jewel thieves who are drawn to the light.
Showing Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon on a mission where they see slavery together years before meeting Anakin and Shmi was a great call on Gray's part, and I especially liked the moment where Qui-Gon orders a medical checkup and the thoughts Obi-Wan has about it afterward.
Not to mention the way Qui-Gon and Babywan still respect each other and see each other's strengths even with so much resentment and strain between them is. My feels.
As someone lacking in crucial stages of childhood development myself, I really enjoy the characterization of Pax having been raised by protocol droids as well. This is peak "human who feels like a robot trying to be human" and is laying down all kinds of narrative foil themes that will echo into the prequels even though I assume we'll never see Pax and Rahara again after this book. And my man's autistic as fuck.
Pax and Rahara as narrative foils for each other also feel just a liiiiittle bit like Anakin and Obi-Wan, but not so much that they don't stand out as themselves with a dynamic all their own.
Rael Averross is the most character ever. I'm not sure I necessarily like him but he sure does make an impression. Funnily enough that might be how most of the cast in-universe also feels about him. The little insights into Dooku and into padawan!Qui-Gon have been fun.
I'm eagerly awaiting one particular thing I've been spoiled on between Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon that I always kinda wish Obi-Wan and Anakin would have done, which is formally trade lightsabers for a while in order to strengthen their relationship and deepen their connection in the Force. The degree to which your lightsaber is a part of yourself makes this an act of incredible platonic intimacy and trust, but right now these two seem about as far away from trading sabers as possible.
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stolen-pen-name23 · 2 years
I have been forced to write a bribe fic for @calltomuster, so if you’re looking for some babywan content, here ya go! 
Plans For The Future
A flu is going around the crèche and Obi-Wan is the latest victim. This would all be fine of course, if he did not receive a fever dream, prompting him to go into the lower levels where danger, and maybe new opportunities, await.
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comebackali · 9 months
my biggest beef with ahsoka (the character, not the hideouso show) is that her mere existence asks me to retcon something i have internalized as fundamental gospel truth, that is: the jedi apprentice series, padawans being 12 & younger, the preexisting canon that younglings get shipped off to the agricorps if they don't get chosen as a padawan by age 13 (which is CRAZY, but okay).
and in The Gospel According to Allie it goes JEDI APPRENTICE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE. including all the movies put together. like there is something SO UNIQUE and special about the book series you are obsessed with when you are still in the single digits. moreso than any movie you may watch on repeat (tpm). because unlike a movie, even if you watch it everyday, a book goes with you EVERYWHERE. this bitch your CONSTANT COMPANION. it's what you're reading on the playground and in the lunch line and secretly under the desk when ur supposed to be doing math worksheets and to and from the walk to school. so ahsoka showing up with her 14 year ass self being like, "maybe i am (too young to be a padawan), but master YODA thinks i'm not." gurl WHAT??? i simply cannot. you're asking me to choose between That Which Createth Me and someone who what?? some random girl?? who by virtue of merely existing retcons That Which Is Most Dear. of course i hate her. i hate her and she's done nothing. it's been 15+ years and i've NEVER been able to get over this.
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calltomuster · 3 years
2021 Fic Review
thanks for the tags, @hellowkatey, @willowworkswithwords, @the-last-kenobi, and @indigostars!!
total number of completed works: 24
total word count: 203k!!
looking back did you write more, less, or the expected amount of fic this year?: uhhh??? holy shit??? 203k is so many words??? I know other people write more, but to me that is insane! it really added up so quickly.
your own favorite story this year?: I'm very sorry to people to follow me/know me because this story is the only thing I ever talk about, but my favorite story this past year was definitely The Moments That Time Remembered.
did you take any writing risks this year?: I did!! TMTTR was a big risk for me because I'd never written or posted anything longer than 4k max (TMTTR ended up at 71k), and I had never done a multichapter before I started writing. I was also in a few exchanges this year for the first time (and ran one too!), and that was awesome!
do you have any fanfic goals for the new year?: biggest goal is to start and finish the sequel to TMTTR, which will be called The Moments That Time Forgot. I'm only in the outlining process of it right now, but it's an extensive outline and will be a great blueprint for me to write much quicker that I did for the first fic, which took me about 16 months to write.
most popular story of the year?: uh. also The Moments That Time Remembered. I'm sorry for talking about it so much!! but it was undeniably my most popular fic this year, coming in at over 1100 kudos currently, the most I've ever gotten.
story most under-appreciated?: I'm gonna cheat a bit and say the four fics in my Angstpril series! I put a lot of work into those fics (wrote over 30k during my final exam period!) and they each only barely broke 100 kudos. which is still a good number, I'm not complaining! two of these fics were put on one of GFFA's rec lists, which was the most fun heart attack I've had in a while, but still not much engagement.
most fun story to write?: probably Healing Hands, Healing Heart! It's a fic in the TMTTR verse that is essentially just babywan whump for 3.5k words and that is my SHIT, I'm telling you I basically just wrote TMTTR so I could have gobs and gobs of babywan whump, so that one was very fun. also any of the treats I wrote for people in exchanges! I love giving treats!!! OH WAIT AND ALL OF THE SERVICE ANIMAL BOGA AU FICS!!!! AHHH HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT THOSE?!?! THOSE WIN!!!! SO MUCH FUN!! CHECK THEM OUT!!
most unintentionally telling?: uhhhh. ???. hm. oh, I guess maybe instead i took care of you, which is a service animal boga au fic with a much older obi-wan who is struggling with a progressive neurologic disease like dementia, who gets loving help from everyone around him. while I was writing this fic, my grandpa passed away from dementia, and I didn't do it intentionally but I think I channeled some feelings in there.
biggest disappointment?: all year I told myself I would do whumptober this year and then I just,,, didn't. I was so busy at college. I think I just did like one fic for whumptober. oof.
biggest surprise?: seeing that I've posted 203k words this year. absolutely incomprehensible to me. to put it into perspective, I've been on ao3 for 7 years at this point and before this year, my record yearly word count was like 22k total.
my favorite part of fandom this year?: DEFINITELY MEETING PEOPLE ON DISCORD!! the lovely @hellowkatey and I started a discord server called the kenobi kafé and it's brought so many feelings into my life. love you all!!!! even if you cause me pain!!! 😂
no-pressure tags for: @swranger @coalmine301 @catboydogma @calika @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12 + anyone else who wants to share!!
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comebackali · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage Relationships: Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: Master & Padawan Relationship(s), Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, Hurt Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bottom Obi-Wan Kenobi, Intersex Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, Upped the age for Melida | Daan, Lactation Kink, Dualsex Stewjoni | Stewjoni Produce Both Ova and Sperm (Star Wars), Stewjoni Obi-Wan Kenobi, Stewjoni Biology (Star Wars), Dominant Qui-Gon Jinn, Top Qui-Gon Jinn, Dubious Consent, Obi-Wan is Sixteen, Manipulation, Not a healthy relationship, Virgin Obi-Wan Kenobi, Loss of Virginity, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, not super dark but not a light fic, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Angst and Porn, Obi-Wan Kenobi Has Self-Esteem Issues, Cockwarming, No Beta, Grooming, Praise Kink Summary:
Obi-Wan comes back from Melida|Daan with a problem. He had been breastfeeding children and he was still producing milk. Now his breasts ache and he doesn't know how to stop it. Master Qui-Gon offers to help.
@theshinylizard thank you for this <33333333333
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comebackali · 3 months
honestly shoutout to kiersten white for getting free reign to do whatever she wanted with babywan in disney canon and deciding to give him the galaxy’s most crippling anxiety and debilitating self doubt, recanonizing siri in thee most iconic way possible: “we’re just friends but siri would fuck me if i asked,” and making him a little baby budding bisexual. 10/10 no notes.
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comebackali · 2 months
so i'm finally reading master & apprentice and apparently claudia gray is my BEST FRIEND because disney was like, "hey, after the successes of the other books you've written for us, do you wanna maybe write a prequels book?' and she was like, "oh abso-fucking-lutely. here's 430 pages of qui-gon being a dick to babywan and making him feel like absolute shit about himself xoxo ❤️❤️❤️" and the good people of disney star wars were like, "that's great john you can go ahead and order it."
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